Playing at the lesson of physical education for the development of the muscles of the shoulder belt and the back. Peddortion

Playing at the lesson of physical education for the development of the muscles of the shoulder belt and the back. Peddortion

The flexibility is specific, but extremely important for the athlete quality. Mobility in the joints, elastic elasticity of muscles and ligaments is the ability to perform movements with a wide amplitude without the costs of high effort and excessive voltage. The ability to relax muscles, agility of an athlete as a whole depends on the development of flexibility. All this emphasizes how important it is to develop the flexibility of all available means, including with the help of moving games. It is necessary to select such games specifically, for they are called upon to have strictly targeted, often a local impact on individual muscle groups, ligaments and joints.

When organizing games aimed at the development of flexibility, it is necessary to prevent them with the appropriate warm-up to avoid tensile ligaments and muscle tensions.

1. "Stick behind the back." Teams are built into the columns. Players stand in a hemisphere from each other. The first rooms hold in front of them for both ends of a gymnastic stick. On the total signal, the players transmit sticks behind standing partners. At the same time, the player raises his hands up and (without letting the ends of the stick and slightly flexing) translates the stick behind the back. Hands remain straightened. The player standing at the back takes a stick and transmits it in the same way. The last player of the column, having received a stick, runs with her ahead (while everyone is doing a step back) and, taking place at the head of the column, again transmits it on the column back.

The player standing at the back can not be taken by stick, if the partner does not carry it back to the end and she is behind the head of the partner standing in front. If the player released one end of the stick or dropped it, it is also considered an error. Team players defeat the transmission not only faster than others, but with a smaller number of errors.

2. "Race of balls." Players of two or three teams stand at a distance of 1 step from each other and transmit balls on the column back in the following ways:

a) transmit the ball back by two hands behind his head, and back in the column (all turn around the circle) from hand to hand under the legs;

b) A player transmitting the ball holds him behind his back, turns his face to behind the standing partner and, leaning forward, gives him the ball from behind his back. When the ball comes to the last player of the column, he is the same (transferring the ball behind his back) again guides it forward. Each player during the transfer of the ball turns around;

c) players pass the ball to each other by turning the torso to the right (without breaking down the fees). Player standing at the back, having received the ball, directs it forward on the other hand. Now each rice 9 takes the ball, turning the torso to the left.

In all variants of the game, the ball can get around the column two or three times (according to the condition). At the same time, players of all participating teams do not run on the site, but in place.

3. "Run cancer" (Fig. 9). The relay is carried out in parallel or counter columns. The first numbers are sitting on the floor, leaning back at the back. At the signal, they rush forward, taking off from the ground of the pelvis and turning around with their legs and hands. The following players come into fighting when their predecessors finish. For tapping the floor with a pelvis during movement, a point is removed from those 10 or 20, which each team is awarded before the game start. For the speed of action, encouragement glasses are charged to teams.

4. "Bridge and Cat". Players of two teams stand in columns one at the start line. In front of them in 5 and 10 steps, two circles are stuck (with a diameter of 1 m). According to the signal, the numbers run away forward and, being in the first round, make a "bridge". Then the second player rushes forward. He breaks under the bridge and runs to a distant circle, where it takes the stop standing bent (by moving back as a "cat"). Now the first room runs to the far circle and breaks between the hands and legs of the partner. After that, both players, holding hands, run to their team. As soon as they cross the start line, the new two players will run away in turn, and those who came running at the end of the column. When they turn out to be ahead of everyone, the game continues, and the players change roles. The relay ends when each pair completes the task twice.

5. "Locks and rods". Participants are located in counter or parallel columns. Before playing one or two gymnastic mats. The player running forward on the signal makes the knocker in the grouping and gets up to the end of the opposite column (after touching his hands ahead of the standing participant). The player from the second column performs the same exercise. During the reverse day of the players, turning his back to the mats, take the position of the squat and perform rolling through the head back, continuing to run to their column.

If the relay is carried out in parallel columns, then you can argue that the player makes the player on the first mate, and then running 4-5 steps) on the second matter performs rolling. By hanging out the mace or rack, he returns to his column, causing to start (touching the hand) of the second room.

6. "Bench overhead." Two or three teams are built in the columns each other. On the right side of the teams (at the legs of the players) there is a gymnastic bench. According to the total signal, players of all teams bend right to the right, taking the reverse grip bench, raise her over their heads, translate left and put on the floor. After that, players jump over the bench to the left and lean back to the right to take the bench and rearrange the other side.

The game ends when all the commands move on one side of the site to another. At the same time (under the condition of the game), the bench should visit the head playing 4-6 times. The team is defeated, players of which perform a clear and fast exercise. If the bench is one or small playground for the game, the teams can compete in turn. The winner is the team that spent less time to exercise.

Apply such an option of the game. Players get up on one bench, and the second, leaning, take over the top and transport over your head on the other side. Putting it on the floor, they go to this bench, and the one on which they stood, transfer over their heads to the same side. The game continues until the commands are behind the conventional line.

Authors: Zubova Olga Aleksandrovna, Baranova Elena Pavlovna
Position: Educators:
Educational institution: Madou "CRR - kindergarten №7 Yaroslavna"
Locality: G. Rubtsovsk, Altai Territory
Name of material: Article.
Subject: "Mobile game cards for agility and endurance in preschool children."
Publication date: 09.12.2017
Section: preschool education

Cartequet of mobile games for the development of endurance and agility

From preschool children

Moving game "Jumpers".

The game is designed for children of senior preschool age, but this game is quite suitable

for yard entertainment, so you can include children in different ages, as well as

parents. You can play as a person, but at least four. Purpose of the game: develop

endurance, fix the skill jump in length. Materials required for the game: chalk for

designations of the start and finish lines, as well as for marks playing players. Games: All

participants of the game should be divided into two teams. Each team gets up on

opposite sides of the site. It is necessary to designate the beginning of the move chalk or flags

or start line for each team. Thus, it turns out that the start line of one

commands will be the finish line for another team and vice versa. The first players of each of the teams

perform a jump from the place the push of two legs. After the jump of the first player on heels is marked

the result of his jump. The second participant goes to the line left by the first player, and also

performs a jump from the ground with a landing mark, then jumps the third and so on to

the last player. If the last player managed to jump over the finish line,

his team wins this game-relay. You can organize 4- 5 commands (you can

organize competition between boys and girls).

Movable game "Change of seats"

The game is designed for children from five years. Play can any number of people, but not

less than four. Purpose of the game: Development of jumper and jumping endurance. Materials

required for the game: chalk to designate the start line (finish) course of the game: all playing

they are divided into two teams. At the edges of the site are placed two lines - these are the so-called

"at home". Both teams get in the ranks face to each other on the opposite sides.

places, behind the lines of their "houses", squat and put hands on their knees. On the signal all players

jump from deep squats, moving forward, trying to cross the line faster

the opposite "house". Defeats the team whose players are first gather for

opposite line. Then both teams jump in the opposite direction, but in the game not

takes the participation of the player who last crossed the line, he drops out of the game. This game

it can continue until 2-3 of the most enduring

jumper. The team is defeated in which the longer number of jumpers remains. You can continue

Movable game "Tea - Tea, Wear"

Children can play, starting with four years. The number of participants of the game is not limited, but not

less than four people. Purpose of the game: fix the skills of rapid run without collisions with each other

a friend, develop agility and endurance. Games: Among the playing children is chosen

driving, most likely with the help of readers. Leading remains in the center of the playground, and

the remaining players run in different directions. The driving catch up with playing and walked to them.

Awedy players stop at the place where they were awesome, spread to the parties

hands and utter "tea - tea, cut out." Players who were not caught, can "help"

caught, touched by hand. The task of watering to catch as many players as possible and not

let the rest of the participants to the already caught children. The game requires the children of colossal

endurance. After the game, it is advisable to spend breathing exercises.

"Northern and South Wind"

Purpose of the game: develop endurance and attention; Improve the ability to run.

Materials required for the game: Red and blue ribbons for leading. Games: Among

playing selected two driving. The blue ribbon is dressed - he is the North Wind, and

the other is red - he is a southern wind. "Northern Wind" by the rules of the game catch up with playing and

"Freezes" them, settling. The player who touched the North Wind, must measure

discovered. "Southern" the wind on the contrary splashes the players, touching until

"Frozen". He, to whom the southern wind touched, continues to move on the site.

The task of the north wind "to freeze" as much as possible player and do not give the southern wind

"Disappear" participants of the game.

Games, developing power and endurance

Skinking: Game Purpose: Develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary materials

and visual benefits: skippers. The play of the game players jump through the rope in various ways: on

2 legs, on 1 leg, etc. Wins the one who will last longer

Classics: The goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary materials

and visual benefits: chalk, bit. The course of the game. On the playground, classics are drawn. Players

must, jumping on 1 leg and pushing a bit in front of them, to break from the 1st to the 10th grade. If bit

cleans outside the classics, the player is inferior to the next one. Wins the player

which first breaks all classes.

Magic rope: The goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary

materials and visual manuals: rope, chalk to designate the middle line. Fashion players

they are divided into 2 teams. Commands occupy positions on different sides of the midline. By

team leading players start pulling the rope, trying to drag the rivals team on

his side. We defeat those who succeed.

Who is stronger? The goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary

materials and visual manuals: chalk, which must be drawn to the average line on the game

playground. The game of the game is carried out in pairs. Players occupy positions on different sides of

midline. The task of the players is to drag the opponent's hands to your side. That player

which stands behind the opponent, loses.

Outfast on all fours: the goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance.

Required materials and visual manuals: chalk to designate the start line (finish),

teams. At the signal of the leading participants run on all fours to the check box and back. Winning

that team, the participants of which will be the first to pass the distance.

Fucers: The goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary materials I.

to indicate the place of rotation, the ball. Games players are divided into 2 teams. Each player

takes the following position: squatted, leaning back in the hands, and between

legs and torso puts the ball. And in this position on the signal of the lead runs to the check box and

back. The team won the first distance.

Tacket: Purpose of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary materials I.

visual manuals: chalk to designate the start line (finish), checkboxes on the stand or kegli

to refer to the place of rotation. Games players are divided into 2 teams. In each team

there must be an even number of players. Players get up in pairs: one of the participants - on the hands, the second

holds the first behind his feet. In this position, players by the lead signal move on the game

playground. The team wins, the participants of which will be the first to pass the distance.

Kangaroo: The goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary materials I.

visual manuals: Ball for the starting line (finish), checkboxes on the stand or kegli

to refer to the place of rotation. Playing players are divided into 2 teams occupy a place on

start. The first participant of each team clamps the ball between his knees. By signals of the lead

players jumps start moving around the playground before checkbox and back. At the start

they must pass the ball to the next team member. Wins the team first

last distance.

Racing on the balls The goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary

materials and visual manuals: Sports inflatable balls, chalk to designate the start line

they are divided into 2 teams, occupy a place at the start. The first participant of each team sits on

the ball and the leading signal jumps to the check box and back. At the start, he transmits the ball next

participant. Wins the team, the first distance.

Buffalo Game Goal: Develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary materials I.

visual manuals: long rope, chalk for the designation of the midline, 2 stools, 2

bell. The game of the game is carried out in pairs. The rope is put on the game participants,

which performs the deficient function. Players are located at the same distance from

central line. At some distance from players put chairs and put on them

bells. At the signal of the leading players try to drag the opponent to their side. For

it should grab the bell from the chair. One who is the first to be able to call

the bell, becomes the winner.

Crossing (first option) Purpose of the game: develop physical strength and endurance.

designation of the start and finish line. The course of the game participants are divided into 2 teams. 2 participants

each team stretches the ropes from the start to the finish. The task of the remaining players -

go from the start line to the finish line, standing on skateboards, turning through hands and

tightening the rope. Win players of the team who will be the first to pass the distance.

Crossing (second option) Game purpose: develop physical strength and endurance.

Required materials and visual manuals: skateboards, long ropes, chalk for

designation of the start and finish line. Games: One of the participants of each team is on

finish line and holds one end of the rope. The rest of the players, standing or sitting on skateboards,

take the back end of the rope. The player on the finish begins to pull the comrade.

That team wins, whose players will be the first to transfer to the finish.

Barov Fight: Game Purpose: Develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary

materials and visual aids: chalk that need to draw a small circle. The course of the game in the game

2 people take part. Players are located in a circle circle, pulling hands

forward. The task of players is to push the opponent outside the circle, hitting the palms of palm.

Wins the player to whom it succeeds.

On pebbles: The goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary

materials and visual aids: if the game passes in the gym, then possible

musical accompaniment. The course of the game The children are grouped into the column. Lead Pronounces Text:

On a roving track, our legs are walking. Once, two. Once, two. Children jump on two legs. Children

sit down. Children stand up.

Through the rod: the goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary

materials and visual manuals: chalk. Game stroke: In the playground, they paint a stream, which to

eND "gradually expands. Players are offered to jump over the streams: first through

a narrow place, then where it is wider and wider. If the players succeed, they need them

Gifts: Game purpose: develop physical strength and endurance. The course of the game children get up in

a circle. From the number of players is chosen by the leading, which is located in the center of the circle. Rest

players walk in a circle with the words: on pebbles, on pebbles ... in the hole - boo! Got out of the pit.

We brought all gifts. Who will want, he will take. Here you have a doll with a ribbon bright, horse, top and

plane. Then children stop, and the leading must choose one of the listed

gifts. If the drive chooses a horse, then the players imitate the movement of the horse, i.e., run friend

friend in a circle, high raising his knees, if a doll is dancing in place, if the wolf -

spin on the spot, and then squatted if the plane is running each other

a circle, raising your hands to the sides, and then stop; and squatted. Row

chooses someone from the circle and changing with him roles.

Plate with hoops: the goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance.

Necessary materials and visual benefits; Gymnastic hoops, chalk for designation

start Line (Finish), Flags on a stand or kegli to indicate the place of rotation. Move

games players are divided into 2 teams. The first player of each team receives the hoop. By alarm

leading participants, jumping through the hoop, begin to move to the finish. Wins TA

the team, all the players of which are the first to pass distance.

Porters: The goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary

materials and visual aids: Gymnastic sticks, balls, chalk to designate the start line

(Finishes), checkboxes on the stand or kegli to designate the place of rotation. Games players

they are divided into 2 teams, each of which has an even number of participants. In the relay, participate

couple players. They clamp the ball between 2 gymnastic sticks and, trying not to drop the ball, run

before check box. Then transmit the following pair to the next pair and so as long as all participants

teams will not pass distance. The team that will pass the first, wins.

Maintaining the ball: the goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary

materials and visual manuals: ball, chalk to designate the start line (finish), flags on

stand or kegli to indicate the place of rotation. Games players are divided into 2 teams.

The task of each player is to pass the distance, by one hand hitting the ball about the floor. Team, which

make it first, wins.

Racing with a pole: the goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary

materials and visual manuals: skateboard, pole, chalk to designate the start line (finish),

flags on the stand or kegli to designate the place of rotation. Games players are divided into 2

teams. The task of each team player is to take Skateboard before the checkbox and back,

stripping the sixth of the earth. The team whose players will be distanced faster, wins.

Pasting with a pole: the goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary

materials and visual manuals: Six, chalk to draw a circle. The course of the game in the game

2 players are involved. They are located in a circle, capture the pole each for their part.

The task of each player is to push the enemy outside the circle.

Czechhard: The goal of the game: develop physical strength and dexterity. Necessary materials I.

visual manuals: chalk to designate the start line (finish), checkboxes on the stand or kegli

to refer to the place of rotation. Games players are divided into 2 teams. First player

leans forward. The next player jumps over through it and gets up, leaning forward.

Then the next player jumps over 2 standing and also gets up, bent. As soon as

all team members will stand at the distance, the first player who has now turned out to be the last

jumps over all those standing ahead and rises again, bent. And so as long as all

players will not cross the finish line. The team that will pass the first, wins.

Firefighters: The goal of the game: develop physical strength and endurance. Necessary

materials and visual aids: Gymnastic wall, bells, chalk. The course of the game in the game

multiple teams can take part. On the playground, the launch line is drawn (he and

finish). Bell tpers for each team are attached to the top bar of the Swedish wall. By

the signals of the leading players are successful to the wall, climb up and call the bell. Team,

which will fulfill the task first, becomes the winner.

visual manuals: stuffing ball, chalk. The game of the game is carried out on the playground.

The task of each player is to throw the ball as far as possible. Leading during the game celebrates

place place falling the ball of each player. When all players are finished to throw the ball, you can

result results.

Root relay: Purpose of the game: develop physical strength and coordination

movements. Required materials and visual manuals: Gymnastic stick, small

plastic buckets filled with tennis balls, swivel racks tall at least 1.5

m, chalk to indicate the start line (finish). Games players are divided into 2 teams. On the

the playground is set up the swivel racks that will deal with the players. By

the signal of the leading players start moving at a distance. They carry a rocker on the shoulder -

gymnastic stick with buckets filled with tennis balls, trying not to drop it.

The team that will pass the first, wins.

Mobile game-relay "Planting potatoes" in the game can play the children of the senior

preschool and younger school age. This game is very fun to play for children

holidays together with adults. Purpose of the game: develop agility and endurance. Materials

required for playing: 6 large stuffed balls, 4 hoops, 2 flags or other items

to refer to the place of rotation. Games: All players are divided into two teams and

built into the column one by one of its start line. At the site at a distance of 2-3 m

five hoops lie apart before each team. Before the first hoop 3 m. In 5 m

the checkbox or another object is placed denoting the place of rotation. By signal, first

players run and laid out in hoops on one cube, by return, passente a bucket

the next participant who collects cubes in a bucket, etc. Defeats the team first

completed by the relay. If the cube rolled out of the hoop, the participant must put it back to

The moving game "Penguins" The goal of the game: develop agility and endurance. Materials

required for playing: ball, checkboxes or other sustainable items to designate start and

places of rotation. At the start, they must pass the ball to the next player from the team. Wins

the team that first passed the entire distance. Games: The game uses walking with

squeezed between knees ball. Before the game you can talk about penguins and tell,

that those tolerate their eggs, clamping them between the paws. Players are divided into two teams and

landsten into the column one after the start line. The first players clamp the ball with their knees

and on the signal starts to move to the check box and back.

Movable game "From a bump on a hammer" Children 3 - 4 years will quite cope with the task of this game,

therefore, from this age they can take part in this game. Purpose of the game: develop

dexterity, endurance, fasten the skills of jumping in length. Materials required for the game:

chalk or ropes to indicate the start line; Checkboxes or other items for designation

turning place; 4 "Kokes", which are small tight fabric mats

rounded form. Going: All participants of the game are divided into two teams. Each team

gets 2 "bumps". The task that the playing children gets: "Before you swamp, his

you must pass. But just like that the swamp does not go, you can drown. You have magic

backers for which you will be moving onto the shore. Put one bump, get up on it, near

put the second bump, jump over it, then select the first, shift it

forward, jump over it, etc. Before turning and in the same order returns to its

team and pass the knockers to the next player. Wins the team, all players whose

the distance will be held. "

Movable game "Layer" can even play four years old, if in the team

older guys. The game is intended for a large number of children playing, they can

adults will join and even more fun. Purpose of the game: develop dexterity, physical

strength and endurance. Materials required for the game: chalk or rope for designation

start Line (Finish), Flags on a stand or other items to designate a place

turn. The course of the game All players are divided into 2 teams. At the signal, the first player runs, cuts

checkbox and returns back. At the start, the next player clings for him, putting him

hands on the waist, and they flee the same distance together. Then, at the start, the third joins

player and everything is repeated first. Action is repeated until all team members run

distance, clutching into the train. The team comes to the team that will return to the start.

The longer the train will be, the more merrily there will be a game.

Movable game "Tails" The game is suitable for children of senior preschool and junior

school age. The goal of the game: develop endurance, dexterity and attention. Materials

required for play: Multicolored ribbons for each player. Game Travel: At the beginning of the game with

the help of readers is chosen leading. Ribbons are attached to the rest of the players

(Tails) so that they are easy to tear. Leading, catching up by playing, taking away from them

ribbon (tail). Players who have taken the "tail" drop out of the game. At the end of the game will remain

the player who has "tail". He is recognized as the most dexterous and fast.

Classics Required inventory: chalk.

On the asphalt draw in chalk classes, cells


You can jump on one leg, on two, on any leg (about it in advance

agree). Each player begins to jump from the figure 1 to the figure 2, etc., and then back.

It is impossible to bind or step on the line separating cells. If the player has broken

or a rule, he is inferior to the next player.

"Zakin in the ring" develops the coordination of movements necessary inventory: ball, hoop.

Offer the child to throw the ball into the hoop. First hold the hoop vertically, raise it

higher lower.

Change the position of the hoop, let the kid throws the ball in the "ring". If the hoop

no - not trouble: you can throw in the box of suitable size.

"Do not be late" the benches are set up in the hall. Children jump or run around them. By

the signal must be quickly crawled under the bench and get up on it.

"Oboy the ball." Several children with a push of two hands rolled the ball in the forward direction and flee

him, the rank of snake.

"Not a rope." The educator and one of the children first just swing, then rotate

long rope. Children alternately perform: * Jumping through the swinging rope on two and

one leg, with legs on the leg, standing face or sideways to the rope. * Running under a rotating rope,

starting it from an angle or with a direct run. * jumping through a rotating rope one by one or by

"Spend the ball." On the floor are set in a series of items. The child must hold the ball

strikes about the floor, bypassing the objects of the snake.

"Fishing, running out." Children stand in a circle leading in the center. He throws the ball to the child, calling him

name. The one who called, catches the ball and gives it back. When the presenter throws the ball up

that is all run away in a predetermined place. The lead tries to get into runaway children.

After that, everyone gets up in a circle again. The one who hit the ball becomes the lead.

"Who is stable" two participants stand on a gymnastic bench or narrow strip

(Width 8-10 cm.) Face to each other, holding hands for hands. On the signal are trying to push

rival with a bench with a pillow or bag stuffed with hay. You can beat on the body

"Putanitsa" playing children stand in a circle. Leading, calling certain parts of the body,

children shows other parts of the body. Players must correctly navigate and show

only called part of the body. For example, to say "eyes", show your eyebrows, etc. If a child

showed wrong - coming out of the game. Gradually increase the pace of the game.

"Making Husters" to the site is divided into two halves. "Beasts" graze on the same platform "

"Hunter" sneaks on the other. Aiming, he shoots the 5-10th balls in "animals",

trying to get into any part of the body. Wins the most tidy hunter.

Moving games for preventing posture and flat-growing disorders.

Game "Make the right" 3 - 7 years. Children are freely located on the site. By team

the teacher are running, dancing, jump or walk with different positions of stop or on

all fourths, etc., necessarily under musical accompaniment. Turns off the music I.

the teacher calls children the position they should take. The teacher notes

children who made mistakes and correct them. Name of the provisions that children

take a teammate of the teacher: "Tin Soldier" (main rack); "Posture"

(Proper posture); "Figureka" (standing on the right leg, left to stay back, bend in the knee,

holding the hands of the foot, the elbows straighten, progress); "Lie" (lying on his back, hands behind the head,

torso should lie exactly); "Chippolino" (cried, back straight, hands up); "Socks"

(stand on the socks, hands on the belt, elbows to take back); "Tanning" (lying on the stomach, hands under

chin, feet bend and extend in the knees). These provisions are used as

memorization. All specified provisions need to hold 3-6 seconds, well straining

Game "Collect Pebbles" 3 - 7 years. Children are divided into 2 teams that are lined up.

opposite each other from opposite edges of the site. Each team has a small bucket

your color. On the hall, the educator, crumbles small pebbles. On the team "March!" Children run

collect pebbles, capture with your fingers of one feet of pebbles and carry it in a bucket. The game

ends when all pebbles are collected. Count the number of pebbles in both

buckets. The team wins, gathered more pebbles. Game "Find

properly track "5 - 7 years. Orthopedic insoles are chaotic. By the signal

educator Children should choose correctly insoles for the right and left legs and get up on them:

heels together socks apart, with correct posture. Wins the one who is fast and right

Mobile game card file

for preschool children

(5-7 years)

Movable game card.

Senior group.

    "We are funny guys"



    "Fullies - Runs"

    "Sly Fox"

    "Karasi and Pike"

    "Homeless Hare"

    "Make Figure"



    "Swan geese"

    "Fathers" (with ribbons)

    "Winter and Summer"

    "Frost - red nose"


    "Counter Furnits"

    "Empty place"


    "Parent Run"


    "From the bump on the hammer"

    "Fishing rod"

    "Do not stay on the floor"

    "Someone rather before the checkbox"

    "Squirrels in the forest"

    "Playing the ball"

    "Hunters and hares"

    "Skate Kegle"

    "School of the ball"

    "Screw - catch"

    "Hunters and Beasts"

    "Ball over the grid"

    "Get into the hoop"


    "Throw the checkbox"

    "Ball with slide"

    "Catch the ball"


    "Firemen on the teaching"

    "Bears and Bees"

"We are funny guys"

Purpose: Teach children to act across the signal, run on one side of the site to another quickly with extinction. Develop a dexterity, speed, orientation in space.

Game traffic:

Children stand on one side of the site below. On the opposite side, the second feature is also held. In the center of the site is a fishing. Players choir pronounce:

"We are funny guys

We love to run and jump,

Well, try to catch up with us.

Once, two, three, catch! "

After the word "catching", children run on the other side of the site, and their fishing catches. The one whom the fishing will have time to be awaited before he crosses the line, is considered caught, moves away and skips one run.

Option 2.

Children go in a circle and pronounce the text. Cat in the center. Smashed different

types of running.


Purpose: Learn the children to run under the arms of the arms in the circle and from the circle, not pushing each other, act in the signal. Develop a dexterity, speed, orientation in space.

Stroke Game:

Players are divided into two unequal groups, smaller forms a circle - a mousetrap, the rest depict mice and are out of the circle. Children depicting a mousetrap, take hands go in a circle and say:

"Oh, how mouse is tired,

we divorced them just passion.

They slept everything, everyone filed,

Everywhere climb here.

Beware of the cheer

We get to you.

Here we put the mousetrap,

Frall all the contractions! "

At the end of words, children stop and raise the lifted hands up. Mice run into a mousetrap and immediately run away from the other side. According to the sign of the teacher "Claw!" Children standing in a circle lowered hands and squat - Mousetrap slammed. Mice who did not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught, they become a circle


Purpose: Teach children walk and run with acceleration and slowdown in a circle in accordance with the text. Develop the ability to move in a circle clockwise and in the opposite direction.

Game traffic:

Children form a circle, holding over the cord, with his right hand and go in a circle at first slowly, then faster and go to run. Movements are performed in accordance with the text, pronounced text:

"I barely, barely, barely, barely,

completed carousel,

and then the circle, circle,

all run, run, run! "

after children run 2-3 circles, the tutor stops them and gives a signal to a change in the direction of movement. Players turn around the circle and intercepting the cord with a different hand, continue to carry out walking and running. Then the teacher, together with the children pronounces;

"Sushch, quieter, do not hurry!

Carousel Stop!

Once or twice, only two,

That ended the game! "

The movement of the carousel gradually slows down. With the words "That came the game!" Children stop, put the cord on Earth and diverge throughout the site.

Option 2.

Children hold hands, go in a circle in one direction, then in the other.

"Fullies - Runs"

Purpose: Learn children to walk on one side of the site to another with wiring, form the ability to act across the signal. Develop speed, dexterity.

Game traffic:

Children stand behind the feature on one side of the site. On the second side also drawn. On the side of the catcher. For the words of the tutor: "Once, two, three - run!" - children run on the other side of the site, and their fishing catches. After 2-3 days, the fishing is chosen from the most dextricted and fast children who were not caught.

Option 2.

Children overload with different types of running.

"Karasi and Pike"

Purpose: Learn children to walk and run the swarming, on the signal hide behind the pebbles, squatting. Develop a dexterity, speed, orientation in space.

Game traffic:

One child is chosen to the pike, the rest are divided into two groups. One of them forms a circle is a pebble, the other - karasi, which float inside the circle. Pike is outside the circle. According to the tutor's sign - Pike - she quickly runs into a circle, trying to catch karasi. Karasi rush to take a place for someone playing and sitting on pebbles. Cut karasi go for a circle and counted. The game is repeated with another pike.

Option 2

karasi float not only in a circle but also between the stones, Pike is on the side. You can choose two pikes.

"Sly Fox"

Purpose: To teach children to run, not pushing out each other, act across the signal, orient on the site. Develop agility, speed.

Stroke Game:

Players stand in a circle, at a distance of one step one from the other. Educator asking everyone to close his eyes. Children cover their eyes, and the teacher bypasses the circle - behind the backs of children and is touching one of the children, which becomes a cunning fox. The teacher then proposes to open his eyes and carefully see who of them Fox - will not give himself something.

Players asked three times with small intervals - first quietly, then louder: "Sunshine Fox, where are you?" At the same time, everyone is looking at each other.

When all players, including fox, will be pronounced for the third time - where are you curtain fox where are you? The tricky fox jumps into the center of the circle raises his hand up and says "I am here!" All players are running around on the site, and fox them. Cuts depart aside. The game is repeated.

Option 2.

You can choose 2-4 foxes, and run around the site with different types of running.

"Homeless Hare"

Purpose: Teach children run quickly, trying to take a house. Develop attention, speed response to a signal.

Game traffic:

Choose a hunter and homeless hare. The rest of the hares are drawn by the circles and everyone gets into her. The homeless hare runs away from the hunter, he can escape from the hunter, running in any circle, then the hare standing in the circle should run away right now, because he is now a homeless hare and the hunter will catch him. As soon as the hunter walked a hare, he himself becomes a hare, and the former hare was a hunter.

Option 2.

Children form a circle holding hands 3-4 children, and in the center of such a circle there are hares.

3 option

Children stand in circles drawn on the ground at the signal of the tutor of the hare change the houses - move from one to another, and the hunter occupies any liberated house, who remained without a house becomes a hunter.

"Make Figure"

Purpose: Learn the children to run a swarming around the hall, plot. To accustom to change the movement on the signal, to develop equilibrium, the ability to maintain a fixed prose.

Game traffic:

At the tutor signal, all children run around the hall. On the next signal (punch in the tambourine), all the players stop in place, where they found them, and accept any posture. The tutor notes those whose figures turned out to be more interesting, the most successful.

Option 2.

You can choose a leading, which will determine whose figure is more difficult more difficult, those who come up with new figures each time.


Purpose: Teach children to run from place to place quickly, imperceptibly for the lead. Develop the agility, speed of movements, orientation in space.

Game traffic:

Children become near the trees or in circles drawn on Earth. One of the players remaining in the middle, suitable for anyone and talk, mouse, mouse sell me your own corner. " That refuses. The leading goes with the same words to another. At this time, the rest of the children change places, and leading in the middle tries to take the place of one of the ranking. If it succeeds, the remaining without a corner becomes middle.

Option 2.If you don't manage to take a place, the teacher says: "Cat!" All children simultaneously change places, driving time to take a corner. It is impossible to stand in your corner for a long time.


Purpose: Teach children walk in a circle, holding hands to the right, left. Repeat movements for leading. Develop attention, memory, creativity.

Game traffic:

It is chosen by the leading - a cub, which rises in the center of a circle formed by children. Holding hands, children go in a circle and utter:

"Smooth circle for each other

we go step by step.

Stand on the place1 together together

Let's do this ... "

Children stop, lower their hands, and the intricant shows some movement and everyone should repeat it. The game is repeated with another intricant.

"Swan geese"

Purpose: Learn children to walk on one side of the site to another, so as not to be stained. Develop the ability to act across the signal, dexterity, speed.

Game traffic:

At one edge of the hall is denoted by the house in which the geese is located on the opposite side of the hall there is a shepherd. On the side of the house the lair, in which the wolf lives, the rest of the meadow. Children are chosen for the role of wolf, shepherd, the rest of the children are depicting geese. The shepherd catches the geese on the meadow, they graze and fly.

Shepherd: geese, geese!

Geese: stop and responded with choir: Ga-ga-ha.

Shepherd: Have you want!

Gus: Yes, yes, yes!

Shepherd: So fly home.

Gus: We can not, the gray wolf under the mountain does not allow us home, the teeth sharpening to eat us want.

Shepherd: So fly, as you want only the wings take care!

Geese making wings fly through the meadow home, and swallowing out of the Logov, trying to catch geese. Then after 2-3 runs, a new shepherd and wolf is selected.

"Fathers" (with ribbons)


Game traffic:

Option 2

draws a circle in the center is a fishing. At the signal "Once, two, three catches", children run a circle, and the fishing tries to grab the ribbon.

"Winter and Summer"

Purpose: Teach children are built in 2 ranks back to each other, quickly run, catch their pair. Develop attention, speed reaction.

Game traffic:

Standing in two ranks, children turn back to each other. One Sherga - Winter, Other - Summer. By the signal "Winter!" - The player of this team turn around the circle and catch each pair. Also on the signal - "Summer!"

Option 2

Each child has a small diameter ball, the kids turn around the signal and throw the ball into their pair.

"Frost - red nose"

Purpose: Learn children to run into the scattering on one side of the site to another, waging away from the fishing, act across the signal, maintain a fixed pose. Develop an exposure, attention. Secure Run S. chuckle shore, side gallop.

Game traffic:

"I frost - a red nose.

Who of you will decide

Children answer chorus:

Option 2.

After the answer:

"We are not afraid of threats and not afraid of frost to us"



Game traffic:

Option 2.

"Counter Furnits"

Purpose: Teach children to run on one side of the site to another in a rapid pace. Develop attention, speed of movements.

Game traffic:

Two groups of children with an equal number of players become on the opposite sides of the site behind Lin7ic in Shero. (Distance between children in Shero at least 1 meter). Each group of children in the hands of ribbons of their color is blue, yellow. According to the tutor signal: "Blue"! " - Children with blue ribbons run on the opposite direction, standing on the contrary stretch your hands forward and wait for the running to touch them. The one who touched, runs on the other side, turns and raises his hand up.

Option 2.

You can add two more colors - red, green.

"Empty place"

Purpose: Teach children quickly run right in opposite parties. Develop the speed of the reaction, attention.

Game traffic:

Playing becomes around, putting hands on the belt - the windows are obtained. Choose leading. He walks out of the circle and says:

"I go around the house,

and in the window I look,

to one I approach

and I quietly. "

After the words I say, the driving stops, looks into the window and says: Tuk, Tuk, Tuk. Standing ahead asks: "Who came?" Driving calls his name. Standing in a circle asks: "Why did you come?" The leading responds: "Benefit" - and both run around playing in different directions. In the circle it turns out an empty place. The one who will be the first to him remains in a circle, late becomes leading, and the game continues.

Option 2.

Driving just walks around and puts his hand on the shoulder to someone, and run in different directions, trying to take an empty place.


Purpose: Learning to run around the platform of a swarming with wrapping. Develop the ability to act across the signal, dexterity, speed of movements.

Game traffic:

Children are on the site, the fishing stands in the middle of the site. On the signal - once, two, three - catch1 - all the children run out on the site, mooring from the fishing. That whom the fishing stain moves away.

Option 2.

Catching can't catch one who managed to sit down.

3 option.

You can not catch one who managed to stop and stand on one leg.

4 option.

"Parent Run"

Purpose: Learn children to run in pairs, not extinguishing the hands, ride objects. Develop agility, attention.

Game traffic:

Children stand in columns in pairs on one side of the site below. On the other side of the site are subject to objects (kegli, cubes, etc.), by number of links. According to the tutor's signal, the first pairs of children holding hands, run to items enveloped them and return to the end of their columns. The next signal runs second pairs. A pair of disconnecting hands is considered a loser.

Option 2.

Run with the leg of the shin. Run between the objects of the snake to the landmark.



Game traffic:

Participants of the game choose the owner and two buyers. The remaining players are paints. Each paint comes up with a color and thiho calls his master. When all the paints chose a color and called the owner, he invites one of the buyers. Buyer knocks:

Tuk! Tuk!

Who's there?


Why came?

For paint.



Option 2.

"Who will make less jumps"

Purpose: Teach children jump in length, making a strong swab with hands, pushing out and landing on both legs. Develop the power of shock, strengthen the muscles of the legs.

Game traffic:

On the site indicate two lines at a distance of 5-6 meters. Several children get up to the first line and jump up to the second line, trying to achieve it for a smaller number of jumps. Legs slightly put and land soft on both legs.

Option 2.

Enlarge distance to 10m. (This is an average of 8-10 jumps)

"From the bump on the hammer"

Purpose: Learning children to move on one side of the site on another jumps from the bump on a bump on two or one leg. Develop the power of shock, the ability to maintain balance on the bodie, dexterity.

Game traffic:

On earth, two lines are drawn - two shores, between which the swamp. Playing are distributed in pairs on one and another shore. The tutor draws on the swamp of the Kochka flat rings) at different distances from each other: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90cm. Two children across the signal jump from the bump on the hammer pushing out two legs or one, without becoming between the bumps. Trying to move ashore. He who stumbled, remains in the swamp. Next pair comes out. When everything fulfills the task, the educator assigns someone to bring children from the swamp. He gives a hand with a bolted child and shows jumps the way out of the swamp.

Option 2.

Competition: "Who will quickly move through the swamp."

"Fishing rod"

Purpose: Teach children bounce on two legs standing still, landing on socks, semitted legs. Develop agility, speed, eyemer.

Game traffic:

Children stand in a circle in the center of the teacher. He holds in his hands the rope at the end of which the bag with sand is tied. The teacher rotates the rope above the floor, the children join the two legs up, so that the bag does not hurt their feet. After describing 2-3 circles, pause is made and counted caught.

Option 2.

Those children who caught out come out of the game, so that the most destructive will remain.

"Do not stay on the floor"

Purpose: To teach children to run around the hall of the commusive, jump into the cubes, benches without the help of hands, jump from them easily on semi-bent legs. Secure the skill to act across the signal. Develop agility, speed.

Game traffic:

Selects a fishing that runs around the hall with children. As soon as the educator says, "catch!" - Everyone runs away from the fishing and climb on the items - scammers, cubes, hemps. The catch is trying to rally flying away. Children, to whom the fishing tumbled is deployed.

Option 2.

Select 2 catches, run by different types of running, use a music signal.

"Firemen on the teaching"

Purpose: Learn children to climb the gymnastic wall in a convenient way, do not miss the ridges and without jumping. Develop the agreed work of hand and legs, speed, dexterity.

Game traffic:

Children are built in 3-4 columns face to the gymnastic wall are firefighters.

On each span on the same height, bells are suspended. At the tutor signal - a blow to the tambourine or the words "march!" Children standing in the column are the first to run to the wall climb on it, call to the bell, go down, then return to their column and get into its end. The tutor notes those who will fulfill the task faster. Then the second standing in the column is running. To ensure that the children do not miss the rails, did not joind.

"Bears and Bees"

Purpose: Learn children to climb the gymnastic wall, climbing the benches, Cubes without the help of hands, jump on the socks on semi-bent legs, run the swarus. Develop dexterity, courage, speed.

Game traffic:

Watch to make a gymnast. Walls need to be punched without jumping, not missing the rails. From the benches jumping on the socks semittered legs.

"Someone rather before the checkbox"

Purpose: Teach children act across the signal, jump on two legs with advancement forward, subject to arc in a convenient way, run on distillation. Develop the ability to compete, transfer the relay.

Game traffic:

Children are distributed on three columns equally. At a distance of 2m from the initial feature, arcs or hoops are put, you can pull the cord, then at a distance of 3m. Flags are set on the stand. Task is given: according to the tutor's signal to perform a leap subject to the arc, then jump on two legs to surparate before the flag, go bend it and run to return to the end of your column.

Option 2

Complication is introduced: the rope is stretched at an altitude - 60cm, children must not touching the hands of the floor to bring suite under the cord.

"Squirrels in the forest"

Purpose: Learn children to climb the gymnastic wall, do not miss the rail, without jumping. Develop and strengthen the muscles of the shoulder belt. Relieve interest in moving games.

Game traffic:

The hunter is chosen, all the other children are, they sit on the "trees" - a gymnastic wall, benches, boards laid on large cubes. According to the tutor signal: "Beware!" Or on the blow to the tambourine, all proteins change places: quickly get out, jump off the devices and climb on others, at this time the hunter is touching them with hand. Because proteins of a hunted hunter, as well as those who remained in the previous places, they depart into the hunter's house.

Option 2.

The hunter stains the battle with the ball, you can choose 2-3 hunters.

"Playing the ball"

Purpose: Learning children to catch the ball, thrown by heavy hands without pressed to the chest. Throw the ball with two hands from the chest. Develop Eyemer, Motoric Hands, speed, throw accuracy.

Game traffic:

Children are divided into 2-3 groups and are built into the circle, in the center of each circle costs the ball in the hands. According to the tutor's sign, the leaders are transferred alternately to the ball with two hands from the chest and get it back. When the ball costs all the players, he raises him above his head and says: "Ready!"

Option 2.

The ball drivens not in order, but in a disorder, the group wins, which never falls the ball.

"Hunters and hares"

Purpose: Teach children jump on two legs with the promotion forward to the swarming, act on the signal. Fasten the ability to throw the ball trying to get into the hares. Develop agility, eye meer.

Game traffic:

The hunter is chosen, the rest of the children are hare. On one side of the site, a place for a hunter is given to another hare house. The hunter walks around the hall, pretending to seek traces of the hare, and then returns to himself. Hares jump on two legs or right on the left alternately in different directions. By signal: "Hunter!" - Hares run away into the house, and the hunter throws the ball in them. Those who he got considered to be rapidly, and he takes them into his house.

Option 2.

Hunters can be 2-3, and the hares have no house they are simply fascinated from the ball.

"Skate Kegle"

Purpose: Learn the children to roll the ball, trying to knock down the bow from the distance of 1.5-2m., Run the ball, betraying other children. Develop the eye meter, throw strength.

Game traffic:

Option 2.

"School of the ball"


The course of the game.

"Screw - catch"

Purpose: Teach children throw a tennis ball and catch it, ride a friend. Develop Eyemer, Dexterity, Coordination of Movements.

Game traffic:

Children are in two ranks, at a distance of -3m. In one rank all balls. At the signal, children simultaneously throw the ball up and catch it with two hands, then ride standing opposite. Those do the same.

Option 2.

Complication: When throwing a ball to make cotton, turn around him, throw one hand to catch another.

"Hunters and Beasts"


Game traffic:

Children form a circle, holding hands. Calculated for the first second are divided into hunters and animals. The hunters remain in their places in a circle, and the animals come out in the middle of the circle. The hunters throw each other ball and try to get into their feet of running around and steady animals. The one whom the ball is considered to be enclosed comes out of the circle. Then players are met with roles.

Option 2there may be 2-3 balls.

"Ball over the grid"

Purpose: Teach children to transfer the ball through the grid with two hands from the chest and because of the head and catch it. Develop the dexterity, the accuracy of the throw, the eye.

Game traffic:

Children (2-4) become on both sides of the grid at a distance of 1.5 m., The grid is stretched 15cm. Above raised hands of a child. Children throw the ball through the grid to each other because of the head with two hands, from the chest with two hands. If you play four, then one child moves the ball through the grid on the other side, caught the ball throws him to his neighbor, and he throws back through the grid again.

Option 2.

You can enter the game. On which side the ball fell less on the floor, the party won.

"Get into the hoop"

Purpose: Learn children throw bags with sand in a horizontal target, the right left hand aiming. Develop eye meter, throw accuracy.

Game traffic:

Children stand in a circle with a diameter of 8-10m. Through one in the hands of a sand bag. In the center of the circle lies the hoop. According to the tutor signal, children in whose hands in the hands of the bags transmit them to comrades to the right or left by agreement. Having received bags, children throw them trying to get into the hoop. Then children raise the bags, and returned to their places in the circle. The signal again is heard, and the children pass the bags with their neighbors - the second numbers, etc.

Option 2.

Throw bags with two one hand because of the head, sitting, standing on the knees.


Purpose: Teach children throw wooden rings, trying to throw them on the "cue" (wooden stick), develop dexterity, eye meter.

Game traffic:

Two play. One with a cue throws wooden rings, and the other catches them at cue, you can first throw them with your hand and catch on your hand, and then use cue. Wins one who will catch the rings more.

Option 2

With a large number of players, children are divided into pairs and become against each other at a distance of 3-4m.

"Throw the checkbox"

Purpose: Learn children throwing bags in giving the right, left hand because of the head try so that the bag flew as far as possible. Develop the strength of the throw, the eye. Strengthen the muscles of the shoulder belt.

Game traffic:

Children stand in two ranks each other, in their hands at the first rank bags with sand. Ahead at a distance of 4-5m. There are several flags on the same level. Children simultaneously throw bags from behind the head with two hands or one hand, trying to throw them behind the flag line. Then children raise the bags, run and passed to their pair. Throws the next rang, the results are compared.

Option 2.

You can transfer the bags with your pair by a crossing.

"Ball with slide"

Purpose: Learn children to roll balls from table tennis from a slide and run after him, passing the relay.

Game traffic:

From cubes and skids are arranged 2-3 slides. Children become in the columns in front of 5-6 people. Standing ahead take on the ball, on the sign of the educator Katt the ball from the slide and run behind them. Calculate them return, transfer the ball to the next player, and they themselves run to the end of the column. The team wins the command that fulfilled the task faster.

"Catch the ball"

Purpose: Teach children catch the ball on the fly, bouncing up. Develop the dexterity, speed of movements, exposure.

Game traffic:

Three children participate in the game. Two become at a distance of at least 3m apart and throw the ball. The third is located between them and tries to catch the ball flying over them. If he managed to catch the ball, then he becomes the child of the child who threw the ball, and he occupies a place of water.

Option 2.

Playing can more children, then they become in a circle and leading in the center. The game continues as in 1 option.


Purpose: Teach children to throw rings on pegs, trying to sketch as much as possible rings. Develop Eyemer, Dexterity, Exposure.

Game traffic:

Children agree, how much rings will throw each, become in order of the order for the first line, throw rings on pegs. After all the players fulfill the task counting who more rings threw on pegs.

Option 2.

Children stand at the second line and throw rings from there.

3 option.

Kolcebecklas can be desktop, small sizes.

Outdoor games

Preparatory Group

Games with running


    Fathers (with ribbons).

    Frost - red nose.

    Korevun and the zeal.

    Right take.

    Whose column will build faster.



    Running ranks.

    Catch the opponent.

    Change places.

    Collect flags.

    Pay attention.

    Salki - do not get into the swamp.


    Salk with a rope.

    Change the subject.

    Catch up your pair.

    Second extra.

    Simple catches.


    Relay in pairs.


Games with jumps.

    Do not fall.

    Frogs and her shoes.

    Not there.

    Wolf in the rock.

    Jump - turn.

    Be defer.

    Jump - Sit down.


    Penguins with a ball.

    Cancel climb.

    Flight of birds.

    Not notion.

    Jumping relay.

    Magic rope.


    Running in the bag.

    Wolves and sheep.

    Fox and chickens.

    Who jumps.

    Jump in a circle.

Games with throwing.

    Hunters and beasts.

    Cat with a ball.

    Who is the most famous.


    Who called, he catches the ball.

    Moving through the bar.

    School ball.

    Ball watering.

    Okabi Volan.



    Fast and striking.

    Pasch in a circle.

Games with climbing.

    Flight of birds.

    Catching monkeys.

    Bears and bees.


Games with walking.

    Pass silently.

    Figured walking.


    Do not drop the ball.

    Build a car, circle, column.



    Who will take up the stick above.

    Trani in a circle.


    Gray duck.

    The relay in walking.

    Bar of obstacles.


Purpose: Teach children run in pairs for speed, start running only after the end of words. Develop the speed of movements in children, dexterity.

Game traffic:

Children become in a column of couples. Ahead of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps is carried out line. Piecely selected fishing. He becomes back on his back to the rest of the children. All standing couples say:

"Gori, Gori clearly,

so as not to go out.

Look at the sky - birds fly,

The bells are ringing.

Once, two, three - run! "

With the end of the words, children standing in the last pair run along the columns (one - right, the other - left0., In an effort to capture hands. The catcher tries to catch one of the pair and connects his hands with him.

If the catching managed to do this, it forms a new couple with the caught pair and becomes ahead of the column, and the remaining without a pair becomes a catcher. If the catcher did not catch, he remains in the same role.

During the pronouncement of words, the catcher does not look around, it is possible to catch before the players will take hands.

"Fathers" (with ribbons)

Purpose: Learn the children to run a swarming, not pushing at each other, act quickly. Develop orientation in space, the ability to change the direction.

Game traffic:

Children are built in a circle, each has a color ribbon, filled with behind the belt. In the center of the circle there is a fishing. According to the tutor signal: "Once, two, three - catch!" Children scatter on the site. Catching tries to pull the ribbon. According to the signal: "Once, two, three in the circle of speeds of speeds - all children are built in the circle." After counting caught, the game is repeated.

Option 2

Draws a circle in the center is a fishing. At the signal "Once, two, three catches", children run a circle, and the fishing tries to grab the ribbon.

"Frost - red nose"

Purpose: Learn children to run into the scattering on one side of the site to another, waging away from the fishing, act across the signal, maintain a fixed pose. Develop an exposure, attention. Fasten running with shin, side gallop.

Game traffic:

On the opposite sides of the site is denoted by two houses, in one of them there are players. In the middle of the platform face to them becomes driving - frost - red nose, he says:

"I frost - a red nose.

Who of you will decide

In the path of the road to set? "

Children answer chorus:

"We are not afraid of threats and not afraid of frost to us"

After that, they move through the platform into another house, the frost cares them and tries to freeze. Frozen stop at the place where they are out of frost, and it is up to the end of the jogging. Frost calculates how many players managed to freeze, it is taken into account that the players fled from the house or the remaining after the signal are also considered frozen.

Option 2.

The game proceeds the same as the previous one, but in it there are two frost (frost-red nose and frost-blue nose). Standing in the middle of the platform face to children, they utter:

We are two brothers young, I frost-blue nose.

Two frost are removed which of you will decide

I'm frost-red nose, in the path of the Road to deteriorate?

After the answer:

"We are not afraid of threats and not afraid of frost to us"

all children run into another house, and both frost are trying to freeze them.


Purpose: To teach children to move in the column, keeping hard with each other, without breaking the clutch. Develop the ability to act coordinated, dexterity.

Game traffic:

8-10 children participate in the game, one of the players choose a peak, another zoom. The rest of the children are chickens, they become behind the zeal, forming a column. All hold on to each other. Aside the nest of Korshun. At the signal, he flies out of the nest and trying to catch a chicken standing in the column last. The shelter pulling his hands to the sides, does not give the KORSHUM to grab the chicken. All chickens follow the movements of the KORSHUN and quickly move behind the zeal. The caught chicken goes to the nest of Korshun.

Option 2.

If children can play a lot in two groups.


Purpose: To teach children to run, trying not to catch up, jump on one leg, landing on a semifaceted leg. Develop the agility, speed of movements, the ability to change the direction during running.

Game traffic:

Participants of the game choose the owner and two buyers. The remaining players are paints. Each paint comes up with a color and quietly calls his owner. When all the paints chose a color and called the owner, he invites one of the buyers. Buyer knocks:

Tuk! Tuk!

Who's there?


Why came?

For paint.



If there is no blue paint, the owner says: "Go across a blue path, find blue boots, pouter yes back to bring!" If the buyer guess the color of the paint, then paint takes himself. There is a second buyer, a conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they are suitable in turn and disassemble paints. Wins the buyer who scored more paint. The owner may come up with a task more difficult than the task, for example: jumps on one leg on the red carpet.

Option 2.

The conversation is repeated if the buyer guess the paint seller speaks how much it costs the buyer so many times colleges the seller on the elongated palm. With the last cotton, the child portrayed the paint runs away and the buyer catch up with him and caught, it takes into an agreed place.

"Right up"

Purpose: Teach children walk, run in a circle, act across the signal, develop dexterity, speed.

Game traffic:

Children form a circle and on the tutor signal perform walking or run around items (cubes, cones, pebbles), which should be one less. On the next signal, "quickly take!" - Each player must take the item and raise it above the head. The one who did not have time to raise the subject is considered to be a loser. The game is repeated

Option 2.

Children perform dance movements, different types of running and walking. Objects may be less than 3-4.

"Whose column will rather build?"

Purpose: Teach children move around the site in different directions, the signal is built in three columns in accordance with the subjects in hand. Develop attention, the ability to act across the signal, orientation in space.

Game traffic:

Children are distributed into three groups with the same number of players. Each subgroup selects a specific object, such as a bump or pebbles, etc. All children of one group have the same subject. At different ends of the site choose places for these subgroups - Penos, a bush, a plank, which are indicated by the same subject. Under the blows of the tambourine all go or run in different directions. At the signal "to the place" run and built in the corresponding subject in the column.

Option 2.

The tutor gives the signal: "Stop!" Children stop, closing their eyes, and the teacher at this time changes the places of items, then gives a signal "to the place!". Children open their eyes, run to their subjects and are built.


Purpose: Teach children to act across the signal, run, silent imitating birds, maintain a fixed pose. Develop an equilibrium.

Game traffic:

All playing birds, one child - Owl, which is located in the side of the site. At the "Day" signal, birds are flying out, they are masting with wings, whites are peeled. On the "Night" signal all stop and stand motionless. Owl departs, looks out for those who move and takes into the nest. After 15-20 seconds. The "Day" signal is given again, the owl flies into the nest, children - birds flying around the court.

Option 2.

Two owls are selected. Take interesting postures.


Purpose: Learn the children to run around the duty area, with acceleration, fasten the ability to act across the signal. Develop agility, speed.

Game traffic:

It is selected by the leading, which gets a color bandage and becomes in the center of the site. After the signal: "Fishing1" - all the children run up on the site, and the leading tries to catch up with someone from playing and osal. The one who was allocated to the leading departs to the side. After 2-3 repetitions, the catcher changes.

Option 2.

You can not stain one who managed to stand on one leg.

"Running Shergemi"

Purpose: Learn the children to walk the rank with different positions of the hands: on the shoulders lucked ahead, to run away the swarming, not jumping together at each other. Develop the ability to act across the signal, consistently, dexterity, speed of movements.

Game traffic:

Teams are built up with ranks (at a distance of 15-20s), you can give them the name "Rocket" and "Satellite". At the signal, the children of one of the teams, holding hands go ahead, trying to observe the equation. When the participants of which are sitting on Earth to another Sherngi, 2-3 steps remain, the teacher gives the team: "Run!". Children of the first Shernga flashes their hands and run into their home, and the guys of the second ranks try to rally them. When repeating the commands change roles

Option 2.

Each time the children of both teams should take a certain initial position, for example: those who come, can take each other under rugs, put their hands on the shoulders, clutch them ahead; Those who expect rivals approach can stand back or sideways to them.

"Cut the opponent"

Purpose: Learn children to walk on one side of the site to another quickly, so that other children do not stand. Develop the ability to act across the signal, speed of movements, dexterity.

Game traffic:

Two ranks of children are located in front of the starting lines at a distance of 5 steps one from the other, 15-20 steps from the starting line the house is delineated. On the signal, all starting jogging at the same time: children who are at the back are trying to ignite the running ahead. After calculating the outdated children change roles. When repetition, the ranks are changing places.

Option 2.

Children run away with different types of running.

"Change of places"

Purpose: Learn children to walk on one side of the site to another Shero, not pushing at each other. Develop the skill is built in Shan Rivne, act consistently, by signal. Fasten the side gallop, running with straight legs.

Game traffic:

Two teams of 8-10 people are built by the face of each other on the opposite sides of the city's lines (distance 10-12m), and diverge to the width of the elongated hands. The signal is fleeing towards each other, trying to be as soon as possible beyond the feature of the opposite city, then turn the face to the center of the site and are built in Shan. Wins the team made it faster.

Option 2.

To run lateral gallop, with straight legs.

"Collect flags"

Purpose: Teach children to move on one side of the site to another, trying to quickly raise the checkbox, keep the flags firmly, trying not to drop. Develop children with dexterity, speed of movements, coordination, attention.

Game traffic:

On the field, the checkbox is placed every 8-10m. In the first row of flags should be two less than playing, in the second row, 2 less. Thus, if 10 children play, then the flags should be in each row 8, 6, 4, 2, 1. At the signal, the children run, everyone tries to take possession of the checkbox in the first row. Two who did not have time to do, drop out of the game. After the second stage there are six participants, then 4 and finally two strongest. The child who mastered the last flag becomes the winner.

Complication: Before the flags to get jumping with promotion for two legs.

"Pay attention"

Purpose: Learn children to quickly run for objects, listening to the team, which of the items you need to bring. Develop attention, dexterity, speed of movements.

Game traffic:

On one side of the platform of 5-6 players, on the opposite (distance 8-10m) opposite each, there are three subjects (cube, rattle, checkbox) on the "Run!" Children rushed to subjects. At about the middle of the way, a signal follows which of three items to take, such as a cube. Children take the named item and run with him to the original line, wins the one who first brought the subject if the wrong thing is taken, you need to return and replace it.

Option 2

Children to immediately say what item to bring. We take away to take an object and raise it up.

"Salki - do not get into the swamp"

Purpose: Teach children run, not running for visual guidelines, with extinction. Develop the agility, speed of movements, orientation in space.

Game traffic:

On the playground with chopsticks, cones, pebbles are the place where it is impossible to run - swamp (anthill, garden). Choose a fishing. At the signal, he catch up with children, trying to rally them.

Awested catcher coming out of the game.

Option 2.

The fishing stands in the center of the circle of the laid on the ground or laid out of the cord. The children run in the circle and run away from the circle, and the fishing tries to walked to the one who does not have time to run out of the circle.


Purpose: To teach children to run around the commissions site, moving blindfolded eyes, listening to warning signals. Develop the ability to quickly move around the hall, dexterity, speed of action.

Game traffic:

Selects leading - Zhmurka. He gets up in the middle of the room, his eyes tie him, turn several times around him. Then all the children run around the room, and the fishing tries to catch someone. At the sight of any danger to Zhmurki, children should warn the word "fire!". After catching someone, Zhmur transfers his role caught.

Option 2.

If the game passes on the street, the border outlines the border for which the players do not have the right to ride. The crossed the considered boundary is considered to be burnt and must replace Zhmurku.

"Slicks with a skipping"

Purpose: Teach children run in pairs, three on the court, holding the rope, trying to walked the children running the swarming. Develop the ability to act agreed in pairs, troops, coordination of movements, dexterity.

Game traffic:

Two children take the ends of the usual short rope, running around the site, trying to walked out the rest of the children running away from them. The first caught becomes between watering, takes one hand for the middle of the rope and turns on in catching. So that the troika leading freed from their duties, you need to catch each of them to one player.

Complication: In the game include 2 pairs of fishing.

"Change the subject"

Purpose: Learning children quickly overdone on the opposite side of the site, take the item and betray our comrades. Develop the ability to act in the team, follow the rules, dexterity, overall endurance. Easify perseverance in achieving positive results.

Game traffic:

On one side of the site behind the line, playing, forming 4-5 columns. On the opposite side of the site opposite each column, circles with a diameter of 60-80cm were contacted. Each first in the column holds a sand bag in his hands, a cube or another object. The center of each mug is put on the same subject. At the signal, players run to mugs, put the subject and take another, then return to running on their place and raise the brought item above the head. He who did it the first to be considered won. Commitable transmit items standing behind them, and they themselves run to the end of the column. When everything fulfills the task, a column is noted that scores more winnings.

Complication: Running for the subject of a snake between the kegs, without dropping the kegli.

"Catch up your couple"

Purpose: Teach children quickly run in a given direction, trying to catch up with their pair. Develop the ability to act across the signal, dexterity, speed of movements. Contribute to the manifestation of endurance.

Game traffic:

Children get up in pairs on one of the sides of the site: one in front, the other from behind is to retreat 2-3 steps. According to the tutor's signal, the first quickly move on the other side of the site, the second they catch them - each of their own pairs. When repetition, children change roles.

Option 2

Spot your pair of ball.

"Second extra"

Purpose: Teach children quickly run in a circle, becoming ahead of the child. Develop attention, reaction. Relieve interest in moving games.

The course of the game.

Children become in a circle, the distance between them should be at least 1-2 steps. Behind the circle is two leading. One of them runs away, the other tries to catch up with him. A running child, fleeing from the catching, becomes ahead of some kind of child. If he ran into a circle and stand up until he was stained, it is already impossible to sire. Now the child should run away, which turned out to be second. If the catcher managed to touch the runaway, they change roles.

Only run out of a circle, do not cross it, not enough for children standing in a circle, run not too long, so that everyone can join the game.

Option 2.

You can get up in pairs in a circle, then the game will be called the "Third End".

"Simple catchers"

Purpose: Learn the children to run a swarming, mooring from the fishing. Develop the speed of movements, reaction, skill to act across the signal.

Game traffic:

Children are on the site, the fishing stands in the middle of the site. On the signal - once, two, three - catch1 - all the children run out on the site, mooring from the fishing. The one who the fishing has stained, departs to the side.

Option 2.

Catching can't catch one who managed to sit down.

3 option.

You can not catch the one who managed to stop and stand on one leg.

4 option.

The fishing must be awaited by the ball running.

5 option.

You can not catch those children who managed to stand at some rising object.


Purpose: Teach children quickly run, trying to shoot for the rope. Develop speed, dexterity.

Game traffic:

The floor is put on a rope, 1m length. At a distance of 5-6 m from its ends, check boxes. Two children get up in the ends of the rope face to their flags. According to the signal: "Once, two, three, runs," the children run each to their flag ride him come back and twitch for the end of the rope. The one wins the one who managed to do first.

Option 2:

Under two chairs, standing with the backs to each other, the rope is put on the chairs, children sit on the chairs while the music sounds the music run around the chairs, as soon as the music stops children must sit on their chair and grab the one who made the first won.

"Relay pairs"

Purpose: Teach children run in pairs, holding hands trying to run away to the finish of his rivals forward. Develop stamina, dexterity.

Game traffic:

Children become in 2 columns in pairs behind the line on one side of the site. On the opposite side of the landmark. At the signal, the first pairs, holding hands, run to landmarks, ride them and return to the end of the column. The column wins the players whose players will fulfill the task and do not disconnect the hands during the run.


children get back to each other and cloural to elbows.


Purpose: Learning children move around the site, in a limited space, there are not falling by group. Develop imitation movements. Brief interest in games.

Game traffic:

Children with a caregiver walk around the site. Suddenly, a donkey appears with a wagon.

Educator: on the yellow track

Coc Coca - Kopitz knocks.

Arrived gray donkey,

Want to ride?

All children: donkey, donkey

That's what our donkey! (Sit in the trolley).

Donkey, donkey,

That's what our oslik1

Educator: We sat down in the trolley,

Coc Coca - Kopitz knocks.

And as if on the team

Everyone smiled faces.

All children: donkey, donkey

That's what our donkey!

Donkey, donkey,

That's what our donkey!

We ride in the park,

The Central Committee - the Central Committee - Kopitz knocks, envy us,

And the sun sparkles.

donkey, donkey (donkey stops).

That's what our donkey!

Donkey, donkey,

That's what our donkey!

Educator: But soon long

Conceived to get angry:

The wheels do not speak

Kojtsians do not hook.

All children: donkey, donkey

That's what our donkey!

Donkey, donkey, (get out of the trolley, pushing it, donkey stubborn)

That's what our donkey!

On a sunway, that's what our donkey!

We knock on the heel, donkey, donkey,

Stubborn and the wagon that's what our donkey!

Wear back themselves.

A donkey, the mile donkey is done without the bottom so that children can move.

"Not getting off"

Purpose: Learn children to jump over the cord on the two legs forward, back, making wave hands, push legs. Develop dexterity. Strengthen stop vaults.

Game traffic:

Children are located around the cord laid in the form of a circle. In the center two leading. According to the tutor signal, children jump on two legs in a circle, and jumps as farms approached. Who had time to stare, gets a penalty point. After calculating the caught, catching and the game is renewed.

Complication: Children jump into the circle on one leg or sideways.

"Frogs and Heron"

Purpose: Teach children bounce in place from deep squats, jump through the rope located at an altitude of 15 cm, in different ways: two legs, one, from running, trying to do not catch the Heron. Develop a dexterity, speed of movements.

Game traffic:

In the middle of the site, they denote the swamp, poured pegs with a height of -15cm. They hang the rope with Georgians so that she does not save. Aside with the marsh of the Heron. Frogs jump in the swamp, catch mosquitoes. At the signal "Heron!" "She overpaches through the rope and begins to catch frogs. They can pop up from the swamp in any way: pushing out two legs, one foot, from a run. Caught frogs go to the nest of heron.

The stagnant through the rope is considered caught, you can only jump over.

Complication: Introduce the second hermit, raise the rope to the height - 20cm.

"Not ahead"

Purpose: Teach children jump through a wand side to the right, left. Develop a sense of rhythm, alternating jumping to the right left, attention, dexterity. Strengthen the leg muscles.

Game traffic:

The subgroup of children everyone is put on the ground a wand with a length of 40cm, and rose from them to the right. Under the score of the educator and other children jump, shifting legs to the right and left from the sticks. The one who was wrong - jumped at no reason, stepped on a wand, coming out of the game.

Complication: Jump alternately each foot forward, back.

"Wolf in Ravy"

Purpose: To teach children to jump in ditch, width - 70-100cm, from running out, trying not to unsalted wolf. Develop a dexterity, speed of movements.

Game traffic:

In the middle of the site, two lines are carried out at a distance of 70-100cm one from the other, it is ditch. One of the sides of the site is the house of goats. All playing goats are one wolf. Goats are located in the house of the wolf in the Rives. According to the tutor's signal - "goats on the meadow", the goats run on the opposite side of the site, jumping in ditch, the wolf does not touch the goats, along the signal - "goats Domroy", move into the house jumping through the ditch. The wolf without leaving the RVA catches goats touching them with her hand. Caught to go to the end of the RVA. After 2-3 wolf runs, another is assigned.

Option 2.

Introduce a second wolf; Make 2 RVA in every wolf; Increase the width of the RVA - 90-120cm.

"Jump - turn"

Purpose: Learn children to perform rhythmic jumps in place at the expense, performing the task: turn on 360 degrees, pull the legs to the chest, clasping them with your hands. Teach children repel and land on both legs. Develop a dexterity, vestibular device. Strengthen the leg muscles.

Game traffic:

Children, standing freely, perform three lips on the spot in the hoop (diameter1) on the fourth high jump trying at the top point of the takeoff pull the knees of bent feet to the chest, grab their hands, then quickly break the legs to gently land.

Option 2.

Instead of flexing the legs, perform a turn on the 360 \u200b\u200bperhaps.

"Pass silently"


Game traffic:


Go through the goal back forward.

"Be dextering"

Purpose: Learn children jump into the circle, jumping over the bags with sand and back, trying not to wear leading. Stripping and land on both legs, on socks. Develop a dexterity, speed of movements. Strengthen stop vaults.

Game traffic:

Children stand face in a circle, at the feet of each sac with sand. Drinking in the center of the circle. According to the signal, the teacher, children jump into the circle and back through the bags, pushing out two legs. Drinking tries to rally children until they jumped out of the circle. After 30-40s, the tutor stops the game and considers the losers. Choose a new leading of those who have never touched the fishing.

The bag can not be overwhelmed, only jumping, driving may touch the one who is inside the circle, as soon as the leading goes on, the child jumps again.

Option 2.

Jump on one leg in a circle, introduce another catcher.

"Jump - Sucia"

Purpose: Teach children to jump over the rope with two legs, pushing out and landing on both legs, take a position in the grouping of cropping. Develop agility, attention, speed of movements.

Game traffic:

Children stand in the column at a distance of one step from the other. Two waterproofing in the hands - length 1.5m, are located on the right and to the left of the column. At the signal, the children penetrate the rope in front of the column at a height - 25-30cm from the ground. Children in the column are alternately jumping through the prince. Then, by passing the column, leading turns back, carrying the rope at an altitude of 50-60cm. Children quickly squat, taking the position of the group, so that the rope does not hurt them. When repetition, the leading changes.

Bounce up the push of two legs, not to overpand, the one who is mistaken, comes out of the column by 2-3 repetitions of IG8RA.

Complication: Raise the rope output, over children to carry below.


Purpose: Teach children bounce on the spot, as high as possible, trying to hit the ball suspended at 25cm above the growth of children. Learning to land on semi-bent legs. Strengthen stop vaults. Develop Eyemer, Dexterity, Coordination of Movements.

Game traffic:

At an altitude of 25cm above the raised hand of the child hung the ball. Two children of approximately the same growth get up from two sides of the ball. They bounce up and try to hit the ball harder. Wins he, often beat off the ball from himself in the other direction. The ball touch with two hands.

Option 2.

The task of children to beat off the ball suspended on the rope to a high post so that he twisted around the pillar.

"Penguins with a ball"

Purpose: Learn children to jump to a visual guide on two legs with a ball, squeezed between the knees, trying not to lose the ball, land on both legs. Develop agility, speed of movements, coordination.

Game traffic:

Children stand in 4-5 units. Opposite each link at a distance of 5m, fiscased. The first in the links get on the ball. Having climbing them between the knees, jump to the subject, take the ball and having a guide, returned each in their link and transmit the ball to the next.

Jump, without losing the ball, who lost must push the ball with his feet and start jumping from the place where the ball was lost.

Option 2

Jump with the ball to the guideline and back, play the team.

"Called the ice clock"

Purpose: Learning children jumping on one leg, trying to wear legs to drive the object in the circle. Develop a dexterity, the ability to calculate the force of shock.

Game traffic:

In the snow, the color paint is drawn a large circle, from it in different directions 8-10 colored lines - rays, their length 2.5 - 3. At the end of these lines, children are standing. The sock of the right leg of each player lies with ice. By the signal, bouncing on the right foot, everyone is trying to quickly drive their iceclock in the circle. Here you can stand, waiting for the rest of the players. After that, everyone drives his iceclock back, bouncing on one leg. Cheers to stick to the drawn line, transmits the ice to the ice. Chant icefold, pushing it forward

toe legs on which jumps are performed.

Option 2

Drink ice with sticks.

"Flight of birds"

Purpose: To teach children to run freely around the hall, imitating the flight of birds, jump into the cubes, benches, without the help of hands, jump, landing on socks, semitted legs. Teach children act across the signal.

Game traffic:

At one end, the hall is children - they are birds. At the other end of the hall - the benefits for which you can climb are trees.

According to the tutor signal: "Birds fly away!" - Children, waving their hands, as wings run throughout the hall, to the next signal: "Storm!" - Children run to elevations and hide there. When the educator says: "The storm stopped!" Children descend off the elevations and scatter on the hall again (birds continue their flight). During the game, the educator necessarily carries out the insurance of children.

Option 2.

When approaching projectiles - trees decompose the obstacles, children should jump them.

"It is not wrong"

Purpose: Teach children jump on one leg, landing on a sewing leg. Develop coordination of movements, dexterity. Strengthen the leg muscles.

Game traffic:

Two teams compete - 5-6tey. The first in each team are moving forward to the jumps on one leg, the rest go beside. As soon as the bouncing stupuses, he begins to jump the second child from the same team. The team wins, who managed to defeat leaps a longer distance.

Jump on one leg, stuck on both legs immediately replace. Changeable begins to jump from the place where the previous player was wrong.

Option 2

jump then on the right on the left leg, the main thing is not to get up on two legs.

"Jumping relay"

Purpose: Learn children to perform different types of jumps: sideways, with a ball squeezed between legs, in hand, from foot on foot, on one leg.

Game traffic:

Children stand in the columns and move forward with different types of jumps: from one leg to another, on two legs, with stuffed balls in their hands, sideways. At the end of the promotion, give a task - jump up, touch the mark on the wall, basketball rings, hanging the ball.

Option 2.

You can combine tasks: in one way to jump on the right foot, and to another - on the left; With the ball, sandwiched between the knees, back the shin.

"Magic rope"

Purpose: Teach children jump on the rope as many times as in the word syllables. Secure the ability to divide the words on the syllables. Develop attention, coordination of movements.

Game traffic:

Children stand in 3-4 columns, in their hands they have a rope. A child who acting the role of the lead, utters some word, and standing ahead of the column must say how many parts in the named word, and perform so many jumps ahead as the syllables in the Word. The educator and children note the correctness of the actions performed.

Further turns out to go to the other side of the site, who was wrong, he rises to the end of the column.

Option 2

Children jump on the rope until they make a mistake.

Run with skumps together. Who runs faster to the line and will not hit the rope.


Purpose: Teach children jump, keeping the distance, landing on semi-bent socks. Strengthen the leg muscles.

Game traffic:

Children become in the column at a distance of two steps from each other. At the tutor signal, children jump sideways all in one direction. Will there be a column?

Option 2.

Standing in the column is calculated for the first second. At the signal, the first numbers jump sideways to the right, the second left.

"Running in the bag"

Purpose: Teach children jump in the bag. Develop agility, speed, exposure.

Game traffic:

Two - three children put on their legs spacious bags and jump to the guideline, who it will be able to overcome this distance faster and wins.

Complication: There are 2 children in the bag.

"Wolves and Sheep"

Purpose: Teach children jump wide steps, trying to spot the "sheep". Develop agility, speed. Strengthen the leg muscles.

Game traffic:

Children depict sheep, two or three of them wolves. Wolves are hiding on one side of the site in the ravine. Sheep live on the opposite side of the lawn. They go to walk, scatter on the lawn, jump, sit down and pull the grass. As soon as the teacher says: "Wolves!" The wolves pop out from the ravine and run wide jumps behind the sheep, trying to catch them caught, wolves take to themselves in the ravine.

Option 2.

Draw the ravine with a width of 80-10 cm. Sheep should jump over the ravine, and wolves are awaited.

"Fox and chickens"

Purpose: Teach children jumping out of items, landing on semi-bent socks, run sink, not pushing. Develop agility, attention. Strengthen stop vaults.

Game traffic:

Children depicting chickens stand on benches, cubes, hemp. One child is chosen by a fox. She sits in her hole. At the signal, the chickens are tightened from the vita and run around the yard, bounce, patted with wings, peeled the grain. At the signal of the teacher of Lisa runs out of his hole and tries to catch a kneaded chicken. Chours must quickly take off. Who caught Lisa, takes to her noou.

Option 2.

Fox is slowly starting to sew to the quarrels, one of the children depicting a rooster notes fox and shouts loudly: "Ku-Ka-re-ku!". For this signal, the chickens run away. The rooster follows the order and takes off the latter. Lisa catches that chicken, which will not be able to stay on the piping or will not have time to take off on the Nature. And he takes her in Nora, but in the way she suddenly meets a hunter with a gun (tutor) frightened by Lisa, he leaves a chicken and runs away, and the chicken returns home.

"Who jumps"

Purpose: Teach children jump on two legs, landing on semi-bent legs. Develop attention, speed. Strengthen stop vaults.

Game traffic:

Children stand in a circle tutor with them. He calls animals and objects that jump and do not jump, while raising his hands up. For example, the teacher says: - Frog jumps, the dog jumps, the turtle jumps, the grasshopper jumps, etc. By the conditions of the game, children should say "yes" and jump only if the educator called an animal that can really jump.

Option 2.

Jumping legs with extremely or swelling.

"Jump in a circle"

Purpose: Teach children jumping on two legs in a circle, holding hands on a belt. Landing on semi-bent legs. Strengthen stop vaults. Develop attention, the ability to act across the signal.

Game traffic:

Each player laying out of cones, ropes, pebbles circle with a diameter of 60 cm. Everyone gets left left, right sideways to your mug, put your hands on the belt and at the tutor signal begin to jump on two legs around your circle. By signal: "Stop!" Children rest a little, and again begin to jump in the opposite direction.

Option 2.

All playing jump out of the circles and run in the meadow, running away from the circles. At the signal, children run to mugs and become in them, the circles should be one less.

"Hunters and Beasts"

Purpose: Teach children throw a small ball, trying to get into beasts, perform imitation movements, depicting forest animals. Develop agility, eye meer.

Game traffic:

Children form a circle, holding hands. Calculated for the first second are divided into hunters and animals. The hunters remain in their places in a circle, and the animals come out in the middle of the circle. The hunters throw each other ball and try to get into their feet of running around and steady animals. The one whom the ball will be considered to be enclosed comes out of the circle. Then players are met with roles.

Option 2

hunters can be 3-4, they are on one side of the site, to another animal house - forest. At the signal, the beasts run away into the forest, and the hunters shoot them from the spot. Or they can run for beasts, but do not run into the forest.

"Cat with a ball"

Purpose: Learn the children to run a swarming in the hall, to form a circle, throw the ball into a moving target - a child. Develop the ability to act across the signal, run, not pushing at each other. Bring up an exposure.

Game traffic:

Children stand in a circle, standing apart from each other at the distance of the elongated hands. One of the children becomes in the center of the circle. This is driven. At his feet lie two small balls. Driving calls or triggers a number of movements. Children repeat. Suddenly the teacher says "Run from a circle!" And children run up in different directions. Driving raises the balls and tries, without going from the place to get into the runaway. Then, on the signal "Once, two, three in the circle of speeds of speed", children form a circle again. Select a new leading.

Option 2

after a few seconds, the teacher says Stop! And children must measure in their places. The leading aims in the one who stands closer and throws the ball.

"Who is the most damage"

Purpose: Learn children throwing bags with sand in a vertical goal from above because of the head, trying to get into it. Develop Eyemer, Motoric Hands.

Game traffic:

Children are divided into 4-5 units. One of the sides of the room is drawn, and at a distance of 3 meters from it, 4-5 odochny targets are placed. Children on one of each link overlook the line and throw a bag, trying to get into the goal. At the end, the number of points in each link is calculated.

Option 2.

You can increase the distance of 3.5m. The target can be made of suspended hoops.


Purpose: Teach children throwing the ball about the wall so that he, touching the wall, bounced off from her. Catch the ball on the summer with two hands, throwing the ball, trying to stain players. Develop the eye meter, dexterity, speed of the reaction.

Game traffic:

Children get up in front of the wall at a distance of 4-5 steps. The point throws the ball into the wall so that he touched the walls, bounced off from her. Throwing the ball leading calls one who he appoints to catch him. The latter quickly catches the ball on the fly or raises from the floor. If he caught the ball, then immediately throws him about the wall and calls a new catching, if he raises from the ground that, taking it, shouts "Stop!" And when everyone stops, stained, without going from the site of the nearest baby. He, in turn, takes quickly takes the ball screaming "Stop1" and stains the other and so to the first mischief. After the mischief, everyone goes back to the wall, but the right to quit and appoint the one who should catch belongs to the misfortune.

When catching the ball, everyone scatters, but as soon as the ball is caught and he will heal - stop, everyone should stop. The player in which you can melt faded, sit down, burn, bounce, but it is impossible to go from the place.

"Who called, he catches the ball"

Purpose: Learning children to catch the ball, torn up with two hands, not clinging to the chest, throwing up, calling the name of the child. Develop the ability to act quickly. Strengthen motility hands.

Game traffic:

Children walk or run around the site. The tutor holds a big ball in his hands. He calls the name of one of the children and throws the ball up. Named should catch the ball and throw it up again, calling the name of some of the children. You need to throw the ball to catch to catch, and in the direction of whom we called.

Option 2.

Children stand in a circle, one child throws up the ball up and calls the name of the one who should catch it all other children run away from the center. I caught the ball screaming - stop! All stop. And the one who caught the ball, from the spot throws the ball in the one who stands closer, if he got, he becomes leading, if he did not get, throws the ball up.

"Moving through the bar"

Purpose: To teach children to fear the ball, the bottom of the bottom, trying to transfer the ball through the bar height20-30cm., then 50-60cm. Develop the dexterity of the eye meter. Rail interest in sports games.

Game traffic:

Singing the ball from below, the child should try to transfer the ball through the bar, raised above the ground level 20cm, 60cm, 100cm.

Option 2.

To send the ball to send the ball so that he swept under the bar and did not roll out beyond the opposite line.

"School of the ball"

Purpose: Secure the ability of children to perform different steps with the ball. Develop coordination of movements, eye meter, dexterity.

Game traffic:

    Throw the ball up and catch it with one hand.

    Hit the ball about the ground and catch with one hand.

    Throw up, clap your hands and catch it with two hands.

    Hit the wall and catch it with one hand.

    To hit the wall, catch it with one hand, after he hits the ground.

    Hit the ball about the wall, clap your hands and catch with one hand.

    Hit the ball about the wall so that he bounces at an angle towards the partner who should catch him.

    Hit the ball, throwing it on the wall from behind the back, because of the head, from under the leg and catch it.

    To hit the wall to turn on 360 degrees and catch the ball after he hits the ground.

"Playing the ball"

Purpose: Learn the children to throw and catch the ball with two hands, not pressing to the chest, belly. Develop agility, eye meter, exposure.

Game traffic:

Children become one column at a distance from them - 4-5 steps becomes driving. He throws the ball to the first standing he catches the ball and throws back to the water and runs to become the end of the column, and the second moves forward and so until the last player. If the child did not catch, drivens until it caught.

Option 2.

Game to hold as a competition. Children are built into two columns, and two leading are chosen.

"Skabi Volan"

Purpose: Learn children to work a racket, having fallen a waist so that it did not fall as long as possible. Develop agility, exposure, eye meter.

Game traffic:

A group of children boils the waist with a racket, trying to hit as many times as possible and do not give the mind to fall.

Option 2.

Suggest the children to move the waist every time to turn the racket with the other side. Or intercepting from one hand to another.

"Skate Kegle"

Purpose: Learn the children to roll the ball, trying to knock down the bow from the distance of 1.5-2m., Run the ball, betraying other children. Develop the eye meter, the strength of the accuracy of the throw.

Game traffic:

On one side of the hall draw 3-4 mug, they put the kegli. At a distance of 1.5-2m, they are denoted by a cord line. 3-4 The child fit the line in front of the kegiles, take on the ball and rubbing, trying to knock down the bowl. Then run, put the kegli, take the balls and bring them to the next children.

Option 2.

Throw the ball right, left hand, push the foot.

3 option.

Keheli put behind the line in a certain order: in one row close to each other, a high bow in the middle. One row one from the other at a short distance -5-10cm; In a small circle, big bowl in the center. In two rows a large bowl between rows; Square, large in the center, etc., at a distance of 2-3 meters from the line on which the kegli is located, draw 2-3 lines from which the players are knocked down. Children, observing the scene, begin to roll balls from the near line. Wins the one who will somemore the kegle from the neighboring line. It begins to ride balls from the second line, etc.


Purpose: Teach children to transfer the ball to each other, riding him on the ground with a blow of the leg. Develop eye meter, throw accuracy.

Game traffic:

Standing on the contrary, the children pass the ball to each other, rolling it on the ground to the leg.

Option 2.

If the players stand a lot in a circle, the ball transmit to the opposite or neighbor in a circle.

3 option

transmit the ball in pairs between the two chips distance 30cm.

"Fast and tale"

Purpose: Teach children throwing bags in a horizontal target, in a convenient way, run chairs. Develop eye meter, throw accuracy, dexterity.

Game traffic:

2-4 children run to distillation, each in his hands two bags with sand. Defending to the line, which is located at a distance of 20m from the start, children must stop and throw bags into circles with a diameter - 1m, drawn 3 meters from the finish line. Then children must quickly return to the start line. The one who threw the bags and returned to the place faster.

Option 2.

Children up to the finish line are running, luggles.

"Pace in a circle"

Purpose: Teach children to move the ball with two hands standing nearby, through one. Develop agility, coordination of movements.

Game traffic: Children become in a circle and throw the ball in turn. First transfer it to standing near, and then through one.

"Flight of birds"

Purpose: Learn children to climb the gymnastic wall, while when you descend, without hungling with it, I do not miss the rails. Russed, not pushing. Develop a dexterity, courage, attention, the ability to act across the signal.

Game traffic:

1 option.

A flock of birds is collected at one edge of the site, children stand the swarming, opposite the gymnastic wall. At the signal of the teacher "flew", birds are flying around on the site, placing the wings. At the "Storm" signal, birds fly to the trees - climb on the wall. When the teacher says, the storm passed, the birds quietly descend from the trees, continue to fly.

Option 2.

birds can fly using different types of running. Instead of a staircase, you can use benches, cubes.

"Catching monkeys"

Purpose: Learn to climb the gymnastic wall in a convenient way, climbing and going down, not missing the ridges, run the swarming, does not come together on each other. Develop the ability to act across the signal, imitate the actions of the catches, coordination of movements, speed of action, dexterity.

Game traffic:

Children are divided into two groups - monkeys and monkey catches. Children - monkeys are placed on one side of the site, where there are benefits for climbing, on the opposite side of the site are catchers. Monkeys imitate everything they see. Using this, the catches want to lure the monkeys and catch them. Cathes agree, what movements will be shown and show them in the middle of the site. As soon as the cathers go to the middle of the site, monkeys are climbing the staircase and watch the movements of the catches. Having done the movement, the catches are hidden, and the monkeys get out and approach the place where the cathers were repeated. According to the signal6 "Catches1" - monkeys run to trees and climb on them. Cathes catch those who did not have time to get on the tree. And they lead to themselves. After 2-3 repetitions, children change roles.


Cathes must come up with complex movements: twine, bridge, etc.

"Bears and Bees"

Purpose: Learn children to climb the gymnastic wall, climbing the benches, Cubes without the help of hands, jump on socks, on semi-bent legs, run socks. Develop dexterity, courage, speed.

Game traffic:

Children are divided into two equal groups, one - bees, the other - bears. On the gymnastic wall, bench, the cubes are hive, on the other side - the meadow, in the side of Berloga bears. According to the conventional signal, the bees fly out of the hive buzzing and fly to the meadow for honey. As soon as the bees flew to the meadow behind the honey, the bears run out of the burgogs, climb in the hive and tall honey. The tutor submits a signal: "Bears!" The bees fly to the hives, trying to terrible bears, they run away in Berlogue, the steady bears misses one game. After 2-3 repetitions, children change roles.

Ensure that with the gymnastic wall gets off without jumping, not missing the rails. From the benches jumping on the socks semittered legs.


Purpose: Teach children walking on high all fours, chairs. Develop muscles back, legs, dexterity.

Game traffic:

Children stand on the start line in pairs by alarm. Children crawl at high all fours to the finish line.

Children in couples compete in fast walking at high all fours - a bearish.


Crowing through the lawn with a climbing through a log.


Purpose: Learn children to walk around the court, performing rhythmic steps in accordance with the words of the lead, to stop at the STOP1 signal, not moving. Develop the ability to move on the signal, equilibrium.

Game traffic:

At a distance of 10-16 steps from the boundary of the site, a line is carried out, followed by children. At the other end of the site outlines the circle with a diameter of 2-3hold - a place of water. Turning his back to children, driving loudly says: "Quickly stepping, see do not yaw! Stop!" All words go to the hardening, making a step for each word. On the word "stop" stop, and the leading quickly looks back. One who did not have time to stop and made an additional movement, driving returns to the source line. Then turns back again and repeats the words of the team. Children continue to move from the place where they stopped for the first time on the word stop. Those who sent themselves to the original line begin to move from there. It wins the one who managed to get in a circle to a watering he becomes water.

Option 2.

The first, who dreamed of the word stops before, is touching him, everyone quickly runs away, driven trying to walked to the trait.

"Do not drop the ball"

Purpose: Teach children walk, holding a spoon with a ball in hands. Strengthen motility hands. Develop the speed of movements, dexterity.

Game traffic:

Children in turn - or at the same time 2-3 children, carry balls in spoons, trying not to drop to convey to the guideline-8-9 meters.

The ball can not be kept by hand, the dropping must take the ball to put in a spoon and continue the movement from the place where the ball fell.

Complication: Carry the ball, overcoming the obstacle: stepping something, go snake.

"Build a car, a circle, column"

Purpose: To teach children to move around the court in different directions, not encountering, is built into the column, Shan in the signal. Secure the ability to build in a rank, column, finding your place to comply with the equation. Develop attention.

Game traffic:

Children walk freely in different directions on the site. In accordance with the signal, try to quickly build in a column, rank, circle. We must specify in advance, in which place can be inserted into the column or rank. The circle is advisable to build around some landmark.

It is necessary to build quickly, not pursuer, finding your place, observe the equation in the column, Shero.

Option 2.

Distribute children by 3-4 subgroups, the team wins that faster and better build on the signal.


Purpose: Learn children to walk on the site three, helping each other, coordinating their movements with the movements of other children, maintain the distance between the troops. Develop eye meter, orientation in space, attention.

Game traffic:

Children stand in three, holding hands. Between the top three, a distance of at least 1 meter. In each troika, the middle child stands face in the direction of movement, two others on the right side and the left of him stand with his back. Through the Troika signal moves around the site, along the "Stave" signal stops, change in places in the top three.

Complication: Arrange the competition whose three will come to the finish.


Purpose: To teach children to move around the commissions site, trying to step on the fish of another child, move with confidence. Develop attention, speed movements.

Game traffic:

Competed two teams. Each child gets a paper fish, to the tail of which is attached a thread length 1m. Children refuel the end of the thread, from behind on the belt so that the fish freely concerned the floor - the fish float. Each team has a definite color. According to the tutor's signal, everyone goes around the site, trying to step up on the rival's fish, and at the same time not to give their catch. Whose fish caught coming out of the game.

Complication: Enter running.

"Who's above will take up a stick"

Purpose: Learn children sitting on the floor or on the ground, rearrange the feet legs up the stick, bending the knees. Strengthen feet feet. Develop the speed of movements, dexterity.

Game traffic:

Children sit on the floor, everyone puts a stick in front of them and keeps her hands. Then, clamping a stick, to the right on the left of the feet (the fingers and heels rest in the stick), by the signal "who above" rearrange the feet up, bending the knees.

Hold stick vertically, tightly resting her in the ground.

"Tanya in Circle"

Purpose: To teach children to move in a circle clockwise and against, holding his hands tightly, along the signal to pull the neighbor in the circuit, carefully come to the snowball. Develop strength, equilibrium.

Game traffic:

Children, holding hands, form a circle. Inside the circle, there is a snowball in front of each player. For one signal, children go in a circle to the left (right). On another signal, the movement stops and everyone tries to draw his neighbor in a circle to come to the snowball. At the same time it is impossible to catch hands. Who will not be able to stay and comes on whom gets a penalty point. A child who scored two points is dropped out of the game. We won those who did not receive a single penalty point.

Complication: Enter running in a circle.


Purpose: To teach children to walk in a circle, holding his hands tightly, trying to pull the neighbor to the chumbana on the signal. Develop in children attention, strength, dexterity.

Game traffic:

In the middle of the site there is a chubban (full, high cube). Players get up in a circle, take hands and say:

Who churns chub

From the circle will go! "

After that, everyone starts to move around Churban. At the same time, everyone tries to pull out his neighbors to Churban so that they dumped him.

Who will blame chubban comes out of the circle; Hands can not be released; Play no more than 6-8 children.


Around the chumbana to move the side gallop.

"Gray Duck"

Purpose: Learn the children to move in a circle, over the signal to run from one circle to another, trying to not caught the hunter. Develop the agility, speed of movements, attention.

Game traffic:

One of the children is a hunter, another duck, several children - ducklings, the rest, holding hands, form a circle - a pond. In which the duck with ducks is floating. Children go in a circle and say:

"That was swimming gray duck on water,

Jammed small deubs

You trembled,

Far not separated. "

At this time, the duck and ducklings inside the circle, the hunter for the circle. On the words, the last duck gets up in front of ducklings, they go beyond her Guska. Children lead the dance in the other direction:

"Here Zamed in the reeds,

does the hunters sit in the bushes?

He cares for small deubs

Small deubs - druckles. "

The circle disintegrates into several small (3-5 children), are bushes in which ducklings are hidden (one or several each). The hunter considers loudly:

"One two Three!". After that, ducklings should run from one bustle to another. During the mining, the hunter tries to catch them. Duck protects ducklings: puts hands to the sides, as it should make the wings, blocking the hunter's path.

The hunter catches only ducklings; The drunken, caught by the hunter, gets into a circle depicting a bush; After the hunter's account, ducklings should not stay in that bush, where they hid, it is necessary to run in another.

Option 2.

Assign 2-3 hunters.

"Races in walking"

Purpose: Teach children perform a variety of movements: walking along a narrow track, winding track, subject to cord, step over through objects for speed. Develop agility, endurance, speed of movements.

Game traffic:

At the same time, several children (depending on the number of obstacles' bands) overcome various obstacles (they are subject to break, overlap, etc.). The child wins, who came to the finish line first and correctly fulfilled all the tasks.

Option 2.

Go through winding path (W-20cm, d-6 -10m); To bring sustained the cord or low-lowered branches, step over a few sticks laid on the chairs.

"Strip of obstacles"

Purpose: Teach children to overcome the bar of obstacles to the speed, perform tasks for sure, efficiently. Develop the coordination of movements, dexterity, speed, skill to transmit the relay.

Game traffic:

Different benefits can be as obstacles: benches, arcs, barriers, targets for throwing. The procedure for overcoming obstacles can be any, for example: to bring up with several arcs (slats), go through the bench (or log), to break the stuffed balls (4 goals laying at a distance of 1m one from the other), jump from the place through two lines, sprinkle Bench, run with a small ball (or a bag with sand) 6-7 m and throw it into the target. The speed and accuracy of the task is rated.

"Figured Walking"

Purpose: Teach children to perform in accordance with the task of different types of walking: snake, snail, chain, holding hands. Develop the ability to focus on the site, attention.

Game traffic:

At the tutor signal, children walk different walks.


children take hands and turning to the left go for the lead first in a circle, and then snail, i.e. Making concentric circles one in the other. The distance between the rings of the spiral should be at least 1 m.

"Needle and thread"

Children hold hands, forming a chain. Arriving a chain around the platform, the Vedas stops children, invites them to raise up clutch with their neighbors, forming a number of gates. The drive leads the chain further in the opposite direction at the hands of the guys, bypassing in turn, one right, of the other on the left. At that moment, when the chain of children goes under the gate, a child who raised his hands to form a gate turns around himself and continues to go a chain.


Purpose: Teach children pass through the gate or creep silently, do not stand without movement. Develop the ability to move easily, on socks.

Game traffic:

Multiple children tie their eyes. They become pairs against each other at the distance of the elongated hands. The rest of the children try one by one through the gate silently, carefully nourished or crawled. With the slightest rustle, standing in the gate raise hands to delay passing. The one who managed to go through the gate safely.

It is impossible to stand without movement, go to the gate. If those standing at the gate caught playing, they immediately lower their hands down.


Go through the goal back forward. Children go in the column from one side of the site to another. Then rotate for the lead, go to the meeting, so several times.

Games aimed at the development of physical qualities.


Sly Fox

Playing stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. Outside the circle outlines "Fox House". The educator offers playing eyes. Children cover their eyes, and the teacher is bypassing the circle (behind the backs of children) and adapts to one of the players, which becomes the "fox cunning". Then the teacher suggests playing to open his eyes and carefully see which of them is the tricky fox - whether she does not give himself something.

Playing three times asked in a chorus (with small intervals) - first quietly, and then louder: "Where are you, a tricky fox?" At the same time, everyone is looking at each other.
When all playing (including the tricky fox) will ask for the third time, the fucking fox goes back to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up and says: "I'm here!"
All players are running around on the site, and the fox catches them. Caught, i.e., those to which Lisa touched her hand, depart aside.
After Lisa caught 2 - 3 children, the teacher says: "In the circle". Playing again form a circle, and the game is repeated.

Tip, take tape

Playing become in a circle, choose a fishing. All besides the fishing, get a strip of a colored material or a ribbon, which they are laid behind the belt or the gate. The catcher gets into the center of the circle. Children walk in a circle with the words: "We, cheerful guys, love to run and play. Well, try to catch up with us. Once, two, three - catch! ". Fit runs for playing, trying to pull out a ribbon from some of them. Lying ribbons temporarily moved away.

According to the tutor signal: "Once, two, three, in the circle of speeds of speed!" Children are built in a circle. Catching counts the number of tapes taken and returns them to children. The game resumes with a new catcher.


Playing children get up in the circles, drawn on the site. Select one of the leading. It comes to any of the players and asks: "Where are the keys?" He answers: "Go to Serya (calls the name of one of the children)." During this conversation, the players are trying to change places. The driving should quickly take a circle free during running.

If a long time leading is not able to take mugs, he can shout "found the keys!" - Then all players must change places. At this time, the driving will easily take someone a circle. The child remaining without a place becomes leading.

Ball up

Children get up in a circle, driving goes in his middle and throws the ball with the words: "The ball up!" Playing at this time try to run away as far as possible from the center of the circle. Driving a ball and shouts: "Stop!" Everyone must stop, and leading, without going off the place, throws the ball in the one who is closer to him. Spotted becomes leading. If the leading missed, then it remains again and the game continues.


Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other and begin to move the ball, calling by the name of the one who should catch him. The ball is transferred until someone from the players will drop it. The one who dropped the ball gets into the center of the circle and on the task of the players performs 1 - 2 exercises with the ball.

Candles set

A small hole is made to the ground, they give it one end to her one end so that the other her end is raised above the ground. The ball is put in the pocket on the board, driving the foot on the protruding end of the board, the ball flies up, playing running behind him. The one who caught the ball or took it first from the Earth, goes to the pit, puts it on the board and beats on the board. Game continues.


From bumps on a bump

At the site you need to draw small circles, the diameter of which is 30-35 cm. The distance between the circles is about 25-30 cm. These are "bumps" on the "swamp" for which the child should move on the other side. Wins the one who will faster will move quickly.

Who will rather remove the tape

At the site, a trait is carried out, behind which children are built in several columns of 4 - 5 people in each. At a distance of 10 - 15 steps opposite the columns, the rope is stretched, the height of which is 10 - 15 cm above the hands raised upwards. A tape is thrown against each column on this rope.
According to the tutor signal: "Run" all those who stand the first in the columns run to their tape, join and strolle it from the rope. Removing the ribbon is the first to be won. The educator again hangs tapes on the rope; Those who were in the column are first, become the end of the column, and the rest are moving to the draw. The following children flee the new signal. The game ends when all the children remove the ribbons. After that, the winnings are counted in each team.
In the future, the game can be complicated by putting obstacles on the way: to stretch the rope at an altitude of 40 - 50 cm, which must be checked, not bored, or spend two lines at a distance of 30 - 35 cm through which you need to jump over.

Fishing rod

Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is an educator. He holds a rope in his hands, at the end of which the bag with sand is tied. The teacher rotates the rope with the bag in a circle over the earth itself, and the children jump up, trying to do not bope them.
A pre-educator shows and explains to children, as needed to jump: strongly push off and pick up legs.


REDUCED, grief

The lead explains the rules. They are simple: players must reclaim together with the lead poem, repeating its movement.
The wind blows to us in the face (Masha's hands, turned the palms inside, in the direction "To Himself."
And shakes the village. (Hands up, make tilts to the right and left, the hands are not tense at the same time.)
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter, (the amplitude of the slopes is gradually reduced.)
The tree is growing higher. (Raise your hands up, raising the tiptoe and stretch our best.)
Note. There is no competitive element in this game, but it gives children an excellent opportunity to warm up. The game can be used as physical attacks in the garden class or school lessons: keep the right posture - not the easiest lesson for children, and this game exercise will allow children to pull out and remove the tension in the lower back. By the way, this "squeezing" we recommend both adults.


The game can take part at the same time 8-10 people. One of the players acts as a leader (they may be elder from children). Players are built into the line at the distance of the detached hand to the lead. The presenter gives players the same tasks that need to perform. These tasks are not simple because they will require maximum flexibility and equilibrium players. For example, such: "Ghost your left hand for the right shoe, and make your right hand for the left ear. Now step over the left hand with the right foot "etc. Of course, it is not always possible to fully implement this, it is not always easy, but the benefits of such a game for the development of flexibility are indisputable. The player who did not manage to cope with some of the tasks (the host carefully records the clarity of the execution of tasks by players), drops out of the game or pays the phanta by agreement. The game wins the most flexible player who did not get lost and "confused" completely correctly.
Note. This game can be played with couples, then there will be even more confusion options.


The lead (educator) explains that now everything is to be depicted a cat. For this, he learns two "feline" movements with children. First movement: Children become knees, elongated hand over the floor. By teammate, they burn the lower back, raising the chin at the same time. This is a "affectionate kitty." Second movement: the original position is the same, but now it is necessary, on the contrary, to untap the back of the arc, and lower the head. This is a "angry kitty." Asking good to remember both movements, the lead explains to children that now he will tell about the cat Murku. When he will talk about something that the cat loves, children must portray a gentle kitty, and when about something that she does not like, - angry.
Then the host reads such, for example, the text: "This is a cat Murka. She is very affectionate. But she does not like dogs. Murka loves to lap milk from a saucer. Murka does not like when she jerks behind the tail. Murke likes to sleep, curled down by the village. Murka does not like to run around the puddles. " Etc.
Text can be any, but not too long: do not forget that during the story about the cat, children perform physical exercise. In conclusion, you can offer children to relax and tell poems about the cat (or, as an option, tell about your home cat).
Note. If the alternation of movements in children becomes automatic, try to "catch" them, after reading two statements in a row, which should be the same reaction (for example, the "angry kitty"). Those who are not mistaken should be praised for attentiveness.



It is chosen by the leading (it will be "rain"). The remaining participants of the game are in a circle. "Rain" becomes in the center of the circle. Players are taken by arms and go in a circle, choir reading a poem about the rain.
"Rain" at this time runs inside the circle in the direction opposite to the movement of other players. With the last words of the poem, the guys stop and become faced by the middle of the circle. The player who was opposite the "rain" says: "Hello, rain, why did it come?" "Rain" in response suggests: "We run chairs?", After which he chosen to him the player go beyond the circle near the "house", that is, the empty place in a circle, and get back to each other. The rest of the game participants consider up to three, after which the "rain" and the player chosen to them run along the outside of the circle. That of them wins, who, having fallen through the whole circle, will be able to take the first to take the "house". If the "rain" wins, the remaining player takes his place and becomes a leading ("rain"). If the "rain" loses, that is, it does not have time to reach the "house" first, then he has to drive again.

Fisherman and fish

Play best on the site. An arbitrary number of players takes part in the game. Among the players, the fishermen choose, the rest play the role of "fish". The game begins. "Fisherman" runs for "fish". Calculating one of them, "Fisherman" takes her hand, and the next "fish" they caught together, not extinguishing the hands. With each new "fish", more and more players are joined by "Fisherman", forming a whole "fishing network". The game ends when the last "fish" comes across the network to the "Fisherman".
Note. With each time, the fisherman's assistants is becoming more and more, but it does not simplify the task, as it may seem at first glance: one person caught up much easier than the whole group of players, and still holding hands. That is why the players constituting the "chain" must coordinate their movements: only then they have a chance to catch more "Fish".
If the "network" has already reached large sizes, then a chance appears that several "fish" will come across it. In this case, they all begin to help "Fisherman"

The most deft

The participants of the game (in it you can play the whole group) become in a circle face to his middle. At the command of the teacher, players begin to transfer each other ball from hand to hand, trying not to miss it. Gradually, the transfer rate should increase. Each player tries not to drop the ball. If it still happened, the player drops out. The game continues until one, the most destructive.

GBOU School №1375 to № 6 Moscow.


A mobile game with rules is a conscious, active child activity characterized by accurate and timely fulfillment of tasks related to mandatory for all playing rules. A moving game is an exercise by which the child is preparing for life. Fascinating content, the emotional saturation of the game encourages the child to certain mental and physical efforts.

The specifics of the rolling game consists in a lightning, instantaneous response of the child to the signal "Catch!", "Run!", "Stop!" et al. Movable game is an indispensable means of replenishing the child's knowledge and ideas about the world around the world, the development of thinking, smelling, dexterity, skill, valuable moral and volitional qualities. Freedom of action The preschooler sells in rolling games, which are the leading method of forming physical culture. In pedagogical science, mobile games are considered as an essential means of comprehensive child development. The deep meaning of the rolling games is in their full-fledged role in physical and spiritual life, which exists in the history and culture of every nation.

Movable game can be called the most important educational institution, contributing to both the development of physical and mental abilities and the development of moral norms, the rules of behavior, the ethical values \u200b\u200bof the Company. Moving games are one of the conditions for the development of the child's culture. In them, he comprehends and knows the world around, its intelligence, fantasy, imagination, are developing social qualities. Moving games are always creative activities, in which the natural need of a child in motion is manifested, the need to find a solution to the motor task. Playing, the child will not only know the world around, but also transforms it.

Mobile game card file For the middle group

Card-1. "Mousetrap"

Purpose: Develop an exposure in children, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity. Exercise in running and squatting, building in a circle and walking in a circle.
Game description: Playing are divided into two unequal teams, large forms a circle - "Mousetrap", the rest are mice. The words:
Oh, how mouse is tired,
Everyone slept, everyone filed.
Beware of the cheer
We will get to you.
Here we put the mousetrap,
Frall everyone now!
Then the children lower the hands down, and the "mice" remaining in the circle get into the circle and the mousetrap increases.

Card-2. "Katay Ball"

Objective: Develop extract, attention, dexterity. Exercise in riding the ball.
Game description: Playing form a circle, fall on your knees and sit on the heels. The educator rolls the ball to someone from the children. He, repels from himself with his hand, not letting touch the legs, to another playing. If the ball touched the legs, the child takes a step from a circle. Sitting behind the circle, the loser takes part in the game if he pushes the ball by chance sent to him. The duration of the game is 4 - 5 minutes.

Card-3. "Flight of birds"

Purpose: Develop an exposure in children, the ability to move across the signal. Exercise in running, climbing.
Game description: Children are a swarming at one end site - "Birds". At the other end - tower for climbing or gymnastic wall with several spans. At the signal "Birds fly away" birds fly, placing the wings. At the "Storm" signal, birds fly on the tower - hiding from the storm. At the signal "Storm stopped", birds fly. Duration 5-7 minutes

Card-4. "Gori, Gori clear!"

Purpose: Develop an exposure in children, orientation in space. Exercise in a rapid run.
Game description: Playing becomes in a column of couples. Ahead of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps is carried out line. "Catching" becomes on this line. Everyone says:

Gori, Gori clearly, not to go out.
Looks on the sky - birds fly,
The bells are ringing! Once, two, three - run!

After the word "run", children standing in the last pair run along the column (one left, the other - right), seeking to grab the hands ahead of the catching, who tries to catch one of the pair earlier than children will have time to meet and connect their hands. If a catching it is possible to do this, then it forms a couple and becomes ahead of the column, and the remaining - catching.

Card-5. "Sly Fox"

Objective: Develop an exposure and observation in children. Exercise in a rapid run, in building a circle, in fishing.
Game description: Playing stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. Outside the circle outlines "Fox House". Children cover their eyes, and the teacher wore a circle and admits to one of the players, which becomes the "fox cunning". Children open their eyes. Playing three times asked chorus first quietly, and then louder: "Sunshine Fox, where are you?" The tricky fox comes out on the middle of the circle, raises his hand and says: "I'm here!" Children scatter, and "Fox" catches. Caught - to the house. Duration 6-8 minutes.

Card-6. "Hide your hands behind the back"

Purpose: develop the speed of the response to the signal in children. Exercise in run, in fishing, fix the right posture.
Game description: Choose a leading - "Catching", stands in the middle of the site. The rest stand in different places of the site and keep your hands behind your back. According to the word of the teacher, "start" the players give up their hands and begin to run in any direction, but only within the boundaries of the site marked with flags. The task of fishing is to catch any of the players, but you can only touch those who have hands omitted. If the player managed to lay hands behind his back and say "I'm not afraid," the catcher cannot touch him. If the fishing failed to catch anyone - another is assigned. Duration 5-7 minutes.

Card-7. "Guess what they did"

Objective: Develop an exposure in children, initiative, imagination.
Game description: Choose one child, which departs 8 - 10 steps from the rest and turns his back. Children agree, what action they will portray. According to the "time", the guessing turns turns, comes to the playing and says:

Hello children!
Where have you been?
What did you see?
Children answer:
What we saw - do not say
And what did - show.

All children depict some action (play on the harmonica, jump on horseback, etc.) the leading should guess this action. The duration of the game is 4-6 minutes.

Card-8. "Two frost"

Objective: Develop in children braking, observation, skill perform movements by signal. Exercise in Run
Game description: Playing are located on two sides of the site, two watering becomes in the middle (frost - red nose and frost - blue nose) and say:
We are two brothers young
Two frost removed:
I frost - red nose,
I frost - blue nose,
Who of you will decide
In the path - the road to empty?
All playing chorus answer:
We are not afraid of threats, and the frost is not afraid of us.
After the word "frost", all players run into the house on the opposite side of the site, and frosts try to freeze them (touch with hand). The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Card-10. "Fathers from a circle"

Purpose: develop the ability to coordinate movements with words. Exercise in rhythmic walking, in running with confidence and in fishing, in a circle
Game description: Children stand in a circle, holding hands. Catching - in the center of the circle, on the hand of the bandage. Playing moving in a circle and say
We, cheerful guys, love to run and jump
Well, try to catch up with us. Once, two, three - catch!
Children scatter, and catching caught up. Caught temporarily departs aside. The game continues until the fishing does not catch 2-3 children. Duration 5-7 minutes.

Card-11. "Fathers with the ball"

Purpose: develop the ability to perform movements according to the word. Exercise in throwing in a moving target and running with confidence.
Game description: Playground is limited to lines. In the center of the player player form a circle, standing apart from each other at the distance of the arms elongated. One child becomes in the center (driven). His feet lie 2 small balls. Driving a row of movements, playing repeated. According to the tutor's signal: "Run from a circle", children run away, and drive tries to get the ball into one of the children. At the signal "Once, two, three in the circle of run", children form a circle again. Driving changes. Duration 5-7 minutes.

Card-12. "Frogs and Heron"

Objective: Develop the ability to act in the sign, dexterity. Exercise in height jumps
Game Description: The square is outlined - "Boloto", where "frogs" live. In the corners, pegs are rush or cubes are put. The height is 10 - 15 cm. Rope stretches on the sides of the square. Outside the square of the "Heron's nest". At the "Heron" signal, she, lifting legs, heads to the swamp and stepped over the rope. The frogs jump out of the swamp, jumping through the rope, pushing out two legs. Stepping through the rope, Heron catches frogs. Duration 5-7 minutes.

Card-13. "Find where is hidden?"

Objective: Develop an exposure in children, observation, parity.
Game description: Children sit along the wall. The tutor shows the children checkbox and says he will hide him. Then the educator invites children to get up and turn to the wall. After making sure that none of the children looks, the teacher hides the flag, after which he says "time". Children begin to look for a hidden check box. Who will first find - that hides it. Repeat the game 3-4 times.

Card-14. "Wolf in Ravy"

Purpose: develop courage and dexterity, the ability to act across the signal. Exercise in long jumps.
Game description: Two parallel straight lines are held on the site at a distance of 80 - 100 cm - "ditch". At the edges of the site outlined "Goat House". The tutor appoints one Wolf playing, the rest - "goats". All goats are located on one side of the site. The wolf becomes in ditch. At the signal of the teacher of the "Wolf In Rives", the goats run on the opposite side of the site, jumping through the ditch, and the wolf - trying to catch them (touch). Caught assigns to the corner of the Rib. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Card-15. "Free place"

Purpose: Develop the ability to move the skill at the signal. Exercise in a rapid run.
Game description: Playing sit on chairs in a circle. The educator causes PRA children sitting nearby. By the signal "Once, two, three - run!" Run into different sides of the circle, they are successful to their place and sit down. The educator and all players celebrate who the first took free space. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Card-16. "Sovka"

Objective: Develop in children braking, observation, skill perform movements by signal. Exercise children in running.
Game description: at a distance of 80 - 100 cm two straight lines are "ditch". At a distance of one - two steps from the border outlined "Goat House". All goats are located on one side of the site. The wolf becomes in ditch. According to the signal "Wolf in the Riva" goats run on the opposite direction, jumping on the ditch, and the wolf at that time catches goats. Caught assigns to the corner of the Rib. Duration 6-8 minutes.

Card-17. "Homeless Hare"

Purpose: develop in children orientation in space. Exercise in a fast run
Game description: From among the players, a hunter and homeless hare is chosen. The rest of the players - the hares draw yourself the circles - "their house". The homeless hare runs away, and his hunter catchies. The hare can be saved from the hunter, running in any circle; Then the hare standing in the circle - becomes a homeless hare. If the hunter caught, then changing roles. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Card-18. "Firemen to learn"

Purpose: to develop in children a sense of collectivism, the ability to perform movements on the signal. Exercise in climbing and in building a column.
Game description: Children are built face to the gymnastic wall at a distance of 5 - 6 steps in 3 - 4 columns. A bell tower hangs against each column on the same height. According to the signal "1, 2, 3 - run", children standing first, running to the wall, climb and call the bell. Then go down and become the end of their columns. Repeat the game 6-8 times.

Card-19. "Catching butterflies"

Purpose: Develop an exposure and ability to act across the signal. Exercise in running with confidence and in fishing, in squatting.
Game description: Select four players - "Children with saccines." The rest of the players are "butterflies". For the word "fly", children are running around on the site. By the signal "Catch" two children run away to catch butterflies. They catch, flushing hands around the caught, then remove it into the conditional place. On the words "butterflies sat on flowers." Butterflies are attached and rest. When it was caught 3-5 butterflies, noted which couple caught more. Repeat the game 6-8 times.

Card-20. "Fishermen and Fish"

Purpose: develop dexterity in children, intelligence, the ability to act across the signal. Exercise in a rapid running with confidence and in fishing.
Game description: Playground - "Pond". Along the site there is a fisherman, and on the opposite side - his assistant. In the hands of the senior fisherman "Network" (rope), on the end - a bag with sand. Senior Fisherman says Assistant: "Catch!", And throws the end of the rope with the cargo, then the fishermen surround the rope of fish that did not have time to float into a deep place (a fascinated place on the playground). At the signal "Fish, swim" fish again float out of a deep place. The duration of the game is 6 - 8 minutes.

Card-21 "Catching monkeys"

Purpose: develop in children the initiative, observation, memory, dexterity. Exercise in Lazania, in running.
Game description: Children depicting monkeys are placed on one side of the site, where there are appliances for climbing or benches. On the other side of 4 - 6 people are monkeys. Monkeys imitate everything they see. Cathes agree, what movements they will do. As soon as the cathers go to the middle of the site, monkeys are climbed on the tower and from there are observed. Having done the movement, the catchers go, monkeys approach to the place where the cathers were and repeated their movements. At the signal "Catchers", the catchers catch monkeys. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Card-22. "At the bear in Bor"

Purpose: Acqualing children alternately perform different functions (run away and catch).

Game description: Determined by Berlog Bear (at the end of the playground) and the house of children to another. Children go to the forest to walk and perform movements, respectively, a verse that is pronounced by the choir:

Bear's bear
Mushrooms, Berries take,
And the bear does not sleep
And roars on us.
As soon as the children finished talking to the poem, the bear with the growl rises and catches children, they run home.

Card-23. "Find and swallow"

Purpose: learn to navigate in the hall. Educate exposure, smelting.
Game description: Children The tutor shows the subject, and after they closed their eyes, he hides it. Then he proposes to search, but not to take, but to say on the ear, where he is hidden. Who found the first one and leading in the next game.