Chan Gyh Sok has begun mandatory military service. XUN Oguri, Chan Gyn Juice, Lee Min Ho and Other Hot Guys Participation in the show

Chan Gyh Sok has begun mandatory military service. XUN Oguri, Chan Gyn Juice, Lee Min Ho and Other Hot Guys Participation in the show
Chan Gyh Sok has begun mandatory military service. XUN Oguri, Chan Gyn Juice, Lee Min Ho and Other Hot Guys Participation in the show

Watched the Korean Dora "Ince, where have you been all night?" Well .. I missed only 8 episodes. The remaining 8 rewound that only the essence of further events to understand. In general, the Dorama tells about a simple girl from the poor family. Lenders are chased after the Father, all the furniture will be taken from the apartment, it is dismissed from work and she has nothing to pay for the apartment. And then I was still knocked down as a guy who got up and went on. But I am not so simple! Suddenly he will remember the number and suggest?! We must receive a receipt from it. And now she goes behind him. But the Kan Mu Gel is not so simple. They get acquainted, get drunk and .. wake up at Mei in the apartment. But, as apparently, the trouble does not come alone. Her father meets his long-time friend who has lived in Japan for 20 years. He asks to issue my son. But she does not want to marry and asks Mu Gel to play his father in her husband. This is how the triangle arises. After all, when you meet with Jun, I remember that they were familiar in their childhood and gave her a promise to always be near.

And at the end of the 8th series of the Mu Gel and Ince, I realized that I like each other, kiss. Well, if so, in the end they will still be together, I thought and the rest of the series stupidly pasted.

The actor who played here the Kan Mu Gel, I liked at first glance. His very smile is beautiful))) Yes, and sings canceled. Well, I turned out about him.

Chan Gyn Juice was born on August 4, 1987 in Tanyan, the province of Northern Chunchon, South Korea. He is the only child in the family. At the age of 5, Geun Juice began its activities as a model. This work came suddenly when his parents sold the house, he wanted to buy a promising young man working in a talent agency. When he saw the little Soku Soku, he suggested his parents, send the child to the model business.

The acting debut took place 4 years later, in 1997, in the Sitkom "SELLING HAPPINESS", after which Gyh Sok continued to work on television. Proposals, however, came only on episodic roles, as it was in the Doramas Hug (1998), Women "S WORLD and Four Sisters" Story (2001). In 2002 - episodic roles in School (2000) and Orange (2002), as well as a role in the Daemang drama, where Gyun Slap played the main character in childhood, and in the drama "Ladies of the Palace".

In high school, he "fell" on the Japanese pop singer Kena Hirai and the Japanese rock group L "Arc ~ En ~ Ciel. Gyh Juice was so inspired by their work, which began to learn Japanese alone. In the senior school, Gyh Juice went In New Zealand for studying English and Japanese languages. Thanks to this, it can now be calmly explained in both languages. Although Gyn Juice wanted to continue his studies in New Zealand, but the proposal of work led him back to Korea. He was offered a role in the popular Sitkom "Nonstop 4 "After this role, Soku Soku had a prolonged depression, he did not think that he played enough. It was at that time he decided to devote himself to becoming a real act.

In 2005, Gyn Juice played the role of the Son of the President in the Dorama, walking along the SBS channel, "Lovers in Prague". The role was hit, and he got a bunch of fans.

2006 - Gyh Juice jumped into Japanese screens, starring in the horror movie "One Missed Call Final" ("One Missed Call Final") with Horikita Maki. Using all his knowledge of Japanese, received before, Gyh Juice communicated with his colleagues from the island freely. He also learned the tongues of gestures while she was preparing for the role of a deaf-dumb boy in this "call." The next has become a role in the historical drama "Hwang Jin Yi". This role brought him many female fans. At the same time, he has time to act in the lead role in the drama "Alien SAM", where he plays an alien prince working as a teacher in a simple Korean school.

In the next, 2007, Gyn Juice starred in the rock film "The Happy Life". His game in "The Happy Life" made it possible to reveal not only the whole men's charm and Sharm actor, but also showed his excellent singing skills. However, in the next film, where the role of a guy who went to the army went to the army, he does not show these skills in any way. But, after all, the film "The Longest 24 Months" attracts even more and more fans.

2008 was successful in the career plan. This is two roles in the films of the music topics: "Doremifasolasido", where he plays a young singer, and in the Beethoven Virus drama, where he is a policeman with an unusually thin musical hearing, who got into a love triangle. Another role of this year in the film "Baby and I", Gyun Sok is playing a schoolchildren who has led himself a child and is now shaking over the punish body of a baby, which, by the way, was greatly voiced by a dying man. As well as the role in the drama "Hong Gil Dong". The role of the harsh and beautiful prince Lee Chan Hwi, the heart of which was able to melt a simple and funny girl, but, alas, she did not love him ... And He loved Hon Gil Don.

Well, 2009 turned out to be a bomb for everyone. After all, it was this year that the famous series "A.N.Jell: You" Re Beautiful! ", In which Geun Soku got the main role of the leader of the Anjell group Hwan Tha Gone in which he was the company on the acting a young actress and singer Pak Shin Hyu, as well as John Yun Pluz Participant of the CNBLUE group and whether Hong Ki Vocalist of the FTISLAND group His future-nun sister Ki Nya, who was able to through many swearing to conquer the heart of ice tyran.

Next, Gyn Juice played the first in his career the role of Zloda Pearson in the Thiller "The Case Of Itaewon Homicide". This is a story about the brutal murder of a student in a diner, is based on the real events that occurred in the ITEVON area, South Korea near the US military base in 1997.

In 2010, Zhang Gyn Juice played the role of singer-rocker Kan Mu Koyl in the drama "Mary Stayed Out All Night" with actress Mun Geong, which played the role of VI ME Ri and which they are going to marry a riciary. And she asks for the favor of Mu Koyl, So that he pretended to her husband before her father ...

Back in 2011, the shooting of a remake film on the Japanese TV series "You Are My Pet". Title Gyh Juice will play the role of a young dancer inho and will become a pet of the young woman who was lucky with a parry, but not in his personal life. As the Koreans managed to squeeze everything to one film will be known in January of this year. And in 2011, Gyh Sok will play an episodic role in the Japanese version of the series "A.N.Jell: You are beautiful".

This year, the shooting of the series "Love Rain" and Geun Juice will play at once two characters, CEO in having a young and cute guy who believes in sincere love and meets Kim Yun Hee, but unfortunately by the will of fate he breaks with her, this action Takes out in the 1970s and his son Ceo Juna Casanov who does not believe in love but having met the only one, in love with Kim Ha and the daughter of Kim Yun Hee at present, that is, in 2012. This time his portraits will be Yun and from Girls Generation, initially it was planned to put the actress Khan Hyu Zhu who became famous after the main role in the historical TV series Don and, but at the end it became known that this role was received by Yun A. Serial appears on the KBS channel in April 2012, that is, this year . In short, she came out. In all films, this drama is as issued.

In the drama, he with long hair and they go out .. he goes so !! *ABOUT*

Main Song Flaving: Hello Hello. Original videos directly from the Dorama.

Tear cuts.

Nyash, in one word. In the near future I will look at other dorams with his participation)))

Let's talk about pleasant - about Asian beauties.

I watched a huge number of Japanese avant-garde and dorams, but Koreans somehow did not insert. The Japanese has a powerful musical base - there is a stunning, frantic punk, cool avant-garde jazz, the Japanese - the recognized kings of noise, they have a kind of rock scene, etc., and the Koreans are massively known only to pop - they produce stacks like each other idols, "having significantly less freedom than idoru in Japan. By the way, for those interested in history, a curious cycle of articles found - start the bottom and go up. The data, of course, are already old (2012), and Korean pop groups are held in the tops for a short time, but the material is interesting.

In addition, if you take the Korean Doramas, they are exempted sentimental, and the faces of the youth kings are overly round. Therefore, when I need a positive injection or a desire appears to look at beautiful men, I look at the Japanese. But, the hell, Chan Gyn juice broke all the schemes! In properly selected angles and with eyeliner, he is damn handsome:

Fire guy! But first the background first.

There are a lot of beautiful Asian actors and singers, from which the girls are trembling. Each of them is often the actor, and the singer (fulfillment of ballads necessarily), but not everyone has charm. Those. Many do not pull the role of idol, because They look canceled in some positions of the chamber - and show some lack of others. Many look very cool, but exclusively at the expense of Makeup. Others are surprisingly beautiful, but do not create an impression of a full-fledged personality, something behind the facade, and simply an attractive appearance causes boredom. But periodically on the conveyor arise very talented people.

The first, long-standing and very strong impression of Asian beauty, partly lasting so far, I had a Japanese Syun Oguri, although it is unlikely to consider it to "idols." Especially great that he does not sing, so here is such a shame With his participation you will not see. This adds twist glasses. I saw him in a variety of films, but with the boys we have repeatedly revised the "rabrows". His hero in Miika is such an archetype of an inequate hero, who needs to be king, kill Humbabu, as a guilgamesh, or to defeat everyone in the kingdom simply because it is necessary, otherwise in no way. Years went, but sooner or later I returned to Oguri to find out where he was shot. It combines large paintings and dramas.

Syun Oguri

Types of male beauty differ very much. There are "courageous" men and there are guys-flowers, skinny, fragile and beautiful; There is a beauty of "scientist", there is the beauty of "fraudster". But no type of beauty besides the dual delights of Biseennen, it is not perceived abstractly, behind everything is worth a legend, both for the attractiveness of the Raker's Buntar, and for the desire to remove glasses from a restrained and cold mathematics.

The beauty of the warrior is the beauty of the conqueror, it is aggressive, the beauty of a smart restrained hero is in his intelligence. But the beauty of Bisen does not have a legend, she in some sense even denies the personality - this is a dream, something that in the real world does not exist. This is an ideal of a timeless non-deepen beauty, a halo of golden hair near Apollo sled or dark strands of Asian handsome, making his beauty outflow, androgic, inaccessible. The beauty of "idol" is a game of perfection that cannot be obtained. Everyone can invest in its half jelly, anything, - and intellect, and the deadly ninja, and warlikeness, and femininity, and deceit, and nobility. Beauty turns into a vessel with dreams, and every, looking at the perfect face, chooses something of his own.

Oguri, of course, is not an abstract handsome, because it is difficult to perceive like a hanger of a man who has taken away from Miika and Sochia. Each beautiful actor in Japan is or preserved in the roles of schoolchildren and loses Mozho, or goes to Arthaus and militants to show multipleness. Many at this stage suffer a crushing faile, but strong float.

An excellent example of an ambivalent bisency from the old generation can be considered Ryuhai Matsudu - it can be worn in a skirt, and in armor, he will still be a removed strange creature, repulsive and attractive. Ryuha Matsuda also had to go through a long period of filmmaking, during which he let go of a goat beard and starred in Horrors. However, Matsuda had a problem with something from childhood, he was filmed as a symbol of homoermotism, starting with Tabu Orsima, he is the King of Arthaus of this kind, so he needed to pump masculinity. But you, I hope, understood - you need to play in contrasts.

A couple of years ago I went to the territory of Koreans and found a min Ho in the "City Hunter". The dorama is nice, although the tension of the plot about Korean Navalny is significantly blurred by a love line that is inhumanly sentimental. The line of his chin killed pushing:

Frame from the "City Hunter"

Lie Ho Ho very correct features of the face - an excellent smooth nose, attractive lips, attractive dark eyes and a chic voice (conversational, not in the sense of singing). He, in my opinion, is almost the European appearance of a carbonous football player. With a discount on nationality, this is the same type,

However, Lie Ho is constantly on the border, behind which the face becomes round as the moon. Save the sharp line of cheekbones Koreans is difficult: it is a little relaxed - and the line is floating. Lee Min Ho plays a lover perfectly, but it would be worth trying to try the role of hooligans. Because In another role, I did not see it, it's hard to say whether it will work. While his, already adult man, was installed in the roles of a schoolboy (the last example is the dorama "heirs").

Li min ho in the drama "Vera"

The Japanese of the previous generation - for example, both Matsuda, Oguri, other stars dorams - came across this problem and solved it, removing from Archaus directors in some wild film about Yakuza. The last example, which I can remember is Schota Matsuda, the star of the game of liars, who starred in the role of frostbitten Yakuza, raving his girlfriend. To get rid of the role of the Hero-lover, you need trash, punk and avgar. But the Schote is still much easier to portray the villain, his appearance is more plastic, he is a cunning and crazy. But whether the same focus will be able to mines it is not obvious.

Here, look at how the transformation looked in the case of cucumbers. This is up:

Syun Oguri in "First guys, then flowers"

And this after:

With the rest approximately the same happens. Plush toys and eyeliner are sent to the toilet, and the yakuza tattoos cover the body. But Koreans are a completely different story.

Many of Korean watchlates sing. I remember this trend from the stars of Hong Kong - there most stars of militants sang an old-fashioned stage. But Koreans support the singing of the amplose of lovers' heroes. Almost every famous Korean television host has an album-other or voiced by their singing some particularly romantic moments of the series. Here, for example, the singing of the min Ho:

He sings weakly, but this singing works after the visitor girls are fascinated. Then it begins to have a context. Here's a song womb \u003d)

In short, it looks like min ho much cooler than sings. But if you are a star dorams, no one asks you. Moreover, tele-cloves are toured with Live concerts around the country. Li min ho I liked it, but I looked all the decent that I was withdrawn with him, and dorams I look for a bright and hot feeling of love for humanity, which the farther, topics it becomes less. Therefore, it was necessary.

A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled upon Chan Gyh Juoka, also Korean awards. And he told me the whole pattern. An incredibly handsome guy, just stunning.

The dude is completely great (with a correction to the level of dorams, of course) - both in the role of a height, and in the role of a funny smiling fool ( You're My Pet.). I especially like how he neglects the "great male refusal" from beautiful clothes and jewelry in the drama about pop group and dressing up you're beauty (A.N.Gell). Redundancy in clothing and love for brilliant earrings are peculiar to all idols, especially bright samples can be seen from Japanese rock bands, but to observe the perfectly smooth chest of Gyh juice, covered with a thin shirt with Lurex, is just a plague. Beautiful shamelessness! The lines of the clavicle over a green or blue sweater with deep, not characteristic of ordinary male cut-out - a real flight.

Generally speaking, in the right perspective, he looks much more beautiful than a woman:

When I look at that, concerns or household nuts fly into a pipe with a giant speed, leaving only a pale, white face, a line of black hair, a drop of blood shiny earrings-clove in the ear. The clavicle as a work of art, like a boat under the starry sky, in which you swing and drive away into the non-existence of bliss. The Lord created the clavicle Chan Gyh Juoca to bear good to Earth. . And his lips, constantly smeared with glitter and translucent pink lipstick, - girls can only dream of having such. Their bend is the path of heavenly shining, ahahaha.

If we talk easier, then Chan Gyn juice is attractive, but at the same time having changed. He has ambiguous appearance that allows you to reincarnate. A bit of eyeliner - and here in front of the audience the prince, save it - and in front of you the rustic fool. With appearance you can play, and the actors do it. At the same time, the guy sings very emotionally (judging by the biography, he began to do it pretty early, inspired by L'Arc-en-Ciel) and has a completely charming and an unexpected smile. This is especially delivered to a.n.gell, because Until the middle of the series, we don't see it smiling at all, - he plays the classic idol-tsundere, and then suddenly smiles - and it is very amazing, because Smile completely changes face.

Without eyeliner, it looks like a typical hippie-nyasha:

But is there any beautiful Asian guys? The fact is that in almost every film, where his beauty is used, over the effect provided to it and above, as the hero uses, they are constantly undergoing, fooling and in every way parody. Beauty is served with irony. Let's say the scene where he languisly waits for Tomno in the rain to cause the effect required from the woman, it looks very comic. In such angle, beauty ceases to choke. I also like the model proportions of Asian bisenov - high growth (1.80 and higher), flat hips, flat belly, pale leather. They are like an elongated figures of aliens from early fantastic films. This "plank" is ideal.

스타일: "Portrait B & W"

Of course, Chan Gyh Sok also sings, but here things are much better, than whether the min Ho. The voice has a pleasant timbre, and sufficient strength. If it works on me, the young chick must kill. Normal posterity in the spirit of early HIM:

But an excellent ballad:

In principle, the ballads for Korean dorams differ little, it matters only the voice of the performer. But here everything sounds good. When the world seems sad, you can look at beautiful Asians - and immediately becomes cool. Turn the Lord for this gift! \u003d D Continued:

Recently it became known that Actor Chan Gyn Juice helps the Mongolian girl cure ovarian cancer in South Korea.

The company "TREE J Company" reported that Chan Gyn Juice paid for transportation costs and medical treatment of the patient after learning that the girl's family had no need for her daughter treatment. The actor believes that for the girl it would be better to undergo treatment in the best clinics of Korea.

The girl who is currently in South Korea will be treated in this country until May. "I was in despair after I was diagnosed and my first operation was passed in Mongolia. Support Chan Gyn Juice helped me recover, "says the girl.

Chan Gyn Juice answered this: "I know that cancer treatment is difficult, but you do not lose hope."

Since 2009, the actor has helped with more than 100 in need of treating children through the organization of WORLD VISION.

The star "Hallyu" is planned to meet with his fans in the cities of Tokyo, Fukuoka and Nagoya (Japan) next month.

Hallyu is neologism, literally means "Flow of Korea" and reflects the global increase in the popularity of South Korean culture, starting from the 1990s. It is due to the spread of K-drama and K-Pop in South and Southeast Asia. Gradually, the Korean wave turned out of the regional global phenomenon, progresses with the help of the Internet and social media, distribute to -pop music videos on YouTube.

Chan Gyn Juice - South Korean actor, singer, model and director. The most famous thanks to the role of Hww The Genn in the Korean drama "A.N.Jell: You're beautiful" and the role of Kan Inho in the film "You are my pet."

Born on September 26, 1987 in the county of Tanyan, Chunchon-Pukto Province. The only child in the family. In the model business, he fell by the will of the case at 5 years (6 years old on Korean average). At that time, the boy's parents sold the house, and the buyer, who turned out to be a worker of a modeling agency, saw potential in the boy. After working for several years, the model, Chan Gyn Juice at the age of 10 became a child's actor.

In high school, interested in Japanese pop music performed by Kena Keira and Group L'Arc-En-Ciel, Chan Gyh Soca independently undertake to learn Japanese, and after moving to New Zealand studied English, which in the future helped the actor to get roles in Japanese The film "One Missed Call: Final" (2006) and in the film of the Joint American-Korean production "The Case Of Itaewon Homicide" (2009). In the second film, the actor had to pronounce almost all replicas in English, with which he, according to Western critics, coped well. In 2009, he acquires independence and creates its own producer of Tree J, whose president is to this day. Official date of discovery - 12.06.2009. Since 2012, the actor, in connection with the increased popularity in China, began the study of the Mandarin Dialecta of the Chinese language. Despite the large employment on tour and speeches, Gyn Juice received a good education: Seoul Dongeuii elementary school, High School Kwangjang, New Zealand College named after Nelson, Higher School Bangsan, University of Hanian. The latter he graduated from February 2014 (on February 20, a ceremony of awarding diplomas), having received a bachelor's degree. In September of the same year, Chan Gyn Sok continued his studies at Hanyang University, now in the magistracy. In 2012, he noted the anniversary - 20 years in the cinema and on stage. But now his popularity has slept significantly, his behavior in public affected the fact that many fans turned away from him. It can be said that he receives support only from Japanese fans.


Zhu Von Already confirmed that the army ranks will replenish at the end of 2016.
With in GUK / (1987)

W. With in a guka An obstacles may arise to serve this year.
Kim Su Hyun / (1988)

Many wonder whether it will be called Kim Su Hyun. The service immediately after the filming is completed in the film "Real", in which Solly / Sulli is also removed, the former participant of the group F (X). While this question remains unanswered.
Sonho / (1987) - MBLAQ

Sonho Most likely go to the service this year. Slightly earlier, on February 17 of this year, another participant of the Gio / GO group was called up for mandatory military service.
Lee Min Ho / (1987)

Li min Ho Recently, participates in numerous projects almost without interruptions. Perhaps this is due to the upcoming care for military service. From the latest news about Li min Ho It is known that soon the popular drama "heirs" / "Heirs" will be adapted to the film of joint production Korean And China.
Chan Gyn Sok / (1987)

Currently Jang Keun-suk It is one of the leading reality shows for the survival "PRODUCE 101". Also marked shooting in the Drama "Jackpot" / "daebak" SBS channel. The yield of drama on the air is scheduled for March of this year. It is possible that " Jackpot"Will be the last project Chan Gyn Soka Before leaving the army.
Chong Ile U / (1987)

Chon Ile U. Currently busy on the filming of the drama "Cinderella and Four Knight" / "Cinderella and Four Knights". The release of drama on the air is planned this year, after which, we may hear the news about the appearance of the actor for mandatory military service.
Ji Chan Merc / (1987)

In one of the 1994 interviews, the actor stated that it would most likely go to serve in 2015. As Ji Chan UK Until now, I have not gone to the army, it can be assumed that the service for the star of the drama "Healer" / "Healer" is to be in 2016. Recently, the actor completed the shooting in the Chinese drama "Mr. Performance" / "Mr. Right".
Teyan / (1988) - Big Bang.

During the speech at the Melon Music Awards ceremony 2015 Tean. He mentioned the upcoming call for military service, expressing his concern that the group would not be able to perform at the 2016 ceremony with a full composition.
(1988) - Big Bang.

Earlier in one of the interviews GD. She stated that he would go to the army "when necessary." GD. Born in 1988, it will be quite possible, he will be called for a mandatory military service this year together with other participants of the group T.O.P. and TEYAN.
Kyuten / (1988) - Super Junior

Your last solo concert with a mini-album "Fall, OnCe Again" Kyuhen Spent in October 2015. It is still unknown whether in 2016 Kyuhen Continue his solo actor or go to the army.
Ruk / (1987) - Super Junior

Ruk. released his first solo album "

2006. Chan Gyn Sok participates immediately in three major film projects. "One Missed Call: Final" ("One Missed Call: Final" - the role of the deaf-and-glass young man, for which the actor specially learned the language of gestures). Thanks to this film, Chan Gyn Sok becomes famous outside of South Korea. The second film project is the historical drama "Hwang Jin-Yi" ("Hwan Jin and"), in which the young actor fulfilled the role of Kim Yong Ho - the first love of the main character. Thanks to this role, he was accepted as an adult actor. And, finally, the third, comedy-fantastic series "Alien SAM" ("Teacher-Algered" - the role of the reptile Prince Alexander).

2007. Two roles in full-length films: "The Happy Life" ("Happy Life") and "The Longest 24 Months" ("Long 24 months"). The role in the first allowed Chan Gyn Juice to demonstrate not only his actor skills, but also revealed its potential as a singer. From that time, Geun Juice begins to think about the quarry of the pop artist.

In 2008, the actor is involved immediately in two film projects associated with music: the film "Dough Fasollysido" and a dorama dedicated to classical music, Beethoven Virus ("Bethoven Virus", MBC). In addition, Chan Gyh Juice has time to play a unlucky high school student in the Comedy "Baby and I" ("Kid and I") and the role of Chan HVVI, the Opt Prince of the Times of the Choson dynasty, in the adventure drama with the historic section "Hon Gil Don" ( KBS2).

The next role in 2009 shows Chan Gyn Soka as a diverse actor: he played the American soldier suspected of murder. The scenario of the film "The Case Of Itaewon Homicide" ("Murder in ITEVON") were laid real events. The output of the film on the screens caused a wide resonance in the country at one time by provoking the renewal of the investigation into the crime imposed on the basis of the film.

2009 brought actor fame not only throughout Asia, but also beyond. At the end of the summer, the musical drama "A.N.Jell: You're Beautiful" ("Angel: You've is beautiful", SBS), in which the actor played the leader of the fictional youth pop group, once again acting as an actor and singer. In addition to him, Korea Aidoles were starring like Hong Ki, Chon Yong Hwa and Pak Shin Hyu.

In 2010, Chan Gyn Saw is playing soloist Indi-group Kan Mu Gölie in the musical drama "Mary Stayed Out All Night" ("Ma Ri, where have you been all night?", KBS2), where he takes off with Moon Bezeny. It became underestimated within the country, the Dorama was highly popular in Japan, and in the next, 2011, Geun Juice and Moon Geven held four fan meetings in Tokyo and Osaka, collecting a record number of spectators in 60,000 people on one of them.

June 2011 Printed Chan Gyn Soku involved in the next project "Love Rain" ("Rain of Love", KBS2). In this drama, actor, like his partner on the series Yun, had to play double roles (1970 and 2012).

In November 2011, the Riemeik of the Japanese Drama "You Are My Pet" ("You are my pet") from Chan Gyn Juice as a dancer Musicla In Ho. In the summer of 2013, after a long selection of the scenario, Chan Gyn Sok accepts an offer to be filmed in the Pretty Man's drama ("Handsome", KBS2) based on the same manh. Removal are held in the fall and end in early January 2014.

In 2016, he starred in the drama "Daebak / Jackpot" (SBS channel), where he played the role of Pek Dha Gille, the lost son of King Chon. In this drama, Chan Gyn Sok has revealed as an actor from the new side, demonstrating its abilities and talent of reincarnation. Dorama is based on both historical and fictional events. All series have already come out, the translation into Russian is completed.

Director activity

2011 was the debut of Chan Gyn Soka as a director. It comes out of his author's film "Budapest Diary" ("Budapest Diary"), in which he played and played. March 14, 2015 In Japan, the premiere of his second copyright film "Camp" ("Camp") took place. And again, Chan Gyn Sok spoke in two horses - director and actor.

Musical activity

The first musical performances of Chan Gyn Juice held together with the SBS channel in the Weekly Inkigayo show from February 25 to October 7, 2007.

In 2010, the actor holds its first "Asia Tour". And in May 2011, a new debut, this time the musical. In Japan, his first single "Let Me Cry" is recorded by Pony Canyon. In the first week, after the release, the disc is sold in the amount of 119 149 copies and occupies the highest line in Charter Oricon, and Chan Gyn Sok becomes the first non-eponym of the achieved similar and, in January 2012, wins in Gold Disc Awards in the nomination "Best Young Artist".

In 2011, the first "crishow" tour and the actor's dream turns out to speak with his show on the largest stage of Japan Tokio Dome.

In May 2012, the Just Crazy solo album comes out in Japan, which became the first international album with a new record in Chart. The song from this album subsequently becomes an aster to the full-length animation film "Fairy Tail: Priestess of The Phoenix" ("Fairy Tail: Priestess Phoenix", Japan). In the same year his second round "Crishow2" passes.

In early 2013, the second album "Nature Boy" comes out. Gyn Juice is successfully held in Japan Zikzin Zepp Tour, ending in January 2014. Also in China, Zikzin Man Asia Tour Show Shanghai "UnstopPable" is held.

On February 25, 2015, the third solo album "Monochrome" came out. He almost immediately takes the third line of Chart Oricon. From March 14, a new, third, CRISHOW3 tour started. Monochrome. "

"Team H"

In 2011, from the student group of seven young people who united for conducting parties and other university events, Chan Gyh Sok and his close friend Big Brother (Chang Kurt Jung) stand out. They organize a Team H group in the literal translation of the "H" team, from the title letter "H" the names of Hanian (Han Yang University), the university where guys studied. Already in September of the same year, they produce their first Chinese album "The Lounge H VOL 1". In March 2012, the new album "Lounge H (The First Impression)" is coming in Japan. And emphasizes that it differs from the previous one and contains seven tracks in the genres of rock and electric music.

The next album "I Just Wanna Have Fun" has already released in early 2013. In support of the album, a number of concerts are held in South Korea, Japan and China. In the summer of 2014, the Single "Take Me" and followed by the Album "Driving to the Highway" album. In addition, the group takes part in the MTV Zushi Fes 14 Summer Festival in Canagaba Prefecture and "Asia Progress ~ From A-Nation ~" Japan. And in October, the Japanese Tour Team H Party is held.

Participation in the show

At various years, the actor participates in a variety of television shows. Of the latest Agent Jang Keun Suk Fuji TV (Japan, 2014), there are four releases. In addition, he takes part in another Japanese show "RETURN OF SUPERMAN" ("Return of superpaps").

In early 2015, a new show "Three Meals a Day Spin-Off - Fishing Village" was expected ("Three-year meals in the fishing village"), but in connection with the scandal bloated in the press and, as it turned out, with unfair accusations, the actor decides Leave the show, and episodes with his participation cut out.

Advertising activity

Over all past years, Chan Gyn Sok took part in advertising many brands: Ting, ExR, Suit House, BSX, Samsung, Ole, Lawson, Zegda, Cartier, Tbs, Sky Perfect TV, Nature Republic, Codes Combine, Maxim Café, Ferrino, Caffe Bene, Lotte Duty Free and others. In 2013, the actor launches his own brand Zikzin and opens the shopping center in Tokyo. During 2013-2014, a number of issues of their own radio Zikzin are written.

Since the beginning of 2014, the actor is invited as a face with a cosmetic company Yalget in China. In the spring of 2014, it turns out in partnership with Pak Shin Hyo advertising video in the format of the minilist in the framework of cooperation with Lotte Duty Free.

Social activity

In 2011, Chan Gyh Soka is appointed by the Honorary Representative of Seoul. The official purpose has passed in the western wing of the government at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, January 21. In 2012, the actor takes part as a representative of South Korea in a nuclear security summit along with the singer Pak Chong Hyun and Van Juice's actors and Chin Chi Hee.

In 2014, Chan Gyn Sok participates as an honorary representative of South Korea at the 2014 Chinese-Korean Film Festival Film Festival in Beijing, then acts as leading at the charity concert at the University of Hanian "Love and Hope in Harmony", and in December it is Korea in Busan on The ASEAN Summit (Association of Southeast Asian States) has passed there.



  • Jackpot / Daebak (SBS, 2016)
  • Handsome / Pretty Man (KBS2, 2013)
  • Rain Love / Love Rain (KBS2, 2012)
  • Ikemen Desu Ne (Cameo Ep.8) / You are beautiful! (Japanese version) (2012)
  • Mary Stayed Out All Night / Mary, where have you been all night? (KBS2, 2010)
  • A.N.Jell: You're beautiful / You are beautiful (SBS, 2009)
  • Beethoven Virus / Beethoven Virus (MBC, 2008)
  • Hong Gil Dong / Hon Gil Don (KBS2, 2008)
  • Hwang Jin Yi (KBS2, 2006)
  • Alien Sam / Alien Teacher (2006)
  • Lovers in Prague / Lovers in Prague (SBS, 2005)
  • Nonstop 4 / without stop 4 (MBC, 2003)
  • Daemang / Great Dream (SBS, 2002)
  • School (2002)
  • Orange (2002)
  • Ladies of the Palace (2002)
  • Women's WORLD (2001)
  • Four Sisters "Story (2001)
  • Hug (1998)


  • Camp / Camp (2015)
  • I Am Jang Geun Seok / I - Chan Gyn Juice (2012)
  • Budapest Diary / Budapest Diary (2011)
  • You are My Pet / You - My Pet (2011)
  • Itaewon Murder Case / Itaewon Salinsageon / ITEVON murder (2009)
  • Niko & The Way To the Stars / Niko: Path to Stars (deer) - Hero's voice (cartoon) (2008)
  • Baby and Me / Kid and I (2008)
  • DO RE MI FA SO LA SI DO (2008)
  • Going Crazy Waiting / The Longest 24 Monhs (2007)
  • Happy Life / Happy Life (2007)
  • One Missed Call Final (2006)
  • The Owl Musrum / Sov Museum (2003)
  • Lucky Ten "Short Movie (2002)
  • Treasure Planet / Planet Treasure - Hero's voice (cartoon) (2002)


  • 2017 - Jang Keun Suk - Voyage
  • 2016 - Jang Keun Suk - I Want To Hold You / My Wish (Single)
  • 2016 - Team H - Monologue
  • 2016 - Jang Keun Suk - Endless Summer / Going Crazy (Single)
  • 2016 - Jang Keun Suk - Darling Darling / Kawaita Kiss (Single)
  • 2015 - Jang Keun Suk - Monochrome
  • 2014 - Team H - Driving To The Highway
  • 2014 - Team H - Take Me
  • 2013 - Jang Keun Suk - Nature Boy
  • 2013 - Team H - I Just Wanna Have Fun
  • 2012 - Jang Keun Suk - Just Crazy
  • 2012 - Lounge H (The First Impression)
  • 2011 - TEAM H - THE LOUNGE H VOL.1
  • 2011 - Jang Keun Suk - Let Me Cry (Single)


  • 2016 SBS Drama Awards: Top 10 Star Award, Excellence Award
  • 2012 26th Japan Gold Disc Awards: Best 3 New Artists (WITH 2PM AND B2ST)
  • 2012 10th IFPI Hong Kong Record Sales Awards: Best Selling Album - The Lounge H Vol. 1 (with Big Brother)
  • 2012 10th IFPI Hong Kong Record Sales Awards: Best Korean Album - The Lounge H Vol. 1 (with Big Brother)
  • 2012 48th SBS Annual Baeksang Arts Awards: Male Popularity Award - You're My Pet
  • 2011 Korean Popular Culture and Arts Award: Cultural Minister Of Finance Award
  • 2011 19th Korean Cultural Entertainment Award: Hallyu Grand Award
  • 2011 Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards: Taiwan Top Searched Single Korean Artist
  • 2011 China Music Award & Asian Influential Awards: 15ª Edición "Artista Coreano Más Influtene"
  • 2010 Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards: Top Buzz Male Korea Star Award
  • 2010 KBS Drama Awards: International Netizen's Popularity Award - Mary Stayed Out All Night
  • 2010 46th SBS Annual Baeksang Arts Awards: Male Popularity Award - The Case Of Itaewon Homicide
  • 2010 KBS Drama Awards: Mejor Pareja Junto a Moon Geun Young (Mary Stayed Out All Night)
  • 2010 Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards: Top Buzz Premio Estrella Masculina Corea Top Buzz Premio Estrella Maculina Asia
  • 2009 SBS Drama Awards: Top Ten Star Award (You're Beautiful)
  • 2009 SBS Drama Awards: Netizen Highest Popularity Award (You're Beautiful)
  • 2008 KBS Drama Awards: Popular Actor AWARD (Hong Gil Dong)
  • 2008 MBC Drama Awards: NEWCER AWARD (Beethoven Virus)
  • 2008 44th SBS Annual Baeksang Arts Awards: Best New Actor - The Happy Life
  • 2008 KBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award - Hong Gil Dong (With Sung Yuri)
  • 2007 MNet Top 100 Must Have Males: # 3
  • 2006 MNet Top 100 Charming Guys Who Are Single
  • 2006 MNet Top 100 Adorable Males: # 29
  • 2006 KBS Performance Awards: Best Couple Award with Ha Ji Won for Hwang Jin Yi


  1. Review of "The Case of The Itaewon Homicide" (Neopr.) . Archived on April 10, 2012.
  2. (Neopr.) . Archived on April 10, 2012.
  3. [현장 장근석 동문 졸업 하던 날 날 27 장의 사진 으로 보는 등장 에서 퇴장 까지] (Neopr.) (2014.02.26).
  4. (Neopr.) (2013.11.21).
  5. チャン · チャン Special Short Film DVD 「Camp」 発売 記念 プレミアム 試写 会 を 開催! (Neopr.) (2015.03.13).
  6. チャン・グンソク、海外歌手史上初のデビュー作初登場首位 (Neopr.) (2011.05.03).
  7. Jang Keun-Suk Ponycanyon Official Site (Neopr.) .
  8. Jang Keun Suk Released New Aibum 'Monochrome' In Japan and Won The Third Place On Oricon (Neopr.) (2015.02.26).