Kegel exercises for women after childbirth. Proper exercise of Kegel after childbirth

Kegel exercises for women after childbirth. Proper exercise of Kegel after childbirth
Kegel exercises for women after childbirth. Proper exercise of Kegel after childbirth

> Kegel exercises after childbirth

Kegel's gymnastics is very popular and in modern girls who want to strengthen the vaginal muscles to give new sensations with sexual contacts. Despite the fact that many are skeptical about this technique, the number of its adherents is constantly growing.

Initially, the Kegel exercise complex was developed for women suffering from involuntary urination after childbirth. The scientist found that the muscles of the pelvic bottom in this case practically do not fulfill their functions, although they are responsible for holding urine during a sharp voltage, for example, with sneezing, cough or laughter. After childbirth, the genitals of women undergo significant changes:

  • elasticity of the walls of the vagina is lost;
  • his walls are lowered;
  • the tone of the pelvic dna muscles is reduced;
  • there is a discrepancy between the muscles (diastasis).

The essence of the Kegel complex is to train the vaginal and pubic-cleaned muscles that are included in the pelvic bottom of the woman. Also, the execution of gymnastics contributes to the strengthening of blood flow to the organs of the sexual system, improves blood circulation and helps the saturation of blood oxygen.

Starting classes on this technique is recommended at the stage of pregnancy planning to fully prepare for the upcoming birth. Pelvic muscles play a significant role in the delivery, therefore, in modern medicine, workouts are developed for future mothers based on the principles of Kegel.

Kegel's gymnastics is widely used in the medical practice of various directions, it is prescribed gynecologists, andrologists, urologists. The following states are indications.

  • Pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth in history. For example, the weakness of generic activity, painful childbirth, stretching and omission of the walls of the vagina.
  • The risk of arbitrary urination syndrome or incontinence. This is characteristic of women after the onset of Klimaks and for young girls after surgical operations on the urinary organs.
  • Suspicion of omitting and falling out of the uterus, vagina. Most often caused by weakness and reduced elasticity of the muscles of the crotch.
  • Problems in sex life. The lack of a sense of sexual satisfaction, the inability to achieve orgasm at sexual proximity.


Despite the seeming simplicity of exercises, the positive effect cannot be achieved without the ability to concentrate on the desired group of muscles and proper breathing. If these skills are not mastered, training can even harm. Contraindications to gymnastics are as follows.

  • Prolapse genitalia 3-4 degrees. With a diagnosed loose of the uterus, the reinforced load on the muscles of the abdominal press and the buttocks can aggravate the pathological process, since during the execution of such exercises, intra-abdominal pressure is significantly increased. Therefore, often experts prohibit engage in any exercise in launched cases of omitting and entering the limits of the sexual gap (prolapse) of the walls of the vagina or organs of the female small pelvis (bladder, uterus and cervical, less often - intestines).
  • Active inflammation in the field of urinary organs. Training is categorically contraindicated in cases where the woman, in addition to the muscles, has infectious or inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  • Somatic diseases. Classes are not recommended for the existing pathologies of the heart and vessels, hypertension, identified oncology or benign formations.
  • Early postoperative and postpartum periods. We should not start training after transferred surgical operations on the organs of the urogenital system or immediately after the treatment of injuries in the crotch area, after childbirth with injuries and breaks, as well as during the exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

Caution should be trained during menstruation, with pronounced endometriosis. If classes are accompanied by pain syndrome, it is better to delay them. The time of the possible start of classes can only determine the doctor after a comprehensive survey.

5 basic exercises

The method developed by the bowl over time has undergone amendment, a special complex for men appeared, but the basic principles and approaches remained unchanged. There are five basic exercises.

  1. Stop. This is the basic exercise that needs to be performed during urination. Its essence lies in the management of a stream of urine, when you need to stop several times during the process and start it again, straining and relaxing the crottest muscles. It does not need to use the muscles of the hips and the bottom of the abdomen.
  2. Reduction. Alternate tension and relaxation of the pelvic muscles. Start this exercise needs a cycle of ten repeats several times a day, gradually enhancing the load.
  3. Elevator. Exercise takes into account the anatomical features of the structure of the vagina. It is a cylinder with a rings (muscle beams). A woman must learn to feel these "rings" and strain them one after another through small intervals.
  4. Waves. In order for the "waves" effect, you need to know that there are special muscles around the vagina, the anal hole and the urethra, called the "extended eight". It is they who must strain and relax in a certain order.
  5. Positioning. The essence of all exercises in various positions: not only standing, but also lying, standing in squatting or sitting.
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There are general basic principles of exercise:

  • maintain a single accelerated pace;
  • strain muscles for more than 30 seconds;
  • gradually increase the load;
  • between strong cuts to make a small pause.

At the discretion of the doctor, the exercise complex can be expanded or cut.

Features of execution

There are some features of exercise performances depending on the goals pursued.

During pregnancy

The main rule is not to try to fulfill the entire complex in full. Before starting workout, you need to empty the bladder. During this, you can try to delay the urine stream, squeezing and relaxing the muscles of the crotch and sphincter. For the first time there will be 15 repetitions. At the next stage, you can simulate attempts similar to the actions during defecation (strain the muscles of the crotch, leaving the relaxed muscles of the abdominal press).

It is forbidden to engage in similar gymnastics in the following cases:

  • the threat - a woman is in the hospital with a diagnosis of the threat of pregnancy interrupt;
  • an unpleasant feeling - the exercise causes discomfort, pain or increase in muscle tone of the uterus;
  • injuries - before pregnancy there were injuries of the spine or osteochondrosis of the lumbar region;
  • risk - a woman is included in the risk group on premature birth.

After childbirth

  • On the second or third day. So early to start training in the event that the childhood was successful, the woman gave birth independently, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe crotch and vagina there were no injuries and breaks, the seams were not superimposed. The prerequisite is a good general condition of the feminine and the lack of unpleasant sensations in the process of gymnastics.
  • In two or three months. With complicated births associated with crotch breaks and other injuries, workouts can be made only after the full healing of the perineum and the vagina and after a comprehensive survey of the gynecologist. The same applies to the state after the implementation of the cesarean section.

Determine which specifically the exercises are needed in the postpartum period, the attending physician will help.

When omitting the uterus, you need to do with caution and only on the recommendation of the doctor. Gymnastics in this case is complemented by other exercises. For example, "bike" or mahi legs in a lying or standing position.

You need to increase the load gradually. You can start with two or three times a week, moving then to daily training. Be sure to take into account the degree of omission.

You should not expect from gymnastics a miracle. If there are serious pathologies, it is possible to eliminate them with the help of complex therapy, and sometimes only surgery. But the Kegel complex has good therapeutic and preventive effects:

  • it helps to increase the tone - increases the degree of elasticity of the muscles of the small pelvic and the perineum, is useful for increasing the tone of the vagina;
  • warns - reduces the likelihood of the omission of genital organs of a woman;
  • treats - to a certain extent solves the problem of stressing incontinence of urine and feces;
  • enhances sensations during sex - helps a woman get orgasm;
  • rejuvenates - slows down the processes of aging in the body;
  • reduces the risk of inflammation - such as cystitis, colpits, adnexites.


Kegel's gymnastics is a unique technique that has no alternative in modern physiotherapy. One of the interpretations of the technique is to use special vaginal weights - balls. Such classes are called vombilding.

But this does not mean that there are no other ways to treat the omission of the organs of a small pelvis or postpartum pathologies of the vagina and the uterus. Alternative is drug treatment, and in particularly complex cases - surgical intervention.

One time did the exercise regularly, to be honest, I didn't notice anything special, just at work, so that it was not boring, I was sitting and did, "Time killed," every time I thought about it, that people would know what I do in the workplace . By the way, yes, I would also be delighted if vaginal balls were found under the Christmas tree. I will write a letter to Santa Claus.

After giving birth, I thought that everything, the end - to wear pads for those who are with incontinence of urine until the end of the days ... to the toilet went like a geisha, because, a little wider step and the shame would not be wrapped. Then he read about the exercise of Kegel and after a month about his postpartum problem forgot. Helps! Make sure!

And he was afraid to sneeze and cough. These exercises really help. You do not dwell on the period. Two weeks - this is not enough. You also do not see the result on the fitness after two weeks. Here, too, the muscles and even got them according to the full program. Do an exercise and over time (not so big) everything will come to normal.

Publications 15-Mar, 2018, 00:30 Belokurov 419 0

During pregnancy, after the birth of the child, the abdominal muscles and a small pelvis lose their elasticity, stretched. A woman may encounter a number of problems, for the solution of which will require time, patience and certain efforts:

  • genital prolapse;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • postpartum incontinence of urine;
  • sexy dysfunction.

What do the exercises of Kegel give

Cegel's exercise complex, which consists in alternate reduction and relaxation of pelvic muscles, was designed for conservative treatment of postpartum, postoperative and age problems.

Daily classes in a complex with light exercise will help rehabilitation and restoration of generic pathways, improving blood circulation, muscle stress enhancement, will prevent the possible development of gynecological and urological problems after childbirth. Uncomplicated exercises are aimed at returning to the muscles former strength, elasticity, functionality.

Movement to help strengthen muscles

To begin to engage in the gymnastics of Kegel is necessary during the period of pregnancy, pre-consulted with the doctor. Contraindication for classes can be a threat of miscarriage, inflammatory, oncological diseases, problems with cardiovascular system. Regular training will help strengthen the cervix, facilitate the process of childbirth, avoid postpartum complications and pathologies.

If the birth was natural, passed without complications, such as generic injuries, crotch tissue breaks, there is no danger of opening bleeding, classes should be continued on the 2nd day after delivery. The advisory gynecologist will tell you what muscles need to be loaded, how best to conduct training will help make their schedule.

It is convenient to exercise what you can do at home yourself, choosing the appropriate time yourself. It should be started with short workouts up to 3 minutes a few times a day, gradually increasing the number of repetitions and the total time of classes. Before starting workout, it is necessary to free the bladder.

In position lying on the back, sitting or standing, you need to relax the muscles of the abdomen, legs, buttocks. Reduce 1-2 seconds, and then relax the muscles of the vagina. Repeat these actions from 10 to 15 times.

Repeat the same actions, but not so fast, reduction and relaxation to withstand for 10 seconds.

Alternate fast and slow cuts for 4 minutes.

Breathing during training should be even and free, there should be no painful sensations, discomfort states. To achieve due effect, returning control over urination, the exercises should be carried out regularly for at least 2 months.

Tegel simulators

To increase efficiency, achieve a faster and maximum result in the muscle training of a small pelvis, doctors recommend combining the lightweight exercises of Kegel using special vaginal simulators.

The first simulator was invented by Kegel in 1947 and was called Kegel Perineometer. With it, it was possible to measure the power of the muscles of the perineum and control the results that were achieved by a complex of exercises.

Over time, the simulators were modified and improved, but all of them have one general principle of operation - a vaginal massage and the creation of an additional load on the muscles of the small pelvis by mechanical or current pressure.

Jade eggs are selected in size, introduced into the vagina when performing the exercises of Kegel.

Vaginal balls from silicone are introduced into the vagina. When walking, trying to hold them, the woman strains the muscles of the crotch. This helps strengthen the muscles, improves blood circulation.

Pneumatic simulator - allows you to set the exercise mode. It has a vaginal sensor and the screen, which reflects the mode and the power of abbreviations, which allows independently evaluating the efficiency of the workout.

Laser ball ball with a laser pointer holder. Makes it possible to control the correctness of the exercise.

Vibrotremen type Magic Kegel Master. Pconclusted to a smartphone with a special application that helps keep track of muscle compression.

Mindimulators operating in pulse mode. Muscles are reduced under the influence of current intensity, which can be adjusted.

The implementation of simple Cherel exercises will help speed up the process of restoring the body after childbirth, restore bright and harmonious intimate relationships.

Very often, recently born women face problems in intimate life. This happens after the natural childbirth when the baby passes through the generic paths, thereby expanding them. The vagina after childbirth, of course, narrows, but not yet, as before them. Everything else is added to the weakness of the muscles of the pelvic bottom. It is complicated by the situation even more, if in childbirth, women were gaps or used episotomy. In general, our article is about what the exercises of Kegel.

All other "pretabs" of the postpartum period also adds dissatisfaction with intimate. Feeling during intercourse becomes more weak, a man does not feel the elasticity, which was earlier, the air falls during the vagina and comes out with unpleasant sounds. All this is undoubtedly upsetting partners. But there is a way out, and it is simple enough - this is the exercises of Kegel.

Thanks to these simple exercises, you improve the blood supply to the crotch, restore former elasticity. In addition, Kegel exercises are the excellent prevention of the venous stagnation of blood, the omission of the walls of the vagina, inflammatory processes of the genital organs. If you give daily for some time with these simple exercises, then your intimate life after delivery will be brighter and more pleasant.
History opening

Arnold Kegel in the middle of the 20th century developed a complex of special exercises for training muscles of the crotch. The exercise complex was designed to prevent and treat such diseases of the urogenital system as urinary incontinence, prostatitis. Also recommended these exercises with hemorrhoids and to improve sexual functionality.

For a long time, among the doctors there was no single opinion regarding the exercise data, but the conducted studies confirmed their effectiveness. And now, many women after giving birth, it is gynecologists that advise that this complex for faster recovery of the tone of the muscles of the vagina.
How to perform kegel exercises

In order to know what you need to train, it is necessary to detect something. That it is enough not easy to do with the muscles of the pelvic bottom. With the lobokovokopchik muscle, which is located between the pubic and cocoic bones, it is still possible, although in life we \u200b\u200bpractically do not feel it if she does not give us anxiety.

In order to understand where it can be done as:

Enter your finger in the vagina and try to compress it. At the same time, the muscles of the thighs and the abdomen should be relaxed. If you managed it, then you found the necessary muscle. That is the strength of her compression you and you need to train.

When you go to the toilet in a small one, try to stop urination, straining internal muscles, not legs. If you succeeded, you felt the right muscle.

Do not worry, if none of the ways could not tell you the right location of the lobokopchik muscle. Just try again, or contact a specialist for help.
How to do khegel exercises

Conditionally, they can be divided into three types. Let's talk about them in more detail.
1. Tension the muscles, as you did during urination and slowly consider up to three. Relax. In the future, you need to bring the voltage time to 20 seconds. You can also strain and relax muscles, moving stepped: strain easily, then a little stronger, even stronger, we achieve the maximum voltage and the same "go down".

2. Making rhythmic cuts, i.e. We strain and relax the muscles as quickly as possible.

3. Turning as during defecation or in childbirth. Relax. It is important to feel the tension and relaxation not only the muscles of the perineum, but also anus.

Start with 10 exercises of each type of five approaches. Gradually bring them up to 30 exercises five times a day. After you reach perfection, i.e. It will become easy to feel compression around the finger entered into the vagina, you will just have 25 exercises per day, just to maintain the form.

Where and when?

The whole beauty of the exercises of Kegel is that you do not need to allocate some time for their implementation. And you will not need a gym. Doing home affairs, resting or working, you can perform them at any time. Of course, at the initial stage you will need privacy and silence, so that nothing distracts you from concentration on your feelings. However, having mastered this not sophisticated science, you can perform the entire complex completely imperceptibly for others.

Positive sides.

The undoubted plus of the trained muscles of the vagina is the strengthening of sensations during sexual intercourse, more rapid achievement of orgasm. And how nice will be your partner to feel compressing his penis muscles. Women after childbirth, performing this set of exercises, note that the recovery process proceeds faster, sex life brings much more pleasure. Therefore, any woman who recently become a mammy, you can recommend the exercises of Kegel, which only positive emotions will bring.

Simulators for Vombilding

There are special devices for training the muscles of the vagina. Even there are courses on which you learn different exercises when they are helpful. But do not be discouraged if you have all this. They can be replaced by an ordinary stone egg. They are sold in almost all shops on Feng Shui. Eggs are different sizes. Here you need to choose exactly what will approach the size of your vagina. If after childbirth it increased greatly, then you should not choose a small egg from natural stone. It is better to choose jade or quartz (light colors). The egg must be without chipping and cracks. By choosing an egg in size, you will easily do exercises with it. So feelings will be brighter. Then you will go to the small one.

Exercises with egg

They do not replace the exercise training exercises to strengthen the lobokopchikom muscles described by us above, but only complement them. This is like a more complex stage (in-house vombilding) - continuation of the exercises of Kegel.

The gym need to prepare. There are two options:

Put on the egg unused condom
- Drill on the tip of the egg hole and insert the lace there

All this is necessary in order to easily remove the egg from the vagina.

1. Egg inside of you (stack from a condom or lace outside): Start squeezing with the muscles of the egg. Do you feel compression? So the size of the egg is chosen correctly. Make three compression in a row, then remove 15 seconds on vacation. Then keep the same again. Exercise from 10 to 20 times. First, start with the small one, then, as the experience set, increase to 20. The exercise is done lying.

2. The egg is located inside only half: try to make suction movements (as if sucking an egg inside yourself). Exercise is done lying.

3. Egg is completely inside you: Try to push the egg out (remember that after each attempt you need to do with rest). Exercise is done lying.

4. The egg in you only half: try to keep the egg with muscles with muscles when you are standing. With well-trained muscles, this should be obtained.

5. Working with cargo (performed only if all other exercises are well obtained). A plastic water bottle is tied to a long cord that is tied with an egg. The amount of water depends on the trafficking of the vaginal muscles. Try to keep such an egg with a cargo inside yourself when you are standing.
As the skills have been received, increase the weight of the load (pour more water).

Remember that the gym should be clean. Before applying, it ishing good with soap and wipe the alcohol for loyalty. Do all exercises very carefully, in order not to harm yourself and your body. Do not push the egg too far so as not to damage the neck of T-shirts. If you are tired or felt discomfort, stop the exercise, on what stage you are.

Hello, lovely real and future moms!

The article discusses the exercises of Kegel for women after childbirth. We tell in what cases they need to be performed, whether they have contraindications. You will learn how to do exercises at home.

Use of Kegel exercises

Pregnancy and generic process - the period during which the entire body and individual organs are subjected to colossal loads. But the permanent crotch is most of all, since it is actively involved in the labor process. Therefore, experts are recommended for the speedy postpartum recovery regularly carry out the exercises of Kegel. After all, it is they who help to strengthen the muscles of the perineum, and also eliminate the various problems of an intimate nature faced young moms with a lowered uterus.

Daily exercise performs:

  • provide intimate muscles into the tone;
  • quickly clean the body from postpartum disclaimers;
  • eliminate urine and feces;
  • bring the uterus to the pre-soda state;
  • restore fabrics that were strongly stretched while tooling the fetus;
  • strengthen libido;
  • improve sexual health;
  • slow aging.

Also, such exercises are excellent prevention of the development of inflammation in the female sexual sphere. These exercises have such amazing abilities, and almost all women who do not have contraindications to classes are used.


In the postpartum period, not to all women can be carried out by therapeutic gymnastics on Kegel. After all, it has a strong impact on the muscles of the crotch, which in some cases can harm health.

Kegel gymnastics is prohibited in the following cases:

  • aggravation of inflammation in organs, which are located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe small pelvis;
  • vascular diseases of the legs;
  • strong bleeding;
  • the presence of postpartum seams;
  • vascular diseases in the small pelvis organs;
  • injuries during childbirth;
  • exacerbations of heart disease.

If you decide to engage in the Kegel system, be sure to talk about it with your doctor. According to the results of the survey, he will say when it is possible to start classes. Sometimes you have to wait for the full healing of the seams and only after that proceeding to training. By the way, women who gave birth with the help of cesarean sections, can be processed only 2 months after childbirth.

When to start exercises

According to generally accepted medical advice, it is permissible to begin to engage in therapeutic gymnastics in the following cases:

  1. If there were no complications, injuries and ruptures during childbirth, then you can start training after 3 weeks. But only if you feel well and gymnastics does not cause any discomfort. Start with minimal loads, gradually increasing them and watch for well-being.
  2. If during childbirth it was injured, breaking the perineum and the overlay of the seams, follow the gymnastics should be accurately. It is forbidden to start training for ten days after childbirth, at the same time a doctor's advice is required. Only a specialist will determine how the postpartum recovery is held with you, whether the seams healed and could begin to train.

Well, we decided with deadlines, you can now begin to perform exercises. Just remember, in case of deterioration of well-being, it is necessary to stop doing the gymnastics.


Of course, you will first experience strong fatigue when performing exercises. But as soon as you master the correct execution technique and will regularly train, fatigue will pass. The effect of classes will be visible immediately, but you do not despair and continue to perform them. By the way, such training is useful to perform when omitting the uterus.

  1. During the urinary bubble emptying, stop for 15 seconds, then continue the procedure. During one visit, repeat this gym up to five times. Thanks to this exercise, you will learn to manage intimate muscles. After you master this occupation, proceed to a new exercise.
  2. Squeeze and immediately after that relax the pelvic muscles. As soon as weigh this exercise, start to reduce and increase the frequency and force of compressions.
  3. Squeeze the vaginal muscles, hold them in this position 5 seconds. Then relax the muscles, then take 10 repetitions. Increase muscle fixation time daily.
  4. Imagine that the vagina is the elevator mine, which stops on several floors. Now try to strain alternately and relax these muscles. Perhaps the first time you will not do it. But with regular training, you can feel these muscles.
  5. Start in turn to cut the pelvic bottom muscles in front and backwards.

Features of exercises

Intimate gymnastics has a number of features that are manifested with regular training:

  • Perform each exercise to ten times, do 8 approaches per day. Only with this mode, intimate muscles after childbirth will be able to quickly recover.
  • Perform training at home in public transport and even in the store, standing in line. The undoubted advantage of this technique is the ability to train anywhere and so that foreign people will not be noticeable.

Sometimes after training, such reactions may be observed:

  • muscle pain for several days;
  • menstrual cycle failure, which will restrict over time;
  • duration of menstruation not more than 2 days;
  • extended pupils and excitement.

Recent feminine feedback confirm the benefit of the healing gymnastics. Some with delight tell me how intimate life improved. Others argue that only after these exercises, the uterus returned to their prenatal sizes. If I recently became a mom, be sure to try this gymnastics, but only before this consult your doctor.

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Finally, the long-awaited karapuz and pregnancy difficulties remained in the past. Days are filled with excellent concerns, and the female organism launches the recovery process after childbirth. In the cycle of household fuss, it is important to pay attention not only to the baby, but also for yourself. Save and multiply women's health will help daily students with medical gymnastics (for example, Kegel exercises).

What do you need a Kegel technique

There is a healing complex of gymnastic exercises capable of strengthening the muscles of the perineum and the pelvic bottom. The complex was developed by the famous gynecologist of the mid-twentieth century - Arnold Kegel. All exercises are performed very simply and do not occupy a lot of personal time, which is so necessary young mom.

As a rule, the daily load on the muscles of the vagina and the pelvic bottom is reduced to zero, but the influence of adverse factors on them is still happening.

The loss of elasticity, elasticity and weakening of the muscles of the small pelvis is an obvious consequence of minimum loads on them. The poor work of the muscles of the small pelvis leads to the emergence of a variety of diseases, the emergence of problems in sexual life and, as a result, emotionally psychological discomfort in a woman.

Indication for the use of Kegel exercises

Despite its simplicity, the gymnastic exercises according to the Kegel method are very peculiar and require a responsible and competent approach. Medical indications for the fulfillment of the complex of these exercises will be:

  • pregnancy planning;
  • preparation for childbirth;
  • restoration of the muscles of the vagina after delivery;
  • prevention and treatment of urinary incontinence and feces;
  • prevention and treatment of omitting of small pelvis organs;
  • prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes of sexual sphere;
  • improving the elasticity of the muscles of a small pelvis;
  • an increase in sexual sensations and improving intimate life.

List of contraindications

The gymnastics developed by APNold Kegel has a number of contraindications:

  • acute inflammatory processes of prostate and hemorrhoids;
  • varicose Lower limbs and intimate zone;
  • oncological diseases of the genital organs, suspected cancer;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • venestic diseases with acute symptoms.

Before carrying out the exercises below, it is necessary to consult a doctor and thoroughly prepare (for example, to practice breathing technique).

When and how to perform the exercises of Kegel to women after childbirth, the features of fulfillment at home

Starting from the sixth week after childbirth for a faster recovery of the body, you can engage in gymnastics according to the Kegel program. It should be advised to consult a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications.

Exercise technique

The program developed by the Kegel is directed mainly to strengthen the crotchic cocoic zone. All exercises can be performed independently at home.

At first you should feel your lobkovo-cockerel muscle. The easiest way to do this, stopping the process of emptying the bladder in the middle. Pour sitting with a broken leg and interrupt a stream of urine several times. Interrupting urination, you can understand which muscles are weakened, and which are not, as all the muscles of the groove zone will be involved.

Exercise number 1 - "Break"

Ideally, the muscles can relax and not selected, you need to take a break for 10 seconds before repeating the exercise

Lie on your back and bend the legs in the knees. Breathe calmly. On the breath, squeeze intimate muscles for three seconds, on the exhale relax them for three seconds and strain again.

First, you may not be able to maintain the muscle tension for three seconds, but soon you will develop such an ability, since the muscle strengthens. Try not to reduce the muscles of the abdominal press.

Exercise number 2 - "Elevator"

For this exercise, it is equally well suited as a starting position lying on the back and sitting.

The essence of this exercise is to alternately compress and relax the muscles of the vagina as if you climb the elevator, and then go back. After performing the exercise, strain and relax the muscle ten times so quickly as soon as you can, seeking the feeling of "trembles."

On the exhalation, gradually straining the muscles, we breathe smoothly in the exhalation. Breath calm and deep.

You will probably need some time to learn how to control the muscles of the vagina in this way.

Exercise number 3 - "Reduction"

Start with ten slow cuts, gradually bringing their number to 30

Pose when performing this exercise is not fundamental. At this stage, a long and sustainable muscle contraction is needed, as if you tried to draw some object into the vagina. Hold the abbreviation of the muscle within three seconds.

Exercise №4 - "Tanya-Pokoli"

To draw the muscles by performing the exercise "Tanya-Puski", imagine that the muscles of the pelvic bottom are a vacuum

This is the last exercise in the complex. Performing it you should work out a feeling, like when the intestine is emptying, but the jolts to send mainly to the vagina, and not to the rear pass. Keep tension is necessary for three seconds.

As you already understood, all the above exercises are performed easily and quickly. Them (kegel exercises) can be done everywhere and at any time. Conduct training three times a day. Repeat every exercise ten times and after a month you will feel the result.

Video - Performing a set of exercises with a gel simulator

Errors in performing exercises according to the method of Kegel

Often women are carefully trained according to the method of Kegel, but there is no effect from classes. The reason may be the wrong execution of gymnastics.

Common mistakes allowed in the process of training:

  • tension of the press and buttocking muscles: Training must only be subject to intimate muscles;
  • breathing delay or its wrong rhythm;
  • overflowing bladder;
  • irregular workouts.

Kegel's gym should be performed every day. It is worth remembering that it is important not to overdo it: the error will be enough for all the exercises immediately or adhere to the most fast tempo. Newbies, just started to train, it is necessary to choose the two most simple exercises for them, then gradually increase the complexity and number of repetitions.

Video - Kegel Method

Review: Kegel exercises will help strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis and make your intimate relationship more harmonious

Advantages: Harmony in intimate life, strengthening the muscles of a small pelvis, urine incontinence can be treated without plastic operations.

Disadvantages: It is necessary to give time every day, first it is very difficult and strong fatigue is observed.

Kegel exercises I started doing after childbirth. Since I was doing a cesarean section, after extracting home I had problems with incontinence of urine. I went to the doctor who said that during the overlay of the seam something was incorrectly sewn, but you can fix it.

To correct, suggested trying the Kegel technique. Exercises of Kegel are designed just for patients like me. Well, not only. Kegel has developed these exercises for those women who have a feeling of the walls of the vagina, the omission of the uterus, the incontinence of urine due to stress and so on).

You need to do these exercises or not, you can define yourself. If during intimate proximity (from the back partner), you hear the sounds from the vagina, then this is the first sign of the weakening of the muscles. You have time to strengthen them!

The main thing is to determine which muscles you need to train. The doctor recommended to determine independently, after entering the vagina to compress the muscles of the vagina to remember which muscles work at this moment.

And then everything is simple. When you go on a bus, drive a car, take food, learn and relax, watch TV, in general, do anything, start training the muscles responsible for keeping urine and your intimate life. I did only three exercises ("Muscles in a fist", "elevator", "rhythmic compression and relaxation").

The first time it will seem difficult for you. This suggests that the muscles need to strengthen. The first time I was able to keep the muscle in a compressed state of just a few seconds. Now I can no longer tighten at all.

I did this exercise the first two weeks almost every hour. Two weeks later, the husband suspected me in treason, began to look closely, even give flowers without reason)))!

If you do exercises at least five to ten minutes every day, I am sure, in a month your harmonious intimate life will begin to cause envy of all. And your female health will restore. Implanting I stopped after five days of classes. And when I went to the doctor, I was ready for plastic surgery. Everything is in your hands, I told me a doctor, and I believed.

Be healthy and happy!

eK9345 Russia, Ekaterinburg Review date: 2014-04-09

Returning to an intimate life after delivery, it began to notice the accumulation of air into the vagina when using certain pos. This caused not only an unpleasant feeling, but also a shame in front of her husband. Agree, few people excite the sounds of the emerging air from the innermost place. I understood that these sounds occur because my intimate muscles weakened after childbirth and they should urgently put in order. Once upon a time, in his student years, I heard about the method of Kegel. She (technique) just fit for the treatment of my case. At first it was hard to do exercises. The muscles practically did not obey, but after two or three days of regular training it became easier. Exercises I performed and during washing dishes, and when watching your favorite TV series, in general, time and place for this workout roles are not playing. The result, I began to notice in a few days, and completely my ailments passed in two and a half weeks from the moment of the start of training according to the method of Kegel.

Remember that any disease is easier to warn you than cured! Balanced nutrition, moderate physical exercise and competent execution of the simplest gymnastic exercises, will help you not only lose extra kilograms scored during the baby tooling, but also accelerate the recovery process after delivery.

Gynecologists have long come to the conclusion that women's health and sexual satisfaction are largely dependent on the state of the crotchopper muscles.
What they are more elastic, the easier and more painful are childbirth, less risk of breaks. In addition, the trained muscles normalize the blood circulation in the lower spoken departments, thereby preventing the development of hemorrhoids, reduce menstrual pain, protect the appendages from inflammation and still mass of gynecological diseases, lead them into tone helps the exercises of Kegel.

If the vaginal muscles, even without special training, are pretty elastic, the birth of the child radically changes the situation. After childbirth, the vagina becomes not so elastic as before. You can not even imagine how stretching and relaxing his muscles during pregnancy and especially with natural childbirth.
The first sign of the weakness of the vaginal muscles is the inability for a long time to endure the desire to go to the toilet and involuntary urination with sharp loads, sneezing.
In addition, if after childbirth, you have strong menstrual pain, which was not previously observed if you stop reaching orgasm with sexual intercourse or if it became difficult for you to use tampons - this may also indicate the weakness of intimate muscles.

Training will help in childbirth

Vaginal muscles are a kind of automatic gate through which the child falls into the big world. And so that these gates not only opened on time, but also closed, it is necessary to adjust their mechanism. And since you already know how to strain or, on the contrary, relax vaginal muscles, it's small. Usually an obstetrician in the process of childbirth says the woman in labor, how to behave, but if the intimate muscles in a woman are not trained, it does not understand what they demand what they want.
During the bouts, try not to strain the muscles and relax as much as possible. From pain, most women involuntarily strain the vaginal muscles, thereby making it difficult to open the cervix. As a result, painful sensations increase: the body is tense and the neck is not completely disclosed. It is believed that the relaxation of the muscles shortens the contractions, relieves pain and contributes to a more complete disclosure of the neck. In addition, switchable actions are considered the main way of disconnection from pain. Relaxing vaginal muscles will help you to distract and not concentrate on your pain.
The transition period, when the contractions are not yet over, and the sweat has already begun, lasts, as a rule, 5-10 minutes. At this stage, it is impossible to spend and strain the vaginal muscles and the sphincter, otherwise you can break the neck. As soon as the urge begins at the fasting (the obster says, it is necessary to sleep), you need to take a deep sharp breath. At the same time, the maximum amount of air in the lungs is recruited, then breathing is delayed for a few seconds. The muscles are compressed and in exhale air as it should be pushed through the vagina and then intimate muscles are maximally squeezed.
Between the attempts, you should not strain them.
After the child's head appeared, if there is no cordial, the doctor asks the woman in labor not to sleep or stuck in a little bit, so as not to break the vaginal muscles and crotch.
If the breaks or episiotomy could not be avoided, when the seams are overlapping, try not to strain the muscles. So the doctor will be easier to sew and you will be less painful. And as already mentioned, as soon as you can, proceed again to the exercises of Kegel. The sooner you resume training, the faster to restore.

So, if you do the exercises for the muscles of the crotch, then you:

  • save the offset
  • can deliver more pleasure to a man
  • get pleasant side effects in the form of your burning eyes, and as a result, an increase in your own attractiveness in the eyes of the people around us.

Now about the exercises themselves.
The first part of them, most of us known, as widely described in many women's magazines. A serious program on Vombilding - training for intimate muscles - developed a famous gynecologist Arnold Kegel. With her, he treated urine incontinence, the declaration of intimate muscles, helped women to prepare for childbirth and recover after them. The exercise complex developed by him is quite simple in performance and quickly leads to the expected result. These exercises are very effective.
The only problem is to do them! And regularly.

Exercise number 1.

First of all, it is necessary to feel that it is for the muscles and how to train them. Sitting in the toilet, try to delay urination several times. It is strained by the input muscles of the vagina. Feeling how they work, you can begin to train them.
Both during pregnancy and after, useful at least 20 times a day to exercise "to compress and hold". Try to compress the input muscles with the maximum strength and keep them in a tense state from ten seconds to five minutes. At the same time, try to breathe evenly and do not delay the breath. Perform this exercise in different poses: lying, sitting, standing.
If you train only sitting, then during childbirth in the position lying it will be difficult for you to feel the muscles and include them in the work.

Exercise number 2.

The following exercise is to altered the compression of the sphincter muscles (in the area of \u200b\u200bthe anal hole) and input vaginal muscles. Quickly strain the muscles of the sphincter and as quickly relax them. Then do the same with the vaginal muscles. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times. After that, you can move to simultaneous training of intimate muscles and breathing. Exhale - Hold your breath - squeeze the entrance vaginal muscles - inhale without relaxing the muscles. Relax the muscles - exhale. Repeat the exercises with the muscles of the sphincter. These exercises will be useful to you in the process of fasting.

Exercise number 3.

Now the most complex is the training of the internal muscles of the vagina. Imagine that you want to push out something, straining the inner muscles of the vagina. In special schools for this exercises, advise the use of "Sportsman" from sex shops. Since without an outsider it is quite difficult to feel how musculatures work. You can attract for training your favorite spouse. And he does not necessarily know that this is just charging for you. Try with sexual act only the internal muscles of the vagina - it is not only useful, but also very nice for both partners. Performing this exercise, it is important to feel the difference between the input and inner muscles. At first, it is quite difficult to strain only internal muscles and at the same time keep the entrance in a relaxed state. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times a day.

Exercise number 4.

In addition, intimate muscles train and with exercises on the inner side of the thigh and the lower muscles of the abdomen. Stand, back straight, legs on the width of shoulders, socks on the sides, hands on the hips. Gradually bending the knees to the sides, squat as low as possible. Hold at the bottom point for 5-10 seconds and slowly rise. Performing this exercise, try to feel how the muscles are strained and relaxed.
All these exercises can be performed both in the complex and separately. Immediately after childbirth, it will be difficult for you to feel these muscles, but this does not mean that they lost sensitivity forever. Just almost from the first day after childbirth, start to perform intimate charge.
If no workouts help, consult with your gynecologist. Perhaps he will give you the direction for the operation. After too fast delivery with numerous breaks and large fruit, return the torn muscles into the previous state only with the help of domestic exercises is almost impossible. There are simple surgical operations for their recovery. The operation is completely painless and lasts only a few minutes. Under local anesthesia, the surgeon connects torn fibers and you will only remain trained the muscles listed above the exercises.

Necessarily. Before performing the exercises, sitting on the toilet (no legs do not shift, do not strain) Try to stop the stream of urination. Most likely, you will succeed. If the jet does not stop at all, then at least it will greatly decrease. Repeat a couple of times to remember which muscles it is done. It is them and clamp in the process of performing exercises.

1. Often the retention of urination do not get carried away - harmful.
2. If you have read about similar techniques before that, and met exercises to "Poozy" (when you need to represent that you give birth). Do not do them. In what state of your pelvic bottom muscle you do not know. Therefore, such exercises can only harm!

In some sources you can find a little more different interpretation of Kegel exercises.
Here they are.

We reduce the muscles of the vagina and consider it slowly up to 5, we relax, we consider to 5, reducing. Pressing time can be increased.
The movement of the clitoris down, when performing the exercise, suggests that the exercise is performed correctly. We repeat 10 times.
"Elevator": slightly cut the muscle ("1st floor"), clamp, we consider to 5, then continue the reduction ("2nd floor"), we again hold up to 5. So pass 4-5 "floors." And back - the same phased down movement "down", lingering on each floor. We repeat 10 times.
Exercise 3.
We strain and relax the muscle as quickly as possible, seeking "trembles". We repeat the exercise 10 times.
Exercise 4.
The following exercise is a long and sustainable muscle contraction, as if you are trying to draw some object in the vagina. Hold the voltage, counting to 5 (the reduction time as the muscles develop should be increased). We repeat 10 times.

How often do exercises:
You need to do exercises often. Even very often. Recommend to 8 times a day to repeat the complex from the 4 exercises described above, each of which is 10 times per approach. Total 40 times x 8 times \u003d 320 repetitions.
How to teach yourself to do exercises so often?
The method is only one - to bind the exercise to any often repeated actions, or establish a reminder into a mobile phone.
A serious plus exercise is that they can be done anywhere, in any (or almost any position). Sitting at work from a computer, standing in a minibus and lying on the beach. The surrounding your actions will not notice.
Therefore, excuses: "And how will I do exercises 8 times a day, if I work?" - Indeed only excuses.
What can serve as a reminder for classes:
- Every time the phone is calling
- on all red traffic lights
- Every time we drink water and then Mo to your list of reminders, acceptable exclusively to you.
Remember! If suddenly for some reason you do not have a mood, there is no desire, you have a difficult period in life, or you simply do not like to do some exercise, then do at least a little bit, do what you can. Make the main thing!

Yes, the results you get more slower, but you will get them, but if you think about the best times, the result will not even zero, it will be negative (see above about the consequences of stretching pelvic muscles)!
Now about what can happen when you started doing exercises, and even 8 times a day:
1. Muscular pain. Pelvic muscles, the same as the muscles of the press and other. If you start actively doing the exercises for the abdomen, what will happen? Right! Do not laugh, do not sigh - the muscles hurt! Here - the same thing. Only to hurt in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cobchik and at the bottom of the abdomen. If the nature of the pain does not resemble the attitude (muscle pain in the first few hours after anaerobic load caused by the accumulation of toxins (lactic acid) in them and does not pass 1-2 days - ahead to the doctor - this can be activated by women's problems or problems with the lower department. spine.
In any case, if you are not sure of your health, on the female line, visit the gynecologist!
In some diseases (for example: polycystic, fibromy, etc.) doctors may prohibit exercise!
2. Monthly went before. Happens often. Do not worry, everything will be restored, but not immediately. In the process of menstruation, the exercises can not be done.
3. Menstrual allocations have become much more active in the first and second day of the cycle, and then - even with a daily gasket go - enough. Also everything is in order. The epithelium is simply negated. Even comfortable.
4. Excitation. For many, this is a side effect. Everything is logical: as a result of the exercise, the blood sticks to the genital organs. If it is completely "covered", take a break.
5. Extended pupils as the result of excitation. It greatly improves your attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex.

After long-awaited giving birth, not only the figure of the new mammf is amenable to significant changes. If there is enough visits to the gym or holding domestic training to fight extra kilograms, then restore the functioning of the crotch muscles is much more complicated. As is known during the birth of the fabric, it is significantly stretched, which becomes the cause of problems in sexual life, the omission of the most important organs and even incontinence of urine. Avoiding such troubles will help the exercises of Kegel, the effectiveness of which was repeatedly proven.

When after childbirth you can do Kegel exercises

There is an opinion that it becomes better to go to classes a few months after childbirth, but this is not so. The earlier the new mammy will begin to pay attention to the muscle training, the faster it will be able to return to the usual everyday life. Therefore, it is recommended to perform special exercises for the second day after the appearance of the baby. It must be remembered that initially the load should be small, and from complex techniques and should be abandoned at all. Moreover, if there are painful sensations or discomfort during training, then it should be postponed for another few days.

But if the childbirth was complex, and the woman received any serious injuries or she had seams in the crotch area, they would have to abandon even from such minor physical exertion. If wound healing is successful, then the classes are allowed to embark on two weeks after the birth of the baby. It is advisable to first consult a gynecologist.

It should also be remembered that in addition to injuries obtained during childbirth, there are other contraindications for gymnastics. It is not recommended to do exercises in the presence of serious disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, oncology, as well as intensive bleeding.

Many new mammies may seem that such classes are absolutely not required to restore the body. But if you regularly train the muscles of the vagina, it will be possible to get rid of problems such as urine incontinence, tensile tissues, the omission of internal organs. And sexual proximity will become diverse and brighter for both partners, since the voltage of the vaginal muscles makes the orgasm longer and strong. That is why Kegel's exercises are recommended not only in the postpartum period, but in everyday life.

How to perform kegel exercises after childbirth

Of course, it should not be thought that such a gymnastics is simply given. Perhaps the first few days will not get anything, but you do not need to despair and stop classes. It is best to start with the simplest exercise that will prepare the crotch muscles to more complex techniques.

It is difficult to believe, but the first workout must be started in the toilet. During urination, it is necessary to periodically stop fluid flow for a few seconds, and then resume. This will help learn how to better control the muscles of the vagina. When the technique is mastered, the jet delay time should be increased to fifteen seconds, and if it does not cause any difficulties, you can start learning the next exercise.

It is necessary to conveniently stay on the floor or hard mattress, laying a small pad under the buttocks. You need to dramatically strain the muscles of the vagina and literally immediately relax. It may seem that no changes occur, but after two weeks of training the result will be noticeable. Adjust the force of compressions and their speed must be dependent on their own sensations.

The following technique differs from the previous one that the muscles need to strain and linger in this position for a few seconds, and better minutes. It is recommended to make fifteen repetitions for one lesson. Feel as far as the muscles rushed, you can during sexual intercourse. For this you need to try to squeeze a member of the partner for a few seconds. If the couple does not hurry to return to sex in the coming days after childbirth, you can experiment with intimate toys.

To correctly fulfill the last exercise, you will have to try to very much. As you know, the vagina is a peculiar tube, which consists of muscle fibers, so you should learn how to use them separately from each other. It is recommended to conveniently lie down and gradually compress and relax each tier, slowly moving up.

It should be remembered that during classes it is not necessary to strain the muscles of the abdomen, pull it into it and even detain the breath. The whole body with the exception of the pelvic region should be as relaxed as much as possible. It is recommended to resort to the above techniques and, if you wish to sneeze or embroider, as it will help to avoid involuntary urination, from which many women suffer after childbirth.

Pregnancy and childbirth is a serious shake for a female organism in general and for some of its organs in particular. The changes in the state of the vagina, the uterus, crotch, which directly take the most active participation in the whole process are especially noticeable. To speed up their restoration and come back in the shortest possible time, gynecologists are advised after childbirth regularly carry out the exercises of Kegel, which are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum. They help young mommies to solve many problems with whom they have to face during this period.

Those women who plan to help their own body can recover as quickly as possible, should know and understand why to carry out the exercises of Kegel after childbirth, what results should be calculated and in what time frames. With regular (i.e. daily) classes, taking into account all the recommendations, this gymnastics is able to create real wonders. She is:

  • leads to the muscle tone of the crotch;
  • contributes to the rapid purification of the body from Lohi;
  • eliminates the risk of omission of small pelvis;
  • he treats urine incontinence and feces;
  • helps the uterus back to the faith (read more about its recovery);
  • restores tissues that have experienced a strong stretching in the delivery process;
  • enhances sexual attraction;
  • contributes to obtaining a bright and prolonged orgasm - clothial and vaginal;
  • gives stronger sexual sensations to a partner;
  • supports sexual health;
  • is the prevention of inflammatory processes in the organs of the sexual sphere;
  • slows the aging processes in the female organism.

This is what the exercises of Kegel for women after childbirth have: and health is restored, and their sexual life is brighter. Only those who have contraindications to perform this unique gymnastics can not take advantage of such a unique opportunity.

According to history pages. Arnold Kegel (1894 - 1981) is an American gynecologist from Germany. He taught as a professor at the Medical Department in South California University.

After giving birth to do the exercises, Kegel is allowed not to all women. They have too powerful impact on the muscles of the crotch, which in certain situations can harm. Contraindications for such gymnastics serve:

  • aggravation of inflammatory processes in organs located in the field of small pelvis;
  • vascular disorders in the same zone or in the lower limbs;
  • too abundant bleeding (not Lochi!) After childbirth;
  • oncological tumors;
  • exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases;
  • labor injuries of the crotch;

In order not to harm your own body after childbirth, it is necessary to consult with a observing gynecologist, whether the doctors of Kegel's doctor exercises are not contraindicated and when to start doing them.

It is interesting! In 1947, even before the development of exercises, Kehel patented a unique simulator who received two names at once (perkythometer and perineometer). With it, it is possible to measure the strength and preparation of the muscles of the pelvic bottom and the perineum after delivery.

One of the most important issues are the deadlines when you can do the exercises of Kegel after childbirth: what time is it for how many days. Here you need to adhere to the following generally accepted medical recommendations.

  1. If everything went without injury and breaks, Kegel exercises can be started to do already 2-3 days after childbirth, provided that the woman feels great, and this kind of gymnastics does not cause any discomfort. The load should be minimal: start with a small amount of exercises, gradually increasing it with each day.
  2. If in the process of the birth of the baby, the woman was obtained injuries or it did not cost without breaks and seams were superimposed on the crotch, with the exercises of Kegel, you need to be as neat as possible. First, they cannot be started earlier than 10 days after childbirth. Secondly, it is necessary to advise on this occasion with the doctor. Only he can determine the woman's health state (as the wound healing process flows), when it is already possible to finally do this unique, such a useful gymnastics for its organism.

If there are no contraindications and dates after childbirth are defined, you can search for information, how to do the exercise of Kegel, because it will largely depend on the speed and the fullness of the postpartum restoration of the body.

About dates. His famous exercises for training the muscles of the crotch kegel developed in 1952.

Kegel exercises perform right after childbirth. You only need to master the technique, to make them regularly and not to lower your hands, if it seems that there is no effect from this gymnastics. Wait for his starry hour - and Lochi will end painlessly, and the seams after childbirth will not disperse, and even sexual life will become much brighter for you and for your partner.

Start this unusual gymnastics of Kegel from the development of this exercise, perfectly training the muscles of the crotch. When urination, try delaying for a few seconds (10-15) and re-release the stream of urine. So it will be necessary to do for one trip to the toilet about five times. So you will learn to control your own intimate muscles without attracting other muscle groups to this process. After you all fall, you can go to the next kegel exercise.

Try to squeeze and immediately relax the muscles of the pelvis. As the Kegel exercises are fulfilled, increase and reduce the strength and frequency of compressions.

Squeeze the muscles of the vagina, try to hold them in such a state of five seconds. Release. Do so 10 times. Every day, the fixation time will need to gradually increase. To feel your own muscles, it is recommended to use toys from sex shops or ask the partner to help you during sex.

Intimate muscles, on Kegel, you can train, even performing the usual exercises on the inner side of the hip or the lower muscles of the peritoneum. For example, you can make squats. Stand up, keep your back as straight as possible, lay legs on the width of the shoulders, while their socks should look in different directions, keep hands on the hips. Gradually bending the knees to the sides, nail the maximum below. Lower at the bottom point for 10 seconds, slowly climb.

From the first time after childbirth, it is unlikely to do this exercise of Kegel. Perhaps you will even be in bewilderment. However, coming back to it daily and again: in the end you will necessarily master it. Its essence lies in the fact that the vagina is a hollow tube of muscles, consisting of several floors. You need to be able to feel them and gradually strain, and then relax each of them. At the same time, you must first move up, and then descend. Between such lifting it is desirable to exercise "Fixation".

This exercise of Kegel is very similar to the "elevator". But here you will need to alternately reduce the floors of the muscles of the pelvic bottom. Direction - Front Back.

The species of the postpartum exercises of Kegel can actually find a large number. Above are one of the most basic. So that everything happens, find out some more features of their execution, so as not to be afraid of unexpected consequences and be ready for the results.

Getting Started to regularly perform the exercises of Kegel after childbirth, keep in mind some features of this amazing gymnastics.

  1. Each exercise of Kegel is recommended to do 10 times. At the same time, the whole complex is advisable to repeat a day to 8 times! Only such enhanced workouts include the crotch muscles in the tone and the norm after delivery.
  2. The huge advantage of this gymnastics of Kegel is that it is possible to perform it absolutely anywhere and at any time: on the way to work, at lunch, before bedtime, in the morning - time and place you choose yourself, in accordance with your day's regime.
  3. After childbirth, the body can be a little unusually responding to such a shake in the form of the exercise of Kegel. About his possible reactions need to know and not be afraid of them:
  • muscular pain that takes place for 3-4 days: if it lasts longer, consult a doctor;
  • disorders of the menstrual cycle, which will be restored;
  • monthly can be held in just 1-2 days;
  • excitation;
  • as the result of the previous side effect - extended pupils.

The technique of performing postpartum exercises of Kegel is simple and does not require any special efforts. The main thing is to put the target and seek it until it is achieved. You yourself will feel how your body is restored. Wait painful, uncomfortable sensations in the abdomen will stop breaking the chest, lactation will work, Lochi will run faster. And the most wonderful one will improve and gains harmony sex. Change your life for the better after the birth of the baby: after all, he needs a happy and healthy mom.

Exercises to everyone well, but they really are really not easy, and to force yourself all the time. It is much more interesting when there is a simulator who not only helps to do exercises correctly, but also makes the process itself very exciting.

Kegel exercises for women after childbirth. How to avoid many delicate problems with the help of exercises and restore your body?

Woman after pregnancy and childbirth: Changes in the body and figure

In the process of carrying the baby, as its weight increases, the load and the muscles of the small pelvis increase. By the end of pregnancy, the weight of the child and the accumulative water can reach 10-15 and more kilograms, and under this weight stretching not only the deep muscles of the abdomen wall, but also the muscles of the perineum, the top of the vagina and other muscles of the pelvic bottom.

In everyday life, they often remain unnoticed, but it is at the expense of these muscles the pelvic organs occupy a normal - anatomical position. If the muscle tone is weakening, and the bundles become less elastic, there are problems with which the elderly women often face - omit and even falling out the walls of the vagina, uterus, urine incontinence and hemorrhoids.

To prevent these problems, and Kegel exercises were developed. After childbirth, they are particularly important, since it was during this period that the risk of complications increases. Therefore, as soon as the state of mom is normalized, the seams (if they were imposed) will be removed, then you can begin to master the complex.

As soon as mom's self-effect is normalized - you can begin to master the complex.

A lot of questions arise from those who decided to carry out the exercises of Kegel after childbirth:

  • How to perform them if you do not feel the muscles of the pelvic bottom?
  • How often do you need to perform them?
  • What does effectiveness depend on?
  • There will be no harm if after childbirth has already developed hemorrhoids, or episiotomy was performed, and many others.

As a rule, the answers come themselves in the process of occupation. It is enough to know that there are no contraindications to this complex, and to feel the necessary muscles, it is enough to imagine that for some reason you are deprived of the opportunity to use the restroom, and it is simply necessary at the moment. Squeezing those muscles that will help to keep up before the bathroom free, you will feel what you should feel in the workout process. As the muscles are used, they will be felt more and more bright.

Kegel exercises in diastasis:

After childbirth, some women cannot understand why the belly does not want to leave. They exacerbate themselves with diets, sports workouts, and the stomach is still hanging a bag. Unfortunately, it often suggests that the abdominal muscles stretched during pregnancy. Such a phenomenon is called diastasis. Removing the subcutaneous fat, we still do not get a flat tightened belly, as there is no durable muscular corset.

With very complex forms of diastasis, it may even go about the operation. However, the lungs and middle forms of diastasses can be tried to cure independently with.

Gymnastics Kegel Exercises:

So, what is Kegel gymnastics for women? Exercises after childbirth are reduced to the following:

  • Muscles and anus muscles. It is performed on a deep breath, the drawn muscles are held in such a state of at least ten seconds, breathing at this time remains free. Relax muscles on exhalation.
  • Power of the lower abdominal muscles (pulling up the navel to the back). It is performed on the same principle as the first exercise.
  • Combination of the first and second exercise.

Then changing the breathing technique: an exhalation is performed on the effort, to relax - inhale. In the future, each exercise is repeated as much as possible, but for the first lessons will be enough and one - two repetitions.

Efficiency will be determined primarily, the degree of voltage is needed by muscles, and secondly, the cumulative time of their deduction in a stressed state. Therefore, the more often and more carefully you will work out each exercise, the better the results will be.

Kegel exercises for women after childbirth on video:

Muscle restoration after childbirth:

Kegel exercises - implementation technique:

Kegel Exercises Reviews:

Cool exercises, really help to recover after delivery. I have one, truth with them the trouble, I get tired and forget to do them ... (Lisa I.)

Finally, the long-awaited karapuz and pregnancy difficulties remained in the past. Days are filled with excellent concerns, and the female organism launches the recovery process after childbirth. In the cycle of household fuss, it is important to pay attention not only to the baby, but also for yourself. Save and multiply women's health will help daily students with medical gymnastics (for example, Kegel exercises).

What do you need a Kegel technique

There is a healing complex of gymnastic exercises capable of strengthening the muscles of the perineum and the pelvic bottom. The complex was developed by the famous gynecologist of the mid-twentieth century - Arnold Kegel. All exercises are performed very simply and do not occupy a lot of personal time, which is so necessary young mom.

As a rule, the daily load on the muscles of the vagina and the pelvic bottom is reduced to zero, but the influence of adverse factors on them is still happening.

The loss of elasticity, elasticity and weakening of the muscles of the small pelvis is an obvious consequence of minimum loads on them. The poor work of the muscles of the small pelvis leads to the emergence of a variety of diseases, the emergence of problems in sexual life and, as a result, emotionally psychological discomfort in a woman.

Indication for the use of Kegel exercises

Despite its simplicity, the gymnastic exercises according to the Kegel method are very peculiar and require a responsible and competent approach. Medical indications for the fulfillment of the complex of these exercises will be:

  • pregnancy planning;
  • preparation for childbirth;
  • restoration of the muscles of the vagina after delivery;
  • prevention and treatment and feces;
  • prevention and treatment of omitting of small pelvis organs;
  • prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • prevention of inflammatory processes of sexual sphere;
  • improving the elasticity of the muscles of a small pelvis;
  • an increase in sexual sensations and improving intimate life.

List of contraindications

The gymnastics developed by APNold Kegel has a number of contraindications:

  • acute inflammatory processes of prostate and hemorrhoids;
  • varicose Lower limbs and intimate zone;
  • oncological diseases of the genital organs, suspected cancer;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • venestic diseases with acute symptoms.

Before carrying out the exercises below, it is necessary to consult a doctor and thoroughly prepare (for example, to practice breathing technique).

When and how to perform the exercises of Kegel to women after childbirth, the features of fulfillment at home

Starting from the sixth week after childbirth for a faster recovery of the body, you can engage in gymnastics according to the Kegel program. It should be advised to consult a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications.

Exercise technique

The program developed by the Kegel is directed mainly to strengthen the crotchic cocoic zone. All exercises can be performed independently at home.

At first you should feel your lobkovo-cockerel muscle. The easiest way to do this, stopping the process of emptying the bladder in the middle. Pour sitting with a broken leg and interrupt a stream of urine several times. Interrupting urination, you can understand which muscles are weakened, and which are not, as all the muscles of the groove zone will be involved.

Exercise number 1 - "Break"

Ideally, the muscles can relax and not selected, you need to take a break for 10 seconds before repeating the exercise

Lie on your back and bend the legs in the knees. Breathe calmly. On the breath, squeeze intimate muscles for three seconds, on the exhale relax them for three seconds and strain again.

First, you may not be able to maintain the muscle tension for three seconds, but soon you will develop such an ability, since the muscle strengthens. Try not to reduce the muscles of the abdominal press.

Exercise number 2 - "Elevator"

For this exercise, it is equally well suited as a starting position lying on the back and sitting.

The essence of this exercise is to alternately compress and relax the muscles of the vagina as if you climb the elevator, and then go back. After performing the exercise, strain and relax the muscle ten times so quickly as soon as you can, seeking the feeling of "trembles."

On the exhalation, gradually straining the muscles, we breathe smoothly in the exhalation. Breath calm and deep.

You will probably need some time to learn how to control the muscles of the vagina in this way.

Exercise number 3 - "Reduction"

Start with ten slow cuts, gradually bringing their number to 30

Pose when performing this exercise is not fundamental. At this stage, a long and sustainable muscle contraction is needed, as if you tried to draw some object into the vagina. Hold the abbreviation of the muscle within three seconds.

Exercise №4 - "Tanya-Pokoli"

To draw the muscles by performing the exercise "Tanya-Puski", imagine that the muscles of the pelvic bottom are a vacuum

This is the last exercise in the complex. Performing it you should work out a feeling, like when the intestine is emptying, but the jolts to send mainly to the vagina, and not to the rear pass. Keep tension is necessary for three seconds.

As you already understood, all the above exercises are performed easily and quickly. Them (kegel exercises) can be done everywhere and at any time. Conduct training three times a day. Repeat every exercise ten times and after a month you will feel the result.

Video - Performing a set of exercises with a gel simulator

Errors in performing exercises according to the method of Kegel

Often women are carefully trained according to the method of Kegel, but there is no effect from classes. The reason may be the wrong execution of gymnastics.

Common mistakes allowed in the process of training:

  • tension of the press and buttocking muscles: Training must only be subject to intimate muscles;
  • breathing delay or its wrong rhythm;
  • overflowing bladder;
  • irregular workouts.

Kegel's gym should be performed every day. It is worth remembering that it is important not to overdo it: the error will be enough for all the exercises immediately or adhere to the most fast tempo. Newbies, just started to train, it is necessary to choose the two most simple exercises for them, then gradually increase the complexity and number of repetitions.

Video - Kegel Method

Review: Kegel exercises will help strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis and make your intimate relationship more harmonious

Advantages: Harmony in intimate life, strengthening the muscles of a small pelvis, urine incontinence can be treated without plastic operations.

Disadvantages: It is necessary to give time every day, first it is very difficult and strong fatigue is observed.

Kegel exercises I started doing after childbirth. Since I was doing a cesarean section, after extracting home I had problems with incontinence of urine. I went to the doctor who said that during the overlay of the seam something was incorrectly sewn, but you can fix it.

To correct, suggested trying the Kegel technique. Exercises of Kegel are designed just for patients like me. Well, not only. Kegel has developed these exercises for those women who have a feeling of the walls of the vagina, urine incontinence due to stress and so on).

You need to do these exercises or not, you can define yourself. If during intimate proximity (from the back partner), you hear the sounds from the vagina, then this is the first sign of the weakening of the muscles. You have time to strengthen them!

The main thing is to determine which muscles you need to train. The doctor recommended to determine independently, after entering the vagina to compress the muscles of the vagina to remember which muscles work at this moment.

And then everything is simple. When you go on a bus, drive a car, take food, learn and relax, watch TV, in general, do anything, start training the muscles responsible for keeping urine and your intimate life. I did only three exercises ("Muscles in a fist", "elevator", "rhythmic compression and relaxation").

The first time it will seem difficult for you. This suggests that the muscles need to strengthen. The first time I was able to keep the muscle in a compressed state of just a few seconds. Now I can no longer tighten at all.

I did this exercise the first two weeks almost every hour. Two weeks later, the husband suspected me in treason, began to look closely, even give flowers without reason)))!

If you do exercises at least five to ten minutes every day, I am sure, in a month your harmonious intimate life will begin to cause envy of all. And your female health will restore. Implanting I stopped after five days of classes. And when I went to the doctor, I was ready for plastic surgery. Everything is in your hands, I told me a doctor, and I believed.

Be healthy and happy!

eK9345 Russia, Ekaterinburg Review date: 2014-04-09

Returning to began to notice the accumulation of air into the vagina when using certain pos. This caused not only an unpleasant feeling, but also a shame in front of her husband. Agree, few people excite the sounds of the emerging air from the innermost place. I understood that these sounds occur because my intimate muscles weakened after childbirth and they should urgently put in order. Once upon a time, in his student years, I heard about the method of Kegel. She (technique) just fit for the treatment of my case. At first it was hard to do exercises. The muscles practically did not obey, but after two or three days of regular training it became easier. Exercises I performed and during washing dishes, and when watching your favorite TV series, in general, time and place for this workout roles are not playing. The result, I began to notice in a few days, and completely my ailments passed in two and a half weeks from the moment of the start of training according to the method of Kegel.

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