Description of the painting by Nikolai Krymov “Winter evening. Description of the painting by N. P. Krymov "Winter evening

Description of the painting by Nikolai Krymov “Winter evening. Description of the painting by N. P. Krymov "Winter evening

Nikolai Petrovich Krymov is a famous Russian painter, landscape professional, brought up in a family of painters. The young master adored nature, preferred to portray it, revealing connections with humanity. The artist's landscapes are truly Russian, imbued with the artist's devotion to the Fatherland, its greatness and amazing nature. Especially N. Krymov preferred to depict winter periods in his paintings. He wrote interestingly about the artist I. Porto, mentioning the fact that Tretyakov Gallery winter landscapes created by Krymov during the period when they depict cozy houses of a forgotten town covered by snow, illuminated by the golden light of the setting winter sun.

Wonderfully presented with the mood of winter time. Evening time- one and the periods of the day, so beloved by the artist, especially if it comes about nature. The perception of the thin border between day and evening is exactly the art in painting, according to Krymov's concepts, about which he told his followers.

In his works winter time as if it sharpens the whole being of nature, colors become instantaneous and fickle, shadows thicken, the horizon line brightens, the sun burns in the snow with golden and blue spots. It may seem that a few more seconds - and twilight will overshadow this wonderful time of the day.

The viewer sees such a plot in reproducing the border between day and evening in the painting by Nikolai Petrovich “ Winter evening", Which was written in 1919. In the center of the exposition there is a Russian village in winter. In the foreground we see a huge plain covered with snow. A small river covered with ice and powdered with snow is a wonderful sight. A small bush can be seen on the bank of the river, and next to it are small birds trying to escape from the frost. Loose snow is painted in bluish-purple evening shadows, gently laying on it in the rays of the setting sun. We seem to feel this crunchy snow, a little frost and clean air. The picture is drawn diagonally - a flowing shadow, trodden paths rushing up to the houses in the center. People walking along the paths and horses with carts create a sense of movement, filling the work with life. All this indicates the connection between man and nature.

In the center of the picture, we see village dô miki shrouded in snow. Behind them are traced brown trees, whose powerful branches rise into the sky itself. In the background there are small dummies, a church and a forest beckoning us into the distance. The picture suggests an amazing mood, inspiring the viewer with a special state of calm and serenity. Looking at this work, one involuntarily recalls stories about Russian nature. Perhaps they were also perceived and transmitted to us on his canvases by N.P. Krymov. It is clearly noticeable that the work amazes with the naturalness of colors, and all this is saturated with dynamism in each landscape.

Indeed, the dynamism and beauty of the landscape is striking. It seems that we are immersed in the silence of the evening time, which is disturbed only by occasional sounds from the sled runners or the strikes of the bell tower.

Yes, the winter evening is indescribably good! The artist skillfully uses icy tones and hues to convey the landscape. This creates a mood of mysticism and amazement, disposed to philosophical thinking.

The picture is wonderful in that a feeling of natural beauty and uniqueness comes to the viewer regardless of time.

Essay-description based on the painting by NP Krymov "Winter Evening".

Targets and goals:

  1. Prepare students for an essay-description of the painting.
  2. To help understand the content of the painting and the means of expressing the artist's intention.
  3. Use art history text in your work as a basis for students to create their own speech works.
  4. To activate the vocabulary on the topic "Description of nature (winter evening)".
  5. Introduce art history terms into the active vocabulary of students: color, palette, tone.
  6. Foster a feeling of love for native nature, thoughtful, respect to her, the ability to see beauty in the humble corners of native nature


Power Point presentation;

Handouts (printout of the art history text by I.B. Porto, multilevel assignments).


Types of speech; speech styles (artistic style); the main idea of ​​the text;

During the classes:

  1. Introduction

A) The word of the teacher.Today our lesson will be devoted to working on an essay-description based on a painting by the artist N.P. Krymov. Our task is to get acquainted with the special manner of his writing and create our own work of fiction- an essay based on a painting.

B) Knowledge update.What would you depict in your painting "Winter Evening"? What paints were used on the canvas? Where would your landscape take place? Is it easy to convey twilight in a painting?

In the history of paintingN.P. Krymov is known as an excellent master of lyrical landscapeas a poet of humble Russian nature. Now we will read the art history text of I. Bortko and get acquainted with the peculiarity of N.P. Krymov.

  1. Work with text

Several winter landscapes created by Krymov during this period are kept in the Tretyakov Gallery: they depict cozy small houses covered with snow provincial town illuminated by the golden light of the setting frosty sun. Perfectly conveyed the mood of the fading winter day... Evening is one of Krymov's favorite states of nature. The reproduction of the edge of day and evening is exactly that "slightly" in the Crimean painting, about which he so often spoke to his students. In the paintings, this short time, as it were, sharpens the whole being of nature, its colors become fleeting and changeable, shadows thicken, the horizon brightens, the sun flashes on the snow with unexpected golden and ocher-purple spots. It seems that a few more moments and twilight will extinguish this beautiful time of the day. I.B. Porto.

1. Read the text to yourself, prepare for expressive reading.

2. Read the text expressively.

3. What is this text about? What is its theme?

4. What is the main idea of ​​the text? What did the author want to express?

5. How can the text be titled? (Winter landscapes of Krymov).

6. What feature of Krymov-painter is noted by the author? (Reproduction of the edge of day and evening, "a little bit" in the Crimean painting).

7. Do you think this artist's writing is based on color (= tone) or mid-tone? (Krymov's painting - halftone painting).

8. What type of speech does this text refer to? (Description).

9. What style is it written in? Why? (V artistic style, because, the author creates an image of nature).

10. Language tools to help create an image winter nature in the text:

Determine which part of speech prevails in the text? (Adjectives).

What categories of adjectives do you know by meaning? Underline adjectives with the nouns they refer to

What adjectives help to feel the mood of the author and at the same time convey the manner of the artist's writing - painting in halftones?(Cozy, golden, short, fleeting, choppy, buffy purple).

Write the adjective unexpected, explain the spelling of the prefix non-.

Find a synonym for an adjectivefrosty (= winter, cold).

What other text synonyms did the author of the text use? (Landscapes = painting = paintings).


So, with the help of this text, we got acquainted with the painting of N.P. Krymov, the features of Krymov the painter, and now we turn to the picture, on which we will write an essay.

  1. Working with a painting

1. Examination of the picture.

2. Does the text we worked with correspond to the content of the picture?

3. What mood do you get when you look at Krymov's painting "Winter Evening"?(A good, pleasant mood is created, I want to look at this picture for a long time, from herbreathes with silence and tranquility).

4. What signs of the coming evening do you see?(Deep snow with lilac-blue shadows, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun. A light strip of bluish snow sets off the sky and emphasizes the darkened foreground. These are, first of all, long evening shadows. The color of the snow, bluish with a purple tint, also indicates the coming evening).

Shadows in the snow : long, late afternoon, lilac-blue, thick shadow from the hill, long shadow along a deeply trodden path.

The coming evening is also evidenced by snow color ... At home, you had to work with a dictionary and find epithets that help describe the snow. (White, blue, bluish gray, silver blue, grayish, violet gray, lilac bluish, light blue, loose, loose, soft, deep)

5. Work on cards: B: description of the sky;

S, N: description of trees.

In option: How did the artist depict the sky in the evening before?

(Greenish-gray, in places mauve sky. The artist depicted this color of the sky because the blue sky, combined with the yellow rays of the sun illuminating it, acquires a greenish tint).

H, C option: What trees are depicted?

(On the right is a mighty pine tree with twisted branches and a lush crown. On the left is a dense deciduous forest, and in the center of the picture are tall domed trees. The trees are painted in a reddish-brown color, which they acquire from the rays of the setting sun).

6. Artist's palette.

What colors did Krymov use to describe a winter evening?(The artist used mainly cold colors: blue, grayish-blue, silvery-blue color of snow, greenish-gray color of the sky, which convey the feeling of a frosty evening. But he also used warm colors).

Give examples of items written in warm colors.(Reddish-brown trees; yellowish-brown walls of houses and sheds; yellowish reflection of windows illuminated by the sun. These colors convey a feeling of comfort, tranquility, warmth).

7. What do we see in the center of the picture?People walking along the path, horses carrying a cart with hay, create the impression of movement, fill the picture with life, indicate the connection between man and nature.

What is the peculiarity of building a picture, its composition?

(The picture is built diagonally: an impending shadow, paths rush up to houses with tall trees, in the center of the picture.

8. V. Favorsky, in his memoirs about NP Krymov, writes: “His works amaze with the perfection of drawing and colors, and all this is imbued with musicality, each time different, in each landscape of its own”. Let's try to sound the picture.What could the artist have heard?(Deep silence, broken only by a slight creak of snow under the footsteps of those walking, a subtle squealing of sled runners; quiet singing of birds, muffled bells ...)

9. What do you feel what you are thinking when you look at this landscape?Describe your feelings. (This landscape, depicting a quiet, cozy evening in the village, evokes in us a sense of peace and tranquility. I would like to visit this beautiful corner of Russian nature, enjoy the silence of rural life in the evening, breathe in the fresh frosty air).

10. Generalization.

Indeed, Krymov's small landscapes, dedicated to the modest corners of the Russian countryside, amaze not with their external attractiveness, but with their strict depiction and brevity. “Love nature, study it, write what you really love. Be truthful, for beauty is in truth, ”said the artist.


How would you start describing the painting?

What would you definitely write about?

How would you finish your essay?

Approximate plan

1. NP Krymov - landscape painter.

2. Winter in the artist's image

a) Snow, sky, shadows

b) Features of the composition (foreground, background, center of the picture).

c) The artist's palette.

3. What feelings and thoughts the landscape evokes.

“Landscape is a portrait of nature. It is as difficult to write a landscape well as it is to write any good work ... "

N.P. Krymov succeeded in the landscape, let's hope that your compositions will turn out to be no less interesting.

D / Z: write an essay in accordance with the chosen genre in an artistic style.

Examples of essays

The frozen river on foreground also has its own shades. The ice that covered the reservoir practically merges with the snow, since it has the same pale turquoise color... Only shrubs and birds that perched on them say that this is a river.

Such different connection colors of snow perfectly reveal that very Russian frosty winter, to which every person is accustomed. It is this kind of snow that is expected every year, it is it that gives the world a simultaneous feeling of coldness, freshness, purity and festive mood.

Krymov's sky has a special color scheme - it is both light green and sandy shades, which amazingly harmonize with each other. The vault of heaven seems to embrace surrounding landscape and the lives of people, showcasing the stunning beauty of nature. Such a landscape exudes peace and tranquility, which creates a harmonious combination of warm and cold colors. As a rule, such an unusual sunset is the time of a frosty and at the same time warm day.

Krymov's snow is fluffy and airy at the same time. It carries a discreet beauty and demonstrates the diversity of the Russian winter, in which there are blizzards, there are frosty days and thaws. The painting "Winter Evening" depicts the winter that many love - frosty, airy, kind and incredibly charming thanks to the combination of colors.

"Winter Evening" is a rather harmonious landscape in which incompatible shades are miraculously intertwined. Krymov trowels conveyed natural beauties, managed to organically combine them with the way of life of a Russian village. This fragment is from the familiar human life, become a "portrait" of both the whole of Russia and native land artist.

Description of the painting "Winter evening" N. Krymov

Each brushstroke of N. Krymov's brush is the charm of the beauty of nature, skill family traditions painting and deep soulfulness. To say that the artist loved his land is to say nothing. He admired every moment spent in it.

Graphics and theatrical scenery Krymova is something special for the art world. Having received recognition early, the master was that rare lucky man whose canvas adorned the Tretyakov Gallery even during his studies. All early and subsequent works of the artist breathe symbolism, which was greatly facilitated by the work of the designer of the magazine "Golden Fleece". His landscapes are not traditional image nature, but a tapestry so similar to the one woven by medieval ladies. Its colorful haze resembles a mirage, clothed in the form of Russian traditional objectivity and three-dimensional image.

The painting "Winter Evening" is one of such works. The traditional landscape of central Russia is realism and symbolism at the same time. This is the very nature that is inextricably linked with the life of people. Krymov is one of the few who knew how to paint "portraits" of Russia in a modest, familiar form for every viewer.

The foreground of the picture is occupied by a river covered with ice, along which there are small bushes with birds stuck to them. The sun hidden behind the horizon is the background, which affects the entire color of the canvas. Small wooden houses reflect the light of the setting sun and burn with their own light. Winter is in full swing - this is indicated by the numerous paths that lead to the village.

The central part of the picture is occupied by the image of people who want to get home quickly. Warm clothes indicate a frosty season, which evokes sound associations in the viewer: it seems that you can already hear the creak of snow under your shoes. One of the women stops, either thinking about something, or to admire the beauty of the winter landscape. A sleigh is sent to the village, carrying hay for the horses. Their riders walk side by side, heading for a barn in one of the courtyards.

In the painting "Winter Evening" there is no generally accepted concept of "landscape", which implies natural views. Real people are inscribed in the context, which gives the canvas dynamics and saturates it with life. The human footprint is here in everything: in the well-trodden path, in houses, in horses and figures, and even in the church in the background of the painting. Children who slide down the hill on a sled are the main "engine", which, albeit written in a few dots, says that winter life is not dull, but colorful and dynamic.

The left side of the picture is another moment of movement. The village, located diagonally, towards which the hay carts are moving, suggests that it is boiling with life. The short winter day, leaning towards evening, seems to make people move faster. Coffee-colored wooden houses, from which they breathe warmth, are a symbol of home comfort on Krymov's canvas. A church on a slope with a dome burning with golden light inspires hope in people, gives harmony and completeness to the canvas.

Winter time at Krymov's is measured and quiet. Nature immersed in sleep and a carpet of blue-white snow, it would seem, should fill everything around with silence, but this does not happen. There is a human factor that creates a lively and at the same time harmonious life around itself.

Viewers can remember all the lines of Russian classics about winter, and each of them will reflect Krymov's perception of a winter evening: he is unhurried, peaceful, measured and inevitable, and at the same time has a special sound. His music immerses each person in a quiet evening hour, when the creak of runners, the laughter of children and the muffled beat of church bells can be clearly heard.

The color scheme of the picture is somewhat unusual for the image of a winter evening. Krymov, after all, gravitated towards symbolism, and these people were always looking for unusual ways images of the world. The greenish sunset makes the picture unusual, but at the same time emphasizes the softness of the descending twilight. The snow, painted by the artist, is a unique play of a whole range of shades - from the tones of heavenly azure to light purple colors. These colors are located upward from the lower left corner, it is they who change the color of the snow, leaving it pristine white on the roofs. This transition is not accidental - it creates melodic and crunchy sound effects.

Theme. Test essay- description based on the painting by N.P. Krymov "Winter evening».

Planned results:

Subject: prepare students for independent work over the essay; expand the vocabulary of students; teach to see the beauty of speech, develop observation skills; to concretize the knowledge of children about natural phenomena, characteristic features winter.

Metasubject: search for the necessary information for implementation of training assignments; make the necessary additions, corrections to their work; brainstorm learning problem; apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in Everyday life.

Personal: algorithm awareness training action; success learning activities; striving for speech self-improvement; formation of sufficient volume vocabulary and learned grammatical means for expressing thoughts and feelings in the process of verbal communication.

Equipment: presentation , cards, additional material.

Lesson type: control of knowledge and skills

During the classes.

I... Organizational moment

II... Determination of the topic of the lesson.

Referring to the illustration by N.P. Krymov "Winter Evening".

What is the theme of the essay?

Goal setting.

III. Reading a poem about winter ( slide)

1. Word of the teacher.

Guys, pay attention to how wonderful poets describe the beauty of winter nature.

This theme is also close to many artists. Among them is Nikolai Petrovich Krymov.

IV. Dictionary work.

Landscape- 1.A view of some terrain. 2. A drawing, a picture depicting nature, a species, as well as a description of nature in literary work.

Landscape painter- artist, landscape specialist.

V... Work on the topic.

1. A story about the artist and his paintings (Maxim).

NP Krymov (1884-1958) - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, full member of the USSR Academy of Arts, master of landscape was born in Moscow into a hereditary family of artists. The artists were his great-grandfather, father, brother. The boy grew up in the art world from childhood. Nikolai Petrovich's father was the first teacher who managed to perfectly prepare him for the school of painting, sculpture and architecture, where Krymov entered in 1904.

N.P. Krymova decided on the landscape with youthful years... He was passionate about nature. At the heart of his work was a lively perception of the world. Krymov saw and approved the beauty of nature in a new way, showed nature in close connection with man.

N.P. Krymov becomes early recognized artist... In 1906 he creates his first landscapes "Roofs in the Snow", "Sunny Day", " Summer night"That brought him fame.

A large place in the work of N.P. Krymov takes the image of winter. Exactly at winter landscapes the artist's ability to capture in picturesque canvases poetry of everyday life. Peace and quiet emanates from the peaceful, unhurried life depicted in the painting "Winter Evening" (1913). Human figures, being an integral part of nature, help a deeper disclosure of its state: peace and tranquility, which occurs in the evening hours.
2. Conversation on the painting.

Teacher: Review the reproduction of the painting and answer the questions.

-What mood do you have when you look at the painting by Krymov "Winter Evening"?("A pleasant mood is created, I want to look at this picture for a long time, because it breathes with silence and calmness.")

- Did the artist manage to convey the beauty of a winter evening?(“We are looking at the picture and, as it were, we feel soft loose snow, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun, the silence of the evening, as if we hear the creak of the sled runners loaded with snow.”)

- What attracts at first sight in the picture?(Our attention is drawn to blue snow with lilac-blue shadows, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun. A light streak of bluish snow sets off the sky and emphasizes the darkened foreground.)

F i z k u l t m and n u t k a

3. Work in groups. (Tasks on cards.)

Card 1

-What signs of the coming evening do you see in the picture?(These are, first of all, long late afternoon shadows. In the foreground we see a thick shadow from a hill (from which, obviously, the artist painted a picture), in which the bushes covered with snow seem to dissolve. The lower the sun sets, the more shadow becomes, soon it will reach villages and plunge everything into twilight. Long shadows reflect figures of people, bushes. A long shadow we see along the deeply trodden path leading to houses. The color of the snow, bluish with a purple tint, also testifies to the coming evening. ")

Card 2

-Consider the question and answer verbally:

-How did the artist depict the sky in the evening before?("Greenish-gray, in places mauve. The artist chose this color because the blue sky, combined with the yellow rays of the sun illuminating it, acquires green tint... The color of the sky matches the color of the trees. ")

4. Talking to the class.

-Guys, pay attention to the features of the construction of the picture. The painting is built diagonally: a looming shadow, the paths rush up to the houses with tall trees, to the center of the painting. People walking along the path, horses carrying a cart with hay create the impression of movement, fill the picture with life, indicate the connection between man and nature.

-What colors did the artist use to describe the winter evening?(“The artist used mainly cold colors: blue, grayish-blue, silver-blue, purple color snow, a greenish-gray color of the sky, which convey the feeling of a frosty evening. At the same time, I also used warm colors: reddish-brown trees, yellowish-brown walls of houses and sheds, yellowish reflection of windows illuminated by the sun, in places a slightly pinkish tint of the sky. These colors convey the feeling of comfort, calmness, warmth. ”)

-What do you feel and what do you think about when you look at this landscape?

(“This landscape, depicting a quiet, cozy evening in the village, evokes in us a sense of serenity, peace. I would like to visit this beautiful corner of Russian nature, enjoy the silence of rural life in the evening, breathe in the fresh frosty air, admire the rainbow colors of the sky and snow from rays of the setting sun. ")

5. Dictionary and spelling work.

-Specify the conditions for choosing spelling:

P..isazh, k..rtina, from..broken, sum..rki, claim (s, ss) yours, alive..writing, in..l..bullish.

6. Vocabulary and stylistic work.

Find evaluative adjectives for landscape. (Beautiful, wonderful, excellent, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, magnificent, picturesque, amazing, wonderful, fabulous, unforgettable, incomparable, adorable.)

- Use adjectives to describe the snow in the painting. ( Snow is white, blue, bluish-bluish, light blue; loose, soft, fresh, deep.)

7. Drawing up an essay plan - descriptions.

A rough plan.

I. N.P. Krymov is a wonderful landscape painter.

II. Winter in the image of the artist N.P. Krymov.

1. Signs of the coming evening:

c) sky, air.

2. Features of landscape composition.

3. The colors used by the artist to depict a winter evening.

III.What feelings and thoughts does this landscape evoke?

VI... Work on the composition.

1. Variants of entry.

(“NP Krymov grew up in the art world. His father was the first teacher who was able to perfectly prepare him for the school of painting. Nikolai Petrovich loved nature from childhood, therefore he painted landscapes associated with the life of people. ".)

2-3 student.

2. Options for the conclusion.

2-3 student.

IX ... Written work on the composition.

Additional material


A pleasant mood is created, I want to look at this picture for a long time, it breathes with silence and tranquility.


Our attention is drawn to deep snow with lilac-blue shadows, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun. A light streak of bluish snow sets off the sky and emphasizes the darkened foreground.


In the foreground, we see a thick shadow from the hill, in which the bushes powdered with snow seem to dissolve. The lower the sun sets, the more shadow becomes, soon it will reach the village and plunge everything into twilight. Long shadows reflect figures of people, bushes. We also see a long shadow along the deeply trodden path leading to the houses.


Greenish gray, in places mauve. The artist depicted this color of the sky because the blue sky, in combination with the yellow rays of the sun illuminating it, takes on a green tint. The color of the sky matches well with the color of the trees.


On the right is a mighty pine tree with twisted branches and a lush crown. To the left, in the distance, you can see a dense deciduous forest, and in the center of the picture there are tall domed trees of a reddish-brown color, which they acquire from the rays of the setting sun.


The artist used mainly cold colors, which convey the feeling of a frosty evening, and at the same time used warm colors. They convey a feeling of comfort, calmness, warmth.

Feelings and thoughts

This landscape evokes in us a sense of serenity, peace. I would like to visit this beautiful corner of Russian nature, enjoy the silence of rural life in the evening, breathe in the fresh frosty air, admire the rainbow colors of the sky and snow.

/ / Description of the painting by N.P. Krymov "Winter Evening"

The painting "Winter Evening" was painted by N. Krymov in 1919. The picture shows winter village... Looking at the picture, warm feelings of harmony and peace arise.

In the foreground is a frozen river. The snow reflects its blue overflow on it, and it seems to us turquoise. Shrubs that survived the frost grow on the banks of the river. Among the black bushes, crows are sitting, having cackled their plumage, trying not to freeze.

In the central plan is a small village drawn in brown paints... The roofs of the houses are covered with snow, and warm light comes from the windows.

On the path in front of the houses, we see the inhabitants of this village walking from the river. The inhabitants are depicted warmly dressed; it can be seen from their clothes that the frost turned out to be especially strong. There is a shadow from the inhabitants, which means that it will soon get dark. They hurry home to warm up sooner on this cold winter evening.

The presence of people in the picture adds Russian flavor to life and everyday life common man... They walk along a path that looks like a thin thread among a snowy clearing. The glade in front of the houses looks airy and fluffy, you can imagine how snow covered this land in large flakes.

On the same level as the village, there are two haystacks and horses, which were brought out by people in order to feed. They are shown in black miniature. We cannot make out their faces and figures, which emphasizes the typicality of the overall picture.

In the background you can see the dome of the church and the barn, which are hidden in the black branches of the trees.

The general colors of the picture are pacifying. Looking at the canvas, I want to return to my childhood. This village resembles an image of the Russian hinterland and its inhabitants.

The sky is depicted in green and yellow tones, in contrast to the forest, which is located behind the village as a black cloud.

The painting is painted in realistic colors to convey the natural beauty of nature. From the picture itself blows cold and cold. We can assume that this is January. It is in January that the most severe frost is.

The colors of the sky predict us a quick pink sunset, which will fill the picture with other colors.

The great painter wanted to show an ordinary evening in the village, so that a person could see that such beauty is present in life every day, one has only to consider. Winter is rendered masterpiece: this is the contrast of the river and the sky, black branches of trees, huge snowy glades. The picture reminds us of a landscape from a traditional Russian fairy tale.