Baptism of the Lord - history and traditions. Baptism of the Lord: history, features and main traditions of the holiday

Baptism of the Lord - history and traditions.  Baptism of the Lord: history, features and main traditions of the holiday
Baptism of the Lord - history and traditions. Baptism of the Lord: history, features and main traditions of the holiday

On January 19 (January 6, old style), believers celebrate the Baptism of the Lord, or Epiphany. Baptism, like Easter, is considered the oldest holiday in Christian culture. This day is associated with the gospel event - the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River.

TASS tells about the history, meaning and traditions of the holiday.

The meaning of the name

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is closely connected with the event of the earthly life of Jesus Christ, described by the evangelists - the baptism performed in the Jordan River by the prophet John the Baptist, who is also John the Baptist. The second name of the holiday is Epiphany. This name reminds of the miracle that happened during the baptism of Christ: in the guise of a dove, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven, and a voice from heaven called Jesus the son.

This day was also often called the "Day of Enlightenment", "the Feast of Lights" or "Holy Lights" - as a sign that the Sacrament of Baptism cleanses a person from sin and enlightens with the Light of Christ.

history of the holiday

According to the Gospel, after wandering in the wilderness, the prophet John the Baptist came to the Jordan River, in which the Jews traditionally performed religious ablutions. Here he began to talk to the people about repentance, talked about baptism for the remission of sins, and began to baptize people in the waters.

When Jesus was 30 years old, he also came to the waters of the Jordan River and asked John to baptize him. After baptism, the heavens "opened" and the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, everyone heard the words of God the Father: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matt 3:17).

They pointed out to John the Baptist and the people present of the divine dignity of the baptized Jesus Christ. It is believed that in this event the Holy Trinity was revealed to people: God the Father - with a voice from heaven, God the Son - by baptism from John in Jordan, God the Holy Spirit - by a dove descending on Jesus Christ.

How to celebrate

On Epiphany, divine services and Epiphany bathing in ice holes (Jordan) are held throughout Russia. For this, special ice holes are made on reservoirs, and on the squares of cities and towns. People believe that swimming in an ice-hole gives a cleansing power for the soul and body.

However, swimming in the Jordan remains an exclusively voluntary matter for believers. For Christians on Epiphany, the main thing is to attend a service in the church, confess, receive communion and receive baptismal water.

On the eve of January 18, on Epiphany Eve, Orthodox Christians observe a strict fast, eating the traditional lean cereal dish - sochivo. You can eat only after taking out the candle after the liturgy in the morning and the first communion with Epiphany water.

Consecration of water

The main tradition of the Baptism of the Lord is the blessing of water, which takes place in churches and on reservoirs. Water is consecrated twice. On the eve of January 18 and directly on the day of Epiphany - January 19 at the Divine Liturgy.

The baptized water is called "agiasma" and is considered a shrine that heals the soul and body. You can drink baptismal water throughout the year. Holy water can be sprinkled on living quarters, things, taken during illness, applied to sore spots, and also given to drink to those who cannot be admitted to Holy Communion.

According to church officials, even tap water is blessed on this day. Water consecrated in the temple cannot be used for household needs, washing or washing. It is recommended to store holy water in the house, preferably near the icons.

Daria Burlakova

Every year on January 19, the entire Orthodox world celebrates a great holiday - the Baptism of the Lord. This day ends with Christmas and is one of the most important holidays of the Orthodox Church, the symbol of which is water. the site tells about history and traditions holiday.

history of the holiday

The Orthodox Church celebrates Epiphany (or Epiphany) on January 19, while the Catholic Church - on January 6 (as well, this is due to the discrepancy between the Julian and Gregorian calendars). The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is twelve non-transient - it is included in twelve Orthodox holidays dedicated to the events of the earthly life of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God and having an unchanging date.

The celebration of Epiphany on January 19 is associated with the events described in the Bible. The Gospel says that on this day Jesus Christ was baptized in the waters of the Jordan River by the prophet John the Baptist. John led an ascetic life in the wilderness, preached repentance and baptized people so that they would be cleansed from sins. John predicted the coming into the world of the Savior, therefore he is also called John the Baptist.

After baptism, Jesus consecrated the waters of the Jordan and at the same moment the Holy Spirit descended on him in the form of a dove and everyone who was near heard a voice from heaven

3:13 Then Jesus comes from Galilee to the Jordan to John to be baptized by him.

3:14 But John restrained Him and said: I need to be baptized by You, and do You come to me?

3:15 But Jesus answered and said to him: Leave it now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness. Then John allows Him.

3:16 And, being baptized, Jesus immediately went out of the water - and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and John saw the Spirit of God, who descended like a dove and descended on Him.

3:17 And behold, a voice from heaven, saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Gospel of Matthew


The very word "Baptism" comes from the Old Slavonic word "baptize" ("wash, wash, immerse"). In the Gospel, water baptism is called the Greek word "baptizo" (βάπτισμα), also meaning "immersion, ablution, pouring, sprinkling."

The rituals of immersion in water were practiced by the Old Testament Church and were called "mikvah", a special water ablution, which had to be performed by a believing pagan or Jew after any desecration. Immersion in water was not only a purification, but also the main way of entering the Church.

At the same time, already in the New Testament, Baptism has two meanings - it is the baptism of John and Christian baptism. John's is the baptism of repentance, which does not free a person from sins, and Christian Baptism is the forgiveness of all sins and renews a person.

It is believed that the water at the Baptism of the Lord becomes life-giving and those who dip into it will be healed and delivered from all sins.

How Epiphany is celebrated

On the eve of January 18, Epiphany Eve is celebrated. On this day, Orthodox Christians observe fasting in the same way as before Christmas. It is allowed to eat only juicy and uzvar. Uzvar is a drink made from dried fruits and honey, and sochivo is cereal grains cooked in honey. It is believed that the very word "Christmas Eve" comes from the naming of this dish.

Every year on January 19, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Great Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. It is preceded by one day of strict fasting.

After the solemn church service, the priest and all the flock follow to the nearest body of water. And in some cases, to specially prepared in advance baths in the form of a cross, in memory of the Jordan River, called "Jordan".

A cross is thrown three times into the water with the reading of prayers. Many believers dive into the holy Epiphany water three times, even if there are severe frosts outside. They collect her in all kinds of vessels and, with prayers, carry her home.

What is the essence of the holiday of Epiphany, what are its traditions and history of establishment?

The biblical story of the feast of Epiphany

Ten kilometers from the Biblical city of Jericho, near the settlement of Bethabar, an ascetic Prophet, devotedly serving God, Saint John preached about the approach of the Kingdom of Heaven and the coming into the world of the Messiah. The Prophet called people to repentance, after which he dipped them into the waters of the Jordan River. This meant Baptism - the cleansing of the sins of the penitent.

The Evangelist Matthew describes it as follows: “John himself had a garment of camel hair and a leather belt on his loins, and his food was acrida and wild honey. Then Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region around Jordan went out to him. And they were baptized by him in Jordan, confessing their sins. ", (Hebrew Mt 3.4: 4-6).

It was here that the thirty-year-old Lord came from Galilee. John, knowing that God did not dare to baptize him before him: “But John held him back and said: I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me? But Jesus answered and said to him: Leave it now; for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness". (Hebrew Mt 3.4: 14-15).
And entering the Jordan, Jesus was baptized at the hands of John. Therefore, John the Baptist is called the Baptist

Then the miracle of the Epiphany happened: “And behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and John saw the Spirit of God, descending like a dove and descending upon Him. And behold, a voice from heaven saying: This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. "(Hebrew Mt.3.4. 16-17). This event took place with a large crowd of people.

Christians often call the feast of the Epiphany the feast of the Epiphany. In memory of the only time when people saw all three persons of God - the Holy Trinity - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit: the Son of God Jesus Christ being baptized in the Jordan, the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus in the form of a dove, and the Voice of God the Father, announcing to people about Son.

The Sacrament of Baptism, left to us as a legacy by the Lord, is the main rite of Christians of all confessions. Baptism is a voluntary agreement between a person and God about joining the body of the Church. In fulfillment of which, the Holy Spirit descends on a person, sanctifying him, washing him from all sins and joining him to a single organism - the earthly and heavenly Church.

The history of the establishment of the holiday, the tradition of using holy water

Even during the earthly life of the apostles, there is a mention of the celebration of the Epiphany. At that time, two events related to the life of the Savior were called so at once - Christmas and Epiphany. And only towards the end of the fourth century did they receive glorification as separate holidays.

One of the traditions of the first Christians on this day was the baptism of the catechumens. The catechumens are people who have adopted the Apostolic (Orthodox) faith and prepared for the sacrament of Baptism. The preparation, that is, the announcement, conveyed knowledge about the Lord Jesus Christ and the meaning of Christian life.

After Prince Vladimir baptized his people on the banks of the Dnieper in 988, Russia began to be called Holy.

Russians deeply accepted the Orthodox faith in their hearts. Our ancestors treated Holiness with special reverence, which was passed from generation to generation. Unity with God was expressed in respect and awe before the Name of the Lord.

The height of piety before God has borne fruit in the form of many traditions. For example, on Christmas Eve, January 6, according to the church charter, it is allowed to eat even with vegetable oil. The reverent Russian tradition is not to taste any food until the first star.

People had a purity of conscience, true examples of love and sacrifice. They denied debauchery, sinful cohabitation, prayed before starting any business and thanked God for help. We regularly participated in church ordinances. Living with God and fulfilling the Commandments, people had harvests, the rains came on time, and the sun did not burn crops in the fields. Holy Epiphany water was kept in every home. They were kept in a separate container, and taken every morning on an empty stomach with the whole family.

For constant consumption, you can take any water, add quite a bit of Epiphany - and all of it will become holy! With the advent of new Epiphany water, last year's water is finished in its pure form.
They sprinkle holy water on themselves and children at any time, before an important matter or during an illness. Sprinkle new things and household items. Everything is done with the understanding of God's mercy to us.

Epiphany or Jordanian holy water: necessary explanations

Thousands of baptized people rush to Orthodox churches on holiday to bless the water. There is an opinion among the people about the difference between the water consecrated on January 18 and 19.
The Great Rite of consecration of water is the same, and there is no concept of "Jordanian" water in the church canons... The misunderstanding may be related to the words of the festive troparion.

During the Great Rite of Consecration, the priest proclaims the troparion based on the Gospel event: "In the Jordan, baptizing you, Lord ...", and reads it for two days, not just on January 18th.

The history of the consecration of two days dates back to the very times when people were baptized on the eve of the holiday. Over the years, Christianity spread, and the number of those wishing to be baptized increased so much that additional days were assigned for this. Today you can be baptized any day of the year, but the tradition of the two-day blessing of water has been preserved.

During the consecration of water on January 18 and 19, we see the actions of the priest, hear the singing of the church choir, prayers and the Holy Scriptures. Invisible to us, sanctification occurs by the grace of God. In the prayer for the consecration of water, God's help is asked for the healing of bodily and spiritual ailments.

Arriving home, the whole house is sprinkled with holy water. Walls, furniture, dishes, yard, vegetable garden, shed, garage, car. This is done not with some occult meaning, but with the understanding that holy water drives away evil and brings God's Blessing.

Fortune-telling for a holiday has become one of the traditions that came from paganism and took root in our country. You need to understand that fortune-telling has nothing to do with Christianity. Such actions completely contradict the Divine providence in human life. Fortune-telling turns away, removes from God and can bring nothing but grief and troubles.

During the years of Atheism, there was a propaganda that holy water has healing properties thanks to silver. Since the priest immerses a silver cross in it. But how many silver ions will be contained in a kilometer-long reservoir, twenty meters deep? Especially if due to poverty, and the priest's cross is wooden!

Epiphany water has a different structure: whole TV programs have been filmed about this with the confirmation of respected scientists. And on this great holiday, all reservoirs are really consecrated! And, of course, it is not the cross or the priest who does this, but God, therefore the Epiphany water does not deteriorate for many years. And it has wonderful properties: it drives away the spirits of darkness and helps from many diseases.

In days of heavy adversity, they resort to holy Epiphany water as a sure means of getting rid of troubles - together with prayers, they consecrate the house and evil will surely recede. As well as the fears and anxieties of the heart, born of our crazy, impetuous life.

Why do Christians plunge into baptismal water

On January 18, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, the Church established a strict fast. Fasting is not only bodily, in eating lean food, but also spiritual. This is a rejection of obscene entertainment, the provision of moral or material assistance to those in need. And, of course, prayer.

Many Christians prepare for a dip in a font, an ice hole, or a body of water. The tradition of dipping in water on the Epiphany has existed for a very long time. This should be done with a reasonable attitude to what is happening and to your health.
If you can't plunge, you can wash or wipe yourself off.

This is not a ceremony, not an order, and not a sacrament.... First of all, it is a tradition.
It is important to remember that the main duty of an Orthodox Christian is to participate in divine services and fulfill the commandments of God. The intention to fulfill the Commandments leads to a conscious participation in the Church Sacraments and spiritual work on oneself - this is the only way in a person and in his life, with God's help, changes will occur, and no immersion, even in holy baptismal water, can replace this.

The opinion that blessed baptismal water can wash away sins is wrong! Cleansing from sin occurs during the sacrament of Baptism once in a lifetime, and then, for baptized people, there is the sacrament of Confession, when the Lord himself forgives a person's sins through a priest. Those who wish to be cleansed of their sins - to confess - can turn to any temple and find out the days and times when and how this can be done.

A few helpful notes:
1. Diving in water, as an old Orthodox tradition, should have, first of all, a pious attitude.
2. Patience and respect for others in line, kind words, prayer.
3. The state of alcoholic intoxication, aggressiveness towards the brothers in Christ around him will not allow to observe heartfelt reverence.
4. It is better for women to wear not a beach swimsuit, but a nightgown, or other modest clothing, so as not to tempt others with their appearance.

Watch the video, which captures one of the most famous miracles, when after the immersion of the cross in the Jordan River, on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord on January 19, the waters of the river began to reverse:

On January 18 and 19, Orthodox Christians traditionally celebrate Epiphany. This day has its own history, rooted in ancient times, and church canons for a long time have been closely intertwined with popular beliefs.

It is customary to celebrate the feast of the Baptism of Rus on 28 July. This event, according to historical research, dates back to 988. However, the adoption of the Christian faith in Russia was not a short-term action, but a long process that required a rethinking of new forms of life and interaction by the inhabitants of the pagan state.

History of the holiday. Baptism

Translated from Greek, the word "baptism" means immersion. This is how the cleansing ablution of a person who decides to accept the Christian faith is carried out. The true meaning of the water ritual is spiritual cleansing. According to Christian tradition, on January 19, Jesus Christ was baptized, and also on this day, the Epiphany is celebrated, when the Almighty appeared to the world in three hypostases.

In the Baptism of the Lord (the story of the holiday is so narrated), God the Son passed the Sacrament in the Jordan River at the age of 30, where the Holy Spirit appeared to him in the form of a dove, and God the Father made it known from heaven that Jesus Christ is his son ... Hence the second name of the holiday - Epiphany.

On January 18, according to Orthodox tradition, it is customary to fast until the candle is taken out, which follows the Liturgy, accompanied by communion with water. The feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, more precisely, its eve, is also called Christmas Eve, which is associated with the custom of brewing wheat soy with the addition of raisins and honey.

Celebration traditions

Baptism is a holiday, the traditions of which are associated with the extraordinary ability of water to heal, and it can be taken from the most ordinary reservoir. Even the one that is served in the apartments of our houses is endowed with this property. For healing, it is necessary to take consecrated Epiphany water on an empty stomach in a very small volume (a teaspoon is enough). After taking, you need to wait a while before eating.

The healing properties of Epiphany water

Epiphany is an Orthodox holiday and, according to the Christian faith, holy water is the most effective medicine for all diseases. To get rid of bodily and spiritual ailments, you need to drink it hourly, deeply believing in the healing power. On critical days, women should not touch holy water, they can only in exceptional cases, for example, in case of a serious illness.

The history of the holiday is well known in Orthodox traditions. The baptism of the Lord endows water with miraculous power. A droplet of it can sanctify a huge source, and it does not deteriorate under any storage conditions. Modern research has confirmed that Epiphany water does not change its structure without a refrigerator.

Where to store Epiphany water

The water collected on the day of the Epiphany should be kept in the Red Corner near the icons, this is the best place for it in the house. It is necessary to take it from the Red Corner without swearing, at this moment you cannot quarrel and indulge in impious thoughts, from this the sanctity of the magic drink is lost. Sprinkling water at home cleanses not only the home, but also family members, makes them healthier, more moral and happy.

Epiphany bathing

Traditionally, on January 19, on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, water from any source has miraculous properties and the ability to heal, therefore, on this day, all Orthodox Christians collect it in various containers and carefully store it, adding, if necessary, in small drops, for example, in a glass of water. As you remember, even a small portion can consecrate huge volumes. However, the most widely known holiday of Epiphany is mass bathing. Of course, not everyone can decide on this. Recently, however, Epiphany bathing has become more and more popular.

Dives are carried out in a cross-cut ice-hole called Jordan. Having plunged into cold water on January 19 at Epiphany, an Orthodox holiday, a believer, as the belief goes, gets rid of sins and all ailments for a whole year.

When is it customary to draw water

People go to church for holy water on the morning of January 19. There is a sign that you need to take it first. This makes the behavior of some parishioners unacceptable for the temple, because in a sacred place one cannot push, swear and fuss.

Consecrated water can also be collected the day before, January 18, on Epiphany Christmas Eve. The service in the church continues on this day. As the priests say, water is blessed in the same way on January 18 and January 19, so the collection time is not reflected in its healing properties. If you are unable to go to church, you can use an ordinary apartment plumbing. It is better to draw water from the tap on the night of January 18-19 between 00.10 and 01.30. This time is considered the most favorable. When and where to swim on Epiphany? Regarding bathing, the church notes that it is not a canon of Christianity, but simply became a tradition. You can plunge into Epiphany both on the night of January 18-19, and in the morning of the 19th. In each city, special places are organized for this holiday, you can learn about them in any church.

Baptism in the Orthodox tradition

In the Baptism of the Lord (the history of the holiday tells about this), God first appeared to the world in three hypostases (Theophany). Few people think that communion with the Lord is an important event in the life of every Orthodox Christian. On the day of baptism, a person is adopted by God and becomes a part of Christ.

Baptism, as mentioned above, should be translated as immersion or douche. Both meanings are somehow connected with water, which is a symbol of the Orthodox Christian religion. She has tremendous destructive and creative power. Water is a symbol of renewal, transformation and spiritual cleansing. The first Christians were baptized in rivers and lakes. Subsequently, as at present, this action began to be performed in the baptismal font. Orthodox baptism is necessary for the liberation from negative forces.

After passing the rite of baptism, a person is accepted by the Orthodox Church and ceases to be a slave of Satan, who can now tempt him only with cunning. After gaining faith, you can visit the temple and pray, as well as use other Sacraments of the Orthodox faith.

Acceptance of Baptism as an adult is done consciously, so the presence of godparents is not necessary. A future Christian should definitely familiarize himself with the basics of the Orthodox faith and, if desired, learn prayers.

When it comes to babies, they need godparents, who in the future must take care of the child's religious development and, of course, pray for him. They should be examples of morality for their godchildren.

Before the celebration of the Sacrament, all who will be present in the church are advised to fast and refrain from worldly entertainment. Babies themselves do not need training.

Now in every church there is a record for baptism, where you can also find out what you need to take with you. It is imperative to prepare a consecrated cross and, if desired, a baptismal set, which includes a shirt, a cap, a diaper. A cap is optional for boys.

After the ceremony, you will receive a “Certificate of Baptism”. Keep it, if your child decides to enter a religious school, it will definitely be required.

It must be said that the baptism of a child is a holiday that is given more and more importance in Russia every year.

Folk customs and traditions associated with Baptism

The feast of Epiphany is, of course, less popular than the Nativity of Christ, but it is very rich in various rituals. Here is some of them.

On this day, it is customary to release pigeons into the sky during worship, which is a symbol of the Spirit of God who appeared on earth in the guise of this bird. Also, this ritual "lets go" the Christmas holidays.

The consecration of water in churches is obligatory. On the eve of Epiphany, a cruciform ice-hole is cut out in the reservoirs, and the cross is placed close to it and sometimes decorated. Water is baptized with fire, for which the priest lowers a burning three-candlestick into it.

To wash away sins during Epiphany bathing, you need to dip your head three times.

In the old days, young people used to have fun on this day, riding on merry-go-rounds and ice skating. Also, guys and girls caroling - they walked around the house with songs and congratulations, and the owners gave them refreshments.

After this holiday, fasting ended. Young people again began to gather together for festivities, where they could choose their soul mate. The period from the end of Epiphany to Great Lent is the time when it was possible to play a wedding.

It is not customary to work at Epiphany and to eat a lot.

Signs and beliefs

To agree on a wedding on this day - to a happy life for the future family. In general, any good deed started on this day is blessed.

Snow on Epiphany - for a rich harvest.

The sun on this day is to be a bad harvest.

To wash with ice and snow on this day is to be beautiful, sweet and handsome for a whole year.

On Epiphany, dreams are prophetic.

The girls got together that evening and wondered.

Epiphany fortune-telling

The most popular, of course, are fortune-telling for the betrothed. There are a great many ways to find out the name and see the future husband, some of them are rather creepy enough: with mirrors, candles, "spiritualistic circles" and an alphabet.

Almost every modern girl knows about fortune-telling about the groom according to Tatyana Larina's method: to find out the name of the betrothed, you need to go outside at midnight and ask the first man who comes across what his name is.

And here is a very funny fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish. You ask a question, having a good idea of ​​what you are asking (the question should really be important to you, but if you are doing it for the sake of a joke, then the answer will be untrue), and then scoop up grain (cereal) from the bag. Then pour everything onto a plate and count. If the number of grains is even - it will come true, odd - it will not come true.

Not the day on which the Savior was born must be called an apparition, but the day when He was baptized. It was not through His birth that He became known to everyone, but through baptism, therefore, the Epiphany is called not the day on which He was born, but the one on which He was baptized.


Epiphany water can be stored in food containers for a whole year. With the right attitude towards it, the water does not deteriorate, does not bloom and does not smell.
The vessel into which Epiphany (or any holy) water is collected must be clean, it is desirable to store it in a dark place without access to sunlight. If there is any label on the bottle (for example "Lemonade"), it must be removed. There is evidence that Epiphany water, which was stored in such containers with inscriptions, began to bloom and mold appeared. But, despite this, it still does not lose its beneficial properties, it can be sprinkled on a dwelling. In this case, it is better to collect other Epiphany (or consecrated) water from the church, and the one that has deteriorated can be watered with home flowers, or poured into a pond.

As the Tradition says, the entire watery nature on the night of Epiphany is sanctified and becomes similar to the Jordanian waters, directly connected with the Baptism of the Lord. All water is sanctified by the Holy Spirit by His breath, at this moment it is considered that it is holy everywhere, and not only where the priest consecrated it. Sanctification itself is a visible solemn ceremony that reminds us that God is here, next to us on earth.

Epiphany, or other consecrated water, it is customary, together with a piece of prosphora, to be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach before meals, after reading the prayer:
« O Lord my God, may Thy holy prosphora and Thy holy water be given, for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my soul and body, for the health of my soul and body, for the conquest of my passions and weaknesses through Thy infinite mercy. Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen«.

In case of illness or temptation, such water must be drunk. Moreover, if you add a little Epiphany water to a decanter of ordinary water, then all of it becomes holy.
And she said that you can pour a little Epiphany or consecrated water on the bottom of a mug or glass, dilute it with plain water and pour it over yourself while taking a shower or bath.

We must not forget that consecrated water is a church relic, which has been touched by the grace of God, and which requires a reverent attitude towards itself.


The exaltation of Jesus Christ our Lord on the day of His Epiphany:

We magnify Thee, the Life-Giving Christ, for the sake of us now baptized by the flesh of John in the waters of the Jordan.


Video about the feast of the Holy Epiphany, the Baptism of the Lord