Timur Batrutdinov and his wife. Career, personal life

Timur Batrutdinov and his wife.  Career, personal life
Timur Batrutdinov and his wife. Career, personal life

Timur Batrutdinov is an actor, comedian and just an incredibly charismatic person. For more than one year, this person has been brilliantly performing on the stage of popular show Russia. He has come a long way to the pinnacle of humorous art, and rightfully occupies a significant place among his colleagues.

Professional activity of Batrutdinov never ceases to gain momentum. During his life, he became very popular and in demand. What was the humorist's childhood like, what did he do before the stage? We will shed light on these and many other events of Timur in this article.

Celebrities very often become the object of interest from their fans - Timur was no exception. Some of the frequently asked questions are height, weight, age, how old is Timur Batrutdinov? He is now 40 years old, he weighs 80 kilograms, and his height is 185 centimeters.

The comedian tries to look 100 percent consistently. He monitors his appearance, the wardrobe is updated in a timely manner, and the weight never exceeds the set parameters. Timur believes that it is very important to keep yourself in shape all the time. And during his activity, this is almost the most important thing.

Timur Batrutdinov photo in his youth and now. How are these photos different? Yes, nothing: young and funny guy, always looks at us with a broad smile from pictures in magazines, posters and photographs on the Internet. He does not have "cloudy" days, he is always cheerful and makes others laugh.

Biography and personal life of Timur Batrutdinov

He was born on February 11, 1978. In the small village of Voronovo, which is located in the Podolsk district of the Moscow region. It is here that the biography and personal life of Timur Batrutdinov begins. From childhood, the boy traveled throughout the country. Father - Takhir Khusainovich, was a military man. In this regard, the family moved from place to place. His mother is Natalya Evgenievna, an experienced economist. It was in her footsteps that Timur wanted to follow.

Like all children, he graduated from school, and then entered the institute, at the Department of Economics and Finance. It was then that his artistry and innate sense of humor began to appear. Batrutdinov constantly took part in all activities related to the positive. He played for the KVN team of his faculty, and, in his free time, wrote the texts of the St. Petersburg national team. After graduating from high school, Timur went to serve in the army.

Upon his return from military service, he did not leave his favourite hobby- the scene. But still, in addition to his hobbies, he got a job in his specialty. After working for some time in Moscow, he receives an invitation to participate in KVN. Batrutdinov resigns from the company and takes a place in the team “Nizolotaya Molodezh”. There he meets Garik Kharlamov, who, like Timur, is in favor of this team.

After several successful seasons, the guys became friends. They decide to create their own duet. So, in 2005, a couple of friends get on the stage of the Comedy Club.

Not limited to a humorous project, Timur takes part in various television shows, tries himself in the role of an actor and even voices the program "Survive Together" for the channel "Discovery" Today, he is one of the most popular and demanded comedians.

The comedian does not really like to talk about his personal life. Of course, there were girls in his life, once in the press there were photographs where Timur Batrutdinov and Galina Rzhaksinskaya were captured. Now it is difficult to say whether something connected them or not, but officially they did not appear anywhere as a couple. On the set of the program "Bachelor", where KVNschik took part, he developed a relationship with Daria Kananukha. After the project ended, the couple broke up.

Family and children of Timur Batrutdinov

The family and children of Timur Batrutdinov, like any man, are in the first place. But, unlike his colleagues and friends, he has only plans for the future. The young man did not have time to tie the knot. Timur devoted his whole life to the development and improvement of his stage images. Creativity swallowed the guy headlong.

This year, Batrutdinov appeared in public with Olga Buzova, singer and host of the "House 2" project. The couple rested together at one of the resorts. Before that, there were rumors about the relationship between them, but only now young people decided to open themselves to the public. By the latest information- they meet, but they are in no hurry to join family everyday life.

Timur Batrutdinov's wife

Girls who are sympathetic to the humorist often wonder, what should Timur Batrutdinov's wife look like? Looking at a slender guy, the imagination draws a long-legged, graceful beauty from the covers of glossy magazines. But Timur himself is sure that a wife should, first of all, be a good housewife and a wonderful mother.

Sometimes on the Internet you can read information where Timur Batrutdinov and his wife appear. 2017, he especially remembered, since it was during this period that a flurry of rumors and gossip on this topic rained down.

Fans of the famous comedian are sure that he will not stay as bachelors, and will soon appear on the covers of fashion publications in an embrace with his wife.

Timur Batrutdinov orientation

Timur Batrutdinov - whose orientation is often questionable, has been criticized many times by the public. Lack of marital status and silence about personal life sometimes lead people to think about whether Timur is gay? Refuting such rumors, we can say with confidence, no - Batrutdinov is straight.

Also, after several numbers with Kharlamov, where they portrayed unconventional orientation characters, one would think that he was "blue". But because of the stage images, one cannot draw conclusions about real life of people. Let's hope that in the future Batrutdinov will appear before us in the form of a husband and a father.

Instagram and Wikipedia Timur Batrutdinov

The most extensive sources of information about the life of the comedian are undoubtedly the Instagram and Wikipedia of Timur Batrutdinov. The Wikipedia database contains the most detailed information about his family, creative and life path, as well as a list of Timur's labor achievements.

Instagram, absorbs all the personal notes of the comedian. On the pages of this social network constantly there are photos of "Batrukha" - as Garik Kharlamov likes to call him. These are pictures from vacations, selfies with colleagues, and even footage from performances. The bright and dynamic personality of Timur Batrutdinov attracts more and more subscribers.

Timur (Kashtan) Takhirovich Batrutdinov. Born on February 11, 1978 in Voronovo, Moscow Region. Russian comedian and TV presenter.

Childhood Batrutdinov passed in the city of Baltiysk, Kaliningrad region. Father - Takhir Khusainovich, engineer. Mother - Natalya Evgenievna, economist.

At the age of six I went to the Voronovskaya general education school. After school he entered the St. Petersburg State University Economics and Finance at the Faculty of Labor Economics and Human Resource Management, which he graduated in 2000. After graduating from the university, he was called up for a year for military service in the signal troops.

In the student club of the university, he participated in numerous skits, played for the KVN FinEk team, wrote scripts for the KVN team of St. Petersburg.

After the army, he worked in Moscow at PSA Peugeot Citroën in his specialty, from where he quit due to an offer to participate in the KVN team “Nizolotaya Molodezh”.

As Batrutdinov said, he arrived at the Sochi Festival of KVN and met there an old acquaintance Dima Sorokin, who was playing at that time in the “Nizolotaya Molotaya” team. Batrutdinov was offered an offer to join, and he did not refuse. The most popular in the game then was Garik "Bulldog" Kharlamov, with whom they later began to compose their own original miniatures, during dinner at McDonald's.

Participates in a Russian TV project Comedy club, performs in a duet with Garik Kharlamov, who also played for the “Nizolotaya Molodezh” team.

The most popular resident Comedy Club for 2009 according to the People Choice website. Scored 53% audience sympathy among all residents, significantly ahead of the rest: he gained 14%, Pavel Volya - 11%, Garik Martirosyan - 9%, Alexander Revva - 5%.

In 2004 - the host of programs on the Muz-TV channel "Hello, Kukuevo!" and etc.

In 2008 - a member of the First Channel project "Circus with the Stars". Received the audience award for the project.

In 2009 - a participant in the project of the First Channel "Yuzhnoye Butovo".

In 2010, he voiced the program "Survive Together" on the Discovery Russia channel together with Garik Kharlamov.

In 2013 - a participant in the HB show, where he starred with Garik Kharlamov.

In 2014 - a member of the First Channel project " glacial period", Paired with Albena Denkova.

Batrutdinov said about his participation in the show “The Bachelor”: “I am fighting my own fears all the time. Long ago there was a fear of performing in front of the public - I decided to perform on stage. I had a fear of heights: I took part in the show "Circus" and now I can walk on a tightrope. The situation is similar here. Hopefully, the Bachelor project will help me get rid of my fear of family life. "

In the finale of the show, "The Bachelor" chose Daria Kananukha as his bride, but it never came to a wedding.

Timur Batrutdinov has never been married.

When Batrutdinov is asked about his personal life, he invariably laughs it off and complains about the "lack of spirituality in this oil and gas and paper world."

Timur Batrutdinov about himself:

“Inside me lives a cheerful, and brooding, and serious personality. My stage role invariably lasts as long as the sketch that we demonstrate. "

Timur Batrutdinov and Garik Kharlamov - Gerard Depardieu

Timur Batrutdinov on his sense of humor:

“A sense of humor is what sets us apart from other mammals. But now I just said - and I remembered cats and dogs. They probably have a sense of humor - how can you run after candy wrappers without it, for example. And for me a sense of humor is an innate ability, but it develops over the years. "

Timur Batrutdinov about women:

“We men are black earth in your background. But without black soil and flowers do not bloom. "

Timur Batrutdinov's height is 185 cm.

Timur Batrutdinov vegetarian- basically does not eat meat, believing that he has no right to eat thinking creatures.

From an interview with Timur Batrutdinov:

- Do you improvise only on stage, or even when you meet girls?

- I go up to the girl I like and tell her about my sympathy. I do not have formulaic phrases, I act depending on the situation. In general, I am quite amorous, but I have not had a permanent relationship for a long time. I take this seriously and believe that if you really start a relationship, then for a long time. At least for life.

- Can the girl meet you herself?

- I take it quite calmly. Since the sexual revolution took place in the world, such things have not been shocking. In addition, I am for equality, and I consider the reasoning about the fact that a guy should meet first as a relic of the past.

- Which girls are more likely to date you?

- I will start a relationship with someone for whom I am capable of extravagance. For a very long time my heart did not stop at the thought of my beloved, and I really missed this feeling. I idolize women. Actually, I am a womanizer, but I do not spray left and right.

Timur Batrutdinov believes in signs:

“There is a certain set of signs that I believe in. For example, I trust the magic of numbers. My lucky number- 4. As soon as I mentally accepted a four, everything in life began to work out. And besides, I am Aquarius, now is my era, so I am guaranteed luck for another 1000 years. So I have many plans for the next millennium. By the way, I am an extremely impressionable person. When I lived in St. Petersburg, I had the following tradition. I went to Pulkovo, to the airport, at night, and saw off the planes. Watched them take off. I mentally put all my problems and bad emotions on the flight. They went to the Sun and burned there in its rays. "

Filmography of Timur Batrutdinov:

2002 - Knife in the clouds - underground parking guard
2005-2007 - Club - Grisha Luser
2005 - Sasha + Masha - cameo role
2007 - Happy Together - Vasya Dyrkin
2008 - Horton - Elephant Horton (voice acting of the Russian version)
2009 - Two Anton - Anton Krutov
2009 - Best Film 2 - Actor
2009-2010 - Yuzhnoe Butovo (TV show) - Friend
2010 - I love you, Phillip Morris - (voice by Jim Carrey)
2012 - Zaitsev + 1 - cameo
2013 - HB
2013 - Friends of Friends
2014 - Sasha Tanya
2015 - Concerned, or Love Evil - Philip
2015 - Horoscope for good luck - Lyokha, Maxim's colleague
2015 - Bartender - cameo
2017 - Zomboyaschik

Timur Batrutdinov was born in Podolsk. This entry was made by the employees of the registry office. Not everything that is written is worth believing. A mistake was made in the civil registration record. In fact, the comedian was born in the village of Voronovo near Moscow. It happened on February 11, 1978. Timur's father is a military man.

A settled life was out of the question. We moved from Vorontsovo to Kaliningrad. From Kaliningrad - to Baltiysk. Then Timur traveled alone - he went to study in St. Petersburg. This is where it began creative biography guy.

Biography of Timur Batrutdinov

At St. Petersburg University, Batrutdinov entered the Faculty of Economics, Labor and Personnel Management. Later, the comedian confesses that he didn't want to be a banker, or an accountant. Timur simply counted well. It was necessary to determine the profession. There was no particular inclination, but there was a desire to imitate my mother, and she was a financier.

The student book says: - "Batrutdinov Timur Takhirovich." It is not difficult to understand that the comedian is Kazakh on his father's side. The guy was an oriental person by religion, - he professed Islam. However, after the institute he changed his religion and became a Christian. Before that, Timur managed to become a local star. At the institute he joined the club of the cheerful and resourceful. Not only played in skits, but also wrote scripts for performances.

Carried away by KVN, Batrutdinov ended up at the club's Sochi festival. Here Timur met an acquaintance. Dmitry Sorokin played for the "Golden Youth" team and invited a friend to join the team. And so it happened. Timur Batrutdinov in the show found a like-minded person - Garik Kharlamov. He, too, was part of the "Golden Youth". The guys worked together, forming a duet on the KVN stage.

The club of the cheerful and resourceful was heavily censored. Maslyakov has a tradition of checking jokes, not letting ambiguous, vulgar topics enter the stage. Meanwhile, the comedians felt sorry for many of the blanks, which they considered very funny, albeit informal. Decided and done own show... So, in 2003, the Comedy Club appeared. The bet played, and popularity came to all of its residents. Now, even the dorm room where Timur once lived is a museum named after him.

Creativity of Timur Batrutdinov

Garik Kharlamov and Timur Batrutdinov- a duo that had to split up several times. Kashtan admits that Comedy also tried to leave. But, attempts were sluggish. Each time the comedian was persuaded to stay. However, the showman's energy was enough to conduct other humorous projects in parallel with Comedy.

For example, in 2010, Timur starred in the sitcom "Two Anton". Timur was one and Antonov - a provincial guitarist, renting one Moscow apartment for a couple with a friend. Batrutdinov also managed to participate in the project of the first channel "Yuzhnoye Butovo".

Together with Kharlamov, he launched the Kh.B. project on the TNT channel. In this transmission creative duet demonstrates his trademark humor - shocking, on the verge of a foul, sometimes absurd. In "Kh.B." Timur Batrutdinov and Garik play themselves, but in fictional situations. Guys play the roles of babies, drivers, naturalists trapped in the taiga, and more.

For life watch Timur Batrutdinov, in his own words, prefers openly. The comedian has fears that he prefers to fight, opening up new horizons. So, at school they made fun of the guy. Fearing to become an outcast, Timur stopped snapping and began to joke with himself. Such self-irony pleased the classmates. respected. He joked at himself, joked and began to joke at others.

The next fear is height. Batrutdinov's knees were shaking from her. Therefore, the showman agreed to participate in the "Circus" project, where he walked on a tightrope under the dome. The last fear is related to marriage. He is afraid of marriage, but he hunts children. Moreover, in an interview with one publication, the comedian said that he wants at least 3 offspring. Get rid of the fear of marriage, I decided on the show "Bachelor". About how Timur's personal life has changed on the project, further.

Personal life of Timur Batrutdinov

Timur Batrutdinov - bachelor... The country is waiting for the comedian to change social status after the "Bachelor" project. However, information was leaked to the press that the show did not end with marriage. The episodes have already been filmed. It is forbidden to reveal secrets to Timur. But he told the journalists of the Telenedelya newspaper: “I was hoping that after filming the question of my bachelor life would be closed, but it seems that the questions have only increased.” Unknown who will Timur Batrutdinov choose... But it looks like not a wife. If he appears with the chosen one, then only in the status of a girl. Why such indecision?

This is not a rhetorical question. The answer lies in events student life... At the institute, many said: - “here comes Timur Batrutdinov and his wife". met a girl, called her his wife and strove for her to become her according to her passport. After 4 years, it turned out that the lady was dating another guy in parallel. Moreover, having become pregnant, Timur's chosen one had an abortion. It was hard for the showman to survive such information. After receiving his diploma, he went to heal "wounds" in the army.

After serving, he went all over the place, abandoning a serious relationship. In life partners was chosen Kharlamov. Timur Batrutdinov“Spurred on” by the example of a friend who has children and is not afraid of marriages. Having divorced his first wife, Garik immediately ringed the actress Christina Asmus.

So Timur decided to ring someone by going to the show " Bachelor". With Timur Batrutdinov the project has acquired a humorous "notes". Before that, footballer Evgeny Levchenko and businessman Maxim Chernyavsky took part in the show.

Both parted ways with the passions selected on the project. Judging by the interview to the Telenedelya magazine, Timur is also expected. Meanwhile, the man is already 36. He notices that there are many beautiful good women... But, there is no one with whom you would like to live until the end of your days. So bye Timur Batrutdinov online for everyone who wants to marry a handsome, successful man with a great sense of humor.

Timur Batrutdinov - popular and talented comedian, famous TV presenter, was born in the village of Voronovo near Moscow on 02/11/1978.


The boy was born into a military family and in early childhood quite often he moved with his family. Perhaps, in part, this was one of the reasons why it manifested itself back in preschool age artistic inclinations began to develop actively. Moreover, the parents also encouraged it in every possible way.

Moving from school to school, he was forced to re-gain authority among his classmates each time. And the easiest way to do this was by taking an active part in all kinds of school activities.

Timur in childhood

It so happened that Timur practically grew up on stage. He really enjoyed performing in front of the audience. The boy was especially good at comic scenes and parodies. But he was not going to tie his life in the theater.

Matter of chance

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Timur decided to continue his studies in St. Petersburg, choosing a new for that time and very promising specialty - personnel management. Somewhere in the depths of his soul, a first-year student already saw himself as a serious boss organizing large interesting projects... But everything turned out completely differently.

All the fault was KVN, which in student years Batrutdinova was at the peak of popularity and in every educational institution there was always one, or even several, own teams, whose members have always been super popular among fellow practitioners. With one of these teams, Timur entered the KVN stage. But the first performances did not bring him popularity.

But the guy's humorous talent was quickly noticed in the St. Petersburg National Team and they invited him to write texts for several scenes. Mini-performances based on Timur's scripts were received by the audience "with a bang!" and over time, Timur began to do this semi-professionally. At the same time, he moonlighted organizing and managing weddings and corporate parties.

Comedy club

Immediately after receiving his diploma, Timur was drafted into the army, where he continued to amuse his comrades, periodically organizing humorous evenings. But he did not plan to continue performing in KVN, although his love for this program remained for life.

He decided to celebrate the demobilization with a trip to the famous Sochi festival "Voting KIVIN", and then planned to go to work in a large automobile company.

And again, chance intervened. At the festival, he met with a longtime acquaintance from KVN Dmitry Sorokin, and he invited Timur to become a member of the professional KVN team "Golden Youth", which had long played major league and had many fans. Considering this offer a chance for new life, Timur agreed and soon moved to Moscow.

There he met and very quickly became friends with another talented comedian and screenwriter Garik Kharlamov. For a while, the guys worked very closely. We wrote scripts together and went on stage together. In the same tandem, after a while they moved to the project of a completely new format "Comedy Club", where they quickly became super popular.

Successful performances and excellent contact with the audience attracted the attention of famous TV people to Timur. Soon he began to receive offers to try himself as a host of music and other popular programs.

At the moment, being a resident of the Comedy Club, Timur manages to act in comedy series, host several programs and often go on tour.

Personal life

Journalists gossip about Batrutdinov's personal life all the time. Moreover, if earlier he tried not to appear with his friends at social events, now it is quite often possible to meet him with the fair sex. But serious relationship he is still not associated with anyone.

For the first time, Batrutdinov took his close friend to social event in 2013. His companion was a girl about whom the press managed to find out only that her name was Katya, and she had nothing to do with show business. But pretty soon after that they parted, and Batrutdinov said that his heart was broken.

He decided to cure a heart wound in an original way- taking part in the scandalous famous project"Bachelor". Timur chose two out of 25 applicants for the hand and heart, but then settled on Daria Kananukha, who conquered him with her sincerity and spontaneity.

With Daria Kananukha

But again the artist was disappointed - the couple's relationship ended with the contract. Immediately after the show, they parted ways.

Now he devotes a lot of time to work and is not actively searching, believing that love should come by itself. Although Timur quite clearly understands what his chosen one should be and, perhaps, that is why he is still alone. Meeting a girl who meets such strict criteria is not easy these days.

Let's hope that the artist will be lucky in the near future. In the meantime, he regularly becomes the godfather of the children of his comrades in the Comedy Club.

Timur Batrutdinov was born inthe villageVoronovo, Podolsk district, Moscow regionin the family of an engineer and an economist.

He studied at Voronovskaya comprehensive school, and then entered the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Finance at the Faculty of Labor Economics and Personnel Management, which he graduated in 2000. In his student years, Timur played for the KVN team of his university, and also wrote scripts for the KVN team of St. Petersburg.

After serving a year in the army, Batrutdinov planned to go to work in a large car company, but he was offered to become a member of the professional KVN team "Nizolotaya Molotov", and Timur could not refuse. Then he met Garik Kharlamov, and they began to write together humorous scripts and go on stage. After a while, the talented tandem began performing as part of the Comedy Club television stand-up show. Their duo was popular and they remained residents of the project from 2003 until September 2009.

In 2009, Timur Batrutdinov became the most popular party Comedy Club according to People Choice website. He gained 53% of the audience's sympathy among all residents, significantly ahead of the rest (Garik Kharlamov had 14%, Pavel Volya received 11%, Garik Martirosyan - 9%, Alexander Revva - 5%).

In 2010, Batrutdinov participated in the project of the First Channel "Yuzhnoye Butovo", while at the same time he continued to perform on the stage of the Comedy Club, which had changed the format. At the same time, the comedian starred in the sitcom "Two Anton", where he played a guy who rented one apartment in Moscow for two with another provincial.

In 2013, Timur and Garik launched their humorous show under the name "HB" on the TNT channel.

In 2014, Batrutdinov participated in the Ice Age project of Channel One together with the Bulgarian figure skater Albena Denkova. In 2015, he became the main character of the show "The Bachelor" on TNT.

In 2016, Timur took part in the show "Dancing with the Stars" on the Russia 1 channel together with Ksenia Pozhilenkova.

In addition, Timur Batrutdinov acts in films. He can be seen in the paintings "The most best movie 2 ”(2009),“ Friends of Friends ”(2013),“ Good Luck Horoscope ”(2015),“ Bartender ”(2015), Zomboyaschik (2017).

Personal life

Batrutdinov was not married. In 2015, as part of the Bachelor project, he chose Daria Kananukha as his bride in the final, but after the show ended, they parted.

In the winter of 2018, information appeared in the media that the comedian was dating Olga Buzova.


Timur collects badges from events in which he participated or was invited as a guest. He also goes in for swimming and surfing.


Timur Batrutdinov published his memoirs in the genre of the tragicomedy "A Year in Boots" about a year in the army.


“Everyone got carried away scientific and technological progress and the development of civilization and lost spirituality. I can't say that this is about me and about my loved ones. There is little spirituality, but it is there. There is a possibility that it will grow even more. When the money runs out, spirituality remains. "