Nicolas Children's holidays. "Scientific Show Professor Nicolas": business in worms, dry ice and chemical experiments

Nicolas Children's holidays. "Scientific Show Professor Nicolas": business in worms, dry ice and chemical experiments

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Public Offer (offer) online store "Shaw Professor Nicolas" for the sale of goods

1. Terms and definitions.

1.1. In this offer, if the context does not require another, the terms below have the following values \u200b\u200band are an integral part of this offer:

Seller - Merry Science LLC. Legal address: 141707, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky passage, d. 4 p. 1.

The buyer is any physical / legal entity, an accepted public offer on the terms of this offer.

Online store - the official online store of the seller, located on Internet addresses (including Internet pages: http: // Site,,, http: / /, http: // is equivalent and interpreted authentic, according to the context of the offer.

The goods are the object of the Agreement of the Parties, the list of the names of the range, submitted in the official online store.

2. General provisions.

2.1. This Public Offer (hereinafter - "Treaty") is the official proposal of LLC "Merry Science" to anyone individualwith legal capacity and necessary powers to conclude from LLC "Merry Science" Agreement of the purchase and sale of goods on the conditions defined in this offer and contains all essential conditions contract.

2.2. Relations in the field of consumer rights are governed by the Civil Code Russian Federation, The law "On the protection of consumer rights" and those accepted in accordance with it other federal laws and legal acts of the Russian Federation.

3. Subject of the contract and the price of goods.

3.1. The seller passes, and the buyer accepts and pays for goods on the terms of this Agreement. Payment of goods is considered consent to this offer.

3.2. Ownership of the ordered goods goes to the buyer from the moment the actual transfer of goods to the buyer and payment by the last full cost of the goods. The risk of his random death or damage to the goods passes to the buyer since the actual transfer of goods to the buyer.

3.3. Prices for goods are determined by the seller unilaterally indisputable and indicate on the pages of the online store.

3.4. The price of goods is indicated in the rubles of the Russian Federation, VAT is not subject to (paragraph 2 of article 346.11 Chapter 26.2 "Simplified Taxation System" of Part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

4. The moment of the conclusion of the contract.

4.1. Text of this contract is an public offer (in accordance with Article 435 and part 2 of Article 437 Civil Code Russian Federation).

4.2. The acceptance of this offer (contracts) is the paperwork by the buyer of the order for goods in accordance with the terms of this offer and / or payment of goods.

4.3. Registration by the buyer of the order for the goods is made by sending goods to the "Basket", or the implementation of the goods for one of the seller's phones specified on the seller's website.

4.4. The contract concluded on the basis of accepting the buyer of this offer is an accession agreement to which the buyer is joined without any exceptions and / or reservations.

4.5. The fact of placing an order by the Buyer is the unconditional fact of adopting the Buyer's conditions for this agreement and the rules of the purchase and sale of goods in the online store. The buyer, who purchased the goods in the seller's online store (made an order for the goods), is considered as a person who has entered the seller in relation to this agreement.

5. Rights and obligations of the parties.

5.1. The seller undertakes:

5.1.1. From the moment of the conclusion of this Agreement, it is fully committed to the buyer in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the current legislation. The seller reserves the right to fail to fulfill obligations under the contract in the event of the circumstances of the force majeure of the force specified in paragraph 6 of this Agreement.

5.1.2. Processing the customer's personal data and ensure their confidentiality in the manner prescribed by the current legislation.

5.1.3. Accepting this offer, the buyer agrees and resolves Merry Science LLC to process their personal data, including last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, floor, place of work and position, postal address; home, worker, mobile phones, email address, including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), use, distribution (including transfer in the territory of the Russian Federation and cross-border transmission), depersonal, blocking, destruction of personal data, as well as transmitting them Counterparty LLC "Merry Science" for further processing (including collecting, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), use, distribution (including transmission in the territory of the Russian Federation and cross-border transmission), depersonal, blocking, destruction of personal data) for research aimed at improving the quality of services for marketing programs, statistical studies, as well as to promote services in the market by implementing direct contacts with the buyer with various means of communication, including, but not limited to: postal sending, email, phone, facsimile, Internet. The buyer agrees and resolves Cheerful Science and Counterparty LLC "Cheerful Science" to process personal data of the buyer using automated database management systems, as well as other software, specially designed on behalf of Cheerful Science LLC. Work with such systems is carried out on the algorithm prescribed by the operator (collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement, use, blocking, destruction). Used processing methods (including, but not limited): Automatic postcode reconciliation with codes, automatic check Writing the names of streets \\ settlements, automatic verification of validity of VIN and state registration signs, clarification of data with the buyer by telephone, postal service with the buyer or by contacting through the Internet, the segmentation of the base for specified criteria. The buyer agrees that if it is necessary for the implementation of the goals specified in this offer, its personal data obtained by LLC Merry Science can be transferred to third parties to which Merry Science LLC can entrust the processing of the buyer's personal data on the basis of Contracts concluded with such persons, subject to the compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on providing such third parties the confidentiality of personal data and security of personal data when processing them. When sending the specified data of the buyer, Cheerful Science LLC warns people receiving personal data of the buyer that these data are confidential and can only be used for the purposes of which they are reported and require compliance with these rules. Buyer has the right to request from LLC "Merry Science" full information About your personal data, processing and use, as well as require exception or correction / additions to incorrect or incomplete personal data, sending a corresponding written request to the name "Cheerful Science" LLC on the postal address. By the buyer, agreement on the processing of his personal data is perpetual and can be withdrawn through the direction of the buyer of a written application to the Address LLC "Merry Science" on the postal address.

5.2. The seller has the right:

5.2.1. Change this Agreement, the price of goods and tariffs for related services, methods and terms of payment and delivering goods unilaterally by placing them on the pages of their online store. All changes come into force immediately after publication, and are considered to be brought to the attention of the buyer from the moment of this publication.

5.2.2. To record telephone negotiations with the buyer. In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. sixteen Federal Law "On information, information technologies And about the protection of information »The seller undertakes: to prevent attempts to unauthorized access to information and / or transferring it to persons who are not directly related to the execution of orders; Timely detect and stop such facts.

5.2.3. Without coordination with the buyer, transfer their rights and obligations to fulfill the Treaty to third parties.

5.2.4. Before the delivery of the goods ordered by the Buyer, the seller has the right to demand 100% prepayment from the buyer. The seller has the right to refuse the buyer in the delivery of goods in the absence of such payment or in the absence of goods in the seller's warehouse.

5.3. The buyer undertakes:

5.3.1. Prior to the conclusion of the contract, it is possible to get acquainted with the content and conditions of the contract, the prices for goods and delivery offered by the seller in the online store.

5.3.2. In fulfilling the seller of its obligations to the buyer, the latter must report all the necessary data, unambiguously identify it as a buyer, and sufficient to deliver the buyer to the goods paid by him.

5.3.3. Pay the ordered product and its delivery on the terms of this Agreement.

5.4. The buyer has the right:

5.4.1. Get ordered goods under the terms of this Agreement. Get product information.

5.4.2. Returning goods in accordance with Section 11 of this Agreement.

6. Delivery of goods

6.1. Delivery to the buyer of goods, ordered in the online store, is carried out on time spent agreed upon by the parties confirmation by the seller's employee.

6.2. Delivery to the buyer of goods, ordered in the online store, in agreed quantity and assortment, is carried out by the delivery service or by self-delivery. The minimum order amount in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region is 2,000 rubles. The cost of courier delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region is 500 rubles. Pickup from the office / from the warehouse - for free. When ordering in the amount of more than 5,000 rubles, delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region - free. Delivery to the regions of Russia is from 500 rubles, depending on the weight and distance - on the tariffs of the delivery service, which the buyer is reported additionally.

6.3. The shipping costs are paid by the buyer.

6.4. If the goods are ordered together with a scientific show (the service provided by LLC "Merry Science"), then the minimum volume and cost of the goods does not have restrictions, delivery is free, and the discount on the entire range of goods is 20% without limiting the order amount.

6.5. The buyer is obliged in the presence of a courier of the online store to make an acceptance of the ordered goods by quantity, quality, assortment and completeness of the goods.

6.6. The fact of acceptance of the goods by the buyer is the payment of goods (payment of the total amount of the order and the amount of expenses for the delivery of goods to the buyer) and the signing of the UPB (universal transfer document on the goods).

6.7. The buyer is not obliged to compensate for the expenses of the online store associated with the delivery of the order, if when accepting the goods it will be found that the goods are delivered inadequate quantity, range or completeness.

6.8 The seller is not responsible for the violation of the delivery time caused by delays in the work of the delivery service or Russian Post.

7. Feedback Offer

7.1. Offer review (contracts) can be made by the Seller at any time, but this is not a basis for refusing to refuel the seller's obligations under contracts already concluded. The seller undertakes to place a notice of the revocation of the Offer, in its online store, indicating the exact time (4th time zone (Moscow)) of the Offer's reviews, not less than 12 hours before the event of the response event (suspension) of the actions of the offer, except Cases When the goods in the seller's warehouse ends suddenly.

8. Force majeure.

8.1. Upon the circumstances of the insurmountability of the force that the Party under this Agreement could neither foresee nor prevent reasonable measures, the deadline for the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement is moved proportionally time during which such circumstances continues to be effective, without compensation for any damages. Such events of emergency, in particular, include: floods, fire, earthquake, explosion, storm, soil settlement, other phenomena of nature, epidemic, as well as war or hostilities, terrorist acts; Voltage differences in the power grid and other circumstances that led to the failure of the technical means of any of the Parties to the Treaty.

8.2. The Party for which the situation was created at which it became impossible to fulfill its obligations due to the occurrence of force majeure of force, is obliged to promptly (but no later than 5 (five) working days) to notify the other in writing side

8.3. In the event of a dispute about the time of the offensive, the deadlines and the end of the circumstances of the force majeure, the conclusion of the competent authority at the location of the relevant party will be appropriate and sufficient confirmation of the beginning, the term and the end of these circumstances.
Failure or late notice of the Parties to the beginning of the circumstances of the insurmountability of force deprives it in the future right to refer to them as a basis for the basis of liability for the non-fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement.

8.4. If the circumstances of force majeure and / or their consequences continue to act more than 30 (thirty) calendar days In a row, the contract can be terminated on the initiative of any of the parties by sending a written notice to the other side.

9. Responsibility of the parties.

9.1. For non-fulfillment or improper performance of the Terms of this Agreement, the parties are responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.2. All text information and graphic imagesPlaced in the online store and on the site - belongs to LLC "Cheerful Science", or have a different legitimate rightholder, and therefore the illegal use of this information and images is prosecuted in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

10. Warranty

10.1. The warranty period for the goods establishes its manufacturer.

11. Return of goods

11.1. The buyer has the right to abandon the goods received proper quality and return the goods to the seller within 7 (seven) days from the date of receipt of the goods, subject to the safety of the goods, the commodity and consumer qualities of the goods, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions for the purchase of the specified goods and other documentation transferred to the buyer with a commodity.

The buyer is obliged to return the goods to the seller on its own and at its own expense at the address: 141707, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky passage, d. 4 p. 1, from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 18.00.

The return of the amount paid by the buyer for the goods is carried out in cash in the office when returning the goods or the current account specified by the buyer.

11.2. The following products are not exchanged and refund:

Non-periodic publications (books, brochures, albums, cartographic and motor editions, Sheet iszza, calendars, booklets, editions reproduced on technical information media)

(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.02.2002 N 81).

11.3. Claims on the goods of improper quality. Under the product of inadequate quality implies a product that is faulty and cannot provide execution of its functional qualities. The resulting goods must comply with the description on the site. The difference in design elements or design from the declared in the description on the site is not a malfunction or non-functionality of the goods. Appearance and a completeness of the goods, as well as the completeness of the entire order must be tested by the recipient at the time of delivery of goods (except delivery by mail or third-party delivery service / courier service). When delivering the goods, the buyer puts his signature in the delivery act, in the line: "The goods are transferred in proper condition, in full set, external mechanical damage does not have in brand package." After receiving the order of the claim to external defects of the product, its number, completeness and mainstream are not accepted. If the buyer was transferred to the goods of inadequate quality, and it was not stated in advance by the seller, the buyer is entitled to take advantage of the provisions of Art. 18 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights. Buyer has the right to demand the replacement of goods, refuse to execute the contract of sale, return the goods of improper quality and demand the return of the goods paid for the goods monetary sum. The seller is obliged to accept the goods of improper quality from the consumer and check the quality of goods (examination) within 20 days from the date of presentation of the specified requirement. Any of the listed requirements should be brought by the Buyer in writing.

11.4. For refund money The buyer's bank card must be filled with "a statement of money return", which is sent at the request by the Seller to the email address of the buyer, and send it together with the application of a copy of the buyer's passport to the seller at: 141707, Moscow Region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky passage, D . four . p. 1.

To return funds enrolled on the seller's current account, erroneously, through payment systems, the buyer must apply with a written application and an application for a copy of the passport and checks / receipts confirming the erroneous enrollment. This statement must be sent to the seller at: 141707, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky passage, d. 4 p. 1. After receiving a written application with a copy of the passport and checks / receipts, the seller produces a refund over time to 10 (ten) Working days from the date of receipt of the 3rdments to the buyer's current account specified in the application. In this case, the return amount will be equal to the size of erroneously credited funds for the seller's current account for the minus of the Bank's commissions.

The term of consideration of the application and return of funds to the Buyer begins to calculate the seller of the application and is calculated in working days without taking into account holidays / weekends. If the statement was received by the seller after 18.00 of the day or on a festive / day off, the next business day is considered the moment of receiving the application.

Buyer's return requirement must provide the seller either in writing at the address: 141707, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Likhachevsky passage, d. 4 p. The requirement can be compiled in free form with a mandatory indication of the buyer's contact data that coincide with the specified When ordering the goods, the name of the returning goods and the reasons for the return. The buyer has the right to ask all the questions that arose the seller by phone +7 495 617-41-11.

When returning the goods inadequate quality, the seller reimburses to the buyer the cost of returning goods and the cost paid by the buyer's delivery. When returning the goods of proper quality, the returned amount of funds will be reduced to the commission for transferring funds to the buyer's account, as well as the cost of shipping goods from the buyer to the seller.

In the case of payment of a bank card, the return of funds is made in full, without the holding of the Commission, if the Bank does not charge this commission.

12. Other conditions.

12.1. All disputes associated with non-fulfillment, or inappropriate execution of their obligations under this Agreement, the parties will try to decide during the negotiations.

12.2. In case of not reaching agreement during the negotiations, disputes will be resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

13.revizes of the seller.

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Boiling mysterious fluids in flasks and triggers, mixing various substances in test tubes - a spectacle capable of confirming not only adult, but also a children's audience! A person who conducts chemical experiments seems to be a kind of sorcerer or a medieval alchemist, for whose actions is very interested in watching ... This is what our chemical show of the crazy professor looks like, which we are happy to present to your attention!

The enchanting show program will be interested in both schoolchildren of high schools, acquainting chemistry and junior schoolchildren, and even come back! Fascinating from science opens the curtain of their secrets - chemical experiments with outbreaks, smoke and soap bubbles are impressive with their entertainment and are completely safe for kids!

What is included in the program of such chemical Show? The most magical and unusual! The crazy professor will demonstrate real miracles - how to create inks that may disappear, tells how to make baby champagne with a firing stopper and answer the question if the ice can boil. Our professor simply risen in his science! However, this does not prevent him from intelligibly to tell and show children how to do artificial snowAs the rope turns into a rod, as leases and smoke for a disco are made. Chemical experiments conducted for children interactive - our professor needs loyal assistants! The guys will take part in the experience of "soap porridge", where the porridge can be boiled by dry ice, swim under the shower from soap bubbles, inside which smoke will help to make a "ball-unpansy" and polymer multicolored worms, which will then be able to pick up with them!

The crazy professor will be happy to spend his chemical experiences at the office in the office, school, kindergarten, and just at home! If a children's holiday It takes at home, you just need to invite a crazy professor with his show program! After all, in the arsenal of this scientist there are a lot of experiments that can and should be carried out at home! For example, household chemical experiments, like cultivation of crystals or focus with the water raising by the power of thought, children can master and spend at home on their own!

Chemical show will like not only young fidget, bright and original sight entertaining bored adult guests on a banquet or corporate! Adults will discover chemistry anew: Bright experiments of our scientist are rooted different from boring school program! Adult viewers with pleasure take part in the show program!

Chemical show - the last word In the entertainment industry! Magnificparty offers its customers only the most spectacular and original Show Programs, one of which is the chemical show of the crazy professor!

Invite a crazy professor with his program on an anniversary or banquet - and a cascade unforgettable impressions Your guests are guaranteed!

The composition of the program "Chemical Show with a Crazy Professor":

  • souls from large soap bubbles inside which smoke
  • experiment "Soap porridge" (imitation of cooking porridge with dry ice)
  • manufacture of children's champagne with cork shot
  • experiments with dry ice
  • creating a lively chemical mouse and catching it
  • checking the magic ink (sprayed on children, are output with gas)
  • eXPERIMENT "Snake Gorynych" (growing from the head tablets Snake Gorynych)
  • creating artificial snow, sleep distribution as a gift to children
  • creating a ball-continuity
  • creating lysunov, hand-gum (add. 500 rubles for all participants)
  • Bonus: Disco with crazy professor in artificial smoke (super fog), riddles

Duration of the program :

The composition of the program "Fascinating Chemistry and Physics":

  • Creation of artificial snow.
  • Experiment with hot ice: the participant pours a liquid on the surface from which the mountain of crystals is formed.
  • Jin from the flask - the appearance of smoke from the flask.
  • Shackles from the balls: Sticking the balls on the needles
  • Experiment "Magic Flower". From the pulverizer is applied to the flower absolutely pure water And it is painted in bright pink color. The flower blows - and it is again white.
  • Experiment with meteorite sand. It is lowered several times into the water, but the sand remains absolutely dry.
  • Experiment "Volcano". When combining certain components, a bright flash with spraying ashes occurs.
  • Experiment "Magic Light Bulb". The usual light bulb right in the hands.
  • "Space" phone - phone without wires.
  • Experiment "Handheld boiler" - liquid boils from heat heat.
  • Experiment "Whirlpool" - Tornado in the bottle
  • Experiment "Invisible balls". The balls are placed in a bowl with water and they disappear in front of the audience.
  • Experiment "Giant Pipe": Participants on one breath inflated a two-meter bright sausage! There is a funny contest in "Salt".

Duration of the program : 40 min, 1 hour, 1.5 hours (with 30 minutes of animation + 1500r)

Then I realized that it was time to go to new level. "The show of Professor Nicolas" by that time began to bring stable incomeAnd it was difficult for me to cope with a large flow of orders. I hired two assistants-leading, taught them and removed the office. Now, four years after the start, in the Moscow team 23 people, of which are 12 leading.

We have in season (September, January and May) for 200 shows per month. Leaders spend 15-17 programs per day. In the usual months, there is a decline. I seriously come to choosing the leading: 97% of those who came on the casting. We arrange real acting samples once or twice a year. 100 people came to the last casting, everyone had to be interested to show the proposed experiment and get out of complex situation. As a result, five copied with the task, and only three were able to work. We immediately decided that we would not take professional animators, because they had to be retracted.


The starting capital was 100,000 rubles, which I took four years ago. I spent this money for the purchase of chemical reagents and the apparatus for the manufacture of sweet wool, and then told "no" loans. Until now, I adhere to such a policy: I will invest money from free.

Our services are not seeing: in Moscow, the price per speech varies from 8,000 to 60,000 rubles depending on the length of the show. IN small cities The price, as a rule, does not exceed 8,000 rubles.

Very proud of our Nicolas-Mobile brand Peugeoton which leading driven. For Moscow, we purchased three cars - new machines maintain more profitable than repairing used and pay taxi drivers. Branded cars benefit: new customers often call after seeing bright cars of Professor Nicolas in traffic jams. We spend on contextual advertising most of all, about 100,000 rubles per month - it brings 30% of orders. I do not save on the development of the brand - these are my long-term investments. The result suits me: compared with last year, the revenue increased by 50% and is about 25 million rubles. Franchising gives about 25% turnover, the rest - Revenues from the show, sales of sets for home experiments A la "Young Chemist" and channel monetization on YouTube by advertising.

The licensed "show of Professor Nicolas" has been collecting, entertaining and gives excellent mood to children and adults throughout Russia and in many countries of the world. The presentation is based on simple and spectacular experiments from school physics and chemistry, and professional leading - showmen turn them into unforgettable show. Programs are designed for the viewer from 5 years, absolutely safe, all equipment has all the necessary certificates of quality and licenses.

Dear compatriots! This summer, an interactive scientific "show of Professor Nicolas" begins its activities in Europe and the first country of stay has become Montenegro !!!

We are pleased to offer our services, on the organization and conduct of children's holidays, such as a children's birthday, children's Show on tickets, concert programs For children, show outdoors. As well as adult programs - wedding shows, celebration of anniversaries, interactive-program programs in restaurants, etc. The show works throughout Montenegro with departure to the customer. The licensed "Professor Nicolas" show has been gathering, entertaining and gives the wonderful mood to children and adults throughout Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, and even the UAE. The presentation is based on simple and spectacular experiments from school physics and chemistry, and professional leading - showmen turn them into an unforgettable show. The programs are designed for the viewer from 5 years, absolutely safe, all the equipment has the necessary certificates of quality and license .. the birthday of the birthday with the "Professor Nicolas show" is always interactively, exclusively and safely.

The main rule - everyone takes part in experiments! And the guys will take a scientific gift with them, for example, super-mucus or handgam and continue to experiment at home!

Scientific Show You can order anywhere: home, in a cafe, school and even in kindergartenAfter all, especially for the guys, we have developed a show "for the smallest"!

Scientific show for children

1. 4 Elements (7-12 years)

Fire, water, earth, air - many experiments!
Fire, water, earth, air - how many interesting things around us!

This rich program includes many experiments, each of which is associated with one or another elements.

So the guys will see a real volcano, the ball of the ball filled with hydrogen will appreciate the super-blower's air pressure - only more than a dozen experiments, but at the end of young researchers will prepare polymeric worms and take care of them home as a scientific gift!

2. Super laboratory (7-12 years)

Scientific show with many experiments - a real "super-laboratory"!
As you can go balloon So, to get a kebab?

Is it possible to draw with heat heat or leave a bloody print on a piece of paper? How do inertia beads will pop up from banks?

How can the ball be made from the nipple, and is it possible to hypnotize the whole class entirely? The answers to these and many other questions guys will find in the show "Super Laboratory". And the preparation of each participant of polymer worms will be a worthy completion of the program.

3. All inclusive (5-18 years)

The most festive scientific program, where the most interesting experiments are selected.
Specifically for children's birthdays in scientific style The program "All Inclusive" has been prepared.

Here are interesting experiments with dry ice, and excellent experiments with sound, polymers. Each of the participants will see a rainbow with special glasses, prepare a polymer worm.

And the culmination of the children's scientific holiday will be cotton candy, moreover, each of the young researchers will prepare it alone!

4. Summer show (5-18 years)

Summer is a great time to experiment!
Summer! The sun! Beauty!!!

Especially for you we have prepared summer Show - scientific program, all experiments in which you just need to be carried out on fresh air - In the children's camp or on the lawn near the house.

10 meter shots of corks changing their color under the influence of ultraviolet beads, rocket takes off per hundred meters, giant lather, a reactive bottle and a car from a soda, and of course a five-meter fountain of soda - there is no one else! Hurry to see, because in the fresh air you can experiment with a scope!

5. For the smallest (3-6 years)

This scientific show is perfect for the most young researchers!
The show includes the safest, but interesting experiments, allowing young researchers to start learning the world!

Interesting experiences With dry ice, as well as artificial snow, whirl in a bottle, fuel pipes, bird-nevashiki and many other experiments, all this "show for the smallest"

Why it's great

- informative and fun
Often for our parents, our show is no less interesting than children. Leading available explains the laws of physics and chemistry and demonstrate them in practice.

- Experiments are absolutely safe
We use only the highest quality props and reagents for holding a show from our American partner. There are all certificates.

- more than 4000 shows for 5 years
We will organize smart holidays for 5 years. During this time, there were more than 4,000 shows for 15,000 children.

- Let's leave for your site
Our scientific laboratory can come anywhere: to you home, to school, kindergarten, restaurant or shopping center. All we need to work - the table, socket and hot water.

Cognitive holidays with chemical experiments and scientific experiments will be remembered for a long time and children and parents !!!