It is possible vegetable oil in front of communion. About post in front of communion

It is possible vegetable oil in front of communion. About post in front of communion
It is possible vegetable oil in front of communion. About post in front of communion

There are different measures of advances before communion, a single rule that would be established for all does not exist.
The practice of a three-seven-day post in front of the communion appeared in the 18-19 centuries, during the period of Eucharistic cooling, when people were communched once or twenty, respectively, they fastened about a week.


Metropolitan Volokolamsky Hilarion:
The rules of the three-day post before the communion does not exist

- Tradition to fast for three days or a week before communion is also the local Russian custom. If we turn to the canons or definitions of the Universal Councils, we will not find such a requirement. Canons talk about posts on Wednesdays and Fridays, about four multi-day posts during the year, in addition, in the liturgical books, we meet an indication of a few more lean days, for example, the day of the court of the head of John the Forerunner or the Holiday of the Cross of the Lord. But in the canons nothing is said about the need to fast for three days or a whole week before communion. It seems to me that the requirements are confessed before each communion and fast for a week or three days arose when the communion became very rare: one or three or four times a year. I consider it a decline. In the ancient church, Christians usually came together every Sunday. I think that in those churches where the communion has become rare, it would be wrong to change the tradition and demand to communicate every Sunday. But I am sure that it is not enough to pass three or four times a year. In practice, very good to start communion every Sunday. Therefore, I will say this: follow the post on Wednesdays and Fridays, refrain also on Saturday evening, confess at least once a month, but we are often coming more often. I recommend this practice to people who are preparing to join the Orthodox. If a person commits once a month or less, I say that it is too rare. If we look at the practice of an ancient church and the teaching of the holy fathers, we will see that they testify to frequent communion. Not only early, but also later fathers, such as the Saint or who lived in the XVIII century, the compiler of "Dobryolism", they speak in favor of frequent communion. And I believe that movement in the Greek Church for frequent communion is a good phenomenon. I welcome when people often come up. I think that the rules for confession and fasting before communion can be changed. But these questions, it seems to me, are within the competence of local churches.

I remember when I just accepted Orthodoxy, about fifty years ago, the priest on the liturgy came out with the bowl and said: "We start up with the fear of God," but no one approached. Nobody was involved. And I still felt: it can not be right. Now, in the West in Orthodox churches, almost all are segged. And I'm glad to this. Of course, we are involved not because they are confident in their own righteousness, but because we believe in the mercy of God. We come to the bowl because we are designed, we call the Communion saints Daras. Communion is not something that you can earn or earn, it is always the free gift of God's love.

- Before the commitors, the priest hurts the "Holy - Holy", in the sense of "Holy Gifts - for those who holy", but then the choir is responsible: "One is Satoly, the Lord Jesus Christ ...". However, we, without being saints in this sense, still daring to commitory ... On the other hand, we know, in the New Testament and in liturgical texts, the saints are called all Christians who are not excited from the Church for especially grave sins. How do the holiness and personal moral perfection of a person correlate in this case?

- First of all, if we talk about the understanding of holiness, you should use three words: one, some, all. One Holy - Jesus Christ. Holiness belongs to God, only he holy by its nature. We can be holy only through the communion of the Holiness of God. Next, we say that the holiness is called everything. When the Apostle Paul addresses his messages to all the saints in Rome, in colossi, etc., he turns to Christian communities. Also, the apostle Peter writes about Christians as a "holy people." In this sense, all Christians are holy. Finally, we are talking about those saints that are glorified by the church and who are marked in the church calendar. We can say the same about the priesthood. Only the High Priest - Jesus Christ, as they say in the message to the Jews. Then, through baptism, all Christians become priests, as the apostle Peter writes, calling Christians not only by the holy people, but also a "royal priesthood". Further, the priests become some - who chose and put on this ministry through the laying down of the hands. Thus, in holiness, and the priesthood has three levels.

We are all called to holiness. Therefore, if I come to the communion, I do it not because I am already holy, but because I am a sinner who requires God's help, which serves in the holy of communion.

Of course, some people because of perfect sins cannot take communion. But mostly, of course, the communion is not a saint award, but assistance for sinners. In some lives, we read that there were such saints that, after the communion, did not proceed again to the cup, as, for example, Holy Maria Egyptian. She fell in the temple of the Holy Sepulcher and then went to the desert, where many years did not take the holy gifts, and then only before the overweight itself.

- But can this be a common rule?

Of course, this is not a general rule. This rule for the saints, which for many years can live in one communion. But we must pass often. Not because we are saints, but since weakness and need help, in grace.

- What is the place of moral perfection in preparation for communion? Many people in Kiev in Kiev are confessed and communioned every week, and at the same time it happens that some of them confessed from the evening, in the morning asking for a confession again, because in the evening or night sinned something - insensitive thoughts, movements Hearts, etc. In addition, many Christians every time, a week for a week, we will confess the same sins. How can I give a promise to confession not to repeat these so-called "casual" sins, if I know for sure that I will do them?

- Too frequent walking in confession can express a kind of superstition. It is worth remembering that the communion is grace, and the devil does not want us to take grace. And so he is looking for any ways to make us cease to pass. When it happens that it is visited by sinful thoughts, which can happen even during the Divine Liturgy, we must simply repent of it inside ourselves and start communion, because it is a devilish temptation.

Grace that is served in the sacrament of repentance is very important for each of us. But we must take responsibility and "play our party". You can not turn the confession into the mechanical listing of the same sins. She must be rare enough to be event, really disclosing your inner state. Every day in the evening prayers we ask for the forgiveness of sins. And if we sincerely pray for forgiveness, God forgives us at the same time. This does not mean that the confession does not need to go. Some of our misconduct prevent the communion as long as we do not confess. But we must seriously refer to the repentant prayers from our daily rule. Confession should not become too frequent. It should be more responsible to approach this. Too frequent walking in confession depreciates it.

We must understand that we really need to confess the same sins again and again. Do not avoid confession for the reason that sins are repeated. Usually overnight we do not become saints. We need a struggle, permanent ascetic effort above yourself. But God's grace makes a change in us. Perhaps we do not notice her, but it happens. With the help of daily efforts, grace of God, confession, and above all, we can move forward - humbly and quiet.

- But it also happens that people are disappointed in their efforts, since they are confessing the same thing, they are involved, and no change for the better for themselves do not observe. It is especially felt in big cities with their bustle, when a person practically does not have time for a spiritual life. Work, a long extinguishing road in traffic jams, family worries ... not everyone finds time even for morning or evening prayers.

- In fact, we, clerics, and especially the monks that do not need to take care of the family and children, we understand the conditions in which family Christians live. People are forced to work a lot, for a long time to get to work and home, and in the evening at home, too, a lot of things need to do ... We must understand these difficult conditions in which many laity live. Despite this, every Christian can find at least a little time in the morning and in the evening to pray before the icon. Even five minutes in the morning and in the evening are of great importance. These minutes set the "direction" of the whole day and give the depth, which is impossible to achieve otherwise. It should be said about short prayers that can be created during the day. We can pray when we take a shower when we are going to the subway, we drive the car or stand in a traffic jam. We can use brief prayers, for example, Jesus: "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have a lot of me," or "Glory to you, Lord, thank you," or the "Most Holy Mother of God, save us", or other short prayers. So we can pray even at the most busy time, or, for example, when we go from one place to another. It is very important to see that in addition to the special allotted time for prayer before the icon (which each of us needs), it is possible to pray freely and during the day, anywhere. But if we want to pray during the day, then you need to choose the brief and simple prayers for this, such as Jesus. You can always create prayer Jesus: when we are waiting for something when we travel, go, at the moments of changing tasks at work, etc. The Apostle Paul writes: "Incomprehensively pray." He says that it is very difficult, but begins with a very simple: with frequent short prayers during the day. With the help of such prayers, we can fill all your day the presence of Christ - and this is the way to true prayer. Look for Christ everywhere. Jesus prayer can do not only monks or clerics, but also laity, having families and worldly responsibilities. Create Jesus prayer - not when an increased concentration of attention is required, but in all intermediate moments. We can connect the time of prayer and work. Learning such a method of Jesus prayer is very important in our daily life. And also a Jesus prayer to teach children well. They can repeat Jesus prayer from time to time from early age, because it is very simple.


Mark, Episcopes Egorievsky, Deputy Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate:
Tradition of a three-day post

The tradition of a three-day post comes from the tradition of the synodal period, when they were communioned once or twice a year. In this situation, it is normal and very good if a person in front of the communion will come 3 days. Today, as a rule, the conformists and priests recommend communion much more often. A kind of contradiction is obtained: people who want to communion often do themselves to almost a permanent post on Thursdays and Saturdays, which becomes for many unbearable feat. If we will not refer to this question with reasoning, it will have a negative impact on the spiritual life of our church.

conducted the priest Andrei Dudchenko, Constantinople-Kiev

There is no obligatory law, how many days to fast before the holy communion

Igumen Watoped Monastery Archimandrite Ephraim

- Tell me, the father, how to prepare for the Holy Communion? In our tradition, we must fast for three days, and the priests will not stand in front of communion. What is explained by such a difference?

"I know that in Russia some priests say that in front of the communion it is necessary to fast for three days, and some are five days. In fact, there is no compulsory law, how many days to fast in front of the holy communion. The proof of this is that the priests will not be obligatory, and then not only communionable the next day, but also serve as Liturgy. After all, we observe the posts defined - four posts per year and posts on Wednesday and Friday, I think that these posts are enough. If someone wants to fast before the communion even a whole week for Askusa, for awe, please, but that this is legalized by the artists - we have never heard about it anywhere. If this were a prerequisite for the communion, firstly, the priests would have to fast. Sometimes they say that Christians need only once every two or three months, there is no such law. When Christian has no fatal sins, he has the right to commitory more often.

fragment of a meeting with the laity in the spiritual and educational center of Yekaterinburg Metropolis

Tell me how to prepare for communion? Is there always a post as in front of communion and directly on the day of communion? I heard that even drinking water in the morning can not be cleaned. And if there is no possibility to withstand a strict post before communion, is it possible to start it? And what is more sin - a long lack of communion due to non-compliance with the post or communion without proper training? Thank you! Sincerely, Elena.

Hello, Elena!

Preparation for the communion must be sat, but the measure is established in a personal conversation with the priest. As a general rule, a post is needed within 3 days before communion (abstaining in food from meat and dairy products, eggs; abstinence from entertainment - movies views, television shows, etc.). The days of preparation for communion are called show, and during this period should increase the prayer rule, and in the possibilities and to be in the church in worship.

Before the communion it is necessary to read the repentant canon, the canon of the prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Canon the Guardian Angel, as well as the follow-up to Holy Communion. Reading canons can be divided for several days. You need to begin to the communion, it is possible to brush the teeth. After the communion, the post does not need to be observed (if only you do not integrate during the period of a multi-day post or on a very day). Regularly merciful people or sorry, the post before communion can be weakened or reduced by the blessing of the priest.

Coming should be regularly 1-2 times a month with the reverence, the consciousness of his unnecessary, fear of God, faith and love.

In the message to the Romans of the Apostle Paul there are words: "If your brother is upset for food, then you are no longer in love .... Do not goubi you need that Christ died for whom." During posts and lean days at work in a secular team, it is customary to celebrate birthdays, other non-church holidays and treat colleagues. How in such cases, do not disturb church discipline regarding the post and at the same time to do on love, and not for man agencies?

Hello, Eugene!

If you carefully read the 14th chapter of Messages to the Romans, you will see that most of this chapter is devoted to the instructions on the farewell of those who do not comprehend one or another, and not about leaving the post in order not to disappear. Yes, in the lives of saints, Caderika can be found situations when the saints of love towards the neighbor violated the post, but these were isolated cases, it was committed with the deepest humility and love of neighbor, and was part of a single, not systematic.

At work it is quite possible to come for a holiday, a little to stay with the team, congratulate the culprit of the celebration. But no one forces you to eat unimiss you!

Do not be ashamed to say to colleagues that you will stop. Perhaps, at first it will surprise them, but over time it will even cause respect for you. On the table, which is going in honor of the new year or another common holiday, you can always find something lean: fish, vegetables, fruits, olives, etc. Especially if the table is going to "expound" you can bring some kind of lean Food.

Sincerely, the priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Why can not be marred in the post? On Saturday and others. Days?Tatyana

Hello Tatiana!

Wedding is not performed in those days when the Orthodox Church should refrain from married closeness (post, eve of lean days - environments and Fridays, and Sunday). In addition, the post is a time of special repentance in sins, the wedding festival during this period is inappropriate.

Sincerely, the priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Answer please! I observe the post, but at work we are not preparing a lanched food, because Basically no one keeps him. And so, for example, soup I eat without meat, but on meat broth. Question: Is it considered that I violate the post? Maybe I give up first dish? Elena

Hello, Elena!

Yes, the post you violate, and if there is an opportunity, it is better to abandon the first dish.

Sincerely, the priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Hello! Tell me, please, how to go to such a situation? My husband and I live a month and a half. Got married, married. But he does not even accept my opinion about the posts and life of a believer man, but does not understand him. He wants a child. I haven't wanted to think so immediately for a month: and I want, and is afraid. Now I wanted. But the post began. I told him about my desire to have a child. Therefore, now he can not understand me. He believes that religion is too important for me. And that it is abnormally in the modern world. Believe, go to the temple, pray, but posts ... I do not want to have a quarrel. The family is very important. Then she will have a full-fledged. Thanks in advance.

Hello, Katerina!

You are right - if the refusal of married relations in the post causes a negative reaction of the spouse and discord in the family, then you do not need to insist. According to the word of the apostle Paul, the wife is not powerful over his body, but the husband, and it is necessary to refrain from proximity by mutual agreement. For the future, try to agree with your spouse about the abstinence on the eve of the communion and the most important days: for example, on the passionate sadmice of the Great Post. Pray for a spouse, ask the Lord to give him faith and led to the temple.

Help you Lord!

Sincerely, the priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Hello! Tell me, please, can you baptize the child during the post? Marina

Hello, Marina!

Yes, you can baptize the child and during the post. Remember that it is important not only to baptize the baby, but also to educate him in Orthodoxy, regularly approach the Holy Taine of Christ.

Sincerely, the priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Good day! Is it possible to marry (register marriage) during the post (Assumption post, the wedding is scheduled for August 24)?

Hello, Anastasia!

You can register marriage in the post, but the wedding and the beginning of family life in this case it is better to wind up to the wedding, which can be committed after the end of the post (after August 28).

God forbid you to create a strong and happy family!

Sincerely, the priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Batyushka, what to do if it is difficult to fast, if there is no appetite by the end of the post, although you want to eat? In our family, everything will be fast, but as a post, the problems with food begin. Everyone is striking (I, too), and it turns out that all the time pasta, potatoes with a salad, and cookies with chocolate.

At the beginning of my post, I feel normally and physically I move normally, and by the end I barely withstand. When for the first time I fastened to the Christmas post - the stomach broke out, so the post broke. How to eat in the post, if during the posts are sick?

Hello, Ulyana!

Yes, if serious health problems arise, the post can be loosen (from the blessing of the priest), but you do not need to bring yourself to such a state. After all, judging by your letter, your problems are not because of health, but due to the fact that you are lazy to prepare in the post. Lenten table can be diverse, and delicious, and useful. For the patient of the stomach, by the way, the oatmeal is very useful, which is cooked on the water - what is the rest here? On our site there are recipes for lean dishes, there are even special culinary books, it would be a desire to cook!

Sincerely, the priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Hello. Help me please. My bride's parents are very negative about the post and lean food. Every day, her parents put pressure on it and make meat eat. I have already become involved in this, so they care about our health. We are far from thick and engage in intellectual work. It came to the point that they said that weddings would not be if we continue our posts. What to do: eat meat for them and will save the world or go on an increasingly growing confrontation and continue to fast on the charter?

Hello, Alexander! Unfortunately, your letter does not reflect the motives that encourage your bride's parents so zealously protecting her health. If this is an anti-religious prejudice - pray for them, remember the church. For example, order Sorokoust about their health. The world family is better to prefer the post. But in confession, it is necessary to repent in the face of the post, explaining its reasons. Perhaps the priest, hesitate in the situation, will give you a more specific and effective advice. Sincerely, the priest Mikhail Samokhin.

Copyright 2004.

From this article, you will learn how to prepare for communion on the part of the priests: canonical norms and practices of local Orthodox churches.

Your Eminence!

Allopeous fathers, brothers and sisters!

if you do not have the flesh of the Son of Human
and drinking it to him, then you will not have a life in yourself.
Pointed my flesh and drinking my blood has eternal life,
And I resurrect him on the last day
(In. 6, 53-54)

The Gospel Commandments given to us by Christ the Savior about the need to taste his body and blood, is the basis on which the Church creates. For an Orthodox Christian, this statement seems so obvious that it would seem that it does not require any special evidence, because a true spiritual life is impossible without the sacrament of communion. At the same time, in the church environment, there is still no unambiguous opinion on how often the believing Orthodox people begin to the sacrament of communion and what should be prepared for this sacrament.

To begin with, I would like to give a few quotes: all the faithful, part of the church and the Scriptures of the listening, but not those who are in prayer and the Holy Communion to the end, and IKO is imposing in the church of the producing, it is submitted from the Communication of the Church (9 Apostolic Rule). By explaining the largest interpreter of the canons of the Patriarch of Feodor Walsamon, "the definition of this rule is very strict. For it takes away in the church, but not to the end and not coming. And other rules (80 Rule VI of the Ecumenical Cathedral, and 11 Rule of the Sardician Cathedral) in a similar way determine that everyone is willing to and deserve communities, and expose non-communionless days. "

Thus, we see that the communion of the Orthodox Christian, the conscience of which is not burdened with mortal sins, for each liturgy is the canonical norm of the church, the retreat of which is fraught with the disappearance of the church.

Today we can observe that an increasing number of our parishioners seek to get to the Holy Communion not from the case towards the case (once in the post), but regularly. It is often becoming cases when the laymen express the desire to pass every Sunday. Together with this, there are quite legitimate questions about what should be the rate of preparation for the sacrament of communion.

The current church practice tells us about the need to respect the three-day post before the communion, subtracting the submission consisting of three canons and the rules to holy communion, evening and morning prayers, mandatory confession on the eve or the day of the day. Of course, only an empty stomach is coming. This practice, which has become almost the church rule, has become the norm for the majority of the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church. At the same time, we must understand that this practice is not ancient and does not have the status of the Cathedral Resolution.

From a canonical point of view, the practice of preparation for the communion is governed by the following rules: the Carthage Cathedral 47 (58) -th and the Truble Cathedral of the 29th; SVT. Nikifora confessor 9th; Timothy Alexandrian 5th and I of the Ecumenical Cathedral of the 13th. According to the rules of the Carthage and the Trulular Cathedrals, only an empty stomach can be used, the 9th Rule of St. Nikifora Confessor speaks about the possibility of communion of dying even after biting them to them. Timofeya Alexandrian rule determines the need for marital abstinence on the eve of communion.

Summing up It can be said that according to the canons of the Church, an Orthodox Christian can start an empty stomach (not falling food from midnight), for those Orthodox Christians, who is married, on the eve of the communion, a marital abstinence is necessary. The volume of the prayer rule, the need to comply with additional lean days and the mandatory confession to the communion canons of the church is not regulated.

All this, of course, does not mean that the prayer rule, very few days and confession should be absent in the life of Orthodox Christians. The practice of preparing for communion in the Russian Church, if a person commits only a few times a year, is completely understandable and justified for those who are rarely involved. Indeed, if the person most of the church year does not live church life, does not observe the posts established by the Church, does not have the experience of homely celin prayer, it will be useful for him to hold a certain spiritual work on himself, before communion. Questions arise when the laity, living with a full church life attending regular worship, who keep all the multi-day and one-day posts established by the Church, express the desire to pass on every Sunday Liturgy. How to be in this case with a mandatory three-day post, considering that the post on Saturday is being prohibited by 64 apostolic rule (anyone from the clearing will be asked for the Lord's Day, or on Saturday, except for Single Tokmo (Saturday's Great): yes will be erupted. The same laity: will it be late)?

I do not think that it will be a great secret to say that the clergyman who being prepared for the commission of Liturgy does not comply with additional lean days before communion, except for those posts that are established by the Church. It is possible to hear the objection that the priest cannot commit a liturgy without coming, but it is precisely that the canons and relatives are told about the laity. 9 Apostolic rule we already led. As for the preparation for the communion, the priests do not have any special privileged position, which Saint John Zlatoust writes: "But there are cases when the priest does not differ from the arrogal, for example, when it is necessary to communion sec. Sec. We are all equally honored, not as in the Old Testament, where a priest had nicked, other people and where it was not allowed to join the people who were acquired by the priest, people were forbidden to participate in what was for priests. Now it is not so - but everyone is offered one body and one bowl ... ".

Thus, we see that a certain collision arises - the priest committing Liturgy is exempt from the need to comply with additional lean days and mandatory confession to the communion, the Mijanian, who expressed the desire to commitize every Sunday day, besides other posts, abide by the three-day post in front of the communion, disturbing 64 Apostolic rule prohibiting post on Saturday.

What is the case in other local churches? Immediately it should be said that we were not able to conduct a comprehensive study regarding the practitioners of all the local Orthodox churches. In the global Orthodoxy, we were conditionally identified two basic traditions - conditionally Greek and conditionally Russian. Greek practice, to which we treat the parishes of Constantinople, Alexandrian, Antioch, Jerusalem, Elaladskaya, Cyprus Churches, involves the possibility of Mijan's communion for Liturgy without compulsory confession. Parishioners try to commitize every Sunday, while the confession is committed in a separate time from the liturgy and is not connected with the communion. Moreover, it may not confess any priestly, but only the one who received a special certificate from the bishop, which gives the right to perform confession. Usually, such permission is issued to a clergyman who already has a sufficient pastoral experience. The very fact of ordination in the priests in the Greek tradition does not mean that the newlyructured father immediately receives the power to "knit and decide."

There are no uniformity in the Serbian church: it all depends on where "Batyushka has studied." Graduates of Greek spiritual schools adopt the traditions of the Elaladian Church, and the priests of the Russian school consider confession to the indispensable opponse of communion, and at the extra-hour time, many of them do not advise commitory.

The youngest local church is the Orthodox Church in America, which in the past century had the same problems that we ask in this speech, at the moment it is one of the most dynamically developing churches in North America. The preparing for the communion is Liturgy for the word of St. Nicholas Kavasyli: "Psalms and reading of the Scriptures predetermine us to consecrate with holy mysters." Each faithful comes out for every liturgy. Canon to the Holy Communion and Prayer for Communion are included in the homely prayer rule.

Additional post is not required. Compliance with the post on Wednesdays and Fridays, as well as large posts is sufficient. Those. The very same requirements that priests themselves perform the same requirements (a quotation from St. John Zlatoust on this score, we already led).

The confession is required regular (according to the advice of the priest - once in one or two months), according to his own desire of the believer (in most temples, you can always be involved before the start of the liturgy or after the evening), in case the faithful fell in mortal sin (murder, adultery, idolatry - including departure from the church for a long period). In the great post, confession is mandatory for everyone.

Back in the 70s of the last century, the Orthodox Christians of America lived in the tradition of "infrequent" communion. Thanks to the efforts of such glorified shepherds as Protopresswiter Alexander Schmeman and Protopreswiter John Meyendorf Today attendance of Sunday Liturgy and Holidays in the Orthodox Church in America (which has no other resources except, in fact, church) is the highest among all Orthodox jurisdictions of the United States.

Alas, not in all the local Orthodox churches, the situation is so favorable. Many of us are familiar with the modern practice of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, where The requirements for communion are unnecessar than strict - month of post before communion. The consequence of this was the semi-empty temples of Bulgaria.

Whether the Russian church wants to go in the footsteps of Orthodox Bulgaria or not - depends on the position that the clergy of our church will defend. It seems to us that the existing variety of liturgical traditions in various local churches is a completely normal and explanatory phenomenon. But the attitude to the sacraments cannot be the tradition of one or another church. In this matter we can only talk about who more, and who less corresponds to what is called the tradition of the church.

Of course, it is not about to relieve all possible restrictions and communion of all in a row without parsing. As we have already said, for people of communion rarely existing practices are quite justified. But the task of the shepherd is to inspire loyal for permanent participation in the sacraments and help develop a reasonable and s) of the preparation rule. In the event that the correct wants to fully participate in the sacraments, we must fully support such a desire and develop intelligent pastoral approaches. In this matter, we are very necessary that in the Orthodox theology is CONSENSUS PATRUM, i.e. "The consent of the fathers." And if the St. ConSensus Patrum on this issue is unambiguous, the consent of fathers now helly does not always obviously.

It seems appropriate, relying on the canons of the Church, to determine the individual approach for each parishioner, given the experience of church life experience. In the event that a person seizes the desire for regular communion for each Sunday Liturgy (that the ideal should be the norm for all parishioners) it is possible to teach blessings for communion without an additional three-day post (of course, with the obligatory observance of the posts available in the church). The volume of the prayer rule should be no less than the rules of Holy Communion existing in our prayers, including three psalms, canon and prayers before communion. Reading three canons should be left at the discretion of the preparing for communion.

The question of mandatory confession, of course, one of the most delicate. The confession is not an official sacrament in relation to the communion, and especially sad when confessing many parishioners on a member of the comment about. Alexandra Smeman is perceived as a "party ticket". Of course, it is possible for an individual approach here, especially in cases where parishioners (according to 66 rule of the VI of the Ecumenical Cathedral) wish to commit about all days with light weeks. Trying to protect the laity from the formalization of the sacrament of the sacrament we, in fact, formalize the sacrament of the confession, which from the sacrament of the "second baptism" becomes one of the conditions for the communion.

In any case, the shepherd must always remember that he has no right to demand from the passage that he does not fulfill. It would not be superfluous for us to remember the words of Christ: "... to you, legitimitations, which impose uncommordable burden on people, and they themselves do not touch them with one finger." (Lux 11, 46).

And I would like to complete my speech by the words of Archimandrite Ephraim, Igumen of the Watoped Monastery, spoken by him during the attachment to Russia of the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary:

"I know that in Russia some priests say that in front of the communion it is necessary to fast for three days, and some are five days. In fact, there is no compulsory law, how many days to fast in front of the holy communion. The proof of this is that the priests will not be obligatory, and then not only communionable the next day, but also serve as Liturgy. After all, we observe the posts defined - four posts per year and posts on Wednesday and Friday, I think that these posts are enough. If someone wants to fast before the communion even a whole week for Askusa, for awe, please, but that this is legalized by the artists - we have never heard about it anywhere. If this were a prerequisite for the communion, firstly, the priests would have to fast. Sometimes they say that Christians need only once every two or three months, there is no such law. When Christian has no fatal sins, he has the right to commitary more often. "

Thanks for attention!

Many Orthodox believers ask a question of internally, via the Internet or are interested in relatives: can we brush your teeth before communion? But this is not the only thing that not only newcomers can ask. A lot of questions appear in churches. It is worth noting that there is a huge number of barbecue myths, delusions. This article briefly retold answers of experienced and pious priests, recommendations and useful advice beginners are given.

What is the communion?

How does Christ say to the Gospel about the communion? On the eve of terrible death on the cross, he collects his students together and prepares a meal. On the table bread and wine. Christ says that in memory of him will drink wine and eat bread, as it is the symbols of his blood and body.

To present, liturgy is performed in the temples and holy communion is being prepared using bread and wine. The priests pray together with the parishioners with the words "about the proposed honest gifts to the Lord pray."

What is actually meant by bread and wine in the holy bowl? Prayers read before the communion of the house are also needed a Christian as church. Why do you need prayer? Because the Lord is connected to those man who calls him to himself.

What is the communion?

There are several evidence of how the communion actually is being prepared and that under it is hidden from human eyes. Once a certain person came to the temple. In the temple were open. The priests stood at the altar. Suddenly, the shortened man saw the priest pierces the baby with a copy. He shouted at the whole temple: "Why do baby kill?" All people standing in the temple turned around. No one could understand what kind of baby is speech. In fact, the priest in his hands was a prosfora (small breadfill and water breads).

The Lord is invisible and endlessly sacrificed for the sake of people, but not materially, but spiritually. In real, his crucifix was seen almost 2,000 years ago at Calvary in Jerusalem.

Let's go back to the gospel and to those lines where the Lord is at the Lord's Eve. He said: "From now on, you will drink my blood (wine) and eat my body (bread) in memory of me." But how it will happen, even the apostles did not know. Especially it is not given to know and us. This is a divine mystery. We just have to take it seriously, and since there is, therefore, the prayers read before the communion are very necessary, first of all for the most communion.

Another living evidence

In the city of Lanchano (Italy) to this day there is a true proof that the communion is not just bread and wine. In the Catholic Church of Saint-Lenodies in the 8th century, one priest doubted that the communion was a miracle. When he picked up a piece of bread, he saw something similar to muscle tissue. He looked into the bowl and saw - instead of wine there blood. The priest shouted from horror. Then he realized that it was impossible to doubt. The Lord proved him that everything is truly. To this day, this miracle is in Lanchen. Many pilgrims come to pray near such a shrine.

What is needed before the sacrament of a Christian? Of course, first of all, faith in what they will be given to taste not just bread and wine, but the body of Christ. Of course, such a meal is a miracle. The Lord gives part of himself a sinful person. Therefore, it is necessary to proceed not only with fear, but also faith. It is impossible to compete.

How to treat?

Above, we reviewed two evidence of the Miracle of God. It is worth noting that in the Altar during the liturgy there is not only Jesus Christ, but also the Mother, Archangels, Saints.

No wonder the holy fathers said that the angels would mourn because the communion was not honored. After all, they have no body, no need. They and so with God. And the Lord gave the Lord such a great gift - to connect with him during the communion. Let it be invisible.

  • canon repentable to the Savior;
  • canon Prayer Mother's Mother;
  • canon Guardian Angel;
  • submission to the Holy Communion.

It is all these prayers, chants, Kondaki will help to prepare correctly to take the holy gifts as it should be.

Posts and confession

Priests say that you need to fast at least 3 days. If a person unchurched, rarely visits the temple, sinful, then he needs to prepare almost a week. That is why the optimal option for such people is great, as well as Petrov and Assumption. But it is not necessary that therefore choose periods of multi-day posts. After all, it is more important - this is a reconciliation with God, not the convenience.

What to do before communion to someone who rarely goes to the temple? First, it is necessary to approach the priest to confession. When the father takes jumping, you can find out in the temple, which is closer to your home or you want to visit. Be prepared for the fact that the priest after confession may not allow communion. It may have a lot of reasons for it. Often, to allow for communion, you need to fast, repent, visit the temple many times. Be sure to ask the Batyushka after confession, it blesses it to approach the holy bowl or not. Often, the priests themselves insist that the confessor comes out. You need to accept such advice.

What post before communion?

If you are novice or have not been in the temple for a long time, then you will definitely go to the priest to confession. Usually, during this sacrament, many spiritual questions are solved. The father will explain to you what to do what to beware when you can pass.

What is meant by post? Meat, milk can not eat, eggs too. In addition, dishes, products, beverages, which contain the above products are not consumed. Remember that the post must be spiritual. Food use a little. For example, for breakfast - tea with oatmeal or Hercules porridge on the water, at lunch - a soup on a vegetable broth, behind dinner - vegetable salad and rice / potatoes.

To drink in front of communion, as during the post, alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Coffee is also recommended to refuse. After all, the body should be a temple of the soul, a calm "home", sober and vigorous. (not lean), coffee and alcohol can not set up on prayers.

Spiritual side

We will continue our conversation about post. We dealt with food. As for entertainment, views of films, then you need to postpone all this. Any unimportants need to be replaced by prayers to God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, his guardian angel and holy.

Let's talk about reading before communion. We mentioned the canons and follow the Holy Communion. In addition to them, they advise reading the Gospel, the Holy Fathers. Be careful to take the barrel literature or the one that refers to the Falchrystian.

No need to fuss during fasting. If you have the opportunity, then postpone case for later. They can wait. After all, the earthly life is speeding up, and the post room needs to think about eternity.

Why such restrictions?

During the liturgy, before the removal of the holy bowl, the choir sings that we are (parishioners) we leave the whole terrestrial vanity. Not everyone (the more modern) a person understands that sooner or later, the earthly life will end and everything that he worked on, will go into oblivion. After all, he will not be able to pick up a passport or beloved job, bank accounts or a computer with valuable information with him. He appears before God with his conscience, with sins and virtues. The Lord will not ask whether you were the Director General, he will ask to answer for the fact that he was offended by the client's grandmother. God still, whether you have "Lexus". He will ask, whether you were brought by the weak, weak, without taking money from them.

Why are the restrictions in the post in relation to entertainment? It's time to sit down at the table or stand in front of icons and think: what did you do bad for all your life during this period. Is it a conscience? It is more important for a Christian to know about, for example, it is possible to brush your teeth before communion, but about what sins are actually and what is repentance, how not to sin. The Lord is upset when a person makes sin even mentally. Just think: you mentally angry, even the heart is numb. This is also a sin. It is necessary to repent sincere.

When do not allow communion?

Do you know what you need to get rid of your sins? If you repent, we must try to avoid the limits. So that the priest admits to the communion, it is necessary to attend every Saturday at the evening service, then in the morning on the liturgy. The same should be done in large church holidays. You need to read the morning and prayer. Of course, this takes up for 20-30 minutes. If you do not have time, you can read Serafimov Rule: Three times "Our Father", three times the "Virgin ..." and once "Symbol of Faith." But at the same time, during the day you need to pray to God, holy. These are the most important rules.

May not allow communion in such cases, for example:

  • murder, abortion;
  • vorozhba, fortune telling, psychic, spiritualism, astrology;
  • other faith, heretical views;
  • cohabitation out of marriage, debauchery, homosexuality, drug addiction and alcoholism and so on.

The priest needs to speak the whole truth during confession, do not hide any sin. The Lord stands next to the invisible, he knows everything, only waiting for repentance of the heart. If you hide, it will be even big sin. You need to completely clean your soul before communion. What do the holy fathers and priests say? Human soul should be clean, bright, with hope for correction and to change the life for the better. Do not go to the bowl if you are not sure you want to live with God.

If the father is blessed

When the priest gives a blessing, it should be taken seriously. You should read not only Canon the Mother of God before communion, but also canons to the Savior, the guardian angel, as well as the submission. All this is in Orthodox prayer.

The readability is very large. Therefore, canons can be read for 2-3 days before communion, but the following is read only on the eve of the evening, after coming from the temple from the evening service.

You need to do so that no one distracted you. If you accommodate together with your family, friends, pilgrims, then read in turn, pray.

Morning in front of communion

As is known to Orthodox Christians, it is impossible to eat anything in the morning before communion. Even drinking medicines is not allowed. But is it possible to brush your teeth before communion? There is no ban on it. If you are sure that you do not swallow randomly water or pasta, you can clean your teeth.

If the stomach is sick, there is no opportunity to wait until noon, then it is better to go to early service. In small cities and in the villages, Liturgy serve early, and in the megalopolis - at 7 am or at 9-10 hours.

For the sake of the connection with God, you can suffer. It is worth reading my prayers.

The morning before communion is always exciting. It is necessary to morally prepare. After reading the morning rule, go to the temple at least half an hour before the liturgy in order to quietly submit notes, put candles, approach your beloved saints.

Before the communion itself

The service should carefully listen to prayers. When priests prepare the sacrament, pray to take the blood and the body of Christ worthy. At the same time, a pious person sincerely should consider himself unworthy of such a gift.

Remember the Canon of the Virgin before communion: you need to pray that the Mother of God stands up for us, sinners. And Canon Jesus Christ about what? We see the Lord in our sins. About this and remember when we are waiting for the communion.

The very moment of communion

When the royal gates and the priest comes out with the bowl, you need to make a terrestrial bow. Then stand in line, arms crossed on the chest. When approaching the bowl, you need to call your Orthodox name to the father and open your mouth wide. Communion should be swallowed immediately so that the particle is not stuck in the teeth. Take the warmth and prosfora.

Many people ask: "Is it possible to eat in front of communion?" You know why the answer is no? Because the Lord must enter the first in the body of the Christian. After all, God is more important for us, and not food.

So we talked about whether it is possible to brush your teeth before communion, how to prepare that read, brought examples of evidence of true faith. It must be remembered that God needs our prayers and repentance, and not the earth.

A lot of questions arise from believers, weakly twistly, or not at all of the singers who want to take the saints of the sacraments, what should be what you can eat and how to prepare. It is clear that the preparation for confession and the communion does not consist only only in the post, there is still a spiritual state, repentance, prayers, etc. But the question of post is relevant, many ask him, it means that it needs to be revealed. We turned to different sources, and stopped on the answers of the priest Konstantin Parhomenko, who expressed the opinion of most priesthood on this issue.

So, out of the answers, it is necessary for people who first resort to the communion of the holy sacraments of Christ, you need a week, those who are less likely to meet, or does not comply with the Wednesday and Friday posts, or often multi-day posts do not even observe The day before communion will fasten. There is no animal food, not drink alcohol. Yes, and lented food is not combined, but is a measure of the need for saturation and only. But who is every Sunday (as it should be a good Christian) resorts to the sacraments, you can post only Wednesday and Friday, as usual. Some are added - and at least on Saturday evening, or on Saturday - there is no meat. Before communion from 24 hours is no longer there, and do not drink anything. In the laid days of fasting to use only plant origin food.

How to prepare

It is also very important these days to keep herself from the malice, envy, condemnation, empty conversations and bodily communications between spouses, as well as on the night after communion too.
For up to 7 years old, no need to fast, nor confess.
Also, if the first time a person goes to the communion, you need to try to deduct all the rule, read all the canons (you can buy a special little book in the shop, is called "Rule to Holy Communion" or "Prayers with Rule to Communion", everything is clear there). So that it is not so difficult, you can do it, dividing this rule for several days.

Before confession

Before the very same confession, which is a separate sacrament, (not necessarily after it must follow the sacrament, but preferably), you can keep the post. Confected a person can at any time when he will feel in his heart that he needs to repent, profess sins and as quickly as possible so that the soul is not aggravated. And coming up, properly prepared, it is possible and later. Ideally, if you succeed, it would be nice to visit the evening service, and especially before the holidays or the day of the angel of your own.

In pilgrim trips

Konstantin Parkhomenko also tells, responding to the reader's question that if you are on a pilgrimage trip, or even just with the tourist purpose you are in other cities, it would also be good to communion, extinguish in holy places. You can also reduce the rules by reading, for example, one of the three canons, for example, the Lord or the Virgin, as well as the canon with prayers before communion.

Another answers of the father on this kind of questions.

Still listen and see: prayer rule - how to start, the priest of Konstantin Parkhomenko is answered.

Discussion: 7 comments

    It is desirable at least sometimes attend the church, find time for her, to faith and spiritual cleansing, and put the candles to put. All as far as possible.


    Falling at all is not easy, especially those who have never limited themselves to anything before. It is necessary to start to withstand the post on the day, for example, on Wednesday and Friday, and then prepare for a three-day.


    What can be used between confession and communion? And is it possible to drink sweet tea before communion? And is it possible to go to the liturgy without confession?


    1. Masha, you can go to the liturgy, regardless of whether you were fed or not, whether to confess and commitory or not, but, of course, it is desirable, going to the temple on the liturgy, confessing and coming. Before the communion from 12 o'clock in the morning you can not eat anything or drink, the more sweet tea (even water can not). In the days when you will fast, you can not meat, dairy products, eggs), and in the days of strict post - and fish.


    In the evening service, it is still important to be (and not just "preferably" and "ideally"), since the evening worship is, so to speak, the first part of the upcoming liturgy. Previously, the whole liturgy served completely, and then, on our weakness, was divided into evening worship and morning - actually Liturgy. And so it turns out that we come to the divine service not from the beginning, but, as if, considering it is not important, the first part is the evening worship. Another thing, if for some important circumstances (for example, because of the work at an enterprise or significant life circumstances), a person cannot be in the evening worship - about it, I think it was good to say to confession.


    I also know that the post is necessarily before communion and confession. Let at least a few days of the soul will be in purity and good thoughts. Pay God at least a little time.


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