Open occupation of the vocal group of schools Abstract. Abstract vocal classes in the middle vocal group

Open occupation of the vocal group of schools Abstract. Abstract vocal classes in the middle vocal group

Svetlana Tanklaeva
An abstract vocal classes "Introduction to an educational program" for children 6-7 years


Tanklaeva Svetlana Tyimurazna,

pedagogue optional education

MBU BE "House of creativity" G. Oh. G. Vyksa

number children: 7

Abstract on educational programwithin which it is held open occupation«» .

This occupation It is carried out according to the educational and thematic plan of additional general education(general collaborating) programs Artistic orientation "Childhood Melodies" (Further - Program) . Program, designed for 3 years of study. Participants programs Children aged 7 to 17 years old classes Organized in accordance with the age characteristics of students.

Training in Program introduces students to musical art through singing, most accessible to all children, Active type of musical activity. The study is based on voice formulation, including himself:

Training of the respiratory system with a special gymnastics:BUT. N. Strelnikova;

Articulating gymnastics according to Methods V. V. Emelyanova,

Respiratory exercises according to the method of B. S. Tolkachev.

Activation of diction - a set of exercises for the development of the articulation apparatus; warming voice ligaments rounding vocal sound and possession of them, as well as voicing of natural resonators; intonational - the phonopedic method of development of V. V. Emelyanov.

Subject classes: « Introduction to the educational program»

Description classes and practical significance:

Used element-resistant technologies;

Offered by classes the set of exercises is universal, it can be used as in vocal children's teamsand in pre-school educational institutions for musical development children and preventing respiratory diseases.

Offered abstract demonstrates an example of the first vocal classes for children 7 years. It can be useful to music teachers, managers vocal studios, Additional teachers education.

Number of students: 7 people

purpose: Acquaintance S. The combination program of the Creating Creativity.


Introduce students with breathing exercises, the development of sounding hearing, the development of the articulation apparatus;

Develop musical perception, memory gaming techniques;

Form up to motivation through game techniques

Teach sound focusing in resonators;

Traine proper vocal breathing

Methods and techniques used on classes:

by source of knowledge:

Visual - Personal Show;

Verbal - comments, explanations (explanations of practical action, conversation;

Practical - exercises, practical tasks;

according to the character of cognitive activities: Explanatory-illustrative, reproductive.

Technologies: developing learning, health care;

Form of training organization classes: Travel game.

Receivers: Dialogue, information message, game.

Form of organization classes: individual, group

Means of education:

Visual aids: game cards "Music Dictionary", slides with text patter, with lyrics "Road of good» , with portraits of the composer Mark Mincova and Poet Yuri Entin, seven-flow flowers from paper with unfastened petals.

Equipment: Piano, Chairs, Multimedia Equipment, Laptop (a computer).

Plan classes:

1. Introductory, organizational part (3 min):


Setting the goal classes.

2. Main part (15 minutes):

introduction of educational material;

Generalization. Systematization and fixing material.

3. Final part (2 minutes):

Summarizing classes.

Stages classes occupation

Organizational teacher.:Hello, friends! I invite you to visit the wonderful country "Kingdom of singing?"

Answers children.

Pedagogue: In order to go to the country "Kingdom of singing"We need to meet you. And will help us in this song (The teacher sings her name, his child).

Pedagogue: Well done, you perfectly coped, guys, and what we will go to the country "Kingdom of singing"? (Answers children)

Pedagogue: For a magical trip, Ivolestic helpers are needed - this is a fabulous screen, and an extraordinary train. We have a fabulous screen, we will create an extraordinary train yourself - I will be a steam locomotive, and you you will be wagons. Let's build up now, take your hands and try to go to go like a real train.

The game "2 trains"

Purpose of the game: Development of sound hearing.

Result: The development of the lungs, the ability to distinguish the height of the sound.

2 trains met - big and small.

Big says: "Y!" (very low).

Little too knows talk: "Y!" (very high).

Big welcomes little: "U-U-y!" (3 times short, low,

Little also welcomed big: "U-U-U" (3 times short, high). Big is surprised why he is so small? "UUU" (we make Glissando (almost to the squeal, and at the very top open widespread mouth, It turns out "Uuuuua").

"Not a little I!" - It was offended by a small! "UUU" of the portalent! The same principle as with Glissando, down open Rot.

Pedagogue: Well done, you feel great!

The teacher clothes the fodder of the railway, takes the flag and whistle. Children depict the train.

Pedagogue: - But what kind of journey without a funny song? So that the road was cheerful, I will sing a song, and you will try to remember not difficult words and sing with me.

So, prepared. Go…


We are going, we go, we go

In distant edges

Good neighbors

Happy friends

Pedagogue: Guys, our guide to "Kingdom of singing" There will be a seven flowery. Here it is! (Flower appears on the screen - sevenctionevents of petals)

Pedagogue: But why is it without assistant petals? Without them, the song will not work out ... the trouble happened - the queen of Mercean kidnapped singing petals.

And probably music no longer sound. Help the petals - helpers collect!

But the Queen of Mischunya simply will just give them away. She will ask us certain tasks. And we will receive tasks at each station. Only then the Queen-Muchka will return them to us. Are you ready to execute them?

Answers children

Pedagogue: Well, and in order not to get tired during the trip, we need to stretch your shoulders.

Exercise "Jacket". ("Wear a jacket" - shoulders spend forward and "Remove the jacket" - Shoulders spend back) Repeat 2 p.

Now the backs are directly and we are ready for travel.

Let's rather sit on the train and find them!

So, prepared. Go…

Children along with the teacher begin to move on the audience. Music sounds, teacher sings song:

We are going, we go, we go

In distant edges

Good neighbors

Happy friends.

The train stops. On the screen inscription "Breath"

Pedagogue: Probably, in order to return the first assistant, you need to learn to breathe correctly. In this we will help the respiratory gymnastics. So, a little effort - they will develop a breath.

The exercise: Cat shed ball (Dog, Komar)

Here is the angry Yozh (children along with Pedagogue: F f ... F ....F (you need clasped your chest hands)

Pedagogue: Where we won't understand the nose (Curling in the tangle hedgehog)

Children: f. f. f. F .... f. f. f. f. F.

Pedagogue: Here is a fun bee zzzzzzzzz (Sculpt your head watching bee climb)

She flies high (children with Pedagogue: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (The sound helps with painful sensations in the throat)

I got to us on the location of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Flew to sock zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Bee donkey frugged (children together medage: IAIAIA (Strengthening larynx ligaments, snoring prevention)

On the whole forest, he shouted aiaiaiai

Geese across the sky fly, geese donkey buzz (children with Pedagogue: GU -U-U-U, GU-U-U-U -AN (Slowly go, the hands of the wings to lift on the breath, omit with sound).


Pedagogue:Guys! So we met the first petal of flowery-acemice. We will still definitely meet him, but while we go on a trip in search of new friends.

We will take a cheerful train on the journey.

"a train" - Vibration lips.

Like Dog Motor Rug: "Stop" - He speaks.

"Motor Rugs" - Vibration sound "R".

The train stops.

On the screen

Inscription "Dickey, articulation"

The exercise "Tongue Twisters"

Prophoving progress, Start at a slow pace, continue with acceleration.

"We were overwhelmed the shores"

"From the top of the hoof dust on the field flies"on deaf consonants;

"On the meli lazily salmon caught" - to work the tip of the tongue. Are pronounced 2 times in one breath.

Purpose of use: Development of the articulation apparatus.

Result: Displays diction.

Sounds trumpet (phonogram).


Trumpeters are trumped with anxiety - everything is more likely to make it easier.

We walked around the shores, the turtle met

Slowly, not knowing fear, sings us a turtle.

"We were overwhelmed the shores" - outretto

Fresh faster - bug, spider bug.

We ran our shores - restrained

Heard anxious and moth.

We were overwhelmed the shores. "Soon, speeding

The most rigorous - ant, even faster.

We ran our shores "- quickly

Signal sounds, a petal appears on the screen with an inscription "Dickey, articulation"

Pedagogue: Here we returned to the second petal of flowers-seven specials. You all turn out, my friends!

Children along with the teacher begin to move on the audience. Music sounds, teacher sings song:

We are going, we go, we go

In distant edges

Good neighbors

Happy friends.

The train stops

On the screen

Inscription "Playing"

Pedagogue: Planting is a very important stage of the singer's work in the kingdom of singing. We must warm up the voice, prepare our necks to sing. To do this, we will perform several exercises. And perhaps some exercises will seem funny and funny to you, know that they are the most useful for the development of your vote. In addition, they will help us return the next assistant!

3. The main stage

Story Exercise

There was a small horse. She loved to run very much. Like this. Children quickly "Click" Language on semi-coul flow (high).

The horse lived with her mother - a good and beautiful horse. She walked like that. Children slow "Click" tongue pulling lips (low).

And very often the horse loved to run with a mother of chairs. Alternately high - low, quickly - slowly "click" tongue.

But one day a strong wind blew. Active long breath through the mouth 4 times.

The horse went to her mom and asked: "Can I walk?" From lower sound "U" Upper "about". "U" - "about"?

"Yes, where can you go? - answered Mom, - Strong wind on the street ". From Upper "about" To Nizhnya "U". "ABOUT" - "U"?

But the horse did not obey and ran "Click" high.

Suddenly she saw a beautiful flower on the clearing. "Oh, what charm", - thought the horse, ran to the flower and began to sniff him. Inhale through the nose - light, silent, exhalation - through the mouth with sound "but" Slow 4 times.

Only it was not a flower, but a beautiful butterfly. She felt and flew away. And the horse rocked the next. "Click" high.

Suddenly the horse heard a strange sound. Long sound "Sh - Sh - W".

"I'll go closer"- I decided the horse. "Click" high.

It was a big snake that crawled around the tree, she was very frightened by a horse. Sound "Sh" Short 4 times.

During walk The horse heard many unusual sounds. That hedgehog ran. Sound "F" 4 times.

Shrewd grasshopper. Sound "C" 4 times.

Flying a beetle. Sound "F Long.

Behind him Komar. Sound "S" Long.

And the wind blew is stronger and stronger. Long exhalation.

Horse frozen. Sound "Brr" 4 times.

And ran home. "Click" high.

Holding her horse came out good mom. "Click" Low slow.

She began to warm the horse. Silent exhale on his hands through open mouth 4 times.

The exercise: №1 mmm ... (Zovok)

UPR. №2 and-e-ah-oh (with inclination)

UPR. №3 Mi-Ma Ma-Mo

UPR. №4 Trell lips ...

UPR. №5 7 "Here I go up

UPR. №6 I sing, I sing well.


And now I will introduce you to a wonderful song from the television "The Adventures of Little Flour". Music wrote the modern composer Mark Minkov, and the words - the poet Yuri Entin. I will not call the name of the song, I think you will tell you him yourself, after listening to the song.

Pedagogue:Performance of the song "Road of good»


How would you call a song?

What is good?

Children answer.


Yes, it's all the best that happens in our life. for example: Sun, Spring, Smile, Mom, Dad. Good - this is when people help each other.


Kind man is the one who:

He loves people and is ready to recover them in a difficult moment.

Loves nature and protects her.

Polite in communication, respectful to adults and younger

A kind person notices in others, first of all good.


Become a good wizard

Well try

Here the tricks do not need a special

Understand and fulfill the desire of another

Single pleasure, honest word.

Not stand aside indifferent

When someone has trouble.

Rush to revenue need

Any minute, always.

And if someone helps

Your kindness and friendship Your

You are happy that the day was not in vain

You live in the world is not in vain.

Learning melody 1 bill

Pedagogue: Well done! So we learned the song melody, words. But so that the listeners like our execution, it is necessary to sing very expressive.

Let's analyze what mood in the song music? What sound need to sing?

Children answer.

Pedagogue: Let's play the game "Pick up the words".

We will split into 2 groups. Each group I will give a card with a word that describes the nature of the sound of music. for example: solemn or gently ...

Your task, one participant to approach the table and choose a card with a word suitable for the word of your group. for example

by the way, describing solemn music suitable the words:

1. Majestient

2. Grandise

3. victorious, etc.

by the way, describing gentle music suitable the words:

1. Touching

3. Laskovo, etc.

After the first players return, the second and so on.

Time for playing 3 minutes.

The game "Pick up the words"

Summing up the game.

Let's pick up the words suitable to our song (noble, seriously, friendly and light)

Performance of the song (1.2.) (1.3.) (3.2.) (3.1.)

Signal sounds, a petal appears on the screen with an inscription "Playing"

Children along with the teacher begin to move on the audience. Music sounds, teacher sings song:

We are going, we go, we go

In distant edges

Good neighbors

Happy friends.

The train stops

First of all, each singer must take his vote:

Do not shout

Do not be angry

And there are also special rules for singers.

For example, it is impossible to eat 2 hours before classes singing.

Repeat the rules of singing (ask children)

If you want to sit singing

Don't you sit like a bear

Spin with straightening soon

Feet in half gleame

Signal sounds, a petal appears on the screen with an inscription "Voice hygiene"

Hooray! Very soon, all the seven-family semi-dealerships will be collected and sound a song! We continue our journey!

Children along with the teacher begin to move on the audience. Music sounds, teacher sings song:

We are going, we go, we go

In distant edges

Good neighbors

Happy friends.

The train stops

On the screen

Inscription "Rhythmic"

The game: "Rhythmic Echo".

The teacher slaps simple rhythmic patterns. Children must repeat them. Complication: Pricing in foot, both legs.

Once, two, three, repeat! Adult sets the cotton rhythmic phrase that children repeat "Sound gestures": cotton, trifts, slaps, click, etc.

Yes de di to do

Chang slaps

Signal sounds, a petal appears on the screen with an inscription "Rhythmic"

Guys, we have already completed 6 Queen's tasks of Molchuny, last. Not tired? Then forward!

Children along with the teacher begin to move on the audience. Music sounds, teacher sings song:

We are going, we go, we go

In distant edges

Good neighbors

Happy friends. The train stops

On the screen

Inscription "Scene" "Microphone"

Well, guys, we come to one of the most important places in the country "Kingdom of singing" - "SCENE". Everyone who falls here becomes real artists. And the microphone becomes true to them. Both with all friends and with the microphone you need handbearing. Keep the microphone is needed in one hand. 4 fingers should be at the top all together, and the bottom right. The microphone should not close your face and are located at a distance of 5 -10 centimeters. The sound should fall into the middle of the microphone.

Throughout the story, the teacher demonstrates the correct contact microphone.

Pedagogue: Now we will try to sing a song with microphones. If we are attentive, we will have a real performance of small artists.

The teacher distributes microphones to all children. Music sounds. Children, together with the teacher perform a song "We are going, we go, we go to the distant edges".

Signal sounds, semi-detective flowers appear on the screen

Pedagogue: So it came to the end our today's journey. But in the country "Kingdom of singing" Many more interesting. Engaged vocal creativityYou can find out about this country more and more. Did you like our adventures?

Answers children

Pedagogue: And you know, we liked the queen's so much that she gave us a gift.

The teacher pulls the music box. Casket opens. Magic music sounds.

Pedagogue: In this box, the petals that we were looking for! Take from the box petal of this color, what color is your mood on our classes And attach on a seven-family flowers. If your mood is fun, let these petals be red or yellow, and if your mood is sad, then let these petals be blue or green.

Children take petals and attach on flowers-seven specials

Pedagogue: Look, that's what a semi-deceive flowers guide to us turned out. Yes, from communication with music and we have become a little more beautiful and kinder today. Carry these feelings in our world, and it will become better! Today we paid attention to the development of speech and voice apparatus, worked on consonant letters in patterings and units, over the text of the new song.

homework: - To the next lesson, you also work 2 verse, and the first learn by heart.

You were wonderful fellow travelers, promise not to forget the way to the musical country "Kingdom of singing". I am very glad that today I met you. Thank you very much. To new meetings, friends!

List of used literature:

1. V. V. Emelyanov. "Phonopedic method of voice development".

2. O. V. Kateser. "Game Training Method children singing» .

I can sing beautifully.

Abstract Courses Vocal Mug

in the senior group, the first year of study.

Compiler - Golubezova S. L. Music leader

MDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten № 86"

severodvinsk city.

Software content:

  1. Encourage children to active vocal activities.
  2. Fasten the ability to sing in unisona cappella , rush sounds using hands.
  3. Develop sound, dynamic and rhythmic children.
  4. Continue working on the development of breathing.
  5. Promoting development in children of expressive, emotional execution: singing without tension, smooth, singing.
  6. Exercise singing into the microphone.


  1. Microphone.
  2. Glasses with boiled water, cocktail tubules.
  3. Cards with vowels.

Travel course:

Children enter the hall.

Music leader.Guys, I am glad to our new meeting. Look at how much guests we have today. Let's say hello to them.

Children sneeze: "" Zdra-Bear, ", on the show

And now say hello to each other.

Let your ears check the best greeting today.

Children get up in a circle.

"Stay in gentle with a neighbor on the right," into the microphone.

Music leader.Whose greeting did you like more? Why?

Listen to several children's answers.

Music leader.Today at the lesson we will remember some important rules of beautiful singing. One you have already called: you need to try to stretch the vowel sounds so that our singing is different from the usual speech. You agree with me? You have good ears-controls. And now listen carefully to music and try to show the rhythm correctly. (Half, 2 quarters).

To the music of "Polka-clapper" is held

rhythmic game "I am my friends."

At the end of the game, children pass on the chairs near the piano.

Music leader.What wonderful we are friends, attentive and kind, take care of each other. And our voice, what do you think need careful?

Music leader.What needs to be done so that our voice always remains beautiful?

Responses of children:

Do not shout, not eat ice cream in winter on the street,

do not drink cold water, not lying in the snow.

Hand throat.

Music leader.Raise your hand, who is doing the throat at home? Let's remember how we did it.

In order to children with water cups.

Make a little sip, lift head up,

and pronounced sounds: a, e, and, oh, u

Music leader.Well done! But to sing beautifully, you need to know another important rule: be able to own your breath. Inhale to do short and silent, and exhale - long and smooth.

Disassemble a cocktail tubule.

According to the conductor, the children are inhaled,

and exhale into the water through the tube.

Music leader.The following important rule: you need to open your mouth well, and clearly utter words and quietly, and loud.

"I am going on the forest" - a row.

Sing, changing the dynamics: F, p.

Music leader. (Frightened)Our familiar crocodile, he swallowed someone. Who?

Children offer their own options.

The grinding "how crocodile screams".

Music leader.I looked at you and remembered another important rule: you need to be able to sit correctly or stand during singing. Do you remember this rule?

Performed the song "Sing nice and convenient."

Music leader.To the song it was interesting to listen, you need to pass her mood, character. In the song "Mom", what character, how should I sing it?

Responses of children.

Music leader.Try to sing the way you said. And let our guests appreciate your performance.

Children perform the song "Mom".

Turn the outcome.

Music leader.For a good performance relies entertainment.

We begin to play and walk to the music.

The music game is held "SPIAY HIS LEAVEL".

Play 2-3 times.

Music leader.That ended our game. And our lesson approached the end. Today at the lesson we remembered the important rules of beautiful singing. List them again.

Children call.

Music leader.And now, as polite people, let's say goodbye to our guests and each other until the next meeting.

Children sing: "" Pre-Swim-yes-ni-me "

Go out from the hall.

Hello guys and respected guests!

Throughout the academic year, we learn a lot of interesting and varied songs, each of them has their own history and meaning. Guys, and tell me, please, without which the meaning and content of the work we will not be able to convey to the viewer? (Children answer) right! Without a clearly uttered lyric text.

Today we will spend an open occupation, the topic of which is "articulation and vocal word". Singing is the only type of musical art, where musical performance is organically combined with the need for expressive reporting of speech text.

But before, we will proceed to articulation and vocal work, we will make the breathing exercises necessary for the real singer.

Guys, you probably, all love balloons very much. Imagine that we swallowed the ball, now that we are taking a breath, our ball is inflated right in our stomach. Then I exhale and our ball is blown away! Well done, and now it's inflated 5 times and flowing down the ball.

Well, now play with you in the game called "Snake." Let's turn face to each other, and now imagine that our right hand is a snake. We gain air in the stomach, raise your hand and fold a brush in the form of a snake snake, and the snake crawled with the sound. Well, and now imagine that our snakes want to scare each other. We recruit the air into the stomach again, we make the sound "CSS", and at the moment when breathing will end, we will make a sharp active exhalation with the same sound, while our snake will make a throw accordingly. Now play this game again. Umnick!

Now we go to the articulation gymnastics. Guys, become everything to the mirror and we will go to the zoo now. First we will visit the aquarium. The first we saw a fish-needle with you, thin-thin fish. Let's pull the cheek with you to be similar to it. And behind the fish-needle floats the fish-ball, swelled the cheeks like this fish, well done! And behind it floats the sea horse, see how he is very elongated sponge forward, let's also stretch our lips! And finally, we'll see with you on the fish ball, and also influence the cheeks! We leave the aquarium, go further, and the horse runs to us, let's make the sound of knocking hoofs, first quickly, and then the horse saw us and slow down a step (we make the sound of knocking hoofs slower). The horse ran away, and we go further and see the giraffe. Giraffe has not only a long neck, but also a long tongue. And now we will make our language long like a giraffe, stretch your tongue to the nose, we do not help your hands! Well, now pull him to the chin. Excellent! We go further and see with you hippopotamus, and he has a big mouth! And well-ka opened the mouth as hippos, widely. And stand so a bit. Well done, a tour of the zoo, we spent, now let's go to play the ball.

Now we will remember the patters that we taught in previous classes, the first "Greek drove", loudly, not in a hurry, we bring together every word.

(Children tell the patter)

Greek rode across the river,

Sees Greek in the Rake River

Greek's hand thrown into the river

Cancer for the hand of Greek DAC.

And just as clearly actively say with you the second "cuckoo cuckoo"

"Cuckoo cuckoo

Bought a hood

Like in the hood

It is funny "

(We take a small tennis ball) And now, as I promised, we will play the ball! Watch, please, on pairs and stand up opposite each other (children are divided into pairs). Now each of you will vote one line from the patter and on the last word, on the shock syllable, throw the ball to the partner. The left side speaks the first line, the right - the second, and so on to the end every typus. (Children perform a task). Well done boys!

Purpose of classes: Show the use of health-saving technologies in the framework of the classes on the subject of "vocals".

Tasks for classes:

Solving the development of professional singing skills (respiration and freedom of the speech apparatus, the right articulation and clear diction, a variety of intonation and bulky hearing), strengthen the general and psychological health of students.

As an option:

Objectives and objectives: show the use of health-saving technologies in the framework of vocal classes; raise a thinking and feeling, active person, ready for creative activity; intensify the thought process and cognitive interest; master the skills of communication and collective creativity; develop the breath and freedom of the speech apparatus; develop a coherent, figurative speech; be able to own the right articulation, clear diction, diverse intonation; Strengthen the general and psychological health of students.

Structure occupation:

I..Organizing time. (2 minutes)

Greeting: "Give each other smile."

Pay attention to the peculiarity of the classes.

II..Main part. (39 min)

The phonogram of the song "Stay, if you want to be healthy!"

Write cold water is wonderful, but not everyone is suitable ...

I suggest to fantasize and invent other ways to "hardening", which we can use in the class of vocals and strengthen their health . Message Topics Classes.

Why, usually, do we start the lesson?

With warming face massage.

1. Healing massage by biologically active points

we perform with children, connecting it with the reader. (4 min)

Who wants to talk,

He must disguise

Smooth motions

From the bridges to the ears

Everything is correct and intelligible

So that everything is clear.

Press your fingers on the point at the wings of the nose

We will talk

And we will pronounce

Massage points for the inner ends of eyebrows

So right and clearly,

So that everything is clear.

Press your finger

on points at the base

at the UHA

Who wants to talk,

He must disguise

Massion point

Between big and index fingers

Everything is correct and intelligible

So that everything is clear.

The same movements on the other hand.

2. Work over breathing . (7 min)

Today I will introduce you to an unusual complex of breathing exercises A.N. Strelnikova (designed to restore and expand the range of votes in professional singers; Gives good results at bronchial asthma, chronic pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, chronic rheore and hyimorite, flu, and many other diseases)

Noisy, short, sharp (like cotton in your hands) Inhale you need to do as if you are sniffing to the smell of smoke, Gary or a nose. Inhale should be "emotional" - to invest surprise, admiration or horror. The lips at the moment of breath are closed, but without tension - it is impossible to help inhale at the expense of the muscles of the face or other muscles, which usually participate in the act of breathing: it is impossible to stick the stomach ("breathe belly"), raise your shoulders and straighten the chest. You can not "take" during the breath too much air is a rough mistake. If you breathed too much air, then the head can be cleaned or the "inconvenience" will appear.

Exharged through the mouth, naturally and arbitrarily, as if the air "quietly leaves" from the lungs. The lips are slightly - ourselves are squeezed. Exact nothing should interfere - let so much air will come out as it comes out. Prevent exhalation - this is the second rough mistake.

I breathe and treat


We grab imaginary candy. Palms are looking at each other, a short noisy breath is to squeeze the palms in a fist. Immediately free exhalation through the nose or mouth. Fists break.


Bend and breathe the aroma of "Fruit": Nuh - inhale. Slightly tilt the housing to the floor, the legs are straight, the hands are omitted, the back round. At the point of inclination, a short noisy breath, straighten up - exhale. (Contraindication - myopia is more -5.)

« Hug yourself for the shoulders »

At the time of hug a short noisy breath. Hands diverge - free exhalation.


A light slope to the floor - inhale, without stopping slightly backbone back, hugging myself by the shoulders, - a short breath. Exhale free after each breath "from the floor and from the ceiling."


Stand straight, hands along the body. Bend in the knee leg pull up to the stomach, slightly squeezing on the other foot - inhale. Exhale free.

During the exercise, ensure that the children are breathing correctly.

Guys, what exercise we learned earlier, as it is impossible to suit the topic of our classes?

- "Musical Charging".

3. "Musical Charging" - we perform, accompanying the semantic movements (4 min)

Let's spend charging.

Left, right - turn.

And now - on the contrary.

Sat, climb,

Be careful, leaning.

I pull the floor with my hands

But I speak freely.

And now jumping in place.

Jump at least a hundred times, at least two hundred.

And two legs immediately.

And on the left, and on the right.

On one and another:

No shortness of breath!

What do we train by performing this exercise?

Dickey, breathing, ability to manage your voice, motor activity, coordination of movements.

Any charging, and the more musical, will be useful for your health!

4. And now I suggest you go to the carpet and remember the exercise "Merry Malari"(4min)

This is an exercise on the development of the ability to manage your voice, where your voice is instead of the brush.

We begin to "paint the fence": "Brush" moves up - the voice is sophisticated, rises; "Brush" moves down - the voice "descends", decreases; If the "brush" leads a horizontal line - we sing on one height. Upstairs you can have a little bit off, down - to beat.

Guys, I suggest our game somewhat complicate: you can "draw" diagonals, circles, squares, "eight" (vertical and horizontal), and "brush" will now be not only your voice, but also your eyes!

What did we do? This is the most real gymnastics for the eyes! If you do it regularly, your vision will be good, and the eyes will not be tired for a long time.

5. Look at what a surprise at my request prepared your parents for you! (individual mats that are sewn of buttons of different diameters, different heights ). They look like small islets! I will open your secret - this is "health islands"! If you remove the shoes and become feet on them, the biologically active points that are located there will be stimulated. They are responsible for the health of our entire body! I think on these "islets of health" it is especially good for you to get an exercise that is called ... .. (Children choir : « Islands ").(5 minutes)

Once, two.


Executed on the V stage of the skew

Two cotton, semicircle alone, then with another hand.

Three four.

We sailed

VII Ski Stage

Two cotton, wave-like movements from themselves.

Five six.

We go here.

II stage skews

Two cotton, the right hand "beat the ball", with your left hand "throw the ball".

Seven eight,

How many pines.

IV stage of the skewness Two cotton, right hand up, then left.

Nine ten.

We are on the way.

V-VII Sock Steps

II-IV Soundhead Stages

Two cotton, medium and index fingers "make steps".


To ten!

D7 Accord - by votes

One movement for each syllable:

Right hand on the head;

Left hand under the chin;

Right hand concerns the right cheek;

Left hand concerns the left cheek;

Right hand forward;

Left hand forward;


What helps to develop this exercise?

Coordination of movements, ability to coordinate actions, diction, pure intonation, Lada feeling.

And now you will know how to make it also healthy health.

6. To stay healthy and beautiful, it is very important to take care of the posture from the children's years. And we will train it using it with a walk with the subject on the head using the previously learned cleanbook "Three Japanese." (8 min)

It is necessary to follow a clear pronunciation. The pace is gradually increasing. It is recommended to move around the hall with objects on your head:


- in an arbitrary direction

- in the specified direction.

Monitor the correct posture, the movements of the hands, legs.

At the end, you can spend a competition for the best "geisha".

Three Japanese

There were three Japanese:

Yak, Yak Cydrak, Yak Cydrak cionerach cider.

There were three Japanese women:


All of them slapped:

Yak on the cip

Jac Cydrak on the zip-drip,

Yak cione-cione-cider cider

On Cipe-Drip-Dreampamponi.

And they were born children:

Yak with a zipa Shah,

Yak-cider with turrip -

Shah balls.

Yaka Cidrca Cydron

With jeep-drip-drimpamponi -


7. It would seem that we took care of everything to stay healthy, but what else escaped from our attention? Reply to this question will help us a song with such a strange name. "Dusting".

Remind: Execution - Expressive, Diction - Clear, dotted rhythm - sharper, listen to each other. (7 min)

"Dourborn" Song

Sl. A. Usachev Mus. A. Pinggin

Do not quit your crusts, skins, sticks.

Soon our cities will turn into landfills.

If they are littering now, it is quite soon

Can grow garbage mountains!

Yes yes, yes yes yes, yes yes yes yes, yes, yes yes

Trash Mountains!

But when flying to school on the rocket,

The random will happen on the planet will happen.

How to go to the top in the space from the rocket

Banks, flasks, husks, ribbon packages!

Yes, yes, yes yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,

Ripped packages!

That's not fly in the new year snowflakes,

And they will fall like a hail, old boots.

And when the rains come from empty bottles, -

For a walk do not go, take care of the head!

Take care of the head!

What will grow in the garden or in the garden,

How will the garbage tray go in nature?

And although we do not fly in the school class in the rocket,

Better to litter now throw, children!

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!

Dump, children!

After the performance of the song, the question is repeated. Children answer.

It is necessary to take care of nature, not to litter, then the air, and water will be clean. And this is very important for our health!

You absolutely did the conclusion! The environment should also be healthy! Our task is to participate in this.

Well done boys! You have worked very well today!

Let's summarize.

III. Outcome: (4 min)

Children argue, find confirmation of the correctness of the statement: "If you want to be healthy - sing!" Using a well-known music. Material (vocal exercises, speakers, games, songs), children learned to apply them for the purpose of rehabilitation.


Introduce parents with "new" ways to harde (to choose).

Traditional farewell ritual.

Equipment lessons:


Audio equipment


Items for wearing on the head when walking (you can book).

Compliance with sanitation and hygiene rules.

The room should be before the occupation. Music tool is configured. Children on occupation come in removable shoes.


1. Zimina A.N. Basics of musical education and development of young children: studies. For stud. Higher. studies. establishments. - M.: Humanit. ed. Center Vlados, 2000, - 304c.

2. Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. M.: Aspect Press, 1999, - 375 S.

3. Dmitrieva L. G., Chernoyvanenko N. M. Methodology of musical education at school: studies. For students. I'm learning on special. 03.05.00. "MUZ. Education ", 03.07.00" Teaching in the beginning. Class languages. Shk. ". - M.: Enlightenment, 1989, - 207 S.

4. The world of vocal art. 1-4 classes. Program, development of classes, guidelines / autochet. G.A. Suyazov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008, - 138 S.

5. Children's Music Theater: Programs, Classes Development, Recommendations / Avt.- Cost. E.H. Afanasenko et al. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009, - 190 S.

6. Judina E. I. My first music and creativity tutorial / ABC music - creative self-development / series: You will succeed: / - M.: Aquarium, 1997, - 272 S.

"If you have a talent, share it with others! If you know what to say to this world, tell me! If your soul sings, sing! "

Natalia Kninjanskaya


Singing has a beneficial effect on the development of voice and helps to build smooth and continuous speech. Group singing is an effective means of tension removal and personality harmonization. With the help of group singing, you can adapt the individual to complex conditions or situations. For children with speech pathology, singing is one of the factors of improving speech. For children of all ages, classes in vocal association is a source of liberation, optimistic mood, confidence in their abilities. The program ensures the formation of the skills of singing activities and the improvement of special vocal and scenic skills. Over time, singing becomes an aesthetic value for a child, which will enrich all his further life.

Description of material: The vocal classes in the vocalism presented by me is designed to work with the senior link ensemble (13 - 14 years). Subject of classes: "Concert Activities". This material is offered to the teachers of additional education and musical leaders in cultural homes.

Topic: "Concert activity as one of the methods of active learning"

purpose: Enhance the adaptive capabilities of the children's body by success or failures when speaking before the audience.

Tasks:Training: Teach confidently keep on stage in any unforeseen atmosphere.

Developing: promote the development of singing skills, scenic skills.

Educational: to form goaling, healthy to evaluate their strength, the situation in the hall.

Healing: Creating a system for the prevention and correction of the health of children by performing before the audience.

Equipment, didactic material:

Piano, musical instrument.

Plan lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Repetition of the material passed.

3. Creative part

4. Summing up.

Travel course:

1. Organizational moment (2 min.)

Greeting. Coffee for a good mood, list of speech order.

Teacher: Hello, my friends! Did you all come today?

Answer children (checking present)

I am very glad to see you, and I hope you also came to occupation with a good mood. Especially since today we have a very interesting and responsible day. And so that nothing overshadowed our lesson, I want to remind you that you need:

Be polite with the audience in the hall, do not walk during the performance of other participants;

Be neat, whatever blick your concert suits;

Do not include and do not touch any equipment yourself;

It is not inserted into a rosette stick, hairpins, paper clips and other foreign objects.

· Do not use electrical appliances, if damage to the wire is noted.

2. Repetition of the material passed (10 min.)

Teacher: We continue with vocal workout.

Exercise number 1.

On one note, we sing Ma-e-oh-y (ascending movement in chromatism)

Exercise number 2.

I sing in the syllables "I sing" on the sounds of T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise number 3.

According to the ascending and downward chromatic movement, let me eat yes yes yes yes yes.

Exercise number 4.

I sing in the syllables "shining the night" on the sounds of T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise number 5.

We sing "Here I go up, I go down"

Exercise number 6.

Up-to-up; up to re-mi-re-up Pre-Mi-Fa-Sol-Fa-Mi-Re-to. The grinding goes up chromatism.

Exercise number 7.

We sing on the syllables "we go" on the sounds of T53 with a downward movement.

Exercise number 8.

According to the sounds of T53, with an upward movement, we sing Da-DE-Di-Du; Bra-Bre-Brie Bro Bru; In-Ze-Zi-Zoo.

Exercises for the articulation apparatus:

Exercise number 9.

We sing the patter "Under the trap hoofs, dust flies on the field"

Exercise number 10.

I say the patter "Cuckoo Cubuschonka sewed a hood, cuckoo in the hood terribly funny"

Exercise number 11.

Voice Relative Warming Exercise:

Day himself. Each syllable comes on one note. Exercise is performed by the range, depending on the range of votes.

It is after complete grieving that I turn to an active learning method designed by me:

Exercise aimed at self-affirmation and a positive attitude promoting successful self-realization:

We sing chorus down the oppression throughout the major gamut up and down: "I sing, I sing well!".

After that, we turn to the repetition of works sent specifically to this concert or competition. If this is a reporting concert, we close it with the overall song of the entire vocal studio. It employs an active learning method "Let's sing." We perform a choir, to secure positive emotions.

4. Creative part (30 - 35 min)

5. Summing up the lesson (4 min.)

To summarize the results, the active method of learning "Fruit Garden" is perfect. Instead of a tree, you can take the stage of the gamma, and instead of lemons and apples, tight durations.

Teacher: Thanks guys. Before the next lesson.

Used Books.

1. Dubrovskaya S. V. The famous respiratory gymnastics of Strelnoye. - M.: Ripol Classic, 2008.

2. Emelyanov V. V. Development of voice. Coordination and training. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "Lan"; Publishing house "Planet Music", 2007.

3. Zhavinina O., Zam L. Music education: Searches and finds // Art in school. - 2003. - № 5.

4. Morozov V.P. The art of resonant singing. Basics of resonant theory and technology. - M., 2002.

5. Psychotherapeutic encyclopedia. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.

6. Razumov A. N., Ponomarenko V. A., Piskunov V. A. Health of a healthy person. - M., 1996.