An essay on the story "White Fang.

An essay on the story "White Fang.

Reviews of the story:

Grischuk Nastya:

This story makes think about that every creature has to fight for your life, and not only the beast, but also a person. In the story, the writer cites several examples of this struggle.

In the endless struggle for the lives and himself, the White Fang was always the winner, and they remained. Scott, his last and best owner, also fought. He fought for that white fanging after long shocks became softer, kinder. He did everything possible to make the wolf-dog forgotten the evil, which he causing his handsome Smith (and not only he); So that he realize that now is not one that there is no hunger and loneliness. And the white fang understood it! I understood and loved my owner unless. The inner wolf fell asleep and turned into a dog, heated with love. I turned into a dog, unlike others.

Mokhov Gleb:

This story reveals and explains the development of an animal, his life. She is about feelings, animal thoughts. Fang developed with every day. Every day he gained valuable life experience. Each day I became smarter, independently opening the laws for which his life was going. The struggle for life passed through all the lines of the story.

Umansky Kirill:

The world is still cruel! From the very beginning, the story and almost disagreement speaks of the cruelty of life. At first, Henry and Bill Wolves steal dogs, is cruel to people. There are nothing to the wolves, they are hungry, it is cruel to animals. It turns out something like a "cruel" chain, communication. The cruelty of some generates the cruelty of others. Everyone for himself.

Gray Beaver gave a white fang Handsome Smith. It made white fang embittered, even almost crazy. Fang escaped from this terrible person, and it even firked his handsome smith. Then he made a very dangerous dog from a white fang, which, most likely, hegans those who guided their dogs against him. Surely, the owners of the dogs dose the malice on someone else. Here it is a chain of connections, which is very difficult to interrupt. Scott took a lot of strength, patience and courage to change the wrought animal. It seems to me that he did not rebuild him to the end, because nothing passes without a trace.

Tektonov Bogdan:

At the very beginning of one-eyed, the leader and three-year-olds wanted to conquer dog's heart Kichy. And in people, by the way, the same! If there beautiful woman And three guys love her, then she will still choose one in the end of the ends.

The desire of white fang in the cave approach and see what it is behind the wall of light away, it looks like the desire of children to touch all the new things for him.

White Fang very much did not want to part with her mother, even for a minute. It seems that when the wolf parted with his parents, he becomes adult. Everything like people.

In the story of Jack London "White Cang" story story about a wolf, which fought with dogs in the ring, entertaining people. White fang - namely, the name of the wolf, was a brave and merciless warrior, strong, cruel and dexterous. He had big, strong and sharp fangs, fighting and survival skills. In addition, he was much clever than all dogs.

White fang is not lucky with the owner. Once angry, cruel and greedy man on nicknamed handsome Smith bought a white fang in a gray beaver, to make money on the battles of animals. He very badly treated his wolf - beat him, angry so that he was even more tough in the ring. Very often Smith left white fang without food.

White Fang had his own death fight technique, which helped him quickly straighten with rivals. He fought in the enemy's throat, after which the fang remained only to jump aside - and his enemy fell in the ring.

With this, it would seem, there would be an excessive cruelty of white fang, he causes us only sympathy and pity. Jack London makes it clear that the wolf fought in the ring not own willingHe forced him to fight an evil owner - Handsome Smith. And if the fang does not kill his enemy, he will have to die for the ring himself.

Once a Bulldog was put on the ring against white fang - and the main character The story could not overcome him, because the enemy was low, and it was impossible to clutch him in the throat. Thanks to human intervention, the White Fang stayed alive. And his savior bought him (here it is analogy with a wolf with slaves) at the handsome Smith.

Writing on the topic: "White Fang" on the work of Jack London 4.00 /5 (80.00%) 2 votes.

Jack London's "White Klyk" describes the life and life of the population of Alaska the end of the nineteenth century. The story in the novel is mostly conducted on behalf of the main character - the wolf named white fang.

The Mother Volcchonka was half a dog, from her he inherited attachment towards people. However, people are not always friendly to those who have tamed. Once with his mother in the Indian settlement, the Volchonok with difficulty gets used to a new life. He does not like it here, he is too similar to the wolf.
The author very thinly dismounts the character of the character of the Voltochka and convincingly describes the feelings arising from him. An infinite feud with dogs and dismissive attitude of people make it closed and wary. Strong and energetic, and at the same time faithful and affectionate, white canine could become a true friend and defender. But in his friendship no one needs.

Despite this, the young wolf still keeps his loyalty to man. Once to the new owner, it is experiencing not just ridicule and indifference, but the most real cruelty. Becoming fierce and embittered, white fang with ease wins dog fights. And his greedy and heartless owner earns a lot of money. The wolf hates not only this person, but the whole world that surrounds him.
Describing dog fights, the author leads the reader to reflections: Who is actually a beast? Dogs who are forcibly forced to show aggression, or their owners who enjoy the bloody spectacle?

The battle with a bulldog became a turning point in the fate of white fang. The deadly wounded animal acquires a new owner, caring and patient Odon Scott, an engineer with deposits. Wounds caused by Bulldog soon heal. But not so easy to cure mental wounds.
However, Scott has enough patience and affection to tame their new pet. The feeling of sincere affection finally takes the top over all the fair insults. In the new homeland, in California, the White Klyk was able to love not only the Smith family, but even their shepherd. Here the wolf expects a new test, but he is ready for him. And without regret own Life, protects the life of the father of his owner.

Describing the events through the eyes of the wolf, the author shows that there is a lot of common between him and man. The desire to be a friend and the defender, the desire to love and take care of not only people. But only people depends on who will surround them - enemies or friends.

After reading the story A.S. Pushkin " Captain's daughter"You realize that one of the same work is the topic of honor and dishonor. Two heroes are opposed to the story: Grinev and Swabrin - and their ideas about honor. These heroes are young, both of them nobles. Yes, and fall into this outstand (Belogorsk fortress) is not on his own will. Grinev - at the insistence of the Father, who decided that his son was necessary to "pull strap, and smell like gunpowder ..." And Schvabrin got into the Belogorsk Fortress, possibly due to the hands-related history associated with duel. We know that for nobleman Duel is a way to defend the honor. And Swabrin, at the beginning of the story, it seems, a man of honor. Although in terms of simple man, Vasilisa Egorovna, Duel - this is "deadhoves." Such an assessment allows the reader who sympathizes this heroine will be doubtful in the nobility of Schwabrin.

You can judge a person in his actions in difficult moment. For heroes, the test was captured Belogorsk Fortress Pugachev. Schvabrin saves his life. We see it "trimmed into a circle, in Cossack Kaftan, among the rebels." And during the execution, he whispers something in Pugachev in his ear. Green is ready to divide the fate of Captain Mironov. He refuses to kiss his hand to the impostor, because it is ready to "prefer the loud execution of such humiliation ...".

They relate differently to Masha. Grinove admires, respects Masha, even writes poems in her honor. Schvabrin, on the contrary, mixes the name of his beloved girl with mud, saying "if you want Masha Mironov to go to you at twilight, then instead of a gentle river, give her a couple of seagle." Schvabrin slandes not only on this girl, but also on her relatives. For example, when he says "as if Ivan Ignatich was in a non-disabilities with Vasilisa Egorovna .." It becomes clear that Schvabrin does not really like Masha. When the Grineh rushed to free Marwan Ivanovna, he saw her "pale, thin, with disheveled hair, in a peasant dress" The view of the girl eloquently says that she had to survive the fault of Schvabrin, who was tormented by her, held in sharpening and threatened to issue all the time Her rebels.

If you compare the main characters, the Grinev will definitely cause more respect, because despite his youth, he managed to behave adequately, remained faithful to himself, did not disgrace the honest name of his father, defended her beloved.

Probably, all this allows you to call him honor. The feeling of self-esteem helps our hero at the trial at the end of the story calmly look into the eyes of Schvabrin, who, having lost everything, continues to fuss, trying to slander his enemy. For a long time, in the fortress, he pulled the boundaries defined by honor, wrote a letter - denunciation, Father Greeneva, trying to destroy only the birth love. Enchanting more than once, he cannot stop, becomes a traitor. And because Pushkin is right, saying "take care of honor" and making them an epigraph to the whole work.


About honor

Such concepts as "honor" and "conscience" somehow confused their relevance in modern world indifference and cynical attitude to life.

If it was ashamed to be ashamed to be ashamed to be a shameless person, then today it is easy to "compliment" and, even with Bravada. The flour of conscience - today it is something from the area of \u200b\u200bmelodram and perceived as a cinema story, that is, the audience are indignant, and at the end of the film go and, for example, steal apples in someone else's garden.

In our time, it became ashamed to show mercy, compassion, sympathy. Now "cool," under approving the ullyukanya of the crowd, to hit the weak, kick the dog, offend the elderly person, to silent the passing and so on. Any mess, created by one scum, is perceived almost the feat of adolescents by the rapid minds.

We stopped feeling, extinguishing from the realities of the life of our own indifference. We pretend that we do not see and do not hear. Today we pass by hooligan, swallow insults, and tomorrow they themselves are imperceptibly transformed into shameless and dishonest people.

Let's remember past century. Dueles on swords and pistols for insulting an honest name. Conscience and debt, leaving the miseles of Defenders of the Fatherland. Mass heroism of the people in the Great Patriotic War For the enemy of honor of his beloved homeland. No one shifted the unbearable burden of responsibility and debt on the shoulders of the other to be more comfortable.

Honor and conscience are the most important and most valuable qualities of the human soul.

A man dishonest can pass through life, without having flour conscience for his acts. They will always fuss in the heads and hypocrites, superozing his imaginary merit. But none of them will leave him a hand of help in a difficult moment.

A commonless person to achieve goals will not spare anyone on his ambitious path. Neither loyal friendship nor the love of his homeland nor compassion, nor mercy, nor human kindness is inherent in such a person.

Each of us you want a respectful relationship and attention from others. But only when we ourselves are tolerant of it, maintaining, tolerant and kinder, we will have moral right to respond to the listed qualities.

If today you betrayed a friend, changed the beloved person, "sat down" the colleague, insulted the subordinate or deceived someone's confidence, then do not be surprised if tomorrow the same thing happens to you. Once abandoned and no one needed, you will have a wonderful chance to reconsider your attitude to life, to people, to their actions.

Transaction with conscience covering to certain moment Dark divisiks, in the future it can end it very much deploy. There is always someone more cunning, brazen, dishonest and mad-minded, who under the larger false bowl will fall into the abyss of the collapse, to take the place that you also took away from the other.

Fair man Always feels free and confident. By acting on conscience, he does not allocate his soul with vices. He is not inherent greed, envy and irrepressible ambitions. He just lives and enjoys every day donated to him over.

Sample list And all the most useful see below.

Mind and feeling

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children",

I.A. Bunin " Clean Monday»,

A.M. Bitter Old Isergil»,

FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", "Idiot"

List of exemplary topics:

1. Internal conflict: Feeling against mind. 2. "The mind is given to man to understand: it is impossible to live in one mind, people live feelings" (Erich Maria Remarik). 3. "Without a deep moral feeling, a person cannot have any love or honor" (VG Belinsky). 4. "Love is a delightful deception that a person agrees at the goodwill" (A.S. Pushkin). 5. There are feelings that replenish and darkening mind, but there is a mind, cooling the movements of the senses "(M. Pryshvin). 6. One mind, as a wise trustee, must lead all his life" (Pythagoras). 7. "The mind is undoubtedly the highest ability, but it is not otherwise purchased as victory over passions" (N.V.Gogol). 8. "Reason not to comprehend the need of the heart" (Luke de Clapier Vovenarg). 9. "Mind and feelings are two forces equally needing each other" (VG Belinsky). 10. "An enlightened mind reflects the moral feelings: the head should raise the heart" (Schiller). 11. If we assume that human life can be referred to mind, the possibility of life will be destroyed "(L.N. Tolstoy).

Essay in the direction "Mind and feeling" examples of writings Analysis of the composition, verification of criteria. September 22, 2016 The form of the final essay will not change until 2019 ... "Mind and feeling" "Mind and feelings" Direction "Mind and feelings" Materials for the composition in the direction "Mind and ... Presentation in the direction" Honor and dishonesty "

Honor and dishonor

A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter", "Evgeny Onegin", " Stationery»

Jack London "White Fang",

L.N. Tolstoy "War and World",

V.V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

Getting ready for the second direction. The direction is based on polar concepts associated with the choice of man: to be loyal voice Conscience, follow moral principles Or go through betrayal, lies and hypocrisy. Many writers focused on the image of various qualities of the human personality: from loyalty to the moral rules and various forms of compromise with conscience - up to a deep moral decline of the person. Download

Sample list of topics

1. Life - Fatherland. Honor - no one.

2. Take care of the dress dream, and the honor of the Spring (Russian proverb).

3. Honor and dignity - higher moral values man.

4. The person can be killed, but it is impossible to take away his honor.

5. "If the main thing in life is not the number of years lived, but honor and dignity, then what's the difference when you die" (George Orwell)

6. "True honor cannot tolerate in a lie" (Henry Fielding)

7. "It is impossible to make someone who is not afraid of death" (Jean Jacques Rousseau)

8. "My honor is my life; Both grow from one root. Take the honor with me - and my life will come to the end "(Shakespeare).

9. "The honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost" (A.P.chekhov).

10. "A life is put on the card - more so much more: honor!" (V.Siller)

11. "Who loses the honor, there can be no longer losing anything" (Publishing Sir)

12. "... Honor is a reward awarded for virtue ..." (Aristotle)

13. "Neither a vanity, no beauty of clothes or horses, no decoration of honor, but courage and wisdom" (Feofrast)

14. "I prefer death with dishonor" ( unknown author)

15. You are without wealth of the eyelids in place,

But worse, if there is it - and there is no honor! (Pierre de Ronsar)

16. I agree to postpone any trouble,

But I do not agree to suffer the honor. (Pierre Cornel)

17. "The opposite of honor is dishonest, or a shame, which is the bad opinion and contempt of others" (Bernard Mandeville)

18. "Do not leave the debt and honor roads - this is the only thing that we have learned happiness." (George Louis Leclerk Buffon)

19. "It is terrible to change the honor to change, than to be in the ribbons!" (Robert Bern)

20. "Honor is an external conscience, and conscience is an internal honor" (Arthur Shopenhauer)

21. "Not strong best, and honest. Honor and own dignity - the strongest of everything "(Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky)

22. "Honor - one and the same women and men, girls, married women, old people and old: "Do not deceive", "do not wade", "not drunk"; Only of these rules belonging to all people are composed of the Code "Honor" in the true sense of the word "(Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky)

23. "Honor is a debt poetry" (Alfred Viktor de Vigni)

24. "If a person loses his love for honesty, he will quickly involve in such a lot of bad actions, which will acquire a habit of dishonest rules of life" (Nikolai Chernyshevsky)

25. "Who is not ready to die for his own honor, he gains dishonor" (Blaise Pascal)

26. "The opposite of honor is a dishonor, or a shame, which is the bad opinion and contempt of others" (Bernand Mandeville)

27. "If you have nothing, then you have your honor, if you do not have your honor - you have nothing" (Vadim Panov).

28. "The Father taught me that in life above all the debt and honor. A person who does not know how to keep the Word, no better wild beast ... "(Centurion)

Victory and defeat

E. Hemingway "Old Man and Sea",

B.L. Vasilyev "in the lists did not mean",

EM. Remarik "B. west Front without change ",

V.P. Astafiev "King Fish"

Preparation for the third direction. The direction allows you to reflect on victory and defeat in different aspects: socio-historical, moral and philosophical, psychological. Reasoning can be associated with both external conflict events in the life of a person, country, peace and with internal struggle A person with himself, its causes and results. IN literary works often indicated the ambiguity and relativity of the concepts of "victory" and "defeat" in different historical conditions and life situations. Download

Having experience mistakes webinar

Jack London "Martin Eden",

A.P. Chekhov "Ionch",

MA Sholokhov " Silent Don.»,

Henry March "Do not harm"

Friendship and feud

M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time",

EM. Remark "Three Comrades",

Daniel defo "Robinson Cruzo",

V.A. Cavery "Two Captain"

Video 1) mind and feelings

2) honor and dishonor

3) victory and defeat, number 2

4) experience and errors

5) friendship and enmity