Cleaning an apartment with a candle. How to Clean Your House from Negative Energy

Cleaning an apartment with a candle. How to Clean Your House from Negative Energy
Cleaning an apartment with a candle. How to Clean Your House from Negative Energy

Sometimes it is necessary to independently clean the apartment from the negative and damage. And all because there are such houses in which people are uncomfortable. And here is not the design of the apartment, but something else is something elusive energy. In such apartments and houses of all the inhabitants, chronic bad luck and constant need.

Many believe that bad energy is to blame, and the apartment should be cleaned of it. Others think that such a point of view is paranoia and obscurantism. We will not understand who is right, and who are not, but simply offer simple methods of energy purification of the room.

Methods of how to clean the home from the damage and the evil eye, there are many. However, some of them are either too time-consuming, or require some paranormal abilities. Below is a list of techniques, which can be used by each, while not strongly breathing itself.

  1. Rearrangement of furniture. So that negative energy is not stored in the apartment, it is necessary to change the direction of energy flows. It's easy to do it - we must regularly spend the permutation of furniture.
  2. Cleaning the corners of salt. Negative energy often accumulates in the corners. And not only the corners of the rooms, but also cabinets. To remove it from there, it is necessary to put in the corners of the tank with salt. Capacities should stand for two days. The mode of the cleansing procedure is once a month.
  3. Purification of upholstered furniture. Clean the house from the negative and damage using salt, using it for disinfection of upholstered furniture. To clean the chairs and sofas, they need to be wiped with a cloth moistened with a salt solution. The mode of the procedure for cleaning upholstered furniture is once a week.
  4. Salt disinfection of things. Very good rinse with salt solution any things, and not just the upholstered furniture that you bring to the house, and in the "good" energy of which you are not sure.
  5. Purification onion. To clean the bow, it is necessary to take onions, cut it in half and spread the halves of bulbs around all the corners of all rooms, including bathroom, toilet and storage room. The bulbs should lie in the corners of at least three days. Along with half a bow, you can put several pieces of garlic. Garlic, like onions, - a good power purifier of the room, no wonder, according to believing, the vampires expelled garlic. Of course, with the help of garlic, it is hardly possible. Is he allergic to this vegetable. When you throw out onions and garlic, do not take them with bare hands - only in gloves.
  6. Candle method. This is one of the most famous and effective methods to help clean the house from damage and any energy negativity. Candles must be installed at all corners of the apartment. They should burn at least 12 hours.
  7. spring-cleaning. Will the general cleaning follows only on a decreasing moon. At this time, cleaning will allow the entire negative from the house more carefully. By the way, revenge "Negative" (garbage) is not necessary towards the threshold, as many do, but towards the kitchen.
  8. Cleaning the brooms. So that negative energy does not accumulate on brooms and brushes, they must be stored by risels up. Do not have a lot of brooms. It is best to have only one.
  9. Eroticing. Effective method. You can use conventional aromatic sticks. The easiest and at the same time the most effective selection of essential oils for fusion is sandal and incense. In addition, you can use the fragrances of the Hypericum, oak leaves, lavender, pepper, pine, sage and peony.
  10. Holy water. For energy cleaning of the apartment, it should be sprinkled with holy water from time to time.
  11. Fragrances + Holy Water. You can combine the aromatherapy method and the water purification method. To do this, you need to prepare an aerosol. Take 100 ml of holy water and nine drops of aromatic oil, such as lavender. Spray the aerosol should be in the corners of the apartment - three times each angle.
  12. Ancient eggs are considered one of the strongest products to eliminate different negative energies. No wonder it is. It is necessary to take 4 eggs and put in every corner of the room one by one. Before everyone to light on the candle. Get out of the room, close the door and do not go back until the candles are burned completely. Then put on gloves and assemble the whole wax from the candle. Wrap in a rag egg. Easy wax and eggs in the ground or drown in the reservoir.

Attention! So that the ritual for cleaning the room from energy dirt has been able, you must take a fertilized egg. That is, an egg from the store from the poultry farm will not help you.

Installation of protection against ill-wishers

People associate their own home with the place where they are safe, and their comfort does not threaten anything. His housing gives protection, silence and warmth in the soul. However, as a result, some reasons for the hosts notice the negative oddities occurring in homes. If these heavy experiences do not pass, it means that the local energy is broken.

Most people who collided with these problems wish to know how to clean the house with the help of church candles.

How to prepare for cleaning at home

Quarrels and frequent scandals create an oppressive atmosphere in the room, which is badly affected by health. Another reason for the emergence of the negative is the arrival of guests or foreign people with their unknowing thoughts. Cleaning will eliminate the stagnation of bad aura in their own home. The procedure is carried out once a month or half a year.

Before the independent ritual of lighting the apartment should be carefully prepared.

  1. The simplest means is running water. Ordinary souls effectively removes negative energy. To secure the effect, professionals are recommended to use a table salt that is washed in a few minutes.
  2. A person should remove chains, precious bracelets and rings. Metal accessories also attract positive and negative energy, so decorations should occasionally clean.
  3. The house needs to open windows or windows, dress up in simple and comfortable clothing. Natives should go outside at a time when the owner will collect old things and send them to the scourge. Thus, space for favorable energy will appear.

Church candles for cleaning at home

How to use when cleansing church candles

For sufficient effect in the priest procedure, advise the use of church candles. The latter, being invisible spiritual power, are close to the heart of every believer. However, a Christian must understand that it is very difficult to achieve results, if you do not apply prayer past and not to strengthen faith.

Buy a candle in the temple and consistently clean their own housing in the following principles:

  • To begin with, all angles need to sprinkle with church water, as well as moisten the arms and wash it.
  • The procedure begins with the outside of the entrance door. The burning flame of the candle must be spent several times in the direction of the clockwise direction. Three-time criste is done over the eye, a door handle and a call.
  • Further, the ritual is repeated from the inside of the door.
  • Actually, the dwelling is cleaned by a church candle from left to right. The walls are reduced by wave-like movements, and the handles of interroom doors are cruciform. The candle must go close to all corners and furniture.
  • In the corners and the winds accumulates the enormous amount of dark energy. These places require more time to displace negative influence.
  • Careful and bathroom should be cleaned carefully. Mirrors also need special attention, because the gradual amount of mental dirt accumulates in them. Before the ritual, they need to be washed and spray with church water.
  • In the "polluted" place of the house, the flame of the church candle burns more stronger, cracks and smoke with a black tint. Cleaning here is carried out until the complete calm of the fire.
  • In completion, you need to return to the entrance door and light it again. Candles and GARS are thrown out.
  • Having finished the ritual, you need to wash your hands, and then omit them into the holy water. In a clean apartment, a person will certainly feel the long-awaited calm.
On a note! If, during the procedure for cleansing the house with the help of church candle, someone is trying to distract you, it is regarded as a secret sign that the house is overly contaminated. Despite all the difficulties, the rite should carry out to the end.

Practice enshrining the good energy in the house

A person who adheres to certain rules will burn housing from the penetration of dark energy.

  • Under the "general" (full) cleaning, the level of purity in the apartment increases. You should wash the curtains, sweep the carpets and wash the windows for filling the space with light.
  • Removing the old things and trash, the owners will immediately make change in the energy field. Unnecessary objects brake penetration of positive AUR into the house.
  • Balance the energy and get rid of darkness of darkness helps an ordinary salt in tanks. She put on an open place in the bedroom or living room, and after some time it is getting rid of, flushing into the sink or pouring under the tree.
  • The house is well cleaned by sound - strongest vibration, which is felt at the physical level. It has the ability to destroy the structure of an unfavorable atmosphere.
  • Essential oils are used to combat the negative, they give a feeling of fragrant comfort. Before use, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the purpose of each drug.
  • Green plants isolated oxygen and fill with a positive aura.
  • Saints' faces serve as religious conductors of grace. Icons give strength, distinguish trouble and allow a person to become pious.
  • The spiritual altar is the place of purification from sinful thoughts, where the owner finds harmony spreading throughout the house.
Tip! A person should arrange his own thoughts, throwing out of the mind of ridiculous motivation. You can not invite those who offend people affairs or have evil intentions.

Casual and vigorous life, disagreements and coming of unfair people determine the emergence of negative energy within the master's house. With the help of church candles and prayers, a person is able to cleanse the space and return the harmony, which will lead to physical and spiritual recovery.

The easiest way is to clean the energy of the house with an ordinary cook salt. Spend general cleaning in the apartment. And add a salt in the water. Stir so that it is completely dissolved, and proceed to cleaning. Wipe the furniture, household appliances, gender and walls.

You can also put a cup of cups or savage with salt in all the corners of the apartment. Let the day stand there. Salt absorbs negative energy. After that, wash the salt in the toilet.

Holy water and candles

Stand up at the entrance door and burn the church wax candle. Go together with her all the apartment clockwise, look at every corner. If the candle starts crackling or smoking, delay in that place a little longer. Also pay attention to all mirrors and reflective surfaces in the house. Crighten the candle 3 times the corners and protrusions. During cleaning, read the prayer "Our Father". Walking around the apartment in a circle, you should be again at the entrance door. Let's go into the entrance and cross the door outside. Then make the second round around the apartment with holy water. Spray her all the apartment. After completion of the ritual, throw the candles out of the house and take a shower.


Another simple way to clean the house from negative is to use the most ordinary bow. It also has the ability to absorb negative energy. Cut several bulbs in half. The resulting halves will place the top in the center of each room. And after 12 hours, remove the bow, while not touching it. Fold it into the package or box and scream in some deserted place.

And so that a large number of negative energy does not accumulate in your home, take the following to periodically. Wash the floor and wipe furniture from dust salted water. If a person has gone into the house unpleasant to you, wash the floor with salt immediately after his care. Once a week, for example, ignite. Let it burn to the end. Put an apartment in the eastern side at the human height level icon. For example, the Angel of the Guardian, the Mother of God or Savior. From time to time, spend the "revision" in the cabinets and on the mezzanine. Do not regret break down with things that have not been wearing or not using it for a long time. Also do not leave the broken items. Watch the houses always clean. Try every day to air the apartment.

Do not forget, in your apartment you owners. And only the energy of your home depends on you, and with it the mood and health of your relatives and loved ones.

In order to feel a happy person, you need to constantly surround yourself with positive energy. Therefore, if you feel that there is a lot of voltage with you, bad emotions, you need to brush yourself and your life from negative.

You will need

  • Sea salt
  • Flowers
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Mop


Free the space in your home. Get rid of any slightly broken things and shrumby, as well as from all of what you never use.


Negative emotions, mood drops are able to influence our dwelling. If the house is filled with frequent quarrels and a negative situation as a whole, and the tenants feel irritability, suddenly bulging fatigue, inexplicable apathy, most likely it is time to clean the house with a candle.

Preparation of the house to clean

For lighting at home, you can invite a priest. But it is possible to fulfill this simple procedure yourself, the main thing is to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to clean the house with the help of church candles.

Immediately before the procedure of lighting, it is necessary to make preparatory work.

First of all, it is recommended to complete the usual wet cleaning of the apartment: all the things to decompose in places, wash the floor, wipe the dust, ventilate the room. Energy should circulate freely on rooms, and in the closed apartment it will not be possible to achieve this.

Then, who will perform a cleaning procedure, it is necessary to take a salty refreshing shower, because it is salt that is an excellent energy conductor. Through salted water, all negative energy, accumulating years, washed off. Taking such a souls need to adhere to certain rules:

Clothes are better to wear a laundry, free, so that nothing is constrained by movements. During such a procedure, you do not need to wear the energetic streams for nothing.

When cleaning in the room, you need to open all windows and, if possible, doors.

During the ritual, all unauthorized people from the premises should be removed.

Wipe the mirrors clockwise using a wet clean napkin to clean the tempered energy dirt.

After that, you should throw out all things that are able to spoil the energy. First of all, it is necessary to get rid of broken dishes, as it contributes to the emergence of positive energy.

Now you can proceed to the very procedure of purification.

Cleaning procedure

For anyone who is interested in how to consecrate the house on their own candle, it should be noted that it is necessary to start cleansing from the front door. For the procedure, you should prepare in advance:

To begin with, every corner of the house should be sprinkled with cooked water, wash your face and hands in it. After that, the sprigs of the plants are mounted, with which the entire apartment arrives in a clockwise arrow, at the same time it is necessary in thoughts to represent how the very bad thing burns without the residue, as negative energy leaves this place.

After that, you need to take a candle, pre-watched it in a small cardboard circle of white (this is done in order to protect your hands from the negative), which will be absorbed into the molten wax. Keep the candle only for the lowest tip, which is protected.

During the procedure, to ensure that the candle is always burning smoothly and did not form a Nagar. The flame should not be blown away. Starting from the front door, no need to forget about the eyes, which should be crossed three times.

So all rooms are processed in the house or apartment. At the same time, not to leave without attention, sockets, switches, furniture, windows, even shoes and street clothing.

Candle is flowing smoothly, the bypass is performed from left to right.

After the house is cleared, and all the negative energy from it is removed, it is necessary to remove it with hands. To do this, they need to thoroughly wash with soap and salt, slightly squeeze and open your fingers, make a light massage. Then palm is lost clockwise, slightly shake them.

Repeat cleansing is recommended in six months. If there is a lot of bad energy, then one more cleaning will have to be conducted in three days. It is possible to determine the need for re-cleansing as follows: The wax candle is installed on the saucer and ignites. When half burns, you need to look at the melted part. Incorrect shape and dark shade - evidence that the re-try to lead will have to lead.

"... After the death of Granny, moved to her apartment. Sleep at night completely stopped, falling asleep in the morning, and in the afternoon, if the adhering, I fall into a disobedy sleep ... "(comment)

Housing has its own energy, which consists of emotions, thoughts, words and behavior of tenants.

Also, as we care for your body (we clean and care about his health), it is necessary to care for the place where we live - remove any accumulated dirt, especially energy.

Why energy pollution accumulates, its signs, when and how to clean the apartment from negative, three simple, but efficient cleaning - in the article.

Sources of negative energies

Unkind word.

Reinforced with strong negative experiences (anger, rage, angry), it turns into a negative thinking that does not disappear anywhere, but remains in space.

The accumulation of unwanted thinking creates the ground for new contention.

Gloomy, decadent mood, longing, despondency, fear and other protective reactions.

Energy of neighbors or guests who have visited you.

Any trouble (at work, transport, store) generate the corresponding impressions that we bring home.

To charge housing with low energies, it is enough to experience fear, looking by a terrible film or having heard the news about the approaching end of the world.

Signs of energy pollution of dwellings

Household appliances, wiring, cut out sockets and light bulbs fail.

Things are lost and are not long.

Insects (cockroaches, ants, mol or midges) or rodents are becoming.

Wooden furniture or floors without visible occasion.

Plants die under normal care.

Fights tension, decay forces, no joy.

In these cases, you should not wait for a decreasing moon, and act quickly.


If there are drinkers in the family. Alcoholics surround the astral entities that suck their energy.

If there is a seriously sick in the house.

For prophylaxis.

Where to begin

1. From cleansing from negativity itself.

To do this, rub yourself up to the head of the salt, better marine. Also, salt is neatly rubbed and in the roots of the hair. Face wipe with gentle movements in order not to damage the gentle skin. Then thoroughly wash the water.

2. Clean the room well. If nothing is specified, add a couple of tablespoons into the water.

Methods of cleaning housing

Candle + Sol.

Held on the 11th moon day.

It will take:

sudine (bowl or deep plate) under salt,

not started tutu / salt pack of conventional or sea,

wax big candle. You can not from the church.

After sunset, we put the plate in the middle of the room, we pour salt into it and immerse the candle in salt, we are tightened so that it stands tight. Gilt the candle and appeal to the fire with the words:

The candle should be exhausted to the end and sacrifice itself.

Sparking with salt with a salt in paper / cellophane crook, trying to do not touch the salt and remnants of the candle.

We endure to the garbage with the words: "To the mother of the earth, the bad energy is left!"

If you specifically buy cheap bowls, then you can throw them together with the contents.

Exactly so clean the rest of the room.

White candle

This cleaning not only exempt housing from negative energies, damage, evil eye, astral entities, but also puts protection from them for a half year.

It is done on the growing moon, 7 days in a row. It should be started in the second quarter of the moon (8-14 lunar day).

Calculate the day of the ritual began to complete it to complete it. With this situation, the protective force of the rite grows along with the growth of the shining. Well, if you get started on Saturday.

It will take:

white candle from wax. If you do not find this, use white paraffin.

sheet tight type paper paper,

red threads

little knife

cardboard or wooden box with lid.

Preparation :

A knife should be applied 7 peeks, dividing a candle to seven shares, symbolizing 7 days of the week.

Draw on paper housing scheme.


The drawing is located on the table, fix the candle with melted wax / paraffin or plasticine.

Gilt, pronouncing:

"From the northern south to the eastern West, there is no strength of black, nor damage, or the evil eye from the earthly depth. We spent clear fire, I spend a bright flame to appeal to everything that is said in the case, in the eyelids either the abyss, nor forget! "

As soon as the flame comes to the top sebage, Gasim Fire with your fingers. All items are left as it is, and the next day we repeat the manipulation.

And so 7 days in a row, at a permanent time.

IMPORTANT! The plan with the candle cannot be transferred somewhere throughout the entire seven-day ritual.

At the final day:

remove the remnants of the rooted candle with a knife, turn the plan into the scroll and bandage the red thread. We fold the beam, a knife, a scroll into a box, we remove it into a secret inaccessible place.

After six months, clean the cleaning. If we have a paraffin candle, then you have to repeat the rite in a month or two.

Candle and pine oil

Cleaning effectively eliminates the energy debris, neutralizes astral livestock.

This will suit every day of the week, just if the moon declined.

It will take:

candle, you can church;

essential oil of pine or her branches / needles;

ladan or branches of dry grass wormwood (Hypericum, nettle, juniper).

Preparation :

we make wet cleaning, adding pine essential oil in water (fir).

In the absence of oil, we are preparing a decoction yourself: we roll fir branches in boiling water and withstand several hours. Good to add salt into the water.

Wash the floors clockwise, we begin and finish at the entrance door. Finishing cleaning, imagine how you wash the dirt rag behind the threshold.


Gilt in the branch of one of the herbs (wormwood, hunter, juniper, nettle) or incense, we blow the flame to go smacks.

Lock smoke all housing, also starting and ending at the entrance door. Smoke must be much so that all the space is so good.

Then open the windows and ventilate.

We light the candle with the words:

"The evil spirit is underground, kind on earth. Go away from the house: all damage, scandals, diseases, launches, jacks, quarrels, curses, closed roads, envy, malice, ruin, loneliness and all evil that prevents and good luck is selected. "

From text you can retreat, list your words that you want to get rid of.

We go around the dwelling clockwise from the entrance. Cold attention at the corners and those zones where fire crackles and smoke. They are delayed and squeeze the candle until the flame calms down.


to enhance cleaning, read "our own", but in this case only the church candle is suitable.

It is impossible to wax a drip on the floor, especially if the candle is from the church. Put a piece of paper on it.

After the rite we accept the cleansing shower.


As you can see, clean the apartment from the negative very simple. There are many ways to be available to conventional people who do not have secret knowledge and special abilities.

We will continue to publish them in the following materials.

A source

Elena Valva for the project Sleepy Cantata