Draw a black gel handle. Tattoo handle

Draw a black gel handle. Tattoo handle
Draw a black gel handle. Tattoo handle

Tattoo is an excellent way to allocate your individuality. In ancient times, people applied for themselves colorful drawingsTo emphasize your importance.

Now images on the skin Do not talk about wildness and many resort to such decorations.

Not everyone gets determined to leave the drawing for a long time. Some consider this step too responsible, someone does not like the official position, someone is afraid of pain.

In addition, to reduce such a tattoo is quite problematic and expensive. As a possible output - applying temporary tattoos.

Technology creation of images blue or black gel handle Allows you to create a drawing, the maximum similar to the present tattoo.

At the same time avoiding hazards and providing for quick removal.

Compliance with safety, can the tattoo handle call allergies?

With this method of application, the drawing is simply applied to the skin, It can also be fixed with insignificant punzes of the fine needle.

It is not necessary to scare this, because the shallow impact depth does not represent a serious danger. Some risks still exist.

To ensure security rules, when performing such a tattoo required:

  • Shave Picture of drawing.
  • Carefully process Skin area with a disinfectant.
  • Pick up Maximum thin needle and disinfection it.
  • Use funds individual protection (sterile wool, gloves, etc.).

As for the possible allergic reaction, It is very unlikely, because the needle pierces the skin on a very insignificant depth.

To ensure normal ink tolerance, a small plot is processed at an invisible place.

If itching this time will appear, and the skin will become red, it means that your body does not tolerate this paint, and it is necessary to pick up other materials, or to abandon the venture.

What picture to choose: mini tattoo, images, inscriptions, hieroglyphs. Simple sketches for self-performance

Most simple picturesavailable for beginners look in the form of a mini tattoo:

  • Hieroglyphs.
  • Small birds.
  • Texts.
  • Ornaments.
  • Simple natural components (leaves, branches).

A tattoo can be a ring on the finger - it looks very interesting.

For easy applied tattoo You can use the lecturer. It is first applied to the skin, after that the picture is knocked out.

Consider how to draw a tattoo with a handle. At the same time you need to use:

  • Ball gel black handle.
  • Thin sharpened simple pencil.
  • Parchment, tracing.
  • Watu.
  • Scissors.
  • Wet wipes or cloth.
  • Gel or mousse for fixation hairstyles.
  • Alcohol-containing liquid.
  • Disinfectant.

First you need to choose or come up with a picture. For teens, it can be a skull, machine, cool patterns.

For girls, you can make a tattoo in the form of small birds, beautiful colors, intricate figures. For more solid men or women, it can be some kind of commemorative inscription.

Pictures Must be easy to execute. They are designed to display the nature and emotions of the owner.

If the image is not enough fantasy, it can be copied from the Internet or any magazine.

The drawing is selected. Now its sketches should be applied to the traction or parchment with a sharp pencil.

The gel handle neatly paint patterns inside. Make it need it very carefully so that the paint does not go beyond the borders.

Now the most important thing is to determine the location of the tattoo. If it is done to yourself, it should be in an affordable place, for example, on the leg, wrist. In the presence of help, you can experiment.

The selected area must be carefully treated with alcohol. Now it's small: take a wet napkin or a cloth moistened in heated water, and distribute it on top of a tracing with a layout.

The cloth is then pressed against the body and keeps at least a minute, without moving. After this time, a small piece of carting is carefully moved to check whether the drawing was transferred.

If this did not happen, the cloth needs to hold some time. In case of insufficient brightness of the image, it is necessary to apply the top layer with a gel handle.

So that the tattoo holds longer and not erased, It can be fixed using a hairstyle spray hairstyle, pre-renewing the skin. Temporary tattoo is ready.

To apply a long-term tattoo, it will be necessary:

  1. Black gel pen.
  2. Needle.
  3. Cotton swabs.
  4. Disinfectant.
  5. Alcohol solution.

Consider the procedure for performing step by step:

  1. Selected pattern. It is processed by the place of applying.
  2. The image is superimposed in the form of contour. To do this, you can use tracing or black cosmetic pencil.
  3. The contours need to be applied very carefully: In case of any inaccuracies, the edges are erased.
  4. It is not possible to hurt himself. For this procedure, you can ask for help of comrade with strong nerves.

    The needle is processed with alcohol, then carefully, making little shallow holes, the image is applied in stages. For this purpose, you can use a special typewriter.

  5. If the procedure is performed for the first time, It is advisable to choose the easiest picture.
  6. Painted dots are painted with a gel handle. Calculate a couple of minutes and excess paints are carefully removed.
  7. The resulting wound is well disinfected. It is possible for fidelity to treat tattoo fixing sprays, but it is not necessary. Work is ready.

Important! You should wait several hours: do not wet and do not rub the processed area.

For some time a crust may form - in no case to tear it, give a wound to heal! The girls are still better limited to temporary tattoo.

How much time is the drawn tattoo?

Tattoo safety time depends on the technique of applying:

The drawing applied with high-quality paint, with compliance with all requirements, will remain unchanged for a long time.

How many years can you take a tattoo with children?

According to the legislative standards, it is allowed to apply tattoos to the body for children not under the age of 14, and only with the written permission of parents. This requirement applies to a temporary tattoo.

At the age of 10, you can make small temporary drawings without leaving the house.

Federal Sheepskin Service Follows much attention moral appearance Children, therefore, for violation of the rules, responsibility is assigned to the parents.

Useful video

Who wants.
Drawing and scratch drawing

This post I will start with the "wantness", because in gaining the ability to draw a handle / pen, a personal desire is even more important than talent and thin. skills.
Usually, the drawing in any other technique begins with pencil constructions, amendments, possibly changing the composition in the process, and therefore active use. In general, no one bothers for drawing with a pen / pen to make a pencil building according to all the rules, but this post is just about how to learn without it do.

First of all, those who want to learn to draw "no gum", you should be patient, small quantity time (but every day!) And great desire. Why do I give this value to the desire? Because very often, especially at first, will visit the disappointment in your work, and as a result, in yourself, in my skills, and only a desire will not give to spit on the whole thing with a high Christmas tree and decide that without this skill you can Quietly live.
Below, I will show some techniques that will help get a normal result, as well as will bring examples of errors and unsuccessful works that are not at all fear. I hope all this will help support the desire to learn and will not give to appear the feeling of own inferiority \u003d)

So, the tools:
Pens. You can draw ballpoint pen, gel, somehow. I prefer to draw either in a carcass or liners.
I had to draw a reusable Liner "Uni Pin" Fine Line, but, apparently, either they are for smoother paper, or we did not come together with them, but they are faster than the rod erase than the refill ends. Only once we felt them and then it was when Leo I wrote in the notebook, and did not draw. Perhaps they are not erased, and the rod from pressing the body leaves, but something I did not have to notice a special atrocity in the process of drawing. The most running dimensions 01 and 02, sometimes I use 03, but it's when 02 is not and very rarely 005 for especially small detailswhen at all takes them to draw

Very similar to "Uni Pin" Liners from "Faber Castell", one of the series even in the housings of the same, only the inscription is different (now they do not have them, so in the photo from another series)

But most of all I like the Liner "Centropen". Although they are one and a half times cheaper than "Uni Pin" and two times cheaper "Faber Castell", but in terms of quality it is not inferior and the rod is not going anywhere. The only difference is that they are disposable, but if you consider the fact that the rest are thrown back to the rewrite, then the savings are not bad.

Paper. In contrast, the handle is most convenient to draw in the notepads - all the waste paper together, nowhere is not lost and always at hand. For work and ink, I use, and for the liners I have a cheap Chinese notebook with a paper of average quality, so that it was not a pity, because the paper goes out packs, and the drawings are there, mostly not those who are right now proud.

Paper is grayish, with a density of 98 g / sq. M., which is quite enough for bilateral drawings.
When this notepad srismed, I will go to good with white beautiful paper and pleasant bindings that have long been waiting for me \u003d)

Now take into hand tools and start drawing. Basic Rules / Tips:
1. Draw anything: items on the table, furniture in the room, chandelier, interior, view from the window, flowers on the windowsill, other or photos (animal-birds-people, but not to get involved in photos)
2. Draw without constructing as it turns out: coryato, with errors, extra lines, compositely incorrectly, etc.
3. First, it is better to take a penny handle, so as not to hell
4. Lines do you need to draw quickly, do not tremble over each millimeter
5. Every day. Find 10-15, even 30 minutes of time and give it to drawing, even the most deadly occupied person, everything else is excuses and the absence of that very desire. What is deadly employment, Leo knows very well and not first (1 work, 2 hacktare, study at the hospital + diploma - and there was such a leo). Therefore, I will ask you not to write to me in the LAN and comments, they say, "I would be happy, but there is no time," there is simply no desire and there is too lazy, but there is no need for a notice about it.
6. Before assessing the result of their works, you need to draw 100 pages, not less. I have now been drawn 101 page, I draw on both sides of the sheet, the benefit of the paper density allows, and it makes no sense into the frame every such work. On many pages for 2-3 small drawings.

How to make life easier at first:
You can build a drawing with dots. Actually, the construction is rather in mind than on paper, but by putting the point in some key place, create a visual support

Connect a point

And now it is possible to tint and detail, but in sketches of this type, this is superfluous. It is important to convey the shape, movement, somewhere with a careless stroke.
So complete work I have no more than 10 pieces.

Most often my ducks look like

Basic mistakes that will accurately:
Problems with composition, getting out of the sheet or much much space from some kind of edge. To avoid, you can at the very beginning to mark the extreme points of the subject at least

Disproportionality (it has been painfully a crooked duck). Time and practice is treated

Invalid perspective, overall crushes (here the prospect is lame on all four legs, with verticals in general darkness)

Jar with honey pole

What to draw is needed and useful:
The interior - wherever you live, you can always draw as it looks, not even getting up from the sofa / chair / chairs / beds

All sorts of items, household appliances, dishes and other (above was a meat grinder - this is the fate, especially in different angles).
Just a box

If there is, you can draw a pet in different angles when it is static (it is also necessary in the dynamics, but it is more complicated later)

It is good to draw indoor plants so as to transmit their volume and a type of plant is understood.
Leo House Plant - Oak, it's so obvious \u003d)

Who indoor plants No, do not be lazy and buy some kind of flower, put in the vase / glass and draw

It is still very useful to draw somewhere while walking - we find a bench / pencils, sit down and draw that the first on my eyes fell.
It is not necessary to draw each piece of leaflets, the most important thing is to transfer the impression, the volume

And you can draw, if the object is piece

A good drawing object is any stone. We must repeat the form, the texture to convey and the volume does not lose (Leo still loses at times)

Drawing from photos.
Also good, but in moderation and quickly. Open a photo, we spend 5-7 minutes on it and go to the next

So you can draw what is not found in everyday life, all sorts of animals and birds.

Leo loves to put pictures in Vinnitsa and somewhere on the ponds, and then in the evenings to draw them

Black and red spleen musky Duck It was so beautiful that Leo could not resist and went to the details

In general, nothing complicated if you regularly pay time practice.
Good luck and desire to all who are interested! \u003d)

How to learn to draw zentngle and dudling?

If you have not tried to draw a Zentahl or Dudling techniques in popular today, then it's time to learn them.

Let you not create real pictures from the drawings, but you have exactly the occupation to which you will contact if you need to throw the accumulated negative, think about something good and beautiful.

This article contains information about the techniques of drawing Zentungl and Dudling. You will not only learn when and who first had the idea of \u200b\u200bfilling the white sheet with simple, but spectacular patterns, and the difference in drawing techniques, but also be able to develop their hidden abilities.

What is zentngle and dudling?

Sentangle technique has long been adopted by people creative professions To create amazing and fascinating drawings, filling out non-books, sketchbook pages.

Interesting patterns are used even art therapists during their trainings. Patterns drawn on the cards with gel handle can be seen on the Internet, but you can create wonderful drawings yourself.

Pros from drawing in equipment Zentahl and Dudling:

  • drawing is considered as a way to melect
  • you can distract from pressing problems for a while
  • you can see the usual things fresh look
  • ability to reconfigure and inspire new projects
  • is an excellent tool from insomnia
  • the way to increase self-esteem
  • drawing of uncomplicated patterns soothes, relieves stress
  • way to develop the hardness of the hand, the eye, improve the handwriting
  • attention increases and small motility is being developed

The photo below shows the spectacular black and white and colored patterns drawn in the Sentahl technique.

So, what about yourself beautiful works Arts in miniature?

Zentangle (Zentngest) - These are the drawings that are created unconsciously during waiting, or just to relax, calm down.

After studying some features of drawing patterns, you can not just drive the handle on the sheet, but to transfer unique abstractions into white paper squares.

For drawings, repetitive motifs are characteristic of the design of the ZentNagl. Sentangl technique received its name in 2006 in the United States from two words:

  • "Xen" is one of the Buddhist sects
  • "Tangle" - means confusion, interlacing

Dudling - these are the most doodles that are so good in humans of different ages: from small to large. The drawing in the Dudling technique consists of simple forms and curved lines.

This technique you can start drawing without any knowledge, skills. After all, the main thing is that it helps to create an interesting pattern is an opportunity to act intuitively.

The drawing in the Sentangle technique is characterized in that there is a significant concentration of attention. Draw patterns on square cardswhose size of which 9x9 cm.

Cards can be cut from dense paper, and you can buy ready-made in the store for artists

Zentahl can be drawn in notebooks, flashering a sheet into squares with 9x9 cm sides

You can draw a regular sheet of paper into squares. Each square encompasses a separate composition. There is another embodiment of the drawings: in a large square, several small are drawn.

Curved lines inside squares determine the boundaries of future patterns and figures, combining them into one composition.

In each pattern, it is necessary to highlight and show the shaded area. Shadows and glare in the drawings will emphasize the depressions, create the illusion of volumetric patterns, will help to give an unfamiliar appeal. Ton contrasts will make the world recognizable.

Examples of patterns:

Zentngle Drawing for relaxation, inspiration and pleasure

Drawings in the Sentahl technique - this is what we take on paper, sitting at the meeting, at the lecture, during the tightened telephone conversation. Doodle and dashes help not lose concentration, overcome drowsiness.

With emotional exhaustion, fatigue, marker, felt-tip or ordinary handle will distract from pressing problems: you will begin to create anything, without thinking. Thinking energy at such moments is not consumed, and therefore the information received continues to be processed and digest.

Several squares with patterns turn into an interesting completed product and does not require any special skills in the field of drawing.

Today, elements of a zentange or dudling can be seen on various elements of the decor. Strange and intricate figures are connected to bizarre surreal plots.

What is the meaning of meditation during drawing in the Sentahl technique?

  • In order for the drawing to be beautiful, you need to be able to focus on the moment "here and now." And this is possible only under the condition full dive in the drawing process.
  • Machine movements hand over time become informed.
  • Spontaneity is gradually displaced by the wellness of the composition.

Signagl and Dudling drawing technology

Exist certain rules For drawings, Zentahl:

  • pattern is performed in black and white colors
  • the pattern is limited to a square frame inside the card of the specified size (9x9 cm)
  • inside the frame draws arbitrarily lines that divide the square on the sector
  • formed after the sector lines are filled with bizarre arbitrary patterns.
  • the plot of each composition is abstract

Pictures in the Dudling technique are performed intuitively, there are no rules when they are fulfilled. Zentangl, unlike Dudling, is created in such a way that the pattern is full and finished on any side and from any angle.

For drawing, the following materials will be needed for drawing in the Sentnglah technique:

  • dense watercolor paper
  • liin (capillary handle), marker or ordinary
  • ball pen
  • simple pencil

A variety and unique patterns are created in one scheme:

  • Cut from paper tiles of classical size in a zentngle (9x9 cm).
  • We draw lines: put four points with a pencil in the corners of the tile, slightly retreating from the edge. We try not to press the pencil to push it later it was easy to get rid of lines.

  • Rows connect one solid line. It is not necessary to use a ruler for this or try to draw a line exactly: some negligence will give a special charm tile with a painted pattern. Thus, we set borders for further work.
  • The next step is the creation of "zones" inside the square for future patterns. They will not be scattered in chaotic order, but create a holeric picture.

  • When the Zentahl patterns start to get acquired, it will be possible to skip this step and start drawing without prior "markup".
  • How to place a square on "zones"? Holding lines without cutting hands from paper. You can see how such lines look like.

  • Now you need to fill the empty space between the lines. Source a segment behind the segment. Here's what it looks like:

  • There is no specific sequence that must be followed: Segments Fill in the pattern as you suggest your imagination. Leave some areas unfinished, the general picture does not suffer from this.

  • When you consider that the drawing does not require adjustments and additions, erase the painted early pencil lines.
  • Be sure to add shadows by defining the location of the light source. Without shading, the glance will not slide in the picture and attract attention.
  • Deciding where the light is to fall on the elements of the pattern, add solid pencil And good in painted borders.
  • Parties filled with segment segments, giving three-dimension image.

The shaded patterns of "pebbles", "leaves", "pea", "balls" look especially impressive. If your shadows do not get or too dark, you can erase them with eraser or clarify.

Patterns for the Zentungl are given in this section. You can make changes to them or invent your own. However, if you just learn to draw a zentahl, then it is better to use the classic patterns of patterns.

Zentngle tiles during drawing turn over around its axis so that it is more convenient to draw lines. Specify where the pictures of the bottom, you can, putting a signature on one of the parties.

Dudeling drawings Pencil stages for beginners

  • Pictures in Dudling technique do not comply with any rules and tiles cut no need. You can simply print the contours of the animal, geometric Figure, Plants and fill the empty space by patterns.
  • You can draw a square or oval in the center of the sheet, and then call for help your fantasy and draw everything that comes to mind. Somewhere drew the pigtails, somewhere add a spikelet or let it be bugged into the ribbons leaving the sink mouth.
  • You just add oblique lines to your creation, combine arbitrary elements into a circle, draw contours and get a unique picture.

Allow your hand to move chaotically or determine the direction and draw simple repeating patterns that are from the inside.

How to draw in the Dudling technique, you will learn by looking at the video.

Video: Dudling Feather

Zentagla Step-by-Step Lessons: Learn Tangles

To fill the tiles with patterns, you must perform pre-drawings of tangles - patterns. You can practice in the drawing of tangles and only then start creating the drawings of the Zentahl.

Below are uncomplicated tangles for beginners.

Several beautiful variations of the Cadent pattern for your inspiration

Video: Draw tangles

Video: 24 Patterns for Dudling, Zentahn Patterns

Zentahl - manicure

Beautiful patterns have become popular not only among artists: Dudling is used to create an unusual fashion manicure.

Whole work of art on marigolds in new technique Complete the image and help make it harmonious. In addition, even the girl who has long waved his hand on an independent nail design for a long time to apply an orphanage in the Dudling technique. After all, many believe that they cannot draw anything to them.

What do you need for a simple, but spectacular pattern on the nails?

  • search the Internet the appropriate template that you can repeat
  • disassemble the pattern to the components and stages to practice it on paper
  • start sketching pattern, carefully carrying lines, circles, petals
  • Do not worry if you have some lines turned out uneven: Dudling is able to hide many mistakes!
  • If you look at the design of nails in Dudling style, then make sure there is nothing complicated in these drawings.

The process of creating a manicure includes several stages:

  • nail coating lacquer
  • application of a pattern of lacquer more liquid consistency
  • instead of lacquer for drawing patterns, you can use acrylic paint
  • fastening upper coating applying

What instruments will need?

  • special thin brush
  • in the absence of a tassel, you can use the toothpick or handle

The photo presents fir-handed materials that can replace special tools. You can see which thickness of the strokes are obtained when using them.

  • Start from the circumference at the base of the nail plate, gradually moving on: over the first circle, draw the second, then the petals that diverge on the sides and fill the empty space with dots or strokes.
  • Video: Zentahl for beginners

Tattoo is a special image on the human body, often transmitting his thoughts, the principle of life and desire.

To choose a tattoo just look at hundreds of examples and come to the master with a sketch. Before making a permanent drawing on the body, it is recommended to conduct an experiment.

Tattoo handle on hand or other part of the body is used to understand how the drawn symbol and picture on a person affects.

If, by passing a week with a pattern, a person's condition has improved - you can safely apply the drawing forever.

Tattoos handle are widespread among children, adolescents. They are performed quickly and easily.

All that is needed is to redraw the selected picture on the skin, observing the similarity with the source. Easy I. simple drawings Even a small child will be able to draw.

A temporary tattoo can be performed with a black handle, for this it is important to correctly select the quality of the tool. A gel or ballpoint handle is suitable for work.

In some cases, you can fill the long-term tattoo using a needle and gel handle.

Consider how to draw a drawing with a handle, as well as the duration of this procedure:

  1. Prepare materials: Gel handle of the desired shade, simple pencil, scissors, paper or traction, cotton swab, talc alcohol and solution for processing wounds.
  2. Choose a sketch or stencil. Before starting work, it is recommended to choose a drawing.

    Depending on the purpose of the tattoo, it may be inscriptions, pictures, photos famous people. The main thing is to have enough artistic skill drawing.

  3. Transfer. Draw a picture on the flooring and gently stitch on the contour gel handle.

    In the future, this workpiece will be needed for a temporary tattoo, which you need to do quickly.

  4. Choose a place. Girls pictures look good on the wrist, the boys in the tattoo look solid on her shoulder.
  5. Translation of drawing. Apply the prepared pattern drawing down to the skin. Take a rag moistened in the water and attach to the tank for 1 minute.

    Carefully moving away the paper, check whether the tattoo was transferred.

You can make a tattoo needle, stinging holes on the skin and fill in their paint from the handle. This method is considered painful, but less traumatic than applying with a typewriter.

By time, the work will take no more than 15 minutes depending on the complexity of the pattern.

Simple sketches for beginners

In order to apply the drawing for the first time, experienced masters recommend choosing the simplest sketches for beginners.

It should not be assumed that to draw a tattoo with a handle for a long time - this process takes no more than half an hour at proper skill.

Note! SAME simple sketches Options are considered without detailed details of the picture. The inscriptions will also be interesting as primary applying to the skin.

For the first time it is good for small pictures. When the hand is played, you can go to more complex species Sketches of medium size and large.

Consider several options for pictures for self-applying at home:

Sketch Description
Geometric patterns To draw beautiful patterns, optional to be professional artist. It is enough to look at the sample and turn it onto the skin or parchment.

Among geometric ornaments Popular Greek, Roman and Scandinavian Patterns

Flowers Flowers patterns can be applied with a blue handle, and the stem itself is painted in black.

It is better to choose uncomplicated options for roses, peonies, orchids, daisies - they are well suited for the image on the bottom of the leg

Natural drawings Branches and leaves of trees - patterns with which any novice artist will cope.

Acorns, chestnuts, nuts, as well as berries - all these pictures are made in half an hour, because they do not have detailed parts

Insects The simplest in the drawing insect is a butterfly. Two wings, in the middle of the insect Taurus - drawing is ready. It turns out the image of the wasp, beetles or snakes
Skull Guys often choose Brutal Figures: Offer them to apply an image of a stylized skull.

On the sides can be placed red roses with leaves: Such a sketch always causes delight

Beautiful pictures for girls and boys

For the sample, the artist always chooses mini-images that can be easily hidden behind clothes.

Not exceptions are the tattoos with a black gel handle, which, if the failure, can be hidden behind textiles.

A selection of several beautiful, but simple options will allow you to decide on the choice for girls and men:

  1. Bow. The image is perfect for girls of adolescence.

    It is better to put it on the back of the neck - it is there that it looks attractive and romantic.

  2. Forers of animals. Cool, but cute sketches always cause admiration: try painting the face of a funny cat on one of the fingers.

    Tattoo will look great in conjunction with a stylish ring.

  3. Notes or a treble key. The option is relevant for music lovers, as well as for those people who are engaged in music. Apply the pattern is recommended on the wrist.
  4. Sea topics. Good suitable as male or female tattoos.
  5. A flock of volatile mice. Figure is relevant for real guys: it is not embossed in execution, but it looks amazing.

All images are drawing in stages: first visually allocate the main parts of the pattern, after which we turn to the stratum of sections. Small elements draw carefully on last stage Work.

Which every day enjoy office workers, school students and universities, is also an excellent drawing tool. Graphics by gel handle has a great advantage: the drawing is clear and saturated. Although, on the other hand, wasting an incorrectly drawn strokes will not work. Since prices on the handles are low, then draw them is quite profitable and economically. Decorative graphics Performance of gel handles can be an original and interesting addition to home interior.

Where to begin?

Inexperienced artists who are just looking for themselves in drawing, black gel sticks are perfect. They will help make the drawing refined and sophisticated. The graphics of the gel handle for beginner artists will not be difficult in fulfillment, it is only necessary to take into account some features.


Exist different methods push with handles on a sheet of paper. To get a continuous thin line, you need to use direct pressure. The handle is put perpendicular to the paper and a straight line is carried out. This method is perfect for drawing contours. You can perform a picture by clicking on the tool at an angle. As a result, there are neuropal strokes. If in this way to draw lines in one direction, you can create halftone transitions. Crossed lines will help deepen and strengthen shadow areas.

Paper and its structure

Using this method of drawing, as the graphics of the gel handle, it is necessary to take into account the paper structure. When choosing a smooth paper line will be clear and smooth. If you draw on a rough surface, the line will turn out short and intermittent.


In order not to make irreparable errors in the work, you need to start the contour using the usual graphite pencil. Then minor emboss can be removed by the eraser. It is necessary to do this procedure after going on all the details of the handle. At the same time it is necessary to wait until the drawing is dry completely. The lines that are applied by a gel handle mainly have the same thickness. It depends on the diameter of the rod. To carry out different thicknesses, you need to choose a handle with different ball diameters. During drawing it is better to use several gel handles, since different dyes have different density. As a result, you can get lines of diverse saturation, which will create a unique effect.


Whatever can be drawn with this technique as a graphic handle. Patterns, for example, are obtained simply fantastic. When drawing patterns, it is possible to afford to implement almost any fantasy on paper. In order for the drawing to be original and unusual, you must use not one gel handle. If you wish, you can add paint pattern and take multi-colored gel pens. If the imagination does not allow the artist to accelerate on paper and draw an exclusive pattern, the network expanses will provide a huge selection of various drawings and ornaments. Such pictures can be viewed, combine, and eventually draw something your own, just relying on the selected drawings. Or just stop on one pattern and syrup only it. In any case, the picture will work out beautiful and interesting.

Some subtleties

The rods of gel pens, as a rule, thick, which allows the artist to draw an outstanding point method, which is called the door. Since color tools are always drawn not too well, then the graphics of the black gel handle will be much richer and better. It is important to remember that the gel paste has a property quickly dry, so the rod should be used for several weeks, otherwise it will stop painting. The graphics applied with a black gel handle will slightly lose the shine and shade after 2-3 days from the date of the drawing. You need to apply lines on paper very carefully, because it will be impossible to wipe it. It is also important not to forget that it is impossible to touch the finished pattern, because the gel can smear over the surface of the paper.

What else is important to remember?

The graphics of the gel hand should be applied in accordance with the position of the sheet of sheet, that is, from top to bottom. The painted part cannot be touched by a finger, otherwise you can change the saturation of the lines. Best for drawing choose paper with high density, And work with a light pressure, because the gel paste has the property of "pull" the sheet. When gross errors occur during drawing, which simply need to be removed, used Belil or other covering materials. It must be remembered that the graphics of the gel hand must need accuracy and accuracy of the artist. Of course, the first time it may not be too high-quality drawing. But everything comes with experience. Over time, drawings will become clear, and they will feel a confident hand of the master of his business.