PIP and flip: duet sisters with "pinheads" from the circus of freaks. PIP and flip - stars with small brains and big salaries Eli Bowen - "Warmless Miracle"

PIP and flip: duet sisters with
PIP and flip: duet sisters with "pinheads" from the circus of freaks. PIP and flip - stars with small brains and big salaries Eli Bowen - "Warmless Miracle"

What if was born by microcephal? Alive to be buried in the boarding school or go to show yourself for money. The second version of the fate for a person with a very small head in time to the Second World War was quite good and real, like a man crossing with a gorilla. Known by their roles in the old horror movie "Freaks" of 1932, sisters Snow from Georgia, who did not know about that, made a good career on their unusual appearance - in the "World Circus Sideshow" circus arena.

Frico Show owners Dali Jenny Lee and Elvira Snow pseudonyms PIP and flip (in the film Toda Browning - Pip and Zip), and represented them, American citizens, "Indians from Yucatan." At that time, among the orders, the view was supported that with such a shape of the head, like PIP and Flip, mysterious Mexican Aborigines - Aztecs and / or Maya appear.

Elvira was born in Hartwell in March 1901, Jenny is younger than his sister for twelve years. Parents actually handed over unusual offspring to various circuses, in order to contain a large family to the received dollars.

PIP and flip appeared on light with microcephalus, a violation of intrauterine development, in which the cork arch stops in growth, and with it the brain. The face continues to develop normally. If such a child survives, then over the years, the ugliness is becoming more and more clearly expressed, despite the fact that the microcels for life remain people of small, but not dwarf growth, with insufficient body weight.

In Koni-Island and on the Gastrors, Snow worked from 1929 by Pinhedami - "pinheads", which brilliant heads under the chub with a bow specifically. The most famous "punish" American Friton of this role is the incomparable, we wrote about several years ago.

The mind in PIP and the flip was no more than a kindergarten child, they were playful and harmless, like normal human kids. At the peak of his Circus Career, Sisters Snow earned $ 75 per week each, according to pre-war standards - good salary. Not many so lucky with employment in the Epoch of the Great Depression. Moreover, it was not particularly necessary to work "Pinheedam" - one of their kind and shelter was given visitors to the Fric Show delight. In winter, the sisters drove home to Georgia with money on vacation, where they did not refuse themselves.

Unfortunately, the younger sister - Jenny Lee - left life in the Zenith of Fame and young age, on August 27, 1934. Elvira on the clan was written more. She lived until November 1976 and died at the age of 75.

These real people whose physical oddities attract visitors to stop and lay on them. These people are operated as a fad of nature, but many of their history are much more interesting than their appearance.

(13 photos)

Joseph Merrick - "Elephant Man"

Joseph Merrick was born in 1862 with multiple genetic defects that covered it from head to legs, including a number of tumors and highlights throughout the body. Changes in its appearance began to appear when he was five years old, and his parents argued that this happened due to his mother's fault when she was pregnant. It was difficult for him to find a job so he agreed to be shown in the circus on show freaks In order to make a living. He died in 1890 in a dream. Joseph had a habit of sleeping while sitting, because if he had slept lying, he could suffocate.

Eli Bowen - "Immless Miracle"

Bowen was not just a man without legs, he fascinated by an audience, making alder, flip and other tricks. His diagnosis was focomelia (congenital absence of limbs). He died in a circus aged 79 years.

Lucia Sarate - "Woman Doll"

Sarat still keeps the record as the smallest person ever who lived on this planet. She was born in 1864 with the congenital dwarfship of the 2nd type (Maevsky syndrome). Having become adult, she weighed only 4 kilograms. He died from supercooling at 26 years after the train in which she drove was stopped because of a snowy storm.

Minnie Wulssi - "Co., Bird Girl"

Minnie Woles was born in 1880. When she died, unknown, but the bills showed that she was still alive in 1960. Wulzi suffered from rare skeletal Syndrome Virchow-Seckel, who was expressed in that she had a very low growth, a small head, a narrow bird's face with an eagle nose, big eyes, sloping chin and large ears, slow reaction. Wulssi was completely blind.

Elvira and Jenny Lee Snow - "Pip and Flip"

Elvira was born in Hartwell in March 1901, Jenny is younger than his sister for twelve years. Parents actually handed over unusual offspring to various circuses, in order to contain a large family to the received dollars.

PIP and flip appeared on light with microcephalus, a violation of intrauterine development, in which the cork arch stops in growth, and with it the brain. The face continues to develop normally. If such a child survives, then over the years, the ugliness is becoming more and more clearly expressed, despite the fact that the microcels for life remain people of small, but not dwarf growth, with insufficient body weight.

Fred Wilson - Shrimp

Fred Wilson was born in 1866 in Massachusetts with congenital disease Ecroids. The state was like his hands and legs, and they say that he had a small dental deformity as well. While Grady Styles Jr. More famous "Lobster Boy," said Wilson was the first professional performer of the Intermedia.

Annie Jones - Bearded Lady

Annie Jones was born on July 14, 1865, when she was 5 years old, she was already with a mustache and bundlebards. Incredibly, she was kidnapped and used for private impressions, in the end she escaped home to their parents. Becoming adult, she toured with the showman Fineas Barnum as an intermediate attraction. She walked twice and hated the word "freaks." She died at the old age of 37 years from tuberculosis.

Josephin Corbin - "Quadrupp

Josephin Mirtle Corbin was born on May 12, 1868 with pathology dipygus.What means that she had two pelvis and four legs. She could move with his inner legs, but they were too weak, so it was impossible to walk on them. Throughout his life, I worked as an actress in stray circuses, moreover, he attracted serious attention to the doctors of his time. Died from streptococcal skin infection.

Alice E. Doherty - "American Werewolf"

Alice Elizabeth Doherty was born on March 14, 1887 Minnesota, the United States in an ordinary family of having healthy, beautiful children.

At birth, Alice's face was covered with silky light hair two inches long. Parents were shocked by news - the girl has congenital hyperitrihosis. The state is extremely rare and unusual. "Good" people called Alice - American Werewolf.

Isaac Sprag - "Boy Skeleton"

The spray did not have any signs of physical deviations until he was 12 years old. A native of Massachusetts had a normal childhood, and then almost suddenly his weight began to decrease. Some described it as heavy muscle atrophy and "thanks" to their state, he could not find a normal job. He began to travel with Fineas Barnum.
167.6 cm in height and aged 44 years its weight was 19.5 kg. At 46, he died of choking.


The real name or place of birth is still a mystery, but it is known that he was born in 1901. He, as "PIP and Flip," was also shown in the film "Funds." Born with microcephalus with the mental abilities of a 3-year-old child. In accordance with the traditional practice of those times, it can be assumed that Shlittsi was bought or simply taken from his biological parents, which there were no information remained, street circuschairs. His guardians were, as a rule, his employers, sometimes by law, and sometimes only de facto. Responsibility for it passed from one person to another as they sell circus attractions, where he opposed. Shlitzi died on September 24, 1971 aged approximately 70 years from pneumonia.

Millie and Christine McCoy - "Double-headed nightingale"

These girls (1851-1912) were born in slavery. They and their mother were sold to Showman Joseph Smith. Smith and his wife took up the upbringing of girls. Ultimately, the Siamese twins learned to speak five languages, as well as sing, dance and play musical instruments.
People knew them as a "double-headed nightingale." In the 1880s, "Girls" retired and bought a small farm. Millie died from tuberculosis at 61, a few hours later, Christina died.
They are some of the first Siamese twins who managed to live so long.

Chang and Eng - Siamese Gemini

Cases of birth of twins who have contracted by any parts of bodies are known since ancient times. It has been established that in England, at about 1100, a surrounding sister Hulkurst - Helis and Mary, who lived 34 years old were born.

Curious item: After the death of the sisters, the nearby Catholic monastery was inherited by the 20 acres of land, but with the condition that every year at Easter in the monastery will be bakeed for distribution of buns in the form of their common appearance.

They say this tradition is still preserved. And on May 11, 1811 in Siam (now it is Thailand), in the village of Meklong, not far from the capital of Bangkok, in a simple peasant family, two boys were born, a joon and in, connected in the sternum "living sleeves".

PIP and flip: duet sisters with tiny heads

The fate of people born with certain physical deviations was crying in the twentieth century: as a rule, they became objects of ridicule, speaking in circus on fun public. The audience was horrified and laughed, wondered and did not believe their eyes. Duet sisters Snow from Georgia "It became famous for" with its extraordinary behavior: adult girls with tiny heads and a level of development, like young children, bribed naivety and simplicity. To explain their strange habits, the organizers went to some tricks ...

Circus poster: Twins from Yucatana

"PIP and Flip" - That was the name of the creative duet. Despite the fact that the sisters Jenny Lee and Elvira were born in Georgia, the organizers of their speeches assured the public that these girls were the Indians from Yucatan. The Americans willingly believed that this is exactly what the representatives of the Aztecs or Maya tribes should look like, therefore, with interest they looked at the tiny heads of Jenny and Elvira.

Photo sisters Snow

The real reason for their strange appearance was, of course, in the other. Both girls had a congenital disease - microcephalus. In this case, the cranial box does not develop in the process of growth and adults, and at the same time the brain remains like a small child. Over the years, the appearance of such people is becoming increasingly impartial. Girl's parents were pragmatic and cruel people. Babies were born with a difference of 12 years, their both were given to the circus, so that the rest of the family lived on the fees.

Frame from the film forbidden to show * Funders *