Works that fit the theme of honor and dishonor. Composition in the direction: Honor and dishonor

Works that fit the theme of honor and dishonor. Composition in the direction: Honor and dishonor

Road of honor

What is honor and where does it go? What qualities do people who walk the road of honor possess? I will try to answer these questions. I think honor is a way of life based on conscience, nobility, truthfulness and courage. I think that if a child from the cradle absorbs these qualities, then his life will go on the right path.

It was along this road that Peter Grinev, the hero of Alexander Pushkin's story "The Captain's Daughter", walked. Seeing off to military service, the elder Grinev asks his son to protect honor. The young man, strictly following his father's behest, serves his homeland, courageously defending the Belogorsk fortress. Arriving at his place of service in the Orenburg province, the young man meets the family of Captain Mironov. The head of the fortress himself, his wife and their daughter Masha, whom he really liked, warmly welcome Grinev. Pyotr begins to make friends with the officer Shvabrin, demoted for a bloody duel, who slanders Masha Mironova behind her eyes various unpleasant things. It soon turns out that Shvabrin himself is in love with the girl. The officer is overcome by the strongest jealousy and envy of a happier rival. Shvabrin harshly criticizes the poems written by Peter for Masha, and insults her honor, hinting at the venality of the girl. In this act, I think, Shvabrin's true face begins to appear. He appears before us in the form of a dishonest, deceitful and envious person who has no idea of ​​honor. As a noble and honest man, Grinev could not endure such an insult, so he challenged the enemy to a duel, which, fortunately, ended only with a slight wound of the offended young man. The further seizure of the Belogorsk fortress by Pugachev's detachment once again showed the true faces of the heroes of the story. Neither Captain Mironov, nor his assistant, nor Grinev himself wanted to swear allegiance to the false emperor, so they were sentenced to death. They were faithful to the end of their duty of honor. Peter was saved from the gallows only by the fact that Pugachev recognized him as his benefactor, who once mercifully presented him with a hare sheepskin coat. But Shvabrin, on the contrary, treacherously goes over to the side of the enemy, he is even appointed chief in the fortress. In the absence of Grinev, Shvabrin tortures Masha, trying to force her to marry him. Having learned about this, Peter, despite the danger, rushes from distant Orenburg to save his beloved. His conscience and respect for the memory of the deceased captain of the fortress does not allow him to do otherwise. I think that it was for his nobility, honesty and courage that Grinev received the best that can be for a person: happiness, mutual love and an unblemished conscience. Shvabrin, on the other hand, for his cowardice, lies, hypocrisy and dishonor, was brought to a strict trial.

Comparing the life path of these two heroes, one involuntarily comes to the conclusion that the image of Grinev, walking the dear honor, can serve as an excellent example to follow.

Arguments for the final essay.

1. A. Pushkin"The captain's daughter" (As you know, Alexander Pushkin died in a duel, fighting for the honor of his wife. M. Lermontov in his poem called the poet "a slave of honor." However, Alexander Sergeevich has preserved his honor and good name in the memory of people.

In his story "The Captain's Daughter" Pushkin portrays Petrusha Grineva with high moral qualities. Peter did not tarnish his honor even in those cases when it was possible to pay for it with his head. He was a person of high moral character, worthy of respect and pride. He could not leave unpunished Shvabrin's slander against Masha, so he challenged him to a duel. Grinev retained his honor even on pain of death).

2.M.Sholokhov"The fate of a man" (In a short story, Sholokhov touched upon the theme of honor. Andrei Sokolov is a simple Russian man, he had a family, a loving wife, children, his own home. Everything collapsed in an instant, and the war was to blame. But nothing could break a real Russian Sokolov managed to endure all the hardships of the war with his head held high. for the Germans, unexpected: “Yes, so that I, a Russian soldier, would drink to the victory of German weapons?” The fascists appreciated the courage of the Russian soldier by saying: “You are a brave soldier. that this person deserves a life.Andrei Sokolov personifies honor and dignity. For them he is ready to give even his life.))

3. M. Lermonotov... The novel "A Hero of Our Time" (Pechorin knew about Grushnitsky's intentions, but nevertheless did not wish him harm. An act worthy of respect. Grushnitsky, on the contrary, committed a dishonorable act, offering Pechorin an unloaded weapon for a duel).

4. M. Lermonotov"Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich ...". (Lermontov tells about the permissiveness of people in power. Such is Kiribeyevich, who encroached on a married wife. For him the laws are not written, he is not afraid of anything, even Tsar Ivan the Terrible supports him, so he agrees to fight with the merchant Kalashnikov. Merchant Stepan Paramonovich Kalashnikov is a man of truth, a loyal husband and a loving father. And even despite the risk of losing to Kiribeyevich, he challenged him to a fist fight for the honor of his wife Alena. By killing the oprichnik, the Merchant Kalashnikov aroused the Tsar's anger, who ordered him to be hanged. Of course, Stepan Paramonovich could have yielded to the tsar, avoided his death, but for him the honor of the family turned out to be more precious.Using the example of this hero, Lermontov showed the real Russian character of a simple man of honor - strong in spirit, unshakable, honest and noble.)

5.N. Gogol Taras Bulba. (Ostap accepted death with dignity).

6.V. Rasputin"French lessons". (The boy Vova withstands all trials with honor in order to get an education, to become a human being)

6. A. Pushkin"Captain's daughter". (Shvabrin is a vivid example of a man who has lost his dignity. He is the complete opposite of Grinev. This is a man for whom the concept of honor and nobility does not exist at all. He walked over the heads of others, stepping over himself to please his momentary desires. dress again, but honor from a young age. "Once your honor is stained, you can hardly ever restore your good name.)

7.F.M.Dostoevsky"Crime and Punishment" (Raskolnikov is a murderer, but the dishonest act was based on pure thoughts. Is it honor or dishonor?)

8.F.M.Dostoevsky"Crime and Punishment". (Sonya Marmeladova sold herself, but did it for the sake of the family. What is it: honor or dishonor?)

9.F.M.Dostoevsky"Crime and Punishment". (Dunya was slandered. But her honor was restored. Honor is easy to lose.)

10.L.N. Tolstoy"War and Peace" (Becoming the owner of a large inheritance, Bezukhov, with his honesty and faith in the kindness of people, falls into the nets set by Prince Kuragin. His attempts to take possession of the inheritance failed, then he decided to get money in a different way. He married the young man to his daughter Helen In the good-natured and peaceful Pierre, who learned about Helen's betrayal with Dolokhov, anger boiled and he challenged Fyodor to battle. The duel showed Pierre's courage. respect. And the pitiful intrigues of Prince Kuragin, Helen and Dolokhov brought them only suffering. Lies, hypocrisy and sycophancy never bring real success, but they can tarnish honor and lose human dignity).

First of all, these are not words, but actions. You can say a thousand times that you are honest, kind and noble, but in fact be a deceitful villain. True honor rarely comes with high-flown speeches. You don't have to flaunt your good deeds to be a noble person. Honor does not require gratitude and recognition. People who have this quality in the first place help just like that, without expecting anything in return. A truly noble person does not pay attention to public opinion, but lives according to laws and conscience. For him, this is above all. Although, of course, the insult of honor was not left unanswered: earlier, conflicts associated with humiliation of dignity were resolved by a duel. And here public opinion already had some weight, but this was in the past and more often happened with young, impetuous people.

Very subtle and romantic natures. People who are older and more experienced, or simply have a cold and calculating mind, rarely found themselves in such situations, since they were guided by the wisdom of past years, and the disappointment with society that was affirmed in some souls forced them to take into account the opinions of others less and less. Of course, if they received a challenge, then, as noble personalities, they were obliged to accept it, otherwise the titles of cowards and scoundrels would have been assigned to them, but not a single person betrayed any importance to the fight itself. All this concerns personal honor, but when the dignity of the weaker woman, relatives was hurt, they defended it to the last drop of blood. But, as already said, this is all in the past. And what is the real thing? Duels have long since passed away, and there are fewer and fewer principled and truthful people. What place does honor have in today's society? Perhaps nobility is still important today, although it is not easy to see it behind many masks. True, it may not always be, but triumphs. They also protect the weak, even to their own detriment. And to this day they look not only at the words of a person, but also at his deeds. And there remain those who follow the important rule expressed by the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus: "Do not get yourself honor by vanity, nor by the beauty of clothes or horses, nor adornment, but by courage and wisdom."

And what about dishonor? This is the complete opposite of everything noble. Unfortunately, there were many people with impure thoughts at all times. The speech of dishonor is sweet, it easily draws you into its nets. He has many faces, but the main ones are lies and betrayal. A dishonest person cannot be truthful. It is always accompanied by deception. Dishonest people will never help just like that, without benefit for themselves. They don't keep their promises. Fidelity to the word, to ideals does not mean anything to them. It so happens that dishonest people try to appear principled and noble. They speak beautiful speeches, create the appearance of good deeds, and they themselves break all words and vows at the first opportunity. Such individuals are inherently cowardly and insignificant. But a large number of them are dangerous. The dishonor is like a plague to be fought against.

Many books have been written about honor. Many great authors have been interested in this question. Who just wrote about him! This is one of the most numerous and important topics in literature. The question of honor has occupied people at all times.

The story of A.S. Pushkin's "The Captain's Daughter" is a work about honor and nobility. Many heroes are living embodiment of these qualities, but there are those to whom they are alien. Pyotr Grinev is a young officer who came to serve in the Belogorsk fortress. Throughout the entire work, he grew spiritually and performed noble deeds. Grinev, despite the ban, challenged Shvabrin to a duel, defending the honor of Masha Mironova. The young man did not flinch when Pugachev came to the fortress. Grinev refused to go over to his side, despite the generous offers of high positions. It was not for nothing that the young man's father said: "Take care of your dress again, but honor from a young age." Grinev followed this covenant stoically and rigorously.

His antagonist is Shvabrin. He is proud and selfish. This man spread false rumors about Masha Mironova only because he could not achieve her love. And then he kept the girl captive, forcing her to become his wife. Shvabrin, when capturing the fortress, went over to Pugachev's side and grovelled in front of him in every possible way. By breaking the oath, the hero gives honor to the officer and shows his cowardice and his inability to be true to the once given word.

The poem by A.S. Pushkin raises the issue of honor in the episodes associated with the duel. Lensky, out of his ardor, challenges Onegin to a duel, offended by Eugene's behavior at the ball. The main character cannot refuse. The duel took place - the ending is tragic. Onegin acts, of course, dishonestly towards a friend, but nevertheless he does it not intentionally, but accidentally, and strongly reproaches himself. Perhaps, had Lensky been less passionate, the tragedy could have been avoided.

As another example, I propose the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov's "A Hero of Our Time". Pechorin, the main character, an individualist who enjoys playing on the feelings of others, but, despite this, is honest in his own way. Knowing that the duel imposed on him was initially a losing one, he accepted it early, defending the honor of Princess Mary. Pechorin gives Grushnitsky the opportunity to abandon his words and end the fight, but he turns out to be too weak and insignificant to admit to deception and accept defeat.

So honor goes a long way. This is the nobility of a person and his moral foundations. Society cannot exist without honest people. They are his support and support. Only with their help can society flourish. Therefore, it is very important that there are always people who have a moral code, live by conscience and thus make the world a better place.

A verified final essay on the topic "If a person has committed a dishonorable act, then he is dishonorable to the end" in the direction of "Honor and dishonor"

Introduction (introduction):

Of course, everyone understands differently this is utterance. Dishonor - this is a negative trait of a person, characterized by meanness, deceit, betrayal, deception. Honor on the contrary, it combines such qualities as loyalty, devotion. Honor always opposes dishonor, in all ages people are fighting for truth, justice. If you stumbled and committed a dishonorable act, then, alas, you will no longer be able to possess such qualities as fidelity to the word, nobility, decency.

A comment: repetitions are one of the most common mistakes. To avoid them, you need to re-read the essay several times and the words that are repeated in two adjacent sentences, replace them with pronouns, lexical or contextual synonyms (or synonymous expressions). It is also important to make sure that no related words appear in adjacent sentences.

"If you stumbled and committed a dishonorable act ... "- it is better not to use the pronoun" YOU "when writing an essay. This is only allowed in colloquial speech. Instead of "you" you can write "we", "people", "man", etc.

"If human stumbled and committed a dishonorable act, then, alas, his it will no longer be possible to possess such qualities as fidelity to the word, nobility, decency "

The thesis, of course, corresponds to the topic, but there are two nuances:

The thesis should be accentuated with the help of introductory words that indicate that this is your opinion (“I think”, “it seems to me”, “in my opinion”, “I'm sure”, etc.) Writing a thesis is not enough , it is important to convey to the examiner how you came to this conclusion. In the introductory part, you described the meanings of key concepts, but did not tie it to the thesis in any way. Most likely, you would be given a failure according to the first criterion, tk. the topic has not been disclosed. To fix this, you need to answer the question: "Why is he who committed a dishonorable act dishonorable to the end?" your reflections on this issue can be written before the thesis.

Argument 1:

Reflecting on the topic of "dishonor", I cannot but refer to the work of Vasily Bykov "Sotnikov". This work is about two partisans who were captured. Walking (ugly word, try to replace) for food for their comrades, each of the heroes reacts differently to the impending danger. The fisherman is serious, ready for any difficulties, in contrast to the weak, frail, sick Sotnikov. Once to the police, their paths diverge (speech error, it turns out that the police got paths)... They will be interrogated. Sotnikov was the first to go. He was silent, did not tell the investigator anything. Humiliation, torture, did not force Sotnikov to betray his homeland, his detachment. After which he was to be executed. However Rybak is under interrogation behaved the opposite(speech error, they don't say that. Something can be opposite: shore, reaction, behavior. But you can't behave in the opposite way) to your friend. He answered the investigator's questions in detail, was polite, clung to every opportunity to escape. To which the investigator offered to become one of them. The fisherman was glad that there was a chance for freedom. He has done the worst and most dishonest thing ever. It turned out to be more difficult and painful for the fisherman to stay alive. He understood that he had made huge mistakes by killing his friend and going over to the wrong side, thereby losing his honor and forever gaining dishonor.

A comment: the argument is inconclusive. It is clear that Rybak committed a dishonorable act, but why did he find dishonor forever? How is it shown?

Thus, this argument does not support the thesis.

Argument 2:

As proof, you can also cite the work of Valentin Rasputin "Live and Remember". This is a work about Andrei Guskov, who, along with the entire male part of the village, was sent to war. He fought well, and conscientiously fulfilled all duties. At the end of the war, Andrei, wounded, is hospitalized. Guskov wanted to return at least for a while home, at least for one day. He was sure that he would be sent from the hospital home, but that did not happen. And so Andrei returns home ahead of schedule, returns not as a hero, but as a deserter. Desertion is betrayal. Nastena, Andrey's wife, can't part of her husband(?), but she tried, helped as much as she could. Her strength is Love and Faith, but because of love for a bad person, she herself suffers. Andrei did not want to live on, he did not see the point in further life and the only way out was death. The act of Andrey Guskov is an example of a dishonest act.

In our cruel age, it seems that the concepts of honor and dishonor have died. There is no particular need to preserve honor for girls - striptease and viciousness are paid dearly, and money is much more attractive than some ephemeral honor. I remember Knurov from Ostrovsky's "Dowry":

There are boundaries beyond which condemnation does not cross: I can offer you such an enormous content that the most evil critics of someone else's morality will have to shut up and open their mouths in surprise.

Sometimes it seems that men have not dreamed of serving for the good of the Fatherland for a long time, to protect their honor and dignity, to defend the Motherland. Probably, the literature remains the only evidence of the existence of these concepts.

The most cherished work of A.S. Pushkin begins with the epigraph: "Take care of honor from your youth" - which is part of the Russian proverb. The whole novel "The Captain's Daughter" gives us the best idea of ​​honor and dishonor. The protagonist Petrusha Grinev is a young man, almost a youth (at the time of his departure for the service he was "eighteen" years old according to the testimony of his mother), but he is so determined that he is ready to die on the gallows, but not tarnish his honor. And this is not only because his father bequeathed to him to serve in this way. Life without honor for a nobleman is like death. But his opponent and envious Shvabrin acts in a completely different way. His decision to go over to the side of Pugachev is determined by the fear for his life. He, unlike Grinev, does not want to die. The outcome of the life of each of the heroes is logical. Grinev lives a decent, albeit poor, landowner life and dies with his children and grandchildren. And the fate of Alexei Shvabrin is understandable, although Pushkin does not say anything about this, but most likely death or hard labor will cut off this unworthy life of a traitor, a man who has not retained his honor.

War is a catalyst for the most important human qualities, it shows either courage and courage, or meanness and cowardice. We can find proof of this in V. Bykov's story "Sotnikov". The two heroes are the moral poles of the story. A fisherman - energetic, strong, physically strong, but courageous? Once captured, on pain of death, he betrays his partisan detachment, betrays its deployment, weapons, strength - in short, everything in order to eliminate this hotbed of resistance to the Nazis. But frail, sickly, puny Sotnikov turns out to be courageous, endures torture, and decisively ascends to the scaffold, not doubting the correctness of his deed for a second. He knows that death is not as terrible as remorse from betrayal. At the end of the story, Rybak, who escaped death, tries to hang himself in the outhouse, but cannot, because he does not find a suitable tool (the belt was taken from him during his arrest). His death is a matter of time, he is not a completely fallen sinner, and living with such a burden is unbearable.

Years pass, in the historical memory of mankind there are still samples of acts of honor and conscience. Will they become an example for my contemporaries? I think yes. The heroes who died in Syria, rescuing people in fires, in disasters, prove that there is honor, dignity, and there are bearers of these noble qualities.