Alexander Sokolovsky - personal life. Adeline Sotnikova tries from the "hockey player" of Sokolovsky to make a figure skateman - Adeline, a year ago you

Alexander Sokolovsky - personal life. Adeline Sotnikova tries from the
Alexander Sokolovsky - personal life. Adeline Sotnikova tries from the "hockey player" of Sokolovsky to make a figure skateman - Adeline, a year ago you

The recent star in the sports chaise of Adeline Sotnikova is the first champion of the country in a single figure skating. This is truly "Wunderkind" figure skating, because at the thirteen age age Adelina Sotnikova easily performed the most complex tricks, which even adults are hardly given. Many are interested in her personal life, as this young athlete has a beautiful appearance. On the biography and secrets of the personal plan will be set out in this article.

Childhood Figureki

Adelina Sotnikova was born in the capital of Russia in 1996. She was premature, weak, because it was born in seven hundredth. But immediately after his birth, the girl was able to show all the personal power of his will. Because she was able not only to continue his life, but also to become strong and healthy. It was the first victory over the forces of nature. And it was symbolic.

In photo 2017, she looks like a real beauty. "Blood with milk", the young winner and the pride of our sport. Even President Putin himself did not imagine photographed with a star. It was a big reward for the young figure skater.

Adelina Sotnikova in childhood

The ancestors of the girl are famous. Praded - Alexander Vasilyevich Kochetkov - Hero of the USSR, pilot fighter. Pope Adeline is a policeman, served in a criminal wanted list for some time. Mom was engaged in acrobatics, but the injury prevented her to continue the classes in this sport.

When the girl was only four years old, it was decided to give in figure skating. She was engaged in a Biryulyovskaya sports school under the leadership of Anna Patriceva. At the seven age, Adeline moved to the school CSK. There, Irina Goncharenko was at first her coach. Then she began to train Elena Buyanov.

Adeline with his parents

There was a warm and friendly relationship between Elena and Adeline. The coach has so managed to reveal the talent of young figure skater, which at twelve aged girl became the champion of the country. By the way, the ward repeated the victory of his coach. That at the same age was the title of champion.

Then Adeline promised to President Putin, which would win at the Olympics. It happened five years later.

Sports career

At eleven years, a young athlete for the first time took part in the Russian figure skating championship. Then her work brought the tenth place. But a year later, Adeline has already been able to become a champion's zealous workouts. This is a considerable merit, both coach and the same figure skater.

The program of young champion included complex elements: triple jumping and rotation. It is hard to easily manage to do even adult athletes. By the way, the money that Adeline received a decent amount for his victory, she spent on the treatment of younger sister, which suffers from severe illness since childhood.

Her coach at the age of 13 has already participated in the European Championships. But since then much has changed. Children under 14 years old did not allow international competitions.

Evgeny Plushenko and Adelina Sotnikova on ice

In 2009, Adeline won the championship among juniors. But in the next seasons there was a failure: only fourth place at the country championship and the sixth place at the junior championship.

In 2010 and 11th, Adeline was able to win at the European Junior Championships. The next year she participated in the Olympic Games among Youth. There she received a silver medal.

The girl achieved such success that at sixteen she was awarded the title of Master of Sports of the International Class. And in two years she became a well-deserved master of sports. Adeline's secondary school graduated from external. Then he entered the university of sports physical culture in order to obtain the profession of the coach.

Winter games in Sochi

From the Winter Olympics in Sochi in 2014, Adelina Sotnikova waited a lot. In the team tournament, she did not take part. In a short program, she ranked second thanks to the emotional dance "Carmen". And in an arbitrary program athlete has become the first!

Russia never occupied the first place in the Olympic Games among the women's singles! Initially, everyone was propheted by the victory of the figure skater from Korea. However, the Sotnikova's performance turned out to be more complex. Therefore, she went around Korean. Representatives of Korea were outraged and sent even a protest letter.

Adeline won the first place in the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi

Russian President Vladimir Putin even awarded the winner of the Order of Friendship. This is probably the youngest owner of a similar reward for the entire history.

Further activities

In 2014, the athlete received a serious injury of the leg. This prevented her to participate in competitions. But the girl did not lose heart. She began to take part in TV projects. At first she performed in the "dance with the stars." Parabe with Gleb Savchenko Adeline ranked second place.

Then the figure skater participated in the popular show "Ice Age". A pair of her was Alexander Sokolovsky. They won in 2016. Interestingly, young people made friends during the performance. They continued to be friends after participating in the project.

A. Sotnikova with Vladimir Putin

Adeline Sotnikova broke up with his coach Elena Buyanova, with which it tied it so much. Now her new coach is a famous figure skater and repeated champion Evgeny Plushenko. There is also information that the athlete will soon take part in the new project of Peter Chernyshov.

Recently there were rumors that Adeline Sotnikova has a personal desire to quit sports. They are based on the fact that in her life recently there was a serious leg injury. However, in 2017, if you believe the latest news it became known that this is not true. She promises to return to a big sport as soon as possible.

Personal life

Adelina Sotnikova is a very pretty girl. Therefore, many fans are interested in her personal life, information about whether she is married. You can calm them down, saying that the athlete is not a legitimate marriage. And yet there is no information about how soon she is going to change the status of his life.

But some are interested, whether her heart is employed by a young man. This question can be answered unequivocally. Beautiful girl considers herself too young to contact marriage Uzami. But she has one to whom she is in love.

With Alexander Milochal

Adeline Sotnikova is attributed to a rapid novel with Maxim Kovtun. In this, most likely there is some truth, since there are their joint photos on social networks. Even rumors have walked that young people are ready to immediately enter into a legitimate marriage. The truth is or not, but this hearing remained in the past.

New chosen one Adeline Sotnikova - Young, beautiful, cheerful man Alexander Milk. He is known to many on the popular TV show "Magazin" leading which it is. At numerous secular parties, Adeline and Alexander appear together, holding hands. They did not even try to hide their feelings.

Adelina Sotnikova and Artemy Shulgin

Many even argued that young people were engaged. But this relationship seems to have expected a sad end. Again, if you believe rumors, Alexander turned out to be wrong with his beloved. She with bitterness after that decided to part forever. But in his interview with the press, Alexander said that he was not very upset because of this and assured that he had long realized that they were too different people, had different temperaments and interests. And that they were too heavy together.

According to the latest data, the athlete is currently found with the son of the famous singer Valeria, Artemia Schulgin.

December 28, 2016.

Dance project triumphs have become the heroes of the Evening Urgant show.

In a conversation with TV, Sokolovsky and Sotnikov said that together it was comfortable to work, but a couple-competitor Julianna Karaulova and Maxim Trankov were helped with particularly complex tricks. Adeline admitted that Sasha was not easy, "emission" was given, but over time, the slave element began to get better and better.

"Max Trankov helped us to learn this element. So that Sasha has learned to "throw out" correctly, we first tried it with Max, "the Olympic champion commented on the Evening Urgant show.

We will remind, earlier the actor starred in the TV series "Molodezhka", where he played a hockey player, so it was much easier to stay on Ice Alexander, than all other participants. In an interview with the correspondent of our publication, Sotnikova recognized that at first did not trust the partner, but then I realized that Sasha reliable.

"Sokolovsky from the first seconds of our meeting, and then, then, it should be noted, I still had little skates, I went to the ice and began to create such that everyone was shocked. Sasha accelerated and has tried to perform complex elements without training. Then he began to make support, raise me. The first time was very scary: I squealed and squeezed, said: "I will not, I'm afraid." But overborn fear. At first we trained every complex element a million times on the floor, and then transferred to ice. Over time, I became confident in Sasha - that he will not drop me. I quickly realized that I was lucky with a partner, since the dedication and his desire to learn how to ride just shook. Now we can say that Sokolovsky's figure skating school passed. We were very friends. The "Ice Age" gave me a reliable friend who, I am sure, will always support me. I acquired another "my" person, "the athlete admitted in an interview

Couple has become the winner of the popular show. Adelina Sotnikova and Alexander Sokolovsky intend to continue communication and after the project. The star of the TV series "Molodechka" said that it was ready to make an offer to the Olympic champion about friendship.

On the first channel, the final of the new season of the popular show "Ice Age" took place.

The best pair of the project was recognized by the Olympic champion Sochi Adeline Sotnikov and her partner, the actor of the TV series "Molodechka" Alexander Sokolovsky. Throughout all the steps of the enchanting show Adeline and Alexander, pleased with the audience and strict jury with their numbers. Sokolovsky performed the most complex technical elements, and Sotnikova, thanks to the partner, turned from a single chair to the guy. And the audience, and the judges noted that Adeline and Sasha look together simply amazing. In the final, they performed an incendiary rock and roll, thoring the audible applause of the public.

Before the speech, Adeline Sotnikova admitted that she got an incredible partner.

"Sasha brave, he is just a bunny. All the time I sought to do something extreme on ice, and everything worked out, "said the Olympic champion. "I feel madly that the project ends, so I don't want to part with anyone."

Alexander Sokolovsky, in turn, also called the figure skater with an incredible girl. "Adeline is space! Said an actor. - We very much approached each other in the energy plan. We never quarreled for the whole project. The first time we met at the CSKA rink, I didn't know what awaits me. Adeline, I'm glad that I rode with you! "

As the guys confessed by the leading "glacial period" by Alla Mikheyeva and Alexey Yagudin, they plan to continue communication and after the project. Only will be found no longer on the ice. Alexander Sokolovsky said it was ready to make Adeline by the Centnika at least a suggestion about friendship.

It is worth noting that Adelina Sotnikova became the debutanth of the project "Ice Age". Appearing in it, the Olympic champion fell from the pedestal of the masted participants of the show. This season was divided into two pairs in this season - Tatiana Navka and Andrei Burkovsky, Povilas Vanagas and Yevgeny Kregyde, Maxim Trankov and Julianna Karaulova.

We have become the present triumphs of the "Ice period", Adeline Sotnikov and Alexander Sokolovsky take congratulations from their fans on social networks.

"With the victory of you! Well done! "," Congratulations, Alexander and Adeline, with a deserved victory! You were the best pair of this season! Be the same artistic, and most importantly, never cease to ride, because you are so good it turns out! "," I am sincerely glad to win your victory! You will stay forever in my heart! ", Sasha, Adeline, congratulations on you! Just for you and sick, you have one room better than the other, and the couple you are beautiful with Adeline! ", - They write loyal fans of the couple.

Adeline missed the Russian Figure Skating Championship, which was held at the end of December in Chelyabinsk. This championship is selection for the European Championship. But the 20-year-old champion is tempered, so it will return to a big sport in the new season. Ilya Averbukh says that Sotnikova is already preparing for the Olympic season, notes its high level of skiing and new skills - in the "Ice Age" a single man learned to ride a pair.

- Adeline, Congratulations! The victory you noted with colleagues on the project "". And who are celebrating New Year?

- Traditionally - houses in Moscow. With parents and sister. And then I will meet and celebrate with friends. In the New Year holidays, it will not be possible to rest - I ride in the Ice Show "Nutcracker and Mouse King" as Queen Mouseldy. Ilya Averbukh invited, and I agreed, because in my childhood it was one of my favorite cartiors.

- It was a new year in front of the Olympics. On the night of January 1, 2014, for a month and a half before the Olympic Games, I guess a desire - to perform successfully in Sochi. I remember how worried, hoped.

- Apparently, you know how to formulate desires correctly. What do you dream in 2017?

- I plan to return to a big sport. I want no health problems and I could completely give up training. Well, as for personal ... I dream to meet a person who will take a permanent place in my heart.

Mom Adelina Olga Dmitrievna took her daughter to the figure of figure skating when she was 4 years old. Photo:

- What man can be near Adeline Sotnikova? Necessarily an athlete?

- I have a guy not from the world of sports. He did not understand the specifics of my life, so he constantly lacked attention. It became a problem, and we broke up. So I came to the conclusion that the ideal option for me is a guy-athlete. When people are busy in one area and understand its specificity, misunderstanding is excluded. We both will know how important it is to constantly go to the goal and not to break the regime. It's easier to support each other.

- After the Olympics, you told about your style icon - Angelina Jolie. For a couple of years in her life, so much happened. Did not disappointed in idols?

- I still love Jolie. And as an actress, she became her fan, looking at the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", and as a person. Everything can happen in family life. Of course, Angelina is not easy - all the same, they have six children. But in public, she leads and gives itself worthy, right. What is the need, since she did the operation to avoid the risk of cancer. To condemn it for nothing. I dream to get acquainted with her and talk including about helping children, because the actress does a lot of charity.

- You also try to help sick children.

"Always try to support, help, never refuse to participate in charitable projects." I, like no other, I understand that the child seeks to arrange his life - despite the fact that God has adopted his health. Each of us can help. I am given my native blood for such help (Masha,. - Ed.). I am sure that every person is also given over to help someone. Once Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova told Chulpan Hamatov that my Masha need treatment that our family could not pay. And the Foundation "Give Life" allocated funds for an expensive operation in Germany to my sister. Now I am happy to return debts. Here is such a coolness of good in nature it turns out.

Photo: Kudryavov Boris

- You told that very close with Masha. The sister is almost your leader - just two years younger.

- Yes, we love to spend time together - walk, watch movies, chat. Just live without a friend can not. Always looking forward to the day off to spend it with Masha.

- Masha sick for you on the "Ice Penios"?

- Sure! Sister and parents are always worried.

I did not have a very successful experience of a relationship with a guy not from the world of sports.

- For the first time you danced with a partner two years ago on the TV project "Dancing with the stars." Now they got a pair of ice skating and. It was hard?

- Perform complex elements in the dance on the floor of safer. But I feel more confident on the ice. But my partner, who never professionally stand in his life ... Sasha Sokolovsky from the first seconds of our meeting, and then, it should be noted, I still had little skates, I went to the ice and began to create such that everyone was shocked. Sasha accelerated and has tried to perform complex elements without training. Then he began to make support, raise me. The first time was very scary: I squealed and squeezed, said: "I will not, I'm afraid." But overborn fear. At first we trained every complex element a million times on the floor, and then transferred to ice. Over time, I became confident in Sasha - that he will not drop me. I quickly realized that I was lucky with a partner, since the dedication and his desire to learn how to ride just shook. Now we can say that Sokolovsky's figure skating school passed. We were very friends. The "Ice Age" gave me a reliable friend who, I am sure, will always support me. I acquired another "my" person.

- Adeline, a year ago you. Business develops into a crisis?

- Yes, everything is fine. The people go to us, thank God. Even expanded slightly. If I used to go to my salon to the manicure, pedicure and to adjust the eyebrows, now I can make massage and cosmetology procedures. The work of our family business is controlled by Mom. She is the director, and I am the face of the salon. But I do not stand aside, invent a festive design, I plan to make contests with prizes to the new year to attract the people and create a festive mood.

Photo: Visals Ivan

- After the Olympics, you were going to "cope with modesty"? Succeeded?

- Yes, because a lot has already passed. I realized that now no attention would be left. I adapted, I learned to see provocative situations and try to avoid them.

- Have you learned how to cope with life, cook? Or dinner driven to parents?

"I have a complex training schedule, so now it's not as often as I would like, see with my relatives." But as soon as the free evening rush to parents. And I can cook. Of course, the exam on the chefs will not pass. But I can feed yourself and guests.

Private bussiness

Adeline Sotnikova was born on July 1, 1996 in Moscow. She was called in advance in figure skating: at the age of 12 she won the Russian Championship, at the age of 13 he performed the most complex cascades. The first in the Soviet and Russian history Olympic champion in women's single skating. Adelina Sotnikova won the Gold Medal in 2014 at the Olympics in Sochi.

Alexander Sokolovsky: "I have extremal parents"

The winners of the eighth season "Ice period" Sotnikova and Sokolovsky became friends. Photo: Victoria Poplavskaya

Immediately after the end of the shooting of the "Ice period", the magazine "TV program" once again met with Adeline, and at the same time with her partner - actor Alexander Sokolovsky.

Alexander: - Yes, we won the project! It seems to me that I still do not realize how we were able to defeat this competition. Very strong couples. And we are essentially both newcomers. Adeline never rode paired. I generally have nothing to do with figure skating. Plus we had very little time to prepare: we got into a couple, when everyone had been trained for a long time. And it was a big stress. Now there are a lot of emotions. Figure skating is a very difficult sport. In front of the skaters, I now curse.

Adeline:- I will also remember all this turmoil, the connectors and that we still coped with everything.

"Now, Alexander, figure skating will be a constant passion for you or there is a thought:" Never! "?

Adeline: - Yes, I also ask Sasha all the time: does he hang skates on the carnations? (Laughs.)

Alexander: - No, of course, figure skating is now a majority of my life. I even watched the steps of the Grand Prix, who were in autumn.

Adeline: - It comes to training and says, they say, that's the one - fell, and that - so it rolled back ... I am glad that now we can discuss figure skating in the same language.

Photo: Victoria Poplavskaya

Alexander: - Thanks to the show, we were very friends. I can not imagine myself without communicating with Adeline. And if I once again called to the ice project, I would say that I would ride only with the Sotnikova.

- Who congratulated you first?

Adeline: - Parents. They worried about me very much.

Alexander: - Parents. Knowing that I have no borders, barriers, fears, they are very nervous. I have extremal. Now, after the project, I will go to ride a snowboard, then I will fly to South-Eastern Asia to ride skyserf. But figure skating is the same extreme sport, especially when you have an Olympic champion in your hands. By the way, Adeline said that he dreams to learn to ride a snowboard, so now I also have something to teach.

Her hair sweetly smelled shampoo.
What else could they smell?

Well, perhaps, his liberation and faith in some other life ... Exactly two hours on Fridays.

But the fragrance was too scattered and weak, barely caught ... In order to be something big, than just a perfume fragrance manufacturer of luxury cosmetics.

Two hours on Fridays ...

His blue and unearthly shout to her such a living, such a protest " i'm tired of being your personal psychologist. You all consist of incurable neurosis. Nightmare. Intimidated. Wild. You are all.»

She does not hear.

Two hours on Fridays ...

It's painful injections, she pours their soul, pours (Xia) into it, looking at one point, climbing cold fingers. And he, all the remaining 166 hours in the week, squeezes her from his own, etching, cares, flushes.

Unsuccessfully. Hopelessly. Tupikovo.

Strange poison transfusion. From the recipient donor. The latter will inevitably bended with each procedure.

She does not understand.

His living room is too small even for a tiny breath.
He always offers her tea. Synthetic-chamomile. She is always according to nods, but never drinks. Synthetically godless.

There is nothing saint in it. But the whole she is icon.

Just sits on the sofa, while he is habitually takes a deep chair in the far corner of the room.
Simply she is He speaks. Simply is he listens.

In the panoramic windows of his apartment, Zano is knocking December. He earned on such windows. For such Moscow of them.

But what he earned such a karma - to absorb her broken thoughts, tearing from dry lips, reflected from the walls, and wait. It is not clear what. Wait.

"I want to go back to the sport, do you understand?"

She seems to die. And he only pretends as if the doctor. How can. According to Stanislavsky's system.

He rubs out a chant left forearm through a light cotton shirt. Trying to relieve unbearable pain, unbearable itch.

Fresh tattoo burns to breathtomasses, burns with fire, asks outside. The fabric only interferes. And the healing ointments do not help.
She issame - only aggravates. Now doubly.

Left - because closer to the knee heart.
Because according to the arteries and clubs of the veins right from it. Straight out. Ink letters, thin font.

He would have to pull it from his sofa, rush sharply, so that she just managed to shrink from the surprise, but really failed to understand anything.

Her eyelids would only reveal wider. Perhaps she would have managed to open the mouth in the indignation.

He would tear off her today's dress, past sweater, will last a tunic. Damn it, he remembers the entire wardrobe and all their meaningless meetings.

Then she would spoil frightened "Sasha", not taking off his touching, wet eyes.
He would whisper an expressive "shut up" and it would sound like the most sexy thing in the world.

He would soften. "Just silent, okay?". She is still a girl.

I want to go back in you, do you understand?

Have you ever worried about what I feel?
I'm still me. I am. I exist. I live. Or I think I live. Or pretend ... What is the Stanislavsky ...

His hands would slide free ...

Open in it new. Take your own. By cells. In pieces. According to seismic shocks from the inside and the hot lava of the lips outside.

Find out.

Believe in the fact that the framing is completely nothing to do with it.

Shampoo manufacturers and did not dream that.

He thought that the "smell of paradise" is the winning point of copywriters.

I could not breathe without you.
I could not live without you.

Girl of Moscow cork neuroses on a whitewash Thai hotel sheets.

If you just knew how hard to forget ...

She is quietly, but loud-loud It breaks into his stubborn foggy fantasies. Before spampling spampill.

Sasha ... - and he shudders. Returns.

And he understands that she again brought. It seemed. Mind plays his monstrous games with him again.

Interesting how important he missed. What did she say?

He fear, carefully looking at her. Studying.

If she feels the slightest lack of interest - he will lose confidence. Loss it.

More precisely, what remains from it.
I got him in a crazy lottery of unprincipled fate bitch.

Sasha, are you listening to me? - nervously removes chestnut bangs, pressing sponges, and he fears that she will stand right now and leave.

The second time he will not survive cotton of his door, like cotton from the control shot.

The sun rolls down so quickly for neighboring houses.

Sunset in winter so unpacked. So intramuscularly notice. So disgusting soon.

And he still remembers their personal sun pangan ....

Her burnt hair with a sea salt and breeze in them ...

He hates chlorine pool in his fitness and nauseous and warm air conditioning air conditioning. Some launching replacement therapy.

Coconut Murok in tetrapaks from the shelves of the supermarket under the house did not approach the reckless breakfasts for two under the real palm trees ...

And he does not even know when everything ended ...

When, as a shell with a crash, her uninneteded joke at the threshold " millions of girls will dry for you. You will meet your love, Sokolovsky».

Or much earlier ...

Maybe then when he simply stopped putting passwords on phones and computers ...

And the early twelve-year-old girls suddenly stopped interested in teddy bear, and began to write him the depraved poems about his fingers and her underwear ...

He is used to.
She could not.

Divided. Scattered. Having duty happiness to each other for the holidays.

She is used to.
He could not.

- I have no one to talk to, Sokolovsky.

She is stained with mascara and smeared by sticking glitter. Halfupan In a semi-empty cafe. For fifteen minutes before his birthday.

And he pooses candles. And he commends the only desire. And he utters it out loud.
Just spits superstition.

All his desires depend on it. And she never knew how to read thoughts.

Hour on Fridays.

What is "Hour on Fridays"? - She loudly and beautifully laughs at his kitchen. Drunk. Stupid. Favorite.

He admires. Smiles. For the first time sincerely over a million shock years. Summer returned almost under the titers of gray winter.

- Come to me. Stay with me. Sleep with me.

Smile as paint from the skin from the solvent. Easually outlined.
Alcohol is excreted from the body. Weathered. Per second.

Well, that is ... in pajamas, like brother and sister, yes? - She smiles sluggish, trying desperately, discharge. But it is not ridiculous in general. He is all the more.

As anyone. - He says seriously, looking for his reflection in her eyes. - Just come. Stay with me. "And he catches her helpless fingers on a glass lid of a festive table, where the holiday is only a kilogram cake with cherry and white wine.

You have a cake. Piece of cake. You're a birthday book ... - With a shiver in a voice and for sure in the palms. With pulse jumps. She is so touchingly fussing by changing the topic. Cars the hand and takes the knife.

- Adeline, today Friday.

She carefully does not look at him, ignoring the hint, straightening with a cake.

- Adeline ... Look at me.

And after a breath, she looks, licking his finger, so not (by the way) he caused into cherry cream. And he breaks the tower completely.

Disgust. Untimatically. Irrevocable.

Cold glass burns her buttocks.

On the table, she and glasses, of which, with each movement, splashes wine more and more. Now the table is truly festive.

Two hours ... - He pouals her ear breathing, increasing the pace, accelerating in it. - I want to twoan hour ...

It requires. He declares his rights.

Glasses with noise fall. Broken. For luck.

She is silent and in front of the orgasm almost breaks his neck, joining, granting his head, tightly pressing him to himself, forcing it even closer and deeper.

So they appear two hours on Fridays.

And timid hope on that very - other a life.

In practice, the dragging meetings of non-traction / shortfast, according to the "psychoanalytic-patient" scenario, with a traditional transplant (removal, but not driving) to his brain and in vain transplantation to her former feelings that did not fit in any way.

Her irritated "Sash" re-diverges around the perimeter, he is given in the head of the humorous echo and molecules of the thick Thai fog hangs in a cold space. Cold, despite the heated floors, reliable double-glazed windows and his fiery heart.

"Well, we promised to try ... to yourself. Us. We are both. "

She looks at him displeased, strange, surprised.

When he does not respond, and just rises sharply from the chair and resolutely goes to it, crossing the spacious living room with carpets and the original of modern art on the freezing walls with another of thousands of unspecified words.

There is enough her for a fragile hand, and her painted eyes are really swirling wider. She is predictable, in a girlish, shrugly screams from surprise when he grossly pulls, lifts her, shakes, not allowing her neat feet to touch the floor, and after putting on the sofa.

Now she is intermittently breathing his mouth, it cannot smear the words from the perturbation and the words, again nervous, the rapid movement of the fingers is cleaned by bangs and becomes higher than him. She was probably always higher. And the point is not at all in the growth ...

Her view is a view of a drunk cat. Predatory. A minute - and she rushes on him and scratches his face.

Her heart - everything is also unthinkable under the dress under the dress, skipping strikes, fingers timidly rubbed a slightly riming skirt.

Sasha unbutton cuffs and a couple of buttons from above.

Funny threat warning flies with favorite lips:

- If you touch me at least a finger ...

- Have I ever hurt you?

Her silent and sharp "yes" cuts the throat, shining in it.

He takes a step towards her, she is a step back, with his hands back looking for a support, finding it in a wide back of the sofa.

From the speakers begins to sound "their" song, the same song from the islands.

That is that he sang to her.

This is true, some kind of evil irony of Shaffle in the music center - from an immense playlist now to choose this particular composition. And maybe simply fate, because there are no such coincidences.

He smiles. Barely noticeably. Remembering what they associated them, he can not anything else.

Do you remember?
(You're, damn, remember everything ...)

Her face does not express anything.

She comes with a soft upholstery and as if afraid of him, eyes asking permission to pass.
"What's wrong with you, Adeline? You do not trust me anymore ... "

- Today is Friday. You can't leave.

He concerns the smooth line of her chin, causing to look straight into the eyes.

- I gave you too expensive a gift ... All this is a stupid venture. Sorry.

She removes his hand, and the sounds of her steps absorbs a long pile of carpet.

The columns are tightly crying with mild tenor grief and this crying is bottled all over the apartment, it raises the forgotten warmth and past, unnecessary experiences.

She, too, barely holds back tears, sweeping the scarf over the dark cashmere coat, without immediately falling into the boots.

"not here. not here. not here."

And not even turns around, biting the lip.

(Adeline, you have time to slip out, drink, throw ashore and run to the car. You have time (it's not clear why) Block the doors and then you can pour into the voice, rubbed the forehead in the steering wheel.)

"Don't I deserve expensive gifts?"

He is preparing for her deadly pool not in the back, in the focus, appearing on the threshold to bother a narrow hallway, where every centimeter oozing to poisonous feelings. Be they cursed.

They will smoothly die right now from intoxication, overdose or asphyxia. Right now. No matter what exactly. Their bodies will find here on the rug at the threshold.

Prosefully. Solid. But they will already do not care.

Dolbanny Romeo and Juliet ... some kind of not their fairy tale. Uncomfortable fairy tale. Sleep tale.

Well, what of the Romeo ... Herovy Romeo. He converts this role.

Her insane numerous "no no no" Cut the inside of growing thorns. And she will definitely die from internal bleeding.

And the complex castle is treacherously turning, not wanting to produce it to oxygen freedom. She has starvation. Malaise. And all the signs of the ambulance. And despair with multi-colored balloons bursts loudly directly in a narrow chest. Painfully. Painfully. Painfully.
"You did it very painful."

She does not have time.
She does not cope.
It hits the cam and drops the forehead on the glossy metal door and the whims of a weak, offended by the girl.

Sillying desperate Juliet, begging with chille shoulders in a dark cashmere.

She does not live to the steering wheel.
And it throws it on some other shore ...
With real palm trees, natural coconut milk and blue as the sea itself ...

Her ship sits straight.
Her ship at home.

- My girl ... - Strong and persistent palm stacked a naughty head on a surprisingly warm, hot chest.

In the west of air exactly two. And no more. There is nothing more.

"More" simply does not exist.

She is in a coat.

He for some reason without a shirt, in one pants. And the woolen fabric of her clothes as if sandpaper on open wounds and bare nerves.

Sasha wipes her tears, easily touching the paddles of the wet cheeks.

Adeline still sees it is not clear, through the veil, and there is practically no fit here, but she notices something incomprehensible on the male hand, dark. She strains - a stain can be a hematoma or a large bruise.

Sasha intercepts her interested glance and raises his hand, bringing his forearm slightly closer, allowing the girl clearly to consider.

On his skin, between the elbow bend and the wrist, the fresh, shiny paint is burning, bizarre and lifelongly rushing with a blue large veins.

Vitious Latin magician, with swelling and inflamed redness around, shouts her name her name. Adelina.

Shouts so that she stalls.

She stalls. In the ears, only the noise of their own blood is temporary. And the floor under the legs slowly go somewhere left.

Adeline, as a bactericidal plaster, dugs with difficulty and translates the look, looks into the bottomless Sasha's eyes, not believing his own.

It becomes hot. Stuffy.

From awareness of what it is "forever", she is ready to fire for hundreds of pieces right this second.

- I am too few two hours on Fridays ...

(Now you are always with me)

She stretches to touch.
She wants to touch. Frantically. And Sasha does not mind and not even frowning from pain, although it is probably.

The tips of her fingers are carefully followed by the letter beyond the letter, they touch the volumetric, due to the edema, the inscription, the contours are reduced.

His breathing is knocked down from the well-defined rhythm.

Its touch is the best healing agent. Instant anesthetic.
High-speed overall anesthesia.

This is their eternity.
This is their own fairy tale.

When amazingly starry at night, they lie across a wide bed, covered with cool silk of weightless sheets, and her sleepy lips in the pale light of the moon find a piece of Latin, he, through a dream, only quietly exhales "Favorite", to the touch kisses Adeline to the temple, and dissolves It is without a trace ...

as in their personal eternity.