Do Evgeny Onegin refers to excess people. Evgeny Onegin - "Excess Man"

Do Evgeny Onegin refers to excess people. Evgeny Onegin - "Excess Man"

In the poetic heritage of Pushkin Roman " Eugene Onegin"It takes one of the central places. The work begins new period In Russian literature. In the "Eugene Onegin", as in the mirror, the Russian life of the Pushkin period of time was reflected. Eight (1823 - 1831), during which the novel was written, was turning in the history of Russia and in the unclean fate of the author himself. In the novel, they found their reflection of the aspirations and the duma of the poet, his worldview and feelings.

"Evgeny Onegin" is not just a novel, but a novel in verses, he obeys special artistic laws. It is free from classic canons in the area literary plot and opened "unpredictable freedom of the plot of life."

The central figure of Roman - Evgeny Onegin. Who is Yevgeny Onegin, and why did he get at the beginning of the list of "extra people" in Russian literature?

On the arena of life - a young nobleman with a complex, contradictory character. He was born on the shores of the Neva; Received a typical education for that time. French teachers, governors taught him so, "so that the child is not angry." The years of study were quickly minimized, and now Evgeny Onegin expects light.

"Oxt of the last fashion,
How Dandy London is dressed ... "

He knew French perfectly, easily and easedly danced, was clever and mil, that is, a perfect way fits into the standards of the highest light. Onegin tried to take everything from a young life, for which he had enough time: balls, visits, restaurants, ballet, meetings, masquerades ...

But too early young, brilliant Dandy was killed by the light and disappointed everything.

As a nellueous man, he began to look for a way out. He began for writing, but the surface attitude towards any case, the inability to focus on serious classes led to the fact that "nothing came out of his pen." He began to read, "And without anything."

Partly, the situation was saved by the fact that Onegin, albeit in a sad deal, but changes the place of residence and finds himself in the village. But the Kandra, boredom and longing catch up with him here.

On the love feelings of the modest young lady of Tatiana, he responds with refusal. Yes, and reads her a sermon on this topic:

"Learn to mainstream;
Not everyone, as I understand;
Before the misfortune is inexperienced. "

An acquaintance of Onegin with a young neighbor Lensky also does not lead to anything good. Between them there was a duel and Lensky dies. Onegin begin to nibble the flour of conscience. He leaves on a journey in Russia. Handra everywhere "follows him.

The traveler returns to the capital. And what does he see? New Tatianamarried woman, secular lady. This is not the enthusiastic, modest rustic young lady.

"She doesn't notice him
How he does not beat, although die.
Free at home takes
Visiting the words three with him,
Sometimes one ponom will meet
Sometimes it will not be noticed at all ... "

Now in the heart of Onegin flashes love. But Tatyana rejects it. Onegin is forced to part with her forever.

Let us turn more about the figure of Onegin. Onegin is smart, "good my friend", a person is an old-sample intellectual. He is able to certain activities (one of his good deeds is the destruction of the barbecue, replacing its lifting), but not capable of hard work. It is deprived of the will of the will, demandingness and criticality to himself. He has no strength necessary for meaningful, useful public affairs.

Onegin is a person suitable for the category of "extra people" in Russian literature. Term " overtime"Aged in 1850 after the publication of the story I.S. Turgenev "Diary of an extra person." An extra person is the type of nobleman suffering from boredom, longing and loneliness. Experienceful fatigue, self-destruction, deep skepticism is imperative.

Onegin displeased, bored in society, lives in the name of some high started and ideal aspirations. In fact, high ideas About the human person, about the freedom and its rights Eugene is ready to only apply to themselves, and in other these rights not only does not recognize, but also does not carry out.


Roman "Evgeny Onegin" - one of their most significant outstanding works Our poet Alexander Pushkin. The main character, Onegin, idle and bored, is a sign of Russian literature as a type of "excess person."

Onegin has no prospects for self-realization; He has abilities, but no will. On all throughout the story, the attitude of the author of the novel to Onegin is ironic, without sarcasm; With shades of sympathy to the main hero.


1. Onegin is an extra person

2. Acquaintance with Onegin

3. Differences between Onegin and village residents

4. Onegin and Love

5. Heavy Fate Onegin

Roman in verse "", written by A.S. Pushkin - a unique work that made a great contribution to the development of Russian classical literature. The poet began work on him in 1823, and finished only after 8 years - in 1831.

In the novel rise philosophical problems, one of them is the problem of "excess person", in the role of which acts the main character. Evgenia Onegin character personifies all russian nobility XIX century.

Very accurately described the lifestyle and life of an aristocratic, educated and already tired of young people. Why such as Onegin is taken to be "superfluous people"? Let's figure it out on this issue on the example of the work itself.

The story in the novel begins with dating readers with Onegin. According to the author, we learn that he was born in St. Petersburg, it grew here and now perfectly owns french language, Mazurka is well dancing, signs with the rules of etiquette ("and lay at ease ..."). Thanks to these skills, he was perfectly mastered in the Higher Society ("The light decided that he was a smart and very nice ..."), whose members did not differ from him. Rather, at first glance, they did not differ in anything, but in fact between the main character and the medium in which he grew up a huge abyss. Here is the first reason why we can call it "superfluous" - the young nobles of St. Petersburg likes such a secular life, and she annoyed it. That is why he solved so quickly on moving to the village.

Onegin moved to the province, but in his soul remained a city nobleman. The change in the setting did not save him from Handra, but, moreover, even more emphasized him to dissuasiate him. In the village of Onegin faces open, sensual and dusting people, such as Tatiana and Olga Larina and Vladimir Lensky. At least the last and did not grow in a rustic environment, but he studied abroad, he was able to preserve love and interest in life. And most importantly, Lensky remains sincere, unlike Onegin, hiding real feelings under masks of indifference and incompleteness. The hypocrisy is characteristic of the highest light of St. Petersburg, but not a deaf village.

The difference between the villagers, the "charming corner", according to Eugene, and the Onegin himself is revealed also in his inability to love. In the episodes of the meeting of the main character, it is clear how black is it for such high feelings. Well, that he honestly admitted to Tatiana, seeing her sincerity and love. Onegin is afraid of losing his freedom, he is not ready for serious relationshipAnd skillfully masks their fears with the help of rudeness, coldness and disregard for the emotions of others. As a result, the life of Onegin turns into a tragedy series - killing a friend, losing a beloved woman. Love for him is an inaccessible luxury. Only then, having met Tatiana, he himself fell in love without a mind, but she is already married.

Thus, with its difficult character, egoism and reluctance, it does not fit into any noble life or in provincial. He, as it is customary to say "extra" and there, and here. Moreover, it does not bring him good or pleasure - Evgeny Onegin is doomed to eternal suffering.

Evgeny Onegin - the type of "excess person"

Roman "Evgeny Onegin", written by A. S. Pushkin in 1823 - 1831, became truly the first to be truly realistic work. In it, the author reliably portrayed the current reality, recreated in the image of Eugene Onegin typical image young man 20s of the XIX century.

This is a representative of the free-minded youth, but at the same time a bitch, disappointed and unsatisfied. Onegin lives according to the principles of the surrounding society, but at the same time he is far from him in its interests and in moral appearance, it turns out to be a "extensive person." Evgeny Onegin opens a whole "gallery of unnecessary people" in Russian literature.

Let's try to explain the reasons why Onegin turned out to be out of his life. He got a typical education for his time, he was raised by the French:

First, Madame went for him.
Then Monsieur changed her ...

The home education obtained by Onegin was very superficial. He studied "little by something and somehow." As a result

He is in French perfectly
Could express and wrote;
Easy Mazurka dance
And the sinking free ...

This turned out to be quite enough for "the light decided that he was a smart and very mil." According to his public situation, Onegin belonged to the highest light and led a typical circle for this circle: visited theaters, balls, raws. The author describes in detail the schedule for " young Hang"But here it turns out that this lifestyle Onegin is tired for a long time," he was bored with light noise, "he" was completely cooled to life. " The author is trying to find the reasons for the "Russian Handra" of Onegin.

Evgeny Onegin lives in a secular society, follows his laws, but at the same time he is alien to him. The reason for this is not in society, but in it itself. Onegin lives without a goal in life, he has nothing to strive for, he languishes in inaction. Tired of the bright life life of the world, "Onegin House is locked", he is trying to join some activities:

I wanted to write - but the work is stubborn
He was tsen; nothing
Did not come out of his pen ...

Onegin begins to read, but soon he "drooped mourning taffeta." Onegin does not find a place in life. He leaves Petersburg and leaves to the village in the hope of finding herself, but also here only two days he seemed newly secluded proviny. " And soon he "saw it clearly as in the village of boredom the same." And here it turns out to be an "external person." Onegin alien and provincial society, above all, in its own way social Regulations and upbringing.

Here Eugene has to go through two serious tests: friendship and love, but he does not stand them. Onegin kills Lensky's friend on the duel, and in his relationship with Tatiana there is such a trait of his character as selfishness. Onegin could prevent a friend's death, in his will was to prevent a duel, but he did not do this, frightened "public opinion". As V. G. Belinsky, Ogeist noted accurately, is "the egoist", "Egoist inevitable." This means that Eugene was a man with good deposits, but it was spoiled by secular education and the social medium to which he belonged.

In relations with Tatiana, this negative feature of his character was also shown. After reading the letter of the young girl in which she confesses to him in love, Onegin meets coldness and reads her reward. There may be two explanations for this: on the one hand, Onegin did not want to lose his freedom, marrying Tatiana, the speaker was another - he saw a provincial maidial girl in her own social status. The latter is also confirmed by the fact that, having met Tatiana for the second time a secular lady, who became the "legislator of the mod", Onegin Prelko to / hesitates, in an inaccessible princess, but now he has to hear the refusal. Onegin again experiences disappointment, he again turns out to be "unnecessary, more than a person."

The image of Evgenia Onegin is very contradictory. Negative traits His character is individualism, egoism, coldness, practical intact - combined in it with positive, such as "souls direct nobility". In it we see and signs of progressiveness and enlightenment. The image of Evgenia Onegin is typical for the era described in the novel, but at the same time it is distinguished from the medium to which it belongs. First of all, it is distinguished by the "sharp, chilled mind", a tendency to the "stinging dispute" and "joke with bile in half." He is far from secular and provincial nobilityHe surpasses his mind, but it cannot be attributed to progressive youth, since he has no ideal in life to which one could strive.

Thus, Evgeny Onegin becomes an "external person." Belonging to the light, he despises him. Onegin does not find his true destination and place in life, he will be with his loneliness. Speaking with the words of Herzen, "Onegin ... an extra person in the environment where he is, not possessing the necessary force of character to escape from it."

(362 words)

In the novel of the great A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" before us is depicted excerpt from the life of the nobleman Russian Empire XIX century. It is through this representative of the highest light that the author gives an extensive description of the life and morals of the privileged class.

Roman begins with a story about Childhood Onegin. The father of our hero led idle life, which ultimately led to his ruin. He was not very interested in his son, so the young man was given to the care of the careless Frenchman, who was completely irresponsible to his learning. So, although being a nobleman, Yevgeny was a little educated person, but he still walked in supreme Light This intellectual. Starting to keep full-fledged life, he was given to passions and vices. He gave a special preference to love intrigues, becoming a real kidnapper women's Hearts. But after some time, our hero cooled to the balls, art and novels. Having lost interest in entertainment, he fell into despondency and Handra. Unfortunately, his story is not an exception. Pushkin showed how the idleness and irresponsibility of a whole class lead to the emergence of many young, beautiful, brought up, but empty and unsuitable for young people - unnecessary people.

Feeling the aimless of his existence, Onegin left the light and soon moved to the province. This change in the situation Evgeny hoped to dispel his Handra, but rural nature and worries about the economy soon bored him. From all the neighbors, he was able to close only with Lensky. But in the end, everything turns around the tragedy. If the hero had dealt with the supreme society, nothing terrible would happen, because the behavior peculiar to Onegin was the norm for the highest society of his time. But in the provincial landlord, it caused a storm of indignation, and an offended poet in anger caused his best friend on duel. It seems that it would be possible to repay the ridiculous conflict, bringing apologies, but in the capital, repentance would be a shame for Eugene, and this he could not allow. In the end, the young man is in vain gives his life. This is main tragedy Onegin. Wanting to leave the mindless environment, he cannot get rid of secular habits that remove it from ordinary people. That is why the protagonist of the novel is an extra person who is doomed to eternal loneliness.

Being a nobleman, Pushkin in the XIX century saw the decomposition of the noble estate. Extra people are his consequence. The poet believed that sooner or later it would lead to the collapse of the elite and the death of the empire. And, as we know, he was not mistaken.

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Why are Evgenia Onegin called "excess person"?

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Evgeny Onegin - the first Russian realistic social and psychological novel, central work Pushkin written in 1830. In the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin", A.S. Pushkin opens a new, who did not meet the type of Hero earlier in Russian literature - "extra person." In this product, its role is played by the capital hero. Specific traits This personality: the meaninglessness and the aimlessness of existence, the misunderstanding of their place and roles in life, disappointment, boredom, Kandra, "sharp, chilled mind", other than generally accepted judgments and interests. To make sure that Onegin was a "excess person" , Consider his biography. Eugene - a representative of the nobility, which was very fundamentally for the "excess person," since the peasant could not be treated with this type. Only the representative of the nobility can lead a lifestyle similar to "excess person": nobles lived at the expense of others, they did not know how to work, were smart and were formed unlike the peasants. It was from a big mind to Eugene came awareness of his meaningless existence, which led the hero to suffering. Onegin - sky mannot burdened by the service. The young man leads a busty, carefree, complete entertainment life, but he does not satisfy the pastime that is quite satisfied with the people of his circle. Onegin was smarter of them, thought thinly and felt, so he was worried and tormented by aimless life, he did not want to devote her only to entertainment as they. Because Eugene was a nobleman, he was used to live on all ready. Onegin was not accustomed to anything stubborn and long-term, he was bored with one-time work. Any systematic activity leads to disappointment. Education did not teach him to hard work, he annoyed everything, and this led to the thoughts about the worthlessness of his life, disappointed in it, boredom and sadness:

In short: Russian Handra
They gradually took possession;
He shoot, thank God,
I did not want to try
But at all cool

Onegin tried to take himself with creativity, began to read books, but here his efforts were in vain:
I read, read, and without anything:
There is boredom, there is a deception and nonsense;
In that conscience, in that sense

The hero is forced to leave St. Petersburg and move to the village. This circumstance gives rise to his fate hope best life. Having arrived in the village, Eugene tried to do the economy, facilitated the position of the peasants in his estate: "He was light replaced with an ancient lighter with an antique lifestyle with an old lifting." But it will not take it for a long time.

"Extremely" relationship with other people are perceived as something boring. The peculiarity of such a person is the inability to tie a long-term relationship, because they annoy him as well as any occupation. He does not want to communicate with their neighbors who can only speak "about Senokos and wine, about Crane and his own." Onegin prefers loneliness. For this, Eugene receives unflattering characteristics from the landowners: "The neighbor is our insane; madman He is Pharmal ... ".

The friendship of Eugene and Lensky tragically ends. Only with Vladimir Lensky One