Who is a philosopher? The names of the great philosophers. Philosophy of ancient Greece

Who is a philosopher? The names of the great philosophers. Philosophy of ancient Greece
Who is a philosopher? The names of the great philosophers. Philosophy of ancient Greece

The philosophical teachings of ancient Greece were based on the culture of many nations. Antique myths have become the basis for the origin of the new history of the ancient world.

The first philosophers of ancient Greece

Early teachings of philosophy originated in 7-5 centuries to R.Kh. During the formation of the first major ancient Greek cities-states. These ancient philosophical schools include such ancient philosophical schools: Miletskaya, Elaska, Pythagoreans, School of Heraclit Efesse. The philosophers of these trends tried to explain the phenomena of the outside world, waved the nature and were looking for the first acquisition of everything, without using the discussion as a means of knowing the truth.
Miletsky school arose in the 6th century BC. in . She was named after a large mite policy, where it was formed. The founder of this flow of philosophy was Fales. Pupil Falez - Alexander for the first time revealed the law of conservation of matter. His follower of Anaximen equated the gods to the forces of nature, planets and stars.
Pythagoreans are followers of the great mathematics of Pythagora. This teaching arose in 6-5 centuries BC. Pythagoreans of the primary origin of the world and all phenomena considered numbers.
The Elais school was born in the city of Eleu in 6-5 centuries BC. The most outstanding thinkers were: Parmenid, Zenon Elayky, Melissa Samos. Eleata became the progenitors of idealism.

Famous ancient philosophers in Greece

Democritus laid the foundations of the flow of materialism in philosophy. He assumed that all the living and non-living around consists of the smallest particles - eternal atoms. It is the movement of these particles - the cause of life.
Socrates - a well-known ancient Greek philosopher, did not support the democratic device of the state. He moved the perspective of knowledge with the surrounding reality on the inner world of man ("Know yourself"). Was executed in 399 BC.
Plato is one of the greatest thinkers in ancient Greece, a student of Socrates. His exercises are based by many European and ancient Greek philosophies. A supporter of idealism believed that there is only the world of ideas, and all the other are only derived from it.
Aristotle is another famous philosopher, wrote such works as "Organon" and "Politics". Later they were guided by.

Philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome

In the 3rd century BC - 6th century AD The main teaching of antiquity was neoplatonism, famous for his pedagogical tradition. This school combined elements of Platonism with other philosophical currents. The center of Neoplatonism Steel

Representatives of annual schools, in particular, milders, their teaching are considered to be pioneers of ancient Greek philosophy. For the first time, such a term was introduced by Diogen Lanertsky, the historian of the late period of antiquity, and they were counted for the Ionians the most vivid representative of the referral - Fales, as well as all his students and followers.

First Philosophical School of Ancient Greece

The philosophical school itself began to be called Miletsky on the name of the city of the same name - a mile. In ancient times, it was the largest Greek settlement on the west coast of the Majual Asian Territory. Miretskaya school had an extensive direction of activity, the significance of which is difficult to overestimate. The accumulated knowledge gave a significant impetus in the development of most types of European sciences, including a tremendous impact on the formation of mathematics, biology, physics, astronomy and other natural-scientific disciplines. It was at milders that was created and introduced into the use of the first special scientific terminology.

Previously, abstract symbolic concepts and presentations, for example, about cosmogonia and theology were present in a distorted form in mythology and had the status of the transmitted tradition. Thanks to the activities of representatives of the Millet School, many directions of physics and astronomy began to be studied and represent no cultural and mythological, but scientific and practical interest.

The fundamental principle of their philosophical worldview was the theory that nothing in the surrounding world may arise from nothing. Relying on this, the milders believed that the world and most things and phenomena had an endless in space and time the United Divine initially, which is also the dominant source of living space and its existence.

Another feature of the Miletsky school is to consider the whole world as a whole. Live and inanimate, as well as physical and mental had an extremely minor division for its representatives. All those surrounding people were considered animated, the difference was only that it was more inherent to a greater extent, and the other in the smaller.

The sunset of the Millet School fell at the end of the V century BC, when Millet lost his political significance and stopped being an independent city. This happened due to the Persian Ahemenides, which put an end to the development of philosophical thought in these parts. Despite this, in other localities, Miletts had followers of their ideas, the most famous were hippon and Diogenes Apollonian. Miretskaya school not only created a geocentric model, but also had a huge impact on the formation and development of materialistic, although the mite themselves were not customary to the materialists.

Features of the philosophy of ancient Greece

The philosophy of ancient Greece had not only a significant impact on European thought, but also asked the development of global philosophy. Despite the fact that a huge amount of time has passed since then, it still causes deep interest in most philosophers and historians.

Ancient Greek philosophy is characteristic primarily by the generalization of the initial theories of various scientific knowledge, observations of nature and many achievements in culture and science, which were achieved by colleagues from the East. Another characteristic feature is Cosmocentrism, therefore, the concepts of microcosm and macrocosm appear. Macrocosmos include all nature and its phenomena, as well as well-known elements, microcosmos is a kind of reflection and repetition of this natural world, that is, man. Also, the ancient Greek philosophers present the concept of fate, which is subordinated by all manifestations of human activity and its end result.

During the heyday, the active development of mathematical and natural-scientific disciplines occurs, and this causes a unique and very interesting synthesis of scientific knowledge and theories with mythology.

The reason why ancient Greek philosophy has received such development and had so many individual characteristics, lies in the absence of a caste of priests in contrast to, for example, from the eastern states. This led to a significant spread of freedom of thought, which has favorably affected the formation of a scientific and rational movement. In the East, conservative beliefs were kept under control all social phenomena that for ancient Greece was alien phenomenon. For this reason, we can assume that the democratic device of antique policies had the most significant impact on all the features of an ancient Greek philosophical thought.

Periods of the philosophy of ancient Greece

For the convenience of studying the ancient Greek philosophy, historians introduced a generally accepted system of its periodization.

So, early Greek philosophy began to develop back in the VI-V centuries BC. This is the so-called Dedosratov period, during which Falez Miletsky appeared, recognized as the very first. He belonged to the Miletsky school, one of the first who arose at that time, after her, the school of EleaTov appeared, whose representatives were busy with issues of being. In parallel, her own school was founded in parallel, in which the measures, harmony and numbers were to be studied. There is also a large number of single philosophers who have not attached to any of the existing schools, among them were Anaksagor, Democritis and Herclite. In addition to the listed philosophers, the first sophists, such as Protigor, Prodig, Hippius and others, appear in the same period.

In the V century BC, you can observe the smooth transition of ancient Greek philosophy to the classic period. In many ways, thanks to the three giants of thought - Socrates, Aristotle and Platon, became the real philosophical center of all Greece. For the first time, the concept of personality and decisions they make it are introduced, which are based on the conscience and adopted value system, philosophical science begins to be considered as a political, ethical and logical system, and science receives further promotion through research and theoretical methods of studying peace and its phenomena.

The last period is Hellenism, which historians are sometimes divided into early and late stages. In general, this is the longest period in the history of ancient Greek philosophy, which began at the very end of the IV century to our era, ended only in the VI century of our era. Hellenistic philosophy also captured and part, at this time many philosophical directions received many opportunities for their development, this was for the most part under the influence of Indian thought. The main directions that have arisen at this time are:

  1. School epicoreism Representatives of which developed the existing situation of ethics, recognized the eternity of the world around, denied the presence of fate and preached to obtain pleasures on which all their teachings were built.
  2. Direction skepticism The followers of which showed mistrust to most of the generally accepted knowledge and theories, believing that they should be tested by a scientific and educational way for truth.
  3. The doctrine of Zenona Kitii That was the name of Stoicism, the most well-known representatives of which were Mark Azeri and Seneca. They preached durability and courage in front of the vital difficulties, which laid the foundation of the early Christian moral doctrines.
  4. Neoplatonism which is the most idealistic philosophical direction of antiquity. It is the synthesis of exercises that Aristotle and Plato created, as well as oriental traditions. Neoplatonist thinkers studied the hierarchy and the device of the surrounding world, initially, and also created the first practical techniques that contributed to the achievements of unity with God.

An ancient Greek philosophy is considered the degree of European philosophy. Since its appearance (VII century BC), she immediately differed from Eastern. First of all, because the latter relied on the idea of \u200b\u200bdespotic rule, supported the cult of ancestors, honored their customs and did not contribute to the development of freedomiff. What factors formed ancient Greek philosophy? What schools, philosophers and ideas it was presented? Consider more in the article.


First of all, we will tell about what has become an impetus to the active development of philosophy in ancient Greece. The main factors were:

  • the transition from the birthbroken building to a special type of political device - the policy, where democracy reigned;
  • an increase in contacts with other nations and civilizations, the adoption of their experience and its transformation;
  • development of scientific knowledge, trade and crafts;
  • transformation of mental labor into a special type of activity.

All these prerequisites contributed to the formation of a free person who had his own opinion. Actively developed such qualities as: a thrust for knowledge, the ability to reflect and draw conclusions, the intersection of the mind. The pursuit of philosophizing was also maintained by the principle of competition, which was used not only in sports competitions, but also in intellectual disputes and discussions of various kinds.

At the first time of the development of ancient Greek philosophy, her relationship with mythology is very well noticeable. They asked the same questions:

  • where did the world come from;
  • how it exists;
  • who manages nature.

However, mythology and philosophy have a very weighty difference - the latter is trying to find an all rational explanation, comprehend the world around the mind. Therefore, it is due to its development a new questions appear:

  • why it happens exactly so;
  • what causes a certain phenomenon;
  • what is the truth.

For the answer required another warehouse of thinking - critical. The thinker based on the form of knowledge of the world must be absolutely all doubt. It should be noted that at the same time the worship of the gods persists until the very last period of the development of ancient Greek thought, when Pantheism begins to actively displaced the Christian religion.


Researchers believe that ancient Greek philosophy has passed in its development a few periods:

  1. Dosokratovsky - he lasted to V c. BC. The most famous schools of that time were Miletsky and Elaska.
  2. Classic - the one century lasted to the IV century. BC. It is considered a period of heyday of an ancient Greek thought. It was then that Socrates lived, and.
  3. Hellenistic - ended in 529, when Emperor Justinian closed the last Greek philosophical school - Platonov Academy.

Not so much information about the activities of the first ancient Greek philosophers reached our days. So, we receive a large amount of information from the works of other, later thinkers, first of all, Plato and Aristotle.

Combines all periods, perhaps the type of philosophizing, which was called the Cosmocentric. This means that the thinking of the wise men of ancient Greece was directed to the world and nature, their origin and relationship. In addition, the abstraction method was used for knowledge, which was formed by the concepts. They were used to be able to describe items, lizing them with properties and quality. Also, the ancient Greeks were able to summarize all the scientific theories already known to them, observations of nature and achieve science and culture.

Consider the most important ancient Greek schools (or directions) of philosophy.


This area includes mostly representatives of the Miletsky school. The world was considered by them like a living and indivisible one. In it, all people around people were animated: some are more, others are in less.

Their main goal was the search originated by Being ("What everything comes from and everything is happening"). At the same time, natural philosophers could not fall into the one of which elements are considered to be the main. For example, Fales considered water on the beginning of everything. At the same time, the representative of the same direction named Anaximen the championship gave air, and the fire.


This direction is also called Elaska. Among his famous followers: Zenon and Parmenid. Their teaching has become an impetus for the development of idealism in the future. They denied the possibility of movement and change, believing that there really exists only being. It is eternal, the only and frozen on the spot, also cannot be destroyed.

It was Eleaata that was the first to discover that there are things that exist in reality and comprehended by thinking, and there are those with which you can get acquainted only by feelings.

Another school

Her founder was. He believed that there is not only being, but also non-existence, and all of our world consists of the smallest particles - atoms. They differ from each other shape, size, position and form bodies. The world, objects and phenomena, a person sees eyes. And it is impossible to consider atoms "feelings", it turns out to be done only by reason.

Classic direction

As part of this school, attention should be paid to prominent figures of that time: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

  1. Socrates is a philosopher, the first man who has a person who has a conscience and a certain set of value installations:
  • he insists on the importance of self-knowledge, since it is it forms the way to achieve the highest true good;
  • each person has a mind, with which all the concepts are comprehended. That is, for example, good or courage to teach another one. He must do it independently, reflecting, detecting, remembering.
  1. Plato was those who actually founded objective idealism:
  • his main idea is that ideas are prototypes of all existing things. He calls them models. So, for example, it can be said that all chairs have a general perfect pattern of what we call "chair";
  • the philosopher believed that the state is unfair and imperfectly, since it is based on the subjective opinions of its rulers;
  • being a thinker divides on the world of things (inexistan) and the world of ideas (true). Items arise, change, destroy and disappear. Ideas, in turn, eternal.
  1. Aristotle was the most talented student of Plato, which did not prevent him from criticizing the ideas of his teacher. The inquisitive mind and wide range of allowed the thinker to engage in logic, psychology, politics, economy, rhetoric and many other exercises to the exercises. By the way, it was Aristotle who first classified science on theoretical and practical. We give its main ideas:
  • being is the unity of form and matter, the latter - what things consist of, it can take any kind;
  • components of matter are standard elements (fire, air, water, land and ether), they form objects known to us in different combinations;
  • it was Aristotle who was the first to formulate some laws of logic.

Hellenistic direction

Often, Hellenism is divided into early and late. It is considered the longest period in the history of the ancient Greek philosophy, who even seized the beginning of the Roman stage. In the first place at this time, the search for a man of consolation and reconciliation with a new reality is searched. Ethical problems are important. So, what schools appeared at the specified period.

  1. Epicureism - representatives of this area considered the pleasure of life. However, it was not about sensual pleasure, but about something sublime and spiritual, inherent only to sages, able to overcome the fear of death.
  2. Skepticism - his followers showed distrust to all "truths" and theories, believing that they need to be checked by scientific and empirically.
  3. Neoplatonism - in a sense, this is a mixture of Plato's teachings and Aristotle with oriental traditions. Thinkers of this school sought to achieve unity with God by their practical techniques created by them.


Thus, ancient Greek philosophy existed and developed about 1200 years. It still feels a strong influence of mythology, although it is considered the first conceptual system, in which thinkers tried to find a rational explanation to all surrounding phenomena and things. In addition, its elevation contributed to "free" thinking of residents of the ancient cities - states, or policies. Their inquisitive mind, interest in nature and the world allowed the ancient philosophy of Greece to lay the foundations for the development of the entire European philosophy as a whole.

Philosophical reflections appeared already in the first works of the ancient Greek historians Fukidid, Herodota and Homer. In the VI century BC. The philosophy of ancient Greece originated. At about the same time, philosophical currents appeared in India and Egypt.

The formation of ancient Greek philosophy in the VI-V century BC. e.

The first philosophical school in ancient Greece is considered to be the school of the Falez thinker in the city of Miletskut. From here there was the name of this school-miret. The first school of philosophers was distinguished by the fact that he understood the world as a whole, without separating live substances from non-living.

  • Falez. . This philosopher was the first to opened the constellation of a large bear and determined that the light of the moon falling on the ground is its reflection. According to the teachings of Falez, everything that surrounds us consists of water. His thesis is "all of the water and everything in the water." Water is an animated substance, which, like space, is endowed with an animation forces. Fales was laid for the idea of \u200b\u200bunited nature, that is, born of one whole. Contemporaries it is customary to call natural philosophy.
  • Anaximandr . Earth, according to his teaching, is a weightless body, which is soaring in the air. The modern world has developed from marine sediments on the border between water and the shore. According to the teachings of Anaximandra, the universe dies to revive again.
  • Another representative of the Millet School Anaximen intrusted the concept of Appearon - an indefinite start. He understands the air as filling all the living and non-living. The man's soul also consists of air. If you discharge the air, it will fall onto the flame and ether, according to the philosopher, thickening, the air turns first into the clouds, then in the wind and stones.
  • Of the philosophers of the ancient Greece of the early period, the formation was distinguished from ephos. He took place from the aristocratic order, but left his house and left the students in the mountains. The foundation of the whole heraklite considered fire. The soul of man, the burning forever, also consists of fire. The wisdom will be fed - to be eternally filled with the search for the truth, the philosopher argued. One of the most famous peraclite theses: "Everything flows, everything changes." Like the philosophers of the Miletsky school, Heraclit believed that the universe dies to revive again. The main difference of his philosophy is that all living material is born in fire and goes into the fire.

Fig. 1. Heraclit.

Heraclit created a new concept in philosophy - "Logos" is a kind of law of laws created by Divine Forces. Logos, in other words, the voice of the cosmos, but even having heard, people do not understand and do not accept it. All living things can change, but the essence of the Logos always remains the same.

  • Pythagoras . This ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician founded his school in Crotone. Pythagorians believed that the state should manage a man with a noble heart. At the heart of everything, considered a thinker, lie numbers. Scientist is also known for the proof of its geometric and mathematical theorems. The Pythagora table uses with ancient times to this day.

School of Elatov

The school of Elates paid its main attention to explaining the nature of the world and the Being of a person in this world. The main philosophers of this school are Zenon, Xenofan and Parmenid.

  • Xenophan , philosopher and poet, one of the first spoke about the mobility of the universe. He also criticized the religion of the ancient Greeks. Riddled and pies with predictors, calling them fraudsters.
  • Reception Son Parmenida Zenon developed the theory of the "world of opinion", in which the main role belongs to movement and number. This thinker is trying to cut off everything is an incomprehensible exclusion method.
  • Parmenid argued that there is nothing but being in the world. The criterion of everything, considered the philosopher, serves the mind, and everything sensual has blurred borders and is not subject to deep understanding.


One of the most prominent ideologues of Naturophilosophy was a thinker Democritus.

  • Democritis it was alleged that the foot of the Universe lies many worlds. Each such world consists of atoms and emptiness, the emptiness fills the space between atoms and the world. Atoms themselves are indivisible by themselves, they do not change and immortal, the number of them is infinite. The philosopher argued that everything that happens in the world has its reason, and the knowledge of the reasons is the basis of action.

At the first stage of the formation of ancient Greek philosophy, there is a generalization of knowledge. The first philosophers are trying to understand the structure of the world, the concepts of space and the atoms of the filling space appear.

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Flowering ancient Greek philosophy

During the period of the V-IV centuries BC. In ancient Greece, accurate sciences and natural science are developing. It is noteworthy that this development occurs against the background of mythology and religion.

Soft school

School of Sofists was known for its critical attitude towards the religion of the agencies of the ancient Eldla, the founder of this school was Protagor.

  • PROTAGOR. he was a traveler philosopher who was coming to all Greece and had abroad. He met with prominent politicians Eldlas: Pericl and Euripid, who were looking for his advice. The basis of the ideology of Protagor was his thesis: "Man is a measure of just" and "a person understands everything, as he understands." His words should be understood as the fact that a person sees and feels, and is actually. The teachings of the philosopher led to what he was accused of atheism and expelled from Athens.
  • Antifon - One of the youngest generation of school sophist. The thinker believed that a person himself must take care of himself, while the essence of nature is inseparable from a person. An antifont, as well as Protagor, was subjected to persecution by the authorities for the fact that he married the slave, and all his slaves let go to the will.


This philosopher born in 469 BC, loved to walk through the streets of the city and lead conversations with people. Being by profession the sculptor, Socrates managed to participate in the Peloponess War.

  • Philosophy Socrates fully different from the ideology of its predecessors. Unlike them, Socrates does not propose to reflect and contemplate, he proposes to act in the name of noble goals. To live in the name of good - this is the main thesis of Socrates. Knowledge Thinker considers as a common foundation for self-development. "Know yourself" - here is the main thesis of the philosopher. In 399 BC e. Socrates accused of the blasphemy and the plantation of young people. He was delivered a death sentence. As a free citizen of Ellala, Socrates had to take the poison that he did.

Fig. 2. Socrates. Lisippa work.


After the death of Socrates one of the most prominent figures, Plato becomes among the philosophers of ancient Greece. In 387 BC e. This philosopher formed his circle of students, who later became his school called the Academy. So it was named locally on which she was.

  • In general, philosophy Plato i absorbed the main theses of Socrates and Pythagora. The thinker became the founder of the theory of idealism. Higher Something, according to his theory, is benefit. Human desires are inconsistent and resemble the chariot harnessed with two horses. The knowledge of the world, according to Platon, is the desire to see the beauty of the soul in each person. And only love is capable of bringing a person to good.


The culmination of ancient Greek philosophy, its most wonderful milestone, it is customary to consider the works of the philosopher Aristotle. Aristotle studied at the Plato Academy and created a single complex from science, logic, politicians and natural science.

  • Matter, according to Aristotle , then from which our world is made, in itself it can neither disappear or reborn because inert. Aristotle has the concepts of time and space. He substantiated philosophy as a system of knowledge of science. As Socrates, this thinker was accused of wormless and forced to leave Athens. The great philosopher died on a foreign land, in the city of Halkis.

Fig. 3. Bust Aristotle. Lisippa work.

Sunset of ancient Greek philosophy

The classic period of the philosophical thought of ancient Greece ended with the death of Aristotle. By the III century BC e. There was a sunset of philosophy, as Ellad fell under the blows of Rome. During this period, the spiritual and moral life of the ancient Greeks is declining.

The main ideologies during this period it is customary to be epicurery, skepticism and staicism.

  • Epicur - A prominent philosopher, born in 372 BC. e. He argued that the world is impossible to change. According to the teachings of the thinker, atoms are moved in an empty space. The highest start of man Epicur has considered pleasure. At the same time, the thinker argued that an immoral person could not be happy.
  • Cleanf - One of the founders of Stoicism argued that the world is a living agent managed by the law of Divine Forces by Logos. A person must hear the will of the gods and obey each of them.
  • Philosopher Piron the concept of skepticism was introduced. Skeptics rejected the accumulated knowledge of people, arguing that a person cannot know and a small tolik about the world around him. Therefore, a person cannot judge the nature of things and especially give her any evaluation.

Despite the sunset of the philosophical thought of ancient Greece, she laid the fundamental basis for the human personality of the formation of moral and moral principles.

What did we know?

A gradual transition of ancient Greek philosophers from a simple contemplation of natural phenomena to the very essence of a person, created a foundation for modern moral qualities with synthesis of science. Briefly the most important philosophers of ancient Greece are Aristotle, Plato, Socrates and Democritus: about them and some other philosophers and philosophical currents are told in this article.

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Antique philosophyAncient Greece.

The original source of Greek philosophy was mythology. At the same time, cosmological myths who tell about the origin of peace and man played the dominant role. The works of Gesiod, Homer, Orpheus became a kind of basis for the scientific and philosophical understanding of the problems of the surrounding world.

On the first stage(annoyance) (VI-V ventures BC) Early Greek philosophers have undoubtedly experienced the influence of mythological images. However, they have already tried to explain the phenomena of nature and society based on the natural reasons that a person is able to know with the help of reason by their careful study by observation. In the center of the ancient studies is space - the perfect creation. He is nothing but a huge body of a living human being. The origin and structure of the world, the properties of nature are the main object that interests early ancient Greek philosophers. Therefore, they were called "physicists", i.e. researchers of nature. Today, early ancient Greek philosophy is called Philosophy "Fisis" or Naturophilosophy. Natural philosophy- This is the science that studies the philosophy of nature, "Wisdom of Nature."

Second phase(Classic) (V-IV centuries. BC) is associated with the names of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

On the third stage(Ellinism) (IV-III centuries. BC) There are 3 main currents of Hellenistic philosophy: skepticism, epicureism and stoicism.

The first antique philosophical schools arose at the turn of the VII-VI centuries. BC. The center of philosophy was at the time G. Millet. Therefore, the term is often used. Millet School. The founder of the Miletsky school is considered Falez Miletsky(K.VII -N.VI centuries. BC). He was a philosopher, a geometer, mathematician, an astronomer. Falez is attributed to the merit of determining the length of the year in 365 days and the division of the year for 12 months to thirty days in each. Fales was the richest philosopher in ancient Greece. In addition, it opened some mathematical and geometric patterns (Falez Theorem). And no wonderla Fales Miletsky became one of the six-graded ancient Greek "seven wise men." The value of Falez for philosophical thought was primarily that he first raised the question in which he expressed the main task of philosophical knowledge: "What is everything?". Answering his assigned question, Fales was guided by a cosmological concept. Here are the three main components of this concept:

1) The beginning of everything is water.

2) The earth swims on the water, like a piece of wood.

3) All in the world is an aimed.

Water for Falez is a primature with real characteristics, properties of a natural material object.

At the same time, Fales recognizes the presence of gods. But he believes that the gods exist in nature itself.

Another miret philosopher was Anaximandr(VI century BC). Finding out the signs initially, he found the Aperon. "Apearos" means immortal, limitless and infinite. This is abstract, i.e. mental idea of \u200b\u200bthe origin of the world. Aceoron, being the origin of the world, produces all other phenomena of nature from himself. Due to the rotation of the Areyron, opposite qualities are highlighted - wet and dry, cold and warm. Then these qualities are mixed between themselves and natural objects arise: land (dry and cold), water (wet and cold), air (wet and warm), fire, (dry and warm). Aceron is not only a substantial, but also the genetic start of space. The universe has the appearance of 3 hollow rings filled with fire. Each ring has holes, through which fire is viewed. In the 1st ring, the set of holes are stars; in 2-m - 1 hole - moon; In the 3rd - also 1 hole - the sun. In the center of the universe is still hanging land having a cylinder form. Anaximander invented the elementary "sundial" - "Gnomon", built a globe, drawn a geographical map. All living things originated in wet Ile, once covered with the Earth. With his gradual drying, all living beings went to the land. Among them were some fish-like creatures, in the womb of which people originated. When people grew up, this scales broke up. The dialectic of Anaximandra was expressed in the teaching of the Eternity of the Movement of Apeiron, about allocating opposites from it. Anximandra's student was Anaximen(VI century BC). Continuing the search initially, in his work "On Nature", he argued that all things come out of the air by discharge or thickening. Distinguished, the air becomes fire first, then the ether, and thumping, - wind, clouds, water, land and stone. Understanding the universe. The land has a flat shape and hangs still in the center of the Universe, maintaining the air from below. The sky moves around the earth, like a hat, turning around a man's head.

Thus, the following common features are characteristic of Miletsky school thinkers:

1) Searches originated;

2) it thinks monistically;

3) it is represented as a primary substance;

4) it is represented as a living (Gilosoism), i.e. In the eternal movement and transformation.

Close in my search originated to the mite was HeraclitEfesse (Kon. VI - Nach. V centuries BC). He belonged to a well-known royal-priesthood, but refused his rights and privileges in favor of his brother, and his own lifestyle was led, recent years spending in the mountain cave. The primary world of Heraclit determined the fire as a symbol of the eternal movement. Fire, on Heraclitus, eternal, but not absolute. It is constantly changing. Fire extrusion leads to the emergence of the universe. Fire fire leads to the destruction of the universe. The most important concept in the Heraclit philosophy is Logos. Logos is a certain abstract world law that manages the world and people, reigns in the universe. The essence of the Logos itself is revealed in principles:

1) the principle of struggle and unity of opposites;

2) the principle of constant variability (constantly only development): everything flows, everything changes; In the same river you can not enter twice; Even the sun every day is new;

3) the principle of relativity (alone live at the expense of the death of others, due to the life of others dying).

In Logos, Heraclit metaphorically formulated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dialectical nature of the whole world. For such difficulty and inconsistency of the heraclit philosophy called "Dark". He was also called the "crying philosopher", because Every time leaving home and seeing around himself a lot of bad living people, he cried, sorry for everyone.

Elais school. Xenophan.Lived at least 92 years. His creativity was exclusively in poetic form. For the first time in the history of philosophy, he expressed the idea that all the gods are the fruit of human fantasy that people invented the gods in their own way, attributing them their physical features and moral deficiencies: "Ethies say that their gods are smuggles and blacks; Frakians / represent their gods / blue-eyed and reddish ... But if bulls, horses and lions had hands and could draw them and create works / arts / like people, the horses would have portrayed gods like horses, bulls like bulls And they would attached / them / bodies of this kind, what is the body image of themselves, / every in their own way / ". The gods of Antiquity Xenofan opposed one God, which one with nature: "All, i.e. The whole universe is one. One is God. The deity is sharpening and not like a person. The deity sees everything, hears, but do not breathe; It is mind, thinking and eternity. People are not created by the gods, but were born out of the ground and water. " Such peaceopony of xenophan can be attributed to the pantheism ( pantheism- Philosophical teaching, identifying God with nature and considering nature as an embodiment of the Divine), because for him "all or the universe is God." Antiafactorphism and Xenophane antipolitism were associated with this. Xenophan was a skeptic, as he claimed that it was impossible to know reliably!

Parmenid. His philosophical doctrine is set forth with hexameters. Parmenid first puts two most important philosophical problems: the question of the attitude of being and non-existence and the question of the attitude of being and thinking. All Parmenide philosophy is built on a dilemma: there is not. There is something that may not be, this is being. Genesis is what exists. Not there is, on the contrary, something that cannot be, i.e. non-existence. Non-existence is something that does not exist. The main proof of non-existence is that it cannot be known, it is impossible to express in the Word. Moreover, the idea of \u200b\u200bnon-existence involves the existence of this non-existence, otherwise there was nothing to think about. So non-existence exists. But if non-existence exists, then in this case it is being. Consequently, the very thought of the existence of non-existence proves just the opposite - that non-existence does not exist. There is only what is conceivable and expressive in words, i.e. being. And then it turns out that "think is the same thing to be." In this phrase and formulate the identity of thinking and being. Moreover, the most important existence of being is that it can be understood.

Parmenide allocates the main features or properties of being:

1) Genesis did not arise;

2) being is not subject to death;

3) Being is intelligent, i.e. It does not consist of many parts;

4) Being is only beggar, i.e. only;

5) being motionless;

6) Genesis is completed or completely.

All of these properties of being needed from non-existence. The teachings of Parmenide contradicts and objects to the teachings of Heraclit, who has everything changeable: to think in contradictions need to have two heads, otherwise contradictory thoughts cannot be understood. What was after Parymenid? Obviously, it was necessary to further prove the unity and immobility of being. This occupied Zenonfrom Eley (Parmenid's favorite student). Aristotle calls Zenon inventor of dialectics. But this is -Subjective dialectic - the art of a dialectical reasoning and dispute, the art of "refuting / enemy / and through objections to put it in a predicary position." Zenon belongs to 4 judgments about the absence of movement called by aporries ( aprira-Logish intractability of the problem): 1. Flying arrow. 2. Achilles and turtle. 3. Dichotomy. 4. Stadium. In these Aprons, Zenon proves that there is no movement.

Pythagorean Soyuz.Pythagorasborn ok. 570 BC Pythagoreans were engaged in the study of mathematics, geometry, astronomy, music, medicine and anatomy, held many Yuzhitali cities under political control. The core of the Pythagorean philosophy was "the doctrine of the number." The philosophy of Pythagoreans was often called the "magic of numbers". The number and harmony control the world, for the world itself rule some patterns that can be calculated using the number. Numbers, he taught, enclose the mystery of things, and the worldwide harmony is the perfect expression of God. Pythagorean number is not an abstract amount, but a significant and active quality of the Supreme Unit, i.e. God, the source of world harmony. Pythagoras was also the author of the philosophy of showdower (transmigration), which was expressed by Skupo.

Empedocl- philosopher, poet, speaker, scientist naturalist, speaker, religious preacher . (480-420s. BC). He was a student of Parmenide, also studied from Pythagoreans.

The initial world considered the four elements that he called the "roots of all things." Fire, air, water and land are eternal and unchanged, have the qualities of being Parmenides. All other things are made of mixing. However, the first elements of the EmPedocle are passive, so all the processes of the universe are determined by the struggle of two forces that do not have a material embodiment - love (harmony, joy, aphrodite) and hatred (distribution, enmity). Love connects heterogeneous elements, hatred - divides them. All this passes the infinitely repeated four-phase cycle: 1) Love wins victory; 2) equilibrium; 3) hate prevails over love; 4) Equilibrium. The way the world is inherent with a constant and constantly repeating "time circle". Empedocl recognizes the ideas of Metmepsichoce (the resettlement of the shower). Empedocl became the latest outstanding representative of Italy philosophy, who was trying to reconcile the natural philosophical and already actually the philosophical teachings of their predecessors.

The last one who tried to answer the question of the birth and structure of the universe from the position of the philosophy of "Fisis" became Levkippand Democritusfrom Abder. With their names bind the birth of materialism.

Atomism of antique philosophy is presented mainly Democritis(Ok. 460 - approx. 370 Gg. BC), which was a student of Levkippa. Democritis received the nickname "Laming philosopher", for he considered all human affairs worthy laughter. Atomists, pushing away from the ideas of EleaTov, recognized that the main philosophical categories are the concepts of being and non-existence. But, unlike Eleans, atomists believed that non-existence also exists, as well as being. Non-existence is emptiness, motionless, boundless, shapeless, not having density and a single space. Genesis - multiple and consists of their indivisible particles - atoms. The atom translated from the ancient Greek means "indivisible". Atoms are the smallest particles of being, and by virtue of their smallness can not be perceived by human feelings. The atom has absolute density, does not contain emptiness. Atoms are in constant motion. Atom movement is possible because they are in emptiness. There is always some empty space between atoms, so atoms cannot face each other and even more so turn into each other. Atoms differ in shape, magnitude, movement, weight. Atoms themselves can be spherical, angular, concave, convex, etc. Atoms themselves do not have the qualities of any substance. The quality of things occurs only with a combination of certain atoms. Atoms are eternal and unchanged, and things are transient and finite. Why? Atoms, being in constant movement, constantly create new combinations, eliminating old. The main law of the Universe is the need: "No thing happens to be a question, but everything is due to the causal connection and necessity." Everything has its reason.

In V c. BC. Economic, political and cultural lifts are experiencing antique policies. The most important concept of ancient Greek life is the concept citizen. In the public consciousness one of the main things becomes a problem of civil virtues. With the flourishing of a democratic polis device, an urgent need for educated people capable of managing the state arose. Therefore, scientists appeared, which for a certain fee began to train citizens rhetoric (art of eloquence), erystics (art of reference to the dispute), philosophy. Philosophy teachers called softenders. Connoisseurs, wise men, word masters. However, in those days, the word "Sofist" acquired a few offensive sound, because Sofists did not interest truth. They taught art deftly defeat the enemy in disputes. At the same time, the sophists played a positive role in the spiritual development of Ellala. Sofists practically did not interest naturophilosophy. The main merit was that they put in the center of the worldview of the human problem as a citizen of the policy.

Basic Regulations Protagorathe famous axiom became: "Man is a measure of all things." A measure man independently determines that there is good and evil, which is truly true and what is inexpan. Another essential position of Protagore - all true. Any conclusion is true. Everything is true in its own way, for there is no absolute truth, nor absolute moral values.

Another philosopher-sophist Gorgiy,speaking that there is nothing, as well as Protagor, put forward the thesis that there is no absolute truth. But, since there is no absolute truth, then all false.

Socrates(470/469 - 399 BC) - the first birth of Athenian philosopher. After myself did not leave a single work. Information about Socrates, his speeches and conversations reached us in the record of his students of Plato and Xenophon. The problem of the meaning of life; What is the essence of the human person? What is good and evil? - These basic issues for Socrates. Therefore, Socrates are rightfully considered the creator of the first in the European history of moral philosophy. Socrates philosophy is his life. He showed her own life and death that real life values \u200b\u200bare not in external circumstances to which people (wealth, high position and so on.). Even in his last words, at the court, the duration of the deadly sentence of Socrates regrets a too elementary understanding of the meaning of life by the inhabitants of Athens: "But it's time to go from here, I am to die, you - to live, and who of us goes to the best, this is not a local except God. Socrates recognized the existence of objective truth, in contrast to the sophists. All fundamental concepts (good, evil, wisdom, beautiful, ugly, beauty, hatred, etc.) are given by God over. From here we find an explanation of the famous aphorism of Socrates: "I know that I don't know anything." The meaning of this aphorism is that the absolute true knowledge exists, but it is available only to God, and people reveal the ability of their soul in the desire for this knowledge. A person with the help of his mind must comprehend the fundamental concepts. For example, it is impossible to teach good man. He must reveal him himself, remember. If a person does not make good, he just does not know what kind of good. Knowledge is virtue. For the process of cognition, Socrates used the method of Maeevics - "Socratic conversation". This method was to identify definitions for general concepts and was quite a scientific method of identifying knowledge that Aristotle later called induction. Thus, Socrates taught logic. Socrates seemed to have not created the completed philosophical teaching, but his students he lit the fire of the desire for truth. The activity of Socrates served as the basis for ethical schools of ancient Greece: hedonic and kinic (cynical).

Hedonicschool ("Delight", "Pleasure") or Kerenaica (Kyrena), founded by a student of Socrates Aristipp, who considered pleasure the only meaning of life. Subsequently, the hedonic school merged with the epicorean school founded by an epicurome in Athens in 306 BC. Its representatives taught that spiritual pleasures are preferably bodily, and among spirituals there are most preferred (friendship, successful family life, the right state system). Ethics of hedonism led to amoralism when the criterion of good and evil was enjoyed. So, after the lectures of Gegezia, Alexandrian ("Solohodropisticist"), some listeners ended suicide. However, this can be understood: if the only goal of life is a pleasure, then it turns out to be meaningless, and therefore should not live.

Kiniki(dogs). The school is based on a student of Socrates by Antisphen (444-368 BC). The needs of a person are animal. The ideal of kinic life: unlimited spiritual freedom of a separate individual; Demonstrative disregard for all customs and generally accepted standards of life; rejection of pleasure, wealth, power; contempt for fame, success, knowledge. The motto of Diogen Sinopsky: "I am looking for a man!", The meaning of which was to demonstrate to people of their incorrect understanding of the essence of man. Plato called Diogena "Immovable Socrates". True happiness is freedom. Means for achieving freedom - askz - effort, difficult work, which helps to rule over their own desires. Ideal, the purpose of life is Avtarkia - self-sufficiency. When a person comprehends the vanity of life, the meaning of its existence becomes indifference to everything (Meeting Diogen with Alexander Macedonian). The doctrine of ignition is called the most short expensive to virtue.

The most consistent student of Socrates was Plato(427-347 BC), born in a notable aristocratic family. At birth, he was given the name of the aristocals. Plato - Nickname (Wide, Broad). Almost all the works of Plato are written in the form of dialogues, the main acting person of which is Socrates. This is the so-called "Platonic question" - it is not always clear what ideas expressed in the dialogues belong to Plato itself. But in his writings, Plato appears the first thinker in European history, seeking to create a holistic philosophical system. From the position of his philosophical views, he developed a teaching almost about all the parties of human life: about being, about space, about knowing, about the soul, about God, about society, about morality. The teaching of Plato is called the theory of ideas. Each concept, according to Plato, corresponds to real being. There are not only individual things (for example, a round table, a spotted horse, Socrates, etc.), but also a special being, corresponding to the concept of a round table, a spot horse, Socrates, etc. This is the being of the concepts of Plato called ideas. Ideas reflect the general properties of objects designated by Plato nouns: "Soyness", "horsery", "humanity", etc. The world of ideas - there is true being. He is eternal, constant. The idea is the overall concept of specific items. Separate items arise and destroy (for example, a round table, a spotted horse, Socrates, etc.), and common ideas (the table at all, the horse is generally, man, etc.) remain. Properties of the idea: 1. The idea is the meaning of things, i.e. The idea is the essence and cause of sensually perceived objects. 2. The idea of \u200b\u200bthings is the integrity of all individual parts and manifestations of things. 3. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe thing is the law of the emergence of single manifestations of things. 4. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe thing itself is loved by universally, i.e. It is not perceived by feelings, but only thinks. 5. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe thing has its own existence. The world of Eidosov, the world of ideas is outside the physical space. This world, Plato called Hipurouran. Along with the world of ideas, the most opposite material world exists. He is tech, constantly changing. The basis of the real world is "Chora", later Plato called it "matter" - a bone, immobile, coolest phenomenon, spoiling wonderful ideas. Consequently, the real world is only a stupid, distorted copy of the world perfect. Due to all this, Plato called the relevant, real world apparent being. Initially independent of each other, the existing world of ideas and choir - Matter came into motion and created the universe thanks to the third initial - demihgragu -platonovsky God. God-Demiurge is not just a leader, he gives rise to a certain phenomenon - a soul of the world that surrounds the whole physical world and distributes the divine energy that laid in it.

Aristotle(384-322 BC) built a whole system of evidence of the fallacy of Platonic teaching about ideas. Speaking: "Plato I am friend, but truth is more expensive," Aristotle agreed with Plato in one - in fact, every thing is the result of the connection of ideas and matter. The idea in this case is the meaning of things (according to Aristotle - "the essence of being" things), matter - means of incarnation of things. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe thing and the thing itself does not exist separately from each other. There is no world of Eidos - the idea of \u200b\u200bthings is in the very thing. In his philosophy, Aristotle The term "Eidos" replaces the term "form", and "chore" - "matter". Any thing is the unity of form and matter. The reason for the compound of form and matter is the movement, or a driving cause for the sake of purpose. The purpose of all things (eg, the table) is the real thing itself (table). Therefore, each thing is an extractable form with the cause-targeted purpose.

Form, movement and purpose of all things are generated by eternal essence - Mindthrough his "desire" and the strength of his "thoughts". In essence, the Aristotelian mind is God, but not a religious, but the philosophical God.

Main flowes hellenistic philosophy: Stoicism and epicureancy.

Stoiki(k. IV century) - followers of the philosophical school Stoi (Athens), their vital ideal is deadpan and calm, the ability does not respond to internal and external irritating factors. School of Stoics is founded by philosopher Zenofrom the kitiona approx. 300 BC. In ancient Rome, popular stoics were a philosopher Seneca(OK. 5 G. T.N. - 65 AD), his student Epicate and Roman emperor Mark Arellium(121-180 AD).

Epicureanism- philosophical direction based by ancient Greek materialist Epicurome(341 - 270 BC), and in the Roman Empire presented Lucretzie Korom(OK 99 - 55 BC).

Ethics of Epicuresev - Hedonic (from Greek. hedone- pleasure); Pleasure attached to the value of the life of life. But this is not sensual pleasure, not a rude animal pleasure, but the state of spiritual stability ( ataraction- Greek. Culk, complete calmness of the Spirit), which can only develop a sage capable of overcome the fear of death. "When we exist, death is not yet present; When death is present, then we do not exist "(epicuris).

Epicuri's teachings were the last great materialistic school of ancient Greek philosophy.