Alexey Vorobyov in relations with. Alexey Vorobyov's former girl played his other former girl in the clip

Alexey Vorobyov in relations with. Alexey Vorobyov's former girl played his other former girl in the clip
Alexey Vorobyov in relations with. Alexey Vorobyov's former girl played his other former girl in the clip

Star show "Bachelor" is experiencing a severe personal drama. Alexey successfully avoided the campaign to the registry office even with the most spectacular and talented beauties. However, it seems that there was a mysterious representative of a beautiful sex, which managed to hook a 28-year-old Vorobyeva. True, not long.


In the afternoon, the enviable bridegroom announced that he became a bachelor again, and his heart was now broken. The artist has already met for a long time with a brunette. The girls of Alexey persistently showedly showed, but by other parts of her body, such as a fifth point, willingly boasted.

Idyllo did not last long. Careerist Vorobyev had to go to work in the United States. He decided to make a surprise his chief and flew to her to Moscow. And caught on treason. After that, rudely called a windy brunette. Upset Alexey published a smile in the social network with an middle finger.

"This is for all moralists who decided not to put the life of" on the show ". This is my life and my serious instagram. So, with all my respect, go to *** together with this sh ** ho "," Favorite performer switched to the mat.

Later he repented in his careless words. "13 hours in the sky are cut off, and the music allows you to be cleaned. I always saved me, and only work saves me. Please forgive my attack of rage. This door slammed, moving on ✌🏻, - I decided to start with a pure sheet of Sparrow.

Recall, the artist all overwhelmed his feelings splashed out. "I flew for 13 hours, spent in Moscow only 18 hours from the moment you exit the plane and landing on a new flight, where I will spend 13 hours again in flight. And you know what? It cost ... Now I know exactly what miracles It does not happen. Fit for at least a few hours to be with his girlfriend, and fly by a bachelor ... The moral of the story is as follows: if you want to do a surprise, and fly for someone through the ocean for a day - better warn about your intentions. # love ", - complained to the fans of Alexey.

Then the singer promulgated the photo of the luxurious buttocks of his own. The name of the beauty who broke the heart to the idol of millions of Russians, Vorobyov preferred not to call. Judging by the signature to the snapshot, the brunette left a deep track with the soul of the musician. "I will remember us so well? And the rest is just a sota, as if it was not. Sotra is your phone, I don't remember him, the erase of your photo, and the erase of you from my life," - signed a picture now former beloved artist.

As reported "Starkhit", friends Leschi. declassified a stranger. "This girl has caused Lesha pain. He flew to shooting in the US for four months. I decided to make a surprise beloved and returned to Moscow for 15 hours. I flew almost a day and rushed to her, and she behaved so that this post appeared in Leshin Instagram ... "

Under the suggestion of the artist's friends, the group soloist was the traitor Diana Ivanitskaya-Shorikova (21), with which Alexey. The novel has faced last year.

"W. Leschi. There were many girls, but with tenderness he only spoke about Diana, - added friend Vorobyova. - The guys liked the atmosphere of the mystery, they tried not to appear in humans in order not to get caught. Alexei Very treated with these relations and pleased the favorite gifts and huge bouquets of roses. But what happened, destroyed everything - they broke up, even without being friends. Diana committed such an act that Lech I could not forgive. "

And indeed, in Instagram Lesha Diana never appeared in the open, but the girl herself posted one shot with Vorobyev.

It happened six months ago when she participated in the show. Diana tried out a wedding dress, and Lesha, apparently, came to keep it. Joint shot girl signed like this: "My Rose"(With reference to the show). By the way, the same photo is worth « avatar "Diana"In contact with".

Interestingly, for the first time Alexei posted a stranger in Instagram, which hugs his dog Elvisa, in . At about the same time it became known that Diana Allegedly (37). They have repeatedly appeared at events and did not hide their feelings - kissed the camera. And the girl told the amazing story of their dating. So here something does not converge ...

By the way, photos with Khrustalev continued to appear in profile Diana. For example, the last snapshot with him she posted before the New Year. And on the holidays Diana Rested near the ocean, like Khrustalevwho went to Bali. That's just whether they were - incomprehensible. Geolocation, the girl with subscribers did not share.

But if they are with Dmitry. were on BaliT. Vorobjev Exactly wrote about her! By the way, it turned out later that her group colleague Masha Goncharuk (26) Also on popular island among stars, and even in the arms Khrustaleeva! What a twist!

In general, it is not known whether Diana in Moscow at the moment when Vorobjev Share his story. But after three days later, the girl went to the cartoon premiere "Ballerina"to congratulate (15) (daughter Faith Brezhneva (34)), which voiced one of the characters.

Now Diana located in Thailand With friends, and two days ago posted a photo, where she holds some tattooed stranger for her hand. Is not it Diana and Vorobyova They associated relationships, nevertheless unknown.

But Lesha still overflows feelings. At first, Vorobyev posted a photo on which he and a girl like Diana (the face fell into the frame not completely), having fun and sing songs under the guitar. "You know, it was the last melody that someone played on this guitar. And when I spread it in a sins, I was happy because I broke my memories of you, "he wrote.

A photo posted by Alexey Vorobyov - ???? ???????. (@ Mr.AlexSparrow) on jan 26, 2017 at 5:39 am pst

A few minutes later, Alexey laid another photo on which he drinks whiskey, and the signature became almost confession to the snapshot: "I hid my personal life for a very long time. And if someone does not like what I write now in my Instagram, then understand one thing - it's not for you ... This is for me and for her, because I have no one to speak more. Yes, of course, an adult man, especially the artist, must keep everything in himself, go on stage and smile. But I'm not on the stage now, so I am wildly apologize. I do not force anyone to read what I am writing, like what I posted, and write encouraging comments, I don't help me, so your opinion about what and how I should do now, believe me Interested in. There is no democracy and the National Assembly, there are every - monarch of your inner and virtual world, so if something is not pleased, unsubscribe without your highly artistic councils about who and how to live. "

Alexey Vorobyev - Russian singer, producer and composer, actor and novice director, lovers of hundreds of thousands of girls, Ambassador of the UN Good Will. The only participant of the show "Bachelor" and not choosing a companion of life. Represented Russia at Eurovision 2011, but he took a practical worse place in the history of the country's participation in this competition.

Childhood and family

Russian singer and musician Alexey Vladimirovich Vorobiev was born on January 19, 1988 in a simple family from Tula, far from the world of art. Pope Stars, Vladimir Viktorovich, worked as the Head of Security at the enterprise, Mom, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, was engaged in household. According to the singer, there were complications in childbirth and the doctors barely had to save his life. Alexei has an elder brother Sergey and the younger sister Galina. Both of them, matured, tied up life with music: Sergey plays on the Accordion in the Jazzophrenia group, Galina became the singer.

As a child, Alexey Vorobiev loved football very much and played for the Tula Youth team. And even became the best scorer, and his team is a regional champion. A young man dreamed of tie his life with sports. However, a little later, his plans have changed towards singing. However, according to Alexey, sport and scene are very similar among themselves - the slope of emotions and the desire to win everyone.

In school years, the Sparrows brothers went to a music school, where they were engaged in the accordion class. But at the age of 15, after 9 years of classes, Alexey decided to leave the musical instrument and singing. After graduating from school, Vorobyov entered the music college of the arts of Dargomyzhsky to the specialty "Head of Folk Choir". Relatives This decision was incomprehensible: "What, how old grandma is going to sing?", "His mother asked, but the young man was inexperienced.

Musical career

At 15, Alexey joined the Tula folklore ensemble "Uslada", and in 16 he became his soloist. Teachers noted his unprecedented zeal and hard work.

In 2005, a 17-year-old singer became the winner of the Delphic Games and received a medal in the "Vocal" category. Then Alexey went to Moscow to the All-Russian Casting of the Television Competition "Secret Success", which was broadcast on the channel "Russia". The young man reached the final and became one of the winners of the show. Inspired by the victory of Lesha Vorobiev moved to Moscow and immediately entered the estate-jazz school named after Gnesini. A year later, in his pocket from a promising artist, a signed contract with Universal Music Russia.

Alexey Vorobyov speaks only "live." He is one of the few artists who do not sings under the phonogram even when recording televisers.

A year later, Alexey Vorobyev was executed by the official anthem of the Youth Eight J8 during the Summit, and also acted at the opening and closing of an international event. In the same year, the singer released his first video for the Summer Song.

Alexey Vorobyov - "Summer"

A full-fledged album at Vorobyeva One - "Lie Detector Vorobyev", published in 2011. At the same time, he has a huge number of singles, including those recorded with other artists. Most often, Alexey collaborated with the group "Friends!": Together they released 7 songs. He also did Fiet with Egor Crem ("More than love"), his brother and sister ("as the last time"), Vika Daineko ("fuck without you").

Scandal at Eurovision

In 2008, Alexey Vorobyev was trying happiness at the selection round of Eurovision. The singer performed the "New Russian Kalinka", which was met favorably. However, in the final standings, the artist took only fifth place.

Alexey Vorobiev - "New Russian Kalinka"

A year later, Alexey again tried his strength and tried to go to the final of the Russian selection for Eurovision. This time the singer passed the qualifying round, but refused to participate in the competition due to employment in another project. Good luck smiled in 2011. Alexey Vorobiev finally got a chance to present Russia to Eurovision with the "Get You" composition of the authorship of the Moroccan producer REDONE. The singer took the sixteenth place. This result was the worst in the entire history of the country's participation in the competition, with the exception of the results of Philip Kirkorov by 1995 - 17th place. But Alexey Vorobyov's participation in Eurovision is remembered not only by bad results, but by causing behavior.

Eurovision 2011: Alexey Vorobyev - Get You

Even before participating in the competition, Alexey Vorobiev made a number of homophobic comments in the address of representatives of sexual minorities within the interview.

If you hear or read that the "Eurovision" sparrows "placed in any no obey man," know: this one of the gay tried to pester me. And was immediately awarded a blow to the melon!

In addition to homophobic comments, Sparrow accused his rival from Sweden Erica Saade in plagiarism. Representatives of the Russian artist stated that the Swedes adopted the room with a glass that was invented by the Alexei group to perform on Russian Music Awards. However, the charges were refuted, and the "room with glass", as it turned out, was already put on other performers to Vorobyov.

During the announcement of the results in the first semifinals, Alexey Vorobiev suddenly shouted into the camera live: "This is Russia! This is Russia, bl * dy! Go here, bl * dy! Look in the eye, bl * dy! " And kissed the lens. "Disorder" - so many artists, for example, Anfisa Chekhov and Sergey Lazarev, summarized his act.

Actor career

In 2006, Vorobyov not only debuted on a big stage, but also began his creative path as an actor. In the autumn, the young man became the face of the MTV channel and the main character of the Motheric Interactive TV series "Dream Alice" with Masha Malinovskaya. The latter was shown on the air of a popular musical canal daily.

After that, Alexey Vorobiev began to actively film and decided to enroll in the theater university. In 2008, the singer received a diploma of the music school and entered the MCAT Studio School, where he studied acting in the course of Kirill Serebrennikov. However, due to the big employment in 2010, the young man left the institute. By the time his filmography was the main role in the Military Drama "Second", participation in the horror movie "Phobos. Fear Club with Peter Fedorov and with a dozen less noticeable heroes.

"Dad", short film Alexey Vorobyeva

The tricks in the films Alexey sought to perform independently. Before the start of the shooting, Vorobiev was a serious physical training. The singer was fond of extreme driving and motor sports, and these skills in many helped Lesha in one of the personnel to perform such complex tricks as the jump from the 4th floor and burning.

The actor filmography was replenished for a year. In 2012, together with Galina Bob, he starred in the series "Deffchonki" as Sergey Zvonareva, with Maxim Averin - in the films "Ceremak. Come, New Year! " And "Fugitives", with Maria Kozhevnikova and Elvira Ibrahimova - in the film "Treasure O. K.".

Alexey Vorobyov on television

Alexey Vorobyva invite to take part in the TV projects. So, it could be seen in the "cruel games", "big races" and ice show "Ice and a flame", where he made up a magnificent couple with Tatiana Navka.

Alexey Vorobyov and Tatiana Navka - Show Must Go On

But perhaps the most memorable appearance of Vorobyov on television was his participation in the fourth season of the Show "Bachelor", which came to the screens in March 2016.

He really hoped that the project would help him find his love, but in vain. He did not want to adapt to the rules of the project and imitate the feelings for girls when they really were not. As a result, he became the first bachelor who, at the end of the season, did not give preference to any participant.

Other projects

In 2007, Alexey Vorobyev became a goodwill ambassador. The candidacy of the Russian singer during the year was considered in the New York headquarters of the UN. And only after approval, Alexey received an official proposal to submit an organization in Russia. It is noteworthy that the position and responsibility is quite prestigious.

Alexey Vorobiev became the first Russian artist who received such a prestigious status. He is responsible for United Nations AIDS programs in Russia. And in parallel with this, Lesha became ambassador and an active employee of the Dance4Life Youth Program ("Dance for Life") "and the UNICEF Foundation.

Tragic chance in the life of Vorobyeva

In 2012, Alexei Vorobyov was delivered in an unconscious state into one of the hospitals of Florence. During the filming of a mass brawl for the film about Florentine Football "I Calcianti", Alexey missed his head. The injury did not seem serious to doctors, and after a couple of days, Vorobiev left the hospital.

In early 2013, the press appeared information about a serious automotive catastrophe involving Vorobyov. It happened on one of Los Angeles roads. Alexey found himself in a wheelchair, left half of the body was partially paralyzed. As reported journalists, damage touched the quarter of the singer's brain.

Only youth, thirst for life and the power of the will helped the singer to cope with the ailment. He learned a newly not something to sing - talk! Already in May 2013, Alexey returned to Russia to continue to act in the series "Deffchonki".

Personal life Alexey Vorobyov

Alexey Vorobyov will hear the heart. However, the singer prefers not to spread about their victories.

It is known that after the artist took part in the show "Ice and the Flame", he broke out a novel with a colleague by Tatiana Navka. For the sake of her, he threw his previous girl - Anna Chipovskaya, who met on the set of video "New Russian Kalinka".

Alexey Vorobyev attributes a novel with actress Oksana Akinshina, his partner on the film "Suicides." The couple first denied her novel, but soon began to appear in public together, which indirectly confirmed its relationship.

In May 2011, the couple broke up, but Alexey did not have one for a long time, already in August 2011 he began to meet with Victoria Daineko. The novel also turned out to be short, Alexey and Victoria broke up in May 2012.

Alexey Vorobyov and Victoria Daineko - the last time

A lot of rumors about the personal life of Vorobyeva gave rise to the series "Deffchonki", where the actor played the Heroine Galina Bob's lover. Also on the site, the artist made friends with

Talented actor, singer, director, Accordionist Alexey Vladimirovich Vorobiev - a unique case in modern show business. His father worked as the head of the protection of one of the Tula enterprises, and Mom devoted himself to raising children. About Alexei Vorobyev and his girls walk a lot of legends. Some rumors are reasonable, some - no.

early years

In childhood, he was fond of football and even became the best striker player. But later, the plans have changed, and young Lesha began to give music more time. It was her who chose the main paths of his life. In the Music College, Vorobyev learned to play on the accordion. The possession of this tool makes it possible to play well on the piano than the future star and enjoyed. He picked up the songs of the group "Hands Up" and sang them on a change in the lobby, girls with delighted eyes were listened to Lesh and were completely in his power.

Alexey admits that it still does not know how to share even in a column, he studied badly at school, but he played perfectly on musical instruments. Lesha's parents did not use the lives of children in personal interests, let the opportunity to choose their way on their own. Vorobyov participated in many musical competitions, and after school decided to enter the Tula Music School on vocals. Immediately began to speak as part of the ensemble "Prosta". This team was created in 1998, the artists are unique in that they are trying to convey traditional Russian culture through modern techniques and motives.

Home Sturm Show Business

In 2005, Alexey wins in Youth Russia, which were held in Ryazan. He received a reward as a solo artist and won the nomination "People's singing".

In 2006, Alexey signs a contract with Russian Universal Music. From this point on, the singer's solo career begins.

Unhappy love Alexey Vorobyva

Alexey Vorobyov has long acquired the fame of the scandalist and a cynical guy. His heart was cruelly broken, and Alexey admits that at some point he just began to take revenge on women for it. Many representatives of show business became victims of revenge. It was said that the partner of "Ice Dance" Tatiana Navka is his girl. Alexey Vorobiev was in a relationship not only with her, but also with Oksana Akinshina, and even Dorian Rose. And this is just a year.

It was difficult to assume that the self-confident and charismatic guy himself became a victim of deception, and terrible pain hides behind his smile. The fatal relations turned over his life.

It was the famous Russian actress Anna Chipovskaya. She met her Alexey on the set of his first video "Kalinka". "It was exactly the love that grabs the throat and does not give a chance to break out," says Alexey.

The first days of acquaintance with Anya were very happy for Vorobyov. After some time, she even settled in the singer's apartment, but a week later disappeared: did not answer calls, SMS, Alexey could not contact her. A few days later, he found Anna, but in the arms of the other.

It turned out that the girl met with another young man before exploring the singer. After parting with him, she temporarily decided to become a partner Alexei Vorobyeva and his girlfriend.

Victoria Dayneko

Roman Alexei Vorobyova and his girls Victoria Daineko discussed almost at every corner. Most did not believe in the sincerity of these feelings. They met less than a year, everything was officially completed when Alexey did not come to the 25th anniversary of Victoria. Daineko left questions of journalists on a burning topic, but Vorobyov did not rob and replied directly that they broke up. Since then, in social networks of stars, their joint photos have ceased to appear from time to time.

At one of his concerts, Lesha called Vica on the stage. For this fact, journalists were immediately caught. And after a joint photo in Twitter, no one has doubts that a couple really associate a warm relationship. Victoria Daineko and Alexey Vorobyev often put out his feelings too much that began provoking doubts.

Recall that Victoria Daineko and Alexey Vorobyov broke up 5 years ago.

Musical creativity

Let's go back to the songs of Alexey Vorobyov. Over the years, the singer released 40 singles. Among them: "Summer", "Russians scored", "Girl", "New Russian Kalinka", "Get You", "Gold Manits us", "Be, please, weaken", "crazy" and others.

Clip for the song "Crazy" collected 174 713 459 views in YouTube. This is a kind of unprecedented case, because Alexey wrote a scenario, became the director of this mini-film and he mounted himself. The video language has a very exciting plot, which shows a competitive relationship between a guy and a girl. In this video, Sparrobyev's friends were filmed, and the scene, when the main character sits on the toilet and suddenly begin to explode the Petard, was very dangerous, but for the sake of a beautiful episode, Alexey does not regret anything and no one, even himself.

This work had a deafening success, so Sparrow together with the Polina Maximova (the main heroine of the clip) decided to remove the second part of Crazy-2. The song is called "the most beautiful." Alyosha himself wrote text, music, again spoke by director and screenwriter. It turned out the world's first multi-sized clip.

Alexei Vorobyov's songs and his clips are a separate direction in art, which has no name yet.


It can be noted that in addition to vocal musical talent, Alexey manits the world of cinema. It can rightly be called a magnificent actor, because the dramatic talent of Vorobyov allows him to adequately compete with world stars of cinema.

At one time he lit up in the "Dreams of Alice", "Hello, Kinder!", "Kochubey detachment" - and all these lead roles. Perfectly played in "in the forests and in the mountains", and in many other films. Alexey Vorobyov is trying to find all new and new talents.

A promising actor was noticed in Hollywood, he concluded a contract with the American producer Nadir Hayat (Red One), known to work with Lady Gaga, Pitbul, Jennifer Lopez and other stars.

In 2013, Alexei Vorobyeva was invited to play in the painting "City of Sin". He was offered one of the main roles. But a sudden accident destroyed all the plans. Alexei was completely paralyzed by one side. He had to recover long. Fortunately, now the singer feels good.

Debut Vorobyov

This accident provoked a change in many life views, and in 2014 the first video of Alexey Vorobyov was published. The film "Dad" became a debut project in which the singer showed himself as a talented director and screenwriter. The film received Ruby Phoenix and won the nomination "Best Foreign Film" at the American Film Festival. Alexey received several awards for the music written by him.


In 2016, on TV channel TNT started a show of the 4th seasons of the show of the love "Bachelor" with Alexey Vorobyev.

Showman admitted that he is far from the most romantic person. Romanticism was distantized due to the lifestyle, but it would not work out otherwise. He came with hope to learn to love.

This show singer only confirmed his scandalous reputation, he violated the rules and was as honest as possible with the viewers and with himself. He plays the role only in films on behalf of other heroes, here the main character is he himself. There were situations that Vorobyov called painful. After that show he restored longer than after stroke.

But the most unexpected and original became the finals of the show "Bachelor". Alexey Vorobyov, like the remaining predecessors, had to choose one of the two finalists, but he did not give a ring to anyone.

The singer does not regret that he became the chief participant of the show, because it opened him a simple truth: feelings must be mutual. The unexpected finals of Alexey commented as follows: "The girls were more important to win the show than finding their love in this project."

But the talented artist does not lose and hopes for a miracle. It costs to notice that the failures in love affairs went for the benefit of a career.

Alexey was born in a large family in Tula. His dad was the head of protection at one of the enterprises, and Mom dedicated the life of home and children. Three children were brought up in an atmosphere of love: parents listened to the desires of children, helped, supported, encouraged any creative undertaking.

Little Alyosha first became fascinated by sports. He had abilities to football, and for some time he played in the junior team of his city. Once the future singer will even call the best scorer, and his team will go to another level in a football hierarchy.

Another passion of Vorobyov was music.Most little parents gave it to a music school in the accordion class. The singer was lucky with the teacher, Alexei more than once said warm words to the music teacher, and at the show "Bachelor" even acquainted with her finalists of the TV show, as with his close man with an authoritative opinion.

The musical career in the young boy was more than successful: in 12 years he participated in his first competition, soaked in the energy of rivalry and realized that she could not live without victories. In the following years, he has repeatedly won Russian and international musical contests and as an accordionist, and as a singer.

The titled teenager quickly reviewed the head of the famous Tula folk ensemble "Uslad". At 16, Alexey became his soloist and continued to conquer the festivals already as part of this talented team.

Everyone understood everything around what professional path would choose Sparrow after school graduation. Having received a certificate, he entered the music school named after Dragomyzhsky. Now the student is already, Vorobev never ceases to perform, he appears the first fans, and he gladly discovers the deposnel's deposits.


Hi, Kinder! (2008)

In the middle of the two thousandth singer understands that Tula becomes Mala. At first, he wins the Delphic Games, then the casting passes to participate in the Television Competition "Secret Success". He becomes one of the winners of the show and remains in the capital.

Vorobyov was so inspired by his success that she went to the estate-jazz school named after Gnesini and entered the first time. Another year of intense studies and work on their own voice and image, and one of the largest recording agencies concludes a contract with him.

During this period, Vorobyov becomes even more demanding. The young man devotes a professional development of a lion's time, and also then declares to all producers, which sings only live. Even at the national television concerts, Alexey does not use the phonogram.

High professionalism is assessed: the young man is called the official anthem of the Youth Eight J8 during the summit. Closes a serious international event, too, Sparrow.


Unknown lesson (2009)

Persistent and telegeny young people notice the televisers. At first he becomes the face of one of the TV channels, then he receives a major role in the series "Dream Alice". It was the acting who brought the singer to a new level, revealed his capabilities and made Alexei recognizable.

Understanding that he can develop in this direction, Alexey decides to do second education. Having received a diploma of "Gnesinka", he undergoes a qualifying in the Studio School of MCAT and begins to study at the acting faculty.

Today, the account of Alexei Vorobyov is already more than thirty kinorol. To many films where he starred, Sound tracks were written by Vorobyev. In addition, the celebrity tries himself as a producer and director.


Suicides (2011)

At the shooting sites, Alexey sometimes it is not easy, because he himself prefers to perform the tricks to which it is carefully prepared. During the filming, he happened and jump from the fourth floor, and burn. Not without injury, not all of them were provoked by a dangerous profession.

It is known that in 2013 in the US, Alexey got into an accident and turned out to be chained to a wheelchair. The young man partially did not act the left part of the body. Local doctors who had to put the Russian singer on his feet were surprised by his courage and love for life. He sincerely worked to recover as soon as possible, because soon it was necessary to fly home, on the shooting of the new Deffchonok season. Youth and thirst for life then won, he again entered the system.

The singer himself calls himself a "Fall Man" and now with humor talks about injuries and fractures that he had to receive from early childhood. One of these was a fracture of the hand on the show "Ice and the Flame", where Vorobyov fell in love with his partner on figure skating - Tatiana Navka.


Squad Kochubey (2009)

Vorobyov has long been famous for his lovingness. However, the actor and singer is convinced: love cannot be built. It is given over, and none of the earthly people can simply fall in love by order.

To such conclusions, he came after participating in the Show "Bachelor", where unsuccessfully tried to choose his love from several proposed women and build relations with her. In the final, then two girls remained, to which Vorobyov was not indifferent, - Yana and Natasha.

In front of the whole country, he was already ready to hand the ring of the second, but he honestly admitted that he did not like him. In the final of the show, the singer did not make his choice and could not hold back emotions about this.

However, before Alexey fell into such a confusion under Sofitats, he was attributed to the many novels with the most bright stars of the country.

Vorobyev himself loved to declare that since the time of Studio, Mkhat was twisted with Anna Chipovskaya, the girl of these words has never confirmed. He was fascinated by Tatiana Navrov, and about their allegedly mutual feelings during the shooting period did not say that the lazy. Although, perhaps, it was only a PR channel?

It is known that the singer lived a civil marriage with Oksana Akinshina, who gone from his Moscow apartment, when the actor was at Eurovision. They swore lovers by phone, and immediately after talking, the sparrows had already entertained with other girls, stating the press that he was now a free young man.

Then, according to rumors, Oksana and Alexey still happened to reunification, but they did not stay together for a long time. I barely finished the relationship with Akinshina in 2011, Vorob'ev already in 2012 happily smiled at common photos with Victoria Daineko.

Today, the actor makes no statements about his personal life. He continues to develop professionally. Now Vorobyev is the first Russian actor who was honored to become the Ambassador of the UN Good Will in Russia. Also Alexey his debut as a director. It seems that the professional life develops the public from the public much better than personal. Anyway - for now.

Three Musketeer (2013)