Telephone call.

 Telephone call.
Telephone call.

Anna Kovova.

A short talk on the phone in English is something like an exam listening. Only here you need to answer! And if in a conversation face to face, a smile, a language of gestures, then you do not have to count on them. But at your service standard "telephone" phrases!

To learn how to talk in English, it is not necessary to finish the English courses: it is enough to learn the necessary phrases "corrosive" and persecute a little with a friend or colleague. Baister!


Of course, you can see: "Hello, This Is Anna". But further options are possible. If you call someone home, you can say:

Do you need an extension number? Then it is appropriate to say:

When you take off the phone, and the calling did not introduce myself, it makes sense to clarify his name:

We continue the conversation!

Finding out that they call you, answer:

The first three options are quite appropriate for the business situation, but the latter is more suitable for friendly communication or if you talk with someone knowingly young. In fact, all the above expressions mean "Wait!", But it requires to do without the word "Wait".

If you are connected to an additional number, you usually say something like "Connecting Your Call ..." ("Connect Your Call"), "Please Hold, I'll Transfer You" ("Wait, I will translate you") or laconic "Hello, Please Hold!" ("Hello, be kind, wait").

How to leave or accept a message?

In a situation where the right person is not on the spot, you hear (or say): "He's Not Here at the Moment. Would You Like to Leave a Message? " ("There is no it now. To convey something?")

If you are not offered to leave a message, throw this idea for yourself: "May I Leave a Message?" (This is a request: "Can I leave a message?").

Make sure that you have not forgotten about your phone number (this is called "Call Back Number"):

If you dictate the number, and there is nothing to write, it is enough to say: "Hold on, Let Me Grab A Pen and a Piece of Paper." ("Wait, I'll take a handle and paper"). And armed with writing tools, ask to repeat: "What's Your Number Again?" ("Well, what number did you call?")

Experience a person that tell everything he told you:

However, it is possible that the calling does not want to leave a message:

No, That's Okay. I'm Try Again Later. No, everything is okay. I will try to call back later.

And if it is not clear?

It is convenient to refer to extraneous noise or communication quality. However, sometimes it is better to simply admit that it is not good enough to understand the speaker - he will meet.


Okay. Take Care. Bye.

Thank you. Goodbye.

And also before calling, it is useful to record everything about what was going to say. If the conversation is responsible, it does not interfere even to draw an estimated scenario.

"Dictuct by letters: ..."

Alas, sometimes the quality of telephone communication is unimportant. In Russian, we usually come out of the situation, the dictation of the incomprehensible word according to the letters; At the same time, we use Russian names (URA: Ulyana, Raisa, Anna, etc.).

In the English language, it is customary to use the following well-known words:

  • Dance Names: Foxtrot, Tango
  • Names of Shakespeare Characters: Romeo & Juliet
  • Male names: Charlie, Mike, Oscar, Victor
  • City names: Lima, Quebec

A business conversation on the phone in English is one of the most difficult tasks that international companies have to be performed. The point is here in the language barrier, and in fear, do not understand the interlocutor. Therefore, we will tell you which phrases can be used in the phone dialogue in English in different cases, and give general advice on how to communicate with the phone with native speakers to understand everything and be understood.

We wrote a simple phrasebook for travelers, in which you will find dialogues, phrases and dictionary according to the most necessary topics. Go on the journey along with the main character and pull your English. You can download the book for free.

Useful phrases to conduct a conversation by phone


The theater begins with hangers, and a telephone conversation in English - with greeting. In addition to the usual Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening, you need to introduce yourself. According to the rules of etiquette, you need to immediately inform the interlocutor who worries him. At the same time, it is advisable to call not only your full name, but also the firm you imagine.

Welcoming phrases in English by phone:

This is Ostap Bender Calling.This Ostap Bender bothers.
IT's Ostap Bender Here.This is the Ostap Bender.
IT's Ostap Bender from "Horns and Hoofs" Here.
This is Ostap Bender from "Horns and Hoofs".This is the Ostap Bender from the "horns and hooves".

And after a person responds with a greeting, be sure to ask a simple, but very important question:

Is it conference for you to Talk at the Moment?Is it easy for you to talk now?

In the event that a person is busy, immediately specify when you can talk to him. Take the following phrases:

CAN I CALL YOU BACK?Can I call you back?
I'll Call Back Later.I will call back later.
Could You Tell Me When the Best Time to Call IS?Tell me, please, when you better call back to you?

It can happen and so that you get the wrong number. In this case, you can take advantage of the following phrases:

How to answer greeting

And now imagine the opposite situation - you called and introduced themselves. How to answer the interlocutor?

First, be sure to say along with the usual words of Good Morning / Afternoon / Evening, then, depending on your position and specifics of cooperation with foreign partners and customers, you can use such phrases for talking on the phone in English:

"HORNS AND HOOFS". How Can I Help You?"Horns and hooves". How can I help you?
Thank You for Calling "Horns and Hoofs". Ostap Bender Speaking. How Can I Help You?Thanks for the call to the "Horn and hooves". Ostap Bender by phone. How can I help you?
"Horns and Hoofs", Ostap Bender Speaking. How May I Be of Help?"Horn and hooves", Ostap Bender at the phone. How can I help you?
"Horns and Hoofs", Ostap Bender Speaking. Is there anything i can do for you?"Horn and hooves", Ostap Bender at the phone. Can I help you?

At the moment you are busy? Politely ask a person to call you later.

Man made a wrong number? Tell him about it with one of the following phrases.

What Number Are You Calling?What number do you call?
What Number Did You Dial?What number did you score?
I'm sorry, But We don't Have Mr. Koreiko Here.Unfortunately, Mr. Koreiko does not work with us / We have no employee with that last name.
Sorry, You Must Have The Wrong Number.Sorry must have been made up with the number.
Sorry, You've Got The Wrong Number.I'm sorry, you have the wrong number.
You Must Have Misdialed.You must have scored the wrong number.

There are situations where a person is not mistaken by a number, but his call you is unpleasant, for example, in case he implicitly offers you unnecessary products or services. How politely answer an unwanted call?

I "M Sorry, I" M Not Intereted.Unfortunately, I am not interested.
Sorry, I "M BUSY AT THE MOMENT.I'm sorry, I'm busy right now.
We Have No Interest in Your Services.We are not interested in your services.
Please, Accept That I Do Not Want Any More Telephone Calls.Please note that I do not want you to call me.

How to clarify information about the caller

Imagine that you called, but did not introduce themselves. In this case, you need to avoid pauses in a conversation and immediately clarify who calls and for what purpose. In this situation, use the following phrases:

Who is Calling, Please?Please, introduce yourself.
Could I Ask WHO "S Calling?Can I find out who calls?
May I Ask WHO's Calling?Can I ask who calls?
San I Take Your Name, Please?Can I find out your name, please?
Where Are You Calling From?Where do you call?
Could You Tell Me What It's About?Could you tell me the goal of the call?
Who Are You Calling?Who are you calling?
Who do you want to speak to?Who would you like to talk to?
THE NAME OF THE PERSON YOU ARE CALLING, PLEASE?Please name the name of the person you call.
What Company Are You Calling FROM?What company are you calling from?

How to ask to connect you with the right person

You call the firm, but get to the secretary or the general phone of the Big Department. In this case, you need to ask an employee to call for the phone you need. You can also ask to connect you with an internal telephone of a particular employee. Use such phrases:

CAN I SPEAK TO MR. Koreiko?Can I talk to Mr. Koreiko?
CAN I Get Mr. Koreiko, Please?
May I Speak WITH Mr. Koreiko, Please?Can I talk to Mr. Koreiko, please?
Could I Speak to Mr. Koreiko, Please?Can I talk to Mr. Koreiko, please?
I'd Like to Speak to Mr. Koreiko, Please.I would like to talk to Mr. Koreiko, please.
IS Mr. Koreiko There, Please?Tell me, please, Mr. Koreiko on the spot?
Could You Put Me Through To Mr. Koreiko, Please?Could you connect me with Mr. Koreiko, please?
COULD I Have Extension Number 635?Could you connect me with number 635?

How to ask to wait connections with the right person

And again the reverse situation - they call your company, and you understand that another employee needs the interlocutor. In this case, you need to ask a person not to hang the tube and wait for the connection. In a conversation on the phone in English, these phrases are used depending on the specifics of your activity:

I "LL PUT HIM ON.I connect you with him.
I'll Put You Through.I connect you.
HOLD THE LINE, PLEASE.Please stay on the line.
ONE MOMENT PLEASE.One minute please.
Please Hold and I "Ll Put You Through to His Office.Please wait, and I connect you with his office.
One Moment, Please. I'll See IF Mr. Koreiko Is Available.One minute please. I will check whether Mr. Koreiko can approach the phone.
Do You Know What Extension He "S ON?Do you know what line is it (internal phone)?

What to do if the connection is bad

Interference on the line is the main phobia of any person who needs to keep a dialogue on the phone in English. However, do not lose, a few simple phrases will help you cope with this situation. These phrases will help you upon the occurrence of technical problems:

Can You Hear Me?You hear me?
I CAN "T Hear You.I can not hear you.
IT "S a Bad Line.Bad connection.
This Line Is So Poor.Very bad connection.
Could You please Speak Up a Little?Could you talk a little louder, please?
Could You Please Speak A Little Slower? My Russian ISN "T Very Strong.You could not talk a little slower, please. I do not speak English very well.
Could You Speak A Bit Louder, Please?Could you talk a little louder, please?
Sorry, I Didn't Quite Understand That.Sorry, I did not quite understand what you told me.
Sorry, I Did Not Catch You.I'm sorry, I did not catch you.
Could You Please Repeat That?Could you repeat that?
I'm sorry, I Didn't Get That. Could You Say It Again, Please?Sorry, I did not understand what you said. Could you repeat, please?
Could You Repeat Your Last Phrase, Please?Could you repeat your last phrase, please?
I'm sorry, I don't Understand. Could You Repeat That, Please?Sorry, I can not understand. Could you repeat it again, please?
Could You Repeat, Please, What YOU SAID?Could you repeat what they said?
Did You Say Saturday 9 A.M.?Did you say, Saturday 9 in the morning?
YOU SAID HIS NAME WAS OSTAP, RIGHT?You said, his name is Ostap, right?
Would You Mind Spelling That For Me?Please say it by letters. Will it not be difficult to pronounce this by letters?
How do you spell that?Say please by letters.
Could You Please Call Me Back? I THINK WE HAVE A BAD Connection.Could you call me back? It seems to me that we have problems with communication.
Let me read this back to you.Let me read what I recorded from your words (to make sure the correctness).
Let Me Repeat That Just to Make Sure.Let me repeat to make sure that everything understood everything correctly.

Sometimes not a bad connection, and the call on another line prevents you from talking. If the call on the second line is more important than the call on the first, you can apologize to the interlocutor and ask him to enter your position. Take advantage of such phrases:

How to appoint a meeting

If you call a person to assign a meeting with it, use the phrase patterns below. They sound politely and help you quickly agree with the interlocutor. Use the following phrases to assign a meeting:

I'd Like to Arrange An Appointment.I would like to arrange a meeting.
WHEN IS IT Convenient for You?When are you comfortable?
Would Next Friday Be Okay?Next Friday you are comfortable?
I COULD MAKE IT AFTER FIVE.I can meet with you after five hours.
I Wonder If You Would Mind If I Visited Your Office Next Week?I would like to know if you would not mind if I visiting your office next week?
Shall WE Say 5:20 Next Friday, In "Horns and Hoofs's" Office?So, at 5:20 on Friday in the office of "Horn and hooves"?

How to politely kill a person

When telephone conversation with a foreign partner or client, it is better not to interrupt the interlocutor, but there are cases when necessary. This can be done politely with such phrases:

And even more such phrases you will find in the article "How to master the interlocutor? DEALING WITH INTERRUPTIONS.

How to ask to convey to the person you called

Did you call my foreign partners, but the person you need is not in place? Ask to inform him about your call and do not forget to leave your contact details. Politely ask for a call in the following ways:

Could You Please Tell Him Ostap Bender from "Horns and Hoofs" Called?Could you please transfer to him that the Ostap Bender from "Horn and hooves" called?
Could You Ask Him to Call Ostap Bender from "HORNS AND HOOFS" WHEN HE GETS IN?Could you pass to him so that he calls Osta Bender from "Horn and hooves" when he comes?
Tell Him I Will Call Tomorrow, please.Please give him that I will call tomorrow.
Please, Tell Him Ostap Bender Phoned and I'll Call Again At Half Past Five.Please convey to him that I drew Ostap Bender. I will call you back at 17:30.
Do you Have a Pen Handy? I don "T Think He Has My Number.Do you have a handle at hand? I do not think he has my number.
Thanks! My Number IS 777-5555, Extension 13.Thank you! My number 777-5555, added 13.
Could You Ask Him to Call Me Back?Could you ask him to call me back?
HE CAN REACH ME AT 777-5555.It can contact me at 777-5555.

If you are more convenient to call a person himself, tell me the following:

When Will He BE IN?When will it be in place?
That "S Okay. I" LL Call Back Later.Everything is fine. I'll call you back later.

How to accept a message for someone

Did you get a call and asked to convey a colleague tube, and it is not in place or is he busy? In this case, you need to politely report that a person cannot approach the phone, and suggest leave a message. At the same time, do not forget to clarify the name of the caller, as well as its contact phone number. Learn such phrases:

I "LL Let Him Know You Called.I will give him what you called.
CAN I TAKE YOUR NUMBER?Can I get to know your phone number?
What is your Number?What's your phone number?
CAN I Take Your Message?Can I accept your message?
Is there Any Message?Transfer to him?
I'll Pass on Your Message.I will give him your message.
I "M afraid he" s out. Would You Like to Leave a Message?I'm afraid he came out. Would you like to leave a message?
I "M Sorry, Ostap" S NOT IN AT THE MOMENT. CAN I ASK WHO "S Calling?Unfortunately, Ostava is not in place. Can I find out who is calling it?
HE "S ON MEETING RIGHT NOW. WHO" S Calling Please?He is now at the meeting. Please inform who calls it?
HE "S BUSY RIGHT NOW. COULD YOU PLEASE CALL AGAIN LATER?At the moment he is busy. Could you call back?
I'm Sorry, He's Not Available At The Moment.Unfortunately, he cannot come to the phone now.
I'm sorry, he is not in the office at the moment.Unfortunately, he is now not in the office.
I'm sorry, He's on Another Call.Unfortunately, he is now talking on another line.
NOT'LL BE Back In 20 Minutes.He will return after 20 minutes.
CAN I Take A Message or Shall I Ask Him to Call You BACK?Can I give him some kind of message or ask him to call you back?
What Message Would You Like to Leave?What would you like to give him?
I "LL Make Sure He Gets The Message.I will definitely give him your message.

You can also ask the interlocutor to call back with the help of such phrases for conversation by phone in English:

How to leave a message on the answering machine

If you only got through to the answering machine, do not rush to hang the phone. Leave a message so that the person can call you as soon as it is free. You can leave such a simple message:

What is the message to write for your answering machine

You should not neglect the answering machine function in your own phone, because this option will allow you not to miss a single important call. Highlight 5 minutes and write down the simple text for the caller. The text may look like this.

Hello, This Is Ostap Bender. I "M Sorry I" M Not Available to Take Your Call AT This Time. Please, Leave Me A Message and I "LL Get Back to You as Soon As I Can.Hello, this is the Ostap Bender. I apologize, but I can not answer your call now. Please leave me a message, and I will call you back as I can.
Thank You for Calling. There's No One Here to Take Your Call At the Moment. Please, Leave The Message After The Tone, and I'll Get Back to You as Soon As Possible.Thank you for calling. Next to the phone there is no one who could answer your call. Please leave a message after the audio signal, and I will call you back as I can.
Thank You for Calling "Horns and Hoofs's" Office. OUR Hours Are 9 A.M. - 9 p.m., Monday-Sunday. Please, Call Back During These Hours, Or Leave The Message After The Tone.Thank you for adding to the office of "Horns and hooves". We work from 9 am to 9 pm from Monday to Sunday. Please call us back during the working time or leave the message after the audio signal.


Have you successfully talked on the phone, decided all the questions? Then it's time to say goodbye, and it should also be done correctly: without sublimation and politely. You can say goodbye to the interlocutor:

It's Been Nice To Talk to You.It was nice to talk with you.
I Hope to Have Been of Help to You.I hope you could help you.
Have a nice day.All the best.
Thanks for Calling. Bye for now.Thanks for your call. Bye.
Thanks for Calling. Goodbye.Thank you for calling. Bye.
Bye, Mr. Koreiko.Goodbye, Mr. Koreiko.
Goodbye, Mr. Koreiko.Goodbye, Mr. Koreiko.

And to see and hear what a telephone conversation looks like in English in practice, we recommend to see the following video:

Successful talk on the phone in English: General Tips

1. Write a conversation plan in advance

If you are going to call abroad to your partner or client, your task is simplified, because you can think in advance what you will talk about what words and phrases to use. Do not be lazy to write on paper a brief plan of your conversation, so you will kill not even two, and three hares: study the phrases during their writing, make up the most accurate and full conversation plan and save your nerves, because during the conversation you will know What and when to talk.

2. Try to take a dialogue

To sound confident, try to speak a dialogue several times in front of the mirror or by phone with a friend. So you will quickly remember phrases, and during the conversation you will not have to check with your plan.

And if you learn the online language, try to work with your teacher without a camera. It will be a complete imitation of a telephone conversation. Try playing a dialogue with the teacher using your plan. If you practice at least several times in this way, then when communicating, you will be easier to understand the person on the other end of the wire.

3. Do not worry

The excitement affects understanding the same as a bad connection: if you listen to the interference (or inner voice that says you will not understand anything), they will disturb you, and if you do not pay attention to them, you can understand the interlocutor . The calmer you treat the dialogue on the phone in English, the easier it will be to you, and a person at the other end of the wire.

4. Adhere to the formal style of communication

The formal style of communication is different from the usual conversational. We communicate politely with business partners, avoid slang, words cuts, etc. More details about the features of the formal style of English can be read.

5. Be the most polite

The concept of "politeness" in our country and abroad is quite quite strong. Pay attention to the phrase templates offered by us: in almost each of each of them there is a "Could You Please" design, in each sentence there is a word "Please". And translated into Russian, the word "please" does not always logically fit into the phrase. It sounds like obsessive politeness. In proposals in English, it is necessary to use such words as "please" and "Thank You", otherwise you may seem coordinated to the interlocutor.

6. Keep your electronic dictionary at hand

You can not understand some word that plays an important role in the speech of your partner? Ask the interlocutor to pronounce this word spelled and find in the dictionary. All words from the dictionary of English to learn is impossible, so your partner normally reaches the request to repeat the word. So before each business conversation on the telephone in English, turn on the computer and open one of the electronic dictionaries.

7. Ask to repeat what they did not understand

Remember, even when we conduct a telephone conversation in Russian, sometimes we do not understand the interlocutor or can not hear any words due to bad connection. In this case, we welcome the interlocutor to repeat said. What prevents us from entering the same when talking on the phone in English? Your partner or customer understands that you are talking in a non-standard, so calmly react to the request to repeat any phrase.

8. Develop the skill of the audience

The more often you will listen to a foreign speech, the faster it will be accustomed to it and begin to understand (if at the same time you will also study grammar and new words). Therefore, listen to podcasts and audiobooks, watch videos and news in English. And to test your understanding of the language for rumor and at the same time listen to samples of dialogues on the phone in English can be on SIMPLE English. Select one of the dialogs, turn on the audio recording and try to insert missing words into the exercise. And also read our articles "" and "".

9. Work on pronunciation and intonation

Take care not only about yourself, but also about your interlocutor. Try to speak clearly, do not rush, utter words and sounds. Furious speech is good in the usual conversation, but not in the phone dialogue with business partners. It will be perfect if you try to adjust the tempo of the speech of your interlocutor, in which case you will be with him "on the same wave." If you know that your pronunciation is non-ideal and may not understand you, speak an average pace. The measured speech rate will allow you to your interlocutor to understand you and give your words a confident sound. Be sure to read the article "". Watch out for intonation: Speak confidently, but in a calm friendly tone.

10. Learn useful phrases for communication

Those phrases that we presented in the article are excellent "blanks" for your speech. They are best to learn by heart, so that when the call does not pick up words, but to speak already familiar with templates.

11. Read examples of English dialogs by phone.

To see how "work" by you the phrases in a natural conversation, examine examples of telephone conversations, for example on the official website of the BBC company. On the resource pages you will see several examples of phone dialogues on different topics and pass the test for the knowledge of the "phone" vocabulary.

12. Explore professional vocabulary

To leave about yourself a positive impression after a conversation, learn not only the phrases we presented by us, but also a professional vocabulary of their field of activity. Understanding between you and the interlocutor will arise when you start in the same language and in the literal, and in the figurative sense.

Full list of phrases for download

We have compiled a document for you, which will facilitate you keeping a dialogue by phone. You can download it by reference below.

(* .pdf, 292 KB)

Now you know how to successfully talk on the phone in English. Exercise, teach the phrases proposed by us in English for the dialogue on the phone and improve your pronunciation, then the interlocutor will understand you, and you are him. We wish successful telephone talks!

And if you want to thoroughly explore the business English with a competent teacher, we suggest practicing on. Our teachers will help you to master the business style in communicating in English, will teach to understand the question of the interlocutor and say so that you understand.

Hello everyone! We continue to talk!

Talking on the phone in English can be a big stress. We often have to solve various questions on the phone, be it a meeting with a friend or booking a table in a restaurant. The following examples of the dialogs will help prepare.

  • On the example of this dialogue, you can learn take a call in English.
- Hello! CAN I SPEAK TO SARAH? - Hello! Can I talk to Sarah?
- Hello! Who's Asking? - Hello! And who asks?
- IT's John, We Work Together. - This is John, we work together.
- Wait A Second, I'll Call Her. - Wait a second, I am her call.
  • In this telephone conversation, a young man asks his colleague phone common acquaintance.
- Hi, John! - Hi, John!
- Hi, Sarah! How Are you you? - Hi, Sarah! How are you?
- Fine, Thanks. You? - Well thank you. And you have?
- I'm Fine Too. Listen, I Wanted to Ask You If You Know Lisa's Phone Number. I WANTED TO ASK HER ON A DATE. - I'm good too. Listen, I wanted to ask if you know the number of Lisa. I want to invite her for a date.
- Lisa's? Let Me See. Yes, I Think I Have It. - Lisa? Let me think. Yes, I think there is.
- Could You Give It To Me, Please? - Could you give me him, please?
- All Right, I Hope She Won't Mind. +44 5674889903. - Well, I hope she will not object. +44 5674889903.
- Thank You So Much, Sarah! See You Tomorrow At Work. - Thank you very much, Sarah! See you tomorrow at work!
- See you! GOOD LUCK! - See you! Good luck!
  • This dialogue provides an example of a more formal telephone. conversation between secretary and visitor.
  • Dialogue between two girlfriends.
- Hello! Ann, Is That You? - Hello! Ann, is that you?
- Mary! What's Up? - Mary! What's new?
- I WANT TO GO TO THE CINEMA TOMORROW EVENING, WANNA JOIN? - I want to go to the movie tomorrow evening, do you want to join?
- Sure! What do you want to watch? - Sure! What do you want to see?
- There IS A New Romantic Comedy With Taylor Lautner ... - New romantic comedy with Taylor Lautner ...
- Oh I Love This Actor! And at What Time You Wanna Go? - I adore this actor! And what time do you want to go?
- IT Starts AT 7 PM. What do you think? - Start at 7. What do you think?
- I'd love to go! Should We Invite Someone ELSE? - I am pleased to go! Will we invite someone else?
- Maybe Kate Wants To Come, She Likes Lautner Too. "Maybe Kate wants to go, she too like Lautner."
- Okay, I'll Call Here and Ask. - Well, I'll call her now and ask.
- Great! See You Tomorrow! - Well! See you tomorrow!
- See you. - See you.
  • This conversation occurs between two classmates.
- Hello! I'd Like to Speak to Adam Johnson. - Hello! I would like to talk to Adam Johnson.
- Hello! IT's Cara Johnson, His Sister. I'll Call Him Now. - Hello! This is Kara Johnson, his sister. I'm calling it now.
- Okay, Thank You. - Well thank you.
- Hey, This Is Adam. Who's Speaking? - Hello, this is Adam. Who says?
- IT's Jacob, We're in Biology Class Together. - This is Jacob, we go to biology together.
- Sure I REMEMBER You, What's Up? - Of course, I remember you. How are you?
- MS.GOLDEN ASKED ME TO CALL EVERYONE AND ASK IF THEY WANT TO Go to the National Museum Next Tuesday. "Mrs. Golden asked me to call everyone and ask if they want to go to the National Museum next Tuesday."
- Instead of the Lesson? - Instead of lesson?
- Yes. Everybody present Will Be Granted Ten Points. - Yes. Everyone who comes will receive 10 points.
- Okay, I'm in! - Excellent, I'm for!
- Great! If there are Any More Details, I'll Let You Know. - Perfectly! If there are some new details, I will give you to know.
- Thanks. See you. - Thank you. See you.
  • An example of how related room in hotel by phone.
- Hello! Is this the "Northern Hotel"? - Hello! Is this "noder wanted"?
- Hello, Sir. Yes, how can i help you? - Hello, sir! Yes, what can I help you?
- I Would Like to Book A Room in Your Hotel. Is IT Possible? "I would like to reserve a room in your hotel." Is it possible?
- Of Course. What date? Howl Long Are You Going to Stay? - Sure. On what date? How long are you going to stay here?
- From 8th TILL 14th of April. - from 8 to 14 April.
- Perfect. Would You Like A Single Or a Double Room? - Well. Would you like a room for one person or two?
- A Double Room, Please. I am Traveling with My Wife. - On two, please. I travel with my wife.
- WITH A VIEW ON THE MOUNTAINS O ON THE SEA? - overlooking the mountains or on the sea?
- On the Mountains, Please. - On the mountains, please.
- ALL RIGHT. We Happen to Have A Couple of Available Rooms with the View on the Mountains. Could You Please Tell Me Your Name and Your Phone Number? - Okay. We just have several free rooms overlooking the mountains. Could you tell me your name and phone number?
- Jason Lee. And My Number IS +56 7899002319. - Jason Lee. And my phone number is +56 7899002319.
- Ok, Thank You. Wait a Second ... Your Booking Number IS 432568. - OK thanks. Wait a second ... Your armor number is 432568.
- Should I Pay in Advance? - Do I need to pay in advance?
- No, You Can Pay After You Arrive in the Hotel. Also, In Case You Have to Cancel, IT IS Free As Well. - No, you can pay after you arrive at the hotel. Also, if necessary, cancellation is free.
- That's Great, Thank You! Good bye! - Great, thanks. Bye!
- Good bye. - Bye.
  • So it is possible book a table in the restaurant in English.
- Hello! This is "Red Dragon". How Can I Help You? - Hello! This is a "red dragon". How can I help you?
- Hello! I Would Like to Reserve A Table for Today AT 8 PM. - Hello! I would like to reserve a table today at 8 pm.
- I am Terribly Sorry, Madam, But for Today IT IS ALL FULL. "I am very sorry, but today there are no places."
- What about tomorrow? - And tomorrow?
- YES, IT is possible. Tomorrow at 8 pm? - Yes it is possible. Tomorrow for 8 hours?
- THAT'S RIGHT. - Right.
- Very Well. Could You Please Tell Me Your Full Name? - Well. Could you tell me your full name?
- Karen Bennett. - Karen Benett.
- AND FOR HOW MANY PEOPLE? - How many people?
- FOR TEN PEOPLE. - On 10.
- Will You Need A Birthday Cake? - Would you like a festive cake?
- No, Thank You, It's Just a Business Meeting. - No, thanks, this is a business meeting.
- NO PROBLEM. All Right, Tomorrow, 10th of August a Reservation AT 8 PM for Ten People. Please Do Not Be Late. - No problems. Well, tomorrow August 10th reservation on 8 pm per 10 pm. Please do not be late.
- Thank you Very Much. Good bye. - Many thanks. Bye.
- Good bye. - Bye.

After studying the examples of these dialogues, you will independently be explained by phone in English, both in business and in informal communication.

Many have to lead workers telephone negotiations in English. For some business conversation on the phone in english - a simple thing, but still for many talk by phone in English - This is stress, especially until it is in the habit and did not become a routine.

Today we will talk about how to build a dialogue on the phone correctly, we will pay attention to special vocabulary, we argue with useful phrases for conversation on the phone in English.

Let's start, perhaps, with vocabulary, which you need to know in order to feel more confident in the conversation.

Vocabulary for telephone conversations.

Types of phone calls:

Call from the subscriber

Local challenge


Intercity call

Personal bell

Urgent bell

Useful nouns:

Useful verbs and expressions

Answer a Call / Pick Up

Pick up the phone

Request a call

Call / Phone / Ring Up


Connect / Put Through

Come with



Get Someone Over The Phone

To find someone by phone

Hang up


Wait as a phone

Leave a message

To make a call

Find out / settle


Talking on the phone

Call Back / Phone Back

call back

We turn directly to a conversation by phone in English.

We answer the call.

Responding to a call in English, you must inform the subscriber where he got through and say hello. Examples of phrases:

  • H.COMPANY,good.morning. - Company X, good morning.
  • Green "S Office, CAN I Help You? - Mr. Green's office, what can I help?
  • Sale Department Speaking. - Sales department in touch.
  • John Green Speaking. / This is john smith. - John Green at the phone.
  • - John Green at the phone. (informal option)

If you call anyone, in response to a greeting you need to introduce yourself and clarify the purpose of your call. This can be done as follows.

  • Good Morning, Greg Smith Speaking. I "D Like to Speak to Mr. Brown, Please. - Good morning, Greg Smith says. I would like to talk to Mr. Brown.
  • - Could you connect me with Mr. Brown, please?
  • I ',please.. - I would like to talk to Mr. Brown about deliveries, please.
  • I am (Just) Calling to Inform You ... - I (just) call to let you ...

Imagine this situation, you raised the phone, but the person who needs a caller is temporarily absent. In the grounds you can use phrases:

  • Green Has Stepped Away From His Desk for a Moment. I Expect Him Back Very Shortly. - Mr. Smith just released for a minute. He will come back soon.
  • He is not in at the moment. - At the moment it is not.
  • He is not in just now. - At the moment it is not.
  • He Is Out Of The Office At The Moment. - He came out of the office at the moment.
  • HE HAS LEFT FOR THE DAY. - He left the city on the day.
  • I "m afraid he is out / away / off at the moment. CAN I TAKE A Message? - I'm afraid that at the moment it is not. What shall I tell to him?
  • May I Take a Message? - Can I accept a message?
  • Would You Like to Leave a Message? - Would you like to leave information for him?
  • May.I.havehimcallyou?- Tell him back to you?
  • I 'lLtELLhimyou.called. - I will tell him that you called.
  • I'll Have Him To Phone You. - I will tell him to call you back.
  • I'll Give Him Your Message AS Soon As He Gets Back. - I will give him your message as soon as it returns back.
  • I'll Ask Him to Give You a Call. - I will ask him to call you back.

If you did not understand anything during the conversation - do not hesitate to ask. This can be done using the following phrases.

  • I'm sorry. I.didn 't.get.theirname (number). - Sorry, I did not hear the name (phone number).
  • Wouldyou.repeat.that.number,please? - Could you repeat the phone number?
  • Wouldyou.spellthat.formeplease? - Could you say it by letters?
  • DID YOU SAY ...? - You said...?
  • Let Me Repeat to Make Sure I Understand What You Said. - Let me repeat to make sure that I understood you correctly.
  • I WANT TO BE SURE THAT I Have This Right. - I want to make sure that you understood you right.
  • I " - I would like to make sure that I understood you.
  • That's ... (Repeat Number or Spelling The Name), ISN't IT? - This is ... (Repeat number or surname), isn't it?

If during the conversation, you need to be distracted for a while - use the following phrases:

  • Hold on Just A Moment, Please. - Wait a minute at the phone.
  •;wILLyou.hold.oN,please? - I call me on another phone, could you wait a minute?
  • Hold.oN;I ' - Wait from the phone, please, I will soon come back to the phone.
  • Please Hold On While I Get That Formation. Thank You for Waiting. - Please wait until I get information. Thanks for waiting.

If you need to appoint a meeting on the phone, you can say the following.

  • I "M Phoning to Arrange A Meeting. - I call to arrange a meeting.
  • I'd like to see Mr. Jones. - I would like to meet with Mr. Jones he is free on Monday?
  • How About 2 O "Clock? - How about 2 hours?
  • Is He COMING THERE SOON? - He will come back soon?
  • Are You MEETING THE CLIENTS TOMORROW? - Do you meet with customers tomorrow?
  • - Do you succeed on Monday?
  • What about tuesday? - How about Tuesday?
  • Shall WE Say Two O "Clock?- Say, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon?
  • I'm sorry, I "M Out All Day. - Sorry, I will not be in place all day.
  • Tuesday Would be Fine. - Tuesday suits me

How to finish talking by phone in English? All simple!

  • Thank You for Calling, Mr. Green. I'm Glad I Was Able to Help. - Thanks for the call, Mr. Green. I was glad to help you.
  • You "re.welcomesIR.Goodbye. - Please, sir. Bye.
  • I Look Forward to Seeing You. - Looking forward to our meeting.

Telephone conversation in English. Examples of dialogs.

Dialogue by phone 1.


Patrick: Yes, I Would Like to Speak to Mr. Green Please.

RECEPTIONIST 1: Do You Have An Extension for Him?

Patrick: No, I don "T, But i know He is in the Delivery Department.

Receptionist 1: Hold ON, Please. I "LL RING THAT DEPARTMENT.

Patrick: Thank You.

RECEPTIONIST 2: Delivery Department, Miss Elliot.

Patrick: Mr. Green, Please.

RECEPTIONIST 2: Mr. Green Is On The Other Line At The Moment. May I Tell Him Who WHO "S Calling?


Receptionist 2: Will You Hold On or Would You Like to Leave a Message?


Mr. Green: Mr. Green Speaking; CAN I HELP YOU?

Patrick: Yes, My Name IS Patrick Brown. A Mutual Friend of Ours, Susan Priesley, Referred Me to You. I am Interested in Changing Careers, And She Thought You Would Be a Valuable Source Of Information for Me.

Mr. Green: MRS. Priesley, of Course. How Can I Help You?

Patrick: I Would Like Very Much To Come Up and Speak With You. Would you be Willing to Give Me a Few Minutes of Your Time?

Mr. Green: Well, My Schedule Is a Little Tight. Were Were You Thinking Of Meeting?

Patrick: Whenever IT Is Convenient for You.

Mr. Green: Well, Can You make it after Five O'Clock Some Day Next Week?

Patrick: Yes, I CAN.

Mr. Green: Fine, Then How Is 5:15, Wednesday, AT My Office?

Patrick: Next Wednesday at 5:15 is Fine. Thank You Very Much, Mr. Green.

Mr. Green: You "Re Welcome. Hold ON - My Secretary Will Give You Directions.

Patrick: Thank You. See you wednesday.

Dialogue by phone 2.

Switchboard: Company X. CAN I HELP YOU?

Phillip: Could I Speak to Mr. BROWN, PLEASE?

Secretary: Just A Moment, Please. . . . I "m afraid his line" s engaged.

Phillip: I "LL HOLD, (Music)

Switchboard: Sorry to Keep You Waiting, (Music)

SECRETARY: Mr. Brown "S Office.

Phillip: Can I Speak to Mr. BROWN, PLEASE? This is Phillip Morris from Haxter Computers.

Secretary: I "M afraid he" S in a meeting. CAN I Take a Message?

Phillip: YES. Could You Ask Him to Call Me Back. My Name IS Phil Morris is M-O-R-R-I-S. My Number IS 308 2017 And My Extension IS 462.

SECRETARY: Phil Morris. 308-2170 Extension 462.

Phillip: NO, 2017, not 2170..


Phillip: That "S Right. I" LL BE IN ALL THE DAY.

SECRETARY: Right, Thank You, Mr. Morris. Goodbye. Goodbye.

I hope these phrases are for conversation on the phone in English, as well as examples of dialogs helped you. Good luck in international telephone calls!

Telephone conversation in English is the topic of this article in which we will consider: how to introduce yourself to how to call someone to the phone, ask if something is incomprehensible, to report on interruption of communication, we give examples of expressions and common phrases with a translation for business phone call.

Normal telephone conversation in English

Presentation options during call:

The telephone conversation in English begins with the presentation of yourself:

Hello, This Is Linnet(Hi, it's lennet)
Tom Speaking(Tom says)

Avoid talking I'm Luke - such a representation is acceptable only for an agent that is going to conduct a telephone presentation of something.

You want to know who you are talking to, ask one of the following questions:

Hello, Is That Mr Morrison?(Hello, is it Mr. Morrison?)
Is That Peter Speaking?(Is it Peter?)
Is That Mr Morrison Speaking?(says Mr. Morrison?)

Are you Peter? Are you Mr Morrison? - unacceptable options, they are considered rude

Invite another person to the phone as follows:

I'd Like to Speak to Jane Please (Please, I would like to talk to Jane)
May / Could / San I Speak to the Managing Director? (Can I talk to the managing director?)
Good Morning, Could You Please Put Me Through to Mr Smith?(Good morning, could you connect me with Mr. Smith?)

If you are asked to connect with another person:
Leave a message or ask to call back:

Could You Take a Message?(Could you leave a message?)
CAN / COULD I LEAVE A Message?(Could I leave a message?)
Could You Ask HIM / HER TO CALL ME BACK?(Could you ask her / call him back?)

Take a message from the caller:

CAN I Take a Message?(Can I take a message?)
Would You Like to Leave a Message? (Would you like to leave a message?)

If you, talking to someone on the phone, did not understand something, ask:

Can You Repeat That, Please? (You can repeat it, please)

In no case can the pronoun that.otherwise it will mean that you ask for a person to break it out. Be careful with it!

If you need something to write something during the conversation:

Just a minute. I'll Make A Note of That(Minute. I will write)

If someone called the door and need to be interrupted, you ask for:

Just a minute. I'LL Be Right Back (PLEASE, please, I will return now)
You returned and want to continue the conversation:
Sorry to Keep You Waiting(sorry for waiting)

Suddenly, you stopped hearing the subscriber:

Sorry, We Were Cut Off!(sorry, disconnected us)

Motes on the line:

You're Breaking Up I'll Call You Back(You disappeared, I'll call you back)
CAN You Call Me Back?(can you call back?)

Business telephone conversation in English

Use phrases from the table, they will help you make a good impression on the interlocutor during the call. Under the table there is a link to download.