Belly dance as medicine. How does it affect women's health? The benefits of eastern dances for health and body

Belly dance as medicine. How does it affect women's health? The benefits of eastern dances for health and body
Belly dance as medicine. How does it affect women's health? The benefits of eastern dances for health and body

It is difficult to even imagine how many different fitness programs for weight loss exists in the world! Each is beautiful ladies Without special efforts, it can choose exactly the training that will bear harmony in her soul and heal the body. Everything more women Make your choice in favor of Belly Dance - belly dance.

At first glance, Belly Dance is an ideal solution in all senses, the instructors of this colorful Eastern direction argue that regular classes will help you quickly restore the form, get rid of excess fat In the field of hips and abdomen, the pelvic muscles will strengthen and tighten the buttocks, they will remove the pain in the back and improve the posture. And if the erotic aspect of this dance also has also to fill in the list of advantages, then it seems to be thinking more. Then why European do European dozen troubles about the fact that Belly Dance can be very dangerous?

How Belly Dance helps to lose weight

Any friend of lovely sex knows, in order to be a happy owner of a slim elegant figure, you need to always spend the energies more than enters the body with meals.

Therefore, if it is necessary to simulate the body in a short time, goes as follows: first, increase energy consumption and, secondly, reduce the caloric content of food consumed. But it should be borne in mind if you comply with an unbalanced diet and a calorie portion arrives in the body, it will inevitably affect the health of the metabolic slowdown, problems with hair and skin, as well as poor well-being.

Regular physical exertion can "allow" you to eat a little more calorie, rather than "allowed" a medium-term woman leading a passive lifestyle. In addition, if classes will enjoy, they will act as a natural antidepressant - the source of endorphins, under the influence of which the appetite and thrust "to the hosting problems" decrease.

Belly dance elements such as shocks, shaking, eight, rocking and steps, in one hour of classes are able to burn at least 400 kilocalories. Despite their external simplicity, it is a decent load for the female body, because the dance is involved literally all parts of the body: head, belly, hips, buttocks, legs and hands. Properly performed east dance movements make the pulse stably be located in the "Energy Grinding" zone. So regular rehearsals with periodicity 3-4 times a week - an excellent alternative to aerobic training in the name of weight loss.

But fitness coaches recognize the belly dance can help simulate the figure not everyone. If you have a trained body accustomed to permanent loads, then for weight loss, you will need to make more effort than beginners. Alternatively, you can perform dance elements with a good amplitude, without a break throughout the occupation, and with a concentration on the quality of each movement. But if you do not feel the heating of the muscles, easy fatigue or do not feel the load at all, it is hardly possible to lose weight. In this case, it is better to choose another fitness program.

Unconditional belly dance benefits

What results can be obtained instead of spent time and efforts to conquer Belly Dance?

The first surprise for you will be improved coordination of movements and strengthen the vestibular apparatus. Your body will overeat natural grace, flexibility and plasticity.

In the process of performing some dance movements, an improvement in blood circulation is observed, which is very useful for the prevention of stagnant phenomena in the organs of the small pelvis. Instructors of this exotic dance direction They say that their wards managed to defeat the inflammation of the appendages, they were satisfied with Moma and new cysts stopped forming. Most dancing women have forgotten what PMS is and ceased to use painkillers to facilitate menstruation. Some dancers regular classes helped to cope with ovarian dysfunction.

After a month of stable classes, the vertebral pillar is strengthened and even more than those dancing who have previously had spine injuries.

Belly Dance is an excellent prevention of diseases such as osteochondrosis and hypertension.

Couples of months of classes are enough to improve the flexibility of joints, and not only young girls, but also in women aged.

Special technique of hand movements in dance, due to voltage spinal muscles Corrects posture defects, reduces or eliminates stuff.

The shoulder belt and hands involved in the execution of Belly Dance helps many fans of the belly dance on long years Save perfect breast shape.

This component of the Eastern dance as shaking, significantly reduces the manifestation of cellulite and prevents new fat deposits in the problem areas of the hips and buttocks.

Rhythmic breath, which is the basis for performing all elements of dance, reduces the level of stress and helps to get rid of depression.

The belly dance plays a special role in the preparation of women to pregnancy and childbirth. In the first case, he trains important muscle groups, usually not involved in everyday life, strengthens the muscles of the back, which accounts for the main load during the nipping of the child, and prevents the development of varicose veins in most pregnant women. In the second case, due to the workout of the muscles of the perineum, the strengthening of the abdominal press and addiction to the loads on the legs, the battleship period and the women themselves are easily passing, and most of the fencers can avoid cutting crotch and breaks.

In addition to the above, the belly dance is an excellent cosmetic to improve ... colors of the face. Secret - in the normalization of the intestinal work, which begins to work more productively.

"Underwater Stones" Belly Dance

It is important to understand and accept that the belly dance is not a panacea from all diseases, as many fans of this direction are convinced. There is a risk group for which Belly Dance, like any other dance direction or a sport, is able to inflict tangible harm and jeopardize health. Therefore, before plunging into the world of East exotic, be sure to visit the doctor for temporary and absolute contraindications.

Temporary contraindications

Chronic diseases in the stages of aggravation: ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, adnexitis, bronchitis, cholecystitis and others;

Any purulent processes regardless of the location of the location;

Acute inflammatory processes: ARVI, ORZ, influenza, angina;

The postoperative period of any diseases (the duration of the necessary abstinence regulates the doctor);

The pronounced shift of the vertebral discs, at the stage of rehabilitation, the classes are not fully valid;

Phase exacerbation of liver and gallbladder diseases;

Abundant blood loss and painful condition during critical days.

Absolute contraindications

Strong flatfoot (in view of the main position "on the pads of the fingers");

Non-diagnosed problems with the spine, hernia more than eight millimeters;

Benign and malignant tumors;

Congenital heart disease, severe heart disease: peace and voltage angina, transferred heart attack, mitral valve prolapse;

Hypertension, aneurysms, blockades;

Obstructive bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Belly dance and children's age

Despite existence huge number Group early Development With the inclusion of the belly dance program from the five-year-old age, doctors do not recommend attending children to achieve eight years. Until eleven years, it is better not to learn strikes and shaking. Before completing full puberty, girls are not recommended to practice sharp blows or bends and perform dance elements on the floor.

Belly Dance and Pregnancy

Managers of many fitness clubs are financially interested in encouraging pregnant women. The bet is made that pregnant women tend to have the joy of awareness of the coming motherhood and try to pay more attention to their health during this period, rather than usual.

In addition, doctors strongly recommend pregnant to join the morning charge or gymnastics. Fitness clubs use this fact, presenting a "lightweight" belly dance with the motivation of preventive pregnancy pathologies and preparation for childbirth.

Many eskulapses of medicine do not see anything reprehensible in the abdomen. But it should be understood that the Eastern Dance is a significant load on the female organism. And it does not matter, facilitated this option or normal.

What the belly dance will be wrapped for your health - benefit or harm depends exclusively from you. Correct you solutions!

It became known what benefits oriental dance for women. What is the benefit of classes of belly dancing? For most people, it is just an exotic oriental dance, belly dance, very beautiful and erotic.

What is the benefit of classes of belly dancing?

Belly dance is complicated and, it turns out, very useful for the health of a woman technique: there is a load on all muscle groups, including those that are not involved in our daily life.

Positive effect on women's health

  • Muscles are trained, which are given to a woman to wear and born a healthy child; Internal pelvic muscles.
  • The execution of the belly dance requires the ability to relax and those muscles that do not participate in the dance. Only so the dancer can dance for half an hour, and sometimes longer.
  • For those women who still do not have children, the dance is a wonderful preparation for childbirth, who have them - recovery after them.
  • Belly dance is suitable and pregnant women. In this case, of course, an individual approach is required, according to the supervision of the observing gynecologist.
  • According to medical supervisors, the dance is actively developing the vestibular apparatus, has a beneficial effect on bundles, spine, cardiovascular system.
  • And since such a dance requires smooth, rhythmic breathing, this reduces the level of stress - because it is no secret that rhythmic breathing affects the centers of pleasure, endorphins will be released, the mood increases.
  • Dance helps a woman harmonize and her intimate life, liberating sexual energy. And this, in turn, is reflected on intimate communication with a loved one.
  • The belly dance makes the whole organism work at the limit of its capabilities. After a few months of classes, you will feel tangible results.

Belly dance, age and psychology

Interestingly, women's belly dance are fascinated by women of different ages And the complex and this technique helps to remove many female complexes.

So, women who consider themselves too thin or too complete, fascinating the abdomen dance, gradually come to understand that the body is a great tool that you have to take what it is.

it an important step To solve many psychological and emotional problems: the dancers learn to take their body, their "me" and, as a result, to positively perceive the multifaceted and controversial world around.

Positive aspects of dancing

Do not think that dancing will be connected only with the correction of the form of your abdomen due to the strengthening of the muscles. There are many other positive aspects associated with the comprehension of mysterious oriental dance:

  • First, the overall health improves.
  • Secondly, you will cease to torment pain in the spine, characteristic of the current "sitting" time.
  • Thirdly, you will forever forget what salts deposition.
  • Plus, if you had problems on the part of gynecology, then they will be solved. Not so bad to start, agree? I'm not talking about the fact that the dance classes will give your figure the seductive forms of Arab dancers, and you will be in tone and enjoy life.
  • Belly dance has a beneficial effect not only on the physical health of the woman, he improves her psychological health. This is due to the fact that all energy centers "work" during the dance. A woman begins to feel confident, believes in his attractiveness regardless of age and external data.
  • Ultimately, the long-awaited harmony comes to personal and intimate life, and nervousness and tension disappear from the relationship with others.

How does Eastern dancing affect the soul of a woman?

Charming eastern music, plastic and soft movements, air, shining and ringing outfits will be a real true entity in a woman.

And the feeling of a true woman removes many complexes, heals the disease and brings love, beauty and harmony into our lives.

A modern woman has to live on male laws, as making money, career, business is a male sphere. And what successful womanMoreover, the female essence suffers, which leads to loneliness, depression, diseases and other troubles.

Belly dance - a wonderful opportunity to reconcile the female entity and stiffness of the modern world ...

What gives East Dance?

If we talk about the ordinary level, after 3-6 months of classes, the gait is changing, it becomes softer and mysterious, the complexion of the face is improved, an shine appears in the eyes, you begin to pay attention to you, peace of mind and confidence comes.

And what kind of queen you can feel at a disco or party! (not to mention how many men light up at the sight of oriental dance).

Belly dance, unlike fitness and bodybuilding, act primarily on emotional sphereAnd then already on physiology (body), which is very important for women.

IN modern world It is customary to restrain (suppress) its emotions, deeply hide irritation, anger, and insult. Negative energy It can accumulate in our body, gradually destroying health and leading to serious diseases.

Belly dance helps to return lost health

Immersing in oriental music and dance, you can free up negative and, defending yourself from stress, return the lost health.

Moreover, according to the body's custody in the dance, you can diagnose the accumulation of negative (hidden psychological problemsleading to serious diseases).

  • Spring in the chest department is problems in relations with the world around the world, lack of love for yourself and to the world, not heated heartfalls, feelings of anger, resentment and loneliness. Such problems, if they are not solved, may cause heart disease, vessels, lungs, stomach, liver, thoracic spine.
  • The eligibility of the lower part of the body speaks of sexually suppressing themselves, about anger and resentment for men, it is discontent and rejection of their figures, unrealized ambitions in material sphere. These problems carry diseases of female organs, kidneys and exacerbation of the lumbar osteochondrosis.
  • The custody of the hands, especially the fingers, can talk about the great accumulation of anger and resentment for life (suppressing positive life plans and creativity). And anger and insult can lead to diseases of the joints, cardiovascular system, obesity and smoking.

Of course, the exercises of oriental dancing will not solve all the accumulated problems, but this is a great opportunity to see and understand their reason, and after gaining strength and make their decision.

Moreover, purchasing flexibility and plasticity in the dance, you acquire flexibility and plasticity in relation to the world, and destruction in motion leads to reconciliation with me and peace of mind.

On the effect of oriental dances on the physiology of a woman

  • First, the belly dance gently affect the body. There are no sharp movements and power loads, which helps to protect the spine, joints and ligaments from injuries (which is important for women, especially after 30 - 35 years). In addition, the Eastern Dance Technique is based on the hand-taut, on the right spine and the swelling of the muscles of the back - therefore, in the process of classes, the spine gently stretches, the back straightens, which not only corrects the posture, but also removes the painful osteochondrosis (cervical, cheerful and lumbar) pain.
  • Secondly, in oriental music is assigned big role Barabanam - and it is not by chance. The magical effect of the drum on a man since ancient times is used in many cultures of the world. At the subconscious level, the rhythmic blows of the drum calm down, because they remind us the blows of the maternal heart that we heard in the womb.
  • The drums set the rhythm of the heart, which begin to actively swing blood to each organ, each cell. Yes, and shaking performed under the drum fraction is excellent vibrationmannastics, restoring lympho and blood supply to the whole organism. It is very useful in cardiovascular diseases (varicose veins, atherosclerosis, vegetative dystonia, elevated intracranial pressure, migraines, hypo - and hypertension).
  • Another feature of the Oriental Dance is the training of deep muscles of the abdominal press, a small pelvis and specific women's muscles, as a result of which the stagnation of blood and lymphotocks is eliminated and all the vital activity of all organs below belt is normalized. And this is invaluable in the treatment of female diseases (infertility, premenstrual syndrome, dysfunction of ovaries (cycle violation), painful monthly, neoplasms (cyst, fibromy) and various inflammation (endometriosis, adnexitis, salpengitis, officer).
  • Recovery of blood and lymphotocks and vibrationmen have a beneficial effect on eliminating chronic constipation, treatment of kidney disease and frigidity.

Belly Dance, Lessons

Important: Contraindication for classes of belly dancing is a cancer

Of course, in one - two months of classes, it is difficult to achieve the results described above, regular 3-4 one-time classes are needed, with good motivation and excellent mood. And after 6-12 months, a small miracle may occur with you and you yourself do not know yourself!

Dance, rejoice in life and Sunlight. Love yourself and be loved!

It is difficult to even imagine how many different fitness programs for weight loss exists in the world! Each of the wonderful ladies without much effort can choose exactly that training that will bear harmony in her soul and healing the body. More women make their choice in favor of Belly Dance - belly dance.

At first glance, Belly Dance is the perfect solution in all senses, the instructors of this colorful Eastern direction argue that regular classes will help to quickly restore the form, get rid of excess fat in the hips and abdomen, strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and tighten the buttocks, will remove the back pain and Improve posture. And if the erotic aspect of this dance also has also to fill in the list of advantages, then it seems to be thinking more. Then why European do European dozen troubles about the fact that Belly Dance can be very dangerous?

How Belly Dance helps to lose weight

Any friend of lovely sex knows, in order to be a happy owner of a slim elegant figure, you need to always spend the energies more than enters the body with meals.

Therefore, if it is necessary to simulate the body in a short time, goes as follows: first, increase energy consumption and, secondly, reduce the caloric content of food consumed. But it should be borne in mind if you comply with an unbalanced diet and a calorie portion arrives in the body, it will inevitably affect the health of the metabolic slowdown, problems with hair and skin, as well as poor well-being.

Regular physical exertion can "allow" you to eat a little more calorie, rather than "allowed" a medium-term woman leading a passive lifestyle. In addition, if classes will enjoy, they will act as a natural antidepressant - the source of endorphins, under the influence of which the appetite and thrust "to the hosting problems" decrease.

Belly dance elements such as shocks, shaking, eight, rocking and steps, in one hour of classes are able to burn at least 400 kilocalories. Despite their external simplicity, it is a decent load for the female body, because the dance is involved literally all parts of the body: head, belly, hips, buttocks, legs and hands. Properly performed east dance movements make the pulse stably be located in the "Energy Grinding" zone. So regular rehearsals with periodicity 3-4 times a week - an excellent alternative to aerobic training in the name of weight loss.

But fitness coaches recognize the belly dance can help simulate the figure not everyone. If you have a trained body accustomed to permanent loads, then for weight loss, you will need to make more effort than beginners. Alternatively, you can perform dance elements with a good amplitude, without a break throughout the occupation, and with a concentration on the quality of each movement. But if you do not feel the heating of the muscles, easy fatigue or do not feel the load at all, it is hardly possible to lose weight. In this case, it is better to choose another fitness program.

Unconditional belly dance benefits

What results can be obtained instead of spent time and efforts to conquer Belly Dance?

The first surprise for you will be improved coordination of movements and strengthen the vestibular apparatus. Your body will overeat natural grace, flexibility and plasticity.

In the process of performing some dance movements, an improvement in blood circulation is observed, which is very useful for the prevention of stagnant phenomena in the organs of the small pelvis. The instructors of this exotic dance direction say that their ward managed to defeat the inflammation of the appendages, they were sissing misa and new cysts stopped forming. Most dancing women have forgotten what PMS is and ceased to use painkillers to facilitate menstruation. Some dancers regular classes helped to cope with ovarian dysfunction.

After a month of stable classes, the vertebral pillar is strengthened and even more than those dancing who have previously had spine injuries.

Belly Dance is an excellent prevention of diseases such as osteochondrosis and hypertension.

Couples of months of classes are enough to improve the flexibility of joints, and not only young girls, but also in women aged.

Special technique of movements of hands in dance, due to the tension of the spinal muscles, corrects the defects of posture, reduces or eliminates the stuff.

The shoulder belt and hands involved in the execution of Belly Dance help many fans of the belly dance for many years to preserve the perfect breast shape.

This component of the Eastern dance as shaking, significantly reduces the manifestation of cellulite and prevents new fat deposits in the problem areas of the hips and buttocks.

Rhythmic breath, which is the basis for performing all elements of dance, reduces the level of stress and helps to get rid of depression.

The belly dance plays a special role in the preparation of women to pregnancy and childbirth. In the first case, it trains important muscle groups, usually not involved in everyday life, strengthens the back muscles, which account for the main load during the baby tooling, and prevents the development of varicose veins in most pregnant women. In the second case, due to the workout of the muscles of the perineum, the strengthening of the abdominal press and addiction to the loads on the legs, the battleship period and the women themselves are easily passing, and most of the fencers can avoid cutting crotch and breaks.

In addition to the above, the belly dance is an excellent cosmetic to improve ... colors of the face. Secret - in the normalization of the intestinal work, which begins to work more productively.

"Underwater Stones" Belly Dance

It is important to understand and accept that the belly dance is not a panacea from all diseases, as many fans of this direction are convinced. There is a risk group for which Belly Dance, like any other dance direction or a sport, is able to inflict tangible harm and jeopardize health. Therefore, before plunging into the world of East exotic, be sure to visit the doctor for temporary and absolute contraindications.

Temporary contraindications

Chronic diseases in the stages of aggravation: ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, adnexitis, bronchitis, cholecystitis and others;

Any purulent processes regardless of the location of the location;

Acute inflammatory processes: ARVI, ORZ, influenza, angina;

The postoperative period of any diseases (the duration of the necessary abstinence regulates the doctor);

The pronounced shift of the vertebral discs, at the stage of rehabilitation, the classes are not fully valid;

Phase exacerbation of liver and gallbladder diseases;

Abundant blood loss and painful condition during critical days.

Absolute contraindications

Strong flatfoot (in view of the main position "on the pads of the fingers");

Non-diagnosed problems with the spine, hernia more than eight millimeters;

Benign and malignant tumors;

Congenital heart disease, severe heart disease: peace and voltage angina, transferred heart attack, mitral valve prolapse;

Hypertension, aneurysms, blockades;

Obstructive bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Belly dance and children's age

Despite the existence of a huge number of early development teams with the inclusion of a belly dance program from the five-year-old age, doctors do not recommend attending children to achieve eight years. Until eleven years, it is better not to learn strikes and shaking. Before completing full puberty, girls are not recommended to practice sharp blows or bends and perform dance elements on the floor.

Belly Dance and Pregnancy

Managers of many fitness clubs are financially interested in encouraging pregnant women. The bet is made that pregnant women tend to have the joy of awareness of the coming motherhood and try to pay more attention to their health during this period, rather than usual.

In addition, doctors strongly recommend pregnant to join the morning charge or gymnastics. Fitness clubs use this fact, presenting a "lightweight" belly dance with the motivation of preventive pregnancy pathologies and preparation for childbirth.

Many eskulapses of medicine do not see anything reprehensible in the abdomen. But it should be understood that the Eastern Dance is a significant load on the female organism. And it does not matter, facilitated this option or normal.

What the belly dance will be wrapped for your health - benefit or harm depends exclusively from you. Correct you solutions!

It became known what the benefits of eastern dancing for women. What is the benefit of classes of belly dancing?

For most people, it is just an exotic oriental dance, very beautiful and erotic. But at the same time, it is complicated and, it turns out, very useful for the health of a woman technique: there is a load on all muscle groups, including those that are not involved in our daily life.
Muscles are also trained, which are given to a woman to wear and born a healthy child; Internal pelvic muscles. The execution of the belly dance requires the ability to relax and those muscles that do not participate in the dance. Only so the dancer can dance for half an hour, and sometimes longer.

For those women who have no children, dance - wonderful preparation for childbirth, who have them - recovery after them. Belly dance is suitable and pregnant women. In this case, of course, an individual approach is required, according to the supervision of the observing gynecologist.

According to medical supervisors, dance is actively developing the vestibular apparatus, It has a beneficial effect on bundles, spine, cardiovascular system. And since such a dance requires smooth, rhythmic breathing, this reduces the level of stress - because it is no secret that rhythmic breathing affects the centers of pleasure, endorphins will be released, the mood increases.

Dance helps a woman harmonize and its intimate life, liberating sexual energy. And this, in turn, is reflected on intimate communication with a loved one.

Interestingly, women's abdominal dance today are fascinated by women of completely different age and the complex and this technique helps to remove many female complexes. So, women who consider themselves too thin or too complete, fascinating the abdomen dance, gradually come to understand that the body is a great tool that you have to take what it is. This is an important step towards solving many psychological and emotional problems: the dancers learn to take their body, their "I" and, as a result, to positively perceive the multifaceted and controversial world around.

The belly dance makes the whole organism work at the limit of its capabilities. After a few months of classes, you will feel tangible results. Do not think that they will be associated only with the correction of the form of your abdomen due to the strengthening of the muscles. There are many other positive aspects associated with the comprehension of mysterious oriental dance.

Firstly, Improved overall health.
Secondly, You will stop tormented pain in the spine, characteristic of the current "sitting" time.
Thirdly, You will forever forget what salts deposition.

Plus, if you had problems on the part of gynecology, then they will be solved. Not so bad to start, agree? I'm not talking about the fact that the dance classes will give your figure the seductive forms of Arab dancers, and you will be in tone and enjoy life.

Belly's dance has a beneficial effect not only on the physical health of a woman, he improves her psychological well-being. This is due to the fact that all energy centers "work" during the dance. A woman begins to feel confident, believes in his attractiveness regardless of age and external data. Ultimately, the long-awaited harmony comes to personal and intimate life, and nervousness and tension disappear from the relationship with others.

How does Eastern dancing affect the soul of a woman?

Charming eastern music, plastic and soft movements, air, shining and ringing outfits will be a real true entity in a woman. And the feeling of a true woman removes many complexes, heals the disease and brings love, beauty and harmony into our lives.

A modern woman has to live on male laws, as making money, career, business is a male sphere. And the more successful the woman, the more the female essence suffers, leading to loneliness, depression, diseases and other troubles. East dance - a wonderful opportunity for reconciliation of the female entity and stiffness of the modern world ...

What gives East Dance?

If we talk about the ordinary level, after 3-6 months of classes, the gait is changing, it becomes softer and mysterious, the complexion of the face is improved, the men appear in the eyes, men begin to pay attention to you, comes calm and confidence in their forces. And what kind of queen you can feel at a disco or party! (not to mention how many men light up at the sight of oriental dance).

Oriental dances, unlike fitness and bodybuilding, are primarily affected by the emotional sphere, and then on physiology (body), which is very important for women. In the modern world, it is customary to restrain (suppress) their emotions, deeply hide irritation, anger, and insult. Negative energy can accumulate in our body, gradually destroying health and leading to serious diseases. Immersing in oriental music and dance, you can free up negative and, defending yourself from stress, return the lost health. Moreover, according to the custody of the body in the dance, you can diagnose the accumulation of negative (hidden psychological problems leading to serious illnesses).

Spring in the thoracic - These are problems in relations with the world around the world, lack of love for yourself and to the world, not hurried heart wounds, sensations of anger, resentment and loneliness. Such problems, if they are not solved, may cause heart disease, vessels, lungs, stomach, liver, thoracic spine.

The eligibility of the bottom of the body Speaks about suppressing himself sexual terms, about anger and resentment for men, these are discontent and rejection of their figures, unrealized ambitions in the material sphere. These problems carry diseases of female organs, kidneys and exacerbation of the lumbar osteochondrosis. The custody of the hands, especially the fingers, can talk about the great accumulation of anger and resentment for life (suppressing positive life plans and creativity). And anger and insult can lead to diseases of the joints, cardiovascular system, obesity and smoking.

Of course, the exercises of oriental dancing will not solve all the accumulated problems, but this is a great opportunity to see and understand their reason, and after gaining strength and make their decision. Moreover, purchasing flexibility and plasticity in the dance, you acquire flexibility and plasticity in relation to the world, and destruction in motion leads to reconciliation with me and peace of mind.

On the effect of oriental dancing on the physiology of a woman.

First, oriental dances gently affect the body. There are no sharp movements and power loads, which helps to protect the spine, joints and ligaments from injuries (which is important for women, especially after 30 - 35 years). In addition, the Eastern Dance Technique is based on the hand-taut, on the right spine and the swelling of the muscles of the back - therefore, in the process of classes, the spine gently stretches, the back straightens, which not only corrects the posture, but also removes the painful osteochondrosis (cervical, cheerful and lumbar) pain.
Secondly, in Eastern music, a large role of the drums is assigned - and this is not by chance. The magical effect of the drum on a man since ancient times is used in many cultures of the world. At the subconscious level, the rhythmic blows of the drum calm down, because they remind us the blows of the maternal heart that we heard in the womb.

The drums set the rhythm of the heart, which begin to actively swing blood to each organ, each cell. Yes, and shaking performed under the drum fraction is excellent vibrationmannastics, restoring lympho and blood supply to the whole organism. It is very useful in cardiovascular diseases (varicose veins, atherosclerosis, vegetative dystonia, elevated intracranial pressure, migraines, hypo - and hypertension).

Another feature of the Oriental Dance is the training of deep muscles of the abdominal press, a small pelvis and specific women's muscles, as a result of which the stagnation of blood and lymphotocks is eliminated and all the vital activity of all organs below belt is normalized. And this is invaluable in the treatment of female diseases (infertility, premenstrual syndrome, ovarian dysfunction (violation of the cycle), painful monthly, neoplasms (cyst, fibromy) and various inflammation (endometriosis, adnexitis, salpengitis, officer). Restoration of blood and lymphotocks and vibrous scamps are beneficial Influence on eliminating chronic constipation, treatment of kidney and frigidity disease. Contraindication for classes is a cancerous disease.

Of course, in one - two months of classes, it is difficult to achieve the results described above, regular 3-4 one-time classes are needed, with good motivation and excellent mood.

And after 6-12 months, a small miracle may occur with you and you yourself do not know yourself!
Dance, rejoice in life and sunlight. Love yourself and be loved!


Oriental dances are a harmonious combination of the magnificence of dance with moderate exercise. I regularly attend training, you will gradually enter the taste and feel self-confidence.

This dance should be experienced, then it will reveal in you female energy. You will want to create and give love. New talents will be revealed, the desire to show itself will appear. All this will bring pleasant changes to your life.

What is the benefit of oriental dances

  • Over time, the emotional background is stabilized, in life you will feel harmonious and calm. And calm, as is the guarantee of health.
  • Regular dancing classes contribute to the elimination of slope, removal of voltage from the cervical department, reveal the chest.
  • Dances have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Increases the flexibility of the joints.

Dances fill with energy and increase muscle tone

But, as you know for women in the first place always harmony. So ... Oriental dances in combination with a diet is a golden key to an ideal figure. Dancing help to cope with such problems as a flabby belly, skin sagging on hand, cellulite. Fat deposition on sides decreases.

Already after the first month of classes, you will notice changes. Gradually, habitable to dance, learning new elements, the body becomes more hardy.

Exotic oriental dances with their expressive movements make a beautiful gender more beautiful and help to cope with female health problems.

Effect of Eastern Dance for Female Organism

Oriental dances are like yoga, just not for mind and body, but for your sexuality and charisma. Due to the fact that they have a beneficial effect on women Health - Woman blossoms like a flower.

  1. Movement area of \u200b\u200bthe pelvis improves blood circulation in female organs, contributing to the reproductive function.
  2. Help restore the shape and functions of the female body after childbirth.
  3. Due to circular movements in the abdomen, the metabolism is improved in the intestine. It helps to reduce appetite.
  4. Improving posture. Movements form muscular fabric of the press, back, hips and legs. The girl with a beautiful posture looks slimmer and graceful.
  5. Improving blood circulation, and this is beautiful skin, hair and nails.

Oriental dances develop your femininity and sexuality

  • Your gait becomes more graceful and smooth.
  • Forming proper breathing, at the expense of which internal organs saturated with oxygen.
  • Smooth movements are developing femininity and sensuality.
  • Forming beautiful form Chest and waist.
  • A good mood after training will help stay in good shape and shine health and beauty.

For women oriental dances - sip fresh air Among everyday worries. On the one hand, it is helped to relax and charge energy, on the other hand, have a beneficial effect on the body and improve well-being. Dance and be healthy, beautiful and energetic!

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Many people know that dance classes, even at the amateur level, are very useful for health as physical and spiritual. The dance fascinates so much that you forget about everything: problems, failures, stress, disappointments. Movement to the music helps to support muscles in a tone, be graceful and plastic. Truly, the female dance is the East, namely the belly dance. Even physicians recognized his favor.

Helps to lose weight

If you do not like gYM's, sport sections, Grueling classes, then pay attention to oriental dances. There are no heavy physical LoadsAll exercises are performed in a relaxed state, no sharp movements. In addition, the occupation hour helps to get rid of 400 calories.

Belly Dance Lechit

Doctors are recognized healing properties Eastern dance. Its benefit in the prevention of paragraphs is obvious:

· Helps to get rid of a number of diseases and inflammatory processes of female genital organs;
· In some cases, it helps to get rid of infertility;
· Improves the state of the spine, even after injuries;
· Makes the joints more flexible;
· Normalizes the intestinal work;
· Warns osteochondrosis and hypertension;
· Normalizes the coordination of movements and the operation of the vestibular apparatus;
· Stimulates emission of endorphins, which helps to improve the mood and reduce stress.

Useful for future mothers

Oriental Dancing - Safe physical activity For women in position. In the process of classes, future mothers relax and train at the same time.

· The belly dance trains the deep muscles of the small pelvis, the perineum and the press, which contributes to more gentle generic activities and reduce pain;
· Dances strengthen back muscles and shoulder beltthat allows you to save and faster to restore the former figure;
· Eastern dance classes make the skin more elastic and elastic, which does not give to form scars and stretching;
· Will strengthen the veins on the legs, which eliminates varicose expansion.

Increases self-esteem and femininity

Finding all the subtleties of the art of oriental dance, you begin to comprehend all the essence female soul and body. Internal magnetism, attractiveness, charm and sexuality developing. On the dance floor, women will frequency and enjoy the implementation of standard simple movements, incendiary rhythms and beautiful costumes. Admiring male views increase self-esteem, and women begin to feel the only and unique.

Oriental dances are not just physical activity, it is a whole religion of femininity and beauty. Thanks to this art, a woman fully releases its inner potential and is liberated, getting rid of the disease and acquiring a beautiful figure.

Watch the belly dancing very exciting. They are becoming increasingly popular not only in their homeland, but in many corners of the planet. Belly dance is different from others dance styles the fact that it is based on the movements natural to female body: Watching the hips, breast rise, the active work of the abdominal muscles, etc. In addition to the indescribable aesthetics, the belly dance has useful properties For human health. About some of them and talk.

Many people are surprised when they find out that in this form the dance is involved not only the muscles of the abdomen. But this is like this: almost the whole body participates in the dance, which brings him a considerable benefit. In addition to the abdomen, the tongue-round muscles of the thighs, trambled tendons and buttock muscles work especially actively. Despite the fact that during the dance is moving more bottom part Body, the force of influence on the knees and the ankles is minimal. The emphasis here is not on foot and feet, as in most other dance styles, and on the joints.

Bellianians use their torso much more than ballet dancers, hiphoper or chutes. Only jazz style is close to the eastern dance in the intensity and the type of movements. People who are engaged in belly dancing possess good feeling Equilibrium, better feel your body and less problems with joints. During the abdomen dance, provided that all movements are made correctly, the risk of getting injuries is minimal. The advantages of this dance can be enjoyed both women and men of all ages.

Improvement of posture and muscle toning

In a person's spine, the number of bones, cartilage and ligaments are greater than in any other part of the body. Each movement of the body depends on the health of the spine. Muscle groups attached to vertebrae and binders create movement both in vertebrates and in the pelvic areas of the body. The belly dance tones and develops these muscles well, improves the flexibility of the joints and is the most secure for the spine.

Often repeated movements of the hips, the stomach and the entire body contribute to the production of synovial fluid - natural lubricant for joints. When the movements are performed correctly, they help prevent the problems of the lower back. These dances reduce the load on the back, counteracting the constant compression of the vertebral discs, which is due to the seating and a larger lifestyle.

Muscle toning improves posture and prevents back pain especially those who have Lordos. The hip muscles are well strengthened, which increases the flexibility of the hip, improves equilibrium when walking. Belly dance does not less actively engage hands and shoulders, which perfectly tones the muscles of these parts of the body.

Since dancers most Moves are doing standing on the legs, they perform a lot of exercises called "carriers", in which tendons and muscles are stretched on the bones. It stimulates bone cells to highlight more bone tissue, which helps to prevent osteoporosis and strengthen the bones.

According to Western studies, during the class of abdomen dancing, up to 300 calories per hour can be burned. The exact figure will depend on the intensity and proper fulfillment All movements. Combined healthy diets oriental dances can be a very effective part of any weight reduction program.

But most often the classes of dancing in the group with an instructor are held once or twice a week. To increase the effect of the diet and improve the work of the cardiovascular system, it is useful in breaks between classes to pay attention to stretching exercises, aerobics, cycling and swimming. Then the loss of the body will become more noticeable, and dance exercises will be given much easier.

And one more bonus from the dancing belly in the question of weight loss is a beneficial effect on digestion. The active work of the muscles of the abdominal area, shaking and turning the body in different directions, helps food well move along the digestive system.

Dance benefits when preparing for childbirth

Belly dancing distinguishes a number of exercises that strengthen the muscles actively used in the process of childbirth. Usually, the courses of future mothers teach training the muscles of the abdomen and the pelvis so that the births passed less painfully and more successfully.

It is no less useful to continue classes and after childbirth in order to restore the form and reduce unwanted consequences. However, the future mothers and recently born women are important to perform dance exercises gently and smoothly, under the supervision of experienced instructors to avoid injury.

Anyway, any kind of dance helps to fight stress. But thanks to its smooth, repeating movements, the belly dance soothes well and is one of the best lessons for getting rid of stress. It is important to consider that in the stressful period the body is often clamped, muscle spasms occur in the neck, shoulders or back. In this case, lactic acid accumulates, the influx of blood is reduced to the affected muscles, which causes pain in them.

Belly dancing perfectly relax and simultaneously stretch the muscles, stimulating the improvement of blood flow, which flushes the excess of lactic acid. Relaxing, the muscles become more obedient, and the body is flexible and pliable. The back and neck are sick. In addition, the belly dancing is very cheerful and fun. They allow a person to reveal it creative potential, tune in to natural body movements. With the help of these classes, you can spend a great time and forget about everyday troubles.

Rehabilitation after injury

Often, doctors recommend that the abdomen are dancing as a rehabilitation of those who have been injured. However, without consultation and advice of the attending doctors, engage in any kind exercise After injury it is impossible. This is especially true of people over 40 years old, with health problems and pregnant women. To avoid pain and new injuries, it is important to heat the muscles with a simple warm-up with elements of stretching. In order not to harm your body, learn to listen to it by calculating its strengths and weaknesses.