Where to get forces from where to wait for help? Human resources and personal potential. Exercise "Waiting and Wellness"

Where to get forces from where to wait for help? Human resources and personal potential. Exercise "Waiting and Wellness"

Pedagogue - psychologist
MBOU SOSH №55 G.Irkutsk
Beresneva Snezhana Sergeevna

Currently it is established that the syndrome of emotional and professional burnout is most susceptible to pedagogical workers. This problem remains relevant, since the requirements for the personality of the teacher are increasing, as the teacher's profession has tremendous social importance, and is characterized by a very high emotional workload. According to research N.A. Aminova, after 20 years of work at school, an emotional burnout occurs at the overwhelming number of teachers, and by 40 years all the teachers are burning emotionally. Therefore, the task of the school psychologist is the work aimed at preventing and reducing the level of professional burnout, especially in young teachers.

This development of preventive training makes it possible to find internal resources and positive thinking that helps reduce burnout level, including emotional. In the process of training you can use the followingcapabilities:

  1. Informal communication with colleagues on various topics that are not associated with the educational process, which will allow you to better know each other;
  2. Exchange of experience - the formation of mutual support skills in difficult situations;
  3. The development of the ability to listen to the opinions of others;
  4. Training healthy self-criticism;
  5. Ability to listen to yourself to find internal resources for further full-fledged life and work.

Basic goals training are as follows:

  1. Increase the cohesion of the collective;
  2. Removal of anxiety and aggressiveness;
  3. Acquisition of positive thinking skills;
  4. Finding domestic resources, their creative self-discharge.

Presented training - a kind of complex of psychological exercises of game, role and creative character and has the followingcontent:

1. Acquaintance with the rules of work in the group (the presenter explains each rule and asks the consent of the participants to its application);

2. A brief representation of yourself with a group (using bagekov);

3. Exercise "Our expectations";

4. Exercise - warming up "all-terrain";

5. Test self-diagnosis to determine the level of stress teachers;

6. Pooh improvisation;

7. Figure "The image of the burnt teacher";

8. Relaxation "overgrown garden";

9. Feedback "Aid Tree";

The maximum duration of the training is 3 hours (depends on the activity of the group and the inventiveness of the psychologist-coach). Perhaps someone wishes to cut the exercises, or, on the contrary, add more. It is also assumed that the proposed exercises can be replaced with other, close in meaning if the coach considers it necessary to do.

The estimated number of participants is 15 people.

Contingent participants - both young teachers and interns teachers.

At the end of the training, the participants verbally give and immediately analyze the feedback on the past occupation.

The training invitation can be carried out at the workshop a week before the classes. It is necessary to make a list of teachers who want to participate. Attending the training should be voluntary.

According to the results, it is possible to judge the effectiveness of selected exercises.

It should be added that it is very effective for the perception of the structure of the participants, is the use of the presentation to train. The presentation may contain the topic, goals, tasks of training, content, some kind of theoretical aspect and much more.

In general, the exercises are very positively influenced by teachers: an informal situation is created in communication, emotional contact is being established, the participants feel more liberated and positive. One of the main goals is achieved: finding domestic resources for further productive work.

Used Books:

  1. Ageev I.A. Successful teacher: trainings and correction programs. - SPb.: Speech, 2007. - 208 p.
  2. Evtikhov O.V. Practice of psychological training. - St. Petersburg: Publisher "Speech", 2007. - 256 p.
  3. Pushikov V.G. Training technology. - SPb.: Publisher "Speech", 2007. - 224 p.: Ill.
  4. Pedagogue-psychologist's directory. School. (2012. №10) - ed. - CJSC "MCFER",www.Menobr.ru.
  5. School psychologist. Methodical magazine for teachers-psychologists. (2012, №6 (501)), PSY.1SEPTEMBER.RU
  6. http://www.proshkolu.ru/


Training: "Kitchen of emotional resources. Open in yourself! "
Work with emotional burnout syndrome in young teachers.
Pedagogue - psychologist
MBOU SOSH №55 G.Irkutsk
Beresneva Snezhana Sergeevna

  1. Acquaintance with the rules of work in the group (are demonstrated on the slide) (5 min):
  • Trust style communication;
  • Communication on the principle "here and now";
  • Personification of statements;
  • Appeal to "you";
  • Sincerity in communication;
  • Activity;
  • Confidentiality;
  • We estimate not a person, but actions;
  • Respect for the speaker;
  • Applying sanctions for violating the rules of training (deprivation of one circle of the right to express opinion).
  1. Brief view of yourself group (7 min).

Purpose: Acquaintance with the group, cohesion of participants.

Material: Badzhiki, color pencils, soft toy.

Participants write their names on the base, then each (passing the toy in a circle) represents himself a group: a little tells about yourself, or somehow originally demonstrates yourself.

3. Exercise "Our Expectations" (7 min).

Purpose: Detection of participants' expectations.

Material: Paper A4, pencil handles.

Answering the question: "What are you waiting for this training? What results assume to get? ", Each participant must record their expectations on a sheet of paper. Then everything in a circle read their records.

4. Exercise - warming up "all-terrain" (10 min)

Purpose: Heating a group in active physical interaction, creating an atmosphere of emotional freedom, openness, friendliness, lifting tension, reducing distance in communication.

Participants move around the room and carefully listen to the tasks of the master. In accordance with the tasks, various actions are played.

"We go through the forest. Birds are twitched, butterflies flute, high grass on the edge ... Nuts hurts on bare legs ... mosquitoes. And all because they got into the swamp. Topko. Scary. Disgusting. Twilight thicken ...

Snow field, penetrating winter evening ... and bullets whistling over their heads. More and more! Where to hide? In the trench! No, this is not a trench, it is a pond with a pleasant, refreshing and very clean water ... But very cold, degrees eight are ten. We are chosen ashore and get into the surroundings of spiders ... Web lipot to face, clings to the hair ... the space is filled with ... no, it seemed! " .

5. Test self-diagnosis to determine the level of stress teachers (15 min)

Purpose: Detection of stress levels from teachers.

The coach reads the task and options for answering it (you can depict everything in the form of slides). Participants choose themselves option, and then disassemble and analyze the interpretation of it.

"Imagine that you live in those times when everything was erased by hand. You have accumulated dirty underwear and you need to wipe it today. But suddenly you noticed that the sky on the street crawled heavy clouds. What thoughts come to mind? "

Selection options:

1. "That's how things! Maybe I have to postpone the washing until tomorrow? But then what to get dressed? "

2. "I'll wait a little, maybe the weather will work out."

3. "Today, according to the forecast, there should be no such weather."

4. "No matter, it will rain or not, I still start washing."

Interpretation of choice:

Option 1 - Stress level reaches 80 over 100 points. You make influence on your life with small troubles that can happen to you. You are so subject to stress that the slightest failures spoil you mood for a long time. Recommendations: It's time for you to relax and how best you can do your health.

Option 2 is the level of stress at the level of 50 through a 100 point scale. Adverse circumstances do not confuse you and you continue to preserve the positive perception of life even in unpleasant situations. You try to cope with problems and everything develops safely. Recommendations: Do not forget that not all stress is negative. Treat faults and obstacles as to the stimulus encouraging them to overcome them.

Option 3 - Stress levels are close to 0. You do not allow problems to spoil your day and see no reason to worry about them. Perhaps you discovered one everyday wisdom: "My excitement will not be an obstacle to the rain, it will still pass."

6. Pooh improvisation (10 min)

Purpose: Workout, creating a positive attitude for further work.

Participants are given rhymes with which you needcomprehension, using them. Then everything in a circle read their works.

"Candle - Drying

Health - underground. "

7. Figure "The image of the burnt teacher" (20 min).

Purpose: Awakening the creative potential of participants, stimulating to get out of their usual roles and look at yourself from the side.

Material: Music for workout, watmans, colored pencils, markers.

The group needs to be divided into mini-groups and to disperse as far as possible from each other so that others do not hear anything. Each mini-group is issued Watman, which needs to portray the image of the burnt teacher invented. It can be anything that is the only one: it is impossible to describe words! To the invented image, they also come up with the name and write on the back of the Watman. Then the mini-group take turns show their creations, the authors themselves are silent. The rest of the groups tell all that see in the drawings. Finally, the authors say the name of their drawing and tell their real intent in the picture. When everyone tells, the drawings are transmitted in a circle of a neighboring group. Now the task of each group is to remake the drawing so that instead of burnout there is something positive. The name also come up with a new one. Discussion of paintings occurs in a similar way.

8. Relaxation "In the overgrown garden" (10 min)

Purpose: Relaxation, exemption from negative energy, the formation of a feeling of calm, searching for internal resources.

Material: music for relaxation, rugs for training.

Participants are conveniently located on the mats and close their eyes. Relaxation music is included, the presenter reads the text:

"Imagine that you are in an old, abandoned city and make a walk through a large forgotten castle ...

You see a high stone wall, I saw ivy, in which there is a wooden door ... Open it and log in ...

You are in the old, abandoned garden ...

Once it was a wonderful garden, but no one cares for him for him ... the plants went down so much and everyone so thumbs up her herbs, which is not visible to land, it is difficult to distinguish paths ... Imagine how you start bringing it in order ... Imagine how you are wearing Weeds ... Cut the branches ... Take the trees ... Parlize and transplant them ... Do it all to return the garden for the same kind ...

After some time, stop and compare the part of the garden in which you have already worked, with the one that you have not touched ...

With temporary you can return to this garden to continue your work. "

9. Feedback "Wood Aid" (20 min).

Purpose: Specifying personal resources in stress, exchange of views, analysis of behavior options when leaving stress, accumulation of experience in combating stress.

Material: Made of paper tree with five branches without leaves is attached to the board. Prepared leaves (trees leaves) Five pieces are distributed to participants. Also need markers and adhesive pencils. Tree branches have their names: family, disciples, colleagues, workplace, activities / creativity. Participants write on cards as the data of the life of life (the names of the branches) help them fight stress. Then everyone shares its ideas and sticks sheets on a tree to the corresponding branches.

Purpose: Familiarization of teachers with theoretical material on emotional burnout syndrome.

At the end of the participants, there are booklets for the memory of the experience gained and the occupation traveled.

Questions for feedback all over trainings:

  • How can you rate today's occupation (share the impression)?
  • Are your expectations that were at the very beginning of work?
  • Your wishes?


Theory. Sav. Stages, symptoms:

  • 1 Stage - at the level of arbitrary behavior: the forgetting of some moments, speaking by household language - dips in memory, regarding the implementation of any motor actions. Usually, few people pay attention to the first symptoms, calling it in a joke of girlish memory or sclerosis. Depending on the nature of the activity, the magnitude of neuropsychic loads and personal characteristics of a specialist or manager of 1 stage can be formed within 3-5 years.
  • At 2 stages there is a decline in interest in the work, the need for communication (even at home, with friends), I do not want to see those with whom the specialist is communicating on the nature of the activity (schoolchildren), the week lasts incontended, the growing of apathy, the emergence of sustainable somatic symptoms (not forces, energy, Headaches, dead sleep without dreams, irritability, frequent colds). This stage is formed on average from 5 to 15 years.
  • 3 Stage - actually, personal burnout, a complete loss of interest in work and life in general, emotional indifference, recess, feeling of constant powerlessness. A person is striving for solitude. At this stage, it is much more pleasant to communicate with animals and with nature than with people. Stage is formed from 10 to 20 years.

Distress - malicious stress, which can have socially dangerous consequences, including inadequate behavior

Distrase symptoms:

Scatletination, worsening memory, increased excitability, constant fatigue, loss of sense of humor, smoking, addiction to alcohol, sleep and appetite (or unlimited appetite), sometimes psychosomatic pains (in the head, in the back, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach), lack of joy .

If you have 5 or more of these signs, then you need to urgently "pull yourself out of the swamp"!

Developed and prepared material: teacher-psychologist


Beresneva S.S.

Informational Memo for Teachers

"Stress and Distress"

December, 2013

Laziness. I hardly force myself to do anything. The abnormality of the situation is obvious, and I don't find anything to fix anything. How to get rid of tension and fatigue?

It seems that laziness is something negative. Such an Ivanushka on the furnace, and so that everything is to whiteway. No conscience! Everyone works, and he lies, reptile. And in fact, what is it? No, it is over, it can be a learned helplessness when a person is used to that for him "Pike" does everything and lies herself, since childhood it lies.

And if this person is an experienced? And then they will not stand up? Then it can be assumed that laziness is resistance. But what resists, you need to find out. Options are such:

There is a desire to change something in your life, even the desired picture-image is already there, as it will all be, but I can't do it and start doing.

Finally there is no desire, I want to leave alone, and I can't lie down and lie

I know for sure that "it" is tired of me, but a very vague idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I want to fall into the hibernation

I know what I want, I even know how this can be realized, but I can not make him get up from the sofa, there is not enough discipline

I know how and that, but probably there is no time. That is a lot of work, then home care.

Many will say that there are not enough discipline that they say if you want, you will go and do. But for some reason their hands are lowered, do not start, not pulling. Some helplessness, or something inside is missing. Whether supports, support, or motivation and faith in yourself. Or maybe there is no purpose, why should I?

So, where to look for forces? Where does all the energy go, which, in theory, should be expelled to achieve its goals? Where to look for this your inner resource and what does it look, what is it?

I would, first, would allocate four spheres where I can draw resources. This is a physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. And, the first, of course, pay attention to its physical health, well-being, the amount of sleep, rest, breaks in work, time for yourself, on idleness, or meditation.

Then this is my emotional state: how I myself treat myself, what people I surround myself, who my friends, colleagues, comrades. What emotions I most often get what I give. Following the intellectual level (training, knowledge, skills, new experience).

Do I use something new to change your life? Well, the last, and no less important - the level of spiritual. This is a kind of vertical, the meaning of my aspirations. And for what exactly is it all?

And if everyone is combined, then the question may sound like this: "Is there any of the spheres of my personal activity, or only expectations that everything will begin to change miracle?" What internal signals, feelings should I listen to? Where to stay, and where should it be suppressed? What can be easily managed, and where is the complexity? Do I listen to myself? What holds back, and what gives strength, interest, desire to act?

Trainings. Psychocorrection programs. Business Games Collective Authors

Training "Activation of personal resources, the development of self-esteem" (for adolescents).

Explanatory note.

The teenager looks at himself as if "from outside," compares himself with other - adults and peers - is looking for criteria for such a comparison. Due to this, he gradually develops some of its own criteria for evaluating themselves, and it moves from the view "from the outside" in the view "from the inside." The orientation on the assessment of the surrounding is replaced by the orientation on self-esteem, an idea is formed - ideal. It is in adolescence that a comparison of real and ideal ideas about themselves becomes a genuine basis I - the concept of a teenager. A new level of self-consciousness, which is applied under the influence of leading age needs, determines and affects self-affirmation, confident behavior and communications with peers. This psychocorrection training will help adolescents to gain confidence in their own power, increase their own significance, to intensify personal resources, develop a sense of self-esteem and independence. The training is directed not only to develop an individual style of behavior, but also to awareness of the reasons that generate psychological barriers in behavior. The proposed training is focused on the inner world of the teenager, to restore sustainable self-esteem, self-confidence, and minimizing between unbalance in the real and ideal "I".

Objectives of psychocorption training:

Help adolescents most successfully and fully realize themselves in behavior and activity, approve their rights and their own value.

Help the children better know ourselves, their strengths, to develop a sense of self-esteem, overcome uncertainty, fear.

The program includes 3 stages:

I Stage - Approximate (2 classes)

Purpose of the stage: Emotional association of participants. The main content is formed by psychotherapeutic exercises aimed at removing the voltage and cohesion of the group, as well as on self-determination and self-consciousness.

Stage II - developing (2 classes)

Purpose of the stage: Activation of confidence in behavior. Improving its own significance, value.

III Stage - Enchanting (1 occupation) Purpose of the stage: Increased confidence in order to actualize personal resources.

Exercises of fixing character.

Organization of a psychocorrection group: The program is intended for socio-psychological work with children of adolescence, general education classes. The optimal number of group members 15 - 25 people.

Frequency and duration of sessions: Classes are held within a week to 6 hours. Feature of this psychocorrection training It is that the gaming methods, group discussion methods, as well as psychodstastics are used during the work. Training helps help a teenager to realize their own strength, improve confidence in its own significance, form confidence in behavior. The training assumes the humanistic position of the coach, is based on the principles of graduality, phasing: each subsequent stage logically follows from the previous one. Thanks to this, the teenager is gradually deepening in the process of knowing himself and his behavior.

Lesson first

Theme "Hello, I am glad to meet"

Purpose: Creating favorable conditions for working in a group, familiarization with the basic principles of the work of socio-psychological training, the primary development of the techniques of self-diagnosis and methods of self-discharge, as well as the active style of communication and transmission methods and feedback methods.

1. Creating "Presentation"

Purpose: Self-testing, acquaintance.

At the beginning of our work, each participant draws up a card - a business card, where he specifies his training name: its real or gaming. Throughout the training, it can be changed, accordingly, making a new business card. It is attached to the pin, and all participants appeal to each other on the specified names.

You can introduce yourself:

With the help of the hobby

Stand up and say what you are great

Beat a name.

Lead time: 10 minutes

2. Rules of our group

Purpose: Development of rules and norms for productive work in a group, creating a working atmosphere.

- After we met, proceed to the study of the basic rules of training and the characteristics of this form of communication. Now we will discuss the main ones, and then proceed to the development of the rules of work of our group. (Disclosure of general rules look in previous trainings).

1. Trust style communication.

2. Communication on the principle "here and now."

3. Personification of statements.

4. Sincerity in communication.

5. The confidentiality of the whole thing happens in the group.

6. Determining the strengths of the personality.

7. Inadmissibility of direct human estimates.

8. As many contacts and communications with different people can be as possible.

9. Active participation in what is happening.

10. Respect for the speaker.

3. One "One - extra"

Purpose: emotional and physical liberation, further acquaintance.

One member of the group in a circle asks a question, for example: "Who loves roses?" Those who love them get up and run to the "Stop" team. Then sit on the free places, the one who remained becoming the leading, etc. Performance Time: 10 minutes

4. Test for self-determination

Purpose: Primary development of self-diagnosis techniques, contribute to a deeper self-examination, which leads to a change in itself.

- We are starting great and serious work on themselves. But first we need to understand what we really are. This offers a test that helps you answer this question. And in the future we will constantly return to the results of this test. So be attentive and frank with yourself, if you want to really change yourself, become stronger and responsible, learn to understand your feelings and control your behavior.

You are invited to answer questions grouped by blocks in each block of 5 questions. Each group is indicated by the letter. You need to answer each question "Yes" or "No". You should not think about every question for a long time, answer the first thing that comes to mind.


A1. Do you have a sense of humor?

A2. Having trusting and are you frank with friends?

A3. Do you easily sit for more than an hour without talking?

A4. Will you feel your belongings?

A5. Do you have a lot of friends?

B1. Can you take guests?

B2. Accuracy, punctuality are peculiar to you?

Bz. Do you do cash savings?

B4. Do you like a strict style in clothes?

B5. Do you think the internal regulations are necessary?

IN 1. Do you show your antipathy to anyone?

AT 2. Are you in charge?

Vz. Is the spirit of contradictions strong in you?

AT 4. Are you trying to become the center of attention in the company?

AT 5. Do you imitate?

G1. Do you use rude words, talking to people who shock it?

G2. Do you like the exam on the eve of the exam boast that you know everything perfectly?

GZ. Do you wish to make comments, read notations, etc.

G4. Do you have a desire for anything to hit your friends with the originality?

G5. Do you enjoy making fun of others?

D1. Do you prefer the profession of jockey, actor, television speaker by the professions of the engineer, laboratory, bibliography?

D 2. Do you feel at ease in the society of unfamiliar people?

DZ. Do you prefer to do in the evening in sports instead of sitting in a quiet at home and read the book?

D4. Are you able to store secrets?

D5. Do you like the festive atmosphere?

E1. Do you keep the rules for punctuation in letters?

E2. Are you preparing in advance for Sunday entertainment?

E4. Do you really love order?

E5. Do you have imperitiousness


Calculate the number of answers "Yes" in each part of the test indicated by the letter. In those parts where most of the answers "Yes", put the index: A, B, B, G, D, E. Then, where most of the answers "No", put "O". There should be one of the options for answering each group of indexes: 1) A, B, B; 2) G, D, E.

For example: 1) Dog; 2) 0d0.

Interpretation of answers.

1. For three first groups (A, B, B), or "how you see others."

A00. You often consider a reliable person, although in reality you are a little frightly. You have fun and talkative, you are sometimes less than you promise. To friends, it is not difficult to captivate you for yourself, and therefore they sometimes think that you are amenable to the influence of others. However, in serious things you can insist on your own.

Ah. You make the impression of a person not very shy, sometimes even impolite. Striving for originality, contradict the other, and sometimes also, refuting today, what claimed yesterday. You see people careless, inaccier, optional. But it is worth wanting - you will become agile and energetic. You lack what is called a balance.

Abo. You really like others. You are sociable, serious, respect the opinion of others, never leave friends in a difficult moment. But your friendship is not easy to earn,

A B C. You love to command the surrounding, but the inconvenience of this is experiencing only the closest people. With all the others, you restrain. Expressing your opinion, do not think about what the impact of your words can have on people. The surrounding sometimes avoid you, fearing that you will offend them.

000. You are restrained, closed. No one knows what you think about. It is difficult to understand you.

00V. It is possible that you are talking about: "What unquestion". You are annoying the interlocutors, you do not give them to speak, impose your opinion and never make concessions.

About People like you are exemplary students, polite, neat, disciplined, always with good marks. Teachers respect them and trust them. As for the comrades, some consider such "tasks", others offer them their friendship.

OB Perhaps someone considers you a man who constantly seems to be offended. You quarrel because of the trifles. Sometimes you are in a good mood, but it happens infrequently. In general, you give the impression of a touchy and a mining person.

2. For three last groups (r, d, e), or "What are you really". 000. All new things are attracted, you have a fervent imagination, one of the same way.

But few people know how you really know. You are considered a man calm, quiet, satisfied with his own destiny, whereas in reality you are trying to life filled with bright events.

00E Most likely you are a shy person. It can be seen when you have to deal with unfamiliar people. You are only in the circle of family or the closest friends. In the presence of outsiders you feel cowardly, but trying to hide it. You are kindly hard working. You have a lot of good ideas, ideas, projects, but because of our modesty, you often remain in the shade.

0d0. You are very sociable, you like to meet people, collect them around yourself. You can't even think about staying alone, considering that then "everything is lost." It is difficult for you to even lock in the room to write some important paper. The spirit of contradiction is very strong: you constantly want to do something not as others. Sometimes giveaway to such a gust, but mostly restrain.

Ode You are restrained, but not timid, cheerful, but in moderation, sociable, polite with everyone. Used that you are often praised. I would like to love you without any effort from your side. Without society of friends, you are not on my own. You are pleased to do good people. But you can be supplied in some tendency to turn in the clouds.

G00. You are inclined to express and fiercely protect very paradoxical points of view. Therefore, you have a lot of opponents, even friends do not always understand you. But you are not enough.

Goe. You will have to listen not very nice words. How did you manage to choose such a combination of letters? The character is quite difficult, extremely uncompromising. The sense of humor is not developed enough, do not carry jokes. Often criticize other people's actions and make others do the way you want. And if you do not obey, you begin to get angry. Therefore, you have few friends.

Gdo You are a big original and love to amaze friends. If someone gives you advice, you do everything on the contrary only to see what it will work out. It amuses it, and others annoying. Only the closest friends know that you are not so self-confident, as it seems.

WHERE. You are energetic. Everywhere you feel in your place. Always own, sociable, but it seems you love the society of friends only, provided you play the company's main role. Love to be an arbiter in disputes and organize games. The surrounding acknowledge your authority, since in your judgments there is always a large share of common sense. Nevertheless, your aspiration is always touched by the surrounding.

4. Accepting yourself

A.-let's work with some of our shortcomings and habits, those that we helped to identify the test and those that you knew well before the start of classes.

To do this, divide the sheet of paper into two halves. On the left, in the "My Disadvantages" column, extremely frankly write down everything that you consider your shortcomings today, now, in this lesson. Everyone is given for this work for 5 minutes. Do not spare yourself, filling the left side of the table, there are all flaws, and there is nothing terrible.

After that, in front of each disadvantage, which you remembered and who brought to the list, write one of your advantages, that is, what can oppose the lack of what you have at the moment and what the surrounding people take you. Record them in the "My Advantages" column. At the second stage of work, you also assign 5 m.

B. - The next stage - the union in the group of 3-4 people and discuss the records. It will be better if you sit in a group with those people who you least know with which they have not yet communicated in this lesson. During the discussion, be extremely frank in their statements and attentive to what your partner tells you. Remember, please, about our rules. You can ask each other questions, but in no case "criticize" speaking before you. Just thank it for sincerity and confidence in you. For discussion within the group you are given 10 minutes.

V. - "Who is not against us, that with us."

There are two processes that in any educational group must be launched simultaneously, for example, how the movements of the right and left legs when walking. We are talking about the simultaneous study of the content of joint activities and the form of compatibility, methods of communication and cooperation in the development of this content. We all have to, in other words, self-sharing in two questions: What are we going to do together? How are we going to do it together?

The joint is based on:

a) a conscious agreement of the group on cooperation standards;

b) at the level of bodily and emotional trust.

Performance Time: 60 minutes

5. Coverage "Account up to ten".

Objective: Group cohesion, development of ability to control their feelings.

Everyone becomes a circle without touching each other shoulders and elbows. At the "started" signal, you should close your eyes, lower your noses down and count to ten. The cunning is that you will take turns. Someone will say "one", the other - "two", the third - "three", etc. However, there is one rule in the game: the word should pronounce only one person. If two voices are simultaneously affected, for example, "four", the bill begins first. All clear? Let's start?

You have ten attempts. If for ten attempts you will bring the bill to ten, consider yourself wizards, and your group is unusually agreed. After each failed attempt, you can open your eyes, look at each other, but without negotiations. Try to understand each other without words - explain the views, gestures.

You discovered an important psychological pattern. COGD and something does not work, people begin to be angry, irritate, become aggressive, unfriendly in relation to each other. We must learn to restrain, not express anger. Let's try again…

Performance Time: 20 minutes

6. What are we?

Purpose: self-discharge of participants, the development of the ability to own verbal and non-verbal means of communication.

All sit in a circle, get a small leaflet from a psychologist. Each participant writes in the top of the sheet its name and divides the sheet vertical line into two parts. Left note on top of the "+" sign, the right - sign "-". By the sign "+" list: the name of your favorite color, your favorite season, favorite fruit, animal, the name of the book, how it is easier to deliver the participant, and so on.

On the right side of the sheet under the sign "-" everyone calls: an unloved color, etc. Coach in turn reads the name of each item, writes his answers and participates in the exercise with everyone. Acquaintance with the answers.

Performance Time: 20 minutes

7. Exercise "Reflection of past exercises"

Performance Time: 20 minutes

8. Conditions "Tell the Movement"

Purpose: Removing psycho-emotional tension.

Participants are in a circle and at the signal of the coach pretend that they transmit a big ball, heavy weight, hot pancake, flower, etc. Recommendations to coach: the exercise is silent.

Performance time: 15 minutes.

9. Exercise "Who am I?"

Purpose: Development of further self-discharge, self-knowledge, ability to analyze and identify psychological characteristics, their own and people.

Each person has its own theory about what makes it unique, distinguishes from other people. At the same time, the question arises: "Do other point of view share my point?" Children of the group are invited to divide the sheet of paper for three vertical graphs: in the 1st column answer the question: "Who am I?" To do this, quickly write 10 words-epithets, it should be written in the order in which they come to mind. In the 2nd column, write how your parents will answer the same question (any significant other). In the 3rd column, someone from the group answers the same question. For this, everyone puts their signed leaflets on the table, they are mixed, then everyone, without looking, takes a piece of leaf from the table and writes about that man whose leaves caught him. Then the leaves are folded on the table and each takes its own.

When discussing the results of this procedure, you can pay attention to the following aspects:

Whether any quality is repeated, the word in all three graphs;

What it can say (for example, a person's openness in communication);

How well does a person know himself (the number of words in the 1st column);

Attitude to itself (the ratio of positive and negative epithets);

I coincide or do not coincide with the concept and presentation of others about this person;

What are the ideas of others about a person (there is a discussion of the person's responsibility for the presentation of themselves to other people), and so on.

Performance Time: 40 minutes

10. Exercise "Nice to say ..."

Purpose: Development of reflection, psychological support.

- Let's stand closer to each other, form a close circle and shifted your hands to his middle.

According to my team, everyone will take hands at the same time and make it so that in each hand of each of us there is someone's one hand. At the same time, we will try not to take hands with those who stand next to you.

So let's start. Once, two, three ... Now, in touch with your arms, you have to say to each other affectionate word.

Performance Time: 15 minutes

11. Parable "Crow and peacock "(N. Phezheskyan)

Purpose: Development of further self-discharge, self-knowledge, clarification of the I-Concept, the ability to analyze and identify the psychological characteristics, their own and people.

In the park of the palace on the branch of the orange tree, a black crow. Pavlin was proudly proudly at the well-kept lawn. Vorrinkala Vorry: "Who helped such a ridiculous bird appear in our park? What kind of self-conception, it acts as if it is a sultan with his own person! Take a look only, what is her ugly legs, and her plumage is that for disgusting blue. Such a color I would never wear. She drags his tail, as if fox. " Voron silent, waiting. Peacock paused for a while, and then answered, smiling sadly: "I think that there is no truth in your words. That is bad that you are talking about me, is explained by the misunderstanding. You say that I am proud, because I go with a highly raised head, so the feathers on my shoulders rose on my end, and the double chin spoils her neck. In fact, I am anything, just not the pride. I know everything well everything is ugly in me, I know that the legs of the skin and in wrinkles. Just all the most and grieves me, because I raise my head so high in order not to see my ugly feet. You see only what I have ugly, and close your eyes on my advantages and my beauty. Didn't it happen to you? What you call ugly, just most like people ... "


Performance Time: 60 minutes

12. Exercise "Association"

Objective: emotional and physical liberation.

Stop in a circle. Put your hands to each other on the shoulders. Job look at each other. You will be happy to smile to each other and say: "You, individuality!", At the same time, add your associations with bright personalities, such as politicians, film actors, historical personalities or literary characters.

Any of you are entitled to ask why it is with this face or a hero that you associate your partner. I advise you to write down everything you say during greetings. This is an interesting material for understanding. And really, why, for example, have you been tied up with a xlekukov or red cap?

Performance Time: 20 minutes

13. Creating "Easy ways lead to a dead end»

Objective: Teach to find the main individual features, identify their personal features.

- At the very beginning of the class, we met each other, learned new names and, most importantly, the individual features of all members of our group. Now you need to write to the "Individuality" table what you remember in every person, that is, the essence of the statements of each participant about their individuality. Remember what he spoke during the acquaintance with you, what others talked about him when we sat wide around. This is definitely not very easy, but "light paths always lead to a dead end." You can add your own conclusions about the individuality of this person who you could do during the class. For example, you can write: "Irina is different from all its calm."


Then you will gather in a big circle and take turns read your records, correcting inaccuracies in the column "his own statement."

Performance Time: 30 minutes

14. Exercise "My Portrait in the Rays of the Sun"

Purpose: Development of the ability to determine their personal features.

- Draw the sun, in the center of the Solar Circle, email your name or draw your portrait. Then write all your advantages along the rays, everything is good that you know about yourself. Try to be as much as possible rays.

It will be the answer to the question: "Why do I deserve respect?"

Performance Time: 15 minutes

15. Exercise "Reflection of the past occupation"

1. What exercise had the greatest impact on you?

2. Who among the members of the group was the closest to the goal of the training?

3. How free you felt?

4. The behavior of whom the participants prevented you or helped you?

Performance time: 15 minutes.

Second occupation

Topic: "Self-determination and self-knowledge of participants"

Purpose: Creating a confidence and openness in the group atmosphere. Teaching the ability to express your point of view. Activation of the process of self-knowledge, deepening of self-discharge processes, obtaining positive feedback to strengthen self-esteem and actualization of personal resources. Disclosure of important qualities for effective interpersonal communication.

Performance Time: 10 minutes

2. Creating "View"

"We are all" is an associative role-playing portrait, all those who have gathered in the group. He will show how everyone sees himself.

One participant comes out. The psychologist asks for each participant to say about the youthful anything pleasant. This is written. Then the participant enters. The psychologist says, for example: "While you have absent, we accidentally started a conversation about you. Do not believe how much pleasant about you was told. One said ... "The participant must guess who said what and why.

Performance Time: 15 minutes

3. Exercise "Most-most"

Purpose: Disclosure of important qualities for effective interpersonal communication.

- Everyone is a unique person. In some way, he is completely inimitting and beyond any competition. But precisely because not all see this, a person may be dissatisfied with the way others treat him. Let's fix it. Let inside each team participants will tell about their advantages that they can compete with others. So, think about everything in turns inside the team, tell us about your advantages and confirm them with the facts. And now, ask you to tell about your advantages with confirming these facts. You are welcome. Let's now summarize and inside each team to highlight the "most" indicators that were discussed here. For example, the most-highest, most-most. Cheerful, most-most resourceful, etc. Now we have to determine the "most" from all teams. In conclusion, I climb "the mostst".

Performance Time: 40 minutes

4. Exercise "No one knows"

Purpose: Creating an atmosphere of trust and openness in the group atmosphere.

Children sit in a circle. At the psychologist in the hands of the ball.

- Now we will broody each other this ball and the one who will have the ball, completes the phrase "none of you knows that I (or I) ..."

Be careful and make everyone participate in the task. Each ball should have many times.

Performance Time: 15 minutes

5. Exercise "My Quality"

Purpose: strengthen self-assessment and actualization of personal resources.

- Choose from the list of your characteristics the same quality you like .. Sit more comfortable, take a deep breath, relax.

When and as the last time it was manifested in your behavior this quality? Restore this case in your imagination. What did you see then? What did you hear? What did your body feel ... your hands ... leather on face? Immerse yourself in that situation, survive it again ...

You can stay in this memories as much as you want. And, deeply sighing, you can get out of it when you want.

Performance Time: 40 minutes

6. Exercise "Sculpture"

Purpose: identifying relationships between members of the group, the development of sensitivity, overcoming bodily barriers.

The group is divided into two parts. One must "cut out" a person's sculpture with self-esteem, another person without self-esteem. The figure "Loops" from one of the participants to which all the participants of the group give the necessary pose, "create" to the Mimico. Each subgroup chooses a "guide", which will describe the sculpture, tell me what and how it expresses. "Excursors" (members of the second subgroup) may agree or disagree, to make their own adjustments.

Performance Time: 20 minutes

7. Exercise "Concessions"

Objective: Development of trust, disclosure of important qualities for effective interpersonal communication.

- It is known that, giving the other, the person is more semi for the floor, although at first glance it is not so obvious. Any wide gesture in the name of others remains in memory for a long time. Nevertheless, each person has a proprietary start, which holds back charitable gusts. Let's try to oppose these two starts. Please split into pairs. Now I propose to judge your innermost dreams. After all, everyone has their own dream, far away, close, real or impracticable. Let's share your dreams with each other ... And now it would be nice to reflect out loud: what every one of you could help in the implementation of a cherished dream. What could you give up each other to give, give, give? Just like that, from the pure heart! Sometimes it is essential to help even a good advice. Try to talk on this topic. Did you sometimes feel that give gifts more pleasant than getting them? Share your impressions.

Performance Time: 35 minutes

8. Exercise "Gift"

- Let each one of you take turns to make a gift to your neighbor on the left (clockwise). A gift must be made ("Hand") silently (non-verbal), but so that your neighbor understands what you give him. The one who receives a gift should try to understand what gives him. While everyone does not receive gifts, nothing needs to say. All make silence.

Performance Time: 15 minutes

9. Exercise "Part of My" I "

Objective: Activation of the process of knowing his own "I", deepening of the processes of self-discharge, obtaining positive feedback to strengthen self-esteem and actualization of personal resources.

Materials: Paper, sets of color pencils (6 colors). The psychologist invites children to remember what they are in different situations depending on the circumstances (sometimes they act so unlike themselves, as if they are other people), as they, it happens, lead the internal dialogue, and try to draw these different parts of their "I" . This can be done as it turns out, perhaps symbolically.

After the task is completed, the children and lead in turn show their drawings with the group and explain that they are depicted.

Teenagers exchange impressions about whether it was difficult to fulfill the task, it is difficult to tell you that they are depicted. With the consent of each of the participants, the presenter collects drawings (wishes can leave them) with the condition that they will not be shown to anyone from students or teachers, but participants can look after and after classes.

Performance Time: 60 minutes

1. What exercises you liked or did not like

2. What do you feel at the moment

3. What's new you learned about yourself or others in the process of doing exercises.

Performance Time: 20 minutes

11. Exercise "Association"

Purpose: Development of emotional feeling of another, expanding the ideas of participants about themselves.

One of the training participants is out of the door. The rest choose someone from the group, which he must guess the associations. The leading enters and is trying to guess who exactly faded, asking questions on the Association: "What flower does it look like? What taste? What song? What book? " and so on. At the same time, the leading shows who exactly should answer him. He sets the specified in advance number of questions (usually 5), after which it should be called the one who was fed. If guessing, then named becoming leading. If not - leaves again. If you have not guess more than two times - drops out of the game.


When it was easier to guess: when he answered the one who was fed, or someone else?

What is it connected with?

The difference between what we see for yourself and what are other people.

Performance Time: 20 minutes

12. Exercise "Pleasant conversation"

Objective: Creating a confidence and openness in the group atmosphere, the formation of empathy in relation to others.

"It's usually likes a person when those around them say about him:" A pleasant interlocutor. " This is really a useful ability - easy and easy to get into contact, support the conversation and also easily part with your interlocutor. The ability to conduct a conversation allows a person to feel more confident in this world, do not avoid people and enjoy communication with them. Now we will spend a series of meetings, and every time you will meet with a new person. You need to start a conversation, say something nice to your interlocutor and also on a pleasant note to part with him.

The children of the group stand (sit) on the principle of "carousel", i.e., face each other and form two circles: the inner fixed (children stand back to the center of the circle) and external movable (children face the center of the circle).

At a psychologist's signal, all participants in the external circle make 1 or 2 steps to the right at the same time (or transplanted onto a chair that stands to the right) and turn out to be a new partner. There will be several such transitions. And every time you offer the role of participants.

Examples of the situation "Meeting"

A. "In front of you, the person you do not know, see it for the first time, but you really need to know how to drive into a kind of place in the city where you are for the first time."

Time for the whole conversation, i.e., on the establishment of contact, mutual greetings and conducting the conversation itself, 2-3 minutes, then you give a signal, the participants must finish the launched conversation for 10 seconds, say goodbye and go to the right to a new partner. These rules apply to the following situations.

B. "In front of you a person who you really like. You have long wanted to talk to him. "

B. "In front of you a person who is upset and cannot calm down. Come to him, start talking, calmly those. "

G. "You were angry on the street. Looking around, you saw a stranger, who also realized that I was wrong. You start with words ... "

Performance Time: 40 minutes

13. Exercise "Good Animal"

Purpose: Promoting the cohesion of the collective, to teach children to understand the feelings of others, to support and empathize.

Coach, a quiet mysterious voice, says: "Stand up, please, in the circle and take hands. We are one big, kind animal. Let's listen to how it breathes! And now we get together! On the breath - we take a step forward, to exhale - a step back. And now on the breath we make two steps forward, for exhalation - two steps ago. Inhale - two steps forward. Exhalation - two steps ago. So not only breathes the animal, it is also clearly and smoothly beating his big good heart. Knock - step forward, knock - step back, etc. We all take the breath and knock of the heart of this animal to yourself. "

Performance time: 20 minutes.

14. Exercise "Leaf behind the back"

Purpose: Formation of trusting relationships to each other, learning the ability to express its point of view. Activating the process of self-knowledge.

- Every person is wondering what other people think about him as they feel next to him. However, you can not always be sure that you will tell you the whole truth, pleasant or unpleasant. This exercise helps to overcome the barrier: it is anonymously, but it happens when "eyes in the eye" contact.

Everyone on the back will be attached a sheet of paper. You will walk, stop near those people who interest you, look at him to make an impression about a person, and this impression is recorded on a sheet of paper, attaching on his back.

Now look at each other. What faces attract you? Than?

What kind of man would you like to come to?

Are you ready to be sincere?

Now you will walk, meet with each other. While you will not write anything - just look at each other: what are you?

Forward, you can move!

Many of you seems strange - walk and look at each other.

Yes, adults often seem strange that naturally for children. Children love to look at people, just look at them, view, admire or wondering. And therefore children are such excellent psychologists.


- Probably it will be better if you share with all your feelings. Please let everyone in a circle says a few words about his feelings about what they wrote to him, and who wants, can read one thing - two messages to him. And now raise your hands those who were really sincere during this game. Absolutely sincerely very difficult.

Everyone gets into a common circle, a psychologist says warm words about confidence in each other.

Performance time: 40 minutes.

15. Exercise "I understand you"

Purpose: activation of the process of self-knowledge, deepening the processes of self-examination,

Each teenager is offered among members of the group to choose a person whose condition and thoughts he will be able to guess in the eyes, according to the expression of the person, by pose, etc.

Participants are given 3 minutes to state in writing what the chosen person thought during the classes, what feelings experienced, etc.,

Continuation of the exercise can be held in two versions.

A. Every teenager, addressing a person whose condition he described, tells him about him (about his condition and his thoughts). The one whose state was described may comment on this story. If the talked corresponds to his valid thoughts and sensations, he can confirm the correctness of observations. Otherwise, he may refute the guesses, pointing to the mistakes allowed.

B. Every teenager describes the state of a partner who does not know that all this refers to it. Children must determine whose state has been described.

Performance time: 30 minutes.

16. Creating "Homeless Hare"

Purpose: Removing psycho-emotional tension, removal of muscle clamps.

Children become a circle, they choose the "hunter" and "homeless hare." The rest of the children (hares) get into the hoops (houses) laid out in a circle. On the team "Once - two - three - Hunter catching" Hunter runs behind the homeless hare around the houses. The hare can hide in any house, but then another hare must escape from the house. If the hunter caught a hare, they change roles.

Performance time: 20 minutes.

17. Exercise "Autopilot"

Purpose: awareness of your own uniqueness, a mood on a joyful and productive life in the future.

You must record at least ten phrases of type settings: "I am smart!", "I am strong!", "I am charming!", "I am beautiful!" etc.

Naturally, these settings should relate directly to you, reflect your life goals and the desire to become exactly the same.

Rehend to this task seriously, since the life of a person is largely determined by what he thinks about himself that he most often tells himself. In no case do not write phrases that emphasize your weaknesses and disadvantages. It should be an optimistic program of the future, a kind of autopilot, which will help you in any life situations.

Performance time: 30 minutes.

18. Exercise "Reflection of the past occupation"

What exercise had the greatest influence?

Who among the members of the group was today closer to the goal of the training?

How free you felt?

Behavior of whom the participants prevented you or helped you? Performance time: 10 minutes.

Stake in the third

Topic: "Confident Behavior"

Purpose: Training to accept confident behavior and facilitating a sense of confidence.

1. Creating "Waiting and Wellness"

Objective: Development of reflection and openness training

Realize and express the feeling and mood with whom the participants came today.

Performance Time: 10 minutes

2. Exercise "Reproduction"

Purpose: Creating emotional comfort.

Children sit in a circle.

- Let's start this way: throwing a ball to each other, we will call the name of the one who throw. The one who gets the ball takes any posture, which will want, and all the others follow him reproduce this posture. After that, the one who has a ball (and whose pose we just played), throws the ball to the next, etc. until the ball is at each of us.

Performance Time: 15 minutes

3. Exercise "My Behavior"

Purpose: to teach to distinguish when a person behaves confidently, and when uncertain.

Here this doll (the master puts on a doll on the arm) will say what happened, and the one who puts the second doll to his hand, will have to show how he behaves in this situation, which says confident and unsure of himself.

The psychologist on behalf of the doll offers a certain situation. The second doll puts on the one who should answer. After several situations proposed by the lead, you can invite participants to train our own situations. If there are no wishing, situations are offered, pre-prepared by the leading.

It is important that all schoolchildren participate in the exercise, and the lead draws attention to the fact that schoolchildren themselves qualify the answer as confident or unsure.

Examples of the proposed situations:

Undeservedly delivered a two;

Want to watch TV, and your friends are a walk for a walk;

Do not take into the game;

Want to get acquainted with the peer and so on.

At the end, a brief discussion is carried out and the definition of confident and unspecified behavior is given.

Performance Time: 40 minutes

4. Creating "Palm to Palm".

Objective: Development of coordination of movements, interaction skills.

Children sit down opposite each other, touches their palms to the palms of the partner. The leading partner sets any movement with his own hands, the slave follows them. Then the partners change roles. After completing this exercise, it is done similar, only the hands of partners do not come into contact.

Performance time: 15 minutes.

5. Exercise "Mirror"

Objective: The formation of confident behavior, the development of the emotional feeling of the other.

Children form two circles - internal and external (if it is impossible, then they are divided into two teams - those who are on the right and on the left side of the parties).

According to a psychologist's signal, the one who stands in the inner circle must be depicted without words, with the help of gestures, postures, facial expressions - a confident or uncertain man, and standing in the outside circle should guess who he portrayed. If he guess right, both participants raise one hand up. Then, the leading signal standing in the outside circle make a step aside and, being in front of another participant, are trying to understand that he portrayed that.

After the whole circle is passed, the role is changing. Now standing in an external circle take certain poses, and standing in the inner - guess.

Psychologist fixes the number of correctly guessed pos.

After completing the exercise, a brief discussion.

What postures more often made out why?

What are it easier to guess why?

Performance time: 30 minutes.

6. Creating "Plasticine Doll"

Purpose: awareness of your body.

Coach divides children to couples. One of the children in a pair will perform the role of sculptor, the other is plasticine. The "sculptor" must sculpt the "doll", giving "plastic" a certain pose. "Plasticine" should be soft and supple. After each child is in different roles, the coach asks: "Who did you like to be more: a sculptor or plasticine doll? Why? Is it convenient to be a doll in the pose that sculptor came up with it? Why?" etc.

Performance time: 10 minutes.

7. Creating "City of Confidence"

Purpose: training for confident behavior and facilitating the feeling of self-confidence.

Participants are sitting in a circle.

- Let's all write a story about the city, in which the most unsure people from all living on Earth live and live. Some of us will be the first and say one or two phrases from which our story will begin.

Performance time: 40 minutes.

8. Creating "Walk with a compass"

Purpose: Formation in children feelings confidence in others.

The group is divided into pairs, de there is a slave ("tourist") and a presenter ("compass"). Each slave (it is standing ahead, and leading behind, putting his hands on the shoulders to the partner) tie the eyes. Task: Complete all the game field forward and back. At the same time, the "tourist" cannot communicate with the "compass" at the verbal level (can't talk to him). The leading hand movement helps the slave to keep the direction, avoiding obstacles - other tourists with compass.

After graduating from the game, children can describe what they felt when they were blindfolded and relied on their partner.

Performance time: 15 minutes.

9. Exercise "Circle of Confidence"

Purpose: Formation of confidence in behavior, by visualization.

- Imagine an invisible circle with a diameter of about 60 cm on the floor about half a meter from myself.

Go to the circle and remember the wonderful time when you were "on the crest of success." In that situation, all your abilities appeared as much as possible. Everything was fine, luck accompanied you. If it is difficult to remember your story, you can use the story of the hero of the movie or legends that admire. The amazing ability of your brain is that there is no difference between the real history and imaginary. Fantasize boldly - no one will know about it!

Performance time: 40 minutes.

10. Exercise "Reflection of past exercises"

1. What exercises you liked or did not like

2. What do you feel at the moment

3. What's new you learned about yourself or others in the process of doing exercises.

Performance Time: 20 minutes

11. Creating "Emotions"

Purpose: Removing psycho-emotional tension, developing confidence of children to each other, the development of arbitrary and self-control.

Children sit on chairs. The coach shows the kids card with the image of persons. Children, having determined the emotional state of the person shown in the figure, silently raise her hand. Coach pronounces: "Once, two, three." At the expense of "three" children all together must whisper the answer.

At the end of this exercise, the coach offers children with the help of pantomimics the following emotional states: sadness, offense, joy, anger, surprise, calm.

Performance time: 15 minutes.

12. Exercise "Imaster"

Purpose: Formation of confidence.

- What is your idea of \u200b\u200bthe owner? (Possible options: This is a strong, self-confident man, he is not waiting for marks, he is ready to evaluate himself; it is not anxious, not a fussy person, feels liberated and calm, can dispose of others).

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"In kindergarten, we played the catch-up, and decided to see if I flew away. When turned his head back, I was waiting for the corner of the concrete wall. I broke my forehead, but I did not hurt, I was afraid to be swirling my white sweater. "

1. What conditions should be created in kindergarten for moving games of children?

Children's pranks and mischief


The glue terribly smelled, but the four-year Edic still all the same flashed. It will be fun, he will be all sticky! That's all laugh! But adults did not laugh, but began to wash the boy. Nothing, the next time Edik will play with the first-aid kit with medicines, he saw her on the lower shelf!

Children's conflicts


Almost the whole group participated in the fight. Some fought, others shouted. The tutor at this time was in the locker room with two children who have long changed after a walk. When the teacher came running, everything was frightened and felt, only one crying boy remained on the floor. With a concussion of the brain, he was taken to the hospital.

1. Where in the group should the educator constantly be?

Children and teachers

Fairy tales

The teacher has always read fairy tale children. Olesya really wanted to read her favorite book with beautiful pictures. Mom brought a book to kindergarten, they read it out loud, and Oles said all thanks.

1. Is it necessary for children to read out loud, or can it be replaced by watching cartoons, movies?

I believe that inside each of us lives the power capable of telling us the way to excellent health, ideal relationships, brilliant career and prosperity in any field of life. Louise Hay.

Everything is brilliant simply, but I would like more specifically, what is this force that is in each of us and how to find an approach to it? How can it be attached to a specific purpose, a dream? What power can help achieve success or former, live happily?

One of the laws of Tao states that everything changes except the law of change. Quietly perceive changes that are inevitable will help support on yourself, internal force. The more fully you aware of your strengths, the easier it will be to confront difficulties and achieve goals.

In psychology, what can help a person in various situations is called calling personal and social resources, personal potential. What comes here?

Parable - Metaphor "Living Source". It is impossible to join the same river twice in the same river, it is impossible to repeat your life path.
The path begins with the very birth of a person, from the first sigh, from the first cry, which heralds all about the beginning of the life path.
What does this road for the traveler goes on it? How does this path, for what expanses it passes, what obstacles will be found on the way? All of these questions, the answer comes throughout life.
A man begins his way as insecure, small steps, but as we grow and acquire life experience, these steps are becoming more and more confident.
The road on which the traveler is coming, not easy. She, it narrows and becomes impassable, it is unexpectedly expanding and intersects with other roads running along small robusts and the sea coast. This road never happens straight and smooth. It can pass through the thicket of the unknown or run across the mountain ranges.
This winding road can lead to the desert or start in a swamp, but there will always be the same magic path that will save a person and will definitely lead to a new source of life. The source that heals may be nascent high in the mountains or deep underground. It can be in the form of drops of dew or a throat of fresh air. And wherever a person was not, he will always find his unique giving source, which will fill the lost forces and give energy for the future. And the path itself will certainly be lit by the source of heat and light.

1. Health physical and mental;

3. Volval qualities - for example, patience, self-control;
4. accumulated knowledge and mastered skills;
5. Self-esteem, self-sufficiencylife values;
6. Human interest in life, desire, goals;
7. Positive life experience, active vital installation - an understanding that targeted actions will later or later lead to the results;
8. Readiness for personal growth, to self-improvement;
9. Taking a challenge of life, - the ability to use the difficulties of life, problematic situations for self-development;

11. Time and how you spend it;
12. Material capabilities (income, savings, etc.);
13. Material and technical means (house, transport, etc.);
14. Social support - people who can help in achieving the goal;
15. Information and sources of information.

Parable of resilience. Once a upset student said to Master:
- Teacher, I'm tired, I have such a hard life, such difficulties and problems, I have been saved against the current, I have no more strength, what should I do?
Teacher, instead of the answer, put three identical tanks with water on fire. In one container threw a carrot, to another - put an egg, and in the third - poured coffee. After a while, he took out carrots and an egg from the water and poured coffee from the 3rd tank into the cup.
- What changed? He asked the student.
"The egg and carrots were welded, and the coffee was dissolved in the water," the student replied.
"No," said the teacher - this is just a superficial look at things.
- Look - firm carrots, having been in boiling water, became soft and militant. The fragile and liquid egg has become solid. Outwardly, they did not change, they only changed their structure under the influence of equally unfavorable circumstances - boiling water.
So people - strong outwardly can be reworked there, where fragile and gentle only harden and stronger.
- And coffee? - asked the student.
ABOUT! This is the most interesting! Coffee completely dissolved in a new hostile environment and changed it - turned boiling water into a magnificent fragrant drink.
There are special people who do not change due to circumstances - they change their circumstances themselves and turn them into something new and excellent, learning and knowledge from the situation.

Erich Fromm believed that each person possesses three most important resources capable of helping him to solve any problem. It:

  • hope is what makes readiness for a meeting with the future, self-development and vision of its prospects, which contributes to life and growth;
  • vera is awareness of the existence of a set of opportunities and the need to detect these opportunities on time and use;
  • mental power (courage) - the ability to protect the hope and faith, the ability to say "no" when the whole world wants to hear "yes."

So, the resource is something inner, which can help us in achieving the goal. The formula that uses resources to achieve success will look like this:

A.S. + R. \u003d Zh.S.

A.S. - The current state is what is now.

Zh.S. - The desired condition is what we strive to achieve.

R. - Resources - what can we need for this.

And now the small projective test of sea treasures, which will clarify your goals and tell you what resources you need first.

Instruction. In this picture you see a small piece of sea landscape, more precisely, the seabed. You need, firstly, supplement this picture with details, complete it, and secondly, pay special attention to the chest. As you have already noticed, it is revealed, but empty. Fill it with the content that you consider the most appropriate and correctly reflecting your thoughts.

The key to the test you will find in the article "Projective techniques. Pictures tests: Your goals and resources "