In which works there is a strong person. Who is a strong person? "What qualities have a proud person?": Mini-essay

In which works there is a strong person. Who is a strong person?
In which works there is a strong person. Who is a strong person? "What qualities have a proud person?": Mini-essay

M. Atteria for preparation for the composition 15.3 (OGE)

Strength of mind

1. The wording of the task;

2. Determining the value of the concept;

3. Abstracts on the topic;

4. Examples of arguments;

5. Works;

6. Bank of arguments;

1. Task formulation 15.3.

How do you understand the value of the combination " Strength of mind" ? Word and comment on this definition. Write an essay-reasoning on the topic "What is the power of the Spirit", taking the definition of you as a thesis. Argumenting your thesis, bring 2 (two) examples arguments confirming your arguments: one exampleaRGUMENTSWERSEFTEZ of the read text, and second -from your life experience.

2. Working with the concept

Often the concepts of the power of the will and the power of the human spirit are identified. But, if you are accurate, these are completely different things. In this article, let us define the power of the human spirit, consider ways to find it and develop.

Internal potential, second breathing, reserves of psyche and organism, emotional stability, the ability to maintain calm and adequate thinking in extreme situations - all this is the power of the Spirit.

Examples of people with her fully, we see every day, just do not notice. Most often they are near us - parents, grandparents. After all, few people think about how difficult it is to keep calm and be able to enjoy life in old age, fight various diseases and at the same time help children and grandchildren. In addition, it is worth paying attention and reflect on the examples of successful people with physical disabilities. They overcame the problem of the strength of the human spirit through long-term life tests associated not only with the incurable disease, but also with severe emotional load. Such people have learned to cope with the difficulties on their own, to achieve the goals And truly appreciate the time.

Strength of mind - This is the ability of a person to make himself do something through "I can not". It is she who is the main driving factor when reaching the goal. It is it who often becomes the cause of the last effort to achieve victory when the standard physical capabilities are completely exhausted.

By and large, the power of the Spirit is the inner energy of a person. It has every individual to a greater or lesser extent. This energy is not "disposable", as some believe, but accumulates and is transmitted from generation to generation. . WomanAdvice magazine - Tips for all occasions

Will, As a structural element of spirituality, it is a human ability to put a target and make all the necessary internal efforts to implement it.

Three links:

* Staging and awareness of the goal to meet your interest,

* decision making action and

* Selection of the most appropriate means and methods of implementation


The decisive moment in this chain of the volitional action is

* Fulfillment of the solution for which the so-called "Will force" is necessary.

Consciousness and will are closely related to each other: the higher the level of human consciousness, the more stable its value installations and the freeda will be free.


Strength of mind -one of the main qualities making a person is not physically physically, but morally. The power of the Spirit is made up of self-confidence, purposefulness, perseverance, persistence, imbiberance, faith in the best. The power of the Spirit causes a person to find a way out of a difficult situation, look into the future with optimism, to overcome vital vitality.

1. What is the power of the Spirit? The power of the Spirit is one of the qualities that make a person persistent and unbending. This power is made up of will and perseverance. About courageous people say that they are made of iron, do not be rushing and do not break.

2. The spirit of the Spirit (spirit hardness) is a high spiritual, soulful resistance. Thanks to it, the targets are achieved and the vertices are conquered. This is our entire inner energy, without which we cannot achieve anything in life.

3. The spirit of the Spirit is a human rod. It is a mental force that allows him to seek life purposes and overcome obstacles, makes us capable of a real act.

4. Examples of texts.

5. Examples of essays.

The power of the Spirit is one of the main qualities that do a strong person is not physically physically, but morally. The power of the Spirit is made up of self-confidence, purposefulness, perseverance, persistence, imbiberance, faith in the best. The power of the Spirit causes a person to find a way out of a difficult situation, look into the future with optimism, to overcome vital vitality. I will prove your words with specific examples.

Let us turn to the text of L.Ochinnikova. The huge power of the Spirit helped the heroons of this text during the war to survive the heavy, terrible days of the blockade. How many misfortunes fell to the share of Nures and Rai: Mother's death, hunger, cold! But the girls did not fell in spirit, they found the strength not only to live, but together with other guys to engage in creativity in the Palace of Pioneers, support their performances of fighters going into battle. And the sailors saw the strength of the Spirit of Leningrad schoolchildren, they felt in them spiritualized hope.

The legendary pilot, the Hero "Tale of the Real Man" of B.Polev, Alexey Meresyev, has an extraordinary power of the Spirit. Due to heavy injury during the Great Patriotic War, both legs amputated to him. But Meresyev did not fell in spirit. Thanks to regular training, overcome pain, Meresyev not only was able to recover physically, but also returned to the sky. The strength of the spirit of this person causes sincere admiration.

Thus, a person who has the power of the Spirit will cope with any difficulties. (188 words)

The power of the Spirit is one of the important qualities of a person who makes it strong not physically, but morally. Thanks to the power of the Spirit, a person is able to survive difficult life situations, cope with heavy memories, overcome their fears, believe in a bright future and to support others. I will prove the justice of your words by two examples.

Let us turn to the Text of Baklana G.Ya. , whose hero, young lieutenant, experienced all the war. He saw his own eyes, as his comrades died, heard shells break next to him. All these heavy impressions affected the spiritual state of the hero, but nevertheless he found the strength to live on and rejoice in ordinary things. This example proves that people can cope with life difficulties.

We also remember the history of two sisters, neras and parables who survived the heavy, terrible days of the blockade in Leningrad. Despite the death of mother, hunger, cold, girls did not fell in spirit, they continued to live, engaged in creativity and supported their speeches of sailors going into battle. The courage and durability of these girls causes admiration.

Thus, the power of the Spirit is the greatest human quality that helps win the victory over himself and circumstances. (173 words)

The power of the Spirit is one of the important qualities of a person who makes it strong not physically, but morally. The power of the Spirit helps to cope with various life difficulties. It manifests itself in durability and faith in the best future. I will prove your point of view by two examples.

Let us turn to the text of Ch.T. Aitmatova. It tells about the woman, the mother of a little boy who managed to cope with the heavy test of fate - the death of a husband in the war. In addition, she found the strength to continue life, raise the child and even show him how his father was his hero. This indicates the extraordinary resistance of the spirit of a woman.

Recall the other artwork - "Tale of a true man" B. Field, the main character of which is the pilot Alexei Meresyev. During the Great Patriotic War, his plane was shot down by the fascists. Fortunately, Meresyev remained alive, but because of frostbite, both legs amputically. However, despite the difficult rehabilitation, he learned to walk on prostheses, and later he sat down again. This suggests that Meresyev has the power of the Spirit.

Thus, the power of the Spirit is the most important quality of a person who helps overcome heavy life circumstances. (168 words)

A strong person is the one that can take the first step that realizes his mistakes and tries to fix them. This is a person who can ask for forgiveness, after all, it is easy to offend, and it is difficult to apologize.
In the text V. Astafieva (Proposals 21-25), the author himself makes a mistake that is aware of and corrects. In his words, "for forgiveness" and the concept of "strong man" is lighted.
The greatest power of the human spirit is not in the desire to avoid failures, but in the ability to rise after each fall. I consider my great-grandmother with a strong person. After her husband died, she could not let go of the past for a long time and live real. I hugged her and regretted it, but she told me: "Self-pity, the resentment for life is depleted by us, devastating the soul. They make us move along a closed circle, returning to the same bitter thoughts for years. "
Thus, you can sum up: it's never too late to start over again. But to start a new life, you need to let go of the past, it does not matter, it was good or bad. It is impossible to live forever with a circle of bitter losses, you can not live with regret of the past, happiness. All this takes strength, depriving hope for the future. Everything has already gone, so you do not need to try to return it, for forces will be spent in vain, but we will not help with tears. And now, when I come to my great-grandmother, she tells me about a horror with a smile and pride. Do not dwell on the thoughts about the past, live in today's day. And then you can be called a strong person.

A strong person, in my opinion, is the one who has a great physical force, powerful. Another meaning of the word is a hardwill person, persistent and, I think smart. The text of V. Sosieva describes the history of Pavlik and how he made friends with his relatives with whom could not find a common language. The boy first wanted to apply force for this: to fight with a sister, the brother began to pull the oars from the boat ... But it was an incorrect path: the force would not help Pavlik to establish relationships with the elders. An old man comes to the rescue, whom the boy meets in the park. He tells Pavlik a magical word, after which he approaches his sister, looks into her eyes and, pronouncing his request, adds the word "please" (offer 40). And this word makes the boy stronger!

Once he watched the boys on the street staged a fight: everyone sought to prove his strength on his fists. But suddenly one of them exclaimed: "What do we fight? Come to the tourist bar! Who will tighten more, that of us and stronger! "

I can conclude that a strong person is not always inflated muscles, but more often - solid will and mind. (167 words)


What person can be considered strong? In my understanding, a strong person is the one who will not offend the weak, who does not give up, even if the situation seems hopeless. Strong is a person who tries to achieve everything himself and can go against his principles or habits.

In the text in Oseva, we see the boy who, listening to the old man, was able to find a way to make up with everyone he offended (sentences 30-33). Man, even if he is still very young who could overcome himself, is a strong person.

In life, we also meet with strong people. For example, these are people with disabilities. I know the history of an excellent person - Nika Vuily. This strong person was born without hands and without hands. In childhood, Nick experienced because of this, but was able to overcome his fears, was able to accept himself as it was. In his life, he achieved a lot. Nick is the most famous motivational speaker. He is invited to universities and different other institutions in order for him to send people to find the meaning of life. His disease did not prevent him from marrying.

An example of Nika, I wanted to say that a person, no matter what kind of disabled person or not, should be strong, because everyone should have a meaning in life. Even if you think that everything is not output, you can not give up. You need to believe in yourself. Need to remain strong.


The power of the Spirit is one of the main qualities that do a strong person is not physically physically, but morally. The power of the Spirit is made up of self-confidence, purposefulness, perseverance, persistence, imbiberance, faith in the best. The power of the Spirit causes a person to find a way out of a difficult situation, look into the future with optimism, to overcome vital vitality. I will prove your words with specific examples.

Let us turn to the text of L.Ochinnikova. The huge power of the Spirit helped the heroons of this text during the war to survive the heavy, terrible days of the blockade. How many misfortunes fell to the share of Nures and Rai: Mother's death, hunger, cold! But the girls did not fell in spirit, they found the strength not only to live, but together with other guys to engage in creativity in the Palace of Pioneers, support their performances of fighters going into battle. And the sailors saw the strength of the Spirit of Leningrad schoolchildren, they felt in them spiritualized hope.

The legendary pilot, the Hero "Tale of the Real Man" of B.Polev, Alexey Meresyev, has an extraordinary power of the Spirit. Due to heavy injury during the Great Patriotic War, both legs amputated to him. But Meresyev did not fell in spirit. Thanks to regular training, overcome pain, Meresyev not only was able to recover physically, but also returned to the sky. The power of the spirit of this person causes sincere admiration!

Thus, a person who has the power of the Spirit will cope with any difficulties. (188 words)


A strong person is a man who is not afraid of anything. In any situation, he will know how to act. A strong person will not be offended by a weak and never lower his arms.
We can read about a strong person in the text of the famous Writer M. Gorky. The main character is a grandmother thanks to which the fire was stopped. She was not afraid and went straight into the fire to pick up a bottle of vitriol. If it were not for her courage, the bottle would have ignored, and the fire would go further. And this would have led to the fire of other buildings. She also saved the horse, which was three times more her. The heroine was not afraid and acted as a truly strong person.
Currently, on Earth there are many examples of strong people-people of heroes. One of them serves Julia King, living in Karelia. When two boats with children turned over during the storm, Julia pulled them out of the water, thus saved their lives. Julia is a strong person, as she did not pass by and did not quit in the misfortune.
Thus, a strong person is a person who does not surrender and, despite the circumstances, helps in a difficult situation. A strong man never puts himself above the others.

By text L.Ochinnikova

The power of the Spirit is the ability of a person to make himself do something through "I can not". It is she who is the main driving factor when reaching the goal.



inner energy of man

What is the power of the Spirit? The power of the Spirit is one of the qualities that make a person persistent and unbending. This power is made up of will and perseverance. About courageous people say that they are made of iron, do not be rushing and do not break.

The legendary pilot, the unusual power of the Spirit, hero "Tale of the true man" B.Polevov Alexey Meresyev. Due to heavy injury during the Great Patriotic War, both legs amputated to him. But Meresyev did not fell in spirit. Thanks to regular training, overcome pain, Meresyev not only was able to recover physically, but also returned to the sky. The power of the spirit of this person causes sincere admiration!

By the text G.Ya. Baklanov

The power of the Spirit is one of the important qualities of a person who makes it strong not physically, but morally. Thanks to the power of the Spirit, a person is able to survive difficult life situations, cope with heavy memories, overcome their fears, believe in a bright future and to support others.

The power of the Spirit is a human rod. It is a mental force that allows him to seek life purposes and overcome obstacles, makes us capable of a real act.

We also remember the history of two sisters, neras and parables who survived the heavy, terrible days of the blockade in Leningrad. Despite the death of mother, hunger, cold, girls did not fell in spirit, they continued to live, engaged in creativity and supported their speeches of sailors going into battle. The courage and durability of these girls causes admiration.

By the text of Ch. Aytmatova about Avalbeka

The power of the Spirit (spirit hardness) is a high spiritual, soulful resistance. Thanks to it, the targets are achieved and the vertices are conquered. This is our entire inner energy, without which we cannot achieve anything in life.

The power of the Spirit is one of the important qualities of a person who makes it strong not physically, but morally. The power of the Spirit helps to cope with various life difficulties. It manifests itself in durability and faith in the best future.

Recall the other artwork - "Tale of a true man" B. Field, the main character of which is the pilot Alexei Meresyev. During the Great Patriotic War, his plane was shot down by the fascists. Fortunately, Meresyev remained alive, but because of frostbite, both legs amputically. However, despite the difficult rehabilitation, he learned to walk on prostheses, and later he sat down again. This suggests that Meresyev has the power of the Spirit.

Examples of life

They achieved success only thanks to the power of will.

Ludwig Van Beethoven, Albert Einstein, Miguel de Cervantes Saoveavena - We hear these names from childhood. But few people know, through what tests they had to go. They achieved success only thanks to the power of will. Represents the stories of people who showered the world that for those who believe in themselves there are no obstacles.

Being deaf from one and a half years, she made his credo phrase "the only thing I don't know how to do is heard." In childhood, despite the advice of doctors, the parents gave the girl to the usual school (instead of institution for deaf), and with the help of special programs, it has adapted with time. Due to this, she became the first and only deaf actress that received an Oscar. Marley often says: "I do everything so that people understand what my parents taught me that the deaf deserve not only respect, but also to be heard."

"I do not need hands and legs. I need life. And never give up! " - This creation helped him become one of the most famous motivational speakers, to get economic education, marry and start two children. Will's power Nick Vuychich received from Mother. In one of the interview, he said that her words asked tone for his entire life: "Nicholas," she said, "you have to play with normal children, because you are normal." Yes, you have anything lacking, but these are nothing. "

He writes the books, sings, surfing and plays golf. Often travels the world with lectures to help young people find the meaning of life, realize and develop their abilities and talents.

In the student years, Stephen began to show signs of lateral amyotrophic sclerosis. The disease progressed, and after a few years he became completely immobilized, and after the surge surgery lost the ability to speak. However, it did not prevent him from his 74th twice to marry, grow three children and become one of the most prominent scientists of modernity.

Now he is one of the most influential modern physicists of theorists. According to him, he achieved success in many ways due to his fear: "Previously, life seemed boring. Now I am definitely happier. The prospect is to die early forced me to understand that life is worth it to live. So much can be done, everyone can do so much! ".

Frida Kalo is an outstanding Mexican artist who has become famous thanks to his extraordinary paintings. At the age of 6, she was seriously ill polio, because of what her leg was thinner than another. At that moment its iron character began to be formed. To get rid of ridicule of peers who teased her "Frida - a wooden foot", the girl took up swimming, dancing, football and boxing.

In the adolescence, Frida fell into a car accident, because of which all his life suffered strong pains in the spine. After the accident, the girl could not get up from bed for several months. At this time, she constantly wrote the paintings, in most - self portraits. Now the works of Frida Calo cost millions of dollars.

Ray Charles is a legendary American musician who received 12 grammy premiums. In childhood, he began to lose sight, and by 7 years completely blind. When Ray was 15 years old, his mother died. The young man could not sleep for many days, there is and talk. He was sure that he would go crazy. When he came out of depression, I realized that he would survive this tragedy, could cope with anything.

At 17, the musician began to record his first singles in Soul styles, jazz and rhythm and blues. Now, many consider Ray Charles by a human legend: his works were even included in the library of the US Congress. In 2004, after the death of a musician, the Rolling Stone magazine included Ray Charles at number 10 to the list of the 100 greatest artists of all time.

For 39 years, he fell ill with polio. Perennial treatment did not help, and the future president remained challenged to the wheelchair. After he realized how serious is a parable, no one has heard complaints from him. Collective will in the fist, Roosevelt tried unsuccessfully to learn how to walk, using crutches and heavy orthopedic devices. Despite the disease, he became president of the United States. "The only obstacle to the implementation of our plans for tomorrow may be our today's doubts" - said Roosevelt.

At 1.5 years after the suffered disease, Helen Keller lost sight and hearing. But it did not break her spirit, she managed to realize his dream to become a writer: several books, more than 400 articles were published under her name. She became the first tender man who received a bachelor's degree of graceful arts. In addition, Keller actively participated in politics: struggled for the rights of women and workers.

Success Helen Keller has achieved thanks to his strong character and curiosity. She often said: "When one door is closed, the other opens; but we often do not notice her, looking at the closed door." At 26, Ludwig began to lose hearing. But this circumstance does not prevent him from writing music. When he almost stopped hearing, he wrote a "lunar sonata", and being absolutely deaf, the play-baggage "To Elise" (the one that sounds from music boxes).

Thanks to a resistant character and talent, he learned to listen to music inside, and after writing the 9th Symphony he himself conducted at the concert. After the triumphal speech, he burst out. "There is no barriers to a person with a talent and love of work" - Beethoven repeated.

When Einstein was a small child, it was difficult to assume that he would succeed in life. Up to three years, Albert did not know how to speak, suffered from autism and dyslexia. Studying in the gymnasium, he often missed classes, because of what did not receive a certificate. To prove to parents, what he really is worth, Einstein has prepared independently and he acted as second times in the polytechnic in Zurich.

The strength of the character is a kind of person's ability indicator and defend itself as a person.

What is the power of character? (final writings)

Option 1

I think this is the ability of a person to achieve the goal, the ability to overcome difficulties and various obstacles and defend their beliefs. Power of character is freedom from prejudice and stereotypes.

Heroes of the K.G. are owners of this nature. . Headquarters Captain Ivanov did not hesitate to do the work of his sick bouncer. This man taught not to be shying simple things and the gymnasicist, on behalf of which the story is conducted. The boy first experienced a shame due to the fact that he was carrying a purse with a cabbage, but then he "not only did not shy away from the coarse work, but he faced it in every way." So he brought a strong character.

Once I watched my friend Colop Firewood. He did not work for a long time, but she persistently continued to attempt until he coped with the goal.

Only a person with a strong character is able to exercise perseverance in achieving the goal.

Option 2.

We often have to hear from adults that it is necessary to generate the power of character. What is it? I think that the nature of character is such a quality of a person who is expressed in the ability to regulate their emotions and make the right decisions in difficult life situations.

I believe that not every person has the power of character. After all, it is so difficult in a difficult situation to take yourself in hand, take the right decision, and also be patient in achieving the goal. Sometimes it is necessary to show composure, sometimes mercy. But, in any case, you need to be able to lead yourself, sometimes other people in order to get out and bring other people from a difficult situation.

And it is extremely difficult. Power of character and physical strength is not the same thing. The human force can also be weak in its physical data. A vivid example of the manifestation of the nature of character is the behavior of DREP, the story hero A., whose source text is proposed for analysis.

Despite the fact that the daughter accidentally destroyed his many years of scientific work, he kept his emotions and came to the right decision to start all over again. It is not known how another person would lead, being in a similar situation.

There are many examples in fiction, when people are sometimes the incredible power of character. For example, the main hero of the story of Mikhail Andrei Sokolov, having lost his closest and relatives during the war, his family, did not put his hands. He found the power to continue to live on.

Sokolov worked and even adopted the boy-sirota Vanya, giving him family happiness. I believe that this is an act of a strong character of man. Thus, judging by the arguments given by me, it can be argued that the nature of character is the important quality of the person who needs to educate and develop.

Option 3.

The power of the Spirit is an abstract concept in which there is a hidden meaning. I think that the power of the Spirit is, first, purposefulness, faith in itself and their strength; Secondly, positive ambitions, perseverance and resistance. It allows a person to believe in the best even in the most seemingly hopeless situations, overcome difficulties and vital adversity.

Many people are accustomed to pitying themselves, but those who truth faced with misfortune, for example, remained disabled, they find the vitality of living on, their spirit is growing, and they even rejoice in life, adapting to her. Such people are difficult not to admire. I recently watched a report of a journalist, who spent a whole day, chained in a wheelchair, together with a public figure, who himself was a man with disabilities.

In fact, it is very hard to be devoid of legs, even drive a few meters seem to be unbearable. But such people do not give up, they try not to give up. The person participating in the experiment spoke about his life, about how he suddenly became disabled, as it was difficult to adapt, and how he became a public figure. This man won up over circumstances, and even opened a sports club for the same people with disabilities, where they can train in different sports, sometimes they participate in the Paralympic Games. This is the power of the Spirit!

A vivid example of the demonstration of the Will Force servers about people who survived the terrible war years. The war changes people, creating the conditions for quenching the Spirit. People fought for every breath, stood to death, not afraid of anything and anyone - the real heroes. Their strength of the Spirit was so strong that they could not stop anything. For example, the hero "" flew with amputated legs, overcome pain. It is this power of the Spirit to admire.

In conclusion, it can be concluded that the power of the spirit is the greatest quality of a person who helps to overpower themselves and go forward to the target target, no matter what.

Option 4.

In my opinion, the strength of character is one of the qualities that make a person persistent and unbending. The power is made up of self-confidence, will and perseverance. The concept plays a huge role in our lives, because the higher the power of the character, the more confident and calm you feel.

An excellent confirmation of this thought is the text of Alexander Green and my life experience. So, in the text, this concept is revealed in the Tavi act. This is a daughter Dapa, who moved to him to visit to help his father and celebrate a holiday. She mistaken, wanting to drink the father of coffee and deliver the joy to his concern, burned a very important manuscript.

Tavi did not even understand that DREP was crying from pain not the loss of many years of work. But he had enough character forces not to say not a word about it so as not to spoil his daughter joy from meeting him. The hero understands that he will have to restore the manuscript for a long time, but he will do it, remembering the heart of his daughter and her caring hands. DREP was happy that the daughter brought clean and warmth to the house (offers 54-55).

The strength of the character is manifested not only in difficult moments of life, but also in joyful. Sometimes it is equally important to keep the tears of joy. I can prove your opinion as an example from life experience. Once I happened to be a witness of the event that I helped me: these were competitions on ballroom dancing.

One couple took the 6th place and was dissatisfied with the result, but they did not cry. But the couple who took 1st place was crying for joy, they did not have enough character forces to keep the surgery feelings. Thus, the manifestation of character force is necessary to every person, and it needs to be trained from youth.

Option 5.

Since the most long-old, the Russian people surprised all the peoples of the world by the strength of their spirit and character. No wonder among many nations, there were legends that the Russian people were almost impossible to defeat the Russian people that the Russian warriors were fearless and never retreat in the face of danger.

Recall at least the heroes of the monument of ancient Russian writing - "". The author of "Words about the regiment of Igor" departs from the objective and historical sequence of events and as an artist unfolds a bright panorama of poetic paintings and images. He does not say so much about the individual facts of the campaign, how much reflects on the destiny of the native land, twisted above the past and the future - "from the old Vladimir to the current Igor." Central images "Words ..." are Russian land and Russian people. What would be written about and whom the author remembered from the princes, he does not forget his fatherland. Walking for the army of Igor, he proclaims several times: "About Russian land, already for the shellarny, ESI!"

Thus, the author is trying to emphasize that it is his native land for Russian warriors a major value, it is for her who they are ready to give their lives, and she, in turn, protects them from trouble. Maybe it is in such a holy attitude to his native land and consists of Russian power? But let's try to follow the author in search of a response to your question.

After the tragic battle on the Kaivela River, "the Black Earth under the hooves was dice of dice, and the blood of the polita: all the Russian Earth was walked!", And the brave Rusichi "ran up for Earth Russian." After that, according to the author, "the longing was frowning in Russian land, the sadness was inevitable to flow the land of Russian land." Having learned about the defeat, Kiev Prince Svyatoslav in his "Golden Word", mixed with tears, several times spells compatriots to stand "for Earth Russian, for Igor's wounds." Thus, we once again convinced the value and significance for the Rus Protection Rusi from attack, unity in this struggle.

At the same time, the poem shows the image of the Russian people: the people, the people of the warrior, the people - the defender of the native land. Prince Vsevolod proudly speaks of his warriors that they were "satellites" under the pipes, under the helmets "taken", from the tip of the spear is fed. They go to the hike not as conquerors. For them, Polovtsoy wealth is worth nothing, they are negligious to the trophies. War fearlessly die for Russian land.

In the "Word ..." brightly represented images of ancient Russian princes. The most clearly discharged images of Music Igor and Vsevolov's brothers. The author speaks about them with sympathy, hesitates their courage, but at the same time comes on their peculiar and solidity, for the inconsistency of their actions with the policies of other princes, Kiev Prince.

The author retreats from the historical truth, idealizing and heroizing the image of the Grand Kiev Prince Svyatoslav, but does this with a certain political purpose, since it considers Kiev as the Center for the Union of Russian Principles into a single feudal state. The image of Svyatoslav - a wise, balanced ruler and a commander, Grozny for the Polovtsy, a saddled "father" of the broken Rusch, is revealed in his symbolic "dark" dream and "golden word", "with tears mixed", which is the central part of the poem. This traditional artistic technique gives the author the opportunity to assess the activities of the Russian princes of the XI-XII centuries.

The women's images of the poem - Yaroslavna, mourning on the shaft in Putivile, the defeat and captivity of her husband, gentle Glebovna, the wife of Vsevolod, who became the embodiment of the loyalty and eternity of life, expectations, consecrated by love, the immutability of good on the bodied by blood. And we can see that Russian women are as strong as warriors, but their strength is loyalty, devotion to their chosentes, which makes it confidence in their struggle.

In Russian classical literature, women's images have become incarnation of the best features of a national character. Among them, Katerina A. N., Daria and Matrena Timofeevna N. A., Princess Marya Bolkonskaya and Natasha Rostov L. N. Tolstoy, Olga Ilinskaya I. A., Expressive images of the heroine of many works I. S., I. A. .

Despite the unconditional differences in life circumstances, all the characters of the works of Russian writers have, undoubtedly, the main general feature. They are distinguished by the ability to love deep and selflessly, revealing as a personality with a deep inner world. And the first in this row is the heroic female images "Words about the regiment of Igor".

The author of the Old Russian monument was able to rise above the selfish interests of the princes, their korestolobivoy and ambitious policy and express the interests of the whole Russian people, his desire for unity and the world, the desire to preserve their integrity of th culture, to demonstrate the exceptional strength of the spirit of the Russian people, his readiness for the feat of the native Earth.

Russian strength can also be traced on the historical example.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, whose fate and creativity are a wonderful example of selfless service of their homeland, born in 1711 in the family of a peasant Pomel, in a village located on one of the islands of Northern Dvina, near the city of Kholmogory. From the ten-year-old age, Lomonosov experienced all the difficulties of the marine fishery, which his father was engaged in, and they strengthened in his character courage, endurance, resourcefulness. Thanks to all these qualities, he became the author of wonderful discoveries, the creator of fundamental and original scientific papers.

"Historian, rhetoric, physicist, mechanic, chemist, mineralog, artist and verse," said A. S. Pushkin about him. And indeed, it is difficult to name the area of \u200b\u200bknowledge in which the genius of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov would not show. He experienced the law of preserving the substance, studied the phenomena associated with atmospheric electricity, led the device for the manufacture of colored glass - smalts, created several mosaic cloths and panels, the first to speak about the possibility of shipping in the Arctic Ocean.

As the founder of Russian chemical science, he developed problems completely new for that time of the region of knowledge - physical chemistry. Investigated Lomonosov and geology problems, finding the cause of earthquakes, opening the organic origin of underground fossil - peat, stone coal, oil, etc.

I was interested in astronomy, led to observation of celestial bodies using an independently designed telescope. He introduced a great contribution to the development of historical science. Lomonosov was rightly proud of his people, which in difficult life conditions "did not waste" but also the highest degree of majesty, the power and glory made. "

However, Lomonosov introduced the most significant contribution to the development of national literature. He achieved the unity of the content and form in the literary language. The result of the painstaking and tense work of Lomonosov over the literary language was his philological work "Rhetoric", "Grammar", treatise "about the benefits of church books in Russian." At the same time, his own literary heritage is quite diverse and covers all genres and directions. Majestic, solemn and deeply penetrated Lomonosov's penetration was completely subordinated to the spiritual and material needs of the people.

Mikhail Lomonosov became the founder of the first Russian university. This university is in Moscow and carrying his name.

Thus, we see how the son of a simple fisherman due to the exceptional strength of his character achieved a dream. The educational role of his life and personality noted at one time the famous critic V. G. Belinsky: "Young people with special attention and special love should study his life, to carry his best image in his heart," because all its energy, knowledge and talent m . V. Lomonosov sent to the struggle for a new, enlightened, mighty and majestic homeland, glorifying Russian heroes in his works "from the farmer to the king." All his life and activities are an excellent example of devotional service to Fatherland.

The biography of another person can serve as an example of a Russian exceptional force.

Academician S. P. Korolev is a famous scientist and founder of practical cosmonautics. He was the main designer of the first satellites of the Earth and spacecraft. In 1923, another boy, Sergey Korolev joined the planer club, where he learned to design gliders. In 1925, Korolev entered the Polytechnic Institute, where he studied aviation and mathematics, but in the evenings he needed to make money. He was a builder, he worked in the mail, performed small roles in films.

Having moved to Moscow, in the afternoon worked at the aircraft factory, in the evenings studied at the Moscow Higher Technical School, and after lectures he worked at home, designing new aircraft. He applied incredible efforts to achieve his goal, to carry out an excellent children's dream and the dream of all mankind - to fly. In the Moscow technical school, Korolev met with the ideas of cosmic flights of Tsiolkovsky and with his rocket.

During the Great Patriotic War, Korolev created a jet engine for aircraft and rockets, and on October 4, 1957, the first artificial satellite of the Earth was launched. This satellite became the result of the thirty-year-old hard labor of many people, and Korolev was his chief designer. Then the dog flew into space. And only after many experiments in space, the first cosmonaut of the world Yu. A. Gagarin flew in the spacecraft "East". It was April 12, 1961. Yu. A. Gagarin is also a wonderful example of the strength of the Russian national nature, the desire to achieve the goal, serving to their Fatherland. People will always remember the names of those who opened a new era in the conquest of space.

Thus, the strength and beauty of the nature of the Russian people is manifested primarily in devotional love for their land, in the desire to make everything possible for her, in faith in their strength and desire to constantly move forward, as well as in unlimited courage and humans.

Essay "Power of Character" - OGE

The strength of character is the ability in any situation to maintain composure, the ability to make an effort on their emotions, weakness or anger. Only a person with a strong character will be able to keep his feelings in the ultrasound, even if they are so rushing out. I believe that a person may well bring up in itself the power of character, as well as the power of will. Various life situations, testing, work on themselves will help to harden in nature.

A scientist Egmont DREP, which is described in this passage is a vivid example of a person who has a power of character. It is clear to us from the joke that DRE has dedicated a lot of time scientific work, he no longer remembered his life without this manuscript. But in one moment she accidentally lost this work. The scientist was shocked and almost saddened. He was and hurt, and insulting because of the lost time. He understood that he would have to start all over and spend five at least five years. But he took himself in his hands and did not give out his condition. Egmont demonstrated the power of character, hid his shock so as not to upset Tavi.

Speaking of character strength, I remember my grandmother. When she lost his beloved son in the war, she, in spite of everything, kept, without showing his state to people who came to express condolences. Grandma did not want to upset her family even more, so he kept himself, did not show her tears. And although everyone was clear which grief it was comprehended, no one saw the grandmother broken. This, I think, is an example of the nature of the character and strength of the Spirit.

The strength of character is the ability to focusing the voltage of the will. Few people at the decisive moment can take themselves in their hands and direct efforts to the right direction. But the heroes of K. Powesta are clearly apparently.

What is the power of character (according to the text K. POUST)

In the given text, the headquarters-captain Ivanov temporarily lost the services of the junction - he was very sick. However, the hero did not fall to the Spirit and complain about fate. He himself took over the responsibilities of the colleague and fulfilled them on conscience. He took a good example and a gymnasium. The boy "not only did not shy away from the coarse work, but in every way it was fabricated." In the difficult minutes, the tests of a person with a strong character independently solves the problem and is not afraid of difficulties.

In the work of A. S. Pushkin "" is also described as an example. Peter Grinove goes out to keep out his bride alone, risking life. A young girl blackmailed one of the girlfriends Pugacheva - Alexey Shvabrin. She urgently needed help, because the tormentor day from day was becoming more sophisticated. Peter saved Marwe from captivity and did not succumb to fear and weakness. This act was manifested by the power of his character.

Thus, the nature of character is the ability to mobilize all internal forces on the fight against difficulties and barriers.

One of the main characters of the poem N. A. Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia" - Grisha Dobrozlonov - the personality is bright, standing out against the background of other characters. Like Danko, the hero of the poem does not live for himself, but lives for others, lives the struggle for the happiness of the people.

Gregory does not agree to conquer fate and keep such a sad and wretched life, which is characteristic of most people around him. Grisha chooses a different way for himself, becomes a folk intercessor. He is not afraid that his life will be difficult.

His fate prepared

Path nice, Name Loud

Folk intercession

Cahotku and Siberia.

Since childhood, Grisha lived among the poor, unfortunate, despised and helpless people. He with Mother's Milk absorbed all the troubles of folk, so he does not want and cannot live for their own egoistic interests. He is very smart, has a strong character. And he displays it to a new road, does not allow to remain indifferent to popular disasters. Reflections Gregory about the fate of the people testify to the living compassion that makes Grisch choose such a difficult path for himself. In the soul of Grisha Dobrosaklon, gradually critches the confidence that his homeland will not perish, despite all the suffering and sorrow, which fell on her share. Nekrasov created his hero, focusing on the fate of N. A. Dobrolyubov.

The image of Gregory Dobrosqulon in the poem of Nekrasov "Who in Russia live is good", hesitates the hope of the moral and political revival of Russia, in changing the consciousness of the simple Russian people.

The finale of the poems shows that the happiness is molded. And even if it is still far to the moment when a simple person can call himself happy. But time will pass - and everything will change. And far from the latter role will be played by Gregory Dobrozlonov and his ideas. Like Danko, the hero of the poem does not live for himself, but lives for others, lives the struggle for the happiness of the people.

But there are bright, strong personalities in Russian literature, but they could not find applications with their abilities, their "immense forces". For example, Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin, the hero of the work of M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time." Already in the title, it is emphasized that it will be a strong, outstanding person. Pechorin is a deep character. The "sharp chilled mind" is combined with him, with thirst for activity and with the power of will. He feels the immense forces, but she crashes them into little things, for love adventures, without doing anything useful. Pechorin makes unhappy people who surround it. So he interferes into the life of smugglers, takes away to everyone without disaster, plays the fate of Bala, love of faith. He wins over the Huschnitsky in the duel and becomes the hero of that society that despises. It is above the environment, the smart is formed. But internally devastated, disappointed. He lives "out of curiosity", on the one hand, and on the other hand, he has indestructible thirst for life. The character of Pechorin is very contradictory. He says: "I have long lived for a long time, but my head." He painfully looking for a way out, thinks about the role of fate, looking for an understanding among people of another circle. And it does not find a sphere of activity, applying their forces.

This article has a lot of mini-essays and essays on the topic "Internal qualities of a person."

A person should be faithful to his friends and beloved, as well as his life principles, should adhere to moral and ethical norms, be able to be responsible for their actions.

Accustomed accuracy, thrift, business, the ability to find a common language with people. What other qualities should have a person? Continuing this thought in writings below. Such essays will help you prepare for the Russian language and literature.

"What moral qualities should a man have?": An essay, arguments, examples from literature.

"What moral qualities should a person have?"

Humanity has long been dividing people on "good" and "bad", "decent" and "unworthy." Balance between these concepts is also eternal as opposition to good and evil. Therefore, it often arises quite a logical question: "What moral qualities should a person have?". Of course, it will be about positive aspects of character.

Arguments for an essay of a person:

Good to be needed. Since evil always returns evil, and good actions are always rewarded. Sincerity is important - however, it is worth remembering that not any companion can be opened. Also, a good person is almost always merciful, capable of compassion, dare, tacty and noble. Sometimes he can show compassion even to liner enemies.

An important role is played by the ability to love - and not only another person, but also their own life. Also good internal qualities of a person are: determination, dedication, will to victory, the ability to stand up for yourself. Quite often they can help in a quarry, where a person sometimes has to "go through the heads" and fight for the "place under the sun".

A good person should also have responsiveness. But this quality should not be hypertrophy - because the whole world will not help. However, it is very important to be retrieved in this world.

Given the modern realities, balancedness and the ability to maintain composure even in the most difficult life situations. In a business environment, this quality is often called "stress resistance".

The initiative and caring representatives of the human race are valued. An important role is played by charm. To achieve success in something, it is important to be responsible, diligent and hardworking.

Examples from literature:

The positive qualities of a person were often chased in the literature. Suppose Natalia Savishna, Heroine Tale Tolstoy "Childhood"Always had a good and responsive to its owners. And they considered her not at all serving, but a member of her family. That is why when heroine gave free, she refused to leave the house to which she was used to. This elderly woman for many is a sample of kindness, compassion, honesty, hardworking, diligence and humans.

Excellent example of compassion and teacher from the story Valentina Rasputina "French Lessons". She sincerely comongs to his student, leaving a poor family. The child is starving, but natural pride does not allow him to take products and money from other people's hands.

That is why a young woman resorts to tricks - she plays with a boys in gambling, succumbing to him so that he could win at least a minor amount to his food. By the way, this image can be called an example of "lies in good", which is sometimes useful. Yes, the heroine of Lukavit, but its task is to help the malicious growing organism.

An example of such positive quality as courage is Peter Grinev From the story "Captain's daughter",who wrote Alexander Pushkin. Without keeping fear, he fights for the Belogorsk Fortress. Also, the character has an aggravated sense of justice, above all he appreciates the sense of duty.

"What qualities are love in man in man?": An essay, arguments, examples from literature

"What qualities are love in a person?"

Some wonder - the ability to love this quality congenital or acquired? What qualities are love in a person?

Arguments, an essay:

We can say that this ability we absorb with Mother's Milk. However, in the world there are quite a lot of stale people who are incapable of such a feeling. Can I learn to love?

If you allow everyday work on yourself, as a result of which the rude, the rigorous man becomes more kind, sensitive, responsive and sincere, will learn to show tenderness and care of the object of his adoration, it is real.

It turns out, love in man reveals such qualities as:

  • Responsiveness
  • Ability to take care of the neighbor
  • Sensuality
  • Empathy
  • Kindness
  • Honesty
  • Sincerity
  • Openness
  • Sacrifice
  • The ability to see excellent
  • Ability to show affiliate and tenderness

The high feeling seems to "adjust" the deficiencies of the person, it is capable of not only to paint a person, but also to do it better. That is why the in love seems to society updated, transformed. He seems to exude incredible spiritual light, whose rays apply to all who are near.

Examples from literature:

In the work "Romeo and Juliet" Imaginary death of the beloved forced the young man "to reduce scores with life." Since he did not see sense to exist in this world further without beloved. By the way, the girl herself accepted a similar decision when he saw the real death of his beloved. This undoubtedly can be called the highest manifestation of love.

In addition to such quality as sacrifice, the heroes literally exuded spiritual dependence on the object of adoration, determination, uncompromising. Despite the fact that many may consider this example negative, in view of the death of heroes, love still made a "good deed" - after all, two long-time walled clan finally went on a truce.

A model of how love changes people, is and Margarita From the novel Bulgakov. Despite the fact that the woman is accustomed to live in prosperity, nothing needs, she truly loved Masters, Understands that in fact, all the Ipostasis of wealth is unnecessary tinsel. It is only one thing - the ability to be close to the beloved and to assist him in his work, to maintain in a difficult moment.

Accordingly, a kindness, responsiveness, sacrifice, deep attachment appear in the heroine, it becomes more sublime and less mercantile. Moreover, the girl goes to the most extreme measure in the name of his partner - she gives his soul to the devil. Thus, the master is alive, and he is waiting for hell. There is also an example of remuneration for kindness - a woman gets forgiveness. Thus, the fate encourages the sincerity of its act.

"What qualities should have a person of honor?": Mini Essay

A person of honor can be called a person who confesses a certain system of values \u200b\u200band life priorities regardless of external factors. Thus, such an individual has persistence, exposure, determination, loyalty to moral ideals, he can argued to defend his opinion. Here is a mini-essay on the topic "What qualities should have a person of honor?":

Not alien to a person of honoring such qualities:

  • Responsiveness
  • Sacrifice
  • Honesty
  • Empathy

After all, the salvation of someone's life or the defense of the Motherland is also "a matter of honor." What other qualities should have a person of honor?

As a rule, "people of honor" are principled. But this is not a stupid perseverance. Often, similar identities can explain the motives of their good deeds. They are incredibly decisive. After all, in order to make a feat, you need to have a sufficiently large number of courage.

A good example of "human honor" is Ostap from the story "Taras Bulba", one of the sons of the Great Ataman. This Cossack, deprived of fear, strictly "faithful" in the understanding of his and his associates, doctrines, the basic meaning of which is the protection of the Motherland.

His positive qualities:

  • Dedication
  • Perseverance
  • Conscientious
  • Tract for justice

Why is the struggle with lyhas for him - the case of principle and honor? Because they not only destroyed his house and killed his native mother, but intended to deprive the last in life - faith. That is why the young man sacrifices personal benefits for the fight for the freedom of its people.

Also a person of honor - the hero of the work Cook "Duel". After all, like Pushkin at one time, he defends the honor of his beloved, without sparing the belly, at the cost of his own life.

In general, the honor is inextricably linked with human conscience - after all, such people never go against their own principles and beliefs. For them, it is taboo, to violate the death like.

In which of the literary examples, the personal qualities of a person are manifested?

Andrei Bolkonsky is a literary example in which the personal qualities of a person are manifested.

In fact, the personality qualities of a person are manifested in almost every literary creation, because the task of the writer is not only as interesting as possible to portray life and events from the life of fictional heroes, but also to give the latter maximum similarities with real people.

The literary characters have the same qualities as those whom we see every day on the street - they can be kind and infinite, principled and flexible in those cases when it comes to personal gain, they can sincerely love and empathize, go to the victims, defend their or someone's honor.

Here are specific literary examples in which man's personal qualities are manifested:

Suppose courage. It is manifested Andrey Bolkonsky In the work "War and Peace". When many have already lost faith, a young man not only keeps optimism, he "charges" courage and determination of everyone who is near.

Also an excellent example is Vanya Solntsev Of the creation "Son Shelf". Having lost his parents due to the cunning of the war, the boy is brought up by soldiers. Life events and efforts of senior comrades grow up such useful qualities in the child as:

  • Honesty
  • Sincerity
  • A responsibility
  • Responsiveness
  • Bravery
  • Determination
  • Principle
  • Courage

Therefore, in its rather young age, the guy already knows the price of matters and words, it comes as characterized by the "true man." Partly due to a sense of duty, and maybe because "not to fall into the dirt face," will not seem weak and cowardly.
Military highly appreciate the efforts of the pupil. After the death of the commander, he is recommended to the Suvorov School.

As for adult military, they also show personal qualities. In addition to valor, honor and courage is:

  • Compassion
  • Empathy
  • Responsiveness
  • Attentiveness
  • Sincerity
  • Honesty
  • Care

Each military will come to help a person if he found himself in trouble. We are observing constantly in the news and just outside in your city.

"What qualities should a bold man have?": Essays

The image of a bold person is perfectly depicted in the literary creations illuminating the events of the wars. In general, such a person should be:

  • Decisive
  • Principled
  • Confident and their actions
  • Balanced
  • Responsible
  • Decisive

Also, a person must appreciate the sense of duty. Here is an essay on the topic "What qualities should have a bold man":

A bold man must be resistant - after all, one decisiveness is not enough. We also need endurance, the power of the will, the ability to endure the burdens and deprivation, to tolerate moral and physical pain.

A bold man is usually honest and fair. Just as in the case of a "honor person", he is faithful to his own principles, ideas and beliefs. It is simply impossible to knock down from the way - it will always reach the target target.

However, on the way to victory, the real hero and the bravel will not resort to the meanness (after all, in fact, meanness is a manifestation of cowardice), it will better choose a more thorny, but honest way and will achieve victory with his actions and hard work. Of course, petty, greed and korestoloby for a bold person are unacceptable. This is a strong, volitional personality, which is not afraid of tests.

In the novel Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" So is Andrey Sokolov. The hero does not know what fear is. Neither the battle, nor the captivity, nor death could not tune him. Whatever happens, Andrei takes all the difficulties with dignity, does not robet and does not complain.

Same is the hero of the story L. Panteleeva "On Yalik"which transports people across the river. From everywhere, fragments of anti-aircraft shells fly, but the carrier does not stop and continues its business - not because it is not afraid, and because it understands that this is a matter of honor. If he had saved and showed cowardice, then with him would lose their lives and other people. Therefore, he holds all emotions and feelings in the depths of the soul and thinks only about how to quickly reach the shore, so that the "crew" could land "safe and preservation."

"What is the connection between the activities and qualities of a person?": Essay

There is direct connection between the activities and qualities of a person. After all, even in peacetime, the character of a person is extremely affected even to choosing his profession. Suppose a cowardly, afraid of blood, a person will never become a surgeon. Principal, decisive, bold, responsible "people of honor" with an exacerbate sense of justice find themselves in law enforcement agencies.

Here essay on the topic "What is the connection between the activities and qualities of a person":

Completed positive qualities, good, responsive, decent, but a weakweight person, as a rule, chooses a more relaxed and measured activity. In most cases, it can become an office clerk or librarian, but not a military, sailor, lifeguard.

Accordingly, the personality qualities of a person not only depend on the kind of activity, in the required period of life they define it. The sphere in which a person manifests itself is due to his congenital talents, abilities and inclinations and personal qualities.

However, there are exceptions. Suppose in the biographies of some artists and singers, it is indicated that in childhood they were very shy and public speeches seemed to them a challenge. But subsequently these people were able to "overcome" themselves and conquer the world. Consequently, in some cases, the generation of activities can get rid of fears, phobias, uncertainty, "releaving" a specific personality.

An example of life can serve as a service in the army. Indeed, often the guys are sent there with irresponsible, lazy, arrogant, freedom-loving, careless, slim, cowardly, infirm. However, at the end of the service life, many have aware of the need for prompt work on negative personal qualities. And some of them returned home more disciplined, responsible, with an exacerbid sense of debt.

Of course, there are people who will not change. But in some cases, getting into atypical for themselves, uncomfortable conditions, a person begins to "adapt", respectively, in it they can wake up before they do not show themselves (due to the uncertainty), positive qualities.

Essay on the topic "Mercy - important human quality": essays, arguments, examples from literature

Under the mercy implies the ability to perform good for the benefit of the near. Of course, this concept comes into contact with such human qualities as sacrifice, kindness, responsiveness, honesty, openness, sincerity, decency. Here is a mini essay, essay on the topic

In the biblical sense, mercy is based on love for man - regardless of his beliefs, religion, perfect actions and social status. Accordingly, the personality with the ability of compassion may exercise it towards any representative of the human race.

Often this quality is a kind of "debt". After all, a person exhibits him because he can not otherwise. Of course, "Meril" are moral principles, moral and ethical norms, thirst for justice.

Mercy disinterestedly. Helping a person and expecting material remuneration, it is impossible to call itself the owner of this quality. A truly merciful man helps people just like that, not expecting to hear even a banal "thank you." In the remainder cases, it has an interest (no matter what is material or moral), therefore this is not considered a manifestation of compassion, but is referred to as cooperation, partnership or mutual execution.

A good example of mercy from literature is Natasha Rostov. She saves the wounded soldiers, gives them a submission that were prepared to transport the county family. She cares and about Bologkoe. By the way, sometimes sensitivity and compassion are manifested in difficult situations. After all, the manifestations of kindness not only spiritually exalted by a person, but can save someone's life.

"What qualities are inherent in a generous person?": Mini-essay

What kind of person can be called good? "What qualities are inherent in a generous person?" - mini-essay on this topic:

Often generous are compliant people who can be indulgent and sacrificacular to others. Moreover, they are not evil - respectively, can help even someone who once tried to hurt them.

As a rule, only a very strong person can be generous. This is a born winner. This quality indicates the latitude and genius of the soul, because it is inherent in a little. Accordingly, the quality inherent in generous person is:

  • Plugness
  • Sincerity
  • Condescension
  • Kindness
  • Responsiveness
  • Lack of corondy
  • Mercy
  • Sacrifice
  • Honesty
  • Openness
  • Reliability

We can say that being generous is real art.

"What qualities have a proud person?": Mini-essay

Pride is another human quality. They are endowed by many, and someone bothers it, and others - helps in life. Here is a mini-essay on the topic "What qualities have a proud person?":

Human pride is quite controversial quality. On the one hand, self-esteem and adequate assessment of their advantages, unwillingness to sacrifice the principles is good. But on the other hand, this human quality can also harm its owner - after all, there are situations when you have to sacrifice your beliefs by virtue of the circumstances (for example, in order to survive). However, the greatest discomfort pride delivers in cases where it goes into irrepressible pride.

What qualities have a proud person? As a rule, this is:

  • Self-confidence
  • Principle
  • Character hardness
  • Endurance
  • Willpower
  • Stubbornness

Often, the proud person drives the concept of personal norms and values, principles, cross through which is extremely difficult for him. Perhaps it is afraid to break his own taboo and makes a proud person so hardy.

The proud person will never make the actions that they seem humiliating. In some way, he is also a "man of honor". Only for him the honor is not always "right-wing", most often "personal advantage".

"Kindness - the most valuable quality of man": mini-essay, arguments, examples from literature

Being a kind person in the cruel world is hard enough. However, kindness is universal quality, the key that is capable of opening all the doors. Accordingly, the person to whom she is not alien can not only establish contact with almost every interlocutor, but also make a world a little better. Here is a mini-essay on the topic "The kindness is the most valuable quality of a person" With arguments and examples from the literature:

The main principle of kindness is laid even in the simplest children's fairy tale "Little Raccoon". A smile causes a response smile, and the kindness is always rewarded. Of course, a kind person, as a rule, is responsive, honest, caring, is open to the world.

By side by side with kindness goes and mercy, the opportunity to help people and sincerely empathize with them. A kind person is also generous - he is able to show his location even to those who do not always fairly happen to him.

Why is the kindness valuable? At least because in some cases its absence can greatly worsen the outcome of the situation. Suppose in the work of ogoly "Shinel" The hero dies from human indifference. Almost the entire settlement ignores him. While the help could save a person. Accordingly, it is not just a positive quality - this is a tool that sometimes depends the life of the neighbor.

Well described the power of kindness and in " Snow Queen » - The heroine saves Kaya, only her openness, sincerity and good thoughts are able to melt the ice. Of course, abstracting from fabulous events, you can interpret the author's thought as a mention that even the most appreciated person may change for the better, if you treat him with kindness and location.

"What qualities a loving person has?": Mini-essay

Love is a high feeling. It is not destined to experience it, and that who succeeded, involuntarily gives himself special features. Here is a mini-essay on the topic "What qualities a loving person has?":

A person experiencing a truly high feeling has a huge set of positive qualities, including:

  • Sensuality
  • Sacrifice
  • Generosity
  • Care
  • Openness
  • Sincerity
  • Kindness

A loving person is often decisive in his gusts relative to the lover, can sacrifice the principles for the sake of the partner's happiness and the common personal happiness, is able to endure the deprivation and pass through his own pride.

There are sometimes lovers and merciful towards others. Since love imprisoned in the heart is often distributed not only to the object of adoration, but also to the world around.

Love can not only give a man of courage, but also to increase his physical and mental strength repeatedly. Moreover, in the heart, this feeling is always open, therefore needs response.

Not alien to a loved one and empathy. After all, the life of the beloved for him is more expensive to his own, and, therefore, the problems of another person are much more important than personal convenience and comfort. The one who is experiencing love is selfless - it often unknown borders and fear. After all, the well-being of his "halves" for him is a matter of honor.

"Hope as an important quality of a person": an essay, essay, arguments, examples from literature

Human life is impossible without such positive quality as hope. After all, faith in a happy future really helps to survive in those conditions when the rest do not see the lumen and lower their hands. Here is an essay, an essay on the topic with arguments and examples from the literature:

Often hope is a faithful companion in many situations: ranging from the difficult situation of people during the war years and ending with temporary life difficulties like the "black strip" in business or unreserved love. Moreover, this quality can literally support life. Since the personality that sees the meanings and the incentives of the existence simply will not allow themselves to kill and turn injustice.

Accordingly, when a person loses hope, he loses the meaning of life. Suppose Merzalov From the story Cook "Wonderful Doctor" It was destructed a worsening financial situation and severe daughter's disease. It would seem that there were no prospects - only the famous hunger and cold.

But Dr. Pirogov gave family hope: he not only healed the sick child, but also helped the rest of the family "Stand on your feet." If this had not happened, the head of the family would commit suicide. The doctor's help saved not only the parent of the parent, but also all his offspring.

In the story "Old Isergil", Danko Also was the source of hope. It was thanks to him that people managed to get out of the dark forest, found the road home. By the way, hope implies sacrifice - after all, the man gives her, as a rule, provides for disinterested assistance to those who need it.

"Positive and negative human qualities": an essay

There are many people in the world. They all possess good and bad features. This is written in more detail on the topic.

Ideal people do not happen. Therefore, each of us get along both negative and positive qualities. It is according to the prevailing among them, one can determine how a person is - bad or good.

Of course, the positive qualities include:

  • Generosity
  • Kindness
  • Responsiveness
  • Empathy
  • Mercy
  • Sincerity
  • Sacrifice
  • Skill love, give people hope

As for negative - this is:

  • Cowardice
  • Meanness
  • Greed
  • Greed
  • Cowardice
  • Indifference
  • Korya
  • Pride
  • Self-confidence
  • Egoism

Of course, each person is obliged to work on the development of positive qualities and the elimination of negative.

Essay on the topic "Good internal qualities of a person": essays, arguments, examples from literature

Often positive human qualities allow personality not only to gain respect for others, but also to achieve spiritual and moral height. Here is an essay, an essay on the topic with arguments and examples from the literature:

The kindness is the main positive quality on which the rest are based on. After all, it is from the puriousness of thoughts that the possibility of a person be generous and responsive, to commit victims for those around others, to be with them sincere and always come to the rescue.

A person who has good internal qualities, as a rule, is decent and honest. He does not accept spikes. He will never betray and will not come up with his conscience and ideals. Of course, even a moral person in some moments of his life can be sacrificed and stupid - but it is extremely difficult to name it.
Accordingly, good internal qualities form a certain system of values \u200b\u200band beliefs that the person follows. Moreover, it is in this case "the case of honor" - the person just can not do otherwise.

By the way, some of them are congenital, and some are produced under the influence of the environment and circumstances. An example of the manifestation of good human qualities can serve a boy Torebork From the work "He killed my dog" Yu.Yakovlev. The child wants to shelter a homeless animal. He secretly pesters him to school and later wants to take home.

Moreover, the Cebor dreams that the dog brings well to people - wants to teach it to save immersing. However, it seems that the whole world against the boy - the teacher drives it out of class, and dad in his absence kills a pet.

In this work there is an excellent example of a person with positive qualities - a CEBOR. He is honest, kind, responsive, loving animals, open, sincere and his dad convinced individualist who lives only for his good and no discomfort. By the way, I really want to hope that the hero has grown by a decent and worthy person.

The composition of "Quality I appreciate in person": essays, arguments, examples from literature

We all appreciate people for certain features, but necessarily for good. In the continuation of this thoughts, here is an essay, an essay on the topic with arguments and examples from the literature:

Often, by what qualities one or another is appreciated in people, you can determine what it is himself. As for me, I most appreciate the surrounding honesty, the lack of arrogance, kindness, generosity, responsiveness, loyalty to their principles, equilibrium and dedication.

Of course, it is very nice when the individual holds his moral ideals, he is determined and dare. I also really appreciate the good attitude of a person to older people and animals, attentiveness, diligence and restraint. Naturally, I really like people who know how to love and give good and hope surrounding. Unfortunately, currently such a bit - but it is joying that they still exist in this world.

Charismatic, who knows the price, they are attracted to me - however, the face is important here. It is necessary to soberly assess their advantages and disadvantages so that love for themselves and pride for their actions are not disturbed in pride. Since this is already negative quality.

Suppose Pavel Korchagin From the work "As the Steel Was Tempered". He has pride, principled, loyalty to his ideals. However, despite the fact that this is a real rebar and revolutionary, it is also a diligent and responsible worker, as well as a person who can sincerely love. Throughout the creation, the hero always comes "on conscience".

He has a Korchagin and an incredible power of will - neither human weaknesses, no illness, nor poverty, nor arrest, nor a betrayal simply unable to stop it, knock off the true path. This hero can be called a model of a "real person".

"Anger as the quality of an unfortunate person": an essay, essay, arguments, examples from literature

The world is full of good people. However, at the same time, there are those who bear the surrounding not good and positive, but on the contrary - exudes anger and aggression. Why can anger be called the quality of an unfortunate person? The answer to this question will be an essay, an essay on the topic with arguments and examples from the literature:

Why is angry says that a person is unhappy? If only because evil are not born - this is the result of unsuccessful interaction with the outside world. Accordingly, such people are deeply unhappy - at one time there was a significant mental trauma, the echoes of which and today live in their souls, they throw off consciousness, do not move forward.

In fact, only one who knows how to overcall through difficulties, to look into the future and, of course, is able to achieve heights. After all, old resentments will never help someone who wishes to build their own happiness.

It is important to be able to let go of the past. Of course, forget about the unfair respect of people and fate is sometimes very difficult. But in some cases it really needs to be done.

An excellent example is Rodion Raskolnikov of "Crime and Punishment". If we consider the hero from the point of view of the "ordinary person" - he is kind, responsive, honest and could well be a decent member of society. But poverty, no prospects and poor attitude of some people angry it. That is why the strings in his soul rushes, and he is solved on the worst thing that only can invent a person - for killing.

Of course, the practice shows that it is impossible to achieve justice through deprivation of a person of life. Therefore, the hero understands that his beliefs will never come out of the situation. Only here to change the situation becomes too late. Accordingly, the splitters are not so much a bad person as deeply unhappy.

"Kindness as the quality of a happy person": an essay, essay, arguments, examples from literature

There are many good people on earth. This indicates that our world is bright and full of something good and human. Here is an essay, an essay on the topic with arguments and examples from the literature:

If anger is the quality of the unfortunate person, then the kindness is the opposite, the property is happy. This is true. After all, the one who exudes light, optimism, gives hope and faith in the best, not only makes the world a bit kinder, he saves life and does not give his hands.

We can say that happy people are divided into their kindness with everyone who is near and is open to this. Another evidence of their happiness is the ability to be good. After all, a person who does not fit something, as a rule, is in a depressed or embittered state. There is no third. And considering that good, made by people, quite often returns, then we can say that happiness fills the responsive, sincere and decent person more and more.

That is why it is important to be kind and share kindness with others. By the way, sometimes the kindness brings mutual happiness. Example serves as a princess A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Ludmila". In this poem, the choice of one in this case is due to the fact that it is fair, honest and open.

"Writing" What qualities should a talented person have? ": Essay

Talent is a gift that is given to man over. Many famous people have a set of good character traits. Here is an essay, essay on the topic "What qualities should be a talented person?":

In order to achieve heights in creativity, and become not only a charismatic, but also known personality, it is important to have a certain set of human qualities. What applies to them?

First, purposefulness. It does not matter whether a person is planned to be famous in painting or become a famous rock musician. In addition to daily work on themselves, such a person should always put goals and go to them, despite the obstacles, believing in their forces. Otherwise, even a brilliant person will not work.

Also important:

  • Determination
  • Ability to defend their position
  • Courage
  • Openness

Newcomers are often extremely difficult to liberate on the stage - since thousands of eyes are looking at them, which are waiting for something. And really need to be disclosed - otherwise, the public will remain unsatisfied, will not receive pleasure from the concert.

Of course, a talented person should be honest. After all, creativity is only then valuable when reflecting true feelings, emotions and experiences. Otherwise, it will not attract broad masses, will not cause interest.

A talented person should be generous - because quite often celebrities participate in charitable promotions and is quite patient in relation to fans. Creative, talented person should also be a "human honor" - after all, fees - fees, and conscience and soul should not be sold.

"What qualities a kind person has?": An essay, arguments, examples from literature

Ideals in life for many people are honesty and kindness. Although, from these qualities, a person is sometimes capable of suffering - after all, pain and disappointment can bring unnecessary person. But still a lot of good people. In the continuation of this thought here is an essay on the topic "What qualities a kind person has?" With arguments and examples from the literature:

A kind person is always sincere, open, caring, responsive, generous. He is charismatic and as if it exudes light. He is capable of compassion and mercy. A kind person is never unpleasant - even if he hurts him, he knows how to forgive enemies and let go of the past.

A kind person will always share everything that has. He will always help a person who needs trouble. Often, for the one who exudes the kindness, it does not matter who in front of him is a companion or opponent if you need to save your life, he will always do it. Good man is happy and gives a feeling of happiness to others.

Samples of sacrificial kindness and love to neighbor as Sonia Marmaladova From the work "Crime and Punishment", so I. Margarita - Both of these women neglect their interests in order for their beloved person to be happy. And fair fate sometimes even rewards their efforts.

Video: Putin called the main qualities of a person and spoke about the special internal strength of Russians - Russia 24

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