Mint color in the interior.

 Mint color in the interior.
Mint color in the interior.

Mixing colors is one of the most complex procedures, with the need for the fulfillment of which a person who decided to make repair independently. The fact is that it is very important to know which colors to mix to create a certain tone. Should immediately note that it is better to purchase white paint And to compose it in the store with the help of a special car, so the tone will turn out to be uniform. If you decide to do everything yourself, you can further familiarize yourself with how to mix color.

These materials are universal, they are used for a variety of purposes: With their help, you can simply paint the walls, paint the stainedures on the glasses, apply a pattern on the wall and ceiling. In general, the scope of their use is limited to fantasy. The compositions are convenient in operation, well held on the surface. But if you decide to draw a multicomponent image on the wall, then the purchase of paint of all necessary colors will cost too expensive, and after the completion of the work there will remain a large amount of unnecessary material. In this case, it is better to buy a basic row, and to create certain shades to make mix acrylic paints.

Mixing basic flowers paints makes it possible to get many different shades, while you can significantly save on the purchase

Main color series

More from school bench to everyone knows: when connecting yellow and red it turns out orange, but if the same yellow add blue, green will come out. It is on this principle that the mixing table of acrylic paints was built. According to her, it is enough to purchase only the main colors:

  • white;
  • the black;
  • red;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • pink.

You can simply mix acrylic paints of these tones to get most of the existing shades.

Basics of mixing on the table

In order to mix the materials correctly, you can not do without a table. At first glance, it is easy to work with it: to get the desired result, it is enough to find the color and see which components will be required. But in the color mixing table, the proportions are not specified, so it is necessary to gradually add the caloring material to the main paint and apply a mixture to some unnecessary product: a sheet of plywood, plasterboard and so on. Then you need to wait until the material is dry. If the color corresponds to the necessary, you can start working on the main surface.

Technique COLOR

Now about how to get colors. By mixing acrylic materials, it is possible to achieve the formation of two main tones: light and dark. Basic tones: earthy, green, orange, purple. To create a color, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Light. In this case, the main material is Titanium Belil, to which one or two color compositions add. The less additional LKM will be used, the brighter will come out. So you can make most shades of light palette.
  2. Dark. For the formation of shades of this type, you should act on the contrary. Before mixing colors, it is necessary to prepare a base tone, the black dye is gradually introduced. Working with black paint, you need to be careful because it can make color not dark, but dirty.
  3. Green. In the main palette of this shade there, so you will need to mix yellow and blue. Accurate ratio can be found only in an experienced way.
  4. Purple. it cool colorwhich is obtained as a result of mixing blue with pink or red. In some cases, it will also be necessary to add black to darken the material.
  5. Orange. To create this color you need to mix red and yellow. For more saturated orange, it is recommended to add more red and vice versa. If you want to create a soft color, for example, coral, then you need to clarify the material by Bellyl. Is it possible to add dark dyes? Yes, it is possible, but as a result of mixing the paints, a dirty tone can get.
  6. Earthy. Here is the main color is brown. By adding various shades to it, get a color from beige to dark wood.

Rules for working with palette

To begin with, a basic set of paints, brushes, water containers and a palette are required (you can take any surface, including school products for drawing).

In the center it is recommended to place Belil because they are used in creating most shades. In the deepening around (if there is) placed dyes of the main color row. Mix you need carefully, gradually adding the caloring material and constantly checking the result. After mixing the colors, the brush should be ringed in water tanks.

On a note! Working with the materials based on acrylic resins using the table and the palette is quite simple. The main thing is to practice more, every time the result will be better.

Oil paints

If you compare this material with watercolor or acrylic, then the oil is more fluid. Because of this, it is necessary to mix the compositions very carefully. different colors. On the one hand, this is a flaw, but on the other - this feature allows you to get the following effects:

  • Subject to thorough mixing, a uniform tone will be. Such material is perfect for both complete staining of surfaces and for partial decoration.
  • If it is partially mixed, the coating will appear the differences.


Now about how to mix oil paints. For mixing colors of paints on oil-based Also used table. It indicates the colors obtained by connecting a variety of caloring components. In addition, here you can find such an indicator as a gloss combination. If you add a little gloss in the matte foundation, then the result will not be almost not, and if you come around the contrary, then the shine will be slightly muffled.

Mixing methods:

  1. Mechanical. In this case we are talking On mixing two or more varnotonic materials in one container. Color saturation is controlled by the number of bright shades. The desired color is created even before processing the wall or ceiling.
  2. Color overlay. Phased appreciation Multiple smears on each other.
  3. Optic. This is the most difficult method that is only available to those skilled in the art. It implies mixing glossy and matte bases while applying paint to the surface. You can mix colors of paints only on the surface being processed, otherwise it turns out a more even tone.


The first method fully meets data in the table. If it comes to applying color, then the result is unpredictable. One of the easiest options optical illusions It is lesing: a dark tone is applied to the surface, after drying it, they put the paint a little lighter, and then completely light. As a result, each color will be viewed through the upper layers.

Thus, there is no some specific scheme. To find out which colors you need to mix, not only take and look at the table, it is important to practice constantly and not be afraid of experiments. So you can create a new effect that will make the interior unique. It is also important to remember that the mixed shade is very difficult to repeat, so you should remember the proportions.

Now the question is how to make paint properly, does not seem so difficult.

Decided to engage in painting or paint furniture? But do not know how to get different shades? Color mixing tables and tips will help you do it.

Basic concepts

Before you begin to study the table mixing colors, it is worth familiar with some definitions that will easily understand the new material for yourself. The words used in the theory and practice of mixing shades are explained below. These are not scientific encyclopedic definitions, but decoding in the language, understandable ordinary newcomer, without the presence of complex terminology.

Achromatic colors are all intermediate shades between black and white, that is, gray. In these paints there is only a tonal component (dark - light), and as such "color-colored" no. Those where it is called chromatic.

The main colors are red, blue, yellow. They cannot be mixed by any other paints. Those that can be composite.

Saturation is a characteristic that distinguishes from identical in the lightness of a achromatic shade. Next, consider what is the color mixing table for drawing.


Mixing tables are usually represented as a matrix of rectangles or squares or in the form of shade combinations schemes with digital values \u200b\u200bor percentage of each color component.

The fundamental table is the spectrum. It can be depicted in the form of a strip or circle. The second option turns out to be more convenient, visual and understandable. In fact, the spectrum is sketchy image Elevated on the color components of the beam of light, in other words, rainbow.

This table is present both basic and composite colors. The more sectors in this circle, the greater the number of intermediate shades. The figure above there is also gradations of svll. Each ring corresponds to a certain tone.

The shade of each sector is obtained by mixing the paint-neighbors along the ring.

How to mix acromatic colors

There is such a painting technique like Grizail. It involves the creation of a picture using gradations exclusively achromatic colors. Sometimes a brown or other shade is added. Below is a table of mixing colors for paints when working in such a method.

Please note that when working with gouache, butter, acrylic more gray tint It is created at the expense not only to reduce the amount of black, but also the addition of Belil. In watercolor professionals do not use this paint, but dilute

How to mix with white and black

In order to get a darker or bright shade of that pigment that you have in a set, you need to mix it with acromatic colors. This is how work with gouache, mixing acrylic paints. Table, located on, is suitable for working with any material.

In sets there miscellaneous number ready-made calves, so compare what you have, with the desired tint. When adding white, you will have so-called pastel tones.

Below is shown how the gradation of several complex colors is obtained from the brightest, almost white, to very dark.

Mixing watercolor paints

The table below can be used for both ways of painting: lustering or single-layer. The difference is that in the first embodiment, the final shade is obtained by a visual connection of different tones imposed one on another. The second way implies mechanical creation the desired color connection of pigments on the palette.

As it is done, it is easy to understand on the example of the first line with purple tones from the picture above. Layered execution is done like this:

  1. Fill in all squares with a light tone, which will be able to use a small amount of paint and sufficient water.
  2. After drying, the same Kerker applies on the second and third elements.
  3. Repeat action the right amount time. In this embodiment, the cells of the color transition are only three, but maybe more.

When working in the lescing painting technique, it is worth remembering that different colors are better to mix no more than five layers. The previous one must be good.

In the event that you are preparing the necessary color immediately on the palette, the sequence of working with the same purple gradation will be like this:

  1. Move the kel by taking a little paint on the wet brush. Apply to the first rectangle.
  2. Add pigment, fill out the second element.
  3. Lower the brush even in the paint and make a third cell.

When working in one layer, all the colors you must first mix on the palette. This means that in the first way the final shade is obtained by optical mixing, and in the second - mechanical.

Gouache and Oil

Techniques for working with these materials are similar, since the pigments are always presented in the form of a sour cream mass. If the gouache dried, it is pre-diluted with water to the desired consistency. In any set, it is always present Belil. They are usually spent faster than the rest, so sold by individual jars or tubes.

Mixing (table below), like Goushi, is a simple task. The advantage of these techniques is that the subsequent layer completely overlaps the previous one. If you made a mistake and, after drying, you didn't like the resulting shade, make a new one and overlap it from above. The previous one does not stick, if you work with thick, not diluting them with liquid (water for gouache, solvent for oil).

The paintings in this technique of painting can even be textured when a thick mass is superimposed, that is, a thick layer. Often, for this use a special tool - Mastichein, which is a metal spatula on the handle.

The proportions of the mixed paints and the necessary colors for obtaining the desired shade are shown in the previous scheme-table. It is worth saying that it is enough to have in a set of only three main colors (red, yellow and blue), as well as black and white. Of these, in different combination, all other shades are obtained. The main thing is that the paints in the bank were precisely the main spectral tones, that is, for example, not pink or raspberry, namely red.

Work acrylic

Most often, these paints work on wood, cardboard, glass, stone, manufacturing decorative crafts. In this case, it happens in the same way as when using gouache or oil. If the surface was pre-trunk and the paint fit for it, the receipt of the desired shade will not be difficult. Below are examples of mixing of shades acrylic.

For (batik) are also used but they are sold in jars liquid consistency and similar to ink for the printer. In this case, the colors are mixed on the watercolor principle on the palette with the addition of water, and not bleel.

If you understand how to use color mixing tables, you can easily get an unlimited amount of shades, working watercolor, butter or acrylic.

Taking a decision on painting walls, ceiling, furniture, or any other surface, the first thing it is necessary to choose the right type of paintwork material, and then choose suitable colors of paints. IN modern world Manufacturers of paint products are ready to offer such a wide range of shades that everyone will surely be able to choose the required tone. However, in stores the choice of goods is not so big and everything that the buyer can make is to order a paint tinting in a specialized firm. Of course, such a decision can do quite expensive. Therefore, let's try to figure out how to mix the paints at home.

Basic shades of only 3 are red, blue and yellow. Also, the main colors include white and black. The entire remaining extensive range of colors can be obtained by mixing listed tones in various proportions. It is easiest to paint the water-dispersion paint, that is, the compositions produced on the basis of water dispersion of polymers, for example, acrylic or vinyl acetate. It is also fairly easy to spawn into the desired color of acrylic paints, that is, products based on polyacrylate. Most often, such products are supplied to the shops in white, and for tinting manufacturers produce a large range of pigment concentrates (powdered or liquid), specially designed for water-soluble paints.

You can immediately buy such colors such as apricot, amethyst, purple, coffee with milk, spring-green, ivory and many others. After that add them to the main composition and carefully place. The proportions are usually listed on the pigment instructions. But what to do in the event that it is necessary to use oil paints, because for such products does not provide powdered colors? This option It assumes mixing the paints of finished shades.

Important! It is allowed to mix the colors of only the same type of LKM, that is, in oil paints, which can be diluted with olphic or white spirit, only the same type of items should be added, the same applies to nitro-paintings diluted with a special solvent.

For the foundation, you can use staining options presented in Table:

Basic color

Received tint

White The black Red Blue Yellow
Green + +
Olive green + +
Gray-green + + +
Mint + + +
Orange + +
Peach + + +
Pink + +
Blue + +
Lightly plum + + +
Purple + +
Brown + + +

However, it is important to understand that it is not so easy to get the desired tint. That is, it is not enough to know which colors should be mixed, it is also required to have a presentation and proportions. For example, to create a tone of coffee with milk need to use white, red, blue and yellow kel. However, first will have to interfere green color, by connecting yellow and blue, then add red to the resulting paint, so the tone will become brown and only then add white to getting the desired result. That is why there is exist an important rule: Before mixing the whole lot, it is recommended to make a trial kneading in a small container. This will help to avoid failures and save finances in the event of a failure experiment.

Independent getting color paint has certain disadvantages. In particular, it can be noted that the color is quite problematic, and the kneading "stock" is not beneficial from a financial point of view. Therefore, it is necessary to accurately calculate the consumption of the material and mix the colors of the LCM with a reserve of 5-10%.

The mixing procedure of paints

So, we will analyze in detail the question of how to properly mix paint at home. For this purpose, the most diverse options for LKM are suitable, whether acrylic paints, oil or any other options. Almost any products can be given the desired color. The main tool that needs to work is a building mixer, that is, a special nozzle that can dress on a drill. It is also worth stocking of a different package, in which it will be made and a small panel that allows you to check the resulting shade. For these purposes, it is optimal to take the same material that is planned to be painted.

Attention! With natural and artificial lighting, the resulting color will look different. Therefore, before proceeding to staining the entire surface, it is worth considering the sample in various conditions.

Stages of caller

  1. Getting a probe. This step implies mixing different shades in not large quantities. To do this, select the basic colors, for example, it is required to get the color of the plum. The main collers will be red, blue, white and black. In a small jar, throw 50 ml of red paint and dilute it with 10 ml white. Then mix in equal parts Blue with black tone and connect the resulting mixtures. You can also mix red, blue and black to get a coffee color and so on, quite a lot options. However, it is not at all necessary that, connecting the shades, the first time it will turn out to find the desired color. We will have to experiment quite a lot by adding one dye, then another.
  2. Experimental staining. The next step is the painting of the sample. It is worth saying that the first and second step can constantly alternate, as the color not always like in the bank will also look beautiful when dried. For example, milk tint may look like a dirty white or even yellowish, and the fact that in the bank looked like olive, on the wall will become gray-green. As a result, the selection will have to be renovated. Therefore, it is so important not to rush with the basic surface of the surface.
  3. Guidance of the main solution. After the color on the experimental shield is approved, you can cut the paint in large quantities. How to get color in a large volume? You should take the overall container and increase the selected proportions of 5 or 10 times. Then thoroughly mix the compositions using a mixer. Important! You should not immediately paint the entire surface, first it is recommended to make sure that water-soluble paint or oil has acquired the required tone.

In order for the interior design is truly luxurious and unique worth using the colors colors. It's so nice to come home, where the color of the kitchen has a delicious shade of coffee with milk, and the ceiling in the bathroom is painted in a relaxing mint color. And in order to create in the house such comfort and comfort, it is enough just to know how to properly mix the paint to get the desired option.

Learning to draw: Mix acrylic, oil, watercolor paints. All sorts of shades with three main colors.

Without creativity human life Easp and not interesting. Painting, like music learn not only to realize in life, but also to find an inchoon in life, a hobby that will bring joy and peace. And where drawing and mixing the paints. This article is devoted to this. In it we will tell how to mix and receive new colors and shades of the most common in drawing paints.

How to mix acrylic, oil and watercolor paints to get the desired color: table, proportion

Mix acrylic paints

We suggest familiarizing yourself with the lesson. the famous artist And a designed teacher, the author of the book "Acrylic Painting with Lee Hammond". Lee Hammond warns, although since childhood, we supposedly know that, mixing the red and blue we will get purple, acrylic paints have other pigmentation and most likely you will find brown on the palette.

Important: read pigments on packages. Have seen on store shelves lie up to 15 species of one shade? Do you think this in order to fill the showcase? No, it is represented by the same color with various pigments. Therefore, we write out or photograph the color of the smartphone - the necessary pigment and already go to the store for the replenishment of paints.

Also note that pigments are transparent, translucent and dense consistency. Therefore, at the same manufacturer of colors you can buy completely different structures. This is not a marriage, but the properties of the pigment.

So, in order to get a practical full range of paints, only 7 colors are enough. For beginners, it is recommended to purchase precisely these colors, and in the future, at your own discretion, additional shades will continue.

Please note that we will not specifically translate the name of the main colors so that you can call them in the store and purchase the necessary pigments:

  • Main: Cadmium Yellow Medium
  • Main: Cadmium Red Medium
  • Primary: PRUSSIAN BLUE
  • Additional: Alizarin Crimson
  • Additional: BURNT UMBER
  • Neutral: Ivory Black
  • Neutral: Titanium White

Bought, prepared a canvas for the experiment and proceed to the magic.

The experiment is the first - every color mix with white and we get new, amazing pastel and tender shades. We give a table of smears with the signature of what we mixed.

Well, now from Lev to the right, from the first to the lower, we disassemble the shades that we managed to get: fawn; peach or as it is also called coral; light pink; beige; Heavenly blue; Gray or light asphalt.

And now we try to mix all colors with black, the result in the table below.

And we got such colors: khaki or dark green; chestnut; plum; rich brown; dark blue.

But this is all simple, now we turn to a more complex embodiment of acrylic paints, but interesting! Mix and get all the shades of green.

As we have already done, we mix two colors that under the smear and we get just such a shade.

Additionally, we got: olive green color; gray-green shade resembling asphalt after rain reflective green crowns of trees; bottle-green; mint.

The next step is PURPUR and purple tone and halftone. In order to receive such shades, it will be necessary in a set for work the Berlin Azure or Alizarine Pink or Red Cadmium. Two examples for mixing: PRUSSIAN Blue + Cadmium Red Medium or Prussian Blue + Alizarin Crimson.

We got colors: chestnut, saturated gray gray, plum and shade of lavender.

Now add a white pigment and stir up, add it dropwise to each option. Please note what a riot color played in your hands!

Solar shades. That is how they love to call the shades of orange artists, these are beautiful tone moods. They are obtained by mixing red with additional colors.

On this table we got: orange as it is, peach, brick, coral.

Earth shades can be obtained when adding Umbra Zhbyna ( international importance BURNT UMBER). If it is necessary to obtain pastel shades of these tones, then it is enough to add a drop of white pigment.

In this case, we got earthen shades: Umbra; brick; Dark turquoise; Sepia dark; dirty beige; pastel-lilac; blue steel; Gray warm shade.

We mix oil paints

In oil paints, the situation with the palette is a bit simpler and one pigment is used in one color, so we will not give the main colors, and leave the color name exclusively. Rules that we remember from childhood is just the rules of oil paints.

What color must be obtained What colors need to mix
Pink We add a drop of red to white paints to get the required shade.
Chestnut In brown add red and if it is necessary to darken - a drop of black, brightening - white.
Purple Red In red drop add blue
Shades red Red with white for clarification, red with black for blackout, red with yellow for purpleness and orange shades.
Orange In yellow add dropped red.
Gold In the yellow droplet and red before getting the necessary shade.
Shades of yellow and orange Yellow with white, yellow with black, yellow with red and brown.
Pastel and green Yellow with a drop of blue, yellow with a drop of blue and black.
Grass color Yellow with a drop of blue and green.
Olive In the dark green drop add yellow.
Light green To add white green, for the color depth of a drop of yellow.
Turquoise-green Green with a drop of blue.
Bottle-green Blue breed with yellow.
Green needles In green add a drop of yellow and black.
Light turquoise In the blue drop add green and white for clarification.
Pastel-blue In blue gradually add white.
Maddlewood blue In blue add 5 drops of white and 1 drop of black to getting the desired shade.
Royal blue In the blue add black and a drop of green.
Dark blue In blue add black and at the end of a green drop.
Grey White wept black, adding the green asphalt tint.
Pearl-gray In black add white and dropwise blue.
Brown Mix yellow, red and blue in equal proportions, if necessary, dilute with white, black or green for the desired shade.
Brick Red with yellow and blue drop, as needed with white.
Brown-gold Red with yellow, blue and little white. Yellow most for expressiveness.
Mustard In the yellow and black and black yellow, for piquancy, a drop of green.
Beige In a brown, white, if you need a bright beige - a drop of yellow.
Dirty white White droplets brown and black.
Pinkish-gray White droplets red and black.
Gray-blue White add gray and blue.
Greenish-gray In the gray add green and the need is white.
Bright coal Black on a drop of white.
Citric White droplets yellow and green, yellow more.
Pastel brown We add a drop of green and weep brown and white.
Fern Green with white and black drops.
Coniferous Green mix with black.
Emerald Green add yellow and white drop.
Bright salad Green add yellow and white.
Bright turquoise White add green and dropped black for color depth.
Hue avocado In brown add yellow and dropped black.
Royal Purpur In blue add red and yellow.
Dark purpur In red add blue and dropwise black.
Tomato color Red breed yellow and add brown.
Mandarine In yellow and brown yellow
Chestnut with Ryzhigay Red breed brown and black for shading.
Bright orange White divorced with orange and brown in equal proportions.
Marsala Red with brown and droplet yellow and black.
Crimson In blue, add white, a bit brown and red.
Plum Blue mix with red and white, darkened black.
Light chestnis Red with yellow and dilute black and white.
Honey Brown dilute white and yellow.
Dark brown Red with yellow and black.
Sadno-gray In black gradually add red with white.
Team of eggshell Yellow with white and brown drops.

We mix watercolor paints

Watercolor paints are mixed with the same principle as oil, except that the watercolor is translucent and shades are muffled. We recommend to work first the table indicated above, but only then go to drawing on the canvas.

Basic colors for mixing paints

Main colors in mixing paints include three colors. This is red, blue and yellow. Additional are white and black. Thanks to these colors, you can get absolutely all shades of the rainbow.

This article does not give ready-made solutions, because paint it is impossible to squeeze or fall a certain amount of Milligram, this article gives a referral in which you can go to work and develop. Try, experiment and you will definitely get amazing creation. And the painting works much better than any psychologist, relieves stress, distracts from problems and helps to see the beautiful in the usual!

Video: How to get brown, purple, blue, red, beige, orange, pink, gray, lilac, black, turquoise, mint, green, olive, blue, lilac, pistachio, khaki, yellow, fuchsia, cherry, marsala, white color when mixing paints?

Mint is a color of freshness, natural foliage and cool cocktail "Mojito". It is used not only in clothing, but also in the interior. The traction to the shades of this kind is explained: our life has become dynamic, we constantly rush somewhere, we are stressful, worry and annoy.

And mint color helps to relax, soothes the eyes, reminds of our youth, spring and gives the feeling of lightness. That is why designers began to issue houses, apartments and public institutions using "mint". Is this color in the home interior appropriate? How to apply it and combine? You will learn about this in our article.

We understand mint

Mint is a shade of light green color, diluted with blue paint. It can be obtained by mixing blue with various green shades or diluting dark green with her whites. You can clearly look at the palette below. To make a soft and warm color, you should use more blue, and adding aquamarine to get a cool shade.

What do you associate mint with? Surely with summer or spring, sun and youth. That is why the walls painted by mint paint create the illusion of coolness in summer time year, and in the fall, he will charge positive and freshness. By the way, it is this shade that calms the psyche, not in vain the wall of kindergartens and hospitals are painted in a mint. Designers believe that this color is able to calm down, create a sense of security and comfort, so we recommend using it in children's rooms, bedrooms and living rooms. Items in this color seem old, which lost brightness. The shade is ideal for creating a retro image of the apartment.

And so, many are trying to use mint color in the interior, because it is absolutely not annoying and does not bother the owners. In the apartment, mint color you can use as a basic, or place several items or details in the room.

Combination of mint color in the interior

Selecting the wallpaper and furniture, remember that the mint is perfectly combined with emerald, coniferous and turquoise shades. Snow-white color, which will create a noticeable contrast. Especially exquisite it will look in the bathroom in combination with cream furniture. You can also combine blue, purple, purple, green, gold and chocolate shades with it. For design kitchen or hallway, use a combination with metallic. So you will always have a feeling of freshness and purity.

Remember that the apartment should relax in the apartment. Therefore, in no case do not combine this natural shade with bright red or bright wallpaper with a screaming pattern, as well as with black enormous cabinets. Best color will look in bright rooms with white furniture.

Look at the photo. Here the bathroom is decorated in mint dark shades, playing with white walls. Furniture can be beige or gray.

The next photo shows a bedroom. Walls are perfectly combined with a dark green carpet, bed linen and bright parquet. Visually the room seems more. From black furniture you can notice only a chair.

Here is a kitchen in mint tones. Please note that the mint shade of furniture is completely bright. Mint furniture is perfectly combined with pink walls and white chairs. Agree, it will be nice to get together with the whole family in such a tender romantic kitchen and drink tea from porcelain mint.

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