An essay thinking on the topic is my attitude to Evgeny Onegin. My attitude to Eugene Onegin Evgeny Onegin is my attitude

An essay thinking on the topic is my attitude to Evgeny Onegin. My attitude to Eugene Onegin Evgeny Onegin is my attitude

The effect of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is developing from 1819 to 1825. It is at present that, saturated with large political events in the history of Russia and Europe, has developed a type of man like the hero of Pushkin's work. In Russia and Europe there was a preproinous atmosphere; At this time, there is an occurrence of secret organizations, societies and cells in Russia. But at the same time the reaction was intensified. Pushkin wanted to recreate the spiritual atmosphere, in which the type of Eugene Onegin, with all justice and the sequence was born. The main acting face of the novel is the young landowner Evgeny Onegin. It is depicted by Pushkin as a person with a very complicated and controversial character. Not very easy to install even as the author himself belongs to him. Social status and education determined the main features of the character of Onegin.

He is the son of a rich Mr., "Heir to all his relatives." He did not need to work for Shmat Bread, "the work persistent him was boring." Education received by Eugene was bad. He grew up without mother. Father, frivolous Mr., official, did not pay any attention to her son, having commissioned him to hired goverrs and governess. They did not taught the boy almost nothing, they did not raise him and only slightly scolded for pranks. But having received a superficial education, Onegin trials twice to replenish and expand it. In any case, having met Lensky, who received a higher education at the best University of Germany, Onegin could challenge him from serious political, historical and philosophical issues as equal to equal. In St. Petersburg, Onegin leads empty, aimless and unworthy life. Meetings with friends in a restaurant, visit theater, scores, courting to women. The science of passion gently "was the main content of his life."

As early as soon as possible, to hide hope, jealous, reason, will label to believe, seem gloomy, languish.

Tearing to be bored in St. Petersburg, Onegin rides to miss the village. And here life does not differ in the wealth of events: swimming in the river, walks on the horses and on foot, reading magazines, kisses of serfs. No serious interests, no work. Only at the beginning, arriving in the village, Onegin tried to do the economy, facilitated the position of the peasants: "Yarm won the lifestyle was easily replaced." But it did not take it for a short time, and he took up Onegin only from the idleness, "so that only time to extend." It is clear that the real egoist came out of Onegin, who only thinks about himself, about his desires and joy, does not know how to pay attention to the feeling, interests and suffering of people, is able to be easily offended, offending, to hurt a man, not even noticing it. Beautiful deposits of his soul through education and life circumstances remain under prior, without developing. Onegin briefly satisfied the empty, bad life. Boredom mastered them. But Onegin did not have enough strength, nor the desire to break with this life. At the same time, his egoism, inattention to people, to the feelings of others make him constantly hurt people evil. Events are quickly moving towards tragic junction, and Onegin continues passively and indifferently treat everyone and to everything, except for her own peace. Having received a challenge for a duel, perfectly understanding his wrongness and stupidity of this duel, Onegin still accepts the challenge and kills his young friend Lensky for the duel.

Just losing, he begins to understand all the cruelty of his act. The murder of Lensky turned the life of Onegin. He no longer can remain in those places where everything reminded him of his terrible crime, "where the bloody shadow was every day." And, exhausted by Warchrs of conscience, Onegin travels around the world. He can no longer, as once, go through life, completely ignoring the feeling and experience of the people faced with, and think only about themselves. Onegin, it turns out that there is not such a cold and judicial egoist, which seemed at the beginning of the novel. He can no longer notice the difficult life of the Russian village, the suffering of the Russian people under the oppression of serfs. Returning after the trip, Onegin occurs again with Tatiana. The unprecedented power of love flashes in the soul of Eugene. The strength of his feelings is such that he is seriously ill and is almost dying from love. As a distant one person who is deeply and is hard to experience his love, to Onegin from the first sections of the novel! As the mental shocks tested by him are strongly marked! And here, Onegin tolerates the final collapse of his hopes for personal happiness, but a love catastrophe should resurrect to his soul for a new suffering, "more relevant to human dignity."

My attitude towards Onegin contradictory and varies during the development of the plot. Onegin is an egoist who misses. He in the first sections of the novel of sympathy, of course, cannot be called. Onegin, who reads Morals in love with Tatiana, kills the second on the duel coolly, even causes anger. How easily he can cause evil people just like that, from boredom. And how easily it is able to take away his life from another person, fearing the imaginary condemnation of the society that is someone else's. Does these scenes are able to cause sympathy? But as the restoration is restored in the soul of Onegin, my attitude to it changes. I'm already sorry for him, sorry as a person in essence of his noble. The collapse of all his hopes, his personal misfortune is fair, this is the payout for all his aimlessly living life. Perhaps it will lead it to the right way, the path of struggle for the happiness of the people? For Pushkin, the criterion of human value as a person and as a type is, firstly, in the desire for freedom, personal and public; Secondly, in the desire for creativity, susceptibility of poetry, art, an insurmountable passion was always to create a positive sign for Pushkin; Thirdly, this love is like the beauty of the Spirit, his high desire. Freedom, creativity, love - three elements of the Spirit, who are beautiful in man, three passions that make it a truly noble, three areas of activity that fill life with meaning and content.

All of them could be accessible to Onegin, but they all shoved in it by his surroundings, education, living conditions. Onegin is alien to the high passion of freedom, as well as the passion of creativity, poetry, incapable of raised love. It is not wine, but the trouble of Onegin. Onegin's wines - involuntary, tragic. Wine Onegin is the wines of the world. Wines in society, so arranged that two beautiful people do not find happiness in it.

Is it possible in our modern literature similar to Onegin? It is worse what is possible, since, unfortunately, we, of the younger generation, often encounters such a terrible incurable disease, as challenge. And how to warn itself from this disease is unknown.

Essay Reflecting on the topic - My attitude to Eugene Onegin

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Before you, an example of writing-reasoning on the topic "My attitude to Onegin". Other writings in which the image of Evgenia Onegin is analyzed, you can find here. If you need to remember some details of the novel in verses - perfect - the imperious work of A.S. Pushkin.

My attitude to Onegin

Pushkin is a truly Russian poet, and the first, truly national-Russian poem in verses was - "Eugene Onegin". About nine years, almost half of his creative life, gave Pushkin to create his novel. Such a wide coverage of life, which given in the novel, has not yet been in any work of world literature.

In his novel, the poet decided to give an image of a representative of the noble intelligentsia typical for the beginning of the 19th century, which was not a member of secret political societies, but it critically refers to the secular lifestyle, protested against the conventions of the light that the freedom of human person. Such a hero in the novel is Evgeny Onegin.

When I read the pages of the novel, where it is a hero of this, I thought about how you could live, as Onegin lived: balls, restaurants, dinners, lunches, walks. And where is the work? How long can you live like that? Where it leads?

And there is nothing surprising. After all, Onegin is an aristocrat, all the material benefits for such creating serfs peasants who have nothing, but work for luxury and spinning destroyers. Onegin was raised in the spirit of aristocratic culture, torn off from the national and folk soil. The extinguishing effect of the highest light even more removed Onegin from the people. But, it should be noted, on Onegin there were some features that allocated him from the total mass of aristocratic youth : "Dreams involuntary devotion, inimitable collens and a rare chilled mind" , sense of honor, nobility of the soul. I like it in Onegin, such people naturally cannot lead such a lifestyle for a long time. They wanted, I think something more and better. Therefore, we notice that Handra is very soon seized very soon, he is disappointed in the life and values \u200b\u200bof secular society, he is dissatisfied with political and social situation. Onegin leaves a secular society. He decided to do useful work, wanted to write, but he did not succeed. And why? Because Onegin was not accustomed to work. Therefore, the fight against the spiritual void through reading books was unsuccessful, and the life of the peasant life in the estate was over only one reform.

Beautiful rustic nature did not bring satisfaction. He did not even respond to the love of such a beautiful girl like Tatiana. Lensky killed on duels. I believe that Onegin did not want to kill a friend at all. Why did this happen? Just Onegin was frightened by secular woven. Of course, he came here unfairly.

And here is Onegin one. The outstanding mind of Onegin, his freedom-loving moods and the critical attitude to reality put it high above the noble crowd, especially among the local bar. But what's next? How to be such a person? We must, I think, think about activities, useful people. Naturally, it cannot make Onegin, because he is cut off from the life of the people, from poor national soil. There is no social activity. All this circumscribes such people like Onegin, for complete loneliness. Yes, such a mind, such forces remained without use. And how much useful could be done for the state, such people are for the people.

Onegin is a representative of that part of the noble intelligentsia, which critically referred to the text of the life of the noble society and to government politics, therefore did not serve as a tsarism, but she stood aside from socio-political activities. The path of the search for these people was in the separation from society and from the people. Pushkin condemned this path of the individualist's hero, making him socially useless and "Excess person." It is a pity that the forces of such people remained without use, life - without meaning.

Belinsky wrote: "In his poem, Pushkin knew how to touch so much, hinting about so much that belongs exclusively to the world of Russian nature, to the world of Russian society" .

The action of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is developing in 1819-1825. It is at this time that, saturated with large political events in the history of Russia and Europe, there was a type of man similar to the hero of Roman A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

The character of the main character Pushkin took from life, summarizing the features typical for the whole generation of young people. These are people secured by the work of fortress peasants who received disorderly education and education. But, unlike most representatives of the dominant class, these young people are smarter, sensitive and noble - experienced dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with themselves. They dramatically stand out, seemed in society with some strange, but they themselves continued to lead a blank secular life, well understanding her idleness and not experiencing anything except boredom and mental suffering.

The main character of the novel is the young landowner Evgeny Onegin. It is shown by Pushkin as a person with a very complicated and controversial character. Social status and education determined the main features of the character of Onegin. He is the son of a rich Barin, "Heir to all his relatives." He did not need to work because of a piece of bread, "the work thoroughly he was tsen." Eugene received by Eugene was the very perfect. He grew up without mother. Father, a frivolous Barin, an official, did not pay any attention to his son, having commissioned him to hired goverrs and governess. They almost did not teach the boy with nothing, did not raise him and only scolded slightly for pranks. But having received the most superficial education, Onegin, tried twice to replenish and expand it. In any case, having met Lensky, who received higher education at the best University of Germany, Onegin could argue with him for serious political, historical and philosophical issues as equal to equal.

In St. Petersburg, Onegin leads an empty, aimless and bad life. Meetings with friends in a restaurant, visits to the theater, balls, courting for women. Science Passion tender was the main content of his life. How soon he could hypocrite, hide hope, jealous, reason, to make believe, seem dark, languish. Charter bored in St. Petersburg, Onegin goes to miss the village. And here life does not differ in the wealth of events: swimming in the river, walks on horseback and walking, reading magazines, kisses of serfs. No serious interests, no work. Only at the first time, arriving in the village, Onegin tried to do the farm, facilitated the position of the peasants: "Jar he replaced with an old lifestyle with an old lifestyle." But it did not take it for a short time, and he took up this Onegin only from idleness.

It is not wonderful that the real egoist came out of Onegin, thinking only about himself, about his desires and pleasures, not able to pay attention to the feelings, interests and suffering of people capable of ease of offend, offend, to hurt a man, not even noticing it. However, this is not a smooth, in love with the Egoist, and, as the Onegin V. G. Belinsky called, "suffering Egoist." He understands that the main source of his longing is the lack of activity, labor. But the good deposits of his soul due to the upbringing and life situation remained under prove, did not receive development. Onegin did not satisfy the empty, bad life. Handra took possession. But he did not have enough strength, nor the desire to break with this life, he continues as passively and indifferent to all and to everything other than his own calm.

Having received a challenge to a duel, perfectly understanding his wrongness and meaninglessness of this fight, Onegin still accepts the challenge and kills his young friend Vladimir Lensky. The murder of Lensky turned the whole life of Onegin. He is no longer able to stay in those places where everything reminded his terrible crime, "where the bloody shadow was every day." And, exhausted conscience remorse, Onegin is flashing in the light. He can no longer, as before, pass through life, ignoring the feelings and experiences of the people faced. Now he can feel and love.

Returning after the journey, Onegin meets again with Tatiana. Unprecedented love breaks in the soul of Eugene. The power of his feelings is such that he is seriously falling and almost dies from love. How far is this deeply experienced man from Onegin from the first heads of the novel! How strongly the mental shocks tested them! And here Onegin tolerates the final collapse of his hopes for personal happiness, but the love catastrophe should resurrect his soul for a new suffering, "more sudden to human dignity."

My attitude towards Onegin is contradictory and changing as the plot develops. Onegin-Egoist, bored in the first chapters of the novel, sympathy, of course, cannot be called. And Onegin, who reads Morality in love with Tatiana, causes indignation. How easily he can cause evil people just like that, from boredom. And how easily he is able to take away his life from another person, fearing the imaginary condemnation of the society, which is alien to him. Does these scenes are able to cause sympathy? But, as an update is updated in the soul of Onegin, my attitude to it changes. I'm already sorry for him, sorry as a person, in essence of his noble.

The collapse of all his hopes, his personal misfortune - is valid, this is the payout for all his aimlessly living life. Perhaps this will lead it to the right way, the path of struggle for the happiness of the people? For Pushkin, the criterion of human values \u200b\u200bis, first, in the desire for freedom, personal and public; Secondly, in the desire for creativity, susceptibility of poetry, art (an irresistible passion was always to create a positive sign for Pushkin); Thirdly, love is like the beauty of the Spirit, his high desire.

Freedom, creativity, love - three elements of the Spirit, beautiful in man, three passions that make it a commonly noble, three spheres of activity that fill life with meaning and meaning. All of them could be available to Onegin, but all of them are drunk in it by his environment, education, living conditions. Onegin is alien to the high passion of freedom, as well as the passion of creativity, poetry, is unable to sublime love. It is not wine, but the trouble of Onegin. Onegin's wines - involuntary, tragic. Onegin wine has wine light. Wines in society, which is so unfairly arranged. Evgeny Onegin did not find his place in life. He broke away from a secular society, but did not join any other. "The secular life did not kill feelings in Onegin, but only fastening to fruitless passions and petty entertainment ... Onegin did not like to break in dreams, he felt more than spoke, and did not open anything. The angry mind is also a sign of the highest nature ... but The forces of this rich nature remained without an application, life without meaning, "wrote about Onegin V. G. Belinsky.

Action of the novel "Eugene Onegin" Developed in 1819 - 1825 years. It was at this time that, saturated with large political events in the history of Russia and Europe, there was a type of man, a similar hero of Roman A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The character of the main character Pushkin took from life, summarizing the features typical for the whole generation of young people. These are people secured by the work of serfs who received disorderly education and education. But, unlike most representatives of the dominant class, these young people are smarter, sensitive and noble - experienced dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with themselves. They dramatically stand out, seemed in society as strange, but they themselves continued to lead a blank secular life, well understanding her idleness and not experiencing anything but boredom and mental suffering. The main character of the novel is the young landowner Evgeny Onegin. It is shown by Pushkin as a person with a very complicated and controversial character.

Social status and education Determined the main features of the character of Onegin. He is the son of a rich Barin, "Heir to all his relatives." He did not need to work for the sake of a piece of bread, "the work stubborn was the upbringing received by Eugene, it was exactly the bad. He grew up without her mother. Father, a frivolous Barin, an official, did not pay any attention to his son, having ordained his hired governor and governess. They are almost Nothing taught the boy, did not raise him and only slightly scolded for the rest. But having received a superficial education, Onegin, tried twice to replenish and expand him. In any case, having met Lensky, who received higher education in the best University of Germany, Onegin could argue With him on serious political, historical and philosophical issues as equal to equal. In St. Petersburg, Onegin leads an empty, aimless and empty life. Meetings with friends in a restaurant, visit theater, balls, courting for women. Science Passion tender was the main content of his life.

How soon he could hypocrite the hope, jealous, make you believe, give up with gloomy, to be squeezed.

Charter bored in St. Petersburg, Onegin goes to miss the village. And here life does not differ in the wealth of events: swimming in the river, walks on the horse and walk, reading magazines, kisses of serfs. There are no serious interests, no work, only at the beginning, arriving in the village, Onegin tried to start to shop, facilitated the position of the peasants: "Jarea he replaced with an old lifestyle with an old lifestyle." But it did not take it for a long time and took it to this Onegin only from idleness. It's not wonderful that with Onegin, a real egoist came out, which he thinks only about himself, about his desires and pleasure, who does not know how to pay attention to the feelings, interests and suffering of people, is able to hurt with leaky, offend, to hurt a man, not even noticing it. However, this is not a smooth, in love with the Egoist, and, as the Onegin V. G. Belinsky called, "suffering Egoist." He understands that the main source of his longing is the lack of activity, labor. But the good deposits of his soul through education and the life situation remained under proud, did not receive development. Onegin did not satisfy empty, bad life. Boredom mastered them. But he did not have enough strength, nor the desire to break with this life, it continues to be as passively and equally to all and to everything other than their own calm. Having received a challenge to a duel, perfectly understanding his wrongness and meaninglessness of this fight, Onegin still accepts the challenge and kills his young friend Vladimir Lensky.

The murder of Lensky turned the whole life of Onegin. He is no longer able to stay in those places where everything reminded his terrible crime, "where the bloody shadow was daily": and, exhausted remorse of conscience, Onegin rushes in the light. He can no longer, as before, pass through life, ignoring the feelings and experiences of the people faced. Now he can feel and love. Returning after the journey, Onegin meets again with Tatiana. Unprecedented love breaks in the soul of Eugene. The power of his feelings is such that he is seriously falling and almost dies from love. As distant, this deeply worries his love of man from Onegin from the first heads of the novel! How strongly the mental shocks tested them! And here Onegin tolerates the final collapse of his hopes for personal happiness, but a love catastrophe should resurrect to his soul for a new suffering, "more consonant with human dignity."

My attitude to Onegin contradictory And changing as the plot develops. Onegin - Egoist, which misses the first chapters of the novel, sympathy, of course, cannot be called. And Onegin, who reads Morals in love with Tatiana, causes outrage. How easily he can cause evil people just like that, from boredom. And how easily he is able to take away his life from another person, fearing the imaginary condemnation of society, alien to him. Does these scenes are able to cause sympathy? But, as in the soul of Onegin there is a restoration, my attitude to it changes. I'm already sorry for him, sorry as a person, in essence of his noble. The catastrophe of all his hopes, his personal misfortune is fair, this is a payout for all his aimlessly living life. Perhaps this will lead it to the right way, the path of struggle for the happiness of the people? For Pushkin, the criterion of human values \u200b\u200bis, first, in the desire for freedom, personal and public, secondly, in the desire for creativity, susceptibility of poetry, art (an irresistible passion has always been to create a positive sign for Pushkin), thirdly, love - Like the beauty of the spirit.

they always have always been for Pushkin a positive sign), thirdly, love - as the beauty of the Spirit.

Will, creativity, love - three elements of the Spirit, beautiful in man, three passions that make it a common noble, three spheres of activity that fill life with meaning and content.

All of them could be available to Onegin, But they are all kept in it by his surroundings, upbringing, living conditions. Onegin is distant by the high passion of freedom, as well as the passion of creativity, poetry, is unable to sublime love. It is not wine, but the trouble of Onegin. Onegin's wines - involuntary, tragic. Onegin wine has wine light. Wines in society, so unfairly arranged. Evgeny Onegin did not find his place in life. He broke away from a secular society, but did not join any other. "The secular life did not kill feelings in Onegin, but only felt for useless passions and petty entertainment ... Onegin did not like to break into his dreams, he felt more than spoke, and did not open anything. The angry mind is also a sign of the highest nature ... but the strength of this rich nature is ... Stayed without an application, life without meaning, ". - wrote about Onegin V. G. Belinsky.

My attitude to Eugene Onegin

The action of the novel "Eugene Onegin" is developing in 1819 1825. It is at this time that, saturated with large political events in the history of Russia and Europe, there was a type of man similar to the hero of Roman A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

The character of the main character Pushkin took from life, summarizing the features typical for the whole generation of young people. These are people secured by the work of fortress peasants who received disorderly education and education. But, unlike most representatives of the dominant class, these young people are smarter, sensitive and noble tested dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with themselves. They dramatically stand out, seemed in society with some strange, but they themselves continued to lead a blank secular life, well understanding her idleness and not experiencing anything except boredom and mental suffering.

The main hero of the novel is the young landowner Evgeny Onegin. It is shown by Pushkin as a person with a very complicated and controversial character. Social status and education determined the main features of the character of Onegin. He is the son of a rich Barin, "Heir to all his relatives." He did not need to work because of a piece of bread, "the work thoroughly he was tsen." Eugene received by Eugene was the very perfect. He grew up without mother. Father, a frivolous Barin, an official, did not pay any attention to his son, having commissioned him to hired goverrs and governess. They almost did not teach the boy with nothing, did not raise him and only scolded slightly for pranks. But having received the most superficial education, Onegin, tried twice to replenish and expand it. In any case, having met Lensky, who received higher education at the best University of Germany, Onegin could argue with him for serious political, historical and philosophical issues as equal to equal.

In St. Petersburg, Onegin leads an empty, aimless and bad life. Meetings with friends in a restaurant, visits to the theater, balls, courting for women. Science Passion tender was the main content of his life. How soon he could hypocrite, hide hope, jealous, reason, to make believe, seem dark, languish. Charter bored in St. Petersburg, Onegin goes to miss the village. And here life does not differ in the wealth of events: swimming in the river, walks on horseback and walking, reading magazines, kisses of serfs. No serious interests, no work. Only at the first time, arriving in the village, Onegin tried to do the farm, facilitated the position of the peasants: "Jar he replaced with an old lifestyle with an old lifestyle." But it did not take it for a short time, and he took up this Onegin only from idleness.

It is not wonderful that the real egoist came out of Onegin, thinking only about himself, about his desires and pleasures, not able to pay attention to the feelings, interests and suffering of people capable of ease of offend, offend, to hurt a man, not even noticing it. However, this is not a smooth, in love with the Egoist, and, as the Onegin V. G. Belinsky called, "suffering Egoist." He understands that the main source of his longing is the lack of activity, labor. But the good deposits of his soul due to the upbringing and life situation remained under prove, did not receive development. Onegin did not satisfy the empty, bad life. Handra took possession. But he did not have enough strength, nor the desire to break with this life, he continues as passively and indifferent to all and to everything other than his own calm.

Having received a challenge to a duel, perfectly understanding his wrongness and meaninglessness of this fight, Onegin still accepts the challenge and kills his young friend Vladimir Lensky. The murder of Lensky turned the whole life of Onegin. He is no longer able to stay in those places where everything reminded his terrible crime, "where the bloody shadow was every day." And, exhausted conscience remorse, Onegin is flashing in the light. He can no longer, as before, pass through life, ignoring the feelings and experiences of the people faced. Now he can feel and love.

Returning after the journey, Onegin meets again with Tatiana. Unprecedented love breaks in the soul of Eugene. The power of his feelings is such that he is seriously falling and almost dies from love. How far is this deeply experienced man from Onegin from the first heads of the novel! How strongly the mental shocks tested them! And here Onegin tolerates the final collapse of his hopes for personal happiness, but the love catastrophe should resurrect his soul for a new suffering, "more sudden to human dignity."

My attitude towards Onegin is contradictory and changing as the plot develops. Onegin-Egoist, bored in the first chapters of the novel, sympathy, of course, cannot be called. And Onegin, who reads Morality in love with Tatiana, causes indignation. How easily he can cause evil people just like that, from boredom. And how easily he is able to take away his life from another person, fearing the imaginary condemnation of the society, which is alien to him. Does these scenes are able to cause sympathy? But, as an update is updated in the soul of Onegin, my attitude to it changes. I'm already sorry for him, sorry as a person, in essence of his noble.

The collapse of all his hopes, his personal misfortune is valid, this is the payout for all his aimlessly living life. Perhaps this will lead it to the right way, the path of struggle for the happiness of the people? For Pushkin, the criterion of human value for