In which team does the husband of Pelagia play. Singer Pelageya: biography, personal life, family

In which team does the husband of Pelagia play.  Singer Pelageya: biography, personal life, family
In which team does the husband of Pelagia play. Singer Pelageya: biography, personal life, family

The biography of the singer Pelageya is difficult to describe in any other way than a "collection of achievements", and the personal life of a star is an example of a happy marriage. The number of awards and victories that a girl earned before graduation surpasses anything that many celebrities have been able to do over the decades. But this does not prevent Pelageya from striving for new heights.

Biography of Pelagia

Pelageya was born on July 14, 1986 in Novosibirsk. The mother of the future artist in her youth sang songs in the style of "jazz", but broke her voice and on this, Svetlana Smirnova's career as a singer ended. The cheerful woman got married, became Khanova and got a job at the theater as a teacher of directing and acting.

When the birth certificate was issued, the girl was recorded as Polina, despite the wishes of her parents that their daughter had a different name. According to the documents, the gifted girl became Pelageya only at the age of 14 when she received a passport. Svetlana Khanova very early noticed in her daughter a talent for vocals, so she tried in every possible way to develop and encourage him.

Therefore, the little artist entered the stage at the age of 4. And at the age of 8, under the guidance of her mother, she entered a specialized secondary school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory, where she studied professional vocal.

When Pelageya was 9 years old, Dmitry Revyakin, the leader of the Kalinov Most group, noticed her at a school performance. Having discovered a new talent, the musician helped the girl go to the Morning Star show.

Charming Pelageya with white hair and a voice of three octaves not only became a participant in the show, but also took first place, beating all the competitors of the competition. The talented singer was awarded the title of "Best performer of a folk song in the Russian Federation in 1996" and received an award of one thousand US dollars.

A year later, Pelageya signed a contract with Feelee Records and set off to conquer Moscow. In parallel with the development of her talents, the young artist studied at a music school at the Gnesins Institute and a general education school with an in-depth study of music and choreography. Participation in the "Morning Star" show brought other benefits as well. Pelageya began to receive a scholarship from the Young Talents of Siberia Foundation and became a member of the UN's New Names of the Planet international program, taking part in various events and projects:

  1. Not stopping at what has been achieved, since 1997 the artist has become the youngest participant in KVN at Novosibirsk University.
  2. In 1998, Pelageya received an invitation from Tatyana Dyachenko and spoke at the summits of the heads of Russia, Germany and France at the age of 12.
  3. The teenage girl regularly performed at official events and festivals, receiving new awards and adding to the list of her achievements, working with such famous performers as Vyacheslav Butusov.
  4. In 1999, Pelageya recorded and released her first single "Lubo".

When the girl was 13 years old, she achieved fame at the world level. Her name was constantly heard not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other countries of the world. Even then, great hopes were pinned on the young singer, predicting a great future for her in the field of music and opera. Purposeful singer Pelageya, whose biography already at this age was full of successes and achievements, appeared on glossy around the world, and her personal life and career growth amazed and aroused admiration.

Career development

Already in 2003, a worldwide star performed on the big stage. The singer received an invitation to sing at the celebration of the three hundredth anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg, presenting the first album "Pelageya" in folk style. It was there that the spectacular young blonde was noticed by the director of the serial film "Yesenin" and invited her to shoot a movie.

After graduating from school as an external student two classes earlier than her classmates, Pelageya continued her studies at the Russian Institute of Theater Arts in the pop department. The girl, whose career began at the age of four, continued to walk in the direction set by her mother. In 2005 she received a red diploma and founded a group with a loud and recognizable name "Pelageya".

The first studio album was released in 2007 with a simple and attractive title "Girls' Songs". And two years later, the performer, who became famous among the general public, performed in the show "Two Stars" in tandem with actress Daria Moroz.

In the same 2009, a cheerful, full of drive and positive emotions album of Pelageya was released, recorded together with the folk theater "Transbaikalia". The actress and vocalist presented the new collection at the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg, attracting 10,000 people.

Successful sales and filled halls prompted Pelageya to write a new album "Paths", released in 2010. At the same time, the talented girl took part in the vocal opera-improvisation "Bobble". A year later, the singer for the unique performance of the composition "Olga" received an award by voting in the program "Property of the Republic". Also, the performer with a unique voice sang a duet with the legendary rock singer Mikhail Gorshenev the song "Oh, with a meadow, with a meadow" as part of the "Salt" project on the popular radio channel "Our Radio".

From 2012 to 2014, Pelageya Khanova accepted an offer from the scriptwriters of the "Voice" show, becoming a coach-mentor for the most talented girls and guys with good artistic and vocal abilities. And from 2014 to 2016 she appeared on the TV screen as a coach-mentor for the participants of the new popular vocal show “Voice. Children ”, where she worked with gifted schoolchildren aged 7 and over. Working with the younger generation of vocalists did not go unnoticed for the artist. In June 2014, Pelageya was awarded the title "Honored Worker of Culture of Ingushetia" during the solemn celebration of the Republic Day.

Since 2015, the artist, who misses humor and interesting events in her life, returned to KVN, but not as a participant, but as a member of the jury. In the same year, she was awarded the "Best Folk Performer" award, launched with the support of the Russia 1 channel and the Samfar charitable foundation and leading figures in the music industry.

Personal life

The first spouse in the biography of the singer Pelageya Khanova was the director of the show "Comedy Woman" Dmitry Efimovich, with whom the girl spent only two years of her personal life. The artist did not disclose the reasons for the divorce, which took place in 2012 - quietly and without publicity in the press.

In 2016, Pelageya Sergeevna and hockey player Ivan Telegin announced their engagement. In the press, along with congratulations, scandalous information immediately appeared that the singer destroyed the athlete's family and caused him to abandon the newborn child. For a long time, the girl tried to avoid sharp corners and did not put forward any refutations. In this regard, the rumor about Pelageya the homeowner began to acquire new details and facts.

The marriage between Ivan and Pelageya was registered in the same year, on June 16, and soon the singer gave birth to the hockey player's daughter Taisia. It was the pregnancy that became the reason for the singer's refusal to participate in the "Voice" show, where she planned to become a coach-mentor of the selected talented people.

The show business star spoke about the event and how she was choosing a name for her daughter only in 2017 in the program "One Evening". According to the singer, they decided to name the girl that way, because the name Taisiya Sergeevna is consonant with the name of Telegin. The daughter of world stars was born on January 21, 2017.

The long silence of the famous pop diva, lasting more than a year, caused surprise and fears that the girl not only decided to leave the world of show business, but wished to remain in the shadows, as the wife of a hockey player and a housewife. But, in October 2017, the singer decided to dispel the rumors that had arisen by starring with her husband in a documentary for Channel One called Pelageya.

Happiness loves silence. " In the film, the spouses talked about what actually caused the hockey player's divorce from his ex-wife. The newlyweds also expressed their mutual opinion that they do not want to spread about their personal life in the press and support or refute the rumors that arise.

The artist and TV presenter, who disappeared from the field of view of fans and journalists, announced that she was ready to withdraw from the decree in order to delight the first and last with her new projects and achievements. In 2017, the singer Pelageya, a charming blonde, whose biography and personal life have been heard for the past few years, returned to the Voice project. Since 2018, the artist plans to become a mentor for new participants in the show “Voice. Children".

Pelageya was born into the family of a jazz singer, whose professional life was tragic. After a long illness, the mother of the future star lost her voice. However, she found herself on the stage. It is not surprising that little Fields - that is the name of the singer by relatives, grew up in a creative environment, and practically from birth absorbed the culture of vocal mastery.

Child prodigy

The little girl first appeared on stage at the age of four. Even then, she showed interest in singing. And her mother and stepfather noticed that her daughter was developing faster than her peers. And it’s true: Polino’s hobby for vocals didn’t harm her performance at school. And then the family moved. Pelageya and her parents really wanted the girl to go to a certain school, but there was no place in the sixth grade. “Nonsense,” the future singer thought, and she passed the program as an external student for a whole year, enrolling immediately in the seventh.

When the talented baby turned nine, the legendary Dmitry Revyakin from Kalinova Most came on a tour to Novosibirsk, where the Pelageya family lived.

Hearing a unique voice, he not only offered to show the girl in Moscow, he sent a video with Pelageya's performance to the "Morning Star" program. There the little Siberian woman was noted and invited to speak. So Polya received the first recognition - the prize for the best performance of a folk song.

However, according to the singer herself, her childhood was far from being in music schools and taking solfeggio classes. There were toys, beloved parents, and real children's adventures. Mom, of course, tried to promote the talented Polya, but did not press much, and always left the choice. And when Pelageya decided to enter GITIS at the age of 14, she blessed her unusual child. She graduated from school as an external student, and a very young, but sensible girl beyond her years became a student.

No joke: love!

Pelageya met her first husband when she was 11 years old. Then the Novosibirsk KVN team needed a singing girl, and Fields was a famous person in Siberia, so they remembered about her. The girl liked the offer and agreed. Dima Efimovich, who was 22 at the time, played for the same team. Sharing the stage with the young singer, he could not even think of her as a woman.

After some time, Dmitry married the St. Petersburg kvnschitsa Polina Sibagatullina, known under the pseudonym Madame Polina, and forgot to think about performing with Pelageya. The couple got into the Comedy Women project together, Dima became a director, and his wife performed in humorous numbers. But the marriage did not work out, and the couple soon divorced. And then - a fatal meeting! The same little girl, Pelageya, enters the arena of his life again!


They got married without fanfare, and for several months they did not know that Polya had changed her surname even in her team. The first family life for the singer began, which took a lot of energy and attention. But not only life turned out to be demanding: the husband, who had long dreamed of a child, began to put pressure on the star with questions about the heirs. On the other hand, my mother joined in, grumbled that the simple TV operator Efimovich, the genius Pole, was not suitable for husbands ... After two years of legal marriage, the spouses terminated the relationship.

Then Pelageya will call herself monogamous and complain that after the divorce, a hole remained in her heart that will not heal for a long time. And in the backstage world they will gossip, they say, the charming handsome Dima looked to the left, which was the reason for the final separation.

And I love the married ...

Sad sighs, a slight haze of sadness on the bottom of her wide-open eyes, gossip about an affair with Bilan ... For several years, all the attention of the singer was given to the show "The Voice", and Pelageya was not involved in any amorous affairs. And then on the set next to the judge of "Voices" they began to notice a tall handsome man.

They recently stopped hiding their high relationships. Now Polya also goes to hockey matches - to root for CSKA, and her new lover, hockey player Ivan Telegin, in between filming a TV show, can be seen in a red chair - next to the beauty.

It is not known for certain when the lovers met, and what happened between them over the last time, but persistent rumors circulate on the network that Pelageya took the hockey player from an exemplary family.

Moreover, Telegin was not only married. Four months before the divorce, his son was born. They also say that a painful romance with a married man has been tormenting the singer's heart for a long time. Familiar stars are sure: Pelageya would never have dared to take her husband and father away from the family. Therefore, Ivan himself broke the vicious circle. The feeling for the talented beauty turned out to be too deep, and he simply could not live by deception.

In 2016, the singer married Telegin, and at the beginning of 2017, the couple had their daughter Taisiya. A month after giving birth, she took the stage at a festive concert in honor of Nikolai Rastorguev's birthday, and a little later she hosted a concert in honor of the fifth anniversary of the Voice show together with Dmitry Nagiyev. But despite this, the actress does not want to return to work early in full force and tries to devote more time to little Taya.

Pelageya is an original Russian vocalist performing compositions in the folk-rock genre. The singer began performing at an early age and became the winner of many popular vocal competitions. Now the girl has her own group, and tickets for her concerts are instantly sold out. The singer is known for her cheerful disposition and bright stage outfits in folk style. Over the past years, the artist is also a member of the jury of the show "Voice". The contestants love the singer for her sincere emotions and soulful approach to music.

All photos 12

Biography of Pelagia

The future singer Pelageya was born in 1986 in the city of Novosibirsk. At the time of registration of the birth certificate, the registry office employees made a mistake and wrote down the girl Polina. Only at the age of 16, upon receiving a passport, the singer was able to regain the name that her parents had originally given her. By the way, this is a family name: the child was named after his grandmother.

The artist also carries the surname of Khanov not from birth; she received it from her stepfather, who raised her as his own daughter. The baby practically did not know her own dad - she and her mother broke up very early. The mother of the future star was once a famous jazz vocalist, but after a long illness she lost her voice. Svetlana had to start working in the theater. She is now a filmmaker and acting teacher and is also a producer for her daughter.

Pelageya Khanova's career began in early childhood. At the age of four, the girl took part in the production of a kindergarten. The child really enjoyed performing on stage, and after another four years, my mother enrolled her daughter in a music school at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. It is noteworthy that by that time the school had been operating for 25 years, but only instrumentalists, not vocalists, studied there. At one of the performances at the conservatory, the girl was noticed by Dmitry Revyakin, the lead singer of the Kalinov Most group. He invited the young vocalist to go to Moscow and become a participant in the "Morning Star" program. The girl managed to win this competition, and in 1996 the 10-year-old singer was recognized as the best folk vocalist in Russia.

After that, the artist entered several other prestigious music competitions. In addition, the girl began to play in KVN for the university team of her native Novosibirsk. In the same period, Pelageya was fortunate enough to sing in front of the presidents of Russia, France and Germany at the trilateral summit of the heads of these states.

At the age of 14, the girl graduated from school ahead of schedule and settled in the capital, enrolling in the Academy of Theater Arts. In the same year, the singer became the soloist of the group of the same name, which soon released her first album - "Lubo!" The band sang in a very unusual style, but perhaps it was because of this that the disc quickly became popular.

Thus, from the age of 14, the singer began to tour and record compositions in the studio. The artist managed to work in several directions at once, and with constant success. For example, in 2003, the vocalist graduated with honors, and at the same time recorded her second album. In 2006-2009, Pelageya Khanova actively performed at concerts in Russia and the countries of the former USSR, took part in many competitions and famous festivals. During this period, she released two more studio albums, which resonated in the hearts of many listeners and experts.

In 2009, the singer's fifth disc was released. It received an unusual name - "Siberian Drive". In the same year, the girl took part in the television program "Two Stars", where famous singers performed compositions in a duet with non-professional vocalists. The actress Daria Moroz became the singer's partner. After that, the performer took part in other musical television projects, including the show "Property of the Republic".

Today Pelageya Sergeevna actively performs at concerts, festivals and works in the theater. In addition, for several years now she has been a permanent mentor in the show “Voice. Children". The audience fell in love with the mentor's sincere emotions and her feelings for all the contestants, without exception. As the only populist of all the mentors, the singer often gives her wards folk songs.

Previously, the artist was also on the jury of the adult "Voice", but recently she was replaced by Polina Gagarina.

Personal life of Pelageya

In 1997, during the KVN games in Novosibirsk, Pelageya met Dmitry Efimovich, who later became the director of the Comedy Woman television project. At that time, Dmitry played for one of the teams, but the guys did not become friends.

Many years later, the singer and director met by chance in Moscow, and tender feelings arose between them. In 2010, the couple legalized their relationship. This was the girl's first serious novel, since in her youth she was not very popular with young people. The fans sincerely hoped that the marriage with Efimovich would be successful.

After the wedding, the singer took the name of her husband, who, by the way, is 11 years older than her. However, after 2 years, the vocalist again began to appear in the world as Pelageya Khanova. Soon, the public learned that the singer and her husband had officially divorced. According to one version, the reason for the separation was Dmitry's betrayal. According to another version, the husband at that time already wanted a child, and the singer went headlong into work and was in no hurry to have a baby.

The artist was very worried about the divorce. She found salvation in active work and in the search for new material for musical creativity. Gradually, the pain from the failed marriage passed, and the singer again began to believe that she would still meet her true love.

In the second season of the "Voice" show, one of the members of her team, Dmitry Sorochenkov, drew attention to Pelageya. It is noteworthy that the young man is not only the namesake of the singer's ex-husband, but also looks like him. Dmitry publicly stated that the mentor turned his heart over, and the singer also admitted more than once that the ward was not indifferent to her. Nevertheless, rumors about their romance were not confirmed.

Pelageya Khanova was credited with another novel on the "Voice" project - this time with her colleague Dima Bilan. The basis for such guesses was a photograph of the singers hugging tenderly in one of the bars. As in the case of Dmitry Sorochenkov, the rumors turned out to be unfounded.

In the summer of 2016, it became known that Pelageya was dating the famous hockey player Ivan Telegin. During one of Telegin's matches, the paparazzi caught Golos's mentor on the podium, wearing an engagement ring on her ring finger. Then the athlete's relatives confirmed: there will be a wedding! It would seem worthwhile to rejoice for Pelageya. However, following the news about the new boyfriend, information appeared that Khanova had taken the boy out of the family. In February, Ivan and his girlfriend Eugenia had a son, Mark, but the child did not save the union from collapse.

Pelageya refused to comment on this shocking statement. But after a while, a message from a representative of the group (presumably Svetlana Gennadyevna Khanova) appeared on her official website, under numerous questions from fans.

“For the first and last time I will answer here,” reads the commentary. - Vanya was not married. When they met Paul, he was no longer in a relationship. Everything. I propose to end this ”.

June 16, 2016 Pelageya and Ivan Telegin played a secret wedding. Their wedding took place in the Kutuzovsky registry office, and the banquet took place in one of the Rublev restaurants. Among the guests of the event were only the closest ones. Among the celebrities are Lera Kudryavtseva and Igor Makarov.

A month after the wedding, everyone noticed that Pelageya was in an interesting position. On January 21, 2017, she gave birth to a girl, whom she and Ivan named Taisia.

The famous Russian folk singer Pelageya got married for the second time in the summer of 2016. The first marriage with the director of "Comedy Woman" Dmitry Efimovich broke up after two years of marriage in 2012. Hockey player Ivan Telegin became the new husband of Pelageya Khanova.

This romance and marriage caused a heated discussion on the network among the singer's fans. The fact is that the athlete for the sake of Pelagia left his common-law wife with a three-month-old son in his arms.

Formation of a hockey player's career

Ivan Telegin was born in 1992 in Novokuznetsk. The chosen one of Pelageya is 5 years younger than her. Since childhood, Telegin's father took him to hockey, to games with the local team Metallurg. Soon the boy entered the children's and youth sports school of this club.

In children's hockey, Ivan made progress, often held the position of captain. Pretty fast he joined the junior squad of Metallurg, together with this team he won international tournaments in Poland, Finland and Switzerland.

In 2009, the youth team of Metallurg became the champion of Russia at the junior tournament.

Having reached the age of majority, Ivan Telegin buys out his contract from Metallurg and leaves for Canada... Initially, he plays in the regional youth league, in the Sagino Spirit team. Telegin's game was noticed, and he ended up in the "Team of young stars".

Unkind alien land

Ivan Telegin became interested in the NHL, the American club Atlanta Threshers chose him in the draft, but almost immediately "leased" him to the Canadian club Barry Colts. In this club, he played one season, and this year was the best in his youth career, Telegin himself believes.

Meanwhile, the Atlanta Threshers had moved to Canada and were looking to add a proven striker to the main squad, but still decided to let him play in the league below the class. He played for several months at St. John's Ice Caps, but got injured... After that, the hockey player did not have the opportunity to play for several months.

Winnipeg Jets, as the Atlanta Threshers was now called, took a new player in his place, deciding that Telegin will not recover.

They wanted to send Telegin on loan again, but his age no longer allowed him to play for the youth team, and the athlete himself was annoyed and disappointed.

As a result, he returned home to Russia. The club announced disqualification to Ivan, he could not even train with top teams. In 2014, he became officially part of CSKA, where he still plays.

Back in 2012, Telegin became the silver medalist of the youth World Cup. In 2016 Telegin was invited to the national team to participate in the Czech stage of the European Ice Hockey Tour. Ivan Telegin is still a member of the Russian hockey team.

See you folk singer

A young wealthy athlete, Ivan loved to go to noisy parties and visit nightclubs. In one of these establishments, he noticed met stripper Evgenia Nour.

The girl was at that time in a long-term relationship with another man and was even going to marry him. But the young athlete began to seek the attention of a pretty dancer. According to Evgenia herself, he courted very beautifully, gave flowers.

Interesting notes:

In one of these bouquets, Evgenia found a note. In it, Ivan expressed concern: "My heart squeezes from the thought that you are there."

Telegin was against her work in a nightclub, he managed to win Noor's favor and the young people began to live together.

The civil marriage lasted more than two years. The hockey player proposed to the girl, and they were going to play a wedding. In the midst of preparation, Evgenia realized that she was pregnant.

For this reason, the young decided to postpone the wedding.... Throughout her pregnancy, Evgenia did not suspect anything bad. The beloved was there, and together they made plans for how Ivan would teach his son hockey.

The news of the departure of a loved one to another sounded for Evgenia Nour like a bolt from the blue. Joint pictures of Telegin and the singer Pelageya appeared on the network, as well as a photo of the judge of the "Voice" project in a hockey jersey with the name of Ivan.

Evgenia did not follow the publications about her man on the Internet, and her friend showed her these photos. Evgenia was nine months pregnant. She was very upset with the betrayal, but hoped that Ivan would walk up, change his mind and return to her. However, this did not happen and Telegin left for Pelageya completely.

Away from the tabloids

Not much is known about the history of dating the singer and the hockey player. According to one version, they were introduced by the godmother of Telegin named Christina. It is known that after the appearance of Evgenia Nour in the "Live" program on the "Russia" TV channel, Pelageya deleted all joint photos with Ivan from social networks.

In the program, Noor complained that the young father was not at all interested in his son's life, he came once or twice a week. He rents an apartment for Evgenia and through godmother Christina transfers 50,000 rubles a month for the maintenance of the child.

The public was divided into two parts. Some considered Pelageya a homeless woman, building her happiness on other people's tears. Others supported the singer, some accused Ivan. Tired of rumors, the hockey player and singer closed their social media profiles.

No matter what, the wedding took place in the summer of 2016... The singer speaks of her husband as a reliable and honest person on whom she can rely in everything.

In a documentary on Channel One, Pelageya denied rumors that she had taken the athlete out of the family. She admitted that at the time of the couple's acquaintance, Ivan considered himself a free person.

Already in January 2017, information appeared that the athlete and the singer became parents. For Pelageya, this is the first child, the couple named the girl Taisiya.

The singer rarely shares the details of her personal life, however, on one of the TV programs, the happy mother said that outwardly her daughter looked more like her father than her.

Pelageya is a popular folk singer, star and mentor of the Voice show, leader and soloist of the Pelageya group

Date of Birth: Jul 14, 1986
Place of Birth: Novosibirsk, RSFSR, USSR
Zodiac sign: Cancer

“Now I draw my inspiration from my family. This is my source. And now I feel much stronger than when I did not have a family. Because, on the one hand, I have something to protect, but at the same time, I have become much calmer, peacefully inclined. "

Biography of Pelagia

Pelageya Sergeevna Telegin (nee Khanova) is actually the name of a famous singer. Raising a daughter-star for mother Poly - a jazz singer from Novosibirsk Svetlana Khanova (nee Smirnova) - was the main goal in life. She once wanted to become a star herself. But life decided otherwise: Svetlana lost her voice. Then she received a special education and became a theater director.

Fields (in the birth certificate the girl was recorded as Polina, and when she received her passport, she changed her name) was a very obedient child and almost always took first places in various amateur competitions in her native Novosibirsk and in the capitals.

The beginning of the way

As a baby, at four years old, she took the stage. And at the age of eight she entered the Novosibirsk special school at the conservatory.

And already at the age of 9 she took part in the competition of young talents - in the program "Morning Star" and won it.

Soon the Poli family moved from Novosibirsk to the Ochakovo metropolitan area. Now the girl decided to conquer Moscow.

“If I didn't have my mom, I'm not sure I would be an artist. I do not think that I would have had enough strength, persistence, stubbornness. To come to Moscow ... I don’t have this breakthrough force ”.

Pelageya became the brightest and youngest at that time member of the KVN team of Novosibirsk University.

Life in Moscow

More than twenty years ago the first single of Pelageya "Lubo" was released. And at the age of 12, the girl was invited to perform this song in front of the heads of Russia, France and Germany at the summit of the three states. Pelagia even has a photo with Jacques Chirac, Boris Yeltsin and Helmut Kohl. And even then she was called a star.

In Moscow, Pelageya easily entered an elite gymnasium, and then at GITIS (RATI) for an experimental course for pop artists. To quickly become a certified artist, Pelageya passed exams for grades 10 and 11 as an external student.

In 2005, the Pelageya group was created, in which Svetlana Khanova is a producer, arranger, administrator.

In 2012-2014 she was a mentor in the popular show "The Voice", "Voice of the Children" (2014-2016, 2018). In 2018, she was a mentor for the Voice 60+.

Today the singer does not have her own hit, and her songs are almost never heard on the radio, but Pelageya is one hundred percent recognizable. She is loved by the people, but at the same time remains the most closed Russian star. A minimum of comments about her personal life, there are practically no photos of Taisia's daughter on the Internet, and joint public appearances with her husband, the famous hockey player Ivan Telegin, are very rare.

In 2005, the TV series "Yesenin" was released on Channel One, where Sergei Bezrukov played the main role, he was also the producer of the film. He invited Pelageya to star in a small role. Sergei was not stopped by the fact that the girl had absolutely no filming.

“She has a cosmic range. She is so charming, open and sincere. This sincerity is very captivating. "

True, Pelageya herself believes that her first acting experience was unsuccessful.

Personal life

Pelageya's first husband is Comedy Woman director Dmitry Efimovich, but the couple was married for only two years from 2010 to 2012.

When Pelageya met hockey player Ivan Telegin (they were introduced by mutual friends), she had no idea that she would become his wife. They got into a conversation, and the singer discovered that their concepts of family, life, and home are very similar. In 2016, they got married and not a word about the ceremony to journalists.

Pelageya also told about the birth of her daughter Taisia ​​in January 2017 only to her closest relatives.

“The birth of my daughter is the happiest day in my life. I woke up, watched hockey and went to give birth! "


1999 - "Love!"
2003/1012 - Pelageya
2004 - REPA (Rehearsal)
2006 - Single
2007 - "Girls' Songs"
2008-2010 - Siberian Drive
2010 - Trails