September 27 Church holiday Signs of conspiracy. Exalve the Cross of the Lord. Signs for the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

September 27 Church holiday Signs of conspiracy. Exalve the Cross of the Lord. Signs for the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
September 27 Church holiday Signs of conspiracy. Exalve the Cross of the Lord. Signs for the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

On September 27, 2017, Orthodox will celebrate the elimination of the Cross of the Lord: what is the essence of the holiday, his signs and traditions. Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - This is one of the greatest church holidays. Yearly September 27 orthodox world Remembers the events that occurred many years ago in Jerusalem. And what happened that the previously lost cross was found, at which Jesus Christ was crucified.

Walid Shobat. After all, Jupiter in the constellation enters the Lono Virgin and remains there for about 5 months. Before answering, let me remind responsibility for the answer to such a quest. Many were cursed for incorrect interpretation of prophecy. The second coming of Jesus seems to be the first thing when the people of God expected the Messiah will save them from Roman tyranny. This question was the prophecy of Israel.

But the wisdom of God disappointed popular translators, as the Messiah came to defeat sin. It disappointed most of the interpreters of prophecy at the time, forcing them to reject Christ and choose the rebellion of the Bar-Kochba against the Romans, declaring the Bar Kohl Messia. As a result, Israel missed his Messiah and was defeated. Therefore, the interpretation of the prophecy has serious consequences.

Believers believe that in the day of the Crusading is a struggle of good with evil. This struggle occurs in each of us. And which side wins, depends on a particular person, from his thoughts and acts.

The main tradition of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord is a trip to the temple, listening to liturgium and prayer. In many temples passes procession.

Nevertheless, the prophecy was fulfilled, and the true Messiah was still defeated by the Romans from the Heavenly Mountain of Zion. Only later, a militant church arose, consisting of non-Jews, who first began to turn the Roman Empire, and then won everything that remained from her tyranny, and won the empire for Christ.

Therefore, first the pagans had to turn to sin and rescue and join the efforts of God to conquer the works of the devil. This plan for the education of pagans and combating sin was captured in Old Testamentwhere he had seen him. States burned Fimiam and took part in its bread brought from sunrise. Those few poems that are cursed by the prophets should have been enough to Israel, but pride stood on their way.

It is believed that prayers in this holiday are gaining incredible power. People pray for the healing of relatives and loved ones, for a good harvest in the coming year, asking for forgive the former sins.

By tradition on the day of the exposure of the Cross of the Lord on September 27, 2017 it is impossible to eat meat dishes. It is believed that in this great feast of the meat of a dead animal, a man kills all the prayers that they were uttered.

It will also be the same when Christ comes again. Repentance would be necessary before Christ intervened in a military business. This is clear in Zechariah and Joil, where they will shout about the Messiah, and it appears only after repentance. Most will miss the goal of God by focusing on the battle of discord from the forearm to bloody luns. Many of them are consumed with certain problems as if their specific problem was the main problem of the world. You find them everywhere, jumping from one rivalness board to another bone of discord.

Jesus, when he comes again, he will destroy all the artificial kingdoms of this world. This includes many contradictions: religious freedom and the sacred bone, which we call democracy. Christ will establish theocracy, where he ruled the iron rod. While Armagadon includes Islam, Jerusalem and the Middle East as an epicenter, this is not the fact that we look at the world with a tunnel vision. Peoples that do not honor Christ will be on the side of the Antichrist, while the peoples that will fall on the side of Christ will become church militia.

The cross is a symbol of faith and divine protection. If a person wants to protect his home and loved ones from the troubles and a bad eye, you need on September 27, 2017 on the holiday, the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord to draw a cross on the door of his dwelling. For many years this tradition, she has not lost their strength and relevance to this day.

It will take time for development. All unreprenerable sinners are the enemies of God. These peoples will not be exclusively Muslims. Many believe that we are close to the end and already measuring seven-year-old sorrow. Much should happen to prepare the sheep nation to transform into the church militant. There is a lot of necessary refinement with fire and the necessary persecution before anyone starts counting time.

Others add seven years and say that the end goes if the rulers of Danish star enemies are correct, then why they ignore the rest of the poems. And if the Virgo is installed through the star charm, why not apply the same method for another sign: Red Dragon with seven heads? Blood-moon acquire the blood color of the moon, while she passes the sun, completely dark.

September 27 is considered the last day of Babiy summer. This day is also noted people's holiday Third scenarius.

If we are talking about post, then it is impossible to argue. Because crosses - a couple day. And the post is very strict. From the ration the meat, fish, eggs and dairy products are excluded. And here vegetable oil Allowed.

In the temples and houses of Christians, special prayers dedicated to the holiday are read on this day:

Is this how God creates prophecy? They refuse to buzz this bone, regardless of the fact that their blood moon came and went away without any serious misfortunes or crash on stock market. Were li cash Possed back poor puppies that just bought meat without meat? Sheimat was that it was the main base for the claim. If you follow such a calendar, then Christ will not be a messiah. Even this did not matter for dogs, hunting on the bone.

This red dragon, which goes for a woman can take decades to completely arise, so you need patience. Although we think Erdogan is a good candidate for Antichrist, he may not be. Keep in mind that a woman with torment in childbirth supplies after pain. Woman delivers the time of God, and not our date settings.

  • Troper Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
  • Kondak Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord
  • The highest cultivation of the Cross of the Lord
  • Prayers to the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord

And even in the upstream of the Cross of the Lord 2017, Orthodox will recall the events that have formed the foundation of the holiday. According to them, the mother of the emperor Konstantin Elena went to Jerusalem in search christian shrines (We can say that the queen has become the foundation of the biblical archeology). The main find then became the cross of the Lord.

With Christianity, patience is virtue. Everyone had to wait until God would deliver the child, and we should also; Wife Abraham Sarah, Hannah and Elkana, Woman Shunovati, Rachel, Manoa's wife, daughter Mikhala Tsar Saul, Elizabeth and Zechariah, Anna and Joachim. Joachim really pronounced Izeho Yakhim, which means that the Lord is doing right. And just as it was before the first coming of the Lord, John the Baptist called Israel to make the right way. Indeed, the victory was not achieved until God did not go straight.

This will not be in the coming year or two. The first thing that should happen is the beginning of the focus and a lot of refinement with fire, where. About what is said in the Holy Scripture, the times of grief are. Therefore, prepare not to prepare people, but prepare for what the wise Daniel said, and for the fact that Christ would warn to pay close attention to Daniel, that is, the great desecration of the body of Christ, defilement of "pure bread offering".

Excavations were carried out on Calvary, where Christ was crucified. In the ground, three crosses were discovered, several nails and a board with the inscription "Jesus Nazoria, King Jewish"

On icons. dedicated to the holidayoften depict equivalent to Konstantin and Elena.

Nowhere in Scripture does not even say that the world is experiencing seven years of grief. This is true, no matter how many Sophia books create that the finals of poems from ScripturesLike a gymnast, which makes this problem to the bone of discord. Beware of discord bones.

Beware of bizarre books and spotted calculations, as a result of which the ten wise men will be debunk. Beware of the crowds that tell you that this year or the future will be built a physical temple, because they talked about red chicks that are born to decades, saying "this year" and "next year." The victim of Christ is not a victim of a cow. Their minds are still stuck on animal sacrifices, physical box Arc and Golden Menor. They forget how God is manifested and glorified.

True, the board lay alone and understand which one of the three crosses of the Lord was impossible. The legend tells that the crosses alternately applied to the patient and after touching the sovereign healed. According to another version, Calfs were at that moment funeral processionThe crosses applied to the dead man, and from the touch of one of the crosses he came to life.

"My name will be great among nations, and in all places Fimiam will be offered to my behalf and grain offering, clean; For my name will be great among nations, "says Lord Savaof. If the church has no incense, run. And even Joel speaks about it, stopping the same way as Daniel.

Signs for the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

Introduction Bread and Limit. For the day of the Lord is close; It will be the destruction of the Almighty. God ordered him to attend the Eucharist, and now Satan wants to cancel this presence. Only then close to the day of the Lord. But Lucifer will fail, since God keeps a dedicated balance, which will continue this sacrament, regardless of persecution. His church will continue to the end. The fact that the prophets spoke mostly is that persecution will be so bad that church sacraments will be canceled.

The Jerusalem Patriarch Makariya raised, (or, otherwise, erected, from where it went) the cross, so that all those present could see the acquired shrine. It is from the moment that the Cross of the Lord is celebrated.

And the emperor Konstantin, inspired by the finds of the mother, ordered to build the temple of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem. Construction was completed only in 335. Tsarina Elena before this event did not live.
On September 13, 335, the temple was consecrated, and on September 14, it was decided to establish the celebration of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. A lot of bishops from all over the Roman Empire came to the consecration of the temple. Thanks to them, the tradition is to celebrate the cross apparatus spread throughout the Christian world.

It does not require rocket scientists or an astronomical expert. The whole goal of evil is to switch this sacrifice. This is not the only attention only Islam, but in the center of all evil. We never focused on the site exclusively in Islam, but for all evil.

Proverbs about crosses

Just as it was before the first coming of Christ, the wise never focused exclusively on the tyrannical Roman Empire, but in all sins and all evils. The devil always wants to imagine a strange sentence. In "For God" or "for Tiragia", we even explained that everything starts with blood and some strange blood suggestions trying to dilute the true message of the victim. The purpose of the devil is to corrupt God's sacrament.

Exaltation of honest I. Life-giving cross Lord. Photo: Balayants /

  1. In the villages on this day it was customary to draw crosses on the doors of houses
  2. In the feeders for livestock put little cross
  3. It was believed that the Said Summer ends on this day and the first cold comes
  4. The one who keeps the post on the cross, things go to the mountain
  5. The doors were made to lock, so that the snakes do not crawl into the house, hurrying to winter in their holes
  6. On this day, no important thing should be started.

Proverbs about crosses

For example, Muhammad and his minions behaved in Voodoo-like an act of bloodletting, in which Malik Ibn Sinin drank his blood on the day of the Uhuda and licked him. The Prophet allowed him to do it, and then said. "The fire will not touch you." Abdullah Ibn Az Zubayar drank his blood. The Prophet said: "Mount you from the people and Mount to people from you." But he did not mind what he did.

Islam came exclusively to ruin the Message of Christ to condemn his blood, because of which we were healed. Instead, Islam came to focus on the blood of Muhammad and the blood of terrorists, which makes them martyrs and allegedly dismisses them into a sensual paradise. Therefore, Islam came to cancel the true sacrifice and appoint a demonic system of sacrifice, but she could not destroy the church itself, which Christ promised: "I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it." Therefore, Islam is the destruction of the church.

Exaltation is one of the great church events. To make troubles and failures bypass you, follow the traditions and holiday signs.

Every year on September 27 orthodox Church Remembers the event that occurred many years ago in Jerusalem, - the wonderful acquisition of the cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified.

Believers believe that the strength of good and evil takes place. By clicking on the link, you can learn more about the history of the holiday of the Cross of the Lord.

Abu Saad al-Wimeri, who stated in a strong Hadith in Shahha Hayat Al-Sughab regarding the participation in the blood of Muhammad. When the rings of a helmet rings were cut in the battle of Huhud from the cheek of the prophet, the blood came from the shiny face of this lord of clean, and my father Malik Ibn Sinan sucked the wound with his mouth, swallowing blood. At that time, His Excellency, the Prophet, said: The one who wants to see someone who mixed my blood with his own, let him look at Malika Ibn Sinana: someone whose blood touches me, he can't get the fire of hell.

Unusual and psychotic narrations like this, too much to quote. They talk about drinking urine Muhammad and there is his excrement. Christians asked: "Will such abominations chosen over the precious blood of the sinless lamb of God?" No Christian drinks literal blood. They are involved in a mystical victim.

In addition to the exaltation of the cross, the national holiday is celebrated on this day - the completion of the Babi summer, or the third autumn. Therefore, many traditions and holiday signs have not only religious, but also popular.

Traditions of crosses

As with any other church holiday, home Tradition Exaltation is visiting temples and churches, listening divine Liturgy. Many cities take place a procession. On this day, they prayed for the healing of loved ones, for a rich harvest next year, they asked to get rid of sins.

At the top of the blood drink of Muhammad, like an atoning act, they would also drank their urine. One woman consumed part of the urine Muhammed, and he told her. "You will never complain about pain in the stomach." He did not order any of them to wash his mouth, and he did not forbade them to do it again.

Today, our youth is represented by Havi-Metal music. A few years ago, people were shocked from what they saw in the news, but today unusual incidents became commonplace. A few years ago, we wrote about Richard Waldemare, the former Sheriff Los Angeles, who has extensive experience with criminal gangs and occultism, wrote that many "bricklayers" will swallow "blood and urine in the occult ceremonies" and that one of these true fans Metallic music was Richard Ramirez, one of the most famous serial killers of America.

The cross is a special Orthodox relic, symbolizing suffering. Therefore, this day should be observed strict post. Previously, it was believed that the one who neglects this tradition, God punishes the family of sins, and from the one who did not taste the rapid food, seven sins take off.

It was believed that prayers on this day possess a special force. If on this day sincerely pray or ask for something, it will definitely be executed.

It was forbidden to serve any meat dishes on this holiday. It was believed that a person who tried the meat of the killed animal on this day, kills all the prayers uttered by him.

According to folk traditionsSeptember 27 was forbidden to go to the forest. It was believed that on this day, the ledge walks and recalculates all the forest inhabitants, and if a person comes on the way, the return road from the forest will not find.

The cross symbolizes the Divine Protection. In ancient times, the one who wanted to protect his home and his loved ones, September 27 painted the cross on the doors of his dwelling. This tradition exists in our time.

For the peasants, this day was considered the final completion of the Babiy summer and the onset of autumn. At this point, all cases concerning agriculturemust be completed.

Signs for the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

As for believers, and for those who are far from religion, signs were very important on this day. And many random things acquired sacred meaning.

September 27 - Last Day of Baby Summer. It was believed that autumn begins to move towards winter.

In Russia, on this day, a national holiday was celebrated. Women who served on the table pies with cabbage were considered good owners. Young girls and young men gathered on this day on a walk, the girls covered the table, and the guys choose brides.

On September 27, the set will foresee the onset of cold: the birds flew to the south, the bears went to bed in Berlogue, and snakes hid in Noura. Driving always invest spiritual meaning in orthodox holidays. Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord on a par with Easter and Merry Christmas to Christians special meaning. If you also honor this great event, do not forget to observe the traditions and signs of the holiday, and then happiness will not bypass you.