Vincent Van Gogh: Works. The most beautiful pictures of Van Gogh artist Van Gogh and his paintings

Vincent Van Gogh: Works. The most beautiful pictures of Van Gogh artist Van Gogh and his paintings
Vincent Van Gogh: Works. The most beautiful pictures of Van Gogh artist Van Gogh and his paintings

Vincent Van Gogh. This surname is familiar to each schoolchild. As a child, we joked "Draw as Van Gogh"! Or "Well, you are Picasso!" ... After all, only one thing is immortal, whose name will remain forever in history not only painting and world art, but also humanity.

Against the background of the fate of European artists, Vincent Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) stands out by the fact that he found enough to find a craving for art. Under 30, Vincent did not suspect that it was the painting that would become the final meaning of his life. The vocation ripens in it does not rush to the explosion to break out out. The work of the work is almost on the verge of human capabilities, which will be the lot of his remaining life, throughout 1885-1887 Vincent will be able to work out its individual and unique style, which in the future will call "impasto". His artistic manner will contribute to rooting in the European art of one of the most sincere, sensitive, humane and emotional directions - expressionism. But, most importantly, she will be the source of his work, his paintings and graphics.

Vincent Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853 in the family of Protestant pastor, in the Dutch province of Northern Brabant, in the village of Grota Zyunndert, where his father was in service. Family environment has identified a lot in Vincent fate. The genus of Van Gogov was an old, known since the XVII century. In the era of Vincent Van Gogh there were two traditional family classes: someone from representatives of this kind was necessarily engaged in church activity, and someone - the work of artwork. Vincent was a senior, but not the first child in the family. A year was born earlier, but soon his brother died. The second son was named in memory of the deceased Vincent Willem. After it, five more children appeared, but only with one of them the future artist will be connected with close fraternal bonds until the last day of his life. It will not be an exaggeration to say that without the support of the younger brother Teo, Vincent Van Gogh as an artist would hardly take place.

In 1869, Van Gogh moves to Hague and begins to engage in trading paintings in the company "Gupil" and the reproductions of works of art. Vincent works actively and conscientiously, in his spare time he reads a lot and visits museums, gradually draws. In 1873, Vincent begins a correspondence with the brother Theo, which will last until his death. Nowadays, the letter of the brothers is published in the book, which is called "Van Gogh. Letters to Brother Teo "and buy it in almost any good bookstore. These letters are exciting evidence of the inner spiritual life of Vincent, his search and mistakes, joys and disappointments, despair and hopes.

In 1875, Vincent is appointed to Paris. He regularly visits Louvre and the Luxembourg Museum, exhibitions of contemporary artists. By this time, he himself draws himself, but nothing further foreshadows that the activity of art will soon become a all-consuming passion. In Paris, there is a fracture in his spiritual development: Van Gogh is very interested in religion. Many researchers associate this condition with unfortunate and one-sided love that Vincent survived in London. Much later, in one of the letters to Theo, the artist, analyzing his illness, will noted that the mental unhealthy is their family feature.

From January 1879, Vincent receives the position of a preacher in Vama, the village located in Borinja - the area in South Belgium, the center of the coal industry. He is deeply striking the extreme poverty in which miners and their families live. A deep conflict begins, which opens the eyes of Van Gogh for one truth - the servants of the official church are not at all interested in a truly alleviate the fate of the people who were in inhuman conditions.

Understanding this shower position, Van Gogh is experiencing another deep disappointment, rows with the church and makes his final life choice - to serve people with their art.

Van Gogh and Paris

Last arrives Van Gogh to Paris were associated with work in "Pitel". However, no time before this, the art life of Paris did not have a noticeable influence on his work. This time the stay of Van Gogh in Paris lasts from March 1886 to February 1888. These are two extremely rich years in the life of the artist. During this short period, it masters impressionistic and non-impassionistic techniques, which contributes to the unreoldness of its own color palette. The artist who came from Holland turns into one of the most original representatives of the Parisian avant-garde, whose innovation takes off from the inside of all the conventions that make huge expressive color opportunities as such.

In Paris, Van Gogh communicates with the Camille Pissaro, Henry de Toulouse-Lotrek, Paul Gauguin, Emil Bernarr and George Seres and other young painters, as well as with the trader of paints and a collector of Dad Tangi.

last years of life

By the end of 1889, in this difficult time, exacerbated by seizures of madness, spiritual disorders and crawling to suicide, Van Gogh receives an invitation to take part in the exhibition of an independent salon, organized in Brussels. At the end of November, Vincent refers 6 paintings there. On May 17, 1890, the Theo has a plan to settle Vincent in the Over-sur-UAZ town under the supervision of Dr. Gasha, who was fond of painting and was a friend of impressionists. The state of Van Gogh is improving, he works a lot, writes portraits of his new acquaintances, landscapes.

On July 6, 1890, Van Gogh arrives in Paris to Theo. Albert Aerie and Toulouse-Lotrek visits the theo house to meet with him.

From the last letter to Theo Van Gogh says: "... Through me, you took part in creating some cloths, which even in a storm retain my peace. Well, I paid my life for my job, and she cost me half of my reason, it's so ... But I'm not regretting. "

This ended the life of one of the greatest artists not only in the XIX century, but also in the entire history of art as a whole.

Vincent Van Gogh. Born in the Dutch city of Groot-Zundert on March 30, 1853. Van Gogh was the first child in the family (not counting the born brother born). The father was called Theodore Van Gogh, Mother - Carnellius. The family had a big one: 2 sons and three daughters. In the genus Van Gogh, all men, one way or another dealt with the paintings, or served the church. Already by 1869, without even finishing school, he began to work in a firm that sold pictures. In truth, Van Gogh did not work well sell paintings, but he had endless love for painting, and he was also well given languages. In 1873, at the 20th age, he got into, where he spent 2 years, which changed his whole life.

In London, Van Gogh lived. He had very good sorry, which was enough to visit various art galleries and museums. He even bought a cylinder, without which it was simply impossible to do in London. Everything went to the fact that Van Gogh could be a successful merchant, but ... as it happens, in the way his career became love, yes, it was love. Van Gogh to fearlessly fell in love with his apartment hostess, but learning that she was already engaged, it was very closed in himself, he became indifferent to his work. When he returned to him fired.

In 1877, Van Gogh began to live again, and there was more and more consolation in religion. After moving to he began to study at the priest, but soon threw his studies, since he was not satisfied at the faculty.

In 1886, in early March, Van Gogh moves to Paris to the Council of Brother Theo, and he lives in his apartment. There he takes painting lessons from Fernan Kormon, and meets such personalities as, and many other artists. Very quickly, he forgets all the darkness of Dutch life, and quickly conquers respect as an artist. Draws clearly, bright in the style of impressionism and postmingness.

Vincent Van Gogh., After spending 3 months in the Evangelical School, which was in Brussels, became a preacher. He distributed money and clothes to be poor, although he himself was not enough enough. It caused a suspicion of the church's head, and his activity was banned. He did not lose, and found a consolation in drawing.

By 27 years, Van Gogh understood what his vocation in this life, and decided that he had to become an artist who had to become. Although Van Gogh also took drawing lessons, but it can be considered self-taught with confidence, because he himself studied many books, self-tutorials, sought. In first, he thought to become an illustrator, but then when she took her lessons from his belly-artist - Anton Mouwe, wrote his first work with oil.

It seems that life began to improve, but again Van Gogh began to pursue failures, and love. His cousin Kay Vos became a widow. She really liked her, but he received a refusal that was worried for a long time. In addition, because of Kei, he quarreled very seriously with his father. This tap was the reason for the movement of Vincent to Hague. It is there that he gets acquainted with Clazic Maria Hournfulnik, who was a girl of easy behavior. With her, Van Gogh lived for almost a year, and he repeatedly had to be treated from venereological diseases. He wanted to save this poor woman, and even thought to marry her. But here his family already intervened, and the thoughts of marriage were simply dispelled.

Returning to their homeland to the parents who have already moved to Nynane, his skill began to be improved. He spent 2 years in his homeland. In 1885, Vincent settled in Antwerp, where he visited classes at the Academy of Arts. Then, in 1886, Van Gogh again returns to Paris, to his brother Theo, who throughout his life helped him as morally and financially. became the second home for Van Gogh. It was in her who he lived all his remaining life. He did not feel here a stranger. Van Gogh drank a lot, and was very explosive. He could be called a man with whom it is difficult to deal with.

In 1888 he moved to Arles. The locals were not glad to see him in their town, which was in the south of France. They considered him an abnormal Lunatic. Despite this Vincent found friends here, and felt quite good. Over time, he came to create a settlement for artists here than he shared with his friend Hohen. Everything went well, but there was a breakdown between the artists. Van Gogh rushed to the Mogen's enemy with a razor. Gogen barely took place, miraculously survived. From the anger of the failure of Van Gogh cut off a part of the left ear. After spending 2 weeks in a psychiatric clinic, he returned back in 1889, as he began to torment hallucinations.

In May 1890, he finally left the shelter for mentally ill and went to Paris to his brother Theo and his wife, who only gave birth to a boy, who was called Vincent in honor of his uncle. Life began to improve, and Van Gogh was even happy, but his disease returned again. On July 27, 1890, Vincent Van Gogh himself shot himself into the chest from the pistol. He died on the hands of his brother Theo, who loved him very much. After half a year, the theo died. The brothers are buried at the Sheer's cemetery nearby.

Vincent Van Gogh. This surname is familiar to each schoolchild. As a child, we joked "Draw as Van Gogh"! Or "Well, you are Picasso!" ... After all, only one thing is immortal, whose name will remain forever in history not only painting and world art, but also humanity.

Against the background of the fate of European artists, Vincent Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) stands out by the fact that he found enough to find a craving for art. Under 30, Vincent did not suspect that it was the painting that would become the final meaning of his life. The vocation ripens in it does not rush to the explosion to break out out. The work of the work is almost on the verge of human capabilities, which will be the lot of his remaining life, throughout 1885-1887 Vincent will be able to work out its individual and unique style, which in the future will call "impasto". His artistic manner will contribute to rooting in the European art of one of the most sincere, sensitive, humane and emotional directions - expressionism. But, most importantly, she will be the source of his work, his paintings and graphics.

Vincent Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853 in the family of Protestant pastor, in the Dutch province of Northern Brabant, in the village of Grota Zyunndert, where his father was in service. Family environment has identified a lot in Vincent fate. The genus of Van Gogov was an old, known since the XVII century. In the era of Vincent Van Gogh there were two traditional family classes: someone from representatives of this kind was necessarily engaged in church activity, and someone - the work of artwork. Vincent was a senior, but not the first child in the family. A year was born earlier, but soon his brother died. The second son was named in memory of the deceased Vincent Willem. After it, five more children appeared, but only with one of them the future artist will be connected with close fraternal bonds until the last day of his life. It will not be an exaggeration to say that without the support of the younger brother Teo, Vincent Van Gogh as an artist would hardly take place.

In 1869, Van Gogh moves to Hague and begins to engage in trading paintings in the company "Gupil" and the reproductions of works of art. Vincent works actively and conscientiously, in his spare time he reads a lot and visits museums, gradually draws. In 1873, Vincent begins a correspondence with the brother Theo, which will last until his death. Nowadays, the letter of the brothers is published in the book, which is called "Van Gogh. Letters to Brother Teo "and buy it in almost any good bookstore. These letters are exciting evidence of the inner spiritual life of Vincent, his search and mistakes, joys and disappointments, despair and hopes.

In 1875, Vincent is appointed to Paris. He regularly visits Louvre and the Luxembourg Museum, exhibitions of contemporary artists. By this time, he himself draws himself, but nothing further foreshadows that the activity of art will soon become a all-consuming passion. In Paris, there is a fracture in his spiritual development: Van Gogh is very interested in religion. Many researchers associate this condition with unfortunate and one-sided love that Vincent survived in London. Much later, in one of the letters to Theo, the artist, analyzing his illness, will noted that the mental unhealthy is their family feature.

From January 1879, Vincent receives the position of a preacher in Vama, the village located in Borinja - the area in South Belgium, the center of the coal industry. He is deeply striking the extreme poverty in which miners and their families live. A deep conflict begins, which opens the eyes of Van Gogh for one truth - the servants of the official church are not at all interested in a truly alleviate the fate of the people who were in inhuman conditions.

Understanding this shower position, Van Gogh is experiencing another deep disappointment, rows with the church and makes his final life choice - to serve people with their art.

Van Gogh and Paris

Last arrives Van Gogh to Paris were associated with work in "Pitel". However, no time before this, the art life of Paris did not have a noticeable influence on his work. This time the stay of Van Gogh in Paris lasts from March 1886 to February 1888. These are two extremely rich years in the life of the artist. During this short period, it masters impressionistic and non-impassionistic techniques, which contributes to the unreoldness of its own color palette. The artist who came from Holland turns into one of the most original representatives of the Parisian avant-garde, whose innovation takes off from the inside of all the conventions that make huge expressive color opportunities as such.

In Paris, Van Gogh communicates with the Camille Pissaro, Henry de Toulouse-Lotrek, Paul Gauguin, Emil Bernarr and George Seres and other young painters, as well as with the trader of paints and a collector of Dad Tangi.

last years of life

By the end of 1889, in this difficult time, exacerbated by seizures of madness, spiritual disorders and crawling to suicide, Van Gogh receives an invitation to take part in the exhibition of an independent salon, organized in Brussels. At the end of November, Vincent refers 6 paintings there. On May 17, 1890, the Theo has a plan to settle Vincent in the Over-sur-UAZ town under the supervision of Dr. Gasha, who was fond of painting and was a friend of impressionists. The state of Van Gogh is improving, he works a lot, writes portraits of his new acquaintances, landscapes.

On July 6, 1890, Van Gogh arrives in Paris to Theo. Albert Aerie and Toulouse-Lotrek visits the theo house to meet with him.

From the last letter to Theo Van Gogh says: "... Through me, you took part in creating some cloths, which even in a storm retain my peace. Well, I paid my life for my job, and she cost me half of my reason, it's so ... But I'm not regretting. "

This ended the life of one of the greatest artists not only in the XIX century, but also in the entire history of art as a whole.

Vincent Van Gogh (Vincent Willem Van Gogh) 1853-1890

Great Dutch artist. Biography and paintings.

Van Gogh. Art over the precipice

He lived hard and inspired, suffering from mental disorders, was especially friendly with the brother Theo, he adored the sunflowers and cut off his ear, which did not fail to portray on his self-portrait - this is, perhaps, everything that can be attributed to the questions about Great Van Gogh. Meanwhile, this artist can be compared with some kind of incomprehensible universe, woven of contradictions, sensuality, expression and disappointment, the universe, which was very difficult to comprehend, and it seems that Van Gogh himself did not cope with this task.

Years of throwing like steps to madness

Art for Vincent Van Gogh was akin to a rescue circle for which he kept on the waves of cruel reality. Absolutely non-socialized, some kind of cut off from around the world, he chose for himself the only possible form of existence - through painting.

Its life cannot be called simple - unlike his family, where the time of centuries were all either with antiques, or consisted on the spiritual service, Van Gogh sought to find his place in life, and was unlikely to succeed. At first he seems to be not averse to continue the family tradition, but believing that the traders lie to the art, did it so that he was fired. Wherever Van Gogh has learned, was expelled everywhere due to an arbitrary nature and strange behavior. The first love for a widowing cousin led to the fact that he was forced to leave the family, and the cohabitation with a pregnant prostitute and did the abyss between the artist and his family at all. Each of these events in the Van Gogh life was left deep mental wounds that did not slow down to affect his mental health.

Surprisingly, this person had no full-fledged art education, which had a number of contradictory consequences. On the one hand, Van Gogh felt that he was lacking skills and skills, but with another creative freedom, not chained in academic canons, allowed him to mix watercolor, sepia, oil in one work, leading to an amazing color color. It is noteworthy that the painter even noted that for art and talent is not needed, the main thing is to work a lot.

From Antwerp to Paris

In Antwerp Van Gogh arrived after dramatic events - living in the province of the Drawn, where the artist was inserted into the peasant theme ("Weaver", "peasant at work", etc.), however, the local pastor banned the inhabitants to pose a strange young man, and soon he demanded his expulsion at all . In a new place, Vincent began to attend the lessons at the Academy of Arts and to improve, especially in the field of writing people. Although today the artist is perceived as a brilliant landscape system and a master of still life, Wang Gogh himself always repeated that he is a specialist in human figures.
In the same town, the only picture was created, created by classic traditional canons - "Potato Etheries", striking with their emotionality and hidden meanings.

In 1886, the artist on the Council of Brother comes to Paris - Theo, which trades paintings and antiques, seeks to immediately involve Vincent into the creative God. The painter meets Toulouse-Lotrek, Degas, Pissarro, Gauguin, discovering the magical world of Impressionist aesthetics. I joined almost your like-minded people, Van Gogh presents its paintings at opposition exhibitions, but his work, to the great disorder of the master, their buyers are not found.

From the negative, Van Gogh again runs into art - studies the theory of degious flowers, comprehends the nuances of Eastern frescoes, is interested in various styles and directions. The master worked so much that in just a year created more than 230 works, among which "still life with flowers in a bronze vase", an expressive series of "shoes", "Breadfield with Poppy and Zhavork", "Self-portrait in a gray felt hat", etc.

It was this period of creativity that has become decisive for the formation of the artist's style, with a curved linus characteristic of it, saturated with solicular color, small strokes and a simplified form in the transmission of atmospheric and light nuances.

Notorious ear and sunset days

Disappointed due to the misunderstanding of the public, Van Gogh decides to move to Arles, the place in the south of France. His ambitious thought to establish a new direction in the visual arts, calling him the South School. Pursuing the same goal, another talented and strange master - Paul Gogen joins Vincent. Here the painters created a number of wonderful works. Van Gogh is "A view of Arles with Irisami," Blooming Fruit Garden "," Summer Evening near Arlem, etc.

Of great friendship from artists, as well as the schools did not work. Despite the huge drinks from Van Gogh, Gaugugen annoyed a comrade's slope, disadvantage and quick temper. Their history ended tragic - Van Gogh attacked Gauguen with a knife and he was alone alone. Upset by this event, and perfectly understood that he was not okay, Van Gogh cuts off his ear lobe and the clinic enters the clinic for people with mental disorders.

The doomes in this man combined with a sober clarity. It was at such moments that Van Gogh understood that the illness would be able to end his mind to the end, and therefore worked with great zeal. His paintings now sounded more tragic and impulsive. Bedroom Van Gogh, "Starry Night", "Irises", a number of self-portraits (including the most famous with a bandage on the wounded ear), "Walk of prisoners" and others - All these works are created in a heavy for Van Gogh Time

In 1890, Van Gogh leaving the San Remy hospital, looking for support from the beloved Theo. Living in a brother's family in Overa, Vincent is working on ordinary plots, so the poetic "rural road with cypresses" and "Landscape near Oversa on a rainy day" appears. However, the painter is experiencing contradictory feelings, seeing how Theo is experiencing due to the disease of the daughter and loss of work. Vincent begins to consider himself a burden for this welcoming family.

Sad reflections led to fatal actions - July 27, Van Gogh shot himself from a revolver, walking around the field. The bullet passed by the heart, and the deadly wounded artist was able to return to the hotel, sent by his brother. They spoke and spoke with Theo, while at night the artist did not say goodbye to this full paint, but so hopeless for him world forever.

He was released only 37 years, and that the brilliant master was able to sell only one picture. But from afar, sometimes it can be seen better, and today we recognize the genius of this artist and its invaluable contribution to the history of world art.

All pictures of Vincent Van Gogh on the site Detailed biography of the artist. Description and analysis of paintings.

When July 29, 1890, 37-year-old Vincent Van Gogh died, his work was almost no one known. Today, his paintings have stunning sums and decorate the best museums of the world.

125 years after the death of a great Dutch painter, it was time to learn more and dispel some myths, which, like the whole history of art, is full of his biography.

He changed several jobs before he became an artist

The son of the Minister, Van Gogh began working at 16 years old. Uncle took his intern for the position of art dealer in the Hague. He was converted to London and Paris, where the branches of the company were. In 1876, he was dismissed. After that, he worked for some time a school teacher in England, then the seller of the bookstore. Since 1878, he served as a preacher in Belgium. Van Gogh was needed, he had to sleep on the floor, but in less than a year he was fired from this post. Only after that, he finally became an artist and more classes did not change. In this field, he became famous, however, posthumously.

Career artist Van Gogh was short

In 1881, a Dutch self-taught artist returned to the Netherlands, where he devoted himself to drawing. His financially and financially supported the younger brother Theodore, a successful merchant works of art. In 1886, the brothers settled in Paris, and these two years in the French capital were fateful. Van Gogh took part in the exhibitions of impressionists and neo-simpressionists, he began using a light and bright palette, experimenting with the methods of applying smears. The last two years of life, the artist spent in the south of France, where he created a number of his most famous paintings.

In all his ten-year career, he sold only a few of more than 850 paintings. His drawings (they are left about 1300) were then unclaimed.

Most likely, he did not cut his ear

In February 1888, having lived two years in Paris, Van Gogh moved to the south of France, to the city of Arles, where the artists community was hoping. The company was Paul Gaug, with whom they made friends in Paris. The officially adopted version of the events is as follows:

On the night of December 23, 1888, they quarreled, and Gauguen left. Van Gogh, armed with a razor, pursued a friend, but, not downtown, returned home and in the annoyance partially cut off his left ear, then he wrapped him in the newspaper and gave some prostitute.

In 2009, two German scientists have published a book in which he suggested that Gogen, being a good fencer, cut off part of the ear Van Goga Sable during the fight. According to this theory, Van Gogh in the name of friendship agreed to hide the truth, otherwise Gogen threatened prison.

The most famous paintings are written by them in a psychiatric clinic

In May 1889, Van Gogh turned to help in a psychiatric hospital Saint-Paul-de-Corn, located in the former monastery of the city of Saint-Remy-de Provence in South France. Initially, the artist was diagnosed with epilepsy, but the examination also revealed bipolar disorder, alcoholism and metabolic disorders. Treatment consisted mainly in the reception of the baths. He stayed in the hospital during the year and wrote a number of landscapes there. More than a hundred pictures of this period include some of its most famous works, such as the Starry Night (acquired by the New York Museum of Contemporary Art in 1941) and "Irises" (purchased by Industrialist from Australia in 1987 for a record at that time 53.9 million)