Resort Islands Greece List and Description. Where and how best to rest in Greece: Useful Tips

Resort Islands Greece List and Description. Where and how best to rest in Greece: Useful Tips
Resort Islands Greece List and Description. Where and how best to rest in Greece: Useful Tips

Vacation is a time when you can forget about urgent problems, free from the shackles of work and life, immersed in the world of your dreams. Today, many attracted rest in and Europe. We will get acquainted with one of the most attractive countries for tourists and find out what good resort of Greece is suitable for a full rest.

general description

The location of the country is very interesting and attractive. It is washed by Mediterranean, Aegean, Ionical and it provides a lot of options for vacationers and tourists. You can choose a place for active time or beach option. A lot of exotic species and nature is available due to the presence of more than two thousand islands.

In addition, the choice is given and climatic conditions that are presented here with Mediterranean, moderate and alpine types.

For lovers of wildlife, the country is interesting for the presence of a variety of plants and animals that are listed in the Red Book. For example, Carette turtle or a monk seal. Although today, the nature of Greece has somewhat healing due to the centuries-old extermination of exotic animals and vegetation.

Alpinists and lovers of mountain tourism here are where to roast. The presence of a variety of rocks, grottoes. From a bird's eye view of picturesque landscapes, Greece, whose photo you can see later in the article.


Greece resorts can be divided into several types:




Let's start a review from the first and, including all my imagination, go to the capital - Athens. This is a good resort of Greece for everyone who is interested in history, visiting museums, exhibitions and sights of a historical nature.

The city is famous for its architectural buildings of the past. Here you can visit the temple of Zeus, Acropolis, Parfenon, the wind tower and dozens of exciting places. Many tourists believe that it is Athens who must open acquaintance with Greece.

Active, inquisitive people rest here will give a lot of bright impressions.

However, even the usual rides on the subway will not leave you indifferent. Each station is a mini-museum with antiquity exposures.

Be prepared that this is a city suffering from overpopulation: a huge amount of cars, difficulties with free taxi. But at the same time you can plunge into an amazing and living world, just walking around the narrow streets and discovering all new secrets.


Planning the best resorts of which are open for tourists all year round, think about visiting the capital of Macedonia. The city combined historical and modern motifs. Here you can visit museums, exhibitions, see excavations, which are spent straight on the streets, and at the same time look into fashion boutiques.

The city is famous for its cultural life that does not stop with the onset of darkness. Night lights open completely different paintings. Luxury restaurants, cozy cafes and nightclubs with incendiary parties.

The symbol of the city is a white tower located on the waterfront. Once she was part of the wall. Not far from it is an archaeological museum, one of the best in Europe, the churches belonging to the Byzantine period, monasteries on the Mount Athos, belonging to the period of early Christianity.


Another good resort of Greece is the capital of the discount of the magnetic. According to the ancient Greek myths, it was from here that argonauts sailed to Kolkhid for the golden rune. The third largest city - hair. This is a major shopping and tourist center.

The location of the resort is quite profitable. Being about the same distance from the capital and thessalonikov, you can easily visit these two beautiful picturesque places. Especially since the transport isolation is quite convenient.

You are simply impossible to get lost in thessaloniki. All the streets are located strictly perpendicular or parallel to the coastline.

Interesting for visiting are various attractions. For example, the palaces in the neoclassical style, erected in the 19th century, or church in the anavros area. You can see interesting landscapes, riding on an old miniature train, which drives settlements on Mount Pilion.

You can quench the thirst for gastronomic and aesthetic impressions in the bakery of Velendzas, where the walls are painted by the famous artist theofeis.


This place can rightly be called a highlight of tourist Greece. The island will open for you star nights and will give unforgettable sunny days. Crete is located in the south of Europe and is washed at once by 3 seas.

Beach rest is quite comfortable and comfortable. At the same time, there are hundreds of picturesque landscapes. The minimum difference in air and water temperature makes the island just perfect for swimming. Judging by the reviews, I wonder here professionals of water sports and beginners. On the coast, many special institutions, ready to teach everyone.

Climatic conditions allow you to enjoy the rest for a long time: from May to October. This is a place with very soft and clean air. People dependent on pressure drops will feel comfortable here.

If you are looking for the best resorts of Greece for youth, the island of Crete is perfect. For example, Chersonissos is one of the most visited resorts. Stormy life is boiling here from sunset until dawn. Many cafes, bars, fashionable dance floors and clubs.


One of the most sun places of the planet. Rhodes are a real Mediterranean pearl. Holiday honors - luxury and high cost.

Washed from two sides by different seas, Aegean and Mediterranean, it has two implications. The Western part is suitable for windsurfing lovers: high waves, raging restless sea. In the east, you are waiting for a calm water surface, sandy beaches are all to enjoy silence.

If you are looking for the best resorts will be able to help you orient. For example, Rhodes Many choose for a secluded time. For some, it is an excellent chance to get acquainted with history, culture. Here you can visit the Palace of the Grand Master, erected in the 14th century. Amazing spacious halls with an excellent panoramic view of the sea.

In the east of the island, the valley of butterflies filled with lush greenery and flowers, with many streams and waterfalls. From June to September, it becomes a house for a million multi-colored butterflies that rip it with carpet.


This island opens up the best beach resorts for tourists is washed by water being among the picturesque rocks and the riveting greenery. Landscapes of the island remind of fabulous groves. The length of the beaches more than one hundred and twenty kilometers. Soft continental climate - the key to excellent rest at any time of the year.

Incredibly beautiful natural landscape, thousands of amazing plant species, beautiful underwater world. The island attracts tourists who are interested in immersing and studying sunken ships.

Visitious card Zakynthos - Navagio Bay. In 1983, the modern vessel was crashed in this place, and now it can be seen with his own eyes, because it remains on the beach.

There are many hotels and hotels. Starting from 2 stars and above. Therefore, regardless of wealth you can enjoy the beauty of nature and snow-white sandy beaches.


This resort is located in southern Greece. This place is attracted with its attractions of the ancient period. In particular, Sparta, one of the most famous states, where a strict order reigned and real feats were performed. Or Mycenae - the center of an ancient civilization, where you can see the huge statues of Lviv, adorning entrance to the palace. Here is located in the ancient stadium and to this day light fire.

Tourists will be able to visit the oldest epidavr theater that works today. The architecture of the building is designed in such a way that he struck with his acoustics.

This is a good resort of Greece, offering a lot of additional entertainment. Are you interested in sports? Then welcome: rafting, horseback riding, mountain tourism - all this is here.

Beaches on the sandy and pebbles peninsula. Alonga, cozy cafes, shops and bars are located.

Northern part

What else can be included in the list "The Best Resorts of Greece"? Halkidiki - Peninsula, having an interesting shape resembling a trident. Each of its so-called ends has its own highlight.

Cassandra - a great place for a beach holiday, is distinguished by the purest snow-white beaches. Sitonia is filled with greens, here are stunning landscapes. This place is chosen for unity with nature. Athos is called the kingdom of monks. There are many churches of the Byzantine period.

The largest city of Halhidiki is nea Mudania. It offers everything you need: shops, hotels, banks, hospitals. Many tourists visit the city for hiking on fur coat boutiques. Not far from the center is the urban beach.

Whatever you choose, the best resorts of mainland Greece or island, you will get a lot of bright impressions and good mood.

Conditionally, the weather in Greece can be divided into three seasons. From May to October, the beach season lasts when the air temperature is up to + 25c and above. The most comfortable tourists in the first half of May and early June.

From December to April to the country come to skiing, and the fashionista buying fur coats in Greece is activated.

The high season lasts from June to September, when prices take off rapidly up, like the flow of vacationers. In July and August, it is very hot, about + 40s and above, and the water temperature rises to + 27c.

The velvet season begins with September. The heat falls in the fall, but the sea is still warm. Tourists are already much smaller, but many fresh fruits.

Where to stay in Greece

The choice of hotels in Greece is very large for every taste and wallet. Consider the most popular of them.

Five Star Hotels

  • Candia Maris. - It offers a choice of vacationers 220 rooms of 8 suits in the main building, 28 bungalows with views of the Mediterranean Sea. Own sandy beach, several pools, restaurants and bars, tennis courts, fitness center and even the Orthodox Church on site will provide a comfortable stay all year round.
  • Minos Imperial - In addition to standard rooms offers VIP suite with private pools. The hotel has its own sandy beach, equipped with everything necessary. For children, there is a mini-water park, mini club and playground.
  • Terra Maris. - Another hotel with a bungalow and a sandy beach. The hotel infrastructure includes outdoor and indoor pools, restaurants, bars, shops, beauty salon, fitness center and much more. Water attractions work for children.

Four star hotels

  • Agapi Beach. - The hotel is located on the first coastline. Includes the main five-story building and bungalows. For holidaymakers, a sandy beach with free sun loungers and umbrellas, several pools, shops, conference room, playgrounds.
  • Aldemar Cretan Village. - Complex Bungalow on the seashore. Beach accessories are issued for free. For holidaymakers, a pizzeria, a tavern, swimming pools, including sea water, laundry, amphitheater, a nightclub and much more are working.
  • GRUCOTEL CLUB MARINE PALACE - Another decent hotel offering standard rooms and bungalows. The hotel's beach is sandy, give all the accessories needed to relax on the sea.

Three star hotels

  • Forum Hotel. - The hotel is located on the second coastline, to the pebble beach about 100 meters. Sun loungers and umbrellas are issued for a fee. The center of water sports, several restaurants, shop, bars, fitness center are operating on site.
  • Stella Village. - Located 150 meters from the sandy beach. The hotel has an amphitheater, a small church, a shop, a tavern, a few pools.
  • Nautilus Barbati. - From him to the sand-pebble beach about 600 meters. Restaurant, bar, TV salon, two pools for adults and children are open for holidaymakers.

Popular resorts Greece

  • Crete - The most popular tourist island of Europe. The bathing season here is the longest, opens in April. On the north shore, the water is warmer, so the best hotels are located here. The developed island infrastructure is combined with old monuments and secluded villages. Cultural life is concentrated in the city of Heraklion.
  • Rhodes - The shores of the island are cut by capes and bays. In the west, Rhodes is washed by the Aegean sea, here on pebble beaches it is more common to meet surfers, and in the east sandy beaches, and the Mediterranean sea are quieter and calm. Known medieval city with high fortress walls.
  • Corfa - Resort with picturesque villages and magnificent vegetation. There is a large medieval complex with valuable architectural monuments. Tourists are most popular with Moraitics and Mesongy resorts with long sandy beaches and gentle descent to the sea.
  • Santorini - The colorful island is littered with snow-white houses, and the Aegean beaches are attracted by black sand and views of the volcano. The monuments of the ancient Cycladic civilization are preserved here.
  • Zakynthos - Known with beautiful bays, pebble and sandy beaches, bizarre rocks and grots. On the island there is a Reserve with rare animals - Caretta Turtles and Monachus seals.
  • Cos - For amazing beauty, nature was called the "Garden of the Aegean Sea". Attracts holidaymakers with purest beaches and rich cultural and historical heritage. It is comfortable to relax both families with children and young people, for which dozens of entertainment facilities open at night.
  • Chalkidiki - Peninsula with impressively picturesque landscapes and best sandy beaches in the country. Here are the largest hotel complexes of the Eastern Mediterranean. On the peninsula you can find everything - from nightclubs and bars to casino and snow-white yachts.
  • Athens - Capital of the country, a major city with unique historical monuments. Athens is interesting primarily to lovers of sightseeing recreation, so it is better to go here not to the hot season in order to comfortably inspect interesting places without queues and heat.
  • Thessaloniki - The city was built back in the IV century BC, a long time remained the center of Christianity. It was here that Cyril and Methodius were born. In Thessaloniki many interesting places that should be visited.

Beaches of Greece

More than four hundreds of Greece beaches are marked by the Blue Flag, which is given only to the cleanest, comfortable and safe beaches of Europe. The most popular and beautiful:

  • Balos - Silent and Little-friendly on the island of Crete. There are no restaurants nearby or bars, but the bay offers a beautiful view of the three seas, washing the island.
  • Kamari - Beach on Santorini Island with black volcanic sand. Here you can not only swim and sunbathe, but also engage in water sports. For children, a children's area with attractions and animators work.
  • Faliraki - Beach on Rhodes. The sandy stripe stretched 4 km, there is a popular partner city with an abundance of entertainment establishments. It is not recommended to relax families with children here, the beach is more suitable for active youth, and some of him even occupied nudists.
  • Bay Naviero - Located north-west of Zakynthos. A small beach has happened more than once in the top ten of the most beautiful on the planet. From all sides it is surrounded by rocks. The main pride of the bay - the victim shipwreck the ship of smugglers. The beach is wild, so suitable for the excursion, rather than for bathing.
  • Paradise on the island of Kos - There are snow-white sand and small waves, and volcanic gas is released on the surface of the water from the bottom in the form of bubbles. It will not be possible to miss here - bars and taverns work, you can enjoy water sports.

What to see in Greece

To inspect all the sights of Greece, it will be necessary to come here not once. Unique architectural and historical values, survived to this day, attend thousands of tourists, scientists every year.

If you are in Athens, be sure to look:

  • Parthenon,
  • Acropolis,
  • Hills Lycabet,

On the island of Rhodes deserve attention:

  • Quarter Kollakio, where the knights had once lived,
  • The Palace of the Grand Master
  • Archaeological Museum,
  • Socrates Street with souvenir bears and cafes,
  • castles Castelos, Fecalos, Monolithos, Lindos, Asklipoe.

In thessaloniki, visit:

  • White tower
  • Triumphal Arch Galery,
  • monument to Aristotle.

And the top five most interesting attractions include:

  1. Acropolis is the pearl of Athens, the legendary temple of Athens.
  2. Fermopiles. In this gorge, once the king Leonid stopped the warriors of Xerxes.
  3. Monastery complex Meteora. Located on the top of the rocks at an altitude of 600 meters. Here are the 24 Orthodox Monastery.
  4. Olympus. Greek gods lived on this mythical mountain.
  5. Blue caves. Located on the island Zakynthos.

How to get to Greece

The most convenient and easy way to get to Greece is on the plane. Flights to this country are regular, and not only from Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also from other large Russian cities. Many use docking flights with a change in European cities.

Another option is to use the bus tour. Rides are irregular, so you specify the information from the tour operators.

Greece is not only a resort country, it is a "cradle of civilization", to visit which is necessarily worth at least once in life!

Burning Tours to Greece

Thessaloniki is the cultural capital of the country, the city of festivals and holidays. It was founded in the 4th century BC. e. King Kassandrom in honor of his wife - a summary sister Alexander Macedonsky. But according to archaeological excavations, scientists concluded that life here was born long before. Modern Thessaloniki are confidently looking into the future, but also

Greece is a country of extraordinary beauty, which is great for vacation. Here you can enjoy picturesque landscapes and familiarize yourself with the historical heritage of the ancient state. Consider the best Greece.


Chania - port city, is considered one of the Venetian cities of Crete. The old part can be safely called the most beautiful place on the island, and the well-preserved harbor is the most wonderful in all Greece. Chania has a large number of diverse establishments and souvenir shops. Here the Venetian and Turkish heritage, the combination of which gives Chania, is perfect.


Rethymnon is rightfully considered one of the most picturesque cities of Greece. And also this is the perfect place for antiquity lovers, because the perfectly preserved old town is actually a museum, which is a straight open-air straight. Here are full of buildings that just need to see. This is the majestic temples and the churches of the Venetian era, wonderful fountains and Ottoman mosques erected by Catholics. All this beauty surround the extraordinary beauty of landscapes. While in Greece, you are simply obliged to visit the Retmine - the cradles of medieval architecture.


Cardman is a great place for a foreign tourist. The island is well developed infrastructure, here you can easily find an interesting restaurant or shop. Island Polon, you can look at the surviving archaeological work. There are also erected christians and museum.


Lindos is a perfectly preserved ancient Greek Acropolis, which is located on a high rock. Exceptional beauty of landscapes, as well as small streets of the city will help to plunge into antiquity. In Lindos, the fortress of John, which is just necessary to visit each tourist, is fascinating with his greatness. Walking around the city, you can easily admire the nature and sea. In addition, Lidnos is famous for its cooks, so if necessary, it is here that you can spend a wonderful evening in a cozy restaurant.


Heraklion is a city with chic living conditions and a rich history that is located on about. Crete. It is in Heraklion that is all known thanks to numerous myths and legends of a MINOTAVR Labyrinth in the Knos Palace. In the city they took care so that his guests do not need it, if necessary, you can easily find good souvenir or cozy coffee. Here, surprisingly his rich past and developing infrastructure. While in Heraklion, you can enjoy excellent landscapes - picturesque gardens, towering over the sea slopes, as well as various beaches for every taste.


Santorini is considered one of the most beautiful islands in the world. It can rightly be called the pearl of the Aegean Sea. A lot of legends are associated with the island: some are called his sunken Atlantis, there are also stories regarding his education. If you want to spend a long-awaited vacation in a beautiful and romantic place, Santorini is exactly what you need. Unique castles, exciting museums and beautiful beaches - all this can be found here.


Rhodes Island is considered one of the largest and most visited islands of Greece. It is saturated with various interesting places for every taste, even the most arrogant tourist, who is on Rhodes, can easily find something for himself. It can be the picturesque beaches that are mostly pebble here, or archaeological wicker, and perhaps it will be ancient cities with narrow streets and cozy places. In any case, the Rhodes do not get bored.


Pelopones is a great place for tourists. Located in the very south of mainland Greece. The peninsula is famous for its historical heritage and abundance of attractions, besides, with Peloponnese, it is convenient to make excursions to other corners of Greece.


Lassiti is known for its picturesque nature and historical places. It is to Lassiti that Mirabeth Bay, which is considered the most beautiful bay of Greece. The most popular and visited resorts are the city of Agios Nikolaos, which contains a deep-water lake, and the elite resort of Elund.


Corfu is the northernmost Ionian Island. Due to the fact that the island at one time belonged to different states, it combines various cultures, which makes Corfu attractive for tourists. This is a great place to relax due to the lack of snakes, dangerous insects and unsafe beaches. Also on Corfu is a very low crime rate.

Kos Island

Kos Island is one of the largest islands of Dodecanese. Located in the Aegean Sea. Thanks to the luxurious parks and lush greenery, Kos is called "Garden of the Aegean Sea". Therefore, for tourists who are primarily appreciated by the picturesque nature, the island will be especially attractive. Despite the fact that its eco-system is a business card of Spit, there are also many archaeological attractions.


Thessaloniki is one of the largest cities of Greece. It is considered the cultural capital of the state. Thessaloniki are known for their festivals and holidays. But besides this, thessaloniki is a city with a history that lasts more than three thousand years. Objects of Byzantine and Roman crops deserve not only the local population.

On the example of the best resorts of Greece, you were able to make sure why the islands and resorts are very popular.

Tatyana Solomatina

Which resort to choose in Greece?

And hello again, dear readers! On the courtyard December and until the summer is still far away, but now many are thinking about vacation. I want to draw your attention to Sunny Greece.


Kos is a chic and expensive resort for chosen, no wonder, Hollywood stars choose him for rest. The island is small, located in the southeastern part of the Aegean Sea. There are many greens, nature is very beautiful.

Prices are high, therefore budget to relax, most likely it will not work.


Zakynthos is an amazingly beautiful island to return. Two rods of the mountain ranges close the valley from bad weather. Brown vegetation, sheer rocks, picturesque, closed from the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Bay of Golden Sand - the real paradise for tourists.

Unfortunately, on the island rarely lands, you can only get here with local airlines or ferries.


Santorini is a small island, volcanic origin, with a coastline of 70 km. White houses of locals are concisely inscribed in the mountain landscape. Here is your own, some kind of aristocratic, cozy atmosphere. Life flows slowly, time, as if stopped.

If you move a little from the tourist trail, you can find wild places and enjoy loneliness. Islands beaches are very diverse, even sand in every place of its shade, from gently yellow, to bright red.

Rest on the island dear. As a rule, tourists come here for one day as part of excursion groups.


In Greece, many resorts and choose really difficult. Beautiful nature and gorgeous beaches are almost every corner of this sunny country. So where is it better to relax in Greece? How many people, so many opinions. Where to enjoy one, there it is not necessary to be completely different.

If you, dear readers, I wonder my opinion, now I would have operated in such a sequence:

  1. We read general information about the country and the main resorts
  2. We look at the price of tours or housing and air tickets (perhaps you will get off cheap tickets and it will be more profitable to go on your own)
  3. Based on the second point, we decide how to relax, through the tour operator or independently. How to make the right decision I wrote
  4. Most likely, for the first acquaintance with the country, I would choose one of the islands, focusing on the price-nature-quality-light transfer (precisely in such a sequence). You may have other priorities.
  5. Deciding with the island, read detailed information about the resorts of this place, relying on fresh reviews on the net.
  6. Further choose accommodation, hotel or house (if not tour)
  7. Now buy a tour or tickets (if you drive yourself)

This plan is not suitable for those who purposefully go to watch certain attractions. Such tourists are easier, you just need to choose the resort closer to the desired visits.

That's all about what I wanted to tell, I hope you have developed a shared picture about the resorts of Greece.

My personal impressions can be soon to learn from the stories in the "My Travels" heading. In the meantime, I propose to get acquainted with the article. It seems to me that this is an urgent question.

In the near future I will write about the island of Rhodes. Subscribe to my newsletter and be the first to receive new publications.

Recently, in some secondary magazine, I got a note that this country would also be closed soon for Russians. Allegedly, make a couple of provocations for this purpose. Did not hear anything? It will be very sorry. Write in the comments that you think about this. It is very interesting to read.

And I briefly say goodbye. Share the article on social networks, convenient buttons are below.

Tatyana Solomatina

You can plan a trip to Greece not only in summer, but also in winter. The weather here is favorable, tourists are not very much, but from the manifold of places that you should visit, the head is spinning. In winter, here, in the same way as in the summer, you can buy excellent quality of the fur coat, and the prices for procedures in spa will pleasantly surprise. Greece resorts are diverse in geographical location, climatic conditions and set of attractions. All unites the fact that Greek beaches are one of the cleanest in the world. What is the resort to choose?

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Blue Palace, A Luxury Collection Resort and Spa, Crete

Located on the coast of Elund

580 reviews

Booked today 8 times


St. Nicolas Bay Resort Hotel & Villas

The resort is located on a private beach.

100 reviews

Booked today 5 times


Cretan Malia Park.

Luxury rooms with beautiful views of Mirabello Bay

157 Reviews

Booked today 6 times



Heraklion is the capital of Crete, the city, called the name in honor of the Great Hercules. Thanks to the developed infrastructure and soft Mediterranean climate, it is possible to relax perfectly. For urban life lovers - large and small shops, restaurants are sophisticated and family-friendly cozy, as well as entertainment centers and spa salons. For those who are interested in culture - many historical attractions.

For example, according to legend, it was in Crete in a labyrinth, a fierce minotaurus lived, which was sacrificed to young people. Also here you can see the ruins of ancient cities, roads that have a thousand-year history, and much more. Those who go to Crete for beautiful nature will not be disappointed. Olive groves, pure sandy beaches - all this is Heraklion.

Aquila Atlantis Hotel.


Stunning view of the harbor

1415 reviews

Booked today 9 times



In Lassiti, world celebrities are often resting. Admissions by Mirabeth Bay - the most beautiful in Greece, windmills, picturesque landscapes. The main resorts in this part of Crete - Agios Nikolaos and Elunda. High-level fashionable hotels - Lassiti business card.


Rethymno is a place where everyone will find a corner of herself. This city has many advantages. First, the location. He is close enough to the capital of Crete - Heraklion and is located next to the main natural attractions of the island - Lagoon Balos, Gorge Samaria and others. Secondly, Rethymnon himself is very beautiful. His vintage buildings and streets are forced to remember Byzantium. At the same time, there are a lot of modern hotels, and evening life is just boilit. Thirdly, the beaches of Rethymno stretch on one and a half dozen kilometers. There are also secluded bays that choose romantic couples, and "children's" beaches with a gentle entrance to the sea.


Choosing to rest Hanu, you can safely save. There are not so many tourists here, so there are moderate prices in hotels and restaurants. In this case, the climate is better here than in other parts of Crete. In the summer, the sea is well warmed, but the resort workers do not suffer from the exhausting heat. If Rethymnon resembles the Byzantium, then Chania is Venice. Vintage houses here are definitely built in Venetsian style.

Many of the hotels are also located in historic buildings. As for restaurants, such delicious dishes of national cuisine do not prepare anywhere here. Those who came to Crete to sunbathe and swim, pay attention to the other resort towns of this part of the island - Stalo, Elafonissi, Stavros.


This beautiful island people have been burned back in distant antiquity. Moreover, they fought for him, during the wars, he often passed from his hands. Therefore, in the culture of Corf, the heritage of many nations is noticeable. This also applies to the language and cooking, and architecture. But the traditions of the ancestors here. Live measuring and calmly, worship the elders, noted local holidays. The ancient towns of Corfu, remembering more ancient Romans, have now become resorts. Prame and Canoni tourists are popular with Tourists and Ermontes.

Total resorts are more than two dozen. There are among them and those who prefer young people. Here you can relax inexpensively, the beaches are excellent, and the wine is worthwhile. Privacy lovers worth visiting Gardenos with its quiet beaches and thickets of olive trees, and those who are looking for a noisy society - to visit Agios Gordis. Here you can also go windsurfing and diving. Romantic couples waiting in the seams - here they will spend the evenings.

Mayor Pelekas Monastery.

Located right on the sandy beach of the village of Konotogialos

115 reviews

Booked today 6 times


Private beach with a length of 400 meters and 2 pools

50 reviews

Booked today 5 times


Kontokali Bay Resort & Spa

Resort spa hotel awarded "Green Key" award

385 reviews

Booked today 7 times



This resort is located in the mainland of Greece, at its very south. This territory is in a comparative distance from the airports, so taxis to the hotel can cost quite expensive.
However, quite a few tourists come here. They are attracted by a rich historical heritage of the edge and beautiful nature. The largest resorts of this part of the country - Loutraki, Ahey, Elia. There are many beaches marked by the "Blue Flag", in the presence of own mineral springs, there are also picturesque lakes.

Peloponnese is attractive for people of all ages. For example, in Killini a lot of bars and discos, in Lakopetra - the finest sea for kids, the elderly couples appreciated the silence of Cardamili, and lovers of history flowed into the laconia. In antiquity, this place was called Sparta. The bizarre cliffs of the legendary edge are attractive and for people of art - artists, writers.

The Westin Resort, Costa Navarino


Located in a charming place on the seashore in the nome

555 reviews

Booked today 7 times


Club Hotel Casino Loutraki


Beach hotel and casino surrounded by a huge garden

1025 reviews

Booked today 14 times


Club Hotel Casino Loutraki


Excellent spa and rich restaurant service

20 reviews

Booked today 5 times

Electra Metropolis.

Located in just 200 meters from Sineagma Square

3845 reviews

Booked today 31 times


St George Lycabettus.

Opens the Acropolis, Hill Licavittos and the Saronic Bay

2267 reviews

Booked today 30 times


Royal Olympic Hotel.

A few minutes from Acropolis, opposite the temple of Zeus Olympic

3965 Reviews

Booked today 20 times



Piraeu existed in antiquity. Now this is a port with a large number of ships. From here it is clearly seen, Athens, Sironikos Bay. In Pirae, a sufficient number of museums deserve visits: Museum of Navigation, Archaeological and Historical Museums. There is a Pirainian City Theater to visit the Pirainsky Mass of Cultural Events. In Pirae, there is a lot of cafes, which serves freshly detected fish prepared by special recipes.

You can go for a walk on the water on the yacht or donate under the guidance of the instructor. Local souvenir products sell on the central prospectus. From Greece, olive oil, dried fruits, cheeses can be brought from Greece. Pirae has the most beautiful harbor and bays. The resort is very picturesque, antiquity is connected here with modern trends. In Pirae, it is better to ride the sake of a peaceful rest, leisurely taking care of its surroundings.


Rhodes - the Mediterranean Capital of the Island. Urban life here in the literal sense "boils". Here it is worth going to those who want to have fun in nightclubs or playing a casino. Fans of a quiet pastime on the island also have something to take themselves: the resort has a hospital with the healing waters of CalliFie. Air in these places is clean and fresh. Mineral springs, beautiful beaches, coniferous forest - all this in the aggregate will make a vacation unforgettable. There are many long-time buildings on the island. The streets here remained narrow and winding, which they were in the Middle Ages. All attractions of Rhodes deserve them to admire. Tourists will be amazed by the view of the Pythiy Stadium, Knight's Buildings, here is the famous Colossus Rhodes.


Located next to the beach on the coast of Fans

167 reviews

Booked today 7 times


Lindos Imperial Resort & Spa

Located on Kyotari Beach

305 reviews

Booked today 6 times



The exclusive resort spa hotel is located near Cape Prasonisi

185 reviews

Booked today 6 times



Santorini Island is one of their main attractions of Greece. He is the southernmost of all islands. In the summer there is warm and sunny, the winter is soft. Santorini has a great opportunity to explore everything connected with history and swim in the transparent waters of the Aegean Sea. It is worth trying the wine of the visant, which is made according to a unique recipe without adding sugar. Judging by the ancient Greek myths, the wife of Zeus - Gera feared her spouse with this wine, after which the tourists have sought his goals resting on Santorini on magnificent beaches, where you can not only soar in the sun, but also take up almost any kind of water sports.

Bars, restaurants and nightclubs are waiting for guests around the clock. Santorini Island is perfect for tourists who want to spend time together. Here are all the necessary conditions for a romantic holiday. Couples often pass 600 steps when light lanterns. It creates a feeling that you are immersed from the island directly to the marine bunch. You can pay for the marriage procedure at sunset. Such a marriage began to be considered legitimate in all corners of the Earth. The sunsets on the island are simply amazing. As soon as it starts to try out, candles and lights are lit. Types here are those from which it is impossible to tear the look. They will long be in the memory of each tourist. This is a resort that does not bother with its unique charm.

Skyfall Suites - Adults Only


Rooms with private pools or open hydromassage baths

385 reviews

Booked today 6 times


Lilium Santorini Villa.


Rooms overlooks the Aegean Sea and Volcano

775 reviews

Booked today 6 times


Kirini Santorini, The Leading Hotels of the World


With traditional architecture and multi-level terraces

160 reviews

Booked today 5 times



Mykonos Island is located in the center and in the south in the Aegean Sea. Here every year there are many new tourists. It is famous for marine transparent water and a city that will flood the sun. Nobody has discomfort on the island. Free life is the norm. This comes here. "Elite". The island is famous for his own behavior. Do not necessarily adhere to strict rules and installations. Mykonos allows tourists to feel on it as at home. Elegant restaurants and cafes are open for a comfortable stay. There are also clubs and discos. Once on Mykonos, it is impossible not to pay attention to the snow-white houses. The windows and doors are painted in different colors of the rainbow.

To come home with new knowledge, you need to go to the archaeological, ethnographic and marine museum. If you explore all the sights, it is worth going to go looking for new bright impressions of the neighboring islands. As a rule, tourists seek to get to Delos and Santorini. Some scientific research proves that Santorini is part of the disappeared Atlantis. Mykonos offers holidays for everyone. Noisy companies will not remain without entertainment. In the afternoon, you can enjoy water slides of the water park, and at night you find another adventure: go to discobar or restaurant.

Anax Resort and Spa

Located next to the sea at the resort Agios Ioannis

380 reviews

Booked today 5 times


Saint John Hotel Villas & Spa

From his landscape pool opens a wonderful view of the private beach

448 reviews

Booked today 5 times


Myconian Imperial - Leading Hotels Of the World

Restaurant Gourmet Kitchen, Spa Center, 3 Swimming Pools

160 reviews

Booked today 5 times



Kos Island lies in the Aegean Sea. This is a real "paradise garden". Environmental purity, lush greens, sea of \u200b\u200bflowers ... And here there are many monuments of history and tourist centers. There is something to do from dawn to sunset, and from sunset until dawn. On the island of Kos is the temple complex Askletpion. Once the Great Hippocrates opened a medical school in these parts. In the central part of the island is the airport. Tourists, as a rule, live in villages located on the north and southern coasts.

In the 30s of the last century, an earthquake occurred on the island, as a result of which all multi-storey buildings were destroyed. Since then, it is possible to see buildings with a height of only 1-2 floors. The most significant resorts of the island - Lambi, Psalidi, Tigaki, Kefalos, Agios Focas. Those who love antiquity admire the ancient temples and the ruins of medieval castles. You can relax in very small villages, in fact alone with nature.


There are 5 swimming pools and 8 bars

125 reviews

Booked today 5 times



With 3 restaurants and 7 bars located on a sandy beach

129 reviews

Booked today 6 times



Located in the Kardamena resort

40 reviews

Booked today 5 times



This is the main resort area of \u200b\u200bmainland Greece. Peninsula is located in the Aegean Sea. Parents with children come here to relax, couples. Housing can be chosen for every taste. There are expensive five-star hotels, and modest guest houses. One of the advantages of Chalkidiki: Storms in these edges are rare, the sea is almost always calm. So, nothing will spoil the rest. You can explore the ruins of ancient cities, to visit archaeological museums. Aristotle was born in these edges. And in monasteries and sketes located on Mount Athos, pilgrims come from all over the world.

There are also its thermal springs, places where traces of an ancient person, caves with bizarre stalactites and stalagmites, and many other attractions are interesting for tourists.
Chalkidiki are great beaches. As for the resorts, among them there are noisy, where youth (Cassandra) and quiet and quiet, intended for people tired of the city noise (Sithonia) feel perfectly.

Aegean Melathron Thalasso Spa Hotel


Located in the middle of the forest, which extends to the beach on the shore of Toroni Bay

178 reviews

Booked today 5 times


Avaton Luxury Villas Resort - Relais & Chateaux


Located on the seashore overlooking the bay of Komitsa

100 reviews

Booked today 5 times


Xenios Anastasia Resort & Spa


Located on the coast, close to the village of Na-Skioni

215 reviews

Booked today 7 times



Beautiful island - yachtsmen prefer it to all others. In ancient times, Zakynthos admired Odyssey himself. Even the water here is a special - the sea seems bright blue. Tourists who are a penny on scenic species should drive to the western part of the island. Here and there are the viewing platforms from which the charming panoramas opens. And the local beaches are one of the best in the world. It is not by chance that the photographs made on the island are constantly decorated with the pages of the most popular glossy magazines. Most hotels are located on the southern shores of the island. British tourists are especially much here.

Housing here - for every taste and wallet. 4-5 stars hotels remind states in miniature. Rest here is offered according to the program "All Inclusive", and the tourist does not have to worry about. The 3 star hotels feature their pools and restaurants, temperate prices. Accommodation in the guest houses located on the seafront, will cost and at all. Another "raisin" of the resort - on the shore you can see sea turtles. These creatures are so accustomed to people that they can be photographed with them without any problems.

Lesante Blu - The Leading Hotels of the World

Private beach, landscape swimming pools

255 reviews

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Zante Maris Suites - Adults ONLY

It offers suites

100 reviews

Booked today 5 times


The Bay Hotel & Suites

On the island of Vasilicos on its own sandy beach

110 reviews

Booked today 5 times



Paros Island today is a popular resort. In the administrative center of the Parika, there is a port, and there are many picturesque villages in the territory of the island - with narrow powerful streets, multicolored roofs of houses, old arches. Even those guests of Greece, who relax in other places, visit Paros to taste the famous wine, which is produced here.

On the island there are monuments of architecture - fortresses, temples, monasteries. You can visit the ancient quarries, where the Paros marble was once mined, stand up at the sanctuary of Apollo. Guests of the island attracts the valley of butterflies. On Paros, you can choose a fully budget option for rest.

Yria Island Boutique Hotel & Spa

Located on the background of nature and bright blue Aegean sky

52 reviews

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Located next to the picturesque beach of Kolimbitins

30 reviews

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Paros Agnanti Hotel.

With a beautiful view of the sea and wigs in a quiet place

90 reviews

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Hair is a large enough city, but it is not worth perceiving it only as an industrial center. Tourists will also find a lot of interesting things for themselves. This applies primarily by archaeological monuments. The ruins of the ancient cities (in one of them, he lived for the legendary golden rune), the parking times of Neolithic with the most interesting burials, the ruins of the Palace of the Mycean Epoch and much more - it will be interesting not only to adults, but also to schoolchildren who study history. Guests will examine the exhibits of the local archaeological museum, visit the beautiful cathedral. Excursion holidays can be successfully combined with beach.

Valis Resort Hotel.

Indoor and outdoor swimming pools, swimming platform for swimming, pool bar

248 reviews

Booked today 5 times


Domotel Xenia Volos.

It features an exquisite kitchen and stylish rooms.

375 reviews

Booked today 5 times


Xenia Palace Portaria.

Health club with spa, outdoor pool

598 reviews

Booked today 9 times



Kefalonia Island lies in the Ionian Sea. Almost always - good, sunny weather.
Mountain ridge and sea - landscape attracting tourists. As the resort center, Kefalonia had to be reborn after the Second World War and the earthquake of 1953. Massly come here to rest people have become only in the 80s of the 20th century. You can get to the island with an airplane (there is an airport) or water transport. Rest Each tourist will pick up to your taste. On the island there are cinemas, nightclubs, discos, but there are also quiet sections of the coast with wonderful beaches.

The best among them is Assos, Myrtos, Petani, Anisamos and others. "Blue Flags" Beaches received deservedly. Well-groomed territory, the developed structure and the purest sea of \u200b\u200bturquoise color - everything you need for a full rest. The sea is in the other places in deep, which appreciated the lovers of underwater dives. Also, tourists visit the cave Drogarati with beautiful acoustics (there are even concerts here), memorial victims of the Second World War, St. Gerasim Monastery. You can order a boat walk and admire the view of the island from the sea.

Apostolata Island Resort and Spa


125 reviews

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Located on the hillside, gradually descending to the Mediterranean Sea

180 reviews

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Elegant rooms and suites overlooking the Ionian Sea

180 reviews

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Residents do not really like the name association with same-sex love. Therefore, the island is often referred to as its main city - Mitilini. The Festival of LGBT representatives here really passes every year, but also the adherents of the traditional orientation feel comfortable on Lesbos. There are comfortable hotels in the category 4-5 stars located in ancient houses, cheap family hotels, and the cheapest accommodation can be removed in small villages. Many tourists appreciated the thermal sources of lesbos and included visits to spa salons in the recreation program. The coastal part of the island is, in fact, the beaches. They look very beautiful, as in postcards, but in the high season there is crowded.

There are also enough secluded corners where nudists sunbathe, and the beach of Water was lit by yachtsmen. Shopping lovers will be able to buy national Greek clothes and leather shoes, decorations, including precious metals on Lesbos. And still fur coats, olive oil, souvenirs. Shop, mostly small, private, can be worn out. Cafes and restaurants are too grab. Locals give such a prompt - order in the cafe Greek salad. If you enjoy it is cooked, you can order the rest of the dishes. The most expensive delicacy is Omar. It is preparing not in every restaurant.

Rooms with sea view, Swimming pool

80 reviews

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Delfinia Hotel & Bungalows

200 reviews

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Delfinia Hotel & Bungalows

Private beach, seasonal outdoor pool

200 reviews

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On this island, the grain is growing from year to year and marble. But Naxos recently becomes popular and as a tourist center. There are about two dozen comfortable beaches with white sand, the sea is very clean, and the combination of low mountains and green valleys looks extremely beautiful. Choose Naxos as a place to relax can both families with children and lovers of outdoor activities, such as windsurfing. As souvenirs, tourists bring the work of local masters, decorations from shells. Also worth buying fragrant honey and tasty liqueurs.

Overlooking the sea located in the village of Agios Prokopios

100 reviews

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Located only 350 meters from the beautiful beach of Agia Anna

110 reviews

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One of the best Greek islands for recreation. Here is a favorable climate, in the summer, the temperature rises usually to + 27-28c. Coniferous forests give a feeling of coolness. The island is small, but there is a cafe and hotels, shops and a summer theater located on the ruins of the ancient Venetian fortress. With a good concrete circumstance, you can get to the Aegean Art Festival, which opens every year. Vintage churches and monasteries are attracted to Skiathos pilgrims and lovers of history.

The first is definitely applied to the miraculous icon of the Virgin in the temple of the three emperors, the second visit the monastery of the Annunciation, where there was a woven flag of independent Greece. Skiathos and their beaches are famous. But they have and features. For example, on the beach of Lalaria can only be reached by sea. It is covered with white pebbles, and tourists must be photographed with a picturesque stone arch. Another beach is called "Golden Sand", it seems that it really glows in gold. The beach is surrounded by forests, you can walk to a beautiful lake.

La Piscine Art Hotel, Philian Hotels and Resorts

Only adults are allowed

118 reviews

Booked today 6 times


Overlooking the beach Kukunaries located in a pine forest

30 reviews

Booked today 3 times



Located right on the beach Adrina Island Skopelos

55 reviews

Booked today 2 times



Thassos Island from the mainland Greece is separated only 12 km away, it's not difficult to get here. Another name of the island is "Green Brilliant". There are really a lot of greens, ranging from Maslin, and ending with firings. Call Tasos and "marble", since it is from white marble that the local mountains consist.
On the island a lot of comfortable beaches. The resort zone "Golden Sands" is perfect for family holidays - the sea here is petty, safely swim even to small children. And the beach near the pussy will appreciate the youth. In the surrounding area there are campsites, where you can relax in an inexpensive.

On the island, architectural monuments are preserved, the remains of the fortress walls, temples, theaters. You can find even the cave-sanctuary of pagan times. A beautiful cultural center is located in the Palace of the Palaks, and the believers will definitely visit the temple of the Assumption of the Virgin with icons belonging to the Middle Ages. In addition, the banner of Richard is stored on Thassos and part of the cross, which was crucified by Christ.