New Mentors Show Dance on TNT. Tatyana Denisova, a new mentor show "Dances" on TNT: "Previously was visiting, and now I'm in my place"

New Mentors Show Dance on TNT. Tatyana Denisova, New Mentor Show
New Mentors Show Dance on TNT. Tatyana Denisova, a new mentor show "Dances" on TNT: "Previously was visiting, and now I'm in my place"

How do you feel yourself in the role of a mentor on casting? Feel the difference from last season, when you were a welcome jury member, but could also make a decision on participants?

Previously was visiting, and now I am in my place.

Tell us about your method of working with dancers: how do you find an approach to them, how to build communication in the rehearsal hall and in an informal setting?

As a manager, I am very demanding. For the past 13 years, I have been working in Germany and learned the most important lesson: discipline, impeccable performance of assigned tasks and subordination - security deposit. But the television project is a different approach. Shaws are created as soon as possible and often on a fairly tense emotional note. And despite the fact that we are the team, one will come to victory. Therefore, as a mentor, I understand that everyone needs an individual approach, as people are selected very original and with a different level of training. The task of the participants is to open up and trust. Enter the project from pure sheet, and then the spirit of creativity will win. In an informal setting, I prefer to maintain formal relationships.

What do you pay attention to first when you see a dancer? What is in priority for you, and what can you close your eyes?

First of all, I pay attention to the energy and send from the inside. I do not close my eyes to anything, I just give an objective assessment, whether the participant is ready to reach the desired level in a short period of time to represent my team worthy.

What role does Charism play? You will rather take a less equipped dancer to the team, but more brighter - rather than technically savvy, but not so expressive?

I will rather take the team of a bright, expressive and technically savvy participant.

I want to know your opinion on the winners of the show "Dance". Do you agree with the decision of the audience in cases with Ilshat, Max Nesterovich, Anton Panufnik, Dmitry Twitter?

I can only judge about the winner of the third season, as he participated in the process from the inside. Dmitry Twitter impressed me, so I agree with the viewer. Although I believe that the girls are Irina Kononov and Bain Basanov - also deserved victory.

What is missing girls to win the project?

Women's solidarity from the viewers.

What dancers would you like to see in your team? And what principle will you select them?

My selection criteria: the ability to dance, obsession with a scene, not to be a hostage of a single image and style.

Surverally worried, looking like your wards perform on the scene?

Looking at how my guys dance, I worry strongly, as if dancing myself.

Mentors, despite the warmth of communication, still compete with each other. Are not afraid to join? Are you a lot of sports amarts in you?

From 5 years I am in professional sport, from 10 - in professional dances, at 22 I have already taught choreography in the higher educational institution, from 23 - Head and Director. Now I am 37. My professional hardening does not allow any insecurity.

What styles are you closer? What do you like to dance yourself, what to put, and what to admire?

I love dance in principle and love freedom in dance. Therefore, I do not strive to remain in the canons of any style. That is why I am in the show "Dances". As a director, I am primarily to theatricalization, I am not interested in considering the dancer as a trained physical body. It is more important for me as he is eloquent in motion.

I have not been dancing for a long time, I am a director. On the scene I love to enjoy simplicity, freedom and talent.

What style dancers are other directions? And who, on the contrary, is more difficult to master something new? What is it connected with?

If a person calls himself a dancer and goes on stage, he needs an elementary basis for possession of his body: coordination, step (stretch), flexibility and plasticity, rotation, push (ability to break from the Earth), duet work skills with a partner, the ability to quickly teach someone else's choreography , feel the music, have an emotional expressiveness of the body, to own acting ... but it happens just enough talent.

Generally self-criticism - good feature for choreographer? And for the dancer? And to what extent?

I am convinced that without self-criticism there can be no development. "Everyone himself cultivates his garden."

What are you never to be patient from the participant of your team?

I can delete a lot: tears, nerves and even temporary weakness - always support, but will not suffer intrigue, insincerity and lack of inner culture.

How difficult will you choose who will remain in your team, and who will have to go? You are easy to say no?

Party with the man of his team is always difficult. I must remain sensitive and insightful and make decisions not on a specific performance, but taking into account the prospects for the future. There is no talk. Show Must GO ON.

What would you like to wish to participants a new season?

Dissolve in the creative stream! Remember that every concert can become the last. Appreciate every day the day at the best dance show of the country.

And what would you like to wish yourself?

I want to wish to make decisions with a hot heart and a cold head.

"I wound up information about the care of Egor Druzhinin, I will miss him," Layisan Urtyasheva said the leading project. "But I am very impressed by Tanya." Let's see what a new face will be breaking our project with Denisovaya. "

Denisova is an experienced choreographer, she was a mentor similar to our "dancing" of the Ukrainian project. Tatiana 37 years old, from ten she is seriously engaged in dancing, at 22 she already taught choreography in the higher educational institution, and at 23 he became the leader and director. Denisova itself recognizes that it is very demanding.

Tatyana Denisova. Photo: TNT press service

"For the past 13 years I have been working in Germany," says Tatiana, "and learned the most important lesson: discipline, impeccable performance of tasks and subordination - a security deposit. But in television projects, another approach: Shaws are created in the shortest possible time and often on a fairly tense emotional note. And despite the fact that we are the team, one will come to victory. Therefore, I understand that everyone needs an individual approach, since people are selected original and with different levels of training.

I can delete a lot: tears, nerves and even temporary weakness - always support, but will not suffer intrigue, insincerity and lack of inner culture. My main selection criteria: the ability to dance, obsession, the scene and the ability not to be the hostage of one image and directions. I love freedom in dance, so I do not strive to stay in the canons of any style. I am close to theatricalization, and consider the dancer as a trained physical body I am not interested. "

Miguel knew Denisov before she became the mentor of the "Dance".

Miguel. Photo: TNT press service

"We were familiar," Miguel clarifies, "but always accounted for each other." Although I worked in Ukraine, we very often crossed in the dance halls, used the same dance studios for our projects, began to communicate only here, on the Dance project. And I was surprised: according to the Ukrainian project I remembered Denisov with a tough man and choreographer. And now it is soft enough, consistent: apparently, something changed in her life or attitude to life.

I myself have changed in the new season too: my theater has greatly influenced me, I learned new techniques, I became otherwise to treat the creative process. He became more calm, judgment, weighing and against each time. And most importantly - I do not try to win anyone, now it's easier to work with me. "

In the fourth season, Olga Buzova, a famous British choreographer Francisco Gomez and Sergey Svetlakov, entered the jury. "Sergey," said Miguel, "he understands than one style differs from the other, he absolutely disappeared the gradation between what" must "dance boys, and what - girls. He practically became a professional in dancing. "

Sergey Svetlakov. Photo: TNT press service

By the way, on August 19, on Saturday, "Dances" will give a grandiose free concert in Gorky Park at the Adidas Basemoscow site. From morning to evening, workshops will go there from the participants of the show "Dances", an autograph session and hourly battles for everyone to dance. At 20:00 a grand concert will begin with the participation of stars of past seasons, but several rooms will also show new participants. Closer to nine in the evening, the Miguel and Tatiana Denisov project will be released on the stage, which will announce the start of the new season, then the leading show Layisan Urtyasheva will address all guests. And the culmination of the holiday will be the broadcast of the premiere release of the fourth season - guests of the holiday in Gorky Park will be seen at 21:30 at the same time with millions of Spectators TNT.

The other day began the fourth season of the popular TV show "Dance". The main actors almost remained unchanged: leading Layisan Urty, a member of the jury Sergey Svetlakov, Miguel mentor. However, the second mentor, the choreographer Egory Druzhinina, replaced Tatiana Denisov, who had already flashed on the show.


Lyisan Urtyasheva spoke about the appearance of Denisova on the TV project. "Classic dance in the interpretation of Egor Druzhinin, the style and class he dictated, now we will see in the female variation. I will miss it, but I think that Tanya will be interested in viewers and as a mentor, and as a woman. I know that Tanya has a lot of experience in a similar show. We have so far have interacted little, but recently, seeing me, Tanya said: "Well, you're straight a cat!" So far, "Layisan told.

The TV presenter expressed the view that the rivalry between Mighel and Tatiana Denisova will be another property than what was between Mighel and Egor Dudinine. "It will not be so apparent because the female wisdom will appear and the trick. I think Tanya will first charm all, and then, when Miguel relates, she is as much as possible. I sometimes watch such sparks from Miguel in the direction of Tanya, what seems to me there is more Passion than some kind of rivalry. I would look at their opposition more under this angle, "Layisan Utyshev quotes" TV program. "

Dancing on the TNT season 4, the latest news. Finally, the new season of the project dancing on TNT has finally become known. Also named names of new show mentors.

Release date 4 season dancing on TNT

Starts 4 season of dancing on TNT Already in August 2017. The final concert will take place on December 30th.

Quintings in various cities of Russia will begin in April 2017. Selection of dancers B. 4 season of the project It will become even tougher. Participants now need to be a professional in their business, as well as have charm and artistry. Organizers Dancing on TNT Want to do Season 4. Unforgettable and unique.

Mentors of the project dancing on TNT season 4

Unfortunately, Egor Druzhinin will not take part in 4 season project dancing on TNT. About his decision, he told the show organizers in advance to avoid precedents.

"I am very worried about my dancers and at the end of each season will be squeezed like a lemon. I can't wander any of my guys nor myself," Druzhinine explained his care from the project.

However, there is a different version of the lease of an experiencedentor: he has no free time. At the moment, the famous choreographer works on the creation of a new 3D-show-musical "JUMEO".

On the Internet immediately appeared the names of possible new dance mentors on TNT 4 seasons. According to one given data, the place of Egor Druzhinina will take Igor Rudnik, choreographer from his team. Another version is called Name Tatyana Denisovashe sat in the jury Dancing on tnt 3 seasons.

Tatyana Denisova is a talented dancer and choreographer, the founder of the successful creative team "JB Ballet", a member of the jury and the mentor of projects "Dance everything" and "Dancing on TNT".

Childhood and Youth Years

The future dancer was born in the usual and very far from the creativity of the family of a sailor and teacher of kindergarten. When Thane turned two years old, the father was transferred to Sevastopol. There, the girl took up with rhythmic gymnastics, and at eight years began to visit the choreographic studio in the class of ballet. Soon the dances were the main sense of her life. Even at home, putting Mamina Fatu and turning on the favorite song "Ballet" performed by Alla Pugacheva, she represented herself dancing on the scene of the Bolshoi Theater.

Exercises for slender legs from Tatiana Denisova

Therefore, as soon as this possibility has been introduced, young ballerina overcame a huge contest and entered the best choreographic school of the country - the Academy named after A.Ya. Vaganova in St. Petersburg. True, Tatiana did not succeed (the family moved to Kiev), however, the study in this prestigious institution gave Denisova a unique base, thanks to which she could continue to achieve dizzying success.


In Ukraine, Denisova entered the Kiev Institute of Culture to the choreographic department. While still a student, a 21-year-old girl organized her first dance team, which soon became known not only in Kiev, but also throughout Ukraine. In parallel, he taught choreography in a pop-circus school, where they noticed foreign impresario.

Tatiana received a tempting offer to work with his ballet "JB" in Germany and did not miss this chance. Seven years she has created original dance shows and circus numbers in Europe and has established itself as a talented choreographer and an outstanding creative personality.

In 2009, Tatiana was offered to become a member of the jury and a mentor in the Ukrainian talent show "Dance everything" together with Francisco Gomez, Alexey Litvinov and Vladislav Yama. For several seasons, Denisov in the company of outstanding Ukrainian choreographers solved the fate of the project participants.

"Everybody dance". Choreography Tatyana Denisova

In 2016, the last, ninth season of the show was shown, after which it was announced his closure. In the same year, Tatyana Denisova appeared as a invited choreographer in a similar Russian project "Dancing on TNT".

Personal life Tatiana Denisova

The first husband of Denisova, from which she in 2009 gave birth to the firstborn Lev, was Circus Acrobat Ilya Strakhov.

In 2011, Denisov left him to the singer Alexander Krivoshapko, with whom he met on the finals of the X Factor show. The young artist fascinated a windy beauty, and despite the twelve-year-old difference in age, the lovers soon got married.

For three years, their family relationships resembled a field of hostilities - they quarreled and put up, watered each other with dirt and converged again. In 2013, the couple officially terminated the relationship, and since then Tatyana tries to hide his personal life from the general public.

Tatyana Denisova now

In 2017, Tatiana Denisova became a full-fledulor and a member of the jury "Dance on TNT" instead of the retired