Russian Hollywood is an unforgettable night show. Fric Show, dance show for every taste

Russian Hollywood is an unforgettable night show. Fric Show, dance show for every taste
Russian Hollywood is an unforgettable night show. Fric Show, dance show for every taste

New, stunning number from the project "Russian Hollywood"! Gold everywhere, gold around! Absolute Luxury! Real luxury for your eyes! The exact movements of the sputter with exquisite costumes will turn your holiday into a grandiose, unique luxury event.

NEW! Bowl of Wonders

With the modern development of the photo in the social. Networks are exactly what you need. After all, this is not just a photo of the zone, but a separate world, entering which you fall into a fairy tale filled with bright emotions!

Pixel POIs

Pixel Poi. - New branding opportunity as part of light show programs. Drawing by the light of any phrases, symbols, logos and election. Unusual and bright emphasis at your event.

Neon spectrum

Dance Show "Neon spectrum" talks about the great comprehensive energy and substance. The fact that they contain and how they can manifest themselves. Entertainment and spectacular costume showbased on the game of light and music. High-level choreography and the use of additional light requisites made it possible to make this show more colorful and meaningful. Costumed show "Neon Spectrum" in night Time is a phantasmagoria, a fairy tale. Darkness allows you to concentrate on the colors and movements of actors and get the maximum pleasure from what they saw.

Led Show.

The project "Russian Hollywood" presents the attention of its latest developments in the field of color and light. Dance Show "LED Show" is a successful combination of three rhythms of the show - musical, light and dance Show. The newest technology of colored cold neon with its luminescence subtly encouraging specific movements of artists.

Each suit has 2 contours - external and internal. In each contour, the property is laid in a variety of modes. The suit color may vary depending on the selected circuit. These changes are controlled directly by the artist.

Cyber \u200b\u200bSpace.

Fascinating dance Showwhich intrigues even the most sophisticated viewer. There really is what to be amazed: various combinations of bright LEDs creates colorful and expressive images.

Return of the King"

New direction of project work "Russian Hollywood" - white cold neon. Perfectly tailored, original costumes, emphasizing the style of King's Pop Music of Michael Jackson, are of the interest of the audience and make a variety at any evening, corporate or concert.

Mirror world

Fric Show The "Mirror World" is the scope of the embodiment of any idea of \u200b\u200blight and color, this is the reflection of the most intimate fantasies on the mirror faces of the costumes. Perhaps beauty is the most powerful and great strength, the most pure embodiment of energy. Beauty always causes a rich emotional response in the hearts of people. Thanks to the successful combination of a mirror of a costume with light rays, we were able to realize a really beautiful Friton Show, different from the novelty, originality and taste! The mirror world is perfect for both thematic parties and large-scale dance shows. Each suit will be a key character of any event. "Mirror World" It is an absolutely new trend in the field of creating dance shows in Russia. Analogs simply does not exist and if you saw this Fric Show, then you have seen it first!

Silver Girls.

Fric Show "Silver Girls" - Beautiful and mysterious production, in which the dance and indescribable beauty of costumes are combined. Mirrored suits that shining like luxurious diamonds give magic, and light, reflected in mirror surfaces, is divided into millions of small and bright glare. Real fountain of emotions!

Flight fantasy

LED show with wings - causes delight and loud applause. Unusual lies not in the materials costumes And not even in thematic rooms, unusual is an idea! Cosmos idea, embodied in the world of music and dance! Idea embodied in the form svetatransmitting emotions, feelings, mood.

Explosures of the Universe

Fantastic entertainment freakshow., telling about the study and knowledge of the endless expanse of the universe. This you have not seen before! Unique night Freakshow. A presentation that has no analogues throughout Russia. Modern person is impossible to surprise? Contemporary person is difficult to surprise? "Universe's expanses" destroy similar prejudices from the first seconds of the appearance of artists on the scene! Amazing space suits, bright light, dynamics, unusual material and form create an atmosphere of traveling to another planet.

White stripe, black stripe

Life is a white strip, the strip is black, but outside these contrasting bands there is another reality, another world. And the other world is full of color! Costume show "The strip of white, strip black" is a wonderful combination of bright plastics of actors and neon technologies. Everyone who sees this view will surprise that this is not common dance Show, and a solid theater number. Strong contrast color of the background and suits, as well as the connection of them between themselves with the threads, create the volume on the stage and make a special perception of the presentation as a whole. This representation requires a certain technical equipment of the scene. Costumes give a wonderful glow in the presence of neon fill of the dance floor.

We provide club shows on corporate party, wedding events, children's holidays and any other events. Using our work experience, we will not let you make a mistake. I know exactly what dance groups are capable of. Good dancers will burn the public in 10-15 minutes, without arranging tedious performances per hour. With us you will definitely notice how the usual trip to the club is different from the club show. Professional DJ will prepare a special playlist for a party, taking into account your wishes. The presenter sets the mood to guests. Therefore, it is important that it source confidence, a positive attitude and goodwill to each guest! The process is easier to command when DJ has its own towering place on stage. This will help him feel more confident.

GO-GO Dancing as part of the club atmosphere

If you have a party, without dance GO-GO can not do. When choosing dancers, pay attention not only to physical data, but also on emotionality. You can show highly aerial figures, but if there is no sensuality, the impressions will be zero. Striptease differs from GO-GO in the fact that the latter eliminates any contacts with the audience. Warn about this in advance about this, and you protect yourself unpleasant situations.

Club Show Nowadays

European Modernist Heritage, Pop Culture, Starting from the mid-20th century and to the present day, modern arts born worldwide, the legacy of the Plastic Theater Meerhold, and many other factors of past centuries and the present time played a big role in the appearance of new ways of narration , images and views, combining them into a single expression tool. The modern performance of the show is inspired by the union of expressive agents: photo art, music, video technology, theater art, plastic rooms and dance, high-tech technology, sculpture, sport, light and laser instruments, architecture, etc.

Trends Club Show

The most popular and trephing effects for the club show are cryo-jets or CO 2. They are generated by special small installations (usually placed directly on the stage). The jet produced into space is the usual carbon dioxide! It creates the effect of ice poles, cooling the deceitable participants of the show. So that cryo-jets make a worthy impression, there must be at least 4 pieces.

Non-standard approaches to the implementation of club shows

If you want to produce a furor on the evening, you got to the address! Applying a dance stage of GO-GO dance in combination with lighting equipment, bright glowing costumes, tools and masks - all this makes a striking delight. We have a lot of both standard programs and individual. Club show Ultra Blow is an irresistible impact in pleasure, various human instincts: physiological and psychological needs for food, sex and human interaction. Our club show can make excellent emotions feel, can give each soil for reflection.

How to order a club show

The club show is ordered especially often where the desires of the organizers and the perpetrators of the celebrations, the expectations of the public and the interests of the business are intertwined. We offer to order a club show from Ultra Blow for every taste: a laser and light show, perforans-show, dance and erotic show ballets, artists and musicians. Order Shows on the Club Event It means it is pleasant to surprise your guests and successfully conduct an event. Using our work experience, we will not let you make a mistake. I know exactly what dance groups are capable of. Good dancers will burn the public in 10-15 minutes, without arranging tedious performances per hour. With us you will definitely notice how the usual trip to the club is different from the club show. Are you interested in the entertainment program for the club? Or do you want to order separately DJ or only dancers? We specifically created the company to satisfy any customer requests. We make an invitation of even world vocalists and dancers. Here you will find teams for every taste and case. Booking famous performers independently is not an easy task. We can order them even from abroad.

In 1932, the famous American director Tod Browning removed the artistic film "Freaks". Being in some extent the tragicomedia, in some kind of melodrama, the film almost immediately after the end of the shooting was severely trimmed with censorship (about 45 minutes), and then prohibited at all. In the national register of the US movies, he entered more than half a century later, in 1994.

But the thing is that Browning was not afraid to remove the picture for the forbidden by then. A film about the extinct genre of the Fric-show, about people who did not have another path, except to make money on a demonstration of their own deformity ...

Today, the show freaks as such does not exist. Medicine for the last hundred years stepped forward, and ethics of human relations underwent serious changes. For most reason, people with disabilities are cured or provide them with normal conditions of existence - and that's right. In the XIX century, the attitude was completely different. For a huge number of people who could lead a full-fledged life today, the road was only one - in the circus freaks.

But this road had positive parties. Many freaks earned huge money and could provide themselves better than anyone healthy people. For example, the legendary camel girl Ella Harper in the flourish of his career (1885-1886) received $ 200 per week in the Circus of Harris! Taking into account inflation today it is equally salary at $ 25,000 per month. Many, right?

Narget genre

Demonstration of various deviations of the human body were popular for centuries. From the point of view of psychology, this is a win-win version of the case: Even today, we pull us back on a passing person passing by, and we cannot explain this impulse in terms of logic. But look at passersby - ugly and uncomfortable. And the circus freaks provided a legal opportunity to look at the anomalies collected in one place and beautifully decorated. Therefore, in almost every circus, since the ancient Roman times, people were attended by physical disabilities - they had their own numbers along with stronghood and acrobats.

In the XVI century, Europe began to move to the market relations system. Mobile circus ceased to be a collection of screamers who earned mostly alms and handouts. Already in the XVII century, a fixed fee was taken for the entrances to many bolads, and the circus, stopping at the fair, paid money for rent. Circus business began to become really profitable. If in the XV century the circus is based on their beings, and the circus was fitted in a single trailer, then two centuries later a circus business became a business.

This is not a real Friton, and Charles Lafton in the movie "Gorbun from Notream" (1939). Brilliant makeup made the best Hollywood Specialist of the 1930s Westmore.

And as part of this business, a strange and unpleasant direction is actively developing - freaks show. If during the time quasimodo fate the disabled person was the stumps and rotten eggs, then the new time began to bring Frika Baryshi. It is these three centuries - from the XVIII at the beginning of XX - the gold era of the circuses of freaks were steel: the profit was already significant, and the public morality allowed an oldly cruel attitude towards unusual people.

In the XVII century, the first famous freaks who begged on their appearance appeared. The famous frisms of that time were Siamese Gemini Lazarus and John Baptist Calloredo, originally from Genoa. John was not so much a man as a shortened process growing from about from the brother's chest area. He always kept his eyes closed, and his mouth was open, he did not know how to talk. Nevertheless, he lived, moved and even took food (apparently, the digestive systems of the brothers were separate).

Lazarus, being quite a mobile and slender man (not counting half of his brother growing from his front), traveled in the first half of the XVI century all of Europe - Denmark, Germany, Italy, England - and was successful everywhere. Moreover, afterwards he married and had normal children.

Russia, too, did not get rid of all sickness. For example, Kunstkamera Peter the Great became one of the world's largest assemblies of hurried freaks. This, of course, is not quite a frric show, but the genre is very close.

At the beginning of the XVIII century, the genre of the Fric-Show jumped from a regular circus. Entrepreneurial delints were picked up on the streets of various embankments, patients, underdeveloped - and made up something like a zoo. Officially, the first speech of the classic frric show is the demonstration of a woman exported from Guinea "with monkey head" in 1738. True, modern researchers tend to the fact that the woman was completely normal. Just the Africans of exotic tribes seemed to Europe of that time with something completely different, and the usual African (maybe patient something) quite went beyond the freak. But it is only assumptions.

Nevertheless, in Europe, the Frico show remained rather rare spectacle. Friki still nailed to ordinary circuses, and for freaks often issued people normal, just competently applied. But at the beginning of the 1800s, the idea of \u200b\u200bFric Show was added to the United States. And the terrible, terrible golden age began.

American idyll Barnuma and Bailey

Up until the 1840s, American Frico Shows was not too different from European. These were groups of trailers who were wheeling around the country, deploying Balagan in every city and demonstrating their Frikov. Unlike Europe, American entrepreneurs approached the question competently. Freaks received sufficiently high salary, signed contracts for speeches - and in general lived as normal people. The only place where they had to endure shame, demonstrating their inferiority, was a scene. But art requires victims.

And in the 1840s, the photo began to grow rapidly. The owners of the Fric-Show immediately took it into service: almost all advertisements of the frric-show from that time were supplied with numerous photo filstration. Attendance of the views literally increased to dozens of times as profit.

Sarab Bartman (up to 1790-1815) on the nickname "Sartzhi", a native of South Africa, was a famous Friton of the beginning of the XIX century, "Gottentotian Venus." In fact, she simply had steatopygia, unnecessary fat deposits on the buttocks.

In the 1880s - 1930s, several hundred circles specializing in demonstrations of human anomalies operated in Europe and the United States. The most famous among them were W. H. Harris's Nickel Plate Circus, the Congress of Living Freaks show and, of course, Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth. About the last and worth telling separately, because it was Pi-Ty Barnum made his Circus quintessence of all Fric-show in the world.

Born in 1810 Fineas Taylor Barnum was a businessman from nature and constantly founded the company and firms, subsequently reselling them or distributing them for debts. He managed to visit the publisher of the newspaper, and the organizer of the lottery, and the benchmark, until he came to the conclusion that the people can be deceived and easier ways. In 1835, he purchased the old Negro-slave-slave Joyce Hat and began to carry it around the cities, claiming that she was 161 years old and that she was a nurse of Washington himself. When interest in the nurse began to subsoine, Barnum was hearing that the old woman is not live, but mechanical, and on the second wave of popularity was still twice the greater Kush. True, then Joyce died. And Barnum found his calling.

Since 1841, Barnum began to work on an organized demonstration of freaks - Liliput Charles Stratton on nicknamed "General Boy-Filter", Siamese twins Chang and Anga Bankers, as well as a number of Africans and Indiana unusual for a white man appearance. Stratton was unusually popular in Europe and the USA - love letters sent to him with tons, he was invited to society, and even the wedding with Liliputheskaya Lavinia Warren Barnum furnished as a grandiose frric show.

"General Boy-C-Finger" and his wife Liliputsha Lavinia Warren.

Barnum founded his most famous circus in New York in 1871; Ten years later, a surname of James Bailey was added to the name of the circus, the show coordinator. For each grades, a unique history and a unique number was invented. For example, the Kostroma boy Fedor Evtichev, which suffers with increased hair growth (hypertrichosis), on the stage only ledal and growled, pretending to say. I paid the barn very well - people specially crossed themselves to get to work in his circus. The long-haired sisters of Sutherland in his circus (an average of 1.8 meters of hair each of the seven sisters) did a fortitude of $ 3 million at the end of the XIX century!

Barnum asked new trend development - he used many methods, then unknown. Spread rumors, viral advertising, came up with spam (paper) and so on. The name of Barnuma is called a psychological effect when people confidently belong to the descriptions of their identity, created allegedly individually for them, and in fact that are an empty common set of words (for example, newspaper horoscopes).

Standard Friki

In the "Golden Age" of the American Frico Show (1850-1930) there was a clear classification of various deviations. Each self-respecting Circus was obliged to have a standard set of freaks plus a few unusual, unique copies. The latter usually received the biggest fees; Circus pledged them with each other, as football players are pounding today.

Bearded women

Oddly enough, many women have the ability to grow mustache and beard. An abnormal growth of these purely male signs is due to the re-free androgen hormone in the female organism. In the XIX century, a bearded woman had to be present in every circus - such frics had so much that the audience "knew" only on those who had any additional deformities. For example, a gray beard or lack of hands. The usual black beard (99% of bearded women - black-haired) no one has already been interested. Most bearded women were married to marry once and gave birth to children - their peculiarity only gave them piquancy.

The most famous bearded women in history was Mexican Julia Pastrana, exported to Europe with a child in the 1840s and in 1858-1860 living in St. Petersburg. Unusually ugly Indiana, she nevertheless did not know the feather from fans-nobles. She died from unsuccessful births. Famous "employees" of the circuses of freaks were Jane Barnelli (Lady Olga) and Annie Jones, and Clementine's Frenchwoman even contained a cafe "At a bearded woman." As already mentioned, this is the most common type of "mandatory" for each Circus of the XIX century Frrian.

People wolves

People suffering from hypertrichoz - increased hair growth throughout the body. The most famous boy-wolf was Fedor Evticov, who inherited the "Pisce" from his father Adriana. Evtishchev became famous, speaking in the American Show Barnum at the end of the XIX century. Today, such patients are quite a normal lifestyle. Hair growth is suppressed by hormonally, and the epilation equipment was noticeably improved over time.

People with skin anomalies

Today, genetic diseases associated with skin, or cure, or leave alone if they do not bring inconvenience to their media. People with "crocodile" or "elephant" leather - suffering from heavy forms of ichthiosis have been the most common group of frics with skin problems. This disease is expressed in violation of the horny, the upper cover - the skin becomes a multicolored, oroging, really resembling a crocodile. The famous Friton Alligator of the first half of the 20th century was Susie, a crocodile girl; In the XIX century, Ralph Cruner shone with its crocodile legs.

The second large group was friki with elastic skin - patients with Elex - Dunlosy syndrome. In this case, the syndrome is disturbed by the synthesis of collagen - fibrillar protein, which is the basis of the connective tissue of the body. As a result, the skin becomes hyperastic, and the joints are super-stitched (up to the bending of the fingers in the opposite direction). Today, the Guinness Briton Gary Turner is widely known in the book of the Guinness British "Elastik", and in the XIX century, James Morris shines on the stage.

Skeletons and fat men

Unusually thin and monstrously thick people most often performed in joint numbers. But if with fat men everything is clear - most often it was people with a heavy form of obesity, then "people skeletons" were usually carriers of genetic diseases. "Skeletons" were more likely to men than women, and the upper boundary of their permissible weight (with normal growth) there were 35 kilograms. Diseases causing anomalous Khudobu could be different - from various types of dystrophy to the usual anorexia.

The most famous couple was a husband and wife - Skeleton Pete Robinson (26 kilograms) and a fat bunny Smith (212 kilograms), married in the 1924th and the former starfish stars for 20 years. Like many "skeletons", Pete had a classic theatrical education and, by the way, played perfectly on Garmoshka. "Skeletons" were often educated people, subsequently made a career on other fields, - their deformity was easily hidden under clothing.

Lained limbs

Unlike other freaks, simply demonstrated their body, devoid of limbs freaks were forced to learn and work. Because viewers interested in the first place not the lack of hands, but the ability to shave with his legs.

"Live tors" were the most popular. The megazvera XIX-XX century was Prince Rendian, "Snake Man." From birth devoid of hands and legs, he independently took a cigarette from the pack and signed, painted, wrote, moved, and was married twice and had six children. From women, Violetta (Aloiezia Wagner) used, who knew how to dress independently and even paint.

Also fame used the helpless photographer Charles Tripp, demonstrating the ability to remove legs (this is at the XIX century chambers!), And the "semi-millenchik" Johnny EC, devoid of the entire lower half of the body due to sacrings.

Artificial freaks

Inalienable participants of Frikschow were amazing people without any physical disadvantages. For example, women with super long hair were highly appreciated (seven sisters of Sutherland were very popular, who had a total hair length of about 14 meters on seven), silica, who know how to tie a horseshoe node, swords. In the 19th century, albinos were also considered urodes and deposited from Africa representatives of relict tribes (especially women with large ... hmm ... buttocks).

There was a special group of artificial hermaphrodites - people taking one half of the body under a man, the second - under a woman. Particularly known in the 20th century there was a character named Josephine Joseph. Of course, his "hermaphroditism" was no more than Masquerade.

Unique Friki

Of course, each Circus should have hit the public with something completely incredible. Bearded women, people-skeletons and legless met often. But the stars of the Panofitikum became friki with unique anomalies occurring once a million.


Alla Harper (1873-?) Difficult disappeared from Frc-show in 1886. Photograph tentatively 1884.

The famous Fens of the late XIX century was a camel girl Ella Harper, who suffered from Congenital Genu Recurvatum, the bending syndrome of the knee dealer. She was born in 1873 and, if her knees were bent in the usual direction, looked like a normal cute child. The star year of Ella was 1886, when she, speaking in the circus W. Harris's Nickel Plate Circus, earned to $ 200 per week. In her room, Ella went on stage at the same time with a camel and repeated all his habits and movements. At the end of the year, Ella left the circus, being a fully owner of a good condition, and nothing more is known about it.

History knows another Friec with the same disease - "Boy - Pony" Robert Haddlston. He was born in 1895, rose on the farm, then got into Tom Mix Circus and has demonstrated his strange knees for 36 years. The carpet from the circus was opened by the auto repair shop, was married.

Baby woman

Jellyow Van Allen on nicknamed "Little Miss Sunny" was born in 1908 and suffered from a unique genetic disease of the bones, as a result of which only her head grew. It could not stand or sit - and always lying. In Frick Show, she usually played the roles of babies - her, 70-centimeter, endured on the stage on her arms, taucles, swung, and then she suddenly began to talk, talk about philosophy and literature, shifting the audience to delight. Medusa was a Ripley's Human Oddities circus star.

People with spinal deformations

The most famous Friton of this plan was a certain Leonard Traction, born in England in 1805. At the age of 28 years, Trash fell from the horse and earned the curvature of the spine. Another 7 years later, he fell out of the crew and received a number of fractures. For the next 18 years, his spine spontaneously bent: as a result, the nose of the tracus buried in his chest. He did not see anything before him and earned a demonstration of deformity. Researchers argue that the cause of bending has become ankylosing spondyloarthritis - systemic diseases of the joints, but there is no hard confidence.

Another strange frika was German Martin Loreello, able to turn his head 180 ° and stay in such a state for quite a long time. He toured a lot in Europe and the United States, spoke at Barnuma, was married and even wrote a satirical pamphlet "How to turn your head to 180 degrees: detailed instructions."


Fritis, patients with focomelia used high demand. With this disease, brushes and / or foot are attached directly to the body - without shoulders, forearms, legs ... a person really resembles a penguin or seal. A small number of penguins friking was due to a high child mortality suffering from congenital focomelia. In principle, such an anomaly in nature is as half as the absence of any limb from birth - but under 5 years of age, 3% of the patients with focomelia are survived.

The same "subtype" can be attributed to the fairly common "lobster people" - patients with ecrodactyl. With this disease, the number and shape of the fingers on their hands, as well as the shape of the stop, in fact, arbitrary. Most often, ecroids have two "fingers" on each hand, they are formed by the controversial tissues of normal fingers. The hands are reminded by claws. Famous Freaks of this type were Fred Wilson (Ry.1866), Bobby Jackson (early 1910s), Grady Stiles Jr. (unique "lobster" in the third generation!).

Glory and sunset

Up to World War II, the ethics of human relations allowed the Frico Show to thrive.

The famous film Toda Browuning "Freaks" of 1932 demonstrates a typical frric show - with a standard set of freaks plus a few unusual freaks. True, the ethics of this film revealed the public in the shock even in those years, Browning fell into disfavor and from the famous director turned into a Hollywood zagoy - he continued, but the failure followed the failure.

In "Lodges" play the most real circus freaks. The worker's man Prince Randian, born without hands and feet and gained glory around the world due to his skills. Johnny EC semist, devoid of the lower half of the body. Siamese twins Daisy and Violet Hilton, who have grown by the sides (by the way, today are divided into such twins; but even the deformity did not prevent the sisters several times to marry and divorce). Martha Morris, "Berophic Miracle" and Francis O'Connor (Oh, how she drinks wine in the film with the help of the legs!).

The listed Friki were at least full-fledged and played in the film as actors. Problems with the law caused the use of mentally retarded Frikov - Zip and Pipa microceals, a "Women-bird" ku (suffering from sequel syndrome and blind) and so on. The question was not at all in ethics, but in the fact that most people did not really know about the existence of freaks. More precisely, they knew, but did the view that they did not know. And here - Ay-ah! - showed everyone, look, in the US there is a frric show.

After World War II, Frico Show lost his popularity. The society has become more hard in ethical, the struggle for various rights, including for the rights of persons with disabilities. And many Friki, who earned great money before the war, and, in general, were happy, after the war, they were stuck in poverty and obscurity (including the mentioned "semi-millenchik" Johnny EK).

By 1955, the ban on Fric-show as a phenomenon was accepted by all European states and most US states. Friki could put themselves at their own request as separate rooms, but posters with the words "amazing deformity", the "lizard man" or "the best freaks from us" disappeared once and for all.

Fric-show today

Another analogue of an ancient frric show is a zirk of Liliput. There are very few such circuses in the world, they are closed communities and rarely admit ordinary people into their inner life. Separate freaks demonstrate themselves in various television shows and club performances. For example, in the United States, the "Lobster Boy" is widely known for nicknamed "Black Scorpio" (it hides the real name) - a person with contricates; His hands resemble lobster claws.


A difficult question, who is happier - Friki of the XIX century, who earned their defensive money, or modern people with disabilities. If the latter will give all their benefits for the right to gain health again, they didn't even think about such. Their mutilated bodies were their bread, and there was no speech about any ethics.

But, looking at the vintage photos, remember that in comparison with these people you do not have any problems at all. Even if you were fired from work, my wife went away from you and you should have a major mafia boss, you still have no problems.

People have always been particularly related to those who are somehow different from them. And although now all over the world say that people with physical disabilities are the same as we, many anyway and open or openly, look at them as a wonder.

But today we will not speak on such a complex moral and ethical topic, and let's talk about the attitude towards disabled in the past. Namely - about the history of the circus freaks or a frric show. Such spectacles were popular in Europe and America in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Frico shows were stray circles where circus were disabled or people with a variety of physical disabilities or anomalies. There you have both bearded women, and too thin or thick, and people with the missing limbs and much more.

The history of the circus freaks

It all started with the transition to market relations. It would seem, what's the Circus? If you do not know how the circus looked in the 18th century, then imagine a fair. Around the huge motley tent stood tents with food, carousel and swing. All this occupied large areas. Therefore, the owners of the Earth began to demand a fee for the placement of such tents, and sometimes the board was exorbitant. Also, moving the stray circus from place to place was very expensive for transportation. Thus, the circus were fairly expensive business, and had a considerable income to their owners. Today you can think if you are a slender acrobat or high stronghold, then your life has been able to. But not everything is so simple. The public in those times was the most demanding sensory pleasure. No one was surprised by acrobatic numbers and clowns. Famous soloities and fockers also did not cause the public enthusiasm.

And one day someone came to mind the idea to surprise the public in deep, on the verge of disgust, emissions from the imperfection of the human body.

So there were circus of freaks, where instead of acrobats and clowns were "Friki". It was a show, built on the lowest and ugly human emotions. The public liked to look at the deformed human bodies and other physical ugliness. Interest and curiosity - that's what guided the creators of the first frric show. Ethical standards of that time encouraged ridicule and bullying over such people. So the public in the circus freaks flowed by the river. They went and paid, then went out and came another time, to another troupe. Thus, it was possible to put a huge fortune on the frric show.

But not all the money went to the profit of the Circus Directors, the part was given to Frikov himself, and we can say that it was a good part. Many circuschi provided themselves with a calm old age and a great condition that could envy the average "normal" person.

But with the reasons we figured out. Let's go back to history.

For some time, Friki was the usual phenomenon in ordinary circuses. Dwarfs, people with some deviations could be present if not in each, then at least in every third tramp circus. Nobody specifically walked through the streets in search of patients and mutilated, because their appearance is not very aesthetic. And the aesthetics was important for circus. But at the beginning of the XVIII century, the first circuses of freaks appeared. They seemed to be separated from standard circus and began to travel around the world and give views themselves. However, in conservative and moral Europe, they did not fit. Not that people were disgusting to look at it, but also the Europeans were not large fans of such spectacles. Moreover, most Frikov, nevertheless, preferred to work with a regular circus. But the news about such circles comes to America. This is where the "golden age" begins.

Around the mid-1800s, American Fric-show was not very different from European. Unless, were more humane. So, for example, Frikov hired and paid them big money for performances, signed contracts with them, and freedoms had much more.

And then began to develop a photo, and with it and advertising. People decided that it would be better if before reaching the circus, the audience will see a part of what awaits him. Photos of "freaks" flooded cities. It became an impetus to the fact that other friction shows appeared, this "genre" became insanely popular.

At the end of the 1800th early 1900s and in Europe, and in the United States there were hundreds of circus, each of which represented his freaks. Suddenly wageed war. During the Second World War, all the circuses of freaks, as well as ordinary, were in decline. People had no time to go to ideas. Yes, and there was no special desire to laugh when people are massively dying in the world. However, after the end of the war, it became even worse for a frric show: the value of human life increased. The man began to respect more and people stopped laughing at physical freaks. So - stopped walking and paying. As a result, the circus freaks ceased to exist. At the moment they are not at all. And if they appeared, there would be such condemnation from the Company, which would not last afloat and weeks.

Famous circus freaks

In fact, the circus was so much that everyone would not know. However, two of them deserve your attention. First - Congress of Living Freaks (Congress of Living Friki) from which you can today find a lot of photos, and information is zero. It is only known that in their "Arsenal" there were dwarfs, people with unusually developed legs and some other anomalies.

About the second, Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth (Barnuma and Bailey's Greater Show on Earth) can be told more. This Circus is famous primarily due to the Fineas Barnuma, one of the founders. This man probably was a businessman from God, because he not only made his circus the most famous, and also brought advertising in itself to a new level. Although for the fact that he came up with a certain semblance of spam, I do not want to thank him.

It all began with the fact that Barnum decided to earn money. Having bought for a part of his dishonestly earned state an elderly African American, he drove it around the cities and said that she was Nanny of Washington himself and she is more than a hundred years old. People believed, gave him money just to look at this miracle. However, soon the interest slept, and Barnum was hearing that the old woman is not even live, but a robot. Returned and halved in popularity! But the woman soon died, and Barnum invited doctors to autopsy and across the city rumors that he replaced the robot with a living person, so as not to reveal the person of the inventor. Such classes came to the Fineas to taste, and he found his calling.

The first of his frric show was a small troupe, consisting of Liliput Charles Strathton (General Tom-there), Chang and Enta Bankers (Siamese twins who were born in Siam. You understand in honor of whom now they are called inacious people), as well as women with atypical for Societies of white appearance: Indian women and African American. By the way, Stratton became so popular that he was invited to the parties of the highest society, and then they found him a carlitsa wife at all.

But the real popularity of Barnum received when he created a circus with James Bailey. From his circus, he made a whole world with his inhabitants, where everyone had their own story and their own characteristics. It came to the point that people specifically applied themselves injury, just to get to him in the troupe, because Barnum and Bailey paid very good. But we are all mortal. And after the death of Fineas, the Circus was sold for 400 thousand dollars (with Bailey Barnum, by the time he stopped working).

Famous friki

Different people inhabited circus freaks: disabled, patients, underdeveloped, crumpled and friki in the modern meaning of this word. Below we will imagine you a small list of those who could shine on a frric show.

1. Bearded women

Bearded women - Queen Frrichelov. Without a bearded woman, your circus freak would be defective. At one time there were many famous women with a beard, and this vegetation was completely worried at all. It was rather raisin. Someone has a mole, someone's nose is great, someone has an unusual hair, and they have beards. These women were the same among male, like others. Many married, gave birth to children and happily finished their lives.

To date, this anomaly has been studied free and across. Bearded women are garisutism, illness, because of which too many male hormones are produced in the female body. To date is treated.

2. Skin anomalies

These anomalies include various skin diseases, due to which human skin has an unusual color or structure. People were also popular with Elessa Dunlosy syndrome, because of which their skin became a tight (as in the picture), and the joints are so flexible that the person could bring his fingers in the opposite direction (probably they had good acrobats).

3. Dwarfs and giants

Ordinary growth was uninteresting - to people of Liliputs and giants. Too high or too low people were an integral part of any self-respecting frric show. Often they worked in pairs that looked very contrast and strengthened the effect of the spectacle. It happened that Liliputs were kutali as newborns, and then they began to argue into philosophical themes in diapers. It was very fun to the public.

Such anomalies occurs due to lack or excess growth hormone. But such people are quite fluent in the modern world, some even become famous. Although, as the story shows, the duration of their life is not great.

4. Wolf People

Returning to the theme of vegetation on the face. Such "Werewolves" were very popular and were to be present in each decent circus freaks. In the circus of Barnuma, by the way, there was also such a person. Fineas made the guy bark and lying on the stage, as if he was a dog. Meanwhile, Fedor Evticov freely spoke in three languages: Russian, German and English. The reason for such an anomaly in hypertrichoz, which is why the hair grew not only all over the face, but also throughout the body.

5. People without limbs

Of course, the complete absence of limbs was more exotic, but most often there were people who did not have or legs or hands.

The reasons for the emergence of such an anomaly mass: from incorrect birth to amputation due to, for example, severe injury.

6. Siamese twins

Very fat and very thin people usually performed in a pair to enhance the effect. Most often: an incredibly complete woman and an incredibly thin man.

Yes, despite the fact that in fashion there were "magnificent forms", the excess completeness was still ugly, and people also laughed at her. But in the circus it was more or less appropriate.

8. Lobster People, Penguins and Seals

People lobsters, penguins and seals are an anomalies with limb deformation. When the hand brushes have grown and remind of claws, sometimes feet or forearms were attached directly to the body. Most often these are congenital anomalies with deviations at the genetic level. There were quite a lot of such people.

There are still many "friki": people with bone deformations, microcephali, which have originals on the body or additional limbs (species of Siamese twins). To tell everyone, unfortunately, it is impossible.

By the way, a separate mention deserves the film Toda of Browning "Rady", which was removed in the 1930s. Circles of freaks then existed (Freiki in the film were real), but the public took the film badly. Perhaps because of the scenes of violence, which abounds the picture. But to call it "immoral" and "wrong", and at the same time, at the same time, attend the freaks of the freaks is somehow dishonest.

Looking at all these people, it seems less significant. In the end, we are "normal" than not to boast Friki. Especially in our time.

Procession around the country Fric Show Beginning with St. Petersburg, gradually conquering the cultural elite and in other cities. The reason for the popularity of artists of this genre is the skills that each performer must possess:
  • perfect plastic body
  • artistry
  • possession of choreographic skills, circus elements and acting talent
  • and only after all above the listed - a bright outdoor image, covered with a grima, hairstyle, an incredible costume.

Costumed Friton Show: Choose performers

The art of creating a Friton image is relatively young, so choosing the artist, first of all, it should be paid attention not to the experience, measured in years, but to the following parameters:
  • individual approach to script development and images for each event
  • availability in the already existing repertoire of images suitable for style and subject to your event
  • number of events where Fric dancers were performed, live sculptures and other troupe characters
  • recommendations and reviews.

Where to find performers for Fric Show?

the site has an extensive database of artists who create incredible costume tricks for events of a wide variety of formats. Fantasmagoric characters, for whom the presentation for the public is a way of life, will gladly take your guests at the holiday. Personal pages of our directory participants contain a working portfolio and detailed information defining your choice.

How to order a frric show for the holiday?

The personal page of each artist contains the form of an electronic application. To place an order, you need to fill out the necessary contact details and boldly click the "Send" button. The troupe manager will contact for the conclusion of the contract and confirm the order.