Are Jews the smartest people on earth? What peoples are considered the most intelligent.

Are Jews the smartest people on earth? What peoples are considered the most intelligent.

The most universal indicator that can be used to determine the genius of a particular nation is the number of Nobel Prizes received by representatives of countries, the Vesti-Finance portal believes. Total number Nobel laureates is 876.

Arthur Schopenhauer wrote that talent achieves a goal that no one can achieve; genius - one that no one can see. The number of Nobel laureates makes it possible to imagine quite accurately how this or that country is represented on the intellectual arena of the world.

Italy: 20 Nobel laureates
Michelangelo, Galileo, Machiavelli and perhaps the most man of genius of all time, Leonardo da Vinci lived too long ago to receive the Nobel Prize. But the Italians still managed to make a breakthrough in some areas.

Austria: 21 Nobel laureates
Although Austria is only ninth in our ranking, it is the seventh largest country in the world in terms of the number of award winners per capita.

Canada: 22 Nobel laureates
Canada can be thanked for the medical hero Frederick Bunting, who discovered insulin in 1921 and remains the youngest recipient of the medical award. Most of all Canadian Nobel Prize winners received it for their achievements in the field of chemistry.

Russia: 23 Nobel laureates
Even without Pushkin and Dostoevsky, who could have become Nobel laureates, Russia can boast of some of the greatest literary achievements in human history. In addition, Russia has achieved breakthrough results in quantum electronics, electromagnetic radiation, semiconductors, superfluids and other things that few ordinary people can understand.

Switzerland: 25 Nobel laureates
In Switzerland, the number of Nobel laureates per capita is five times that of Canada and 15 times that of Russia. Among all the winners of the award, Albert Einstein stands out, who, although born in Germany, most the most important research done in Switzerland.

Sweden: 29 Nobel laureates
Sweden - home country Alfred Nobel, and here is the headquarters of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, so it is not surprising that this country is in the top five.

France: 59 Nobel laureates
Traditionally, France is one of the leaders of fresh ideas in art, philosophy and literature.

Germany: 104 Nobel laureates
Scientists from Germany receive Nobel Prizes in various fields. So, for example, in 1918 Max Planck received it for his quantum theory, and Werner Heisenberg - for the creation of quantum mechanics.

United Kingdom: 121 Nobel laureates
British scientists have received the Nobel Prize almost every year since the inception of the prize.

USA: 356 Nobel laureates
More than a third of the scientists who have ever received a Nobel Prize were from the United States. And this country has left behind all other countries of comparable size in terms of the number of laureates per capita, including the entire European Union.

The debate about who is the smartest people in the world continues, but now they went to new level... Subjective assessments are giving way to research, and comparison criteria are becoming more impartial.

There are still not so many indicators claiming objectivity in calculating the level of intelligence of peoples. This is, firstly, the average level of IQ, secondly, the number of scientific discoveries made by representatives of the people in the course of history, and thirdly, the number of laureates of scientific prizes, primarily the Nobel Prize. In terms of IQ, Russians are currently far from the first place in the world, ranking only 34th in the rating. This is partly due to the fact that testing is still not a recognized and relevant type of research in our country. There is a historical explanation for this: in 1936, the USSR issued a decree "On pedological perversions in the system of the People's Commissariat for Education", which prohibited any tests. The ban was only lifted in the 1970s.

In terms of the number of Nobel laureates, Russia is also not ahead of the rest of the planet (23 laureates versus 356 in the United States). But the Russians have made a huge contribution to the intellectual treasury of mankind, thanks to the discoveries and inventions of their scientists. So, Russian engineers Yablochkov and Lodygin invented the world's first electric light bulb, Alexander Popov invented radio, Vladimir Zvorykin is considered the "father of television", Alexander Mozhaisky created the first aircraft, Igor Sikorsky created the first helicopter, the world's first bomber, Alexander Ponyatov designed the world's first VCR, Prokudin-Gorsky made the world's first color photographs, Andrei Sakharov created the first hydrogen bomb, Gleb Kotelnikov - the first knapsack parachute, Vladimir Fedorov developed the world's first automatic machine, Nikolai Lobachevsky made a revolution in mathematics ...

This list could be continued for a long time. If we recall such luminaries of science as Dmitry Mendeleev, Mikhail Lomonosov, Ivan Pavlov, Ivan Sechenov, then doubts that Russians are one of the smartest peoples in the world disappear by themselves. And this is without taking into account the contribution to world culture our classics writers.

The peoples of Southeast Asia and the Japanese
The leaders in the level of intelligence are consistently found to be the countries of Southeast Asia. Professors Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen (University of Ulster), authors of the IQ and Wealth of Nations and IQ and Global Inequality studies, believe that this is due to the high competition among students, with a strict Asian discipline. Scientists have also found a diet with big amount vegetables and seafood. The first place in terms of intelligence among Asian countries is occupied by China, and especially its Hong Kong region, where special conditions for the growth of indicators in natural and exact sciences. So, particular popularity in Hong Kong in recent times acquire schools in which, in their free time, students are encouraged to engage in ... study. This thirst for knowledge bears fruit. In the ranking of education, Hong Kong was second only to Finland. Average level IQ in Hong Kong - 107 - first in the world. In second place after Hong Kongers in terms of IQ are Koreans. The Korean education system is considered one of the best and most efficient in the world; students in Korea are ready to spend 14 hours a day on education. However, she also has a significant disadvantage: during the examination period in this country there is a wave of suicides. Talking about smart Asian peoples, one cannot fail to mention the Japanese, who are recognized leaders in the field of high technology. The scientific leap began in Japan after the war, today the University of Tokyo is one of the best in Asia and is ranked 25 best universities world, the literacy rate among the Japanese is 99%, the IQ level is 105.

The British
Petr Kapitsa said that the level of intelligence of a nation can be assessed by scientific discoveries, which were made by her representatives. Considering the achievements of the peoples, the scientist came to the conclusion that the smartest nation at the moment are the British. The British have really made and continue to make a huge contribution to world science. The names of such scientists as Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Rutherford, Turing, Fleming, Hawking are known all over the world. The number of Nobel Prize winners is also great among the British; British scientists have been receiving the prize almost every year since its inception. 121 English scientists received the Nobel Prize. In terms of the level of development of science, Great Britain still occupies the first places today, the citation index of British scientists is the first among the peoples of the Old World. However, it must also be said that since the late 1980s the system English education and science, having moved away from regulation and strict control by the government, began to lose ground. Education ceased to be elitist, and money began to be allocated for such research, which would not have been given a pound before. From here today we have such a meme as "British scientists". Thanks to good funding, British scientists conduct a lot of research, the need for which for the development of science is questionable.

The contribution of Jews to world science and culture can hardly be overestimated. Despite the fact that Jews make up only 0.2% of the world's population, according to data for 2011, of the 833 Nobel Prize winners, 186 are Jews. Thus, there are 13.2 Nobel Prize winners per million Jews. The Swiss and the Swedes, who are following, have this figure of 3.34 and 3.19, respectively. Jews became laureates 32 times in chemistry, 30 times in economics, 13 times in literature, 47 times in physics, 55 times in medicine, 9 times received the Nobel Peace Prize. Of the three hundred and a half American Nobel laureates, nearly forty percent - 36.8 - are Jews.

Germany since the Middle Ages has been the center of European scientific thought. The first universities were opened here and scientific centers, for education in Germany went from all over Europe. Johann Gutenberg, Rudolf Diesel, Johann Keppler, Max Planck, Gottfried Leibniz, Konrad Roentgen, Karl Benz are known to everyone. German philosophers Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer became classics of philosophy. Germany ranks third in the number of Nobel Prize winners, lagging only behind the United States and Great Britain.

Let's take a look at the intelligence of the Jews - this “best” of the nations. Are there world class philosophers among Jews? No, they don't exist. Global philosophical Jewish thought is extremely poor and has given the world nothing but lies, demagoguery and deception. The most "powerful" Jewish philosopher Karl Marx from a logical point of view demonstrates the masterpieces of stupidity, and from the point of view of the true purpose of his philosophy - just a swindler (note that he was a puppet and completely controlled by Jewish rabbis). Who else? Among the famous at the world level, there are only three left: Bergson A., Buber M. and Spinoza B. The significance of the first two is close to zero.

The Dutch philosopher Spinoza is the most intelligent of them. His most interesting thought, which is worthy of citation and is consonant with the topic of this work, is the following: "A free man thinks about nothing so little as death, and his wisdom consists in thinking not about death, but about life." Well done Spinoza, a wise approach to the present and future tense. His approach was not typical of Jewish philosophical thought, and the Amsterdam rabbis hated him for the so-called blasphemy, “excommunicated and alienated from the people of Israel,” and for a long time persecuted him in every possible way. But Spinoza is also not a philosopher of the first, second, or even third level. There are no other philosophers. Compare this with the vast galaxy of brilliant philosophers in Greece, Germany, France, England and Russia.

There are many outstanding Jews among learned Jews. But only three claim the role of great geniuses: Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud and Norbert Wiener. But were these three really geniuses? Isn't this just another Jewish hoax? Let's look at Einstein, out of whom the Jews are trying to make the genius of all time and one people.
He created his special theory of relativity in 1905, but he did not create it from scratch. He took basic ideas from Poincaré, the mathematical apparatus borrowed from Lorentz. A decent scientist is obliged to give references to his predecessors, such is scientific ethics. In his work, Einstein did not give a single reference, thereby passing off other people's discoveries as his own. V the scientific world this is called plagiarism, that is, intellectual theft. This is a typically arrogant Jewish manner.

After publication special theory of relativity Poincaré, once he met Einstein, accused him of plagiarism and scientific dishonesty. The naive Poincaré did not understand that plagiarism does not exist for the Jew. Judaism claims that any property of the goyim (including intellectual property) is the property of the Jew who will be the first to seize it. Stealing someone else's and passing off as one’s own is a typical method of Jewish genius.
The role of Einstein's Slavic wife - Mileva Maric (Serb by nationality) in the creation of both special and general theory relativity is completely hushed up. However, Mileva Maric was a strong physicist, and her role, to put it mildly, is not small. Suffice it to note that all three “epoch-making” papers by Einstein were signed by co-authors Einstein-Marich (74, p. 128).
Einstein “created” the general theory of relativity in 1915 on the basis of the fundamental theory of the Pole Minkowski about four-dimensional space-time. And Minkowski only developed the idea of ​​a four-dimensional Poincaré space. The fundamental formula E = MC2 was not invented by Einstein, but by his first Slavic wife, Mileva Marich. So, even the largest Jewish “geniuses” are based on stolen ideas from others, passed off as their own.

The Nobel Committee awarded Einstein the “Shnobel” Prize. Try now to ask any university graduate: "Why was Einstein awarded the Nobel Prize?" The answer will be almost unanimous: "For the creation of the theory of relativity." But how really? In fact, with all the Jewish pressure, the Nobel Committee could not give such a falsified version and gave the following formulation: "For the discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect and for work in the field of theoretical physics." The wording is amusing. And how did it relate to reality? That's how.

The photoelectric effect itself was discovered in 1887 by G. Hertz. In 1888 the photoelectric effect was experimentally tested by the Russian scientist A.G. Stoletov and he also established the “first law of the photoeffect”, called the Stoletov law. The first law of the photoelectric effect is formulated as follows: “The maximum photoelectric current is directly proportional to the incident radiant flux”. Naturally, no one awarded Stoletov the Nobel Prize. Einstein established the "second law of the photoelectric effect" - "Einstein's law": "The maximum energy of photoelectrons linearly depends on the frequency of the incident light and does not depend on its intensity." That's all the “epoch-making” content of the “great Jewish genius”. Einstein is also credited with explaining the mechanism of the photoelectric effect on the basis of quantum concepts of the nature of light. But the quantum theory of radiation was actually created by M. Planck in 1900.

Despite the many strong Jewish scholars, fundamental thinkers of such a level as the Russian giants of thought never appear among them: Lomonosov, Tsiolkovsky, Mendeleev, Lobachevsky, Vavilov, Vernadsky, Chizhevsky, Losev and others. Each of these giants is a revolution in science. The thinking of these people is not indisputable, one can criticize them in some way, but the scale of thinking of such people is in principle inaccessible to Jews.

Note that those Jewish scientists, whose names are on everyone's lips, were primarily organizers and leaders of scientific teams. And in a research team, it is very easy to pass off the collective achievements of a group of scientists for the discoveries of the leader himself. "It scientific school Abram Ivanych ”is a favorite formula of Jewish propaganda. And what did this Jewish leader personally do in this school? He was the boss.

There are a great many talented and outstanding musicians among the Jews, perhaps not in any other nation. And what about great composers? There are only a few Jewish composers (strange, right?), And among the notable at the world level, it is possible to single out only Mendelssohn, Gershwin and Offenbach. What are they? Good composers- that's all there is to say about them. No more. None of them can be compared with such, for example, brilliant Russian composers as Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Mussorgsky, Scriabin, Rimsky-Korsakov, not to mention such German giants as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven.

Great German composer Richard Wagner, in his book Jewry in Music (64), analyzed the Jewish musical creativity, including the work of Mendelssohn. The conclusion is very interesting - in Jewish art they are completely absent: sincerity, sincerity, excitement, passion, tenderness, sophistication of taste. Jewish creativity is always imitative and entertaining. But only. The castrated art of circumcised people.

Are there genius poets among the Jews? No one. Among the Jews, there are only four personalities in poets: Pasternak, Heine, Mandelstam and Brodsky. There are ten poets of this level in every seedy Russian town. Only Jews and their lackeys, striving, for lack of a better thing, to praise any Jewish mediocrity can call these ordinary poets great. The most interesting was Pasternak. But again, what is interesting? With his poetic translations. The translations are not bad. Pasternak translated from English, German and French languages the best Western European poets and tried to borrow poetic images from them and pass them off as his own. Brodsky was also engaged in similar translations and borrowings. Stealing someone else's and passing off as one’s own is a typical method of Jewish genius. But, despite all the borrowings, both Pasternak's poetry and Brodsky's poetry leave a miserable impression. The Jews do not have the spark of God. Unsurprisingly, the Jewish Committee for Nobel Prizes awarded the "Shnobel" prizes to both Pasternak and Brodsky.

Of course, nothing like such Russian geniuses as A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, S.A.Esenin, A.A.Fet, F.I. will not.

At one time, the following epigram was invented on the famous Soviet Jewish poet S. Ya.Marshak, who almost one to one copied the style of the English poet Robert Burns:

For all that, for all that,
For all that, at the same time.
Marshak remained Marshak,
And Robert Burns is a poet.

Why don't the Jews have genius or just powerful philosophers? It's all about Jewish upbringing. Jews are taught from childhood to love reading, and this develops intelligence very well. But it is very important how the child begins to read. Jews almost always start reading from the Talmud, Torah, Bible and similar Judaist rubbish. From this, on the one hand, the general chauvinistic idea of ​​God's chosen Jews, Jewish superiority, opposition to other peoples, contempt, hatred for them, striving for domination and the desire to make other people their slaves is hammered into Jewish heads with a stake. Strong-willed and fighting qualities are brought up together with the introduction of the psychology of crooks, thieves, liars and tyrants.

On the other hand, reading Jewish books disfigures the brain, especially in the field of general philosophical thinking, as it teaches you to absurdities and nonsense and creates a kaleidoscopic loosely connected knowledge base. After such training, Jews become foolish, become intellectual disabled or, more precisely, biorobots, that is, creatures incapable of independent rational thinking. The general formula for programming the consciousness of Jewish biorobots is simple: "If you study the Talmud, you lose your brains, if you fall in love with the Bible, you completely lose your mind."

We all know that Jews are the smartest people in the world. In any forum we are ready to enlighten us about this and endlessly give examples, persuade and overpersuade. One has only to doubt the great truth about the Clever Jew, and instantly one should reply like this: - The people who consider themselves the smartest, but it has always been so, where you saw a Jew occupying the penultimate places in mathematical Olympiads, but the Jews were always the smartest, the best doctors, best teachers, the most successful and richest people in the world are Jews. Yes, yes, everything is so, we believe. For example, let's open the website of the International math olympiad(The International Mathematical Olympiad is the oldest of the international scientific Olympiads for schoolchildren, held annually) and see the results. But first, I'll describe what the competition is about. Each country is represented by a team of no more than six members, a leader and scientific advisor... Officially, IMO is a personal championship, each participant speaks for himself and collects personal points. The sum of the points of the country (team) is unofficial, but calculated. Participants must be no older than 20 years old and not enrolled in a university. Participants are invited to solve 6 problems (three problems a day, for two days in a row), each of which is estimated at 7 points, so that the maximum possible is 42 points. Tasks are selected from different areas school mathematics mainly from geometry, number theory, algebra and combinatorics. They do not require knowledge of higher mathematics and often have a beautiful and short solution. For example, problem 6 for 2007 is solved in almost one move by the combinatorial zero theorem. In general, there is nothing super complicated there, but the participants must have brains in their heads and some knowledge of school curriculum... The last (50th) IMO was held in Bremen, Germany, July 10-22, 2009. Let's see the results: First place - China, 6 gold medals. Second place - Japan, 5 gold and 1 bronze Third place - Russia, 5 gold and 1 silver Paradoxically, stupid Ivans scored more medals than Japan, but lost to the Japanese in total team points. 4th place - South Korea 5th place - North Korea 6th place - USA 7th place - Thailand 8th place - Turkey 9th place - Germany By the way, the US team is very funny - there is not a single real American or even a white man in it. Mostly visiting Asians, Indians and Pakistanis. 15th place - Iran 16th place - Brazil Where are the smart Jews? And here they are - 46th place. Even the Turkmen, Uzbeks and Tajiks were ahead of them. That is, Rafshan and Dzhamshut are smarter than Izya and Abram. It should be understood that the top ten are the world elite, nations with the smartest future, and the fact that Turkey entered it is symptomatic. The second ten are extremely worthy places, the countries are intellectually developed, and the presence of Iran there is also no coincidence. Well, the places below 40 are the world's cesspool. Tupari idiotovichi brake lovers. Countries with a low population density and education inoperable even at the elite level. But, of course, we know - this is all the machinations of anti-Semites. Moreover, the Olympiad was in Germany. Well, let's see the previous results, 49 MMOs - Madrid, Spain, July 10-22, 2008: 1st place - China, 5 gold and 1 silver medals 2nd place - Russia, 6 gold medals 3rd place - USA, 4 gold 2 silver The same paradox - stupid Ivans are all in gold, they scored more medals than China, but they lost in the total team points. 4th place - South Korea 5th place - Iran 6th place - Thailand 7th place - North Korea 8th place - Turkey 9th place - Taiwan (the same China, profile view) As you can see, Japan was not lucky this time, it is in 11th place. But Iran was lucky. But in general, all the same familiar faces. 16th place - Brazil. Stable result. Where is Israel? And here he is - 27th place, a step higher than the homeland of the great mathematicians of Mongolia. And this was very lucky for the Jews, because at the previous 48th MMO their place was - 50th. So they dangle - they will fall into the cloaca of the fifth decade, then they will jump and cling to the third, but never in recent history these smartest people on the planet did not rise above 25th place. Here is such a conspiracy of anti-Semites. This is obvious, because not once in the 50-year history of the International Mathematical Olympiad was held in the country of the smartest people - Israel. But maybe in the field of physics the smartest people on the planet are doing better? Unfortunately, anti-Semites have dug in there too. Never in the history of the International Physics Olympiad did participants from Israel receive even the most seedy prize there. The Chinese - as much as you like, Korea - yes, even the Mexicans, Romanians and Puerto Ricans received - but not the Jews. You can check it yourself on Wikipedia and on the official website of the Olympiad. I'll tell you more - the anti-Semitic conspiracy also covered the field of informatics, biology, and in general all areas of applied knowledge. Nowhere, well, absolutely nowhere, do graduates of Israeli schools shine. Now, if we held an Olympiad in Torah, or shooting an American M-16 rifle at Palestinian teenagers throwing stones, and even in Israel, then the damned goyim would definitely be put to shame by the brilliant Jewish intellect. Watch a movie about the mind of the Jews: However, I will say this: contrary to the existing stereotype, if a person knows mathematics or chess well, this does not mean at all that he is smart. Moreover, if he does not know mathematics and does not know how to play chess, this does not mean at all that he is a fool. Although, the trend is, frankly, anti-Semitic. However, they will object to me that in the USSR there was great amount genius Jewish mathematicians, physicists, chess players, and anyone else. And I will agree. And the point is not even that Jews more actively than other nations went to universities. And not even that they were dragging their own. For thousands of mediocrities dragged by the ears, there were simply clever people and just geniuses. The fact is that these Jews lived on Russian soil. And geniuses were able to put on it. The same applies to other nations. Geniuses grew up on Russian soil among Armenians, Tajiks and Georgians. And among anyone. But their own national soil could not before the arrival of the Russians and cannot now give such a number of geniuses. Or just some amount smart people... The same applies to other properties of the satellite peoples of the Russian people. During the war, those peoples who, without Russians, left no trace in history, gave hundreds and thousands of heroes: Ossetians, Georgians, Jews, Chukchi. The strength of the Russians has weakened so far. And these peoples have ceased to generate so many heroes, brilliant doctors, talented scientists, and so on ... A simple confirmation of my thought: the USSR occupied a leading position in the chess world. But almost all the grandmasters were Jews: Karpov, Kasparov, Kamsky. Who else is there. For an anti-Semite, this is an indicator that the Jews have crawled into places of bread everywhere. For the Judophile, an indicator of the genius of the Jewish nation. But the fact remains: neither Israel nor the United States have such numbers of their own, neither the Kasparovs, nor the Kamsky, nor the Karpovs. Who created the MiG? Mikoyan and Gurevich. And MI is Mil. But neither Armenia nor Israel could give birth to either Mikoyan or Gurevich on their own soil. Geniuses require a lot of space to grow.