Alekseev: "I was born against the wishes of my father." Frank interview with Nikita Alekseev viva Nikita Alekseev about Michael Jackson

Alekseev: "I was born against the wishes of my father." Frank interview with Nikita Alekseev viva Nikita Alekseev about Michael Jackson
His voice touched more than one woman's heart! All winter, the girls wondered who is this mysterious prince who sings about unhappy love? The performer of the sensational hit « Drunken sun» turned out to be young, incredibly beautiful and no less fabulous than the song itself, Ukrainian singer, who, smiling charmingly, asked to call him simply Nikita. Either the Kiev air is to blame, or simply good upbringing, but the young artist impressed the film crew with his sincere and friendly attitude, it is impossible not to fall in love with him! And today we will reveal the secrets of this mysterious hero with an amazing voice. Sweater and trousers - Strellson, jacket - Joop !, sneakers - New balance.

I was born and raised in Kiev. It was there that my career began two years ago. My parents are doctors, they have nothing to do with music. But my mother always believed in me and allowed me to do what she liked, as long as I was busy with something. I am very lucky with my family. My parents always allowed me to choose my path. Even when I studied vocals for a long time, and then suddenly decided to become a marketer, they did not argue. Then, of course, I realized what a mistake I had made. Thank God, now I can make music. I'm not very good at playing instruments, to be honest. So I say I'm just strumming. And I have been singing for a very long time, I started practicing at the age of 10.

T-shirt - ASOS, jeans - BLK DNM, glasses - Ray-Ban, hat - stylist's property. I never aspired to become popular and, in fact, was not popular at school.

I was a nondescript musician who skipped math and disappeared into the piano closet. Our school accompanist understood my desire for music and secretly allowed me to leave some subjects that I did not like. So we hung with my friend in the closet. At school there were some friends with whom I played music, at the university - others. Now already on professional level I met with the third, and thank you very much them for believing in me. I had to grow up early. The fact is that I started working at the age of 17. To become a promoter, I forged a photocopy of my passport and added a year to myself. It was both physically and emotionally difficult. Now I am trying to express these experiences in my songs. I'm sure a lot of people have been in roughly the same situation.

Suit and belt - Strellson, long sleeve - Zara, loafers - Louis Leeman.

I can’t call myself a goody, but I wasn’t some kind of evil devil either. I am for peaceful ways of resolving conflicts and almost never fought. I believe that a person should not show aggression in any situation. We must understand that only love will save the world. Even if you are in a bad mood, you can go out and shout, but you should always behave with dignity with people. I don’t know how they look at me, and I don’t react to criticism in any way. I always have my eyes on the floor so as not to fall. From the stage, I see that people are open to me and they like my work. I see an understanding of my music, my message, with which I go to the listener. So far I have met only friendly people.
It took me a while to get into the "Voice of the Country" project, only on the second attempt. Even then, they did not want to take me: I went to the first editor, but he did not let me in to see the producers. It was late, people were already leaving. Then I thought: "Now or never!" I turned to the administrator, told her everything, she believed me and at her own peril and risk led me to the producers of the show. And that's how it all began. Of course, this is fate, because I could just turn around and leave. But I felt that something was about to happen today.
I had a lot of confusion and doubts. For example, during the student period of life. I realized that I had made a mistake by choosing not creative profession. But I always believed that I could go to the big stage. I believe in fate and I believe that it was she who gave me the people with whom I now work. The stars decided everything for me.
Composer Ruslan Kvinta, who wrote the song "Drunken Sun", is my music producer. Ruslan dreamed of this song, and when he woke up, he immediately recorded it on a dictaphone. And I managed to feel her, she immediately sunk into my soul. But we recorded this song for a long time. But the video "Drunken Sun" was filmed very quickly. Thanks a lot director Alan Badoev, he is a very good mentor and taught us a lot. When we filmed the video in the boat, there was a storm warning. And I lay in it with my hands tied and my mouth sealed. There was a moment when we almost turned over, and I already began to frantically remember from some documentaries dolphin technique to swim out. Then I started humming through the scotch tape, and my understudy says: “Is it cold, Nikit? Be patient a little more. " And I think: "How cold it is, we will turn over now!" Now, of course, I remember it with a laugh, but then it was scary.
Sweatshirt - ASOS, glasses - Ray-Ban, jeans - ASOS, sneakers - New balance.

Once I was so rushed to the recording that I fell into a puddle, and then I had to dry for half an hour to enter the studio.I always sing live.

I don't want to judge anyone, everyone does what he sees fit. I just had this vocal school from childhood, where everything was always performed live. I do not see anything unusual in this, for me it is in the order of things. Of course, it's a pity that in show business, many are accustomed to working with a phonogram. But this is only due to the fact that in our countries there is not enough good equipment that allows you to sing without a phonogram. I am sure that in the future everything will change, and more and more more artists will sing for real. Of course, I am pleased with the female attention. I am very glad that the public likes my music. And many thanks to my mom for everything!

I easily get along with people. Not because I'm so cunning, it's just that I have experience working with people and I can recognize a person's character, for example, by his voice. At the same time, I have a very narrow social circle. Probably because of my specific humor, few people understand it. With the advent of fame, I became a tyrant! I'm kidding, of course. I have a lot of work, but I communicate with my family and friends the same way as always, and everything has remained in its place. They support me and rejoice at my victories. I have no star fever.
First of all, we must love the Creator, and then ourselves and our parents. Of course, there are people who have become a model for me. I, like many vocalists, studied on the songs of Michael Jackson, Freddie Mercury, Robert Plant. But I have no idols. I am a person who does not think about the future at all. The only thing I'm afraid of is doing something wrong. But I don't think about what will happen in five years. What matters to me is what happens tomorrow.
V free time I try to develop and fill my spiritual world. Now, for example, a colleague has given me an assignment: I have to watch films that have received Oscars since the 50s. I watch films, do analysis, then communicate with him. When I am in the mood, I go dancing with my friends. And of course, I always try to devote time to my family.

Photo from personal archive artist

PLAYBOY Nikita, how often do they call you by your name? After all, you took your last name as a stage name.

ALEKSEEV Offstage, of course, people rarely address by their last name. Sometimes called a false name. It looks something like this: “Alexey, I am your most devoted fan, I cannot live without your creativity! If you knew how much important role played in my life! " And I answer: "Thank you, but I am Nikita" (laughs).

ALEKSEEV Carolina is a very sincere and kind person. How much you can see in her eyes, how much strength and love there is for the world, for the stage and for her audience. She's incredible.

PLAYBOY Do you put your hand to your own videos or do you give them entirely to the master of your craft - Alan Badoev?

ALEKSEEV You need to trust professionals. Especially if it's a master. Crazy in his work, he drives everyone on the set crazy. So many beautiful things are born in his head, and, bringing his ideas to life, he shares a piece of the strongest energy. Among other things, this man is a great philanthropist. Many people know that our first joint video for the song "Drunken Sun" Alan Badoev shot for me absolutely free. But this is far from his only gift to me. For example, for the filming of the last video "Feel with a Soul", Alan provided almost all the bows for me from his own wardrobe. His desire to do good deeds struck me, it is this quality that is more valuable than others in this person.

She admitted that she had lost faith in herself, and the song "Forever" helps her fight for a place in life

PLAYBOY It is customary for artists to celebrate round dates of views on the web. Do you also adhere to this tradition?

ALEKSEEV I am grateful to everyone who is involved in my work: the team that does everything for my success and cheers for me with all my heart; viewers for whom I live. It's great that our videos have millions of views, and the geography of concerts is expanding literally every day. However, I see no reason to celebrate - everything is just beginning, there is still a lot of music and creative experiments ahead.

PLAYBOY Tell me what did your sun drink to get so drunk?

ALEKSEEV An ocean of beautiful melodies (smiles).

PLAYBOY What must be in a song for it to be included in your repertoire?

ALEKSEEV The musician creates a beautiful song when he talks about what is happening to him today. I'll tell you a story. A couple of months ago, the author of my singles "Oceans of Steel" and the new "Forever" - Kirill Pavlov came to my concert. The day after the show, he sent me a song and said: “Nick, thanks! For a month and a half I could not compose anything, the depression had already begun. Yesterday I was at your concert, and voila! Listen, maybe it will suit you ?! " And for the first time I heard a melody that sounded in me for a very long time. You see, beautiful song you need a chance, a moment of someone's fate, an unusual situation when the composer, listening to the performer, feels and understands what is going on in his head. I passed all my songs through myself. Each of them is a part of me.

Something "hits" in the heart. And after such a knockdown, a person rethinks his whole life

PLAYBOY Like yours last song"Forever," which you decided to release after a fan comment?

ALEKSEEV Yes, that is right. After one of solo concerts, where I sang the song "Forever" for the first time, I read on my Instagram a comment from a girl who was in trouble. She admitted that she had lost faith in herself, and the song "Forever" helps her to fight for a place in life, to cope emotionally and not to give up in a difficult situation; heals morally, despite physical pain, instills confidence in the best ... I was very touched by the story of this girl, and she became decisive in choosing our next single.

PLAYBOY And what should be in a girl for you to pay attention to her?

ALEKSEEV Something that "hits" the very heart. And after such a knockdown, a person rethinks his whole life. I confess, now a new feeling lives in me. This is such an anxious moment when I am afraid to scare away what is, like a bird. As a still fragile idea that can dissolve in a second. I am inspired, I want to create and share my creativity and this bright emotion.

PLAYBOY Most recently, you were spotted on the jury of a beauty pageant. It is difficult to assess the most beautiful girls country?

ALEKSEEV As the classic said: "Beauty is not judged, beauty is a mystery." I got a very good impression of the participants. It was a special evening for all those girls, and they passed all the tests with dignity. What was pleasantly surprised was when at the last competition they, hand in hand, collectively, all together, performed a task that was originally conceived as an individual one. At that moment they were one, big friendly family, which, it seems to me, is completely unusual for beauty contests.

It was pleasantly surprised that at the last competition, the girls, holding hands, all together performed the task, which was originally conceived as an individual

PLAYBOY Besides music, you are fond of football and tennis. Do you take a break from creativity in sports?

ALEKSEEV I do not need pauses in creativity, I am always in search, and football is just a hobby. I am a passionate fan of this sport and enjoy it immensely.

PLAYBOY What year are you going to declare 2018 in your life?

ALEKSEEV Something is coming, I'm in anticipation. There is so much music in my life, I am really happy: the international tour "Drunken Sun" continues, the premiere of the debut single from the second album has already taken place - the song "Forever" has become my new beginning. I am sure she will take me to her audience and give me many happy events. Now is the best moment for that.

His song " Drunken sun » at the end of 2015, she topped the Russian iTunes chart and stayed at the top for 6 weeks, now the video for this song has collected almost 30 million views. Young, ambitious, talented Nikita Alekseev in exclusive interview GR spoke about the new music video, attitude towards fans, favorite music and much more.

Nikit, my first question will be related to the filming of the video “Feel with Soul”, why did you decide to send the entire production overseas?

First of all, we are accustomed to trusting professionals in our field and the last 4 works we shoot with the eminent director Alan Badoev. Inspired by the work of the writer and philosopher Oscar Wilde, Alan came up with a video script based on the story of Dorian Gray, and he suggested filming it in California. The scenic landscapes were filmed in Los Angeles, while the main scenes were filmed in the countryside. I had never been to the USA before, it was a great trip, I really enjoyed it. One of the best memories of my life! Therefore, I am very glad that we have trusted foreign specialists. The team was half ours, half American.

- But the script was coordinated with you?
- You know, Alan always very suddenly calls at night (laughs), and there is no point in opposing him, if he already believes in it, you need to trust him. If a note of doubt creeps in, then you don't need to start working. If you see common goal, the grain is sprouting. When we were filming "Drunken Sun", he completely changed the script, called literally two days in advance and said: "It will not be like this at all," when almost everything was organized. It was almost always like this (smiles).

- What kind of story happened with the soloist? Red hot Chili peppers"During filming?
- This is a wonderful story! Today I read an interesting commentary from my friend, she is now also in Los Angeles. In the hotel, the actress who played Sarah Connor in The Terminator came up to her quite by accident, asked something in passing, and walked on. In principle, it was the same with me. We filmed the last frame of the video on the ocean shore, we were already tired enough, it was the most difficult period of acclimatization ... I looked down, then I look up and see a little girl walking timidly and showing me with her thumb: “Look back,” I looked around and saw Anthony Kiedis running. I could not believe my eyes, he was the idol of my childhood! I screamed like a child, perhaps even frightened him (laughs).

- It was a sign, because the girl might not know him at all.

Yes, she was only 10 years old, maybe her parents with good musical taste. I grew up listening to his music, and if he met at such an important moment for me, this good sign and the beginning of something new in my life.

- In the CIS countries you are already a legend too. In less than 3 years you have collected every possible award, singles in rotation on all major radio stations and music TV channels. For you, young man, it happened pretty quickly, some take a very long time to achieve this kind of success. How did your body deal with this?
- It seems to me that when it happened to me, I was not ready and the team was not ready. We didn't really have a team. It was a big surprise for everyone - such recognition, so there was no need to rejoice and hope for victories. We could not fully understand and realize what was happening, and there was still a lot of work ahead, we were just at the start. The most important thing is that both then and now I understand that there is no need to dwell on your own success, in six months everything can be over, and you will not be ready again. Every new day we look only to the future.

What is the most difficult thing for you in show business that you have faced over the years? Maybe this is communication with people who are not entirely honest in playing the game, touring workloads?

I have been preparing for touring loads all my life, I get great pleasure going on stage, and as for people, I was lucky, only sincere and good people on my way, and have not yet had to face a lie. Totally agree Last year we played over 150 concerts. My debut tour in support of the release of the album "Drunken Sun" took place, and the halls were full everywhere! It is such a joy when in the second part of the concert all the spectators get up from their seats and dance, sing with me. And so in every city, in every country. We have visited more than 20 countries and capitals. The schedule is planned for six months in advance ... Therefore, there is no time to think about difficulties, there is only time to sing.

Tell us who did you start with? And what kind of team do you have now, do you have any plans to expand, create your own label, any ambitious goals?

Now we are starting work on our second album, and this the main task that our large team is facing is a very interesting process. As for the team, at first there were only 4 people, and now there are only 4 people sitting in this room, there is still a very large team at home - in Kiev. There are more and more of us. The main thing is not to stop.

You constantly say "we", "us", do I understand correctly that you were not hurt by star fever? More often, artists still say "I".

It is always better to know from the outside, it is very difficult for me to judge this. Of course, I really want the venues to become larger, and the geography of concerts to grow. Perhaps there is a star fever in this, when I look at my schedule and see that there are not as many concerts this month as in the past, it's kind of frustrating.

- It's more of a creative ambition. The line is, of course, thin. The main thing is not to lose your head. Which on this moment is the most desirable site?
- Since childhood, I dreamed of going to the stadium, where there will be a large number of people singing my music. This dream has been with me all my life. I do not know when this will happen, but I firmly believe that someday it will happen, I have been preparing myself for this for 13 years now. Perhaps, I will have to wait longer for this moment, but I hope that it will happen someday.

- In which country, for example? Maybe this stadium in England or in the same Los Angeles?
- It does not matter. Wherever it happens, I will be glad.

- Most recently, YouTube awarded you a silver button for 100 thousand subscribers on the official YouTube channel, and now this figure has already increased to 135 thousand. The number of subscribers on your Instagram is approaching half a million. A whole army of fans is following your work.
- This is a great responsibility for me - all those real people who live behind these statistics, numbers. On the other hand, this is mine main award... Not the dozens of figurines that are gathering dust on the shelves, but the emotions that we share at concerts, full halls, their support and activity. I often re-read the comments on social networks, and sometimes some of them inspire me a lot.

- Do you communicate with your fans, for example, at fan meetings? And how do you feel about their opinion?
- I think every artist lives for his audience, the opinion of my listeners has always been important to me. When it comes to communication, it mostly happens at concerts. There is not always time for long meetings, often you have to quickly leave for the airport, fly to the next city. But when there is an opportunity, we are happy to organize fan meetings, and I see that people need it, what the audience gets from it. great pleasure... It would be my will, we would meet more often, but we are expected in other cities.

- Do you have many haters? And what is the relation to them?
- I take everything calmly and with great understanding. If I see that a person does not like my work, then I will not persuade him, make me listen. This is absolutely normal, especially in music, especially in our time ... It takes a lot of time for me to get acquainted with the work of musicians that are interesting to me. And to say that I'm the only one who should be liked is absolutely wrong, now there are many standing musicians.

- What kind of music do you turn to for inspiration? When you want to be alone and listen to music, what do you turn on?
- The last time I had a great performance, which I still remember with a smile, it was a big open air, we were headliners, more than 50 thousand people came. When I drove to the set, I listened to Jimmy Hendricks. I set myself up.

- Are they always different performers?
- I named this artist so as not to take up a lot of your time, I grew up on his music. My music list very long. In general, I listen to underground music, but in any case, I know all the basics. Michael jackson also my friend, and I always resort to him (smiles).

- And who from contemporary artists Like?
- Nikolas Jaar, Micah, he is not quite modern, but his work is close to me.

- What is your view of everyday life?
- You should always meet a new day and new people with a smile.

Photographer: Veronika Arakchieva Telegram
More interesting materials read in our

The most mysterious Russian-speaking singer, performer of the mega hit "Drunken Sun" is going to Eurovision-2018.

Six years ago, no one knew about him. Nikita was interrupted by odd jobs, receiving pennies. And now the 24-year-old boy performs under the pseudonym ALEKSEEV (yes, in big letters) in thousands-strong halls, he has substantial fees, his videos are gaining tens of millions of views, and soon he will perform on "" from Belarus. If the name of the artist seems to you too common and forgettable, it does not matter. Anyway, almost everyone has heard his hit "Drunken Sun". From the host of pop musicians, he is distinguished by a special timbre and incredible charm. Subtle alienation, detachment from ugly world show business and idle parties.

The Teleprogramma magazine found out how much he received for unskilled labor, why he lived in a foster family, where he made the first proposal to his beloved, and why the upcoming competition could change his life.

- You go to "". But why not from native Ukraine, but from Belarus?

- I consider myself and Belarusian singer including (the artist was born in Kiev, but his uncle is from the Gomel region of Belarus. - Author). In 2017, according to the largest Belarusian TV channel, I became the artist of the year. My songs are well known in the country. Last year we visited more than 15 countries with concerts, so I could represent any country in which I am popular. I think that I will receive support from Ukraine at the competition.

- The song Forever that you have chosen to perform is essentially a translation of the song Forever, which has already been released to the public. And according to the terms, you can perform with a composition sounded not earlier than September 2017. Are you getting disqualified?

- We did not choose this song, she chose us herself. First, we uploaded the track to YouTube - and without the video, it instantly gained 5 million views. As for the legal difficulties, it was like this: on May 18, my birthday, at one of the concerts I sang a small fragment of this song, a piece. Piano version. So the whole song was not played. The European Broadcasting Union confirmed that there was no violation.

Nikita has been playing tennis for a long time, but he also loves to play football. Photo:

"If a beautiful girl appears next to me, I will not let her go."

- You spent part of your childhood in Spain. And even as if they began to look like a Spaniard. How did it happen?

- I ended up there in early age on the initiative of my aunt who wanted me to master Spanish. And as soon as the opportunity arose, I was sent to the town of Mula, a four-hour drive from Madrid, to a foster family. My aunt knew that my mother would not approve, so she performed the operation without her: she received permission from a notary and sent me to Spain, I was three years old. The family in which I lived did not have children, and I became literally dear to them. I flew there for the summer from year to year, lived there for quite a long time - and at some point the adoptive parents even wanted me to stay. I learned the language and felt free. And once upon returning home, right at the airport, he announced that I wanted to return to a Spanish family. On this trip ended. For 16 years we did not communicate with Fernando and Pepa, and last year they found me on social networks. They are incredibly happy that my destiny turned out just like that. I will try to see them when I fly to Madrid as part of the promo tour before Eurovision.

- Who else would you like to meet?

- With Father. He left us when I was very young. Initially, he insisted that my mother not give birth, and then left for another family. Once, when it was not easy for us, my mother turned to him for financial help, but he refused. Not because there is no money, but because she did not listen to him and gave birth to me. However, I want to find it. I know that he lives in Israel and will probably see me perform during the European tour or at the competition itself.

- Do you really have no bitterness, resentment, anger?

- I cannot say that I grew up in an inferior family. Every day I was blessed with a huge portion of love. Friends and family have done everything to fill the gap that might arise. I had a wonderful childhood, the best teenage years... And I have nothing to hold grudge against my father, and there is nothing to forgive him either. And one more thing: I dedicate the song that I will sing at Eurovision to him. Maybe it will awaken some feelings in him.

Nikita grew up with his mother, and he loved to go to Spain for the summer - to the family of Pepa and Fernando. Photo: * detali | pr & communications

- They say that your song "Drunken Sun" is dedicated to parting with your beloved. Is it true that in Spain three years ago you proposed to a girl?

- Yes, in Barcelona at dinner I proposed to her. But I did not hear a positive answer. I was very worried, but I cannot say that it worries me now. It was difficult then, I do not hide it. Now another stage.

- Maybe after that incident, there is an internal block inside you, for which reason new relationships are not born? Is work a way of protection?

- No, there is no such thing. And what I do shouldn't be called work. I try to enjoy what is happening to me. And if a beautiful girl appears next to whom I want to hold tightly by the hand, then I will not let her go.

Pepa and Fernando's family. Photo: * detali | pr & communications

- Now ALEKSEEV is a star. Throw a glance - and any girl will jump on her neck. Was it the same before?

- I wrote songs, inspired by bright feelings for girls. Of which I had only two during my studies. A wonderful and pure relationship, which I remember with a smile. We don't communicate, but it was a great experience in songwriting, let's put it this way (laughs).

- So, any experience goes into songs?

- Absolutely!

"I was standing in a prince costume in a cosmetics store"

- What did you have to go to during the hungry student years for the sake of earning money?

- These were positions I hated. Absolutely uncreative. Although it was there that I learned to communicate with people and understand them, feel. It is important for a musician to get to know a person's thoughts and understand what worries him. He sold satellite dishes, worked as a loan officer and promoter, sang in karaoke, stood in a prince's suit in a cosmetics store.

- That is, every girl who listens to you and dreams of meeting in the form of a prince on a white horse could do it in a store?

- Six years ago.

- What is the maximum number of concerts per week you give?

- Differently. There have been five concerts in the last week.

- Do you consider yourself a rich person? A millionaire, for example.

- Remember what Bob Marley said about wealth? “What do you mean when you say rich? Does property make a person rich? I don’t have this kind of wealth, my wealth is life ”. I don’t need to, but it’s definitely not with me to discuss fees and material values. I am a person of creativity and music. Am I happy? Yes.

The artist's colorful performance at the selection for Eurovision left no questions: it was he who should represent Belarus in Lisbon. Photo: * detali | pr & communications

- I went there twice. In 2012, I was at the stage of pre-casting, not even blind auditions, headed the selection committee. We had an interesting and very short dialogue, the essence of which I am trying to decipher until now. First I sang Come Together the Beatles, after which Constantine suddenly asked: "What about the army?" To be honest, I was taken aback, did not know how to react. He said honestly: "I have not been in the army." This ended the casting, they didn’t take me. And two years later I got into blind auditions, Ani Lorak turned to me, and I reached the semifinals.

- What can make you mad?

- Loss of my favorite team - London Arsenal, I have been rooting for it for over 11 years. Not everything is working out in the English Championship this year, but there is nothing left but to support. Talented guys.

- If you step back and look at Nikita Alekseev from the outside, what is his the main problem on the currently?

- There are many such things. Oddly enough, I don't like talking about myself in interviews. It sounds pretty silly, but it is. Problem? Rather a challenge. As soon as the moment comes when I can tell myself that I have become a master of my craft, then I will be absolutely happy.

Private bussiness

Nikita Alekseev (stage name ALEKSEEV) was born on May 18, 1993 in Kiev. At the age of 10 he began to study music. In 2014 he reached the semifinals of the Voice show in Ukraine. In 2015 he released the song "Drunken Sun", which became a breakthrough. The single was certified platinum on iTunes. Each subsequent track was no less successful - for them Nikita collected many music awards in Russia and the CIS countries. Not married.

22 year old singer Nikita Alekseeva is called a new sex symbol and sensation in Russian and Ukrainian show business. The guy whose hit "Drunken Sun" has been at the top of the Russian iTunes chart for a week has already read a great future Philip Kirkorov, enthusiastically writing about the young man on social networks. In his first exclusive interview in Russia, which Alekseev gave to SUPER, the young man spoke about his personal life and his own thoughts about his dizzying rise to the pop Olympus.

Nikita, how old are you? Where were you born?

What did your parents do? Was there anyone in your family who was related to music?

My parents are doctors. Mom used to dance, but there were no musicians in the family.

How did you decide to seriously start making music, vocals?

Music came into my life when I was ten years old. These were vocal lessons with a teacher - Konstantin Pona. We taught exclusively western songs: classics of world rock and popular music: Queen, Michael Jackson, Led Zeppelin and others. This person instilled in me a boundless love for branded music. He taught me to feel, experience, understand the song. I remember at the age of 12 I had a performance at school, I sang the song We are the champions Queen groups... My mother then gave me such snow-white, very beautiful pants, especially for this performance, and at the end of my act I rode on my knees to the proscenium. Of course, the surface of the parquet on the stage was in mastic, as is always the case in schools. That's how I then put on the first one and last time these are beautiful pants.

Tell us more about your participation in the Voice of the Country show, they say Ani Lorak was the first to notice you there?

I became a semi-finalist of the "Voice of the Country", I owe a lot to this project, I never get tired of talking about it. It was there that for the first time in my life I managed to work with professionals in their field, looking at them, I learned a lot. There I met Ani Lorak... On the project, she predetermined my destiny at the touch of a button. This is the strength of such a project, when a person feels the future artist with his back. I already said then that I was dissatisfied with my singing at that moment, but still grateful to Carolina, who gave me a chance.

At the "Voice of the Country" I met Ani Lorak - on the project she predetermined my fate with one click of a button

Who wrote the song "Drunken Sun", which simply blew up the Russian charts?

Music by Ruslan Kvinta, text by Vitaly Kurovsky. Behind each artist there is a team of people, like-minded people. We have accomplished a lot in two years. We are always on the lookout. Somewhere we have already succeeded, and these victories inspire us to go even further. What is the song's success? The main thing is to sincerely love what you do, and not just get into the "format".

And where did the plot of the video come from, where it was filmed?

We filmed the video in Kiev. First in the open air near the Kiev sea, then in two closed lofts. It is worth noting that the team did their best, however, like the entire director's group, led by Alan Badoev, who composed the plot of this video work. "Drunken Sun" about parting, about the period when words end and there is no longer any strength to continue. The plot is somewhat taken from my life.

Do you have a producer?

Two years ago, at the same talent show, I was lucky to meet very decent people with whom, in fact, I work now: my producer, director of large-scale shows, Oleg Bodnarchuk and music producer, famous composer- Ruslan Kvinta.

Philip Kirkorov has already called you a future superstar. Do you know personally? Would you like to work together?

No, we are not familiar, but our whole team, of course, is pleased with the recognition of such an experienced and successful performer.

Given your appearance, you probably have a crowd of fans. Do you already have a second half?

Now I am alone and I devote all my time to work. So far, the only thing that worries me is the writing of new hits, the release of the mini-album "Drunken Sun", which is planned to be released this month.

Let's talk about love. Have you had a bitter breakup experience?

The experience was. I used to be in a relationship for a long period, but then my girlfriend and I went on a love journey. There we realized that we were no longer on our way. Largely thanks to this story, I was so good at feeling the song "Drunken Sun" in the studio. To some extent, it even turned out to be prophetic.

Now, due to my enormous busyness, I have very little free time and I rarely manage to communicate with someone on the Internet. I am an adherent of a live dialogue between the artist and the audience at concerts. Only there is that real magical relationship that allows real revelation to arise. But to his fans in in social networks I am very grateful, they always delight me with their attention and dedication.

How do you feel about such success with the opposite sex? Does he bother you?

Very positive. I live and work for this, so that as possible more people they heard my songs, saw my honest attitude to music in their eyes and felt my love for people in their hearts.

I was in a relationship for a long time, but then my girlfriend and I went on a love journey. There they realized that we were no longer on our way further ...