Important notes about the practice of qigong. Choice of time and destinations for qigong

Important notes about the practice of qigong. Choice of time and destinations for qigong
Important notes about the practice of qigong. Choice of time and destinations for qigong

In the process of performing exercises qigongvarious effects may be observed. Some of them are a normal body response to exercise, others - deviations. Generally speaking, with long-term practice and correct approaches to understanding the key moments of exercises, the fulfillment of all necessary requirements and graduality in their development is mainly observed only normal effects. If deviations still appear, they are easy enough to overcome. Abnormal reactions can only be observed with improper understanding and exercise. Below is a list of effects separated depending on whether this effect is considered normal or not.

(I) normal effects

1. Feeling of heat in the lumbosacral region and limbs. When consciousness is concentrated on the navel, at the points of Ciheai or Guanuan, you can feel the appearance of heat or hot flux in this place. This can manifest itself with the sensations of a directional or diffused hot air flow, and sometimes both the flow of warm water, moving and fluctuating inside the body. If consciousness is concentrated at the point of the Ministry of Amen, the feeling of heat can be easily found in the lumbar-sacral region. The feeling of heat or even heat can also appear in their hands and legs. After the emergence of such sensations, you feel very comfortable. However, try so that the heat does not become unbearable and try to control the level of heat using exhalations and some blurring point of the concentration of consciousness (concentration focus).

2. Easy Spirin. Classes qigong Both static and dynamic can cause light sprous, sweat selection. The amount of sweat should be no more lung wet layer on the skin, just as if you were wung with a wet towel. If you sweat up, as you usually do athletes, take action to, until the sweat, you do not succeed. In some way instead, especially if you were engaged in windy weather in the fresh air.

3. Increase salivation. In the process of cyguong classes, salivation may increase. Sometimes it can be caused by a slight compression of the teeth or energetic movement of the language. Also, the secretion of saliva may increase simply when performing static poses, without any movement of teeth or language. If saliva is a lot, then you just swallow it, it is useful for digestion and fermentation. Some people moisturize eyes and tears appear. It is also normal phenomena.

4. Acceleration of the peristals of the stomach and intestines. The acceleration of the peristals of the stomach and intestines can be observed in the process of performing exercises, especially when deep abdominal breathing is performed and consciousness is focused on the navel (dantian) or a point of cychai. Doing not only can feel peristaltics, but also to hear the rice in the stomach. These phenomena can also be observed during the gastric emptying, when making food and remove the accumulation of gases, impede the activity of the intestinal tract. It contributes to the intestinal work and is considered normal.

5. Improving appetite and increase body weight. Cygun exercises can contribute to improving appetite and increase body weight in people with insufficient weight due to poor appetite or nubitating food. However, those who have a normal appetite, no excessive increase in appetite or increase weight notice. And even, on the contrary, in persons with overweight body, it decreases as a result of classes qigong.

6. Improving sleep quality. These exercises can help make a man's sleep deeper and therefore more favorably affecting the state of the nervous system: soothing and restoring. Nightmare disappear and the speed of falling apart. Improving sleep quality is better affected by the removal of mental and physical fatigue, contributes to the restoration of physical forces and mental energy. These effects can be more distinctly expressed in those who suffer from insomnia or superficial sleep.

7. Itching. It can appear in the process of cyguong classes, causing sensations like crawling on the skin of small worms ("goosebumps"). Itching can decrease when rubbing the skin surface, but when the exercise is resumed, it may occur again. If the sensations are not too strong, then it is better to ignore them, they will disappear by themselves. However, if itching increases more and more, and becomes intolerable, sometimes it can be reduced if it is reduced to reduce the concentration of consciousness (slightly dispel attention). Some qigong specialists adhere to the opinion that these sensations are a manifestation of qi on the surface of the body and thus requires clearing the channels along which qi is moving.

8. Easy involuntary vibration of muscles and skulling joints. When performing the exercises of qigong, there may be a light vibration (trembling) of muscles, and sometimes skidding coming from the joints, which can even be heard, being close to engaged. These phenomena are often observed when performing static qigong exercises. In this state, they can be more pronounced. Experts believe that this phenomenon indicates the activation of qi.

9. Clearing thinking, the perception of the surrounding world is brighter and rich in paints, an increase in the common tone of the body. Qigong exercises both static and dynamic contribute to clarifying thinking, improved vision (brightness and saturation of light perception) and an increase in the total tone. If the exercises are performed correctly, such sensations are a common state and can be maintained quite a long time after classes.

10. Other pleasant sensations. Cigoon classes can cause sensations of the state of euphoria, serenity, complete relaxation and refresher.

Some of someone from the above effects may not be observed. It depends on the internal state of the body and a particular person. Therefore, if you do not have these effects, you do not need to get upset and blindly try to achieve their appearance. And, on the contrary, if they appear, you do not need to pay for too much attention. It is only necessary to correctly follow the instructions and their natural sensations.

(Ii) abnormal effects (deviations)

1. Dizziness, headache, etc. Some people can feel dizziness, headache, heaviness in the head, apathy and sawing the head. This is caused by nervousness of engaged, overvoltage at a concentration of attention, forcing entry into the state of rest. To avoid these phenomena, it is necessary to mentally and physically relax by deep and even breathing.

2. Dyspnea or choking. These phenomena are observed mainly due to excessive concentration on respiration, tensions in the upper body, including breasts, shoulders and spins, or in the case of a randomly controlled breathing delay when incorrectly performing deep, with a long respiratory cycle; In violation of the principle of coordination of mental activity and movement of qi, performing exercises with an applanation of excessive effort, contrary to the requirements for relaxation, inland soothe, naturalness of movements and their sequence. These phenomena can be easily eliminated by correct relaxation.

3. Emission up Qi from the bottom of the abdomen. In the process of performing exercises, some people may appear feeling as if Qi rises up from the bottom of the abdomen. This is possible if qi is not stably fixed in Dantian. This can be overcome by the corresponding focusing of consciousness. Do not put qi too high. Doing should relax well and avoid any excitement. If it is too hard, the focusing of consciousness and qi in Dantian can be neglected. The main thing in this case is the achievement of full mental (mental) and physical relaxation, achieving peace of rest based on natural respiration. This method is called "Forget about breathing." The development of this method will allow you to more naturally master other methods of qigong. Thus, the key is naturalness and relaxation.

4. Gravity in the body and shoulders. These sensations can be observed when performing exercises through force, with too high activity of consciousness or insufficient coordination of the activities of consciousness and movement of the Qi stream. The tension of the shoulder muscles can cause sensations of gravity in the shoulders. If the above sensations in the body are observed, it is necessary to slightly reduce mental activity, reassure consciousness. With severity in their shoulders, they need to relax in a mental order or easy rotation. Also, when performing exercises, another type of gravity in a body may be occurring, which is the result of the cycling movement and is a normal phenomenon that causes a feeling of comfort and disappearing after a while after the warm-up. Alternate feelings of gravity and ease, due to the movement of qi, cause pleasant sensations.

5. Dry mouth, throat. Usually, when performing exercises, there is an increase in saliva selection, but sometimes some people can be felt in the throat or dryness in the mouth. The reason for this may be the breath of mouth or too tightly compressed mouth. If you have dry mouth, it is recommended simply before the exercise to drink warm water.

6. Bearing a heartbeat. Typically, the performance of static qigong exercises leads to the normalization of heart abbreviations or to reduce them. But sometimes in the process of occupation there is an increase in heartbeat. This can be called nervousness of the engaged, naughty breast muscles or breathing unnatural. To avoid it, we mentally relax and breathe naturally.

7. Owl of belly. This may occur in the process of cyguong or after them (it is not necessary to confuse with pleasant sensations of easy cutting and warming in the abdomen). The reason for this phenomenon can be excessively deep, with an effort, breathing, a large concentration of qi at thenime or breathing delay. Relaxation and slowing breathing will help get rid of it.

8. Besonian. Cigoon classes usually contribute to the normalization of sleep and its deepening. However, sometimes, on the contrary, classes prevent rapid falling asleep and strong sleep. This is manifested in drowsiness when performing a qigong or a restless dream. As a result - you do not get satisfaction from the occupation of qigong, nor from sleep. In addition, nervousness and overexcitation caused by classes are mainly related to the fact that there is a mixing of the state of rest in qigong and sleep (that is, instead of entering the state of rest you just fall asleep). To overcome this deviation, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between these two states in consciousness.

9. Sleepiness. The feeling of drowsiness, and sometimes falling asleep in the process of occupation interferes with the fulfillment of qigong. The state of rest, which is achieved in the process of performing exercises is completely different from sleep (including the results of the impact on the study). Beginners, in particular, can feel physical and mental fatigue from Cigoon. Therefore, when you are very tired, qigong is not recommended.

10. Rocking. This is not encouraged in the process of performing qigong exercises. But some dynamic exercises require easy swinging to induce the flow of qi. When light oscillations occur in the process of performing exercises as a result of the activation of qi, they are good for health, but should not be too intense. If it is still happening, then you need to close and open your eyes - oscillations must stop.

These deviations are mainly the result of improper exercise. Therefore, beginners are recommended to perform them only under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

In recent years, the number of people wishing to engage in qigong is rapidly increasing. Those who proceed to classes should have an idea of \u200b\u200bqigong and basic methodological rules. They are listed in answers to questions that usually get up before beginners.

1. How to choose the right system of exercises?

The choice of a specific methodology is determined by the nature of your disease and the general state of health. For example, with long-term disease, elevated weight and reduced energy of the body, it is possible to choose exercises in the lying position, sitting, standing and when walking. Weakened people should take as the basis of static exercises, young and healthy - dynamic. The area of \u200b\u200bthe body in which in a particular methodology is prescribed to focus preferential attention, is also not indifferent. So, if suffering reduced blood pressure will focus on the top area of \u200b\u200bDantian, it can contribute to the increase in pressure. And vice versa - if at elevated pressure to focus on the Huiin point in the crotch and the points of the Yuntsuan on the stop vaults, then the pressure can decrease. Mental labor workers are better to focus focus on the lower area of \u200b\u200bDantian. With disorders of the menstrual cycle and delays, it is advisable to focus on the middle area of \u200b\u200bDantian and the Shanzhun point (on the chest).

At a certain stage of classes from concentration on one region, go to the receptions "Thought is followed in front" and "Thought comes after Qi". It is not worthwhile, having become acquainted with the experience of the occupations of other people, breaking the sequence of mastering the methodology by you. Blind experimentation not only will not lead to success, but also may cause unpleasant health effects. It is necessary to choose a specific methodology and invariably stick to it, step by step being improving in it.

2. How to master ways to focus, transfer and switch focus of attention?

In Qigong, the "immersion to rest state" is a specific form of "recreation" for the cortex of the brain and the main condition for the proper exercise. "Immersion in the state of rest" and the ways of concentration are the main link in any method of qigong. During classes, it is necessary to eliminate foreign thoughts. For this, such methods are used as an account of breaths and exhalations to themselves, "listening to breathing", mental repetition of installations (focusing on them), account to ourselves and others. Their tasks are "shutdown" from external stimuli and eliminate their impact on the bark of the brain, which contributes to concentrating on the control of the "internal qi" movement. Having mastered the technique of concentration, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements: to achieve such a state when "something as if there is no absent," there is no concentration and it is not "; "To use the thought, not a gross force," "cannot be consciously (rational) to focus", "it is impossible [to try to do) without mental action", the concentration should not be excessive.

The main points of concentration: "focus on close, and not for distant," on the surrounding landscape - objects, and not on moving people or animals. As already noted, suffering from increased blood pressure should focus mainly at the bottom of the body lowered - on the top. With liver diseases, the object of concentration should be green, lungs - white, hearts - pink, kidneys - purple, spleen and stomach - yellow. Getting Started, it is better to focus on an external subject or any installation phrase according to the following scheme: "Select an object (object or phrase), stabilize the object (i.e. it is clearly installed), focus on the object, leave the object (" Disconnect "From it)" and switch focus of attention to the Dantian area. After a certain time, training in concentration will allow the "serenity of the heart and the peace of mind" (tranquilization of consciousness and psyche), the strengthening of "true qi" and will contribute to health promotion.

3. How to choose a time to occupy qigong?

According to the theory of Chinese traditional medicine, the flows of "qi and blood" circulate through the system of channels - meridians and collateral. According to the system 12 of the main meridians per day, the full cycle of circulation passes, and every two hours - "custody" in the traditional study - a certain meridian dominates, and the "opposite" cycle in the daily cycle as much as possible is as much as possible. This principle is called Tzu in Liu Zhu - "focusing streams from midnight to noon." If we proceed from its patterns, the best time for the occupation is "Guardian Juan" (from three to five in the morning). Ancient Chinese doctors believed that the true qi of the whole body focuses in the lungs, "the Qi is the most actively moving in the lung meridian; They are not only the body in which the "exchange of qi" occurs, but also support the internal balance in the body. The period from three to five o'clock in the morning is the time of "birth" Yang forces and the best for stimulating the "internal qi", the strengthening of the "initial qi", the adoption of therapeutic and preventive measures. In particular, in "Guang's Guang" it is advisable to perform qigong exercises for the prevention and treatment of cancer.

4. Why during the occupation of the qigong need "abdic abdomen"?

For successful occupations, qigun must be seized by the technique of "thin, smooth, long and smooth" inhales and exhalations. With these conditions, it is "Breathing with belly" (deep diaphragmal, or abdominal), and not breastless. Based on the fact that the Qigong masters consider the main task of "training qi dantian", they recommend this type of respiration associated with the strengthening of this particular type of qi.

5. Why during Tsygun sometimes there is a feeling of "hardening" the root of the tongue, dry mouth and lip dryness?

During classes, the language should be naturally relaxed, and its tip is easy to touch the nebu behind alveoli - tubercles above the teeth. Some exercises provide that when inhaling the tongue tightened to the nebu, and on the exhalation easily and loose freely, taking off from the nose. These actions should be performed naturally and gently, without effort. If during or after classes appears a feeling of "hardening" the root of the tongue, this means that you have broken the above conditions, carried out these actions with excessive effort and unnaturally. Such deviations are corrected by diligent mastering the main elements of qigong. Sometimes it is necessary to interrupt the exercise, return to its original position, so that it is right from the very beginning.

6. What should I do if there is an abundant sweating during exercise?

If during the classes you are a little swept - this is a normal phenomenon. Too abundant sweating can lead to a collapse. This is due to excessive physical stress, reinforced concentration, intense and improper respiration, when the circulation of qi is excessively activated and sweat glands are excited. In this case, it is better to interrupt classes, a little like, calm down, relax and only after that again begin to occupy.

7. What is contraindicated and what should be paid during the occupation of qigong?

To achieve the therapeutic effect with the help of a qigong, smoking, alcohol, eating raw foods, cold, sharp and sour dishes should be reduced.

Before classes should weaken the belt or belt, visit the toilet. For classes, a quiet place is selected, where no one prevents you. Restore from an empty stomach, on a full stomach or when you are excited and excited. According to Chinese medicine, overly stormy joy harms the heart, anger - liver, concern - spleen, chagrins - light, fear of kidney. Increased emotions are an internal pathogenesis factor - they can cause violations in the channel system and, thus, diseases.

During classes, avoid drafts, especially if you sweat. In this case, change clothes on time. Reist from training under the right sunlight to avoid overheating, for the same reason you can not be too loose. During the "immersion in the state of peace", eliminate foreign thoughts. Avoid focusing on images that are emotionally significant for you. After classes, it is contraindicated in cold land or stone. Before completing the exercise, slowly swallow the accumulated saliva in the mouth.

8. Why does the head be sick or spinning after classes?

Such reactions are a consequence of incorrect postures and insufficient relaxation, excessively "stubborn" concentration, too sharp movements, mental stress, excessively long focus on the top of the body, etc. To eliminate headache or dizziness, it is necessary to focus on the Yuntsuan point and exercise "Three-way discovery and closing of the Dantian region", mentally draw qi down and bring the "extra qi" outward through the points of Juntsuan on the stops of the stop.

What if during the classes you were inadvertently frightened and as a result there was a feeling of "constraint" in the chest and shortness of breath?

It happens from a sharp loud sound, usually at beginners when the muscles are tense and failed to achieve the naturalness of breathing. To avoid such reactions, before training, you need to mentally prepare yourself for the possibility of surprises. "Customize your breath" for certain characteristics follows "thought, not by force", that is, to ask yourself a certain respiratory regime mentally, without resorting to physical efforts. Then, in case of random interference, you will feel like anything happened. At the same time, try to leave your eyes closed, otherwise "C QU delays" may occur. At the same time, "drop qi", fully relax, perform "closer and lowering qi with the opening and closing of two dantian regions" and, if the control over Qi was lost, perform the "opening and closing of the lower domain Dantian" from three to nine times.

9. Is it possible to engage in qigong during menstruation?

Classes of these exercises Qigong during this period can cause disorders of the menstrual cycle, Menfragia. Adjusting breathing, you should pay attention to the equilibiousness of the tonic and sedative impact. Refrain from too long classes, excessive concentration on "lowering qi" and in general on the lower parts of the body (for example, at the points of Ciheai, Guan Yuan, Yuntsuan and others).

10. Why, after training, someone accumulates in mouth a lot of saliva, and someone has little?

Slyunomotudification is an indicator of proper physiological effects from the occupation of qigong. It should be quite abundant. In addition to the proper mastering method, it is necessary to eat more rich in vitamin products, more vegetables, light and "lean" foods, as much as possible fat and acute - pepper, alcohol, etc., must also be paid serious attention to restrictions In sex life. Ancient no wonder said: "The strong tasteings harm saliva, restricting passions contributes to the birth of saliva."

11. What is a "Small Heavenly Circle" and "Big Heavenly Circle"? What role do they play?

"Wonderful" meridians of Jenmai and think, are the main channels for Qi streams during the fulfillment of the exercise of qigong. Qi from the lower area of \u200b\u200bDantian from behind along the spinal column rises through the meridian thinking to the top of the top, and then in front of the throat through the middle of the chest along the Meridian of Jenmai descends into the lower abdomen. This "route" is called "Small Heavenly Circle". The passage of Qi at the twelve majority of the Meridians is called the "big celestial circle".

12. Why during the execution of the exercise some feel itching, coolness, others - heat or heat?

Feelings of itching or cold - abnormal phenomena. Their main reasons are the custody of the positiveness of the muscles from excessive stress, the accumulation of lactic acid after improving the movement and circulatory disruption. And on the contrary, if the muscles are relaxed, the blood circulates freely, the sensations of heat and the "expansion" of the tissues occur. This also testifies to the fact that you have mastered the technique of focusing focus.

13. Which way to contact the face during exercise?

According to the ideas of traditional Chinese medicine, during the class of qigong from three to five o'clock in the morning, it is necessary to address face south or north. This recommendation, according to modern ideas, is allegedly related to the need for a certain body orientation during qigong classes on the power lines of the earth's magnetic field. Thus, the field of the "biological magnet" of the human body is adjusted under it, which favors the establishment of interaction between Yin and Yang substances, as well as the functioning of meridians and collaterals.

14. What role does the pronouncement of sounds play when performing the exercise of qigong?

The so-called "key of six hieroglyphs" (sounds) is one of the elements of the breathing technique of Tuna - "spinning (contaminated qi) and gaining (pure)."

Coordination of breathing techniques with a classifying system, which determines the connection of the qualities inherent in four seasons - "cold", "heat", "dryness", "humidity", - with a scheme of "five elements" and internal organs, a system of meridians, allows you to regulate the circulation of Qi and Blood, balance the substances of Yin and Yang. A certain sounds are associated with the specified classifying system, which correspond to certain lip positions, such as HE, Yu, Sy, Chui, Si. According to the position of the lips, the types of exemption are referred to the influence of various power and nature on the functioning of the liver, heart, spleen, lungs, kidneys, "three heaters" and other organs, as well as meridians and collaterals. The corresponding changes in the circulation of Qi and blood affect the treatment of one or another disease. Therefore, in general, the "pronouncement of sounds" can be reduced to the "spinning of the old" and "gaining new", stimulation of internal organs, activating the current of qi according to meridians, "resorption" of tumors and scars.

Many have heard of the miraculous impact of the ancient to the human body. Those who want to join this art often do not know where to start, what a set of exercises to choose. Wellness gymnastics qigong is exactly the universal solution, which includes all the positive moments of the ancient Chinese recreation art and helps always stay in a tone, excellent physical form and the perfect arrangement of the Spirit.

What is qigong

To deal with what qigong is, on the one hand, simply, but, on the other, it will require enough time and concentration. This ancient Chinese art is quite multifaceted, includes both a respiratory gymnast and a whole range of exercises aimed at improving the body and mind. Qigong is an internal aimed at rehabilitation, concentration and external manifestations in the form of exercises. "Qi" - vital energy in the Universe, "Gong" - the development of skill, skill. It's easier to be able to create energy.

A bit of history

A complex of the ancient Chinese exercises consisting of eight stages was created more than 2,000 years to the commander from China. He set the task to make a perfectly developed systemic set of exercises for effective training of warriors.

Did you know? This technique should have contributed to the support of soldiers in excellent physical form at a high level of combat spirit so that they can at any time enter into battle.

The developed system manifested itself so productively and effectively, which earned the attention of the ancient Taois and began to be used. They assumed her when preparing masters of martial arts, a little tightening it.

Basic principles

Chinese zigong gymnastics for beginners has a number of principles, they do not differ in difficulty:

  • it is necessary to move in classes with smoothness, in unison;
  • language slightly lift up during movements;
  • eyes remain tracked;
  • the clothes do not argue, free, comfortable;
  • the room needs to be ventilated, and even better - to conduct classes in the air;
  • caution concentrates completely at the exercise, which is executed;
  • when driving, the selection of sweat should be missing, only a lightly spirgin. If you still have to stand, then you need to change clothes not to overcool, and reduce the speed of execution of the complex;
  • after graduation, we will not allow;
  • after graduation, it is impossible to eat even half an hour;
  • exercises qigong are designed for holding every day.

Important! It is necessary to start on classes immediately after you got up from bed and softened a little.

Use of exercise

The complex of exercises qigong is extremely useful, it reduces the overall feeling, contributes to strengthening and. Full getting rid of health problems This system does not guarantee, and the effect naturally will not come overnight, but the improvement of the body, its resistance to diseases, the ability to remain in excellent physical and moral form will be impedant at regular occupations.

Each of the eight exercises has its useful impact on the human body:

  1. Normalization of breathing - has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, helps to avoid stagnant phenomena in the blood. Special benefits from performing this exercise are people with the problems of heart and liver suffering from elevated.
  2. An exercise that allows you to expand the chest - beneficial effects in case of shortness of shortness of shortness of breath, problems with the heart, light, with neurotic manifestations, heartbeat above the norm.
  3. Swinging is a positive result when problems with the spine, reduces the level of fat in the lumbar department.
  4. Circular movements - help strengthen the waist and hollow, hearts and shoulders joints.
  5. Swimming movements - favorably affect the brushes, joints (shoulder and elbow), with asthma and diseases of the upper respiratory organs.
  6. Movements that resemble rowing wheels - help strengthen the nervous and digestive systems, heart muscles.
  7. Exercises similar to throwing ball - tone the work of all human organs.
  8. Wave-like motions with a scope - contribute to stimulating the functioning of the spleen, kidneys, a decrease in the muscle tension and fat deposits on the waist.

Important!The ancient Chinese practice of qigong is able to help overcome significant problems of a person psychological character, just relaxing the muscular clamp engaged.

8 simple exercises

First, light warm-up is carried out, after which you can start classes. Meet the exercises is recommended for two or three per day, which helps easy and productive memorization. After a few classes, they are systematized and will be able to produce enough easily, bringing pleasure. It is recommended to produce them all six times. The following exercise is the continuation of the previous one.

When performing the practice of qigong for beginners first to master each exercise is better than two or three times to avoid muscle pain. A gradual increase in the load will eliminate painful and uncomfortable sensations.

The cigoon exercises for beginners are presented in pictures and video lessons and are carried out in a certain order:

  1. "Stabilization of breathing": Standing, hands are omitted, relax, focus on the brushes. Inhale - upper limbs raise approximately at the shoulder level (palm down). Exhausted, lower limbs bend, so that the knees are at the level of the toes ("Quart of the Quart"). The back is straight, the chest is not shifted, the head is under the tilt. At the same time, the upper limbs slowly descend, approaching the knees, the lower limbs are straightened. Movement up are carried out when inhaling, down - when exhaling.

  2. "Infringement of the chest": If inhalation - legs straighten up, the upper limbs at the same time go up to the shoulders (one to another palms), then diverge apart palms up. Concentration on the chest. Exhaust - palm we are deployed in front of them alone to the other, the hands are descended, turning the book by palms, engaged in accepting the "Quart of the Quart" position. Ladies by knees, lower limbs need to straighten.

  3. "Rainbow swaying": Inhale - straight arms rises, palm deployed one to another. I exhale, the body is transferred to a slightly bent right lower limb, the foot from the surface does not break off, the left foot is in a literal position, touches the surface to the sock. The housing and the left upper limbs are leaning on the left side, the right hand moves above his head palm, expanded the book. Similarly, movements are made in the opposite direction. Need to follow the respiratory processes.

  4. "Spreading clouds": The upper limbs are lowered by crossing the torso at the bottom of the body, with the transition to Quarter. Inhaling, equalize the knees; Lower limbs, crossing, rise, turning out the palms up above the head. The lower limbs are straightened with palms around the sides, exhaling, omit them. There is a return to the "Quart of the Capture", the upper limbs cross in front of them. It is necessary to focus on the thoracic department.

  5. "Shoulder tweak back": Continuing to stay in a "Quart of the Nature", align the left upper limb forward to the palm up. There is a bending and turning with palm up the right upper limb, then she moves down to the thigh. The right upper limb near the hip - the body carries out a turn on the right side, the hand rises with a scope (slowly) to ear. Focus on the right palm. Then the bending of the right upper limb occurs and the pushing (as if with the force) brushes forward to the ear level. The left upper limb is bent, the brush conducts an arcuate movement and decreases to the thigh. After that, there are repeated steps in the opposite direction. Focus on shoulders and hands.

  6. "Boat skating": Legs bend a little more than before, it is necessary to burn forward with the omitting of the hands. Further the upper limbs in the position rightly go back, palm up, hands rise as much as possible, the knees are straightened. The lower limbs make movement in a circle and descend, legs bend. It is necessary to focus on your back and arms.

  7. "Game with the ball": Straighten, the housing is directed to the left side, the upper limb (left) in the original position, the right - up to the left, palm up. The right upper limb at the level of the left shoulder, there is a movement "throwing a ball", all severity on the left leg. The right hand is lowered, repetition occurs in the other direction. You need to follow the eyes of the imaginary ball, focusing on the lower limbs. Exercise should be enjoyed.

  8. "Luna's love": In the Quarter Priole position, the upper limbs are lowered to the left, the knees come to a straight position, the left hand climbs up the palm. The right hand bent in front of the breast, the head turns on the left side, the look is translated into the left upper limb. I exhale, the hands are lowered, returns to the original position. There is a repetition of movements to the other side. The upper limbs should move synchronously in the thoracic and head, the body must be stretched as much as possible, the heels from the floor do not come off, focus on their hands.

All movements are produced smoothly and slowly, constantly it is necessary to control the breath, movement up - inhale, the book - exhale.

Video lessons


Tsigong technique is not suitable for everyone. With its implementation, it is necessary to take into account the contraindications of its use to people suffering:

  • diseases of internal organs with chronic flow;
  • psyche violations;
  • pathological diseases of the heart;
  • spinal injuries;
  • the consequences of the cranial injuries;
  • blood diseases;
  • infectious diseases of the organs of support and movement;
  • oncological diseases;
  • neuroinfections.

Important! Carefully need to exercise women during critical days, the performance of some of them is not desirable. Only under observation is allowed to conduct classes with pregnant and people with eye diseases.

Temporary contraindications:

  • acceptance of medical drugs in significant doses;
  • rehabilitation after a surgical operation;
  • state of chronic fatigue;
  • exacerbated diseases;
  • a state of overheating or supercooling;
  • indicators of elevated body temperature;
  • severe physical and sports loads;
  • after receiving food.

The main goal of the Qigong complex is the benefit for the health of the human body. The one who decided to engage in this system will not only be flexible and better physically developed, but will be much rushing both in physical and morally. Regular classes on qigong techniques are also able to solve some psychological problems of a particular person who has begun to master the system.

Current page: 24 (Total book 32 pages)

198. There is always a static concentration of consciousness on Dantian and abdominal breathing in the fulfillment of different types of qigun

Some believe that when performing any qigun, it is necessary to concentrate attention on dintyan and exercise abdominal breathing. This point of view is incomplete, and therefore incorrect.

Undoubtedly, Dantian is an important part of the body. People are physically weak by means of concentration on darthane can strengthen the true qi.

Abdominal breathing also takes an important place. Those who have problems with the stomach and intestines, with the help of abdominal breathing can improve the peristaltics. All this is very useful for health. However, there are many different breathing techniques and concentrations.

If we talk about static concentration, it is divided into two types: concentration on external and concentration on internal (Measures the human body). In the latter case, the concentration can be carried out on various AT in accordance with the need.

If we talk about breathing, in addition to the abdominal there is also self-priest (natural) breathing, breast, deep, breathing with pauses and morning breathing. To determine which type of static concentration and respiration should be used in this case, it is necessary to take into account differences in the types of diseases, in their character (lung or heavy), to the degree of "entry in peace" and in the habits of the individual. For example, the hypertone is best suited for static concentration at the points of UN-Quyan; Patient tuberculosis - breast type of breathing.

199. Through how duration of the qigun classes, you can emit external qi (Wai qi)

Many are interested in the emission of external qi, because with its help you can treat diseases without touching the body, you can also drive various devices, without touching them. Therefore, many are asked: can an adult, having studied qigong, emit an external qi. And how long should I do Cigoon to master this skill?

We believe that it is best to start exercise exercise external qi approximately aged 10 years. At an older age, the amount of external qi will be slightly smaller. However, the implementation of methods for emitting with an adult man contains a lot of useful for the improvement of its own body.

For what time you need to do exercises to start emitting external qi? This question cannot be given a simple answer. It can be resolved only by taking into account the complexity of exercises, age, health condition, base level, as well as success in mastering the appropriate techniques. Ordinary people can emit an external qi after three years [to] classes, however, some have a feeling of qi after two or three months of training. During this period, in no way try to make trial emissions from curiosity, because nine people out of ten may fail and bring their own body to exhaustion. For example, one big fan of qigoon after an incomplete month of training decided to try to emit external qi. As a result, he inflicted damage to his original Qi (Yuan Qi), felt that there was no strength in all his body, and could not get out of bed for a whole week.

Therefore, we believe that to emit external qi without prejudice to your own body, you need to do at least two or three years. After that, it is possible to study using instruments and clinical use of this phenomenon. We also believe that the main thing in the method of exercises to emit external qi is not the treatment of other people, since medical devices have already been created that copy radiation of external qi and replacing qigunotherapists. The main thing is to train your own body.

200. What should pay attention to the exercise of complexes for the emission of external qi

It is necessary to pay attention to the following provisions:

- The position must be correct, the body is appropriately relaxed, the requirements for classes - unchanged;

- after the adoption of the right position, you can talk or listen to a pleasant soothing music, but at the same time not to disturb the provisions of the body;

- during the exercises, breathing self-priority is needed, the use of favorable concentration methods cannot be swearing and angry;

- Cigurian classes on an empty stomach are unfavorable, before their start, you need to drink a little hot drink. However, the qigun exercises are also unfavorable after abundant food.

How to spend the preparatory actions, you can proceed to perform exercises in the following sequence: start with the movement "roots deep in the ground" and each time to perform it within one hour; After a year of the exercises, you can begin to the second movement - "Sword, soaring in the air." It will take another year - and only then time to start performing the third movement "Dragon-Orlina Taire". After mastering the positions in the process of occupation, the qigun must be followed by their self-elected disclosure; In no way, it is impossible to specifically seek any sensations.

The appearance during the heat of heat in the palms, the heat in the whole body with the performance of small drops of sweat is a good sign. If the chill is felt, then the final movement should be completed and to finish it, and in a day again return to training.

The duration of exercise must be chosen in accordance with their intensity. Those who only started classes cannot be engaged with great tension to eliminate excessive fatigue. After classes, the lubrications in the knee joints often occur, this is a normal phenomenon. However, it is necessary to control the number of movements. If there are too many of them, then a negative reaction may occur.

For beginners, classes must be shorter, the difficulty of exercises is smaller. Then there is a gradual increase in exercises, and the development is consistent, step by step.

Pot, protruding after classes, should be flushed off, bathing in hot water, thirst thickened with hot drinks. To avoid cooling, it is necessary to refrain from bathing in cold water and from drinking cold drinks.

201. What are the links between qigun, nutrition and drinks

Cigurine-dealing always pay special attention to the fact that there is a simple food, not to smoke absolutely, not to drink alcohol, which undoubtedly has its own reason. Everyone knows that these factors contribute to physical health and longevity. We believe that the qiguni-dealing should be consumed nonsense (non-concentrated, lean) food and drinks. Of course, the corresponding increase in diet may also occur.

Human organism requires such batteries such as sugar, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, full-fledged food involves their sufficient use.

As for the increase in the diet of a patient of a type of food or beverages, it is determined in accordance with the nature of this disease and its own needs. For example, patients with hypertension and coronary heart failure during the fulfillment of qigong should have a simple (lean) food and smaller fat, suffering from anemia and hypotension - sweet and vitamins, fatty and protein food. Sick diabetes patients in the period of occupations qigun should eat little sweet.

It is absolutely necessary for engaged in stopping smoking, since tobacco contains nicotine and other poisonous substances. Qigong is the liberation from poisons, and smoking is their absorption. If we talk about patients suffering from rheumatic inflammation of the joints and other similar diseases, they can drink a little vodka or therapeutic wine daily.

In general, the nutrition in the qigun must prevail nonsense food and drink; Also follow the diversity of nutrition and stop smoking tobacco.

202. Is it good to do qigun on an empty stomach or immediately after meals

Both are not good. Qigong has the ability to strengthen gastrointestinal activities that contribute to digestion and suction. It is of great importance for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive system. The fulfillment of qigun on an empty stomach will entail the peristaltics, however, since the gastrointestinal tract is in a relatively empty condition (especially the stomach), then a sharp feeling of hunger occurs. In such a situation, if you do not accept in a timely manner (in small quantities), it will affect the "entry in peace" and regulating the breath, since, experiencing hunger, it is not easy to practice qigong "cultivating internal". However, the qigong immediately after the food is also inconvenient, since the stomach, crowded with food, is too heavy, which does not contribute to the control of breathing and can disrupt the feeling of comfort and "entry into peace." Therefore, the best is not to practice qigong either on an empty stomach or overflowing.

203. What is the use of qigun exercises for a healthy person

It is widely known that physical education and sports contribute to health promotion. Qigong is also one of the sports and can also contribute to physical health. Especially it is necessary to highlight a static qigong, where although not noticeable by any movements with limbs and body, but five dense and six hollow organs inside the body are in motion, which is called internal. Therefore, qigong is called the specific type of sports and recreation actions of the Chinese people.

Qigong regulates the subjective internal activity of the body, the passability of channels and collaterals, harmonizes qi and blood, strengthens the body. It can also adjust the functions of the cerebral cortex, strengthen immunity, eliminate nonequilibrium states between the organism and the external environment and contribute to the adaptation of the body to the medium. Therefore, a patient and a healthy person can practice qigong. The patient will be able to eliminate the ailment, healthy - to strengthen the body and extend the years of life. Clinical observations have shown that many patients burdened with numerous illnesses, by means of training qigun, have achieved recovery. As for healthy, practicing qigong, then out of their number weak turned into strong, and the stronger was even more strengthened.

If the health condition and the body's forces are in good condition, then with static qigun it is better to use medium and low racks, but even better use dynamic qigong or a combination of static and dynamic forms.

204. If in the course of classes, it is not possible to concentrate whether it can affect their effectiveness

During the occupation of the qigun, especially the "cultivation of internal", sometimes it turns out that the more thinking about the "entry in peace", about the concentration on Dantyan and about holding thoughts, the easier the thoughts are running out in different directions. This phenomenon is often observed among beginners. For example, a concentration on dintyan is sometimes obtained, and sometimes no. A person can also constantly capture outsiders, directly affecting the effectiveness of classes. However, after the completion of a certain period of training (2-3 cycles), such manifestations can naturally be reduced to full disappearance.

205. How many qigun techniques can be practicing at the same time

As a rule, for chronic patients engaged in qigun to promote health, only one or two types of qigun are selected, which correspond to the overall condition of the body. Persistently adhering to their execution, you can achieve success.

If a person is engaged in Tsigun for a long time and his art has not yet reached the wizard level, then the simultaneous execution of many methods can cause side effects. Especially easily arises "chaos qi" (Qi Luan).

If a person is engaged in quite a long time and has already reached a certain skill, he can simultaneously practice several qigun techniques, but it is best that their number is not excessive. In addition, it is necessary to pay special attention to the rational organization of the time of classes. For example, at dawn, perform qigong "Great limit", after lunch and in the evening, practice various racks and qigong relaxation, etc. Some people have long been practicing many of the Tsigun techniques at the same time, while they do not have any unpleasant sensations. They should continue classes in accordance with the initial way. However, we would like to emphasize that when studying qigun, it should not strive for mastering a multitude of techniques, it is better to master them a little, but to the very subtleties.

206. Is it necessary, practicing "18 forms of qigong of the Great Limit" (Taijicigun), fulfill the whole complex completely

Generally speaking, with the practice of "18 forms of Taijicigun," as a rule, fulfill the entire complex completely, which is most useful for health promotion, since it contributes to a comprehensive training of all parts of the body. However, some patients with weakened health and rather severe ailments cannot perform the entire complex for one reception. They must choose to fulfill several sections of the complex, consistent with the state of health and the course of the disease.

For example, suffering from heart diseases and emphysens of the lungs can choose such movements to train such as "breast revelation", "push the wave, helping the oxide", "flying pigeon spreads the wings"; suffering from pain in the back and lower back - the movements "rotate the body, looking at the moon," "rotate the lower back, push the palms", "catch fish in the sea, look into the sky"; Surprisingly suffering from neural and neurosis can choose the movements to "keep the ball in front of the shoulder level", "Flying a goose", "rock rainbow". In general, if it is impossible to fully fulfill all 18 forms of Taijicigun in one reception, it should be in accordance with the individual characteristics of the disease, choose several elements and repeat them, due to which it is also possible to achieve a certain effect.

207. Is it possible to combine qigun training with class of various sports

Some people believe that, engaged in qigun, you can not participate in other sports activities. This point of view is incorrect. Since Qigong was born in the course of a long period of struggle of our people against disease, then it is a national form of recreational physical education. Therefore, they can simultaneously practition other sports, but should be determined in accordance with the characteristics of the body, its strength or weakness, objective conditions. You can choose walking, game to table tennis or badminton, Taijitsuan or Taijitan exercises (Taiji with a sword), mountaineering, swimming. The load level establishes a doctor or patient himself.

It is best that the time of occupations of qigun and sports does not coincide. For example, early in the morning you can run and go to Taijitzuan, and in the evening there is a qigong; Either in the first half of the day there is a qigong, and after a lunch to do other sports. This kind of training does not only do not contradict each other, but also mutually complement each other, which further enhances their effect.

208. Is it possible to combine qigong with Taijituan

And qigong, and Taijitzian are methods of body training, contributing to the improvement. Therefore, the one who is engaged in qigun can also practice Tai Chitsean. But since these two methods have ways to train, breathing, body positions and meditation of unequal, routes and directions of CI and blood streams also have differences, therefore qigong and Taijitsuan should not be performed into the same period of time. For example, in the morning to do Taijituan, and in the evening - qigong, or in the first half of the day, to engage in qigun, and in the second - Taijitzian. Then they not only do not conflict, but also, on the contrary, helps to perform each other's functions. If the patient has quite strong painful sensations and a noticeable decay of forces, so he cannot stand up, then it is best for him to do a qigoon in the lying position or sitting. After waiting, when the strength is added, the body will strengthen, well-being will improve, the patient will again be able to combine the occupations of qigun with Taijituen.

Those who are engaged in qigun with spontaneous movements may not organize a special time for training in Taijituan, because spontaneous elements of Tai Chitsean are very often included in the process of self-approval.

209. Need to consult with a specialist doctor, engaged in qigun

Qigoon is best practiced under the guidance of a specialist-specialist in qigun. It can advise how to properly accept the desired position, apply one or another reception will help avoid errors when performing exercises. Without the recommendations of the doctor, such errors, even with long-term execution of exercises, can significantly reduce their effectiveness or lead to the emergence of complications of the "closure" type. Medical practice testifies that in the process of occupying, unwanted side effects arise quite often. These are most common, such as excessive concentration and obstruction qi, the appearance of disorderly, uncontrolled movements, dizziness, headache, painful sensations in various stomach places and other complications.

But patients do not always manage to work under the supervision of a specialist doctor. In such cases, it is necessary to read special literature, engage in self-study [K], but at the same time strictly carry out all the rules and recommendations, carefully take into account all aspects of classes and features of the receptions. If some deviations arise, then it is necessary to immediately correct the mistakes allowed or consult with a qigunotherapist. You can also contact the appropriate medical institution, clinic and receive a written consultation or engage in independently with the help of absentee learning. Of course, it is best to periodically consult with the Qigoon teacher, to receive its recommendations, it will bring significant benefits.

210. How to choose a qigun teacher

In medical institutions, educational institutions, industrial enterprises, in the network of physical education and sports, quite a few specialists in qigun. How to choose a teacher for yourself? We believe that the following points should be taken into account here.

First, it is necessary that he has many years of experience in this area, he must have broad knowledge of its specialty and possess several qigun techniques. The teacher chosen should also have the necessary medical training, only in this case he will be able to assist in treating diseases in clinical observations. You need to beware of charlatan-drugs, "help" which can cause significant harm to health.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the body and the peculiarities of this chronic disease so that elected practices of classes correspond to this disease. For example, if the patient is recommended to exercises of static qigun, then the teacher must respectively own the methodology for performing a qigun relaxation and peace or qigoon "Internal Ugration" (Naiangong). If mobile exercises can be useful for the patient, then the qigun teacher must own such techniques as Taijizgong, "games of five animals", exercises in motion.

In other words, the teacher is selected depending on the type of exercises to be engaged in the patient. For therapeutic exercises, a specialist in healthy qigun is selected. If the task is to strengthen health, it is just physical education, then a specialist in the wushu and military art of Shaolin will be suitable here. Everything must be determined by a specific task solved.

211. Is it possible to constantly change ways of classes

The constant change of ways to occupies qigunoma is harmful. It's like mastering the hieroglyphic to master the basics of one handwriting, throw it and do others - so you will not educate a handwriting. There are many destinations in qigun, each has its own theory and methods of classes, there are positive parties, and all of them have one common task - health promotion. Sometimes patients seek to master this complex art immediately. The Chinese in such cases lead the expression: "I saw the teacher and immediately became Lu Ban," Lu Ban - the famous carpenter, almost a historical person).

Trying to achieve at once and master in many ways at the same time, such patients only lose their time and if at the same time there will be no wise adviser, they may even cause damage to health. Therefore, the qigun should be persistently, consistently, working out a carefully one or two suitable reception or method. It is necessary to believe in success, it is stubbornly and persistently, only in this case it is possible to achieve noticeable results. If, due to circumstances, it is necessary to change the way of classes, it cannot be done uncomplicated, spontaneously. It is necessary to consult with the doctor and under his leadership to make appropriate changes to the method of performing exercises, which will avoid complications and achieve a good result.