Master and Margarita unknown facts. Interesting facts from filming "Masters and Margarita"

Master and Margarita unknown facts. Interesting facts from filming "Masters and Margarita"

Bulgakov studied the German Mysticism of the XIX century period, treatises about God, literature on the Christian and Jewish faith, the legend of the devil. The writer changed his novel several times as his name: "Jongleor with hoof", "Black Mag".

Masters with Margarita in the first novel was not, the chief hero was the devil.

The first version of the Bulgakov decided to burn.

The second novel was called "Satan, or a Great Chancellor". The chief hero becomes the fallen angel, Master and Margarita appeared, wave with his retinue. But the second novel was also not printed.

The third novel was called "Master and Margarita", unfortunately, it was not possible to finish the work of Bulgakov. February 13, 1940, the writer introduced the last change in the novel - the phrase of Margarita about the writers going after the coffin. A month later, Bulgakov died. The last words became the phrase: "To know, to know ...".

Woland has a portrait similarity with the Grand Magic Count Caliosostro, who knew how to predict the future and remembered the events of a thousand years ago.

When employees are trying to remember the name of the magician, they express the assumption that his name is Fland. In Germany, the "Falala" call the line.

Voland's prototype was V.I. Lenin. In the Bulgakov archive, they found a clipping from the newspaper "Pravda" from November 6-7, 1921, where Lenin and Zinoviev were hiding from a temporary government in Finland. For their capture, the famous police officer "TRF" was brought. In the novel, Voland is looking for the famous police officer Tuzbuben. This is a parody of the nickname Tref (Trefa - a state-owned suit). "Bubnovy Tuz" - such a sign was turned on the clothes convicted criminal offenses.

High bourgeois ordinary people helped Lenin. This stretchingly resembles the atmosphere of the search for Voland and his suits after a session of black magic in the theater Variety, when the NKVD and the distraught ordinary people have enough suspicious people and cats (hint at the repression of the 20s and 30s).

Ya. M. Sverdlov on the VI party congress in the summer of 1917 said that "Although Lenin is deprived of the opportunity to personally attend the congress, but it is invisible and leads them." In the same way, wave reports Berliozu and Ivan the homeless, which was invisibly present at the trial of Pilate Pilate over Yeshua Ga-Nochri.

Sweet Voland-Satan: Hippopotamus, Azazelo and Karovyev-Fagot.

Azazello is taken by Bulgakov from the book of Enha (Old Testament). There is a fallen angel named Azazel. He taught people to make weapons - swords, knives, shields, armor, mirrors, as well as bracelets and various decorations; He taught women to smear face, decorate themselves with precious stone and other decorations, from which the Earth corrupted.

Azazello gave Margarita cream, from which she became a witch, he poisons lovers and kills Barona Mayegel.

Hippopot Cat - Favorite Jester Voland. When drawing up the image of a hippos cat, the writer used the history of Anna Disange, which lived in the XVII century and was obsessed with a family demons. One of them was a demon, the name of the hippopotamus - a monster with an elephant head, terrible fangs, a short tail, a huge belly, thick rear legs, and human hands.

Behemotus cat also has similarities with Lenin's companion - Zinoviev. Of all the Bolshevik leaders, Grigory Evseevich Zinoviev was the closest to Lenin, as well as Hippo to Voland. Full, loved to eat, with a mustache and beard, Zinoviev had feline features.

Koroviev-Fagot - the only person in the Woland's retinue. The image of the Fagota is partially written off from God Vitzliputsli. In the conversation of homeless and Berlioz, the name of this Aztec God of War is mentioned. In the legend about Faust, Vitzliputsley is the first assistant of Satan. Bulgakov endowed the Fagota thin neck, hinting at the hammer. He had a thin neck, which was sticking out of the collar, crowned with a small head, like a cat. Molotov as Stalin played the same role as the nearest Assistant of Voland, Fagot-Koroviev.

Margarita, Queen Margo, very similar to Elena, the last wife of Bulgakov. In part, the image of Margarita is written off from the French Queen Margo, which was his wife Henry IV and patronized poets and writers.

Moscow - Yershalaim. Roman's actions refer to May 1-7, 1929, which there was a passionate week. In parallel, in the "Pilate chapters" the events are developing within a week of 29 in Yerschlaim, where the passionate week is also described. In the first part of the novel, the actions are developing in parallel, in the second part, begin to interbate each other and then merge into a single story. Yershalaim goes to Moscow.

During filming and after the release of the series "Master and Margarita", mystical incidents happened to the actors.
Almost all the actors initially approved on top roles, at the last moment abandoned filming.
Oleg Yankovsky was supposed to play Voland, but suddenly moved two infarction in a row, and said "no."
Vladimir Mashkov tried to the role of the master, but a sudden car accident made him abandon his role.
Pankratov-black frightened to play Vampire Varenuhu and agreed only on the steppa Lyarkheev, who was just a drunkard and a womanizer.

The brilliant cast of the series - Oleg Basilashvili, Alexander Abdulov, Valentin Gaft, Alexander Galibin, Sergey Bezrukov, Alexander Filippenko and others are a spare option. And with them there was a mystical offshit.
Oleg Basilashvili pronounced the monologue of Voland, as suddenly the throat of the actor brought a convulsion, he began wheezing, and then lost his voice at all. Doctors diagnosed with hemorrhage into the right voice ligament, prescribed full peace and absolute silence for several months.
Anna Kovalchuk (Margarita) after the release of the series divorced.
Alexander Galibin (Master) during the filming feared the hardest bronchitis, coughed so that the walls trembled! And immediately after the filming, I got into a terrible car catastrophe.
Alexander Adabashyan (Berlioz) suffered a heart attack.
Vlad Galkin and Alexander Abdulov after filming tragically died.
Alexander Filippenko (Azazello) met the director Bortko on the Patriarch ponds, just in the place where a meeting of the poet of homeless with Woland took place in the novel. Filippenko then walked with friends and read them ... The first chapter of the novel "Master and Margarita"! Bortko approached Filippenko and said: "You do not know me. Do I know you. Coroviev You have already played in the picture of Yuri Kara "Master and Margarita" of 1994. Azazello will play me? ".
Valery Zolukhin played Nican Bosoy. Soon the son of Zolotukhina committed suicide.
Vladimir Bortko scolded actors for superstition, but after Basilashvili's disease, he still invited a priest to the shooting platform, which was consecrated by the shooting technique.

The chairman of the fantastic acoustic commission of SMEMPLEYAROV is exactly similar to the political figure of Abel Yenukidze, who in 1922-1935 was the Chairman of the Government Commission on the leadership of large and artistic theaters. For theatrical art, this commission was just as useless as the acoustic commission in the novel. Both had the task to prevent the appearance of "ideologically harmful" performances. Samples in the novel, as well as Yenukidze in life, is not indifferent to the beautiful floor, especially the actresses of the subordinate theaters. For Yenukidze, it ended worse than for the Bulgakov hero. For political and domestic decomposition, ENUCIDZE was taken out of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b), accused "in the treason of homeland, terrorist activity and systematic espionage in favor of a foreign state" and shot. The "exposure" of SMEMPLEYAROVA on a session of Black Magic became a kind of revenge of Bulgakov A. S. Enukidze, for the fact that in response to the request of the writer about a two-month travel abroad, Yenukidze refused the Bulgakov in a humiliating form.
In the monologue of SEMPLEYARA, there is an obvious parody of V. E. Meyerhold on the discussion in March 1936: "The audience requires an explanation." Siemplines told Voland: "Thus, we would be nice, a citizen artist ... If you were exposed to us the technique of mass hypnosis ... it is extremely desirable. Spectator mass ... " At loving Meyerhold hints and the description of the SEMMPLEYARY environment at the Variety Theater: "Arkady Apollonovich was placed in the bed with two ladies: Elderly, expensive and fashionable dressed, and the other - young and pretty, dressed simpler. The first of these, as soon as it turned out in drawing up the protocol, was the wife of Arkady Apollonovich, and the second - the far-relative of his, beginning and eating an actress arriving from Saratov and living in Arkady Apolloovich's apartment and his spouse. " Here is a hint of the second wife Meyerhold, the actress Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich, who was twenty years of her husband, like the imaginary relative from Saratov was much younger than Arkady Apolloovich SEMPLEYARA.
Great ball at Satan. In the luxury of the ball, the reception of the American ambassador to the USSR, Bullita, was reflected. Once a year, Bullith gave great techniques about the national holiday. Writers were invited. One day the invitation was received and Bulgakov. Reception was luxurious. In a huge hall with columns was a swimming pool and a mass of exotic colors. Multicolored spotlights have shone from choirs. Birds fluffled behind the grid. The orchestra was written from Stockholm. Dinner was served in a specially attached Bala to the Embassy of the dining room, on some tables. In the corners of the dining room - the pasture, in them goats, sheep, bearish, roosters. In the top floor skewer. Everywhere champagne, cigarettes.

In the novel, in order to accommodate all the balls of the ball in the "bad apartment", it was necessary to push it to supernatural sizes. Bulgakov increased the number of measurements with the traditional four to five. As Koroviev-Fagot explains, "those who are familiar with the fifth dimension, do not extend the room to the desired limits." But the participants of the Bala were invisible for the agents of the OGPU, on duty at the door of the bad apartment.

The history of the last two visitors to the ball, unfortunate evaluctors, formed materials in March 1938, in the course of which the ideologist of the party Bukharin, the pre-board of the Rykov, Deputy People's Commissar of the Krestinsky, and the NKVD Minister of the Berry were accused of organizing the murder of the Head of Leningrad Kirov's Bolsheviks in December 1934, and attempted herself, by poisoning his Cabinet to mercury. Bulgakov understood the anecdoticity of these accusations set down in the spirit of medieval legends, so introduced the mention of the statements. Bulgakov does not call the names of the last guests of the ball, as well as who they were going to poison, hinting that after the condemnation of high-ranking "poisoners", their names were forbidden to mention in print.

In the scene of the Great Bala, Satan reflected another episode, quite a farce. We are talking about the so-called "Bokia Commune". Gleb Ivanovich Boki was a chamber of the executioner, whose hands were on the elbow in the blood. He was shot in 1937, and his staff on the investigation gave about it committed readings. For the weekend, all members of the commune traveled to the country and were obliged to perform all the rules installed by the Bokok: after drinking to go to the bath, where he was openly engaged in group sex depravity. Drunk smeared the genitals of paint, mustard, sleeping in a drunken form often "buried" alive. At the same time, the participants of the commune with wives went to the cottage. Women soldered extief, undressed and used in turn, providing Bokyu advantage. All members of the commune, including two daughters of Bokia took part in this. Mandatory was the stay of men and women on the territory of the cottage in the naked and half agen. The atmosphere of this Chekist commune very much resembles the atmosphere of the Great Bala in Satan. By the mid-20s, rumors about the disgraces worked at the cottage in the country, began to walk in Moscow. In the novel, the laws of the Satanian Bala, which Koroviev-Fagot says, coincide with the laws of the Commune of Bokia. Woland treats Margarita with alcohol as a body commune members. Guests of Voland are drunk, and women are naked, as in the country of Bokia.

Baron Maigel. It has a prototype quite a real person who is closely connected with the OGPU and the NKVD - the former Baron Boris Steyger, who in the 1930s operating the authorized board on external relations. At the same time, the Steiger was a staff member of the OGPU-NKVD. Other people at such posts in the Soviet ministries were not appointed. In Stalin's Russia, unauthorized contacts with foreigners were a crime, and only people proven could meet with overseas professors. Steiger followed in contact with foreigners with Soviet citizens and sought to receive information from foreign diplomats who were interested in Soviet security authorities. The position brought certain benefits, but at the same time Baron became a carrier of secret information, so he had almost no chance to survive during the Great Cleaning. He was arrested and shot. The scene of the murder of Maifel on the Grand Ball of Satan entered the text after the execution of B. S. Steyger.

Massol. In the "Master and Margarita" there is an acute Satira at Bulgakov's fellow in literary craft. The organization of Soviet writers in the Roman Bulgakov called Massol. One of the alleged decodents is "Masters of Soviet (or socialist) literature", or simply "mass literature", for Berlioz and his comrades of Kropdali literary consumer goods for the foliation of the masses.

Restaurant House Griboyedov. This restaurant combined the features of the Herzen's home restaurant, as well as the restaurant of the club of theater workers. The director of both institutions, at different times there was Yakov Danilovich Rosenthal, served by the prototype Archibald Archibaldovich. Abundant vegetation, boring the eastern face of Rosental, fully justified his nickname - "beard". He had an impressive growth, representative appearance, dense black Assyrian, cone, big, on the chest, beard. Archibald Archibaldovich's portrait clearly coincides with the portrait of the prototype: "The black-eyed beauty with a daggey beard was released on the veranda, he glanced his possessions in Pharaka and royal eyes. They spoke, the mystics said that there was a time when the handsome did not wear a piece, but was obscured by a wide leather belt, because of which the handles of pistols were sticking out, and his hair of the Voronov wing was tied to scarlet silk, and sailed in the Caribbean under his team Brig under his brig Black coffin flag with adamo head. " Here is a hint of military service Ya. D. Rosental, who aburchased, on memoirs of acquaintances, unusual adventures. In the house of Herzen, the writers sometimes showed themselves not from the best side. So, the scandal scene, which lends in the restaurant Ivan Homeless, shocked meetings with Woland and the death of Berlioz, has a completely real episode.

"The writers behind the coffin go." At the 125th anniversary of Pushkin on June 6, 1924, all writers were invited to 6 hours. In the house of Herzen on Tver Boulevard. From there, lined up with rows, with the banner headed, they moved to the monument to Pushkin, where the laying of wreath should occur. In the history of Russian literature, this was the first procession of writers and quite crowded. This is very similar to the description of the procession of writers going on the coffin of Berlioz, in the "Master and Margarita". It is in the words of Margarita: "So these are the writers behind the coffin?", Dying Bulgakov stopped the right of the novel.

Critic Mstislav Lavrovich. This parody of the writer and the playwright of Vsevolod Vitalyevich Vishnevsky, one of the zealous persecutes of Bulgakov.

Critic Latunsky. Chairman of the Chief Design in 1932-1937, the playwright and theatrical critic Osaf Semenovich Lithuanian was one of the most irreconcilable opponents of Bulgakov and actively contributed to the prohibition of all Bulgakov's plays. Lithuanian surname was browned in the surname of the destroying master of Critique of the Latunsky.

Twelve members of the leadership of the massolist, in vain waiting in the Griboedovian house of their chairman, parody more like twelve apostles of Christian, and then, and the new communist faith.

"Navigator Georges". Under such a pseudonym, there is a present at the meeting of the Moshomolite "Moscow merchant orphan" Nastasya Lukichna Nezpemenova, author of marine battle stories. This is a parody of the well-known French writer Georges Sand (Aurora Dupin), and the playwright Sophia Aleksandrovna Apraksin-Laurentis, who wrote under the pseudonym "Sergey Berematny".

The scene when Korovyeva-Fagota and Hippopotamus is not allowed to the writer's restaurant due to the lack of writing certificates - the Moscow sketch of real events, when the restaurant could only get a member card certifying belonging to the literary organization. Hippo and Koroviev were able to penetrate the restaurant, called the names of famous in the XIX century., But forgotten in the XX century. Writer and journalist Ivan Ivanovich Panayev and Criticism and historian of the literature Alexander Mikhailovich Skabichevsky.

"Literary memories" A. M. Skabichevsky, reprinted in 1928, on the eve of the beginning of the work of Bulgakov over the novel "Master and Margarita", served as a source for a writer to describe a fire in Griboedov's house: "In the historic day of the Apraksinsky fire, the confluence of the public in the summer garden Thanks to good weather, it was especially crowded. And here in the midst of the walking, hour in the fifth, at once, in all ends of the garden, cries rang out: "Sawn, burning, apraksin all on fire!". The public in horror rushed to the exit from the garden, and every gate had a deadly crush, from which many women were taken out. Using this turmoil, Mazuriki disappeared from the girls of jewelry, with shreds of dresses and blood of torn ears. This gave reason to assume that arson was produced by Mazurikov with a special goal to rejuvenate about walking in the summer garden of smashed tramps .... suffocating smoke, unbearable heat, shuffled by paper ash, flying out of the windows ... Hasive shocks of the flame ... Cow Bassoon helps fireman to wear Griboedov's house, and as a result, the building burns. For the arsals of the hippo and koroviev use an incendiary mixture of primus - gasoline. During the hunt for the wave and his retinue in the epilogue of the novel, the Moved crowd grabs hundreds of cats, as well as all people with last names, at least remotely resembling Korovyov and Voland. Among the detainees were a person with Polish last name - Candidate of Chemical Sciences Vetchinkevich. Here the szvuk rumors of the time that the arson arranged the Poles.

The death of Berliosis. The prediction of Voland on the death of Berliosis was made in full compliance with the canons of astrology. Satan noted the presence of Mercury in the second house of ecliptic, this meant that the Chairman of the Massolite was happy in trade. Mikhail Alexandrovich really introduced the literature trading in the holy temple, was lucky in commerce - receiving material goods in exchange for convictions and refusal to freedom of creativity (his last minutes illuminates the dream of a trip to the rest in Kislovodsk). It follows the punishment. The misfortune in the sixth house, which Satan says, means a fault in marriage, and indeed, Mikhail Alexandrovich's spouse ran away to Kharkov with a balletmaster. The seventh house is the house of death. The chairman of the massolist dies under the wheels of the tram immediately after a conversation with the devil.
Woland warns Berliosis about "mysterious threads", over which man is not authorized: "... one who has recently believed that he managed something, it is suddenly lying fixed in a wooden box, and everyone surrounding, understanding that there is no sense from the lying More, burn it into the oven. And it happens even worse: just a person will gather to go to Kislovodsk ... A trifle, it would seem, the matter, but it cannot do this, because it is unknown why suddenly takes it, slip and fall under the tram! Do you really say that he helped himself like that? Is it not more correct to think that someone has managed with him completely different? "

The episode with a sliced \u200b\u200bhead of the chairman of the massolist has many literary parallels, ranging from the prevention of the head of John the Baptist. Here and the gothic novel of the English writer Charles Matureurina "Melm-Skitalets", associated with the premises of the poet of Ivan homeless in a madhouse. At one of the heroes of Mattheurin, who found himself in a psychiatric hospital, "turned out to be two more subsequent neighbor," one of which was constantly sowed the opera couplets, and the other, nicknamed head, repeated all the time in delusion: "Ruth, my sister, not tempt me calf head (I had in mind the head of the English king of Charles I executed in 1649), blood flows out of it; I pray you, throw it on the floor, did not stick to the woman to keep her in her hands, even if the brothers drink this blood. " During the ball at Satan, the head of Berlioz turns into a bowl-skull, from which Margarita drinks blood, turning into wine, and Koroviev-Fagot convinces Margarita: "Do not be afraid, the queen, blood has long gone to the ground. And where she shed, grape borders are growing. "

The sliced \u200b\u200bhead of Berliozes is also echoing with the "Professor Professor" (1925) of the famous Russian fantastic writer Alexander Romanovich Belyaeva: "Attached to a square glass board, a head carefully and mournfully looked at Laurent, blinking with centuries." Bulgakov on the great ball at Satan "the eyelids were raised, and on the dead face of Margarita, shuddering, saw the living, full thoughts and suffering eyes." Dweel, like Berlioz, first died, and then his head, like the head of the Chairman of the massolist, was resurrected to help in the devilish experiments. Belyaev and Bulgakov coincides with a number of details. Professor Dowel, waking up, sees that his head lies on the kitchen table, and nearby, on a higher gear plate, it rests his decapitated body with an open chest, from which the heart is extracted. In the same way, in the "Master and Margarita" in the transactory, we see on the same table the sliced \u200b\u200bhead of Berlioza, and on the other - his body with an crushed chest. Kern, who needs a couple of corpses for his experiments, argues almost the same as Woland in conversation with Mikhail Alexandrovich: "Every day, with the immutability of the law of nature in the city, several people die from traffic, not counting accidents at factories, factories, buildings . Well, these doomed, cheerful, full strength and health people will calmly fall asleep, not knowing that they are awaiting tomorrow. Tomorrow in the morning they will stand up and, having fun, will dress to go, how they will think, to work, and in fact - to meet their inevitable death. At the same time, in the other end of the city, we also carelessly singing, their involuntary executioner will dress: a chauffery or car trades ... They will stubbornly approach each other, not knowing each other, until the fatal point of intersection of their paths. "

Mikhail Alexandrovich's head was resurrected in the novel only to listen to the end of the proof of Woland, started by the death of the writer under the tram on the patriarching ponds: "Everything came true, isn't it?", Continued Woland, looking into the eyes of the head, "The head is cut off, the meeting did not take place. And I live in your apartment. It is a fact. And the fact is the most stubborn thing in the world. But now we are interested in further, and not this fact that has already accomplished. You have always been a hot preacher of the theory that, by cutting off the head, life in a person stops, it turns into asha and goes into oblivion. I am pleased to inform you in the presence of my guests, although they serve as proof of a completely different theory, that your theory of solid and witty. However, after all, all theories are one different. There are among them and that according to which everyone will be given by his faith. Yes, it will come true! You go into oblivion, and I will joyfully be from the bowl, in which you turn, drink for being. "

Quotes from the novel "Master and Margarita".

1.Who told you that there is no real, faithful, eternal love? Yes, it will be cut off his vile language!
2. It was nothing to do with the charm not comparable smell just printed money.
3. The best way to destroy a person is to provide him to choose fate.
4. SELLS without a surprise inside uninteresting.
5. The language can hide the truth, and the eyes never!
6. It is possible to hear that you are so politely applying to the cat. Cats usually say "you" for some reason, although not a single cat drank bruershaft with anyone.
7. Yes, the man is mortal, but it would be more Polbie. Bad is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that's what focus!
8. Do you judge in the costume? Never do it. You can make a mistake, and moreover, very large.
9.This who loves must share the fate of whom he loves.
10. There are no people in the world, there are only people unhappy.
11. I would allow myself to pour a lady vodka? This is pure alcohol!
12.kipich with no one with anyone and never falls on the head.
13.Ludi as people. They love money, but it was always ... Well, frivolous ... In general, remind the same ... the apartment question only spoiled them ...
14. In addition, do not ask for anything, especially those who are stronger than you. Sami will offer themselves and everyone will give!
15. Mare! Cut the march!
16. I am going to you, a citizen, co-worms!
17.This! Three years later it will pass.
18. What country do you prefer at this time of the day?
19. He did not deserve light, he deserved peace.
20.Trakness is one of the most terrible human defects.
21. And never be afraid of anything. It is unreasonable.
22. The most terrible anger is anger of powerlessness.
23. I love to sit low - it's not so dangerous to fall.
24.What would your good, if evil did not exist?
25. Palace as health: When it is evident, you do not notice it.
26. Summates everywhere who is not in a hurry.
27. Only the truth comes through the suffering ...
28.Fine, but fact.
29. Fact - the most stubborn thing in the world.
30. There are no people in the world, there are only people unhappy.
31. Theractions are not burning.
32. They know, a person without documents is strictly prohibited to exist.
33. No document, no person.
34.Revituent ride: ride the hour - two stand.
35. It is enough to take a person under the shots, and it turns into a wise wolf; A shift is very weak, in truly difficult cases, the wise animal instinct grows.
36. There are only two forces in the world: dollars and literature.
37.Not with a chalet, I do not touch anyone, I reproduce the primus
38.kipich with no one with anyone and never falls on his head.
39. Love jumped out before us, how the murderer pops out from under the ground, and struck us both at once! So amazes lightning, so amazes the Finnish knife!
40. For example, chase in the footsteps of what is already completed.
41. Each will be given by its faith.
42. What are these steps on the stairs? And this is to arrest us!
43. The right to speak easily and pleasant.
44. There is a violence of people.
45. Only the one who suspected the ball can probably be.
46. \u200b\u200bAnother force cannot be forced to silence the crowd until she exhausted everything that has accumulated from her inside, and it will not be mixed.
47.The people are smart to understand in confusing things.
48. Do not happen so that something stretched forever ends.
49.Lexed the old wise rule - treat this similar
50. What is the official or unofficial? All this is conditionally and Zybko. Today I am an informal face, and tomorrow, you look, official! And it happens on the contrary. And as happens!
51. Well, the witch is so witch. Very nice and luxurious!
52. I will not want to wish, because this success does not believe in the success.
53.Good is the usual reward for a good job.
54. Involve it does not happen so that everything becomes like.
55.Tend, you love all inturists! And among them, by the way, different things come across!
56.And to admit that among intellectuals also come across the rarity smart. This can not be denyed!
57. Hortal misfortune than the deprivation of the mind, no in the world.
58. Second freshness is nonsense! Freshness is only one - the first, it is the last. And if the sturgeon is a second freshness, then it means that it is fucked!
59. I will be silent hallucination.
60.May broke, I'm bored, and I want to be in the basement.
61.What is it, what you have enough, nothing!
62.I - historian. Tonight on the Patriarch will be an interesting story!
63.I had the pleasure to meet with this young man on the patriarching ponds. He barely cut me crazy, proving me that I was not!
64.Onnako! I feel that after vodka you drank port! Have mercy, do it can be done!
65.What is the point of dying under the moans and wheezing hopeless patients. Is it not better to arrange a feast for these twenty-seven thousand and, having accepted poison, to move to another world under the sounds of strings, surrounded by black beauties and dashing friends?
66.Something unfit in men, avoiding wine, games, lovers of adorable women, a feast conversation. Such people or severely sick, or in secretly hate others.
67.Some workers know everything - this is a mistake to think that they are blind.
68. Annushka has already bought sunflower oil, and not only bought, but even poured. So the meeting will not take place.

In May, this year will be 76 years old from the moment Mikhail Bulgakov completed work on his masterpiece and, perhaps, one of the main novels of his era. That neither say, "Masters and Margarita" love all - and schoolgirls of high schools, who, in taste, at the same time, the silver age and soft toys are large; And students and adults. And not surprisingly. Roman, being simultaneously a symbol and scourge of a new country, literally braid mystical coincidences and stunning stories.

Let's, perhaps, with the fact that Mikhail Afanasyevich personally made sure that the manuscript was not grief. He began working on a novel in 1928, during this time the drafts worn different titles - "hoof engineer", "Gastro", "Black Mag". Parallel Bulgakov continued to work on other works. And when in 1930, the writer received a notice of the ban "Kolas Svyatosh", he personally sent an outline of the novel into the fire.

But after a year, Bulgakov understood: the manuscripts are not burning. And the work began to boil with a new force: Margarita was born and, as a result, the Unnamed master, Woland "Coming" in retinue ... By the way, Voland Bulgakov initially called Astarotom. This is a direct reference to Western demonology - so, according to Lemegeton, is the name of one of the most powerful demons in the Hie Hierarchy. But when it became clear that the "hellishness" in the novel would have mask, Astarota was removed, replacing with relatively neutral wave.

Some interesting facts from the chronological point of view. Meteorologists conducted a small study and found that on May 1, 1929 in the capital, sharply warmed up to +30 Celsius, and a few days later began a storm. The same weather and the novel itself: May 1 in the evening it is extremely warm, and a few days later, when the last flight begins, a thunderstorm strives over the city. A gift Surprise for the birthday of Bulgakov did both: in the novel says that the master is 38 years old. This is a reference to the biography of the author himself: the hero was "born" on May 15, that is, on the birthday of Mikhail Afanasyevich.

Why the actors at the last moment refused to shoot, and 13 deaths after the premiere.

The director "Legends No. 17" and "Crew" Nikolay Lebedev will remove the film based on the Roman Mikhail Bulgakov. The work was shielded and put in the theater more than once, but each time there is some kind of damnation. And all the incidents with the actors starred in the film, are attributed to the action of the "demonic novel."

"Nothing will happen"

In 2005, the series "Master and Margarita" director Vladimir Bortko came to the screens. He himself repeatedly said that there was nothing mystical in the novel. But soon remembered one story.

A few years ago, when I was preparing for shooting, a strange case happened to me on the patriarch ponds. The person passed by the man suddenly turned to me: "Anyway, you will not succeed!" "And I went further," director told him in his interview.

Bortko considers it a clean coincidence. In addition, the pessimistic "forecast" he did not obey.

Woland in the series Bortko gave to play Oleg Basilashvili. Later, the audience will say hundreds of times that they are the devil and represented themselves. The actor itself, this role turned around, as the TV program writes, voice loss.

Basilashvili uttered a monologue of Voland, as suddenly stuck. After a few moments, he lost her voice at all. Doctors stated that he had hemorrhage into the right voice bundle.

On the eve of the actor rehearsed, there were no problems with ligaments. Doctors prescribed him full peace, injections and full silence for a while.

Berlioosis and operation

Alexander Adabashyan, who played Mikhail Berlioz, came shortly after shooting to the hospital with a heart attack. However, the actor himself did not associate his participation in the series, health problems and mysticism.

Adabashyan in an interview repeatedly joked, as members of the filming group used the "Devil's loop" of the work. For example, they said that the evil sacrifice herself forced them to drink superfluous on the day before shooting.

Koroviev and Azazello

Alexander Filippenko played immediately in two vectors "Master and Margarita" - Vladimir Bortko and Yuri Kara. At the punishment he played Koroviev.

Since then, many years have passed. The actor went with friends on the patriarch, showed them a place of action "Masters and Margarita". Filippenko himself tells that at that moment he met with Bortko.

You have already played Koroviev. Azazello will play me? - asked Bortko. The actor agreed, considering this sign of fate.

Refused at the last moment

Woland in the series was supposed to become Oleg Yankovsky. However, at the last moment he refused to shoot, saying that he did not consider this role strong. And then admitted that, in his opinion, the devil, as well as God, cannot be played.

Alexander Kalyagin refused to the role of Berlioz, Vladimir Mashkov did not become a master. Alexander Pankratov-Black refused the role of Varenuhi. But Bortko decided not to part with the actor, offering it as a replacement version with Stepan Likameev. Tom and agreed.

13 deaths for five years

Someone calls it a terrible coincidence, someone mysticism, but the fact remains a fact: in the year of the premiere and five years after the release of the first series on the screens, 13 actors died, which participated in the shooting.

At the age of 47, the actor Alexander Sheban died. His body was found on October 2, 2005 in his apartment. He played the investigator looking for Woland.

Almost a year later, in September 2006, Pavel Komarov died, playing by the thief, who stole a swimming poet of Ivan homeless to the pier. He was not 40 years old.

Stanislav Landgraf (Critic Latunsky), Kirill Lavrov (Pontius Pilate), Evgeny Mercuryev (Correspondence model), Alexander Abdulov (Koroviev), Andrei Tolubeev (voiced by Alozia Mogarycha), Yuri Oskin (Swiss Nikolai), Galina Barkova (Seller of Fruit), Vladislav Galkin (Ivan Homeless), Valentina Yegenkov (Nurse in Durdome), Stanislav Sokolov (secretary of Pilate Pilate), Mikhail Surov (Massovka). 13 people.

With the death of each actor, rumors about the curse of "Master and Margarita" were reacted again and again.

Broke the pipe

The film Yuri Kara "Master and Margarita" 14 years ago waited. He was filmed back in 1994, and submitted only in 2008 at the Film Festival of the CIS countries and the Baltic States "New Cinema. XXI Century". At the box office, he was only in 2011.

Although at the press conferences, the actors shouted to the voice that there was no mysticism, members of the filming group still remembered some episodes.

So, Yuri Kara told that the devil began literally with the shooting of the first scene in the Moscow Garden "Hermitage".

They started shooting the picture in the Hermitage Garden from the scene in the variety, all TV channels gave reports about it. Suddenly, Levitin (director Theater of the Hermitage Theater Mikhail Levitin) came to the site, asked to stop filming, "the words of Kara Ria" News "leads.

Later it turned out that in the place where the footage was stored, the hot heating tube broke through. When Levitina reported this, he did not believe it first. And as soon as postponed the phone, the pipe broke into his office.

Even a father, which sprinkled with holy water chamber and a filming group called the platform.

Operators refused to shoot

In total, during the time of working on the picture, six operators changed: they left, they simply disappeared. So, when they removed the ancient Jew in the Crimea, unexpectedly began to snow, which in October did not happen. In addition, the operator did not come to shoot for incomprehensible reasons. And the flesh itself, as it turned out, forgot in Moscow.

When Kara went to the capital behind the film and the operator, opposite the house of Bulgakov, already in Moscow, his new "Volga" broke down. It should be noted that after a while in his car crashed a man by the name Koroviev.

Foreign movie shot Evgeny Grebzhev. He died shortly after the shooting: at the age of 35, the day before his birthday.

The actors bronislav brdukov and Spartak Mishulin (Varenuha and Archibald Archibaldovich) did not live before the premiere, Viktor Pavlov (Behemoth) and Mikhail Ulyanov (Pontius Pilate) and Composer Alfred Schnitke.

Israel and "Finery-Terrorists"

Forgotten film, an accident, some kind of damn. ... The shooting group decided to move the filming to Israel. Yuri Kara was confident that there would be nothing to happen on the land of the promised.

The shooting group wanted to reflect the string from the book "Darkness, who came from the Mediterranean Sea, covered the city's hated procurator." To do this, it was necessary to actually dark.

By the time of computer graphics was not, and in the sky, neither Tuchci - what's the darkness here. "To make" a pyrotechnic agreed, but, as the media wrote, for $ 200 thousand. Money found, the darkness was organized, but here ...

15 combat Israeli helicopters descended from the sky. From there, special forces jumped with automata and attacked the shooting group. They decided that we were Arab terrorists. Our producers were shocked because everyone warned about shooting. As long as they figured out, the cloud went away, "the director later told himself.

Woland Viktor Avilov and clinical death

The famous actor Viktor Avilov, whom many viewers remember the roles of the Count Monte Cristo in the "prisoner of the castle of IF" and Mordount in "Musketeers 20 years later," also played Voland. But in the theater.

On the tour in 1995, less than an hour before the "Master and Margarita", the actor survived the clinical death: Avilova had two times the heart stopped. However, after that, he went on amendment, and, it seemed, health is normalized.

But in the early 2000s, he again began to torment ulcers and back pain. Returning from touring in Israel in June 2004, he decided to be examined. Doctors stated that he had an inoperable tumor. Foreign doctors once again refused to treat. Last hope was given to him in Novosibirsk. The actor lived another two months, after which he died in Akademgorodok at the age of 51.

Interesting facts from the life of Bulgakov.

Master and Margarita - a story about the writer.

Few people know that the novel "Master and Margarita" was devoted to the beloved writer Elena Sergeyevna Nureberg. It was his last love and the strongest, she brought a lot of suffering and happiness to both. By the time they met, they had already families who had to destroy to forever connect their destinies of marriage. In the article "Interesting facts from the life of Bulgakov" will be discussed precisely about it.

In Riga in 1893, Elena Sergeyevna Nureberg was born in the family of school teacher. When the girl graduated from the gymnasium, the family decided to move to Moscow. And in 1918, three years after that, Elena meets Yuri Neelova, whose father was the famous artist Mammont Dalsky, and marries him. Marriage was not long, after two years he collapsed. And then Elena met Lieutenant-General Yevgeny Shilovsky, with whom they were engaged at the end of 1920.

On Shilovsky can only speak good, it was an extremely patient and decent husband. A year after the wedding, Elena gave birth to him his son. However, a calm family life with a loving spouse did not bring a young girl of happiness. In her letters to her sister, she told about what a wonderful husband she had, noble, that there is probably no such, and that despite all this she is unhappy. That she feels lonely. Eugene works a lot, and she has to remain one on one with her thoughts, inventions and fantasies. Time went, nothing changed, only doubts with even greater force tormented Elena.

Elena Sergeyevna turned 35 years old. February 28, 1929, a great sunny day, she meets and get acquainted with Mikhail Bulgakov. By that time he was already a man. Bulgakov was born in Kiev, graduated from the medical faculty and worked as a doctor. At the age of 30, he moved to Moscow, he took up literature. The writer was married to Belozerskaya Lyubov Evgenievna, who was a good wife, always cared for her husband and helped in work. Elena Shilovskaya noted in Bulgakov his masculinity, purposefulness and intelligence

Their unforgettable meeting occurred at the apartment from Artists Moiseenko. 40 years after that, Elena recalls: "... When I met Bulgakov by chance in the same house, I realized that this is my destiny, despite everything, despite the insanely difficult tragedy of the gap ... We met and were there. It was fast, extraordinarily fast, in any case, on my part, love for life. " Elena was doubtful. She could not leave her husband and two sons. It fell a lot of suffering and torment, in the end she decides with the writer anymore no longer. For a long 20 months, she avoids Mikhail Afanasyevich in every possible way. And when, once overlooking one outside, she meets him. The first phrase, which the poet dropped at the meeting was: "I can't live without you." In response, sounded: "And I, too." Then they decided not to be together.

When Shilovsky found out about the novel of his wife with a writer, there was a long and emotional explanation between men. Under the threat of a pistol, Bulgakov was ordered to leave his wife, and she was stated that if they were divided, the sons would remain with her father. Elena was forced to stay for a while with her husband. After a year and a half, she again meets the poet, this time they finally decide no longer part. This time Shilovsky did not let the beloved, he signed paper about divorce and wanted to stay with her friends. This noble man and after the divorce justified the "favorite Luce" and wrote to her parents that they simply exhausted each other ...

In early September 1936, the Roman "Master and Margarita" was completed. The sample of the main heroine was the spouse of the poet, with which they happily lived 8 years. For Elena Sergeyevna Nurengberg, who became Bulgakova, these were the happiest years in her life. Once in the early 1930s, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov told her about one request: "Give me the word that I will die in your hands." The spouse fully devoted himself to her husband and fulfilled this promise.

The health of the writer began to deteriorate at the end of 1939, and on March 10, 1940, the Great Writer died. After his death, Elena Sergeyevna struggled ends with the ends. She began selling things, engage in translations and reprint handwritten texts, but it did not bring tangible income. Only in the postwar years, she began to receive good fees, making the works of his beloved. Elena survived her husband for long thirty years. She died at the age of 76, July 18, 1970. She was buried next to her beloved husband at Novodevichy Cemetery. Original: