Warframe Farm Relicness abyss. Warframe: Hyde on Reliquia Cupid in this rack You can see all the relics that you have at the moment, and also shows the number of echoes that are needed to improve relics

Warframe Farm Relicness abyss. Warframe: Hyde on Reliquia Cupid in this rack You can see all the relics that you have at the moment, and also shows the number of echoes that are needed to improve relics

The relics of the abyss are very ancient artifacts, these vintage relics can be obtained if all the mission of the abyss rupture will be performed.

In total, there are four types of unique relics in Warframe: Aksi Era, Lit Era, Neo Era and Meso Era. Meanwhile, all artifacts are indicated by the number or in the form of the letter of the Latin alphabet. Each artifact consists of six basic items, parts, drawings and shapes. The contents of relics are divided into certain values, two unusual objects, one rare subject and three conventional items.

Few of Warframe players know, but in fact there are only four types of unique relics distributed by eras. Relics can be farm and open only by performing various tasks on any of the planets, as such a mission to collect relics is simply not. It is also worth noting that each individual relic has its own unique features:

  1. Such relics as a meso and lith, the player will receive only when it comes one of the tasks from the first to twentieth level. When a twenty-first level is reached, such relics will fall out much more often than usual than the harder mission, the greater the chance to get one or another relic.
  2. In survival mode, the player can receive relics every twenty minutes.
  3. In survival mode, coming to the ruins of Orocin, the player will be able to get the artifacts of Meso and Lit, the relics will fall out after a certain period of time.
  4. Performing the Defense Mission, the player will also fall out some types of relics, as in the ruins of Orocin.
  5. During the fulfillment of missions, the relics also sometimes appear, but in certain rounds.
  6. On excavations, you can also get several relics, namely 3, 7, 11 rounds.
  7. During the execution of a task to espionage, the player will have to hack two storage facilities, and at the end will receive one relic.

In order to successfully complete all the warframe tests that are included in the task of the abyss, one of the unique relics can be used. But it is possible to go through all the tests without relics, that's just at the end of the tasks, you will not receive a reward, instead, get the abyss. Among other things, if the player does not open the path to the tree of the missions, then the task of the bearing of the abyss will not work in any way, as the road will be closed. But this restrictive part of the player can bypass only if it has access to the task.

The main goal of the task is to assemble the reagent with the enslaved, as a result, the gap closes, but after which you can safely follow the evacuation point. Players who will go jobs with relics, then at the end of the successful task execution, they will be able to choose one of the four proposed remuneration. When the reward is chosen, then all relics from the inventory will be forever removed and cleaned.

When a player finds a suitable relic, at the beginning he will not be able to use it, for the beginning he will have to go through a special task, namely the rupture of the abyss. In order to go through this task, first will need to make sure that it is already available for execution. If it turns out that this task is not available to you, you will need to find a comrade from your team, which has access to the task.

When all the conditions are fulfilled, you can use relics. To begin with, the player will have to choose the appropriate artifact and put it in its inventory. When performing a mission of a gap of the abyss, the main goal of the player is to close the gap, and get to the evacuation point as soon as possible.

When all the conditions are fulfilled, the player will open a new improvement, namely the relics. Here you can improve the found artifacts. During improvements, there is a very high chance to get very rare items. By summing up, it can be said if a player for any reason does not want to engage in pharmaceutical relics, he can purchase them inside a game store.

Reliquia stand

When the monorail condition is successfully completed, the player will receive the relic of the abyss, thanks to which you can open an arsenal rack. When the rack opens, the player will be available a unique opportunity, improve its relics, and some items, for improvements will have to spend the echoes, which he will receive for the task of the abyss.

Warframe - Three Reliquia Improvement options

  • The first is unusual (you will need to spend twenty-five echoes);
  • The second is unmatched (for this you will have to spend fifty echoes);
  • The third improvement is shining (it will be necessary to spend a hundred echoes).

Thanks to improvement, the player will be able to select rare items from his relics. Relics that are improved cannot be re-improved. The relic that is improved will automatically be disconnected from the main improvement relic.

Chances of falling out

Influence of the type of relic on the chance of a rare item falling:

A type Normal award Unusual award Rare award
Non-turntable 76% 22% 2%
Unusual 70% 26% 4%
Unfortunate 60% 34% 6%
Shining 50% 40% 10%

A group of four players with relics of one level has the following chances of obtaining rare items:

In a new update from Warframe developers, the keys of the abyss were replaced by the relics of the abyss.

When the result is successfully closed, then at the end of the player will be able to choose one of two remuneration, the number of the awards themselves will directly depend on the escaping relics in quantity. It is worth noting that one reward is a direct item from your relics, the other awards are unique relics of the rest of the players.

The player in turn can choose one of the proposed options, and not more than one available award. If during the fulfillment of the mission, in the inventory of the player there will be at least one relic, then it will not receive any available remuneration. The allies will also be not available to choose.

If, upon completion of the Warframe task, players will choose the same relic, then at the end they will receive it.

If another player chooses your relic, then you can get one wonderful bonus as a remuneration, you will be available one abyss.

Each relic has its own unique name if the relic is called the letter, then it is most likely a rare drawing. The name of the numbers is very often used if the letter was called the name in the past. The most rare relics, this is of course the relics of the abyss, unique artifacts.

Favoring such a unique thing, the player will be able to acquire unique items with it, which are very expensive. But only, few of the current gamers know how and where it is possible to farm these unique relics, well, and how to use them.

The rarest objects of the sample of past epochs that are mined only during the passage of special missions of the category of the "gaplessness".

There are only four relics in Warframe: Lit Era, Aksi Era, Neo Era and Meso Era. At the same time, each of the listed items is marked by a certain number or Latin letter.

All artifacts without exception are collected from six key parts, and also requires a drawing to start creating. Inside the relics there may be completely different things of the specific quality: two uncommon-subjects, one Rare, as well as three Common.

As we have already said, there are only four relics in Warframe, and they are distributed by eras. To make them prey, you will have to perform certain quests, as it is not possible to collect them in the form of an ordinary resource. Moreover, each relic has a number of conditions necessary for its prey.

This is about:

- Relics like Meso and Lit, which are issued only after passing one mission from the introductory chain with 1-20 LVL. With the achievement of this threshold, the chance of religious loss will increase, but also the associated tasks will increase significantly in terms of complexity.

- Survival mode can give a new relic player every quarter of an hour.

- The same mode, if you can achieve the ruins of Orocin, will give you the relics of the Mezo and Lit Group. Drop itself will be held at certain intervals.

- Tasks on the defense of the goals for which the same type of the above-described relics fall.

- During the passage of excavations, and specifically - during the third, seventh and eleventh rounds.

- In the course of quests associated with espionage. There you have to hurt two safes to get one relic in conclusion.

The use of relics in Warframe is carried out in different ways. So, to pass all the tests of the game, you will need relics, since in the tasks with the signature of the "gap of the abyss" they are needed if you expect for an additional reward.

Of course, if you wish, you can and without relics complete all the tests, but then you will have to be content with the abyss of the abyss in the form of a final award (enough cheap items).

Moreover, for themselves, the quests of the gaplessness will demand from you first complete the path to the task tree. In the event of a special task, this restriction can be circumvented.

During this quest you will need to get to enslave and take reagents from them. Making it, you will close the gap, and then you can easily get to the outlet point.

If you have relics, then upon completion of the mission you can get one of the four awards to choose from. Keep in mind that after choosing your relic will be destroyed forever.

To use the relic, when you first get it, you need to perform a mission associated with the gap of the abyss. This task becomes affordable not immediately, so you have to wait or find a partner, which already has free access.

Only after the mission is completed, you can use relics by inserting them into a certain artifact. During the fulfillment of the quest type "Gapless" you have to get to the break and close it.

After that, you will get the opportunity to use a rack of relics to upgrade the extracted artifacts. When conducting improvement, there is always a chance that you will have a valuable thing. If farm relics are too lazy, then just buy them in a network store.

If another player chooses the same relic, which you chose after passing the task with a break, then you both get this award. Moreover, you will also give one echo the abyss.

In this guide, I will tell about relics. This guide is designed for beginners who are still appearing in the game.

Let's start with the fact that there are 4 types of relics in the game:

Lit Era Meso Era Neo Era Aksi Era

To the right of the arsenal you have a relics stand.

To activate it, you need to pass the knot between the earth and Mars.

In this rack you can see all the relics that you have at the moment, and also shows the number of echoes that are needed to improve relics.

You can also improve your relics, there are 3 improvements:

An enhancement option affects the chance of a rare lute drop.

A type

Normal award

Unusual award

Rare award

















You can get relics in 3 ways:

Relics are spent on the gaps of the abyss. Gaps appear on random missions. These missions are specified in a special tab on the map.

Missions with a rupture of the abyss are divided by difficulty: Lit Era-\u003e Meso Era-\u003e Neo Era-\u003e Aksi Era.When you start such Missi, you will be given to choose one of the relics of that era that is on this planet.

When performing a mission, all the paths of hiding will appear Flambers whose enemies will appear from which fall Reagentsnecessary to close the fault and Echoes of the abyss which are needed to improve relics.