Morning or evening: When is it better to do Cardio to effectively burn excess fat? It is not easy to choose from two good options: when to do Cardio, before or after the power workout.

Morning or evening: When is it better to do Cardio to effectively burn excess fat? It is not easy to choose from two good options: when to do Cardio, before or after the power workout.
Morning or evening: When is it better to do Cardio to effectively burn excess fat? It is not easy to choose from two good options: when to do Cardio, before or after the power workout.

Cardio - Word, familiar to all athletes engaged in any sport: from athletics to power extreme. The second meaning of this word is aerobic activity, and it is the object of many myths, jokes, and even training systems. Hence the term "cardiotrans" also appeared. Let's see what it is interesting to many athletes.

From the point of view of the biochemistry, cardio (Cardio) is a common name for all types of loads performed due to the energy exchange process called "aerobic glycolysis". During the cardio training in our body, oxygen falls, oxidizes glucose from which energy is released. It is this energy that provides maintenance for a long time physical activity of a person.

This is the training of Cardio from training by force, in which the release of energy occurs by another method, oxygen-free, or otherwise - anaerobic.

Varieties Cardio Training

To avoid possible confusion, consider the most popular types of Cardio and let's talk about how they are mixed with power sports.

  1. Running (can be replaced by fast walking) - a great way to warm up, to charge energy, ventilate the lungs and the whole organism as a whole, and at the same time and spend a couple of hundred calories. The condition of such a training is not to run too fast, so as not to be pulled out completely. On the other hand, it should not be a light walk from which you do not even care. It is necessary to tune in to your own optimal rhythm and run from three to six times a week, reducing this hour or one and a half time. It will not only strengthen your body, but also will help become land, relief.
  2. Swimming is the best type of cardio, because in this case it is difficult to exceed the maximum voltage limit. We must not just stay on the water, but to swim in your pleasure, completing the workout with a 200-500-meter swim without stopping. Such cardiography can bring the results literally fabulous. This is explained by the fact that, unlike running, swimming limits respiratory capabilities. The body perceives it as a signal and begins to strive to increase the volume of the lungs, and therefore improves the provision of the entire body with oxygen. Additional advantages - strengthening the immune system due to contact with water. Muscles in water relax and are restored faster. Like the Marathon Runners, the swimmers are much reduced to the muscles of lactic acid, so that for people conducting power workouts with iron, it becomes possible to train even more productively.
  3. Running tracks and simulators are simulation of running. There is such a training in a closed room, which is quite bad. If there are no options or if the simulator is set at home, it is possible to train and thus, it is necessary to take into account that the lack of sunlight and clean air rich in oxygen, with elevated loads on the heart and vessels, requires necessarily to strictly dispense such training.
  4. Circular training, called otherwise "functional training" these types of training arose for quite a long time, but more than a year ago became popular. The essence of them is to fulfill the power training with weight, much less than the bodybuilders use - every five or even ten less than the usual working weight, but exercises are performed in a circle three to five times, without a breather. It looks quite attractive, but it is not only a colossal load, but also a high danger to vessels and hearts. However, it can be clarified that this danger takes place only for a person who does not have the appropriate preparation with unfamiliar technique. Easy such person has not yet acquired the skill supply the organism in critical mode for 15-20 minutes in a row.

For clarity and specific numbers, look at infographics:

To whom and why need Cardio training

  1. You can advise all people of elderly age, as they help maintain a cardiovascular system in order and extend life.
  2. In class, the purpose of which is the extension of muscle mass, cardio workout is undesirable, because they are on the growth of the muscles cause the effect opposite to hypertrophy. But, since simultaneously increasing the muscles and burn fat, it is impossible to include Cardio in the training plan together with power training, as it will make fat burning more efficient.
  3. If you set you to lose weight, it will be very good to add cardio strength exercises very well, although the cardio itself is not the best way to lose weight.
  4. Cardiotransgings are good if you are engaged in cyclic sports, and the development of endurance is required.
  5. Cardio is good to use for recovery. With light loads, recovery occurs more quickly.
  6. Many advise the use of cardiovascol for warm-up - for heating the body for 5-7 minutes before the workout. Although it is not completely cardio, but rather an ordinary warm-up.

Cardio training - not the best way to lose weight

Among women engaged in fitness, this is quite a popular misconception: hoping to lose weight and fear of "rolling", in all the fitness halls of the world they storm the ellipses. But you can not worry - "rake" without hormones and steroids is simply impossible. But if the cardio workout is used exclusively for weight loss, this is the truth of delusion, and quite common.

Indeed, in 45 minutes Cardio training can burn calories more than during the same duration of the power training, but for weight loss, the overall effect will be worse. Power training acts otherwise - he burns fats not during training, and after it in the recreation process, which is why the overall level of metabolism is significantly rising. Thanks to the power trainings, you will have a path even a small amount of muscles, for example, 5 kg, but they will already need to add additional cyocaloriums per day to the usual diet of 250-400. As a result, it becomes easier to maintain some calorie deficit and burn fats on an ongoing basis.

The maximum effect for fat burning is observed when combining power full-fledged training with cardiovascular. Fitness experts advise for weight loss to spend 2-3 strength training and adding 2-3 cardiography to them with a duration of 45-60 minutes, and for training it is better to choose different days.

When it is better to run

1. Running on an empty stomach

Modern studies have been established that training for 30-60 minutes in the morning, immediately after awakening, allow three times more burn fat than similar classes at another time of the day. The fact is that the main source of energy for the body throughout the day is carbohydrates coming from food. During night sleep, these reserves are depleted by the organism. Therefore, when a person wakes up, the carbohydrates are no longer playing carbohydrates and fat is beginning to be spent on energy.

Interestingly, as a result of morning workouts, metabolism rises for the whole day, so after training on an empty stomach, a larger calorie will burn throughout the day.

Attention! It is necessary to take into account those who have a good muscular weight that for them workout on an empty stomach is contraindicated, because with a lack of fat, the body will begin to burn muscles. So such a way to lose weight is only suitable for those people who have something to lose, that is, there is an excessive mass of fat.

In Kansas, there were studies that showed that in the morning training session one kilogram of fat was faster than if physical activity was closer towards the end of the day. The cyclist, stealing pedals in the morning before breakfast, burned more by 60% fat than trained at lunch.

For muscular people who seek to improve their muscles, run in the morning on the hungry stomach contraindicated. In general, running in the morning - it is good, but in terms of muscle loss instead of fat to make cardio on an empty stomach badly. Therefore, this graph of the morning jog can be made for yourself:

  • early climb, no later than 6-7 in the morning;
  • slightly eat without meat, for example, eat 4-5 boiled eggs with a glass of juice and loaves;
  • after eating to make a 30-45-minute pause;
  • make a run.

So, for those who want to get rid of excess fat mass, it is advisable to run in the mornings on an empty stomach, and if the run is considered, as a method of developing muscles, it is better to reinforce before Cardio.

2. Cardio before the power training

For men seeking to recruit muscle mass, aerobic activity in any of its form in one or two hours before work with iron is absolutely contraindicated. Cardio held before the power work will lead to the depletion of glycogen reserves, as a result of which it may simply not be enough forces for the two or three recent repetitions, the most effective, which stimulate the growth of most. Another argument in favor of what Cardio is not needed before training is that running leads to a decrease in protein synthesis and an increase in its decay. With a power training, everything happens on the contrary: protein synthesis remains at the same level or increases slightly, but the protein decay increases.

Thus, it turns out that after cardiotering protein synthesis, under which the ability of a person's body is understood to form new muscle structures, decreases and if after that goes into force training, then the ability to increase muscle mass will be significantly reduced. Therefore, Cardio, especially with a lot of duration, imposes its imprint on muscular progress. For women who do not want to have muscles in large quantities, workouts conductive with low intensity and with a slight weight, it is quite possible to afford a 20-25-minute jogging.

Thus, cardiography may well be performed before the training, but after it it is necessary to withstand a certain time - 2.5 - 3 hours so that the glycogen depot is restored. Accelerate this process will allow the correct power supply and the use of appropriate sports additives, such as carbohydrate-protein cocktails or heiners.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of Cardio after the power training

Such cardio training are more favorable than those conducted before the power training. The reason is that in the power training process, glycogen reserves are not so much depleted as during aerobic activity. So after the completion of the workout in your muscles there will still be enough accurate glycogen, and you will be able to spend your race at a high level. You can get even more efficiency from cardio if you wait two to three hours after classes, eat and only after that go on a jog. Thus, glycogen stocks you will quickly replenish, the disintegration of proteins will be suspended and the body will be ready to send all the pitchfork on a jog, because he will no longer have to take care of the recovery of "post-track holes".

Best results from Cardio

Everyone wants to not just run, but to achieve these certain results - improve your body, the work of the heart, etc. Therefore, to achieve these goals it is necessary to know exactly the time of the outlined jog and, accordingly, plan your signs. You can adhere to the following tips:

  • if in one of the power workouts you plan to train your legs, then Cardio should be held away from this day, for example, training legs on Monday, run on Thursday or Friday;
  • cardierements in those days when you do not have strength training;
  • if the running classes fails to highlight individual days, practice jogging after the end of the workout.

If the body is charged with 100% energy, you will get much more benefits, that is, the growth of muscle mass, improve the appearance.

In what pace run with cardiotrans

It is necessary to calculate the intensity of the run by the formula that is tied to the maximum heart rate indicator (CSS MAX). This frequency is determined as follows:

CSS MAX \u003d 220 - age.

So, for a 17-year-old man, the maximum heart rate is 220 - 17 \u003d 203. When cardiography, the pulse must be from 65% to 85% of the calculated maximum.

They often speak more about the pulse zone of fat burning (most likely, because it is often celebrated in fitness halls on cardiotrymen). This zone is also defined individually testing on the gas analyzer. This rule is slightly lower - it is 60-70% of the maximum pulse. For an average 30-year-old man, the norm is 115-135 beats per minute. Nevertheless, it is impossible to forget that for burning fat cardiography are not particularly effective.

Is it worth it after cardiotrans

Many are confident that food after the race is like death, because it crosses all the work done with such reluctance. If you think this is how it is necessary to revise your point of view, since it is erroneous. If you are after running do not eat, but you will be starved, the body will start developing the trend towards the accumulation of fat. Therefore, you must correctly eat. This does not mean that after the run it is necessary to break into the confectionery department. Proper nutrition provides for the following products: protein cocktail, fish, chicken, brown rice, buckwheat.

How much should it go for burning 1000 kilocalories

The information below is obtained from one American journal dedicated to the issues of running and losing weight. It was traced in it between fast food and running consumption, that is, how much it is necessary to run to compensate for various products. The results were such: if a person runs at a speed of 7-9 km / h, that is, at a moderate pace at a pulse 65-75% of the maximum, then with an average set (70 kg), it burns about 550-600 kcal / hour. So jogging at a distance of 1.6 kilometers allows you to spend 100-120 kcal.

What form of aerobic activity to choose

Everyone understands that you can run differently. It seems to someone that it is necessary to run to reduce weight at a slow pace, and someone defends the advantages of interval cardio. We describe four types of aerobic activity that allow and burning fat to achieve, and the muscular mass of "extracting".

1. Cardio Low Efficiency (KOB). This is the well-known jogging. It not only affects the composition of the body, but allows to reduce pain in the muscles, contributes to the restoration of muscles damaged by microtrams, since blood enriched with nutrients is intensively delivered to the muscles. Of the books is not only jogging, but also cycling, classes on a treadmill at a low speed of her movement. Under books, the energy of free fatty acids is mainly used, carbohydrates are in second place as a source of energy.

In the period of book training, it is desirable to maintain and preserve muscle mass to take additionally proteins and amino acids that are present in sports nutrition. With low intensity training, it is necessary to maintain a pulse in the range of 60-65% of the maximum. With cardiotransport, which continues 30-45 minutes, it is necessary to remain slightly moistened throughout its entire.

2. Cardio with medium intensity (KSI) It is an intermediate version between the sprint and the jogging of the coward. The main goal is to perform work in an active pace, while the level of effort should be maintained for a long time. With this run, it is necessary to focus on breathing and constantly maintain the target zone of the pulse in the range of 65-70%. It is necessary to execute the KSI at least 30 minutes, with no rest of the rest and the pace should not be shot down for a second.

At the same time, the cardio source of energy is not only fats, but also carbohydrates. To preserve and maintain a muscular mass, it is necessary to additionally take amino acids and proteins. 5-7 minutes after the start, such running leads to enhanced sweating, so it is necessary to fear dehydration and drink water on the go.

3. Interval Cardio (IR) Requires intensity, the same as KOB, but with less concentration and attention. You can work without the concern of a possible breakdown. The purpose of such activities is a fast training, leading to an increase in metabolism for a long time after its completion. Many studies have shown that IR provides the effect of burning fat even the best than with a double duration of the book - this is explained by a higher level of metabolism.

The sprint is an intense cardio for certain intervals with active recovery periods in the form of a walk in place between the races. The second name IR is WIK (highly intensive interval cardio). Thanks to the anaerobic nature of such intensity, it is mainly provided by carbohydrates, therefore, in order to achieve the best results, it is required to use carbohydrates both before and after running workout. The use of amino acids and proteins is required to restore the muscles, and the cool water used in the transfers gives a tide of fresh strength and the charge of cheerfulness. To perform training in this scheme, you can use such a schedule:

  • train 2-3 times a week;
  • the duration of the intensive race is 15 seconds;
  • in 15 seconds it is necessary to run 50-60 meters;
  • the number of sprints is 20, of which 12 are full intensity, 4 warm-up and 4 for cooling;
  • the total workout time is 15-20 minutes.
  • cardiovascular system training;
  • improve strength and explosive abilities.

The athlete chooses 2-3 exercises and tie them into one bundle. Weight approximately amounts to 650% of the same-renewable maximum. If the biceps rises the rod weighing 50 kg to one repeat, then for a circular workout you can use a weight of 25 kg. It is necessary to repeat 12-15 times, three sets with rest between the sets of 15-20 seconds. So, one circle is 2-3 exercises that are performed in a row each other with the transfers between the circles of 15-20 seconds. In this form of anaerobic activity, carbohydrates are spent as fuel, so during the session they must be used to feed the body. It is also necessary to control the admission to the body of the protein and constantly remain hydrated, that is, quite moisturized.

Each type of cardio has its own characteristics, shortcomings and advantages, so it's not so important which of the species provides maximum efficiency: you can choose the one that you most like and from which you will enjoy. You can try everything that is described above, and choose your own. Any method forms an anabolic medium in the body and has a positive effect on the body composition. The main thing is to use the selected method systematically.

How to lose weight with cardio

Run like not everyone, so instead you can use other types of aerobic activity. We also remind you that Cardio is not the most efficient way to lose weight quickly. We offer some tips that can be useful in Cardio training sessions:

Tip # 1. Replace walking running. All those surrounding your weight is indifferent, and only you yourself are interested in getting rid of it. Until you start running, you will not be able to lose weight. You can order to start running to alternate with walking - two minutes run and two minutes go a step and so for 30-40 minutes. Gradually, you can reduce the time of the breather, and you will soon see change in yourself.

Tip # 2. Drink water during Cardio. At the same time, it is impossible to confuse the concepts of "damping the throat" and "drink, since it is necessary." If you drink per hour of cardiography more than half litter of water, you just provide yourself with an invitation to the toilet. Thirsty we are experiencing even if just dry into the mouth. You can rush it and run on.

Tip # 3. What to do, if rolling in side. It happens at all and most often asked what to do with this. Nothing needs to be done, you can run a little slower further, more often breathe and keep the rhythm of breathing and everything will pass in a couple of minutes.

Cardio training is an important part of the path to a decrease in fat deposits, but not at all. To achieve success, it is necessary to combine several components, the most important of which is proper nutrition. It is impossible to forget about it.

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When I started training, this question did not give me peace. When is it better to perform cardio exercises, before or after the power workout?

Some believe that these exercises should be performed at the beginning of a workout, as they help heat the body. Adherents of another school believe: to raise greater weight, you should save energy, and therefore the cardio load should be after the power unit.

Based on communicating with different coaches, as well as on his own experience, I briefly outlined the reasons why Cardio exercises should be performed before the power training, and why after it.

1) Why does Cardio exercise be performed before the power training?
If you increase weight weight, then after one easy approach of exercises with cardio load your muscles will warm up, thanks to which you can raise burden with high intensity.
Also, if you are preparing to endurance competitions, such as half-marathon or triathlon, Cardio load should be at the beginning of classes. Thus, you use the main energy and attach more forces to achieve maximum results.

2) Why should the cardiovascular exercises be performed after the power training?

After cardio load, the quality of exercise with a raising of burdens may suffer because the sources of energy may be exhausted. And since the most effective are the last two or three approaches of weight lifting, it is important that you have enough energy to these approaches. It may not be enough "fuel" if you performed cardio exercises before the power training. Reducing the power load in training with time will lead to loss of forces, since the entire potential of the muscles will not be used. Cardio exercises burn fats and carbohydrates. And if you fulfill them at the beginning of a workout, then spend most of the carbohydrates, which will not be enough for energy production during the power load. So if you want to build muscle, then the power exercises should be performed first.
Also, according to some people, there is another reason for building training in a similar order. After a sharp stopping of power classes, blood concentrates at the bottom of the body. With weakened blood circulation, the cardiovascular system works badly, and you can feel dizziness. Since the movement of muscles can restore blood circulation, it is useful to continue their activity. Work on exercise bikes, walking or other cardiovascular exercises with light load are recommended for a gradual decline in activity after training with burdens.

So what approach to choose?
In both approaches there are advantages, and cons. If you are planning to grow muscle (what I do), perform cardio exercises before the main training. If you are on the contrary, you want to lose weight or bring muscles into tone, Cardio load should be in the first part of the workout, before you start working with burdens.

If you want to grow muscle, and still prefer Cardio exercises at the beginning of a workout, there is an alternative: before the power load to drink sports energy drinks.

The last, but not the worst option: perform cardio and power exercises in different days. I myself did not use this method before and I would like to hear your opinion if you have experience in this.

And in conclusion I would like to say that cardio exercises are necessary regardless of when you follow them. They are useful for the overall strengthening of the body and for burning fat. Do not dwell on the sequence of power and cardio loads. Change occasionally their order. Performing cardio exercises before or after the power training is a voluntary matter and not subject to any laws. If you like to perform cardio exercises before the strengths, and you feel that it benefits, continue to engage in the way you are comfortable.

Cardiography for weight loss: how to do it right?

Gathered to run to part with superfluous kilograms? Be sure to read this article so that the cardiovers for weight loss are not disappointed

No, run, of course, as other types of cardiography, play an important role in losing weight, for example, burned calories. And subject to the rules of rational nutrition, the result (in the form of lost kilograms) can be seen quite quickly.

However, the effect of them will last a short and cherished figure on scales or centimeter tape may not appear if not to follow a simple rule: for effective weight loss, you need a combination of various physical exertion and proper power.

What is cardiotering

Cardiography is a type of physical dynamic load with a duration of 20-60 minutes with a relatively low execution intensity, aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system and increasing endurance. This kind of training is needed to maintain physical form.

Conditionally, all exercise can be divided into aerobic (cardiotrans) and anaerobic (power). It should be emphasized that division is very conditional. It is impossible to call any kind of load with aerobic or anaerobic in its pure form.

As in any other form of exercise, before training, you need to warm up, which will warm up the muscles, and after it - the harness, a few stretch exercises to relax them.

Cardiography can be attributed to fast walking, raises on the steps, running, dancing, swimming, various types of games, aerobics, fitness, skiing, rowing, exercises on simulators, and so on.

An important condition for performing cardo-paper is to maintain a given pulse frequency throughout the workout.

The benefits of cardiotrerians

During classes, blood circulation and the heart pumped more blood for one reduction, as a result, the operation of the cardiovascular system is improved.

If such workouts with the same intensity are held regularly, the body gets used to them, increases endurance When performing exercises. If a novice is hard to train 20 minutes, then the prepared person has a fatal fatigue will come later.

During the exercise, the body requires more oxygen, so increases lung volumethat also positively affects endurance. Consequently, breathing will become deeper and correct, which will help burn more calories.

Reducing the level of anxiety and stress: During the workout, the amount of endorphine increases the hormone joy. And if there is no good mood and stress, I do not need to "eat".

Extra weight getting rid of, by burning subcutaneous fat, and strengthening muscle.

Rules for performing cardiotrans

  • Before starting classes, you need to consult with your doctor, especially if there are health problems or a lot of excess weight.
  • The duration and intensity of the load should be increased gradually, then the body will not have time to get used to and the process of weight loss will not stop (the plateau phase).
  • Before training, be sure to make a workout, and after - stretching. This will prepare for the load and accelerate the restoration after it.
  • During classes, it is necessary to monitor the pulse rate using a pulsometer, for example. This is important, since the low rate of the pulse does not bring the result, and high - can harm health.
  • Training should bring pleasure. Do you feel bad? Cancel exercise.

How to do to lose weight

Cardiotranslations for weight loss are good because they can be performed in the gym, on the street or at home, and they are suitable for both beginners and professional athletes.

The benefits of cardiovers for many girls are acquiring the perfect figure.

For weight loss, Cardio needs 3-4 times a week to 30-45 minutes. The subcutaneous fat begins to burn only 20 minutes after the start of the training, subject to the storage of the pulse frequency in the range of 60-80% of the maximum permissible heart rate.

from 220 blows per minute take their age;
The resulting number is multiplied by 0.6 - lower norm;
The resulting number is multiplied by 0.8 - the top rate of the heart rate.

For example: 220-37 \u003d 183; 183 * 0.6 \u003d 109.8, rounded to 110 is the lower rate of the pulse;
183 * 0.8 \u003d 146.4, rounded according to the laws of mathematics and it turns out 146 is the upper norm.
It turns out that a person at the age of 37 years old without any health problems should be trained in these borders - 110-146 shots per minute.

The average pulse rate during training within 120-130 beats per minute.

The intensity of exercise and the workout time must be gradually increased, since the body gets used to the load and ceases to burn fat - the plateau effect. To speed up the metabolism, it is highly desirable to add anaerobic (power loads) to aerobic training, then the calorie burning process will continue after training.

Cardio exercises can be carried out at any time of the day: in the morning, afternoon or in the evening. It depends on the routine of the day and personal preferences.

Cardiography is carried out in a well-ventilated room or on the street, as oxygen is actively used during the load.

Types of cardiovascular

The best type of cardiovery for beginners and people with great weight. To start losing weight, you need to walk pretty quickly and for a long time, since the intensity of this exercise is low. Newbies need to start from walking at the usual pace, gradually increasing speed. Or alternate walking in a rapid pace with a regular step - interval loads.

You can do on the street and in the hall. Probably the most popular type of training. It can be running on the simulator, in place, interval or jogging - depends on the possibilities and preferences. There are limitations: do not suit the overweight persons, as it can threaten serious injuries. When running it is important to monitor the pulse, breathing and well-being.

Dancing - Good in what is suitable for any person. Dance classes are a great option for recently gave girls. You can engage in such cardiovers in a group or individually, in the hall or at home.

Zumba is very popular - cheerful and energetic training, including elements of different dances. During the occupation, the maximum number of muscles is being worked out, including the abdominal muscles and pelvis.

Checked for yourself: the training is quite intense, at first it is difficult to memorize movements. But the result is worth - the mood is improving immediately, the heart rate is suitable for fat burning. There are no restrictions for classes. You can dance in the hall or at home, the benefit of finding a video course is not difficult. Letting two weeks, the result in the form of dropped kilograms is not yet.

(Running track, exercise bike, rowing, ellipse) - They are best practiced with the coach. Working yourself, easy to get injured. In addition, the instructor will give recommendations and follows the correctness of the exercise.

Suitable almost to all. All body muscles are being developed. The minimum burden on the spine. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to study 3-4 times a week at the hour.

Bicycle It helps strengthen the heart, the muscles of the legs, develop stamina. You can also do on the simulator. In this case, the load on his knees is less than when running.

What they give cardiotrans

The main thing is why cardiography is needed, is a great way to bring yourself in shape, improve health, increase stamina, find good mood and self-confidence.

For classes to bring the result, choose this type of load that will enjoy the classes. If running is too crowded and monotonous, choose group classes with dancing, fitness, step aerobics and other things. It is good that there are many types of exercise for aerobic loads.

Do not forget about proper nutrition even when sports.

Watch out for well-being, a beautiful figure is good, but health is more important.

Cardio training (however, as powerful and, something tells us, any other) workouts are surrounded by both legends. Most of the Adepts of the calling believes that the cardio-loads are able to help in reducing body weight, while it is not necessary to wait for it from working with weight. Fitness coaches, in turn, argue that just such an approach to training and prevents you from gradually and productively lose weight.

Let's deal with what myths about cardio training interfere with you to lose weight and why.

Myth 1. To lose weight, you need to focus on cardio training

It is exclusively cardio training - this is not only boring, but also ineffectively in the sense of weight loss. "Power training build muscle mass, which, in fact, increases your metabolism," says Hollywood coach Elizabeth Hendrix Berul. "Thus, the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn day after day."

Add to this that the recent studies of the Association of Personal Trainers of America showed that dumbbells are burned to 20 calories per minute.

Myth 2. Start the training session with cardio exercises

What should be before: Cardio or exercise for power - the question is the same eternal as the one in which the chicken and egg appear. "If you first do on a treadmill for 40 minutes, and then take the dumbbells, you will have too little strength to work out relief," the personal coach of Lindsay Wastol warns. She advises alternate cardio-training and strength training, choosing separate day for each of them.

Myth 3. During Cardio, you need to burn at least 500 calories

Perseverance on a treadmill, which shows the number of calories spent - a waste of time and energy. "At least because simulators can only appreciate the speed of your metabolism," says Wastol. The coach advises not paying attention to the red numbers, focusing on the intensity and quality of exercises. Choose an intensity of 8 or 9, if you feel that they are capable of it - and then you can afford more often to take breaks without harm to the ultimate goal.

Myth 4. Do not forget about the "fat burning zone"

Under the mysterious formulation of the "fat burning zone" is not so complicated, but in a certain sense, a useless formula that allows you to calculate the "ideal" intensity of training for weight loss. But experts are confident that you should not bother your head counting. "The higher the intensity, the more calories you will burn - this is all about to remember," said Marthenegro certified coach. At the same time, the expert recommends alternating high-intensity exercises with relaxing to give the body to recover.

Myth 5. Cardio-exercises on an empty stomach burned more calories

You can not start the car without gasoline, so why are you waiting for another from your body? The secret of the effectiveness of cardio-training is that they are influentially related to. "It should be remembered that during training on an empty stomach, our body is inclined to look for carbohydrates in blood and muscles, and not at all in excess fat, as we would like," says Professor Physiology Michel Olson. As a result - fast fatigue, drowsiness and insufficient hydration.

Try there are no less than 90 minutes before training. Olson says that this should be something easy, but nutritious: for example, a non-fat kefir half a cup + 2 tablespoons of Muesli + pieces of fruit + cinnamon. And be sure to complete this set by two glasses of water.

Myth 6. Participation in marathons - a great way to lose weight

What to say, marathons have enough advantages: strengthening cardiovascular and immune systems, increasing endurance or, as it happens more and more often, contributing to charity. Plus, preparation for the marathon makes your body more efficient in every sense, allowing him to learn how to save energy and function in the best way. "However, you should not wait for noticeable results from the first race," Personal coach John-Eric Cavamoto warns. And, of course, you should not make weight loss to the ultimate goal of participation in the marathon.

Myth 7. Cardio- and strength training always need to be divided

So, we are ready to finally confuse you. Experts report: while most often to share cardio-training and strength training is really useful, sometimes their connection can be truly effective. Studies have shown that if once a week, cardio and power exercises alternate as part of a single training, then at least 20 minutes continue to be buried at its end of calories. "So you can lose weight and after the training is over," Commented on Montenegro. Not bad, right?

Myth 8. Cardio training allows you to not organize yourself in nutrition

Oh yes, we would like it. But, unfortunately, most of us overestimate the possibilities of cardio - namely, the number of calories that can be burned using these exercises. "One physical activity in any case is not enough," comments the certified fitness expert Bret Conteraras. "On average, a person suffering from obesity, loses about 2.5 kilograms of fat for eight months of training, and it is very small. But everything changes if adding to add to it. Regular exercises proper nutrition and ".

Usually, bodybuilding fans are not too honored by Cardio after a power training, considering it the necessary tedious routine. After all, its goal is only maintaining the percentage of fat at the required low level. Many are wondering if Cardio needs after a power training? Do such classes have any real sense? Why did Cardio after the power workout at all should be done, and how to achieve the right alignment of one with another, so that the effect is maximized?

What is Cardio?

Under it understands all the well-known endurance exercises and the strengthening of the heart and blood vessels. They are performed, both in the conditions of the gym and in nature. Classical examples of cardiovasculations can serve as running and walking, swimming or cycling ride. In this case, we mean not short-term 10-minute runs before the main training session (i.e. workout), and continuous classes over 20 minutes to an hour.

So, we will try to consider their need, duration and competent combination with the main. Is it possible to do Cardio after the power workout, or better before it? There is no unambiguous answer to the question about the ideal method. Cardio is allowed to do in the morning before the power training or at its end, as well as in the evening or at any time, when you have energy and free time. Which hour of the day to choose, decide depending on the intended purpose (and it can be reduced to the growth of muscles or weight loss).

When exactly we lose weight

It is believed that the performance of cardios in the morning stimulates metabolism and sets the increased level throughout the subsequent day. That is, regardless of day and evening activity (even if it is zero), you burn longer than calories during the day.

The most familiar look of such training is low-intensity cardio. It is in running either a bike ride, but with a small and stable speed. Energy in this case is produced from body fat reserves, and not received throughout the day with carbohydrates. It will happen if the morning low-intensity cardio will be conducted on an empty stomach (the so-called hungry cardio) or it is a cardio after a powerful workout, when the energy supply in the body is minimal.

How to organize it

Here are some options for combining Cardio with power: if your goal is to destroy as much fat weight as possible, try:

  • Make Cardio to training or immediately after it.
  • Do it on the same day as the power, but dividing the gap from 6 hours or more.
  • Reserve under Cardio separate day when you do not have the power (for example, alternate them with each other).

Cardio after a power workout: for and against

If your goal is to increase muscle mass or keep it, then you should not do the main workout cardio. We repeat - we are not talking about a ten-minute cardioprint, always necessary. This is due to the fact that for the main classes you will need a good stock of energy, spending which for a full-fledged occupation, you will reduce the effect of power.

And yet - Cardio is better before or after the power workout? The conducted studies confirmed the fact that among athletes with an equal level of skill to overcome the greater weight were those who did not spend pre-power for Cardio.

Not too welcome in this case such classes and immediately after the power. There is a risk of loss of extensive muscles. Ultimately, the fan-swing, concerned about the terrain of musculature, cardio is not so necessary. After all, they are leaving those reserves that require muscles for their own growth and the opportunity to fully recover.

Optimal option

The same, whose goal is neat, harmoniously looking muscles and as small as possible, Cardio after the power workout is allowed, but in compliance with the correct load. The amount of glycogen, that is, the energies at the end of the main classes are minimally, and the rate of cardio should be moderate for 30-45 minutes. At the same time, the energy will take mainly of fat stocks.

Morning cardiosales with a similar goal should be carried out for 20 minutes and separately either with a large gap with respect to the power - to conserve muscles.

As you know, to pump muscles, you need training with good power load, as well as a large amount of calorie food. In addition, time for full-fledged recreation and recovery. If the percentage of fat does not bother you too, you can refuse with a light heart from Cardio.

Cardio after a strength training for weight loss: the principle of alternation

In case of concerns, a high fat percentage of Cardio will still need. Perhaps the ideal regime will be holding them in the days of rest between the power (that is, every other day). A total of 3 to 4 days from 3 to 4 days for a week, and it should be done on an empty stomach in the mornings or taking protein. It is recommended a couple of days from these four to engage in a low-intensity pace.

Since Cardio after the power workout requires additional free time, which are not all, they do not have to resort to compromise. It is important to determine the priorities - if the head of all the pumped muscles, the number of power classes should be at least three per week, yet the rest - if possible.

In order to save time on street runs or cycling trips, do not regret money on an elliptical simulator or a running track. We remind you again - to engage in them together with power (that is, for the same day) is not desirable.

Do not overeat

Want to lose weight - follow nutrition. No cardio, no scale to help get rid of fat in case of excessive calorie intake (simply speaking, overeating). After all, it is easy to "swallow" a hundred-of-other, and it is much more difficult to spend.

For example, the average intensity run throughout the half an hour will relieve you only from three hundred kilocalorias, which in physical terms is half a chocolate or 3-4 pieces of bread. After having listed in the fast food institution and having received "extra" cyocalories in the amount of from a thousand to one and a half, you can get rid of them, running at least two or two and a half hours.

And do not starve

The other side of the medal is a large number of workouts in combination with the "hungry" mode will lead to the absence of muscle growth. Conclusion - it should not be limited too much, but at the same time food should be correct, fats - useful, proteins - full, and carbohydrates - refer to the discharge of slow. "Good" food with the same volume will give you a smaller number of calories.

If we talk about a low-intensity cardio, then someone recommends that it is exclusively on an empty stomach, others categorically against such an approach. Arguments of supporters - In this case, the body begins to immediately extract from its own fat reserves. That is, consumed immediately before taking a portion of carbohydrates, you do not spend them, but save them in integrity. And the point is not that it is forbidden to use them to Cardio. Their task is the subsequent provision of body with a reserve of energy throughout the remaining day.

How best?

Those who oppose the "hungry" cardio refer to the results of studies that claim that fasteners who are splitting in occupation require energy to be used exclusively from carbohydrates. That is why breakfast is needed to occupation.

The final and unequivocal opinion on this score is perhaps no. All that remains to advise - try experimenting both in the other direction, paying attention to the result and level of your own comfort.

It is believed that a protein-carbohydrate snack for half an hour to the morning workout does not hurt in any case. It may consist of, for example, from a small (50 gram) portion of oatmeal and a cup of protein serum. The energy in the body during such a training is incorporated, as in the power, carbohydrates. If cardio does not apply to low-intensity, then it will be required immediately, to which fat reserves are not suitable - from there it is "mined" enough slowly.

Watch out calories

As already mentioned, the goal of the morning cardiography is not incineration of the maximum of energy. The task here is another - "acceleration" of metabolism and the activation of it with the calculation for the entire coming day. Having achieved this goal, you will spend later a greater number of calories, even resting or engaged in sedentary work.

In this regard, the morning cardiography has some similarity with the power, and that is why it is still not recommended to approximately an empty stomach. But the number of calories planned for such a snack should be included in the amount of the daily calorie content, and not to go to it an additional "plus". Does not hurt after such a training session of a protein cocktail with a ratio of proteins and carbohydrates one to two.

The choice is yours

An unequivocal answer to questions, whether Cardio is possible after the power workout, and which of its species is better and more efficient, no one will give you. To achieve significant results, it is recommended to change the character of training. That is, alternate interval high-intensity classes in the form of, for example, fast running or cycling, with low-intensity.

The conditions and locations of their fundamental importance do not have. It can be a gym, and just a street where a big plus will be fresh air. But there is a risk of leaving lessons in case of bad weather. The choice of simulators is also unlimited. It is more important to monitor the degree of intensity, in particular, performing intervals at a high pace, efforts are applied to the maximum.

That was not boring

Taking on the simulators, do not forget that it requires a separate day of day. In order not to get bored, it is important to modify yourself correctly. To do this, you can try to perform cardio of different species - for example, today you "go to the mountain" along the treadmill at a fairly slow pace, tomorrow - intensively engage in the elliptical simulator.

Similar alternation diversified workout and will save from the routine. Fast classes should accompany his beloved music, and prolonged and leisurely cardiosses on simulators can be carried out accompanied by a favorite television series.