What happened to the extrasens of Ilona Novoselova. How did the dead star "Battle of Psychics" lived

What happened to the extrasens of Ilona Novoselova. How did the dead star "Battle of Psychics" lived

June 13, 2017, Novoselov's famous witch died. The body of the girl was discovered under the windows of her apartment in the east of Moscow. The finalist of the "Battle of Psychic" show fell from the sixth floor balcony after a quarrel with a young man.

The body of Ilona Novoselova on June 13 with a visor of a private clinic on the Enthusiast Highway filmed EMERCOM employees. The hospital is located on the first floor of a residential building, and the participant of the two seasons "Battle of Psychics" fell out of the window of his apartment on the sixth. Injuries were very heavy, Ilona died even before the arrival of the doctors.

The circumstances of the destruction of the Novoselovaya are now finding out the investigators, following the results of the inspection, the issue of a criminal case will be solved, "the CP reported a source in law enforcement agencies. - Only, most likely, there is no crime there. According to preliminary data, it did not have any mental disorders. Just quarreled with his young man and, perhaps, because of the nervous breakdown, I wanted to miss it. But what is called "replayed". Unfortunately, during family disassembly it happens.

Ilona Novoselov The audience first saw on the TV show "Battle of Psychics". Bright brunette was remembered by sharp attacks against skeptics and unpredictable behavior. Nevertheless, the "hereditary witch", as she called himself, there were many fans. Therefore, the savory death of the extrasens has become a shock for many.

Details of the fateful evening

The woman wanted to swear over her boyfriend, but accidentally fell from the balcony.

"Drinking alcohol in the evening in the company of my young man, the girl quarreled with him and climbed into the fencing of the balcony to scare a man. But it was not kept and broke down "

The body of a 30-year-old woman was found in the day earlier on the visor of the dental clinic at the house on the Enthusiast Highway.

According to other media, before the death of Novoselov quickly quarreled with his young man. The scandal took place in the apartment of the victim.

"He threatened her that he would leave home in Chelyabinsk and leave her, but she was against this categorically, Comandir.com became known. After a quarrel, he turned away literally for a moment and she, taking advantage of the moment, jumped out the window, "Mother Ilona mother told the law enforcement officers.

The woman told that the extrasens threatened twice to commit suicide.

What is known and the life of the witch

Novoselova was born in November 1987 near the capital, in Pavlovsky Posad. At 8 years old, the girl went to school, where she immediately had stretched relationships not only with teachers, but also with classmates. Ilona kept the "mansion" and did not contact the guys. It came to the point that Mom had to pick up a 12-year-old daughter from school and translate to home learning.

The biography of Ilona Novoselova is solely its version of reality. According to the heroine itself, "Dar" has manifested itself at 10 years. She saw near his mirror reflection silhouette of a dead grandmother. Since then, Ilona began to "communicate with the dead." As Novoselov told, her grandmother on his father was a sorcerer. And in mothers - healer.

The booty brunette said that with the help of their extraordinary abilities she saw himself in the past. She was once called Eleanor, and in the past life she allegedly dwells in Germany on the 18th century.

Since 12 years old Novoselov developed his gift and in 14 could already recognize the diseases of people and "talking with the dead." In 17, Ilona had an understanding that her destination was to help people.

At 19, the girl experienced the strongest emotional stress due to separation from his beloved. She barely did not commit suicide, but it was at that moment the spirits reported that she was given to the witchcraft power. By 30 years, according to Novoselova, her ability reached their peak. To get new Knowledge Ilona traveled at different parts of the country, where he got acquainted with new esoteric practices.

"The fight of extrasensories"

On the screens, the young sorcerer from Pavlovsky Posad appeared in 2008. Then the 6th season of the project "Battle of Psychics" came out. Loudly declared itself, Novoselova unexpectedly left the show. She explained his care by the fact that he received a strict ban from the spirits to test their abilities.

But in 2009, the jury and the audience were quite surprised, seeing Novoselov again. She arrived on the 7th season of the project and this time reached his final.

A woman repeatedly shocked all those present and viewers with sharp attacks, when it was annoying with something. Could use and abnormative vocabulary during shooting. At the same time, the medium demonstrated considerable successes in all contests. Perhaps the failure happened only in one test when it was necessary to find a child who was hidden in the park.

Permanent "magical attributes", with whom Ilona Novosylov did not partitioned on the set, were dried blades of roofing, maps and a pedestrous scarf. Also, the sorceress was widely used various rituals and conspiracies, while absolutely not embarrassed cameras.

The participant of the show from the very beginning of the project was among the recognized leaders. But according to the results of the vote, the audience was not given the championship to her, but Alexey Pohabov. Nevertheless, the project brought newly fame. The number of its customers multiplied at times.

Herself focused her death

Fans of psychics are convinced that her last publication in the social network became a prophetic. According to the clairvoyant subscribers, Ilona knew how the events of the fateful day were unfolded, but did not take anything to avoid it.

Those who actively followed the life of experienced leaders were suspected of something else a few weeks before what happened - then in the microblog, which was conducted on behalf of the Novoselova, a photo of a human skull with a very strange signature appeared. Already, analyzing what happened, many tend to believe that at the end of May she sama predicted her death.

According to the clairvoyant subscribers, Ilona knew how the events of the fateful day were unfolded, but did not take anything to avoid it. However, the approval of the Follovers of the Black Witch can be considered only by speculation.

Personal drama

Personal life Ilona Novoselova - closed theme. All questions of interest received rather sharp answers. It is only known that recently Ilona met Artem Besyn. Probably a quarrel with her beloved and caused the tragedy.

The close friend of Ilona Novoselova Alsu Gazimianganov, who also fell into the number of finalists of the show "Battle of Psychics", told about the last months of the tragically broken life of the witch. The extrasens was so tied to his young man, which even rewrote his apartment on him.

Shortly before the death of Ilona Novoselova. A black band began in her life, the psychic experienced a serious depression. At that moment, she contacted a man who was industrially black magic. The psychic was so much attached to him, which even rewrote one of his two apartments to him in Moscow.

"What apartment he took, I do not know. I know what claimed housing in Pavlovsky Posad, "Starhit Alsu Gazimianov quotes.

Girlfriend Ilona told that she offered an apartment and she, in exchange for her "helped her to leave her life." She could not go to this. And soon communication between the psychics ceased.

"The man did so that we are collapsed. And I told her that I had left, because I was tired of this dirt. Artem began to give me techniques with her, sat on her neck. In one day, he removed all her pages in social networks. I was also told that she wrote to him his apartment, "Alsu Gazimianganov said.

She is sure that the death of her girlfriend requires a thorough check, because the death of the famous sorcerer may be seriously involved by her young man.

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Clairvoyant Ilona Novoselova, who died as a result of falling from the window in the summer of 2017, knew in advance about his ambulance. Extrasens is confident that death is a payroll for the use of black magic.

As for the ambulance, Novoselova has repeatedly expressed during the recording of the "Battle of Psychics". Colleagues asked her not to attract such thoughts, but the witch was adamant.


Ilona was sure that the genus would turn around on it. "I just got into black magic, I paid for it," she said.

Apparently, when clairvoyant, there were still hopes for a long life. For example, one of his colleagues she said that it was in dire need of love. "I'm afraid I will stay alone, I don't want to grow old and stay lonely witch," the medium quotes her other medium. Probably, the premonition of the ambulance came to her shortly before death.

It is important to note that relatives did everything to fulfill the last will of the Novoselova. They dispelled her dust over the southern sea. "On the water was a pink haze, as the cloud sailed. Ilona had a Golden Coulomb, he was also thrown into the water," said the mother of the sorcerer during the recording of the transfer "Psychics lead the investigation. The battle of the strongest."

The authorities of Ecuador were deprived of Julian Assange asylum in the London embassy. The founder of WikiLeaks was detained by the British police, and this was already named the largest betrayal in the history of Ecuador. What do Assange be merged and what awaits him?

The programmer and journalist from Australia Julian Assange gained broad fame after in 2010 the WikiLeaks website founded the secret documents of the US Department of State, as well as materials concerning hostilities in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But to know who the police officers, supporting under his arms, was taken out of the building, it was quite difficult. Assange released the beard and was not at all looked like an energetic man, as still appeared in the photos.

According to Ecuadorian President Lenin, Moreno, the Asiange refuge, due to the repeated violation of the international conventions.

It is expected that in the police station in the center of London, it will stay until it appears in the Westminster Magistrate Court.

Why president of Ecuador accused of betrayal

Former President of Ecuador Rafael Correa called the decision of the current government to be the largest betrayal in the history of the country. "The fact that he is (Moreno - approx. Ed.) Made, is a crime that mankind will never forget," said Correa.

London, on the contrary, thanked Moreno. In the British Foreign Ministry believe that justice triumphed. Representative of the Russian diplomatic department of Maria Zakharova Other opinion. "The hand of" democracy "squeezes the throat of freedom," she noted. The Kremlin expressed the hope that the rights of the arrested will be observed.

Ecuador was covered by Assange, because the former president adhered to left-center views, criticized the US policy and welcomed the publication of WikiLeaks secret documents on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Even before the Internet activist needed asylum, he managed to personally meet Correa: he took his interview for the Russian TV channel.

However, in 2017, power in Ecuador changed, the country took a course for rapprochement from the United States. The new president called the Assange "Stone in the boot" and immediately made it clear that his stay on the territory of the embassy would not delay.

According to Correa, the moment of truth has arrived at the end of June last year, when Vice-President of the United States, Michael Pens, arrived in Ecuador. Then everyone decided. "You can not doubt: Lenin is just a hypocrite. He has already agreed with the Americans about the fate of Assange. And now it tries to make us swallow the pill, saying that Ecuador is allegedly continuing the dialogue," said Koryaa in an interview with Russia Today.

How Assange has profited new enemies

The day before the arrest, the editor-in-chief of Wikileaks Christine Kurthunsson said that the total surveillance was carried out for Assange. "Wikileaks revealed a large-scale spy operation against Julian Assange at the Ecuador Embassy," he said. According to him, around Assange, the cameras and voice recorders were monitored, and the administrations of Donald Trump were transferred received.

Saverasson clarified that Assange was going to expel the week before. This did not happen only because Wikileaks announced this information. The plans of the Ecuador authorities of the portal reported a high-ranking source, but the head of Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry José Valencia denied rumors.

The expulsion of Assange was preceded by a corruption scandal around Moreno. In February, WikiLeaks published the Package Pacham Ina Papers, where the operations of the Ina Investment offshore company, founded by a brother Ecuadorian leader, was traced. Quito stated that this is a conspiracy of Assange with the Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro and the former head of Ecuador Raphael Korraaa in order to overthrow Moreno.

In early April, Moreno complained about the behavior of Assange in the London Mission of Ecuador. "We have to protect the life of Mr. Assange, but he has already moved all the boundaries in the sense of violation of the agreement to which we came with him," the president said. "This does not mean that he cannot speak freely, but he cannot lie and do hacking. ". At the same time, in February last year, it became known that Assange in the embassy was deprived of the opportunity to interact with the outside world, in particular, he was disabled access to the Internet.

Why Sweden stopped persecution of Assange

At the end of last year, Western media, referring to sources, reported that Assange was charged with the United States. Officially, this was not confirmed, however, because of the position of Washington, Assange had to hide in the Ecuador embassy six years ago.

Sweden in May 2017 ceased to investigate two rape cases in which the founder of the portal was accused. Assange demanded compensation of court costs in the amount of 900 thousand euros.

Earlier, in 2015, the Swedish prosecutor's office also took three charges with him over the expiration of the statute of limitations.

Where led to the investigation of the case of rape

Assange arrived in Sweden in the summer of 2010, hoping to protect against the American authorities. But he fell under the investigation of rape case. In November 2010, a warrant was issued in Stockholm to arrest, Assange was announced to the international wanted list. He was detained in London, but they soon released secured in 240 thousand pounds.

In February 2011, the British court decided to extradite Assange to Sweden, after which a number of appeals were successful for the founder of WikiLeaks.

The British authorities placed his home arrest before deciding on extradition to Sweden. Violation of this authority promise, Assange asked asylum at the Ecuador Embassy, \u200b\u200bwhich was granted to him. Since then, the United Kingdom has its own claims to the founder of WikiLeaks.

What is waiting for Assange

According to the police, the man was re-arrested at the request of the United States on extradition for the publication of classified documents. At the same time, the deputy head of the British Foreign Ministry Alan Duncan stated that Assange would not shift to the United States, if he was to threaten the death penalty.

In the UK, Assange, most likely, will appear before the court in the afternoon of April 11. This is stated on the WikiLeaks page in Twitter. Probably, the British authorities will seek the maximum term of concluding in 12 months, the mother said with a reference to his lawyer.

At the same time, the Prosecutor's Office of Sweden is considering the possibility of renewing an investigation on rape charges. Lawyer Elizabeth Massey Fritz, which represented the interests of the victim, will achieve it.

On the evening of June 13, 2017, the finalist of the seventh season "Battle of psychics" died in Moscow. The 30-year-old Ilona Novoselova dropped from the balcony of the sixth floor after a quarrel with his young man. "Moskovsky Komsomolets" reports that Ilona and her boyfriend were died in the morning due to the fact that the young man decided to go home to Chelyabinsk. Novoselova was against. The extrasens called his mother and asked her to come. When a woman came to her daughter, she was in an excited state.

Ilona stood on the windowsill and began to talk about death. It is reported that by that time she drank. Natives are accustomed to emotionality and hot-temperedness. At some point, the mother's mother stopped paying attention to her. In the area 17 o'clock in the evening, a woman went to another room. After some time, she heard the blow - Ilona fell from the balcony to the trump card of the dental clinic and died.

According to relatives, Novoselov anticipate his death and shortly before the tragedy asked for forgiveness from the mother. Colleagues Ilona shocked her death. "When I found out about the death of Ilona, \u200b\u200bI became bad. I was personally familiar with her. But at work we did not coincide. She always positioned himself as a witch and talked only about black magic. In this regard, our roads always diverged, but we did not conflict. Everyone said that she is aggressive, in fact she just looked like it.

She was in life as a little girl like a child. Ilona was very kind, clear and open. We worked with Ilona Para: She is my best partner of all. Ilona treated me very respectfully, was brought up, did not pierce energy. We had a good tandem. I believe that this is a loss for extrasensory world. I regret that we did not communicate for a long time, "said Extrasens Ziraddin Rzayev in an interview.

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On June 13, it became known that he died, dropping out of the window, the finalist "battle of psychics" Ilona Novoselov.

On the eve of the visor's entrance of one of the metropolitan houses, the corpse of the famous psychic Ilona Novoselova was discovered. Investigators are confident that there is no criminal track in her death.

The participant of the TV project "Battle of psychics", who died after falling from the sixth floor of a residential building in Moscow, wanted to swallow over the partner, but accidentally broke down from the balcony ..

"Drinking alcohol in the evening in the company of my young man, the girl quarreled with him and climbed into the fencing of the balcony to scare a man. But it was not kept and broke down, "the agency's interlocutor said.

The girl's body was discovered on June 13 around 17:00 under the window of her removable apartment located on the sixth floor. According to the neighbors, screams constantly came from the apartment of Ekschens, and the tenants were abused by alcohol.

That evening, with his young man Ilona Novoselova saw alcohol. Later, the lovers quit, and the psychic jokingly climbed onto the fencing of the balcony, but was not kept and fell into a dental clinic visor.

Neighbor Ilona Novoselova stated that she was a man, and called her real name. A resident of the house where the participant of the show "Battle of Psychics" Ilona Novoselov commented on the rumors that clairvoyant was born by a man.

"Yes. Andrew. Andrei Novoselov, "the woman replied.

According to her, it knows all the neighbors and the "whole city".

"I do not know, the floor has changed or not. I even said that he since childhood he wanted to be initially, "she said.

Neighbors tell that the couple often quarreled. Rugan for them became the usual thing. At some point, residents for the eccentricity of young people simply ceased to pay attention. It is possible from that and did not give the values \u200b\u200bof the noise, which was in the apartment on the day of the death of Ilona Novoselova.

During the tragic incident, Mom Ilona was present. It is also known that before the incident, clairvoyant used alcoholic beverages together with her young man. Previously, another finalist of the television program of seemacked Akhmetzhanova explained the death of the novice suicide.

The finalist of the seventh "battle of psychics" was expressed his opinion, Kazakhstan's clairvoyant Bakhyt Zhumatov.

"For me, the news of the death of Ilona became a great blow. She was a difficult person, but bright, she was a master, she had abilities. 80% I am sure that it was not suicide, someone tried, it was pushed. She was panicked by height. Ilona owned real estate, there were probably money ... In addition, strong people could not leave, in no matter what state they were. Yesterday I had anxiety, anxiety, but I could not think that it was connected with her. The track was bright. Perhaps she was engaged in love spells, cursed ... She considered me the only competitor. Now it became empty somehow - if there is a competition, then I want to fight, "said clairvoyant.

Despite the fact that the media write about the accident, fans believe - it was suicide. While there is a consequence and find out all the circumstances of the tragedy, the fans of the Novoselova are guessing that he could push the girl to a desperate step. However, according to many users, Ilona foresaw her death. Previously, she said that he did not see himself in old age, so the young would most likely die. In addition, on the last photograph, placed in instagram witch, you can see the skull and a strange inscription: "# Bitventical # Novoselov # Proud # to everyone."

The death of Clairvoyant commented on the Estonian Witch Marilyn Kerro. She believes that Ilona felt his ambulance, as recently he constantly told his loved on the fear of death.

The Novoselova colleague on the project Vlad Kadoni added that after the mass of the media relating to its past (rumors had rumors about the change of sex) The life of psychics resembled this hell.

Ilona Novoselova was born in the Moscow region and felt the presence of supernatural abilities at 10 years. Her fans say that a black witch predicted her death and was convinced that he would die childlessly.

As far as the contradictory was not the death of Ilona, \u200b\u200bher craft colleagues converge in the opinion that the death of psychics became a huge loss for their professional circle.

Many said that she is aggressive, but it is not. In life, she was like a child - very good and open. She is my best partner. We had a good tandem. I think her death is a loss for an extrasensory world, "says Ziraddin Rzayev.

On the website of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the city of Moscow it is reported that the girl on the body was detected damage characteristic of falling from height. The report specifies that at the scene of the incident "visible traces indicating the criminal nature of the death of the girl, not found." Earlier it was reported, Novoselova quarreled with his lover and, by calling the mother, asked her to come. After the women talked, the mother went away to watch TV, and then heard a deaf blow. In fact, a check is carried out.