Figure on the theme of winter fun with a pencil. Creating an illustration for the competition "Winter fun

Figure on the theme of winter fun with a pencil. Creating an illustration for the competition
Figure on the theme of winter fun with a pencil. Creating an illustration for the competition "Winter fun

Picture with children in winter. Who on sleds from the mountain rides, and one kid on skis! Immediately, the ball with delight is getting off the mountain!)

Photo with baby under snow-covered fir. The kid widened his eyes widely from delight! How beautiful the snow falls!)

Satisfied baby is glad to the snow, rushed and good to him!))

Walking girl with a rabbit in a snowy forest! The picture is impressive!))

In this cool picture Children indulge almost all types of winter fun!) One skating rides, the other on skis from the slide, and the third with sleds climbs out!))

Funny Girly B. punchback scarf Rada Zimushka-Winter!)

Three funny girlfriends all in the snow laugh, rejoice in winter!))

On the photo of a girl and a snowman. Let's wash the noses, a snowman!))

The snowman boys were blinded, he had a hat on his head, on her neck a warm scarf!) Thoughtful guys!))

With what excitement children play snowballs on this photo! Already enviable!))

The kid in the photo is wandering himself in the snow, and the mitten in his hand has already beyond theatened, standing!))

In the picture, children indulge in winter fun! Who skates rides, and who is skiing. Snowman pose from snow and play in snowballs! Oh, good!))

Girly in the photo all in the snow, literally bathes in it!) Beautiful!))

Children with a mountain of a train!))

A boy with a girl in the photo is running from the mountain, drowning in the snow and having fun!))

On a glorious picture, kids blinded a large snowman! Dressed him in a hat and gave brooms into the hands!))

Friends build a snow fortress. Photo for memory!))

The boy plays the propeller and it gets great!))

On a cool picture, the children blinded funny snowman with a handset in the mouth, fashionable scarf and mittens!))

In the picture, the children were blinded as much as two snowmen so that they were bored! Thoughtful guys!))

The boy shakes the snow from the branches of ate and fun laughs!))

The kids diligently make a snowman!) The picture is funny and touching at the same time!))

A pretty girl catches the hands of snowflakes!) What are they beautiful!))

The whole four colorful pictures with children in winter. On the same kids make snowmen, on the other at the slide standing with blades and vessels. In the third picture, children roll on sleds from the mountain. On the last kids feed birds. How much fun can be found in winter!))

Do not sit at home, but we go to ride on sleds from the mountain like these funny boys!))

And the kids on the picture were blinded from the snow bunny!) Effords approved a friend!) Very similar!))

Two girlfriends came in the photo in the snow, yes so tired!) We easily relax!))

Children with parents rejoice in a snowman!) Who is more satisfied, another question!))

Girly in the photo Gloves became like two snowdrifts!))

Winter time is the snow-covered streets, flying air, anticipation new Year holidays, and, of course, winter funwho are looking forward to the whole year.

They can be attributed to skiing, skiing, skiing, snowball games, the construction of snow figures, snowmen. Quite often, in the lessons drawing children, they are asked to draw winter fun, so consider it more detailed that you can draw on this topic and how to do it.

Pictures Pencil

Practically love almost all children, especially if the theme of the upcoming creativity is free. So B. winter time Very often, children are asked to portray winter fun in the drawing with a pencil. Pictures on this topic are a variety of difficulty.

It can be Santa Claus, a Christmas tree, decorated with balls and other decorations, riding children on sledding, skiing, snowball games. Most children prefer to draw pictures on which a snowman is depicted. This is connected with the ease of its image.

But, in order for the drawing to be completed, except the snowman need to draw something else. An excellent picture of the drawing, on the topic "Winter fun", is an image of a snowman on a snowy street. You can draw it in 6 stages:

  • First you need to distinguish the horizon. In our case, it will be somewhat curved, which will help to bet on the volume of volume. On the left - it will be necessary to make sketches of the future fence, on the right - trees located in the distance.
  • We make a fence, drawing straight lines along its entire length. It will be arranged trees, painting which you will need to do at this stage. The closer the trees to us, the more they are in size. Draw a silhouette of a snowman - these are three circles located about more to a smaller.

  • At this stage, the top of the trees is required. In order to simplify the task, you can create their common silhouette without drawing branches. The snowman appears features, a hat from a bucket. You can also depict the hands that the trees branches will be.

  • In the hands depicted at the previous stage, you will need to draw a spruce branch. From the side of that hand, where the branch is depicted, we indicate the top and the barrel of the upcoming fluffy christmas, after which we get to her image in the drawing with a pencil.

  • Drawing a Christmas tree, we begin to draw up a drawing. Since the picture shows winter, it is necessary to draw snow drifts and snow lying on the fence, trees, a snowman.

To do this, with the help of elasty, carefully rub the main lines, and draw in an erased area with uneven lines.

It is easy to do it, and the picture it turns out more realistic. Christmas tree can be drawn new Year's toys, and near the snowman draw a bird. It is important not to miss such a moment as the image of the legs of our snowman, which are slightly immersed in a snowdrift.

  • The final stage of drawing is the image of a walking snow. For this, without pressing a pencil in a drawing, evenly draw small droplets, falling from the sky at the same angle. Registration can be considered finished.

Children will certainly like what they did. If you follow the stages of the image of such a picture, it will turn out to be volumetric and quite interesting.

At the same time, it is enough to have a simple pencil and eraser at hand. Naturally, this option is just an example of what can be winter picturesSo you can safely complement it with your fantasies. If desired, the drawing can be painted with colored pencils, markers, paints, which will make it even more interesting.

We continue the topic " Draw winter fun children».

What kind of winter fun do we know? - I ask students. The people, crowded behind the parties, trying to remember something in the theme.

Here I am most likely to watch how children simply indulge in the snow. Without any sled blades there. Just throw the scattering snow, jump into the drifts, and then lying on the back fell legs, so that the snow from the boots shake or just sake fun in the snow. And you can still lie on the back, clap your hands on the sides and so it turns out an imprint of the type of wings.

When I tell me at the disciples straight eyes begin to glisten, and the six lessons in the classroom.

So the idea with the child lying to the pool in the snow is excellent, but -s are very complicated.

In general, draw a lying figure of a person (even on the side, at least on the back) is very difficult, I assure you. And if in the perspective, yes, taking into account the prospects ... And if not in the perspective and without perspective? - But there is no, it will not work out. My students are smiling and painted like this:

But after all, you depict a top view, - I say, - if this figure is inserted into the picture, then there will be an obvious impression that the child just stands on one leg. We should also draw a lying person from a normal point of view.

In general, let's draw. I found a photo on the Internet - the child lies in the snow feet to us and the head of the distance diagonally.

In the aid it looks like the feet feet on foreground Looks big and the legs are long. The head is relatively small. Hands scattered on the sides look very shortened. By the way, I also note that the complexity and oddity seems the figure lying in the snow, and the snow-body itself is also partially immersed in it. This also must be considered.

The scheme of the figure was made up, now we specify the details. The leg, filed right on the viewer, looks thick, and it is strongly reduced. The second looks much thinner, and even the snow is slightly kneeling))). The torso is quite massive, and the hands are small and thin.

Well, that I can say, with nature you need such plots to draw. And so sitting at the desk, you do not simulate in your mind - I answer you.

About drawings on the topic "Winter fun children" read more.

Winter is one of the most inspiring seasons.

Does your child like to draw, but he, unfortunate, ended the ideas? No problem.

We offer all sorts of options for winter drawings for children, share best technicians To implement them into reality.

This creative process Captures not only children, but also adults and will forever remain in memory with a pleasant memory!

Different options for talent expressions

Winter theme - field for fantasy flight. You can draw a house in the snow, various fantasies about this (snowman, the Snow Queen, Santa Claus), children's fun, drifts, animals associated with this season, landscapes (daily and night), river or ice lake on the surface.

Materials for this business There are many: pencils, paints, markers, helium handles, wool, glue, sequins.

House in the snow

We present variations of children's drawings on the topic "Winter" with colored pencils and paints. One of them:

To start, draw three big subdobes, in sequence. They depict Christmas trees. For this, a brown pencil will read one wand. From her will leave the twig. On them green Draw needles. White pencil depicting snow. Behind the snowdrifts will hide the house. Draw a square, and on top of it a triangle. This is a wall with a roof. Place a small square on the wall and a rectangle next to it: a window with a door. White or blue color Sprinkle the roof of snow. Ready.

The drawing is better to perform hatching, and not paint all empty places.

We draw winter paints:

Here is the first snow, and the house in the winter. But paint paint is a complex occupation. To start make marking simple pencil (Take the work plan from the first option). Then just pull the gouache. Blue labeled snow flakes.

Winter landscape

Winter winter:

Divide the sheet of paper in half. On the upper line, place two Christmas trees, behind them light green birch. Distribute so many trees on the sides as you consider it necessary. In the center there must be drifts. To do this, leave a pair of purple-pink lines, somewhere we grow blue.

Winter tree:

We will have to share the horizon again. Only now one third and two third sheets. In the upper right corner, we draw a sun. On the horizon line - the Christmas tree. We will make them vague, do not draw contour and details. We spend two semicircles on the bottom with a thin tassel. These are drifts. On them all the same thin brush we remove two birchings without foliage.

Desired fairy tale

When we hear the phrase " winter fairy tale"Most thinks about a snowman, a snow maiden, talking animals.

Therefore, we offer in the background, and on the front smiling snowman and his girlfriend-mouse:

To do this, draw three circles. The lower is the largest, average smaller, and the head is the smallest. A red hat is banging on it, and on the neck - a multicolored scarf. On the side there are two twig handles, they are warm mittens. In the hand of the New Year's gift.

Fabulous winter house:

Nothing new. We combine elements from early work: Here and the house, and the Christmas tree, and the snowman. This option is suitable for children 2 and 3 class.


Favorite entertainment Deaths, of course, skates. Pictures on the topic "Winter fun":

Draw the upper part of the little man as you are always used to doing it. Feel the legs a little wider than usual. The second boy can be depicted as he repels from ice from ice. Ice is allowed to be gentle-blue, paint the rest of the rest at will.

Naughty guys adore hockey:

We divide the horizon into two parts. Top for sky, trees and gates, lower for fun action. How to make a gate: In the gray square, the strokes of the neglection go first from the lower left edge into the upper right, then from the lower right to the top left. Put one child on a slide, let him observe on beautiful picture. Double children give a stick in the hand, between them throw a black oval-washer.

We remind you that children are hard to work with paints, because they are blurred on a sheet. The basis must be made with a pencil, and to attach blurred spots to it, symbolizing hair, clothing, inventory.


Children fantasize and dream most often about gifts, new year and Santa Claus. We offer you so draw winter fantasies with sketches:

For a start, I draw an oval, in its center oval less. We divide the big figure into two parts. We seen from above seized (and on top of it a semicircle), from the bottom of the semicircle. We got a hat without a pomponchik. Hurry up and dorisite it. In the very first oval there will be eyes, shaggy eyebrows, nose and mouth. From my mouth, spend another half of the circle. Starting from the cap erase the boundaries, drawing the beard in detail. Pain.

Another option:

Draw a circle, and in his center smile. This is Santa Claus nose. From the nose should be a luxurious mustache. Then the waves depict Ruffles on the cap and the lush beard. Dorisite the cap and body, eyes, eyebrows, gifts behind the back. It remains only to put in the course of paint. Forward! This may well handle student grade 4.

We depict nature from the ground to the sky

Draw winter nature You can in different ways.


Who, like a bunny, wakes all winter. What is not a symbol of this time of year:

Stages are extremely simple: draw oval, not far from it a slightly elongated circle. Add the contours of the tail and paws. We connect the head with the torso, attach to the head long ears. Add strokes to make the effect of wool.

Drawing animals as paints is not so difficult, as it seems. Penguins dwell in ice round year. They are worthy to be on your winter drawing:

How to draw animals: In the upper half, paints draw an excellent beautiful northern light. Most Sheet occupy drifts and ice floes. Three penguins walk on them. We make a black oval, a little narrowing at the very beginning. Next to him on the sides of the flippers. Jump the brush into orange paint, gently apply the book. This is a web foot. White color make eyes and abdomen.


Forest - trees and animals collected in one place. As in the picture you can portray the Winter Forest:

How to draw winter picture With rowan: we carry out the pole of the middle thickness, short twigs are departed from it. At their ends, we put small red mugs in two rows. The first row is longer. Next to Ryabina, we draw a red semicircle, two sticks depart from it. From these sticks three more: two scenarios, one in the center. Add a black head, beak, wings. We place in the figure a couple of ends and other animals according to your choice. Do not forget white and blue pencils to create snow effect.

Another variant:

First you need to draw fir. Put the brush in the green paint, then we simulate evenly to the lest on both sides. It turns out a symmetric needle. Brown paint We indicate the base of the trunk. The rest of his part closed the branches. After that, paint the bottom and top with white, leaving a place for the moon. We are waiting for when dried white paint, then we apply pink next to the yellow circle and blue at the edges.


Fabulous night forest:

Even if you work in the style of minimalism, there is a chance to achieve the desired awareness. Take the green tree as in the point above. On top of this layer, apply almost the same, but white, leaving a place for the previous one. It turns out a Christmas tree, which has fallen off the snow. Add to the sky blue paint, on her thin tassel draw stars and snowflakes.


Drawn picture with a river:

This drawing is also performed using hatching. The Christmas trees are performed with blue strokes with a slope to the right. Heaven in purple blue tones. Add yellow-lilac clouds. River blue-yellow with a troop horizontal.

Make crafts: Pleasant gatherings

Winter illustration:

For such a simple craft, we will need a sheet of cardboard, glue, color and ordinary paper, gouache. Cut from brown paper a branch. On her white gouache draw snow. Put the palm in the red paint and horizontally seal to the leaf. It remains to add eyes, keyboard and legs. Cut out small snowflakes, glit.

Another simple handicraft:

Screw materials: cardboard, color, wool, cotton wovels. We glue the discs to each other to get a snowman. Cut from paper all the necessary details for its decor. We glue the brown trunks of the trees and the broom. Further deal only with cotton. Open the little pieces, flute them. These will be drifts. Then roll into large balls - this is a crown of trees. Balls in bed - Christmas tree. The smallest lumps are falling snow.

Work, decent competition

We picked up examples of drawings about the winter with which your child will be able to defeat the competition. Implementation techniques were presented above.

For those who are ten

Ten-year children are pretty adults to perform more complex winter drawing techniques. They are already able to work small parts, handle paints, so as not to drive around the edges.

How to draw pictures on the topic "Winter" for children 10 years and older:

Beauty - eye do not take

Finally, we would like to show you beautiful drawn, talented children's portraits of winter:

We wish you success in all creative endeavors! Let the winter be remembered by a wonderful pattern.

In the yard of winter - on drawing the theme all about winter sport yes pro New Year. Of course, many contests of drawings on the winter theme are announced.

If read school programs According to the "Iso" of the seventies of the last century, then there are completely: "May Day demonstration", "demonstration on November 7," "Saturday" ... somehow even recall wildly. You read and think: what previously there were forced-patriotic themes, well at least today do not torment children.

However, the current topics, in fact, differ little from those - they are the same imposed, are invented by adults and have the same artificially-jerky flavor. The topic "Winter fun children" is no exception. In themselves neither kindergarten nor schoolchildren their impressions of winter games On paper, imprint does not come to mind. This is what I say to prevent pink bubbles and dying exclamations about the fact that cute crumbs like to draw winter! Yes, love, if you press a lot and force.

But - closer to business. We - teachers need to participate in contests. There is a problem - it is necessary to solve it. Children draw a human figure in motion practically cannot and have no observation experience. I, too, this experience of observing playing children is especially no. I can draw winter fun on imagination, but it will turn out artificially. Because it is necessary to draw from nature! However, go with an easel to the playground in winter I was weak. Then - by photography. It was not there that was - with adults, nor children are harmful to get into the lens to someone else's person. So, looking for photos on the Internet.

Here great picture: The girl was swollen greatly, going to throw a snowball. It is clear that she poses. But even such a staged posture is incomparably better than the legions of the men in caps with pomp, playing in snowballs at a snack on the usual children's drawings.

Draw. You need to start with ... what?

Only not with the details!

We start from the scheme to understand the pose and proportion of the shape. The body is tilted and a little folded back. Snow B. right hand. This is important because the children, without thinking, paint the snow fighting team right-handed against the left-handed team, just to paint. But you need to portray how it is convenient to play!

We continue. A hand with a snow bent in the elbow, the snowball slightly headed. Girl holds him at the level of the face. The second hand is articulated forward for equilibrium. Legs are arranged at about the width of the shoulders. The reference is the right, will be transferred to the left weight after the throw, and now it is free to put forward.

The girl is still small, the proportions of the Body Baby - a relatively large body, hands and legs are still quite short, the head is big, the face is turned on the other side where the girl is met. Yes, this is also important - the direction of the view and the turn of the face, please, just do not look at the camera!

Draw the scheme of this move the front view and view from the back.

Note, it is not just a mirror reflection. The figure, turning to the viewer with his back, also wakes his right hand.


Well, even a picture - teenagers play snowballs.

Here the movements are already much more difficult, the dynamics are more. Look, the picture is useful for understanding that playing in snowballs, people lean behind the snow and to avoid snowballs.