Musky ducks. Indoant bird

Musky ducks. Indoant bird
Musky ducks. Indoant bird

Indoants, otherwise, called musky ducks, are quite widespread in European countries due to excellent low-fat meat. In the natural environment of these large birds can be seen in Mexico and some other countries of South America. The absence of adherence in food and care, the ability to survive makes these wonderful birds ideal for growing at home.

Advantages of breeding indulge houses

  • Excellent meat is low-fat, tasty, dietary, without a specific taste, characteristic of waterfowl meats.
  • Do not need a reservoir. The usual trough - the drivingker will successfully replace it: birds will use water here and teach little chickens to swim.
  • Do not require special conditions for breeding.
  • Do not need a special feed, in the diet in summer, you can safely save.
  • Resistant to diseases.
  • A rather quiet bird, no discomfort will not create owners (no wonder one of its names is "a mute duck").
  • Wonderful growth rates: For 2 months, the chick reaches sufficient weight to obtain the required amount of meat.
  • Additional product - eggs rich in protein and carateinoids.

Indoant inherent wide chest and small neckShort legs and powerful wings. The average weight of the spleen can reach 6 kg (with a length of up to 90 cm), ducks - up to 3-3.5 kg (length 60 cm). Color is different depending on the breed. On the head at eye level and under the beak there are special growth of red. Old birds, they make a strong musky smell, hence the name. On the video you can see how these major representatives of the first world look like.

Preparation of the room

Despite his unpretentiousness, the Musky Duck will not be able to get along with other representatives of the animal world, so it is desirable to build a separate house. This bird is just perfectly grown at home! It should be approached with all seriousness: it should be sufficiently warm in winter, but nezharkim in summer heat. Be sure to ensure ventilation and lack of humidity. So that the birds do not flush each other, the lighting should not be bright, the light bulb is recommended to paint orange or red paint.

If possible, the awaken can be placed in the country area, or in the courtyard of the private house. In this case, the ideal option will be light collapsible structures. At the time of winter, the dwelling of Indoevok will need to be thoroughly strengthened.

The arrangement of uterus depends on the size of the novice poultry farmer. If the room is impressive, it follows its part of it to be seen with a grid with small cells, on which the dense layer is litter: sawdust, straw. It is very important to carefully insulate the floor, because due to the characteristics of the structure of the paws in Indo very sensitive to cold. The calculation of the required area for birds is simple: one individual requires 1.5 meters of living space.

If the size of the dwelling is small, this option is suitable: to place indogeons on cells located one under the other. They can be made independently (from wood and metal grid) or buy ready-made. To comply with the purity in the cage, its back wall is made slightly below the front, so that the bird's excrement moves there. It is very desirable to equip musky ducks and a yard for walking: they adore the sun and fresh air.

When the room itself is ready, follows take care of its equipment.

Acquisition of birds

The most successful decision will be the acquisition of a young indant in the year brood. After a while she will be able to please the owner first offspring.

The best time for the purchase of birds is the first half of the fall, when the young man has already formed in sprayes and clarops. An important step on which the success of breeding depends largely is the choice of breed. The most popular are the following musky ducks:

  • white;
  • black and white;
  • brown and white;
  • black;
  • blue;
  • white with drawing.

All these breeds of ducks different with a rapid weight set, Therefore, ideal for breeding on meat. For their content, large investments will not be required or the availability of experience.

Loading at the House Incubator - just!

Incubation mode it is divided into three periods:

  1. The first week: temperature 38 degrees, humidity 60%.
  2. Days 8-29: The temperature is reduced to 37 degrees, humidity - up to 45%.
  3. Days 30-34: Temperature remains at the same level, humidity should be increased to 75%.

If the eggs are hovering horizontally, ducklings are better, but with vertical placement in the incubator it will be placed more.


The best start for beginners - 30 goals, however, if the home conditions do not allow so widely turning around, you can reduce the number of birds. For every five indulgence, one must purchase one spleen.

Sesing indulgets start from April , the number of eggs is about twenty. The term of surgery is more than a month, there are no cases when it exceeded and 40 days! The hatched chickens are covered in a fortune, weighing up to 70 grams and stand on their own. The birds are very developed by the Maternal Instinct: they are very surrounding and care about the chicks. When the bird leaves the nest, it is necessary to make a laying, which contributes to the improvement of gas exchange in the egg. Growing from chickens of adult ducks will not require much difficulty, the main thing is to conscientiously care for feathers.

The deadline for the collection of birds can be determined by using the example of French farms: spleen - after 85 days and duck - 70 days.


Musky duck is very unpretentious in food, but it should be knocked. Contraindicated to give birds warm or hot food, the base of the diet is the cereals: corn, barley, wheat, oats. Do not forget to give birds vegetables, greens, additives - yeast, bran, cake, meat-bone flour, and sometimes pamper the dishes with adorable birds - cereal with greens. In summer, poultry is happy to enjoy fresh grass. The daily rate of the adult muscular duck is a liter of water and about 400 grams of feed. How to cook food for birds and feed them, you can see on the video.

To ensure the eggs a strong shell, the feed should add chalk, chopped shell, seashells. It is necessary to put a small gravel container in the premises for ducks: it is necessary for digestive processes.

It is especially important to organize the proper feeding of chickens, so it is described in detail: daily chicks should treat boiled screwed egg. The kids can only eat that food that is movable, so the feed is poured on their backs. On the second - third days you can already give a mixture of milk, bran and boiled eggs. Next, the chickens are fed by marshals from cottage cheese, crushed bow and spinach, a small amount of fragmented grain, finely chopped boiled meat residues are added from the fifth day. From the tenth day to the diet turns on the welded potatoes.


Birds do not tolerate the edge air, so the ventilation should be in the habit of a caring owner. In addition, it is necessary to clean the litter regularly. Also, the content involves regular balanced feeding and providing clean water.

Duck likes stroll along fresh air, so you should organize walking. In the summer, musk ducks can stroll through fresh grass, and in winter, the thick layer of straw should be on the snow for their gentle paws. On video you can see successful examples of breeding and content of these birds at home.

It's important to know!

If birds begin to draw the feathers to each other, then this is the signal for the owner: so they are trying to compensate for a meager diet. It should be diversified by it with vitamins and greens.

Daily chicks must be remove the tips of the wingsSo that the birds do not fly, then treat the cuts of manganese or hydrogen peroxide. If this is already adult individuals, they will stop carrying eggs.

Birds may accidentally swallow a small metal object: rivet, nail, wire wreck, which will cause death. It is necessary to ensure that such things do not fall into the habitat of the herd.

Musky ducks (indout) photo in this publication would like to tell about such a bird like a musky duck (indout). After reading her reader learns a lot about this form of birds, namely: that it represents, origin, about exterior and productive qualities. We will analyze the cultivation of musky ducklings at home. You should also say a few words about their feeding, content and breeding. In general, the article turned out to be very voluminous. At the end of the article there will be several photos of indulgets.

- This is a separate view of poultry. Often, they are called "Indoant" and many poultry farms believe that musky ducks are a hybrid of home duck and turkey. However, this is not the right assumption. The name "Indoant" most likely happened due to some external similarities of these birds.

There are wild musky ducks, they live in Mexico. Domocenta were quite a long time ago, but they appeared relatively recently in the USSR - in 1981. Since that time, they have spread very widely through Russia, many poultry rates attracted Indoan. The name of the musk duck received due to its appearance - there is a peculiar thief on the head, allegedly with the smell of musk.

You should say a little about the exterior signs of a musk duck. Birds have a very dense and wide torso, quite elongated. The back is wide, very elongated. Breast is very wide, round, convex. The head is rather large, the crown is a little convex outward, the pezzings on the top there are feathers. The beak is not very long, narrows and slightly bend closer towards the end, the color depends on the painting of the plumage. Eyes are quite large, dark. The main characteristic feature of musk ducks is the presence of peculiar growths on the face. The sprayes of these growths are much larger than that of females. The neck of the middle length is curved. Wings are long, massive, very powerful, very tightly adjacent to the body. The stomach is long enough, but imperceptible. The tail is very long, rounded with rigid feathers.

The main purpose of breeding and maintaining musk ducks is the production of meat and it is believed that musk ducks relate to rock formations. Musky ducks are very large birds. The average living weight of adult sprayes is 5-6 kilograms, and females are 3.5-4.5 kilograms. This bird has excellent fattening qualities, has a very tasty gentle meat.

Musky ducks are used for crossing with other ducks, to obtain mulard ducks. Growing Indoant takes more time than growing ordinary home ducks. This factor can be considered a disadvantage.

The sexual maturity of musky ducks occurs at the age of 180-210 days. At this time, female and begin to rush. Egg stage is 70-100 eggs per year.

Muscular Ducks are very widely used in poultry farming to obtain meat hybrids.

Growing musky ducks

Little musky ducks can be kept in a small drawer, but necessarily heated. In the first days of life, the little ducks are simply necessary warm. Also, the box should be adapted to the lamp, as the light is also needed for them. The bottom must be sealing a litter: straw or sawdust.

Newborn ducklings themselves do not know how to drink neither drink, so they need to teach them. They jerk only what is moving. Therefore, the first feeding must be made as follows: on the back pulls to pour a little cooked in a cool egg. Thus, when one duck will move, it will attract the attention of another duck and it will jerk eggs from the back. On the second day of life, ducklings are already beginning to eat and drink.

Ducks musky ducks a very peculiar digestion. In this regard, ducklings liquid litter. Do not be afraid of this and sin to disorder the digestive tract - this is the feature of the body.

The only feature is in terms of growing musky ducklings on meat.

Determine the timing of growing musky ducks on meat can be determined based on the biological features of this bird. The organism of musky ducks is designed so that a more productive and rational snatch will be at the age of 13 weeks. This period is justified by the passage of the period of the molting, by this time the cost of feed will payex as much as possible. With proper feeding and conditions for the content of duck to this age, on average, 3-3.5 kilograms will weigh.

Feeding musky ducks (indulge)

When feeding inrado, it is necessary to remember that the diet should be balanced. Mineral feeds should be included in the feeding diet of musk ducks.

One Indo-day, per day, drinks one liter of water on average. Therefore, access to water should be constantly.

Feeding musky ducks should be made three times a day.

It should be borne in mind that the length of the feeders and drinking should be compiled from the calculation of at least 4 centimeters on one head.

It must be remembered that ducks are herbivores and constantly give them grass. In the day diet, it should be at least 10%.

In principle, the correct diet of feeding musky ducks is no different from the diet of feeding ordinary ducks. The table will be presented in which the correct diet of the feeding of musk ducks is indicated.

Features of the content of musky ducks

Musky ducks are well tolerated cold conditions, but cannot live in dampness. The room for indulge should be organized so that there would be good ventilation in it. Regularly in the process of content, it is necessary to change the litter (straw or sawdust).

Also ducks are not tolerated. Indoors, per 1 sq.m. Not more than three birds should be located.

To free walking, they should be released no earlier than 10 o'clock in the morning, since usually the ducks are rushing.

Indoant Very well fly, so one wing should be trimmed.

Breeding indoevok

In this part of the article, several advice will be written, concerning the breeding of musky ducks, which at first glance may seem elementary, but it is only at first glance.

In order to not allow a nearby crossing, among musky ducks, which will lead to various mutations and poultry pathologies, it is necessary to periodically update the spheat in their livestock.

In order for the birds steadily and gave good incubation eggs, from 180 day age should gradually increase the light day in such a way that it reached 15-17 hours to the beginning of the egg laying. It should be remembered that the light day should be added gradually, since a sharp increase can lead to cannibalism. Recommended light intensity - 2-3 watts per 1 sq.m.

Periods of masonry of eggs in indoor flows cycles. One cycle continues within 5 months, then the three-month interval follows. As a rule, during the interval, the ducks occurs molting.

The instinct of eggs of eggs in musky ducks is very well developed, however, as puoylo, it is manifested only when the poultry farmer does not collect eggs within a few days, and a duck, causing 10-14 eggs sits in the natives.

The fertilization of eggs directly depends on the sealer's selence season in the herd. For example, in April-June, the fertilization of eggs reaches its peak and is 95-100%, and at the end of the summer it will not exceed 60%.

To get more meat, you can cross the separation of indulge with the female of the Beijing breed. As a result, excellent meat hybrids are obtained that are not capable of reproduction. It is best to cross the best in the spring when the spheat has the greatest sexual activity.

Difficulty in the dilution, with which any poultry may encounter may face with the artificial incubation of eggs lies in the fact that there is bad leading, and this complexity does not occur with the natural incubation. This happens because the egg is initially covered with a dense suprupny shell, and it in turn almost does not let the air. When making eggs with a zeal, the duck constantly interacts with the egg - the paws and the whole body takes off this shell, improving gas exchange and the embryo starts to develop normally.

Musky ducks photo

As promised in the announcement, at the end of the publication lay out photos of musky ducks. In the photo of a novice poultry farmer or a person who only decided to breed in indulge, a kind of exterior of this bird will be clearly visible. - peculiarly beautiful birds, so see their photos.

Musky Ducks (Indoant) Photo

Independent view of poultry, popular in all Western countries and the CIS - Indoant. Breeding, content, care at home does not require special skills and investments from bird owners. The breed is not whimping, easily adapts to any conditions. If you wish for dilution of ducks and selling their meat, you can create a profitable business with high profitability.

Breed origin

Indoants were domesticated by ancient actecs. After dozens of years later, the bird was distributed in Africa, Europe, Australia, Asia and Russia. The second name of the breed is musky ducks. Its origin is obliged to specific bird properties. On the head in animals there are fleshy fatty growths with the smell of musk. There is also a version that the ducks were nicknamed in honor of the forgotten tribes of the Indians "Misch", which lived in Colombia. In the USSR, indulge was brought in 1981 from the GDR, and in 1988 from France. The French breed is known as Barbarium.

Poultry features

Musky ducks are distinguished by originality and unique appearance. Unlike ordinary ducks, they have powerful wings, short legs and a wide chest. Bird calm, unpretentious. Strong immunity in uniform practically eliminates the possibility of the disease. The weight of adult deceases can reach 6 kg, and the ducks are 3.5 kg.

Also breeding ducks at home for beginners, implies acquaintance with the peculiarities and the main characteristics of the bird. The meat of ducks is considered dietary, contains a minimum amount of fat. The most delicious and expensive part is the breast. Duck eggs are particularly popular. They are large in size, have a large yolk and a good protein.

The color of the indulgence is very different, depending on the site of dilution and the presence of impurities. Dark colors dominate: black, brown, less often blue. The most common colors are indulge:

  • black and white with yellow plusmen;
  • white with pink beak and gray-blue eyes;
  • brown and white with a red beak;
  • brown (close to chocolate, can have a green defill) with a red shade beak;
  • black with green and purple lowers, brown beak;
  • white with a pattern, the beak moves from black to red with blue;
  • blue with black beak and brown eyes.

Knowledge of remarkable features of indulge will help choose the right to choose ducklings and prepare for them the habitat.

Advantages of breeding indulge at home

As a private house, both a private house and an apartment is equally well suitable for growing indulgence. The presence of yard and walking space will serve as an advantage of the owner of the brood. However, even with its absence, the breeding of musky ducks at home has a lot of advantages:

  • efficiency of feed consumption;
  • minimum fat stupid in carcass meat;
  • there is no risk of bird infection;
  • the ability to get high income.

To begin with, there will be enough three ducks and one spleen. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the selection of the leader of the flock. The spleen should be touched, with a bright collar color over the beak, correct proportions. The male will provide strong and impressive offspring.

How to grow ducklings?

You can get two ways to: withdraw in the method of breeding indulge or purchase on the osculatory station. In both cases, careful care is required for kids. On the first day of his life, the chicks still do not know how to drink and eat.

In order to teach them to this skill, you should finely nourish the boiled boiled egg and sprinkle the backs. In the future, it is better to use green macan as food. With drinking it is easier: it is necessary to wash the duckling with a keyboard in the water and the instinct will work at the chick.

Frequency of feeding indouted depends on age:

  • daily - 5-6 food meals per day;
  • weekly - 4-5 food meals per day;
  • monthly - 3-4 meals per day;
  • more than a month - 2-3 meals per day.

See also: Rabbit breeding as a business - is it profitable?

Ducklings perfectly carry any conditions, rapidly grow and multiply. Even if the breeding does not bring sufficient profits, demolished with ducks of the eggs completely pay off the costs of them.

In order for the cultivation of ducks on the meat more efficient, it is important to take care of the conditions of the content of bird and feeding the brood. Advanced recommendations will provide a good increase in weight and will allow you to get the maximum profit from the slaughter.

Conditions of detention

For breeding musky ducks, you will need a well ventilated and clean room. In the apartment, you can take a room with a balcony or large windows. If a shed is used, then take care of the presence of opening steers.

The absence of subcutaneous fat is a characteristic feature of indoor. They do not bear cold and dampness. The awaken must be protected from temperatures and have a favorable climate for the bird.

Sawdust and straw are suitable for indulgels. It should be changed regularly, in order not to create a medium for the development of bacteria and various insects.

Mandatory is the presence of the following inventory:

  • Feeders. There are two types: metal - for wet feed, wooden - for dry feed;
  • Drinkers. Must provide ducks open access to water from the first days in life.
  • Nests. The optimal shape of the nest is a closed house with a hole. You can place them on the floor or at a height of no more than 10 cm from the floor. For comfort, the nest of fresh dry straw should be alleged.

On one square meter, the content of 3-ducks is allowed. Poultry walking periodically. In the spring and summer it is desirable to prepare the space where they could be all day. In order for the ducks to carry eggs, release them on fresh air it is recommended no earlier than 10 am.

The presence of ditches or water tanks is a certain plus. Birds will be able to get enough and clean the feathers. To avoid bird injuries, take care of regular courtyard cleaning. Screws, nails, wires and other metal objects are the greatest danger.

If you plan to walk the birds, the wings are trimmed. It is enough to cut one wing 1-2 times. Otherwise, birds can easily fly away.

Feeding indoevok

The diet of ducks and adults is different. Kids need vitamins for growth and development, and adult ducks are important to ensure a set of mass. If the frequency of feeding we have already considered, then what to feed the ducks - remains an open question.

As a meal for ducks by age from birth, you can use:

  • natural feed;
  • chopped boiled eggs;
  • dairy porridge from bran;
  • chopped greens with cottage cheese.

An adult bird is suitable for a combined feeding type: a combination of grain with hobs. Oats, barley, rye, millet are considered from the grain best. However, ducks are unpretentious and will not refuse the grain waste.

For the diet to be full, add potatoes, beets, trousers or carrots to grain. Pre-potatoes are boiled and coated. The daily menu should be present and greens.

The ratio of feed and water in an adult bird diet is 400 grams and 1 liter. These numbers will serve as a guide for cooking. If the bird is regularly walking and spends on the meadow all day, the quantity can be shorted.

The breeding of indulge in apartments requires a more thorough menu study. So that the bird does not need vitamins and minerals, add chopped chalk, shell or egg shell to the main feed. Mix small pebbles in food, sand.

What do indiffers sick?

The main advantage of indulgent is immunity to numerous infections. Birds rarely sick, which makes their breed is invulnerable and beneficial in terms of breeding. It should be warned only by the following diseases:

  • qatar gooba;
  • cloaca inflammation;
  • puffers;
  • pica.

Recently, poultry farms are increasingly interested in musky ducks (indulge). Breeding, maintenance, care at home these birds have some features.

general information

What are indulgence? Breeding, maintenance, home care is not so popular in our country. Musky ducks differ from other breeds, they can be attributed to the transition type between goose and ducks.

Indoants are popular thanks to its low-fat meat, good egg production and unpretentiousness in the content. They behave ungressively towards other birds and do not make loud sounds. Musky ducks are not fascinated, and they are hissing, which makes it convenient to their content near the house.

For indulgence, the following features are characterized:

  • non-fat meat;
  • rigid plumage;
  • the simple diet is predominantly from greenery;
  • the ability to fly and instinct to flights;
  • strong parent instinct.

A distinctive feature of musky ducks is coral thighs at the base of the beak, resembling a bump. The color of the plumage duck can be black and white, brown or white.

For what to breed indulge

What can be useful in indulge? Breeding, content, home care is interesting to novice poultry farms and those who want to build their business in the field of agriculture.

Indoant, effervescent, Musky Duck is the names of one species of birds. Their initial name is musky, due to the characteristic smell. Inrado birds are called due to the growth over the beak, similar to the thief turkey. Ships - due to sounds published.

Dilute ducks for meat and eggs. Possible sale of chickens. Consider these aspects.

Meat and eggs

The breeding of indoor at home is suitable for domestic poultry farming. They are primarily to the meat direction and can give a good meat outlet compared to other rocks. Musky ducks with high-quality feeding grow rapidly. The meat is low-fat, gentle.

Shipunov are considered promising for doing business. With good care, ducklings are capable of tying the minimum slaughter weight already by the thirteenth week, and the best for sale is to twentieth. For more than 24 weeks for sale, young people do not hold, since the bird begins to live. For sale use and duck eggs.

In the year, a musk duck can carry 80-110 eggs with a medium weighing 70 gr. Birds carry eggs only twice a year, in the fall and spring, for several months.

Because of the seasonality, the duck eggs will not work all year round. But still on eggs you can earn. Musky ducks at the beginning of the masonry are very productive, the output is dying high, more than 90%. This is a good incubation egg that is expensive.

One division should have 3-5 ducks. If there are more of them, the share of fertilized eggs will decrease. If less, then the female will be hard due to frequency.

The males are significantly larger than females, their weight is 5-6 kg against 3 kg in females. There are cases when the spleen injured ducks. The breeding of indoor at home and will be better for sale if you withstand the recommended ratio of 1 spleen for 3-5 females.

Sale ducklings

Musky ducks are good naews, so it is beneficial for sale ducklings. It is necessary to know that the surgery of a musky duck begins only after a significant amount of eggs will accumulate in the nest, 15-20 pieces. Situation lasts 30-35 days. The first hatched cans need to immediately take away from the nest, otherwise the duck will not shine the remaining eggs. It is better to grow toddlers on their own, since they are quite scattered enough and simply can lose part of the ducklings.

You should also know about several features of eggs in indulge. Breeding at home in the incubator is not so effective as the nation of the mother. Also, regardless of the recovery method in the masonry, more than 60% of chicks will be separated. This is a good trend in case of dismissal of ducks on meat, as they are larger.


The breeding of indoor at home for beginners is suitable, as these birds are unpretentious. Ships are hidden, resistant to bird diseases and can do without a reservoir. Indoants are not aggressive to other birds, hold on the courtyard mansion, do not provoke fights.

Musky ducks grow quickly, early achieve readiness. According to the dietary and taste qualities, the meat of indulge is superior to chicken. It is gentle, soft, suitable for diet food.

Musky ducks are almost omnivorous. They eat greens, nutritional waste, rainwoods and other insects. Mortality in indulgel is low, even among young people. Birds are resistant to various diseases. Half-spread hips are becoming aged 180-210 days.

Room, Equipment and Inventory

What is required by such birds like indulge? Breeding, maintenance, care at home will require some financial costs. In countries with a warm climate or in the summer in a moderate climate, birds can live on free walking. In the cold time they need to be placed in the poultry house with a height of at least 1.8 meters. The windows are located at the height of the meter, their total area should be 10% of the floor area. Each meter must have 2-3 individuals, no more.

In wrappers, artificial lighting is 5 W per 1 sq. M. m. Walls need to be blossoming. The floor can be with a litter, mesh or combined. Mesh rod thickness is at least 3 mm, it is necessary to have it at an altitude of 25-30 cm from the floor. Lases for ducks at an altitude of 5-8 cm from the floor, 40x40cm.

Temperature in scratchner should not fall below zero. During the egg layout, the temperature is optimal 18-20 degrees. Indoants are afraid of dampness, so good ventilation is needed. Natural for ducks is needed wide, in the form of a width of 15-20 cm wide at a height of 15-20 cm from the floor.

Feeders should be located so that all the livestock can eat at the same time. The height of the feeder is 10 cm, the width is 25 cm, the length is at least 5 cm per head. Drinkers are recommended to use bore-shaped, but small so that the birds do not use them for swimming, especially in winter.

In a darkened place, place the sockets from plywood 40x50x50cm with a boost no higher than 10 cm. The bottom of the sockets can be made with a wooden chips or straw, the sawdust will not fit. For every 2-3 ducks there are one nest.

The ducks are released in the afternoon. The flowing courtyard is fenced by a fence of at least two meters. If the fence is less, then the birds are trimmed. Capacity for swimming should be at least 15 liters. Indoants do not need a large outdoor reservoir, you can restrict ourselves to a small pond or a groove.

Basics of feeding

The breeding and content of indoor at home is considered uncomfortable, including thanks to the omnivities of birds. But do not forget that in order for the ducks to have a good weight and rushing, their nutrition must be balanced. Birds should receive mineral feed.

If you are fascinated by indoants, breeding, content, care, feeding at home, then it should be understood that these birds need constant access to water. At the same time, take into account that it is impossible to swimming them in the winter, but every duck can drink a liter of water per day. It is necessary to think about which drivingker will be.

You need to feed three times a day. At least 10% of the feed should be greens. Indoant are herbivores and grass you need to give constantly. There are two well-proven methods of feeding indoor.

The first is a feed with the addition of vitamins. It is necessary to approach the choice of feed, because it should fully satisfy all the needs of birds in nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

The second method is a meal of grain with the addition of nutrient components. Cereals are combined with dry premixes, calcium, vegetable protein (pea, lupine). The grain mixture itself should be diverse in composition. The required minimum - oats, barley, wheat and corn.

It is necessary to indulge and fish, meat-bone flour or dairy products, waste fish and meat. Premixes are necessary in the absence of complete feed. They improve growth, egg production, increase muscle mass. They can be both universal and specialized, suitable to a specific eye and age of the bird.

In the feed it is necessary to add fat-soluble or water-soluble vitamins. In young, patients and weakened birds, the need for vitamins is higher. When exposed to stress factors, the need for vitamins increases 2-4 times.

Formation of families

It is more profitable to grow several families indulge at the same time. 3-5 females and the male of one age or older for 1.5 months (from the previously grown party). In order to exclude a nearby crossing, the sprayers need to be periodically changed on birds from another farm.

The family is formed from spring ducklings upon reaching the males of 20-week age. Before that, they contain separately. Shipunov can be crossed with other types of ducks, but such offspring will be fruitless.

Several intestinte in ducks seasonal, so the spring fertilization of eggs is much higher than at the end of the summer. The egg laying begins at the end of March, the earlier start can be caused by increasing the light day with artificial lighting. During the year from each female, you can get 100 eggs weighing 70 gr.

Looping ducks

Eggs intended for incubation are removed daily from the nest and stored indoors at a temperature of 15 degrees. Each you need to put out the dates of the excavation. To maintain humidity near eggs, it is tank with water. They need to store 15-18 days, then they will acquire optimal incubation properties.

The female nests when 15-20 eggs were demolished. After 2-3 days under the zea, you can put another 20 eggs from other ducks. For the season, it is possible to get 2-3 channels from one pitch of 20 ducklings in each.

If several ducks sit on the nest, they need to be divided by partitions. Strangers ducklings do not allow, otherwise it will come down from the nest. Chicks come out of the socket through 33-35 days of reaching. For 30 minutes they are left with her mother, after which they are carried under the lamp. After all the chicks are hatched and descended, they can be returned to the mother or continue growing without it.

Growing ducks

How quickly grow indouts? Breeding and maintenance at home Musky ducks has its own characteristics. Healthy ducklings weigh 50-70 gr. They are well standing on the legs, the fluff yellow, brilliant.

Breeding, content, care for indiges at home is easy, but for young people need to be monitored especially carefully. The first days ducklings are kept in a cardboard box, elited by a large wood chips or straw. Heat the toddlers with a lamp with a reflector.

At a two-week age, the sprayers are separated from the claropes and are kept separately. This must be done due to the fact that males develop much faster and will suppress weak females.

The grown ducklings are grown on a deep litter or mesh floor. Landing density 5-6 heads per meter to age 26 weeks, 3-4 - after. The walking ducklings are produced upon reaching the age of 2 weeks. If the kids are brought up separately from the mother, then they cannot be bathed to monthly age.

As a feed in the first days, a boiled egg, milk, bran, cottage cheese, greens, crushed grain are used. Already on the fourth day you can give meat waste, on the tenth - boiled potatoes. In the first 5 days, vitamins are added to the water.

Sales and profit

Dilution and care for indoles at home is possible not only for their own needs. This can build your business. To make a profit, you need to keep at least 100 goals, but to start better with a smaller number to be performed in the subtleties of care.

There should be no problems with the sale, since the meat of indulge delicious, dietary. You can adjust sales to shops and catering points. To increase sales, be sure to use the Internet. Bird breeding should be planned so that the bird's party is ready to slaughter every month. A small farm can profit $ 250 per month.

This is a large breed of ducks, which is distributed in nature in South America and Mexico.

She was domesticated by a person, it happened this a few centuries ago. In those days, the Musky Duck contained ancient aztecs. Today it is bred all over the world.

Distinctive features

Indoant is often confused with representatives of other breeds. But in fact, it is not difficult to distinguish them.

The main difference between musk duck from Mulanda - the presence of fleshy growths on the head. The latter on the beak there is a growing, resembling a growing on the beak of a musk duck, but it is much smaller in size. Tails in both breeds are long.

From Beijing Duck Musky can also be distinguished by the presence of growths over the beak And in the eye area.

In addition, the difference in body orientation is well noticeable - in indulge, it is located horizontally, parallel to the earth, while the Peking Duck Corps raised at an angle of about 30 degrees.

In addition, in indulges a longer wings and tail.

Crossing with birds of other species

Contrary to popular belief, ducks can not be crossed with birds of other species. Just as some consider the delight of ducks and turkey in indulged, because of the fleshy heads located on the head, others think that mulards are obtained when crossing it with. But it is not.

Ducks and geese can not give offspring. Even if the female demolishes the egg, it will be neglected.

In the markets sometimes you can meet fraudsters offering chicks with assurances in the fact that they are a hybrid breed, which will grow into a duck of more than 6 kilograms, but they should not believe.

This is a breed that is well suited for content under conditions of a small compound. It is characterized by clean absorption and keeps very quiet, so creates a minimum of inconvenience. Its meat is much less fat, than in ordinary ducks that originated from Mallard. But you need to be prepared for the fact that it slowly gains weight and does not reach those sizes that are peculiar to the ducks of other breeds.