The handsome son was raised by Natasha Koroleva and Tarzan! Now fans are wondering who he looks like! Natasha Koroleva: biography and personal life of the Queen and her children.

The handsome son was raised by Natasha Koroleva and Tarzan!  Now fans are wondering who he looks like!  Natasha Koroleva: biography and personal life of the Queen and her children.
The handsome son was raised by Natasha Koroleva and Tarzan! Now fans are wondering who he looks like! Natasha Koroleva: biography and personal life of the Queen and her children.

Natalya Koroleva (Rush) - Kievite, was born on the last day of spring 1973. Her parents: Lyudmila Ivanovna, nee Koroleva, and Vladimir Arkhipovich are well-known choir conductors in Ukraine. Purposefulness and inexhaustible energy are the traits that she inherited from her mother.

Childhood. The beginning of creativity

Little Natasha, already a 3-year-old girl, made her debut in the children's choir. The girl grew up surrounded by music and musicians. Her carefree childhood ended at the age of seven, from the moment she was sent to a music school and a dance studio.

Creative activity, in fact, begins at the age of 12, when the composer V. Bystryakov drew attention to it: it is his compositions "The World without Miracles" and "Where the Circus Has Gone" that make it popular, especially in high circles. These "blocks of children" of such concerts added life experience, honed the edges of her skills.

Natasha Koroleva with her parents and older sister Ruslana:

In 1988, Natalia entered the “pop vocal” department at the circus school. True, the commission was sure that the applicant was too popular in Ukraine, and she would have no time to study, but the girl's talent outweighed doubts.

Way to success

The year 1989 turned out to be a real turning point: Natalya performed as a soloist in the Soviet-American musical "Child of the World" and toured the United States. The performances were successful. She also received an offer to get an education in America with the money of the Ukrainian diaspora. But Natasha went not to Rochester, but to Moscow for a casting with Igor Nikolaev. After much deliberation, he chose the Queen.

The very first song "Yellow Tulips" became an unconditional popular hit, and Natasha, as they say, woke up as a famous singer. The next super-hit was the composition "Dolphin and the Mermaid", performed together with Nikolaev. The same name was given to the enchanting show presented in the "Olympic", with unprecedented dancers at that time, original costumes from Yudashkin and grandiose special effects. The success was complete.

Natasha Koroleva on the set of the clip "Little Country":

The successful duet did not last long, and the singer begins to look for her new, now solo, image. The single of her songs "Confetti" is released. And "Little Country" suddenly turns into a hymn to childhood. In 1997 she made a grandiose world tour: England, Greece, Germany, etc. The next year Natasha gives concerts in Ukraine, together with her sister Rus. 1999 - a tour of the United States with Igor Nikolaev "The Most Native".

Natasha Koroleva on the set of the video "Don't say no":

Natasha Koroleva is distinguished by her tremendous capacity for work: today in her discography there are 10 solo albums, as well as in a duet. She enjoys acting in various entertaining show programs and projects on TV, for example, "Two Stars", "Time for Dinner". Jewelry design has become a serious hobby for her. She is also engaged in entrepreneurship: she owns several beauty salons.

Natasha Koroleva at the photo shoot:

Personal things

Natalya Koroleva got married twice: her first husband was Igor Nikolaev. The painting was secret: representatives of the registry office registered the marriage at the groom's apartment, in the presence of the bride's parents (1993). The couple was always under the gun of journalists looking for or inventing the "subtleties" of their family life.

Natasha Koroleva with her first husband Igor Nikolaev:

Natasha Koroleva with her husband Sergei Glushko and mother:

In the end, after "parting and reconciliation" followed a very painful divorce, after 8 years of existence (2001). Many consider Natasha's overly developed feeling of jealousy and Igor's weakness for the female sex to be the reason. The second husband of the Queen was Sergei Glushko, a stripper known under the pseudonym "Tarzan". First, he became the father of their child Arkhip (2002), and then the lovers became official spouses (2003)

Natasha Koroleva with her son Arkhip:

Read all the most interesting about Russian singers

For many years in Russian show business there has been a tradition according to which those who will surprise and discourage the audience become famous. How this will happen does not matter, the main thing is to shoot and be remembered. We have already outlived Boris Moiseev, Vitas, Glucose, Dzhigurda, Tatu and many other stars who are more famous for their shocking behavior than creativity. Among the artists of this series, one more wonderful character can be distinguished under the loud pseudonym Tarzan.


Perhaps Sergei Glushko, and this is the real name of the most popular Russian stripper, remained only a popular Moscow dancer, if not for a significant meeting with a cheerful, pretty singer. After all, the husband had more chances to become a famous and recognizable person than an artist of the erotic genre.

It is hard to imagine, but this very cheeky young man was born into a military family and was brought up in great severity. His father served at the Plesetsk military space base and from childhood attended various sports clubs, including bodybuilding classes. Later, this hobby grew into something more and became for the young man a way to find a place in life, as well as a source of good earnings.

When the novel between Tarzan and the famous Russian singer began, many fans talked about the big age difference between the lovers and wondered how old Tarzan, the husband of Natasha Koroleva, was. In fact, Sergei Glushko is almost four years older than his wife, he was born in 1970 in 2000. Tarzan became a real sex symbol of Russia, and he still maintains this image.

Military career

The young man has been striving for creative recognition since childhood, and at the age of 16, together with his friends, he organized a musical group "Fortuna", where he acted as a vocalist and frontman. The young team became quite successful in the Arkhangelsk region, the guys toured the cities with concerts, and their song "The City of White Nights and Snowy Springs" even won the Audience Award at the Spring Voices Young Talent Competition, which was held in Mirny. For some time the composition sounded on local radio stations.

According to family tradition, Sergei, after graduating from school, enters the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy. The training of the recruits was tough, the guys were sent to dig trenches, run long runs, and all this along with a serious training base. Later, Sergei will say that his time at the academy helped him survive the authority of his father, whom his son always wanted to be like.

After graduation, the young man with the rank of lieutenant continued his service as a power engineer at the Plesetsk cosmodrome. His responsibilities included a rather serious task of preparing launch sites for launching missiles. But soon the future husband of Natasha Koroleva realized that a military career was not for him, and, despite the fact that he already had a beautiful wife in the army, Sergei Glushko breaks the contract and goes to Moscow.

Conquest of the capital

Like most of the limiters who come to this city from different regions of our country, Sergei Glushko did not have any clear plan of action. According to the artist himself, he left for Moscow on an impulse of every minute, because there, in Mirny, everything got stuck and tired. Once in the capital, Tarzan, the husband of Natasha Koroleva, was forced to work anywhere in order to find funds for food and an apartment. He sold furniture, worked as a security guard, and also participated in the advertising business, but did not forget about his original goal - to achieve success and recognition.

And here his youthful passion for bodybuilding helped him a lot, in the evening, after work, Sergei went to the gym, where he created his own, now such an advertised body. Very soon his efforts were rewarded, with a see and courageous appearance, the young man attracted attention, especially women. Therefore, very soon Sergey Glushko began to receive invitations from modeling agencies with offers to appear in commercials or clips of famous performers. For example, he starred in the video for the White Eagle group “Because you can't be so beautiful in the world”, and was also among the models participating in the show when she came to Moscow.

The birth of Tarzan

A new round in his career happened after a meeting with producer Olga Subbotina, she invited him to one of her productions. After the play "Sexual Discovery", the future husband of Natasha Koroleva took the loud pseudonym Tarzan. Now Sergey Glushko is a popular artist who is invited to their shows by the most famous stars. In parallel with performances on the theatrical stage in the productions of Eastwick Witches, Testament of the Chaste Womanizer, Love Without Rules, etc. Tarzan graduated from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts.

The artist is often asked about how and why he began to dance striptease. Natasha Koroleva's husband usually answers that he did not plan the first such exit at all and after publicly undressing he felt insecure, but later resigned himself and even got involved in the invented image. Moreover, he immediately became recognizable and megapopular.

Meeting with Natasha Koroleva

Tarzan has not only become a welcome guest at private women's parties, but is also in demand as a participant in concert performances of various Russian stars. During one of these works, he met with a black-haired laugh and the audience's favorite - Natasha Koroleva. At that time, the singer was experiencing creative and personal failures, after a divorce from Igor Nikolaev, she lost both her husband and producer. But despite the fact that Natasha Koroleva's ex-husband no longer wrote hit songs for her, the artist still continued her creative activity with other composers.

According to friends, the romance of Tarzan and the Ukrainian maiden developed very rapidly. At first, no one believed in the duration of such a passionate relationship, but the couple surprised everyone with the announcement of the singer's imminent wedding and pregnancy. The wedding took place on a grand scale. In her first marriage, Natasha Koroleva never received a white dress and pigeons in the sky, so they made a real holiday with Sergei.

Creative activity

Despite how old Natasha Koroleva's husband is, and on March 8 he turned 47, Sergei still looks stunning. And even though it was his body that brought the first glory, he did not stop only at such an expression of his artistic talent. Although for several years his own "Tarzan Show" has been working with unremitting success. The team of professional strippers is in great demand in Moscow and even abroad.

Sergey continues to practice as a music artist, together with Natasha Koroleva he recorded several songs, the composition "Do you believe me or not" became especially popular, the video for which was in the top ten leaders in the Muz-TV rating for several weeks.

Filming in cinema

Tarzan, husband of Natasha Koroleva, became a frequent guest on the set. For the first time to try on the fate of acting Glushko tried back in 1999 in the tape of Gregory of Constantinople "Eight and a half dollars", however, the film was released only twelve years later. Sergei already had significant experience of filming in commercials and clips, but all these were roles purely under the image of Tarzan, no one expected another game from him.

He starred in the famous Russian sitcom "The Balzac Age, or All the Men Are Theirs ...", as well as "My Fair Nanny", "Happy Together", "Univer" of others. Despite the episodic nature of the roles, Sergei continues to receive invitations and gladly accepts them. No glory can be superfluous.

Personal life

The artist met his first wife Elena Perevedentseva while serving at the cosmodrome in Plesetsk. The uniformed beauty singled out the young lieutenant among other colleagues, which, according to Sergei, surprised even him. But the marriage soon broke up, the young realized that they were not suitable for each other, especially since Glushko was already in a creative search and did not want to stay in the army.

The second marriage turned out to be more successful, the famous pop singer Natasha Koroleva became his wife. Despite the fact that during their marriage, reports of Tarzan's betrayal or the unbridled jealousy of his second half appeared in the press more than once, they have been together for more than fifteen years. Natasha Koroleva's husband Sergey Glushko turned out to be an excellent father and head of the family, they almost always appear in public together, and their son Arkhip is already sixteen years old.

Loud fame accompanies this stellar couple and, possibly, is the result of their own initiatives to warm up the public's interest. It is difficult to judge whether it is true or not, but at the beginning of 2000, photographs of a pregnant Queen began to appear in almost all yellow publications with the invariable question: who is the father? The singer herself answered evasively, so before the birth of the child and the announcement of the wedding with Tarzan, the fans were tormented by the unknown.

A few years later, the star couple again found themselves in the spotlight, their joint photographs of an intimate nature appeared on the Web. Both Koroleva and Glushko argued that all this was the systematic actions of attackers who stole Sergei's phone and later demanded a ransom from him so that the pictures were not published. Be that as it may, they started talking about the duet again and with a vengeance, especially since the scandal coincided with the release of the singer's new disc.

Naturally, the fans were also interested in the first husband of Natasha Koroleva and their relationship - who left whom, who cheated on whom, etc. Nevertheless, all this remained in the past.

The image of Tarzan

Sergei Glushko has come a long way to fame, he chose the right way to please the viewer - through a beautiful body and well-groomed appearance. Meeting with Natasha Koroleva only strengthened his position in show business, but the main merit still belongs to him. The image of Tarzan turned out to be very successful for Russia, the golden-haired muscular giant was so unlike ordinary Russian men.

Glushko, the husband of Natasha Koroleva, created for himself an exceptional role on the Russian stage - a handsome and macho man. The image was immediately picked up by the entire public, he was parodied in humorous shows, invited to KVN and even composed jokes about him, which is the highest point of popularity in our country.

At one time, the birth of a son by Natasha Koroleva made a lot of noise in the media space. The press, along with ordinary people in the street, wondered who the father of the star child was: ex-husband and colleague Igor Nikolaev or the singer's new love, stripper Sergei Glushko, aka Tarzan.

The intrigue was resolved very quickly. Believe it or not, 15 years have passed since then. Accordingly, Arkhip, the son of Koroleva and Glushko, turned 15 the other day. All children have such a feature - they somehow imperceptibly grow up and at some elusive moment become girls from girls, boys from boys.

Here is a snapshot of the matured Arkhip pleasantly surprised the singer's fans. She herself admits that time is so fleeting. During constant concerts, filming, touring, traveling, she did not notice how her son began to acquire masculine features.

But the birthday has become a worthy occasion for the family to get together for a while. True, Miami became the meeting place, where Arkhip now lives with his grandmother.

Natalia is experiencing hard separation from the heir. But his move overseas turned out to be a necessity. We, if our children do not study well, read them morality or simply sit down and do their homework ourselves. It is more difficult with the classroom and the tests, but somehow the whole "collective farm", in alliance with loyal teachers, is slowly bringing our "mitrofanushki" of the Next-IT generation to a certificate.

The stars have other methods. Arkhip, who was somewhat behind his classmates at school at home, was simply sent to the American one. And there he immediately became one of the strongest students in the class. Didn't you believe that our education system is much better than the Western one?

However, and without any irony, one can only congratulate the star couple. After all, the main thing is that the child is happy. And methods are already a matter of principles, opportunities, situations. The guy communicates with his family on the Internet, now it's very simple.

And the parents want to give him a sister or brother, at least by the IVF method. They have already tried, so far to no avail. But they do not lose hope. Moreover, both are in excellent physical shape, look great, energetic, work hard and successfully.

And they raised a handsome son. Now fans are wondering who he looks more like - Natalia or Sergei?

Koroleva Natalya Vladimirovna is a famous Soviet and Russian singer, actress, writer, TV presenter, who is also engaged in charitable activities. At the same time, the girl does not get tired of delighting her fans with performances at concerts and participation in talk shows.

By the way, Natalia skillfully combines creative activity with a calm family life. The fact is that a woman is a self-confident and loving mother, and also a wife that is still worth looking for. Natasha can cook delicious borscht equally well and record singles, which eventually become real hits.

Height, weight, age. How old is Natasha Koroleva

Many fans want to know not only the real name of the singer, but also her physical parameters, including height, weight, age. How old is Natasha Koroleva - it is not difficult to find out, since she does not hide her date of birth.

Natasha was born in 1973, so she was already forty-four years old, however, Natasha Koroleva: the photos in her youth and now are the same, but in the last of them the girl has become more feminine and bright.

The zodiac circle gave the girl the sign of hardy, intelligent, changeable, inquisitive, attentive Gemini. At the same time, the Eastern horoscope endowed the future star with the traits of the Bull, including willpower, endurance, stability, ambition, and intelligence.

The growth of the beauty was one meter and sixty centimeters, and she weighs no more than fifty-two kilograms.

Biography of Natasha Koroleva

The biography of Natasha Koroleva is filled with unusual facts, she indicates that with the help of willpower everything can be achieved. The fact is that Natasha Poryvai, as she was called in childhood, was born in Ukrainian Kiev, and her family was far from simple.

Father - Vladimir Poryvai - was a famous choirmaster and died in 1993, and mother - Lyudmila Poryvai - conducted the whole choir chapel "Svetoch".

Sister - Irina Poryvai - was five years older than her sister, she performed since childhood under the pseudonym Rusya, which was an abbreviated version of the affectionate name Irusya.

Already at the age of three, the baby sang together with the Big Choir of Radio and Television, performing the famous hit "Cruiser Aurora" as an encore. It was after this performance that the parents realized that in front of them was a star, at the age of seven, the girl was sent to a music and choreographic studio. Five years later, Natasha began performing with the songs of the composer Vladimir Bystryakov, conquering with her clear voice and the ability to be at ease on stage, and also often took first places. At the age of fourteen, Natasha played in the musical In the Country of Children.

The seventh-grader appeared in the program "Wider Circle", but did not take any place. However, I handed over the cassette with the number to the assistant of a television producer from Moscow and simply forgot about her. At the same time, Natasha was able to enter the circus school in Kiev. And in 1989 she even got to the USA on her first tour and got a ticket to the Eastman School of Music, as a soloist of the rock opera "Peace Child".

By the way, she went to conquer Moscow show business, since 1989 she collaborated with Igor Nikolaev. Under whose leadership she released an album a year later and received the sonorous pseudonym Queen instead of Rush.

Filmography: films starring Natasha Koroleva

Natasha has recorded a huge number of albums and individual singles, she starred in music videos, and also starred in musicals. Her filmography consisted of more than sixteen works, while these roles are mostly episodic. By the way, in just two years, the girl wrote four books, and also participated in programs such as "Song of the Year", "Dancing with the Stars", "Time to Dinner", "Queen of Prime".

Among other things, she was engaged in charity and jewelry business, opened a beauty salon and was engaged in social activities.

Personal life of Natasha Koroleva

The personal life of Natasha Koroleva has always been stormy and eventful, since absolutely all men liked the Ukrainian puffy beauty. However, the girl always knew her worth, she talked about being next to a strong-willed, creative person who knows a lot about music.

She claimed that she would have married Igor Nikolaev, to whom she was going to audition, and then said that it was love at first sight. After a difficult break with Nikolaev, Natasha began to build relationships with the stripper Glushko, but for a long time she could not accept that he had too many fans, most of whom were striving to become his wives.

However, in her personal life, a woman promotes trust, but sometimes she can arrange a scene of jealousy with smashing dishes and stormy reconciliations.

Family of Natasha Koroleva

The family of Natasha Koroleva has always been unusual, all of its members possessed remarkable musical talent and vocal abilities. Natalia's father studied at the conservatory with her future mother, he shared all her views, attitude to creativity and plans for the future. Vladimir supported his wife when she became famous, and he remained a modest choirmaster.

Natasha's mother - Lyudmila Ivanovna - conducted the Svetoch chapel for a long time, she devoted all of herself to Ukrainian choral music, but sacrificed her whole life's work for the children. She was constantly next to them, took them out to competitions, took them to circles, recorded songs. Now she lives in Miami, hosts a culinary show, writes songs and performs them in a duet with her daughters.

Natalia's sister, Irina, is another creative project of her mother, since the bright child sang beautifully, and in the early nineties Russia gathered whole stadiums. Soon she moved to Canada, and then to the USA, where she and her mother organized a music school for talented children. Irina is married to Konstantin Osaulenko, she is raising a daughter, Sophia, as well as sons Matthew and Vladimir, who suffered from cerebral palsy and died at the age of ten.

Children of Natasha Koroleva

The children of Natasha Koroleva are not only her own son Arkhip, who was born in a marriage with Sergei Glushko, but also nephews. At the same time, in the first marriage with the composer Igor Nikolaev, babies did not appear, since Natasha believed that she was not ripe for motherhood, although her husband raised this topic hundreds of times in ten years.

At the same time, the Queen was very upset about what happened to her nephew Vova, so she was afraid that the same thing might happen to her. The fact is that the baby was born with a severe form of cerebral palsy, so the Poryvai family in full force tried to earn money for rehabilitation, operations and supportive therapy.

Rusya abandoned the stage, she went to work in Canada, but the doctors did not give any guarantee of recovery. They assured that when they grow up, the body itself will kill the boy, since it will refuse his functions. And so it happened, since Vova did not live to be eleven, and Natasha at the concert had to tell Irina that her son was gone.

A line from the song was written on the boy's grave: "Swallow, swallow, you say hello ...", because it was her Queen who sang when she learned about the death of her beloved nephew.

At the same time, Irina's son, Matvey, suffers from autism, but Koroleva's son is healthy and pleases his mother with his successes.

Son of Natasha Koroleva - Arkhip Glushko

The son of Natasha Koroleva - Arkhip Glushko - was born in February 2002, his father was Sergei Glushko, who was present at the birth and even cut the umbilical cord. At the same time, the boy is an illegitimate child, so the first months of his life he lived with his mother, and both grandmothers took turns nursing him. Dad appeared in his life in 2003, when the couple's wedding took place, while he immediately recognized the baby.

The boy owes his unusual Old Russian name to his maternal great-grandfather. The boy is insanely similar to his father, he is musical, so he took part in his mother's concerts several times.

Since the age of thirteen he has been living in Miami with his grandmother, he is an excellent student at school and continues to play volleyball. The fact is that the ocean climate was needed by Arkhip because of problems with the respiratory system.

In addition, Natalia is a supporter of the American education system, so she often hires tutors for her son and is happy that he speaks spoken English. Arkhip Glushko knows that his native country is Russia and is not going to leave for the United States for permanent residence, but wants to become an economist or banker.

Former husband of Natasha Koroleva - Igor Nikolaev

The ex-husband of Natasha Koroleva - Igor Nikolaev - appeared in her life quite a long time ago, namely, when in 1989 the duet of the venerable composer and the modest provincial woman was conceived. At the same time, Nikolaev did not immediately fall in love with Natasha, but only when filming a video for the song "Dolphin and the Mermaid"

Igor wanted to check the relationship and live in a civil marriage, but Natalya did not want to live with him without a stamp in her passport. Finally, Nikolaev gave up, a modest wedding took place in 1992, but it was a home and secret, which suited Natasha.

For ten years, the couple lived in perfect harmony, not hiding tender feelings, and striking each other with gifts, but the marriage broke up. The fact is that Natasha was an inexperienced girl, so the couple's intimate life was puritanical, and Igor sought solace in the arms of his mistresses.

At the same time, Nikolaev was a talented person, but absolutely unsuitable for life, he thoughtlessly spent finances and could not even build a cottage in the Moscow region. Scandals, quarrels and scenes of jealousy led to a break in relations, although Igor called the reason for this Natasha's betrayal.

Natasha Koroleva's husband - Sergey Glushko

Natasha Koroleva's husband, Sergei Glushko, appeared on the singer's horizon in 2001, when she left her ex-spouse. The fact is that the beauty decided to diversify her concert program and invited a dance group to her team, in which a guy with the pseudonym Tarzan danced.

The guy invariably enjoyed success with women, as he worked as a stripper in nightclubs. By the way, the romance of Sergei and Natalia began when discussing the payment for the show. And as a result of the first intimacy, their long-awaited son Arkhip was born.

In 2003, the marriage was concluded, and the wedding festivities were incredibly noisy, that is, exactly the way Natalya wanted. Tarzan says that he never beat off his wife from Nikolaev, and the composer simply made PR on this.

Natasha Koroleva and Tarzan The intimate life of photo censorship is precisely those materials that constantly lead to scandalous consequences. The fact is that some of them are so frank that they even wanted to deprive Natalia of the title of People's Artist of our country for them.

Deputy Milonov said that he demands a ban on Natalia's participation in children's concert programs. At the same time, Natalia and Sergei said that these photographs and videos, with or without censorship, were intended for personal use.

Their intimate life became the property of everyone only because intimate photos from the phone and hard drive were stolen by hackers, which led to criminal prosecution of criminals.

Photos of Natasha Koroleva before and after plastics constantly appeared on the Internet, but few people could believe in their authenticity. At the same time, the Queen herself denies that she resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon.

Natalia says that she was able to lose weight only due to the fact that she began to actively engage in aerobics, which she left due to constant employment. The Queen says that plastic surgery is done only by women who are deeply unhappy and dissatisfied with themselves, and she is loved, happy and desired.

At the same time, most of the fans and close people of the Queen did not confirm that she was doing general body plastic surgery.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natasha Koroleva

Instagram and Wikipedia Natasha Koroleva exist officially and are very popular. From an article on Wikipedia, you can find out reliable and relevant facts about childhood and education, parents and sister, various stages of her creative activity and spouses, child and family, as well as working on television, filming films and scandals.

765,000 people have subscribed to the Koroleva's profile on Instagram, who can view photos and videos from the singer's personal and creative archive. Moreover, most of them have nothing to do with family and personal life, since Natasha is still a rather secretive woman, despite the scandals associated with her life. The article was found on

Biography of Natasha Koroleva is a fascinating Brazilian TV series, each episode of which the audience was looking forward to. A Kiev woman with a lively character never gave herself offense and preferred to leave men first.

On the Russian stage, an unknown 16-year-old girl made an incredible sensation. This is how she attracted the attention of Igor Nikolaev, who was skeptical about a little girl with no name.

Natalia was repeatedly called a witch for her beauty and deep piercing eyes. The singer, who was interviewed by 7 Days magazine, admitted that she often sees prophetic dreams. It is they who help her make the most important decisions in life and warn about upcoming events.

The Queen is still the most pretty woman of the Russian stage and is always ready to tell about the secrets of beauty:

  1. The ideal weight for a pop diva is 49-50 kg. The growth of Natasha Koroleva is replete with a variety of options from 159 to 163 cm.
  2. The artist was born on May 31, 1973, and in 2018 she plans to celebrate her anniversary, and at the same time change her passport photo. Having been born under the sign of twins, Natalya became the owner of a thermodynamic character. An emotional but judicious woman is a unity of opposites and is capable of showing real passion in relationships with men and moving up the career ladder.
  3. But the Queen is not used to showing off the parameters of her figure. This point in the biography remains a secret that even Wikipedia does not know about.

In 2018, Natalya Koroleva never ceased to amaze fans. She got rid of extra pounds by developing her own diet, which she gladly shared with fans on social networks. Now the woman looks like an institute student. In a new image, the Queen appeared in front of the audience at the Festive Show in the Kremlin, appearing in an extravagant outfit from Yudashkin.

Now the artist looks younger than the wife of Igor Nikolaev - 35-year-old Yulia Proskuryakova. Therefore, followers on Instagram ask Natalia not to abuse plastic and salon procedures to maintain youth. Otherwise, you can quickly take over the top stars who have been victims of bad experiences.


The singer was born in Kiev into a family of choral conductors of the Svetoch Capella - Vladimir Arkhipovich and Lyudmila Ivanovna Poryvai. Natasha Koroleva's mother is an Honored Artist of Ukraine. Therefore, the girl who grew up in a family of intellectuals always felt confident both on stage and in life. She was not the only daughter in the family. Natasha's older sister is also a creative person who began her singing career under the stage name Rusya.

The real name of the performer is Irina Poryvai. From 1987 to 2008, she actively performed on the Ukrainian stage and even abroad. Then Rusya disappeared, and after a while the Queen said that the son of Matvey's sister was diagnosed with autism. American doctors announced that the boy is an Indigo child and there is nothing to worry about in the diagnosis. Currently, Irina Poryvai is raising her son and lives with her mother, Koroleva, in Miami.

From early childhood, the future Russian pop star took part in competitive programs and performed on stage. Having entered a music school at the age of 7, studying the piano, she did not stop there. In parallel with receiving secondary education, the girl began to study in the choreographic studio of folk dances at the Academic Choir named after Grigory Verevka.

Natalia took the first steps towards her dream of becoming famous together with the children's choir on the radio and television of Ukraine. Her love for the humanities and extracurricular activities allowed her to become the star of the school. Going on stage, the girl opened up and showed a talent for artistry. The teachers claimed that two completely different Natasha live in it: a quiet gray mouse and a charismatic performer.


The artist says little about her studies. Starting early to build a career, she devoted her whole life to the stage. School for her is gray everyday life, which is practically not remembered and remained in the past.

In 1998, the girl entered the Kiev Variety and Circus School in the vocal department. Natalia received her diploma of higher education in 1991. She had to combine training as a vocalist with concerts, but this did not affect her academic performance.

Carier start

Musical Natalia performed from the age of 3, participating in children's song contests.

At the age of 12, the girl met the composer Vladimir Bystryakov and recorded her first songs in his studio. Then she was invited as a performer to the Mirage group. At the age of 13, Natasha performed at a festival in Evpatoria and met a woman named Elvira. She asked the young Poryvai (real name) for a video of the performance, promising to show it to her friend TV editor in Moscow.

In 1990, thanks to the efforts of her mother, the little girl went on tour to the United States as part of the rock opera Peace Child.

The woman Elvina, who disappeared from Natalia's field of vision, handed over a cassette with a recording to Marta Mogilevskaya only when the girl was 16 years old. The woman really liked her performance, and she showed it to Igor Nikolaev. The great composer was skeptical about the proposed candidate for the role of a new student, but agreed to listen to her in Moscow.

But despite Marta's efforts, Nikolaev did not appreciate Natalia's performances and dreamed of getting rid of the little 16-year-old girl as soon as possible. But Mogilevskaya persuaded the master of music to take the young singer with her on a tour to Estonia.

The audience had to appreciate the performance of the three young artists and be delighted with applause. It was on them that Nikolaev was based, deciding with which of the favorites of Mogilev to work. Natalya Koroleva was the last to enter the stage and left to a thunderous ovation. It was at this moment that the fate of the Kievite who performed the song "Yellow Tulips" in the city of Tallinn was decided.

Surprised by the performance of a 16-year-old girl, the composer was amazed at Natasha's artistry and powerful energy. It was then that he decided to reconsider his views and was inspired to write songs for Rush. But Nikolaev did not like the real surname, so he created a new "Queen".

Takeoff and popularity

In the 1990s, the charming Natalia was not only known, but also recognized on the stage by both Russians and citizens of the former USSR. Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev gathered full houses. Tickets for concerts featuring the hit "Dolphin and Mermaid" were sold out several weeks before the start of the artists' performances.

Together with Nikolaev, the gifted girl traveled all over the world, but the most warmly received the couple in love:

  • in 1993 in Israel;
  • in 1994 during a tour of Germany;
  • in 1997 in New York, USA.

The beginning of the Queen's career was always surrounded by gossip and rumors. The stars of Russian show business did not like Natasha from Kiev, believing that she appeared out of nowhere and became famous thanks to Nikolaev. The girl never denied that she was the creation of a great composer. But at the same time, she was always proud of her famous parents and career before moving to Moscow.

Personality and character

The artist has a very hot temper. She never allows herself to offend, always expressing her own point of view to the offenders. The Queen believes in prophetic dreams and tries to surround herself only with honest people. An ambitious woman never gives up in front of difficulties and achieves her goals.

Personal life

The family has always been in the first place for Natalia. Parents from early childhood instilled in the girl certain life values. Therefore, when Igor Yuryevich Nikolaev began to knock on the doorsteps of the apartment with Koroleva, she did not reciprocate. A married man could not become her first and true love, but the composer did not give up.

Each time, leaving Natasha, the master wrote new beautiful songs. This is how the most famous hits appeared, which were performed not only by the Queen, but also by the prima donna Alla Pugacheva, Irina Allegrova and other Russian pop stars. For him, the young girl was a muse, inspiring new works.

When the aspiring star Natalya Koroleva was tired of the courtship of a man who did not want to get a divorce, she decided to pack her bags and leave. This is how the famous hit appeared.

Distraught with love and indecisive, the composer decided to break off the old relationship, leaving his daughter Julia and wife Elena. Even before the divorce, Nikolaev brought Natasha a gorgeous wedding dress and shoes from an American fashion designer, but the painting did not go as the young beauty dreamed. The People's Artist did not want to arrange a loud wedding and called the registry office workers at home.

The Queen did not agree with this state of affairs and did not wear a white dress. The announcement that Nikolai and Natalya had officially registered their relationship did not surprise anyone. Creative personalities have been married for 11 years.

Having become the legal wife of Nikolaev, Natalya took her husband's business into strong female hands. She cut down the staff who lived off the artist and did not play an important role in show business. The managers were fired, who stole the artists' fees and many deputies.

When Igor Yuryevich felt cramped in the apartment and he decided to build a house, Koroleva took an active part in controlling the builders. So, returning from a tour, she went to a construction site to check the work of hired workers and the bills issued.

After the divorce, which the singer insisted on, she gave an interview to Caravan of Stories, telling about her life with the great master Nikolayev. The artist admitted that her ex-husband felt not only male, but also professional jealousy for her. Scandals and quarrels often happened in the family, after which the Queen was taken by ambulance, and Nikolaev wrote new hits.

Natasha Koroleva admitted that in her youth she perceived everything differently. She unconditionally trusted her husband and never doubted his loyalty. But at some point, the composer's feelings for the muse cooled down. An endless series of betrayals began, but none of the colleagues or friends was in a hurry to open the young woman's eyes to the truth. They knew Natasha would not believe their words, considering it evil rumors.

In marriage, she did not like the protracted feasts of Nikolaev, to which he was accustomed from the Soviet Union. The artist's addiction to alcohol and constant scandals did not strengthen the marriage, but only exacerbated the situation.

The Queen considers the most terrible story of the years of marriage to be cheating on her husband while on holiday in Thailand. Nikolaev decided to take care of his beloved wife. He invited her to an interesting place where local girls were doing massage. It turned out that Thai women carry out the procedures with their own body in a separate office. The client can then ask for whatever he wants. This situation seemed disgusting for Natalya, but she accused her husband only of bringing her to this house.

The Queen persuaded Nikolaev to divorce only after he began to openly appear in public with a certain Jusya. Unable to withstand the betrayal of her husband, the woman insisted on divorce and for a long time came to her senses.

After a divorce from Nikolaev, Natalya Koroleva lost a lot of weight and prettier. Starting a new life, she completely changed her style, starting to wear beautiful suits. Having gained a slender body, the singer began to take care of herself and changed her makeup, which emphasized her femininity and youth.

In 2001, the artist met Sergei Vitalievich Glushko, who performed at the show under the pseudonym Tarzan. Impressed by his performance, the Queen invited the artist and his team to concert programs in the Rossiya hall. The first year after the divorce from Nikolaev, the woman lived alone and thought about getting her husband back.

In 2002, Natasha Koroleva and Tarzan met by chance at a national concert. A handsome man invited her for a cup of coffee. Natalia went with him, but she remembered the words of her grandmother that it was impossible to build relationships with gorgeous men, she was in no hurry to plunge into the pool of his charm. Granny thought that there would be many problems from such.

For the May holidays, Natalya was left alone and decided to invite the guys from Tarzan's group to brighten up her loneliness. But only he was free. Without thinking twice, Sergei invited the woman to his place. After drinking tea with apricot jam and sweets, Natalya went home. And then she invited the man she liked to Kiev for her grandmother's anniversary. The family liked Tarzan, which won over the queen of the Russian stage.

Returning to Moscow, Sergei presented Natalia with the keys to a rented apartment. He did not live there alone, but with a married friend. Without thinking twice, the artist moved to a kopeck piece, where another family lived in the next room, and also a cat with a dog. After a couple of months, the singer became pregnant. She wanted a girl, but on February 19, 2002, a son, Arkhip Sergeevich, was born.

Tarzan refused to live in the house of his common-law wife, saying that he was more comfortable in the city. He had no relation to the Queen's house and wanted to earn an apartment on his own. A few months before the birth of his son, Sergei bought an apartment.

Living with a woman, whom he did not have time to look after immediately starting from family life, Sergei asked if she missed her relationship with Nikolaev. Natalia honestly admitted that all this is in the past. But she was able to file a divorce only when Arkhip was 6 months old.

On the 30th birthday of his beloved stripper Tarzan knelt in front of her and held out a red rose with the words: “I thought for a long time what to give. I couldn't think of anything better how to give a hand and heart. Please be my wife. " Two rings were hidden in the flower: a woman's with a diamond and a man's.

The wedding, which the Queen dreamed of in her distant youth, took place on August 21, 2003 in the city on the Neva. The singer did not invite the press, deciding to confine herself to close friends and relatives. But they quickly learned about the marriage of Tarzan and the Queen.

The singer maintains friendly relations with Nikolaev. The Queen is grateful to the master for teaching her to behave correctly on the big stage. She considers herself a creation of Nikolaev, but for the further continuation of her career she is grateful to Tarzan and her mother.


From an early age, Natalia was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and even took part in international competitions. But after moving to Moscow, Koroleva had to forget about her further career in sports.

Since 2009, the singer has opened her own jewelry stores in the capital of the Russian Federation, releasing designer collections.

Participation in various projects

For the first time Natalia Poryvay took part in the interesting musical "In the Country of Children" in 1985, created by the Ukrainian composer Alexander Sporinsky. More fun projects followed:

  • participation in the "Shire Krug" program (1987) on Central TV;
  • presenter in the program "Kiev beauty" (1998);

As a participant, the singer tried herself in the following programs:

  • musical program "Morning Mail";
  • show, conducted by Alla Pugacheva, "Christmas Meetings";
  • Ukrainian program "Shire Krug" with the participation of professional and novice artists;
  • entertaining show "Dancing with the Stars".

She acted as a presenter on NTV and the First Channel of the Russian Federation in the program "Queen of Prime" and "Time to Dinner".

Life today / scandals

The singer often becomes the object of gossip from the yellow press. In 2010, the artist made a splash by arranging unimaginable dances with Kirkorov at a secular party.

In 2015, she was banned from entering the Russian stage due to the posting of a clip and a photo with her husband on the Internet. They were of an obscene nature and caused a serious scandal.

Then the famous artist stopped uploading photos with Glushko, but shared with fans happy shots from the filming of the video with German Titov. Then their duet "If we are with you" was performed on the channel "New Wave".

Against this background, journalists raised the issue of the divorce of Tarzan and the Russian "mermaid". Sergei Glushko came to the program, where he talked about what a serious tragedy could have happened during a hurricane in Miami. The wife not only ignored Tarzan afterwards, not asking how he felt, but also refused to come to the studio.

Currently, Natalya Koroleva, whose personal life was surrounded by rumors of divorce and her husband's infidelities, decided to become a decent woman. The son of Natasha Koroleva, who recently celebrated her 16th birthday, lives in Miami under the supervision of his aunt and grandmother. He meets his mother only in those moments when she has windows between tours. The boy becomes like his father and plans to enter a Japanese university.


Having become a popular performer thanks to the creative tandem with Nikolaev, Natalya Koroleva released the following albums in his studio:

  • "Yellow Tulips" (1990), after the performance of which the audience took the stage with bouquets of gorgeous flowers;
  • "Dolphin and the Mermaid" (1992), songs from which still evoke enthusiastic emotions among listeners;
  • "The Admirer" (1994) with the composition "Yellow Suitcase", which the Queen was ready to collect when she returned to Kiev, if she did not become Nikolayev's wife;
  • Confetti (1995), the composer's songs were inspired by scandals in the family;
  • "Diamonds of Tears" (1997), which tells about the passionate love of a creative couple;
  • "The most dear" (2001), which became the last work of Nikolaev for Koroleva.

After parting with the teacher, Natalia did not lose her grip and managed to find a new studio and authors for her songs:

  • "Heart" (May 2001), songs to which were written by composer-arranger Alexander Konovalov;
  • "Fragments of the Past" (2002), also released by the studio "Monolith" in collaboration with the young composer, the artist devoted entirely to her lost love.

Becoming the wife of a famous Moscow stripper, she released a new album, recorded together with her husband, entitled "Do you believe it or not?" (2003). After that, the tandem with the former songwriter ends with the termination of the contract.

Then fans meet new albums by Natasha Koroleva:

  • "Paradise is where you are" (2006), created with the financial support of the Jewelry House "Dream Crystal", which made an indelible impression on fans;
  • 2005 pleased us with the release of the album "Magic L ...", which was reissued in December 2006.

The Honored Artist of the Russian Federation admits that after breaking up with Nikolaev, she never managed to find such a brilliant author for her songs. Nevertheless, she continues to shine on stage in new images.

Best roles

In the cinema, the actress tried her hand in the mid-90s, becoming a member of the series of musical films "Old songs about the main thing." But most only after parting with Nikolaev, she managed to get the main roles:

  • in the musical comedy melodrama "The Witch's Recipe" (2003), where she appeared in the image of the modern businesswoman Lyudmila selling perfumery;
  • starred with the outstanding talents of Russian TV in the TV series "My Fair Nanny" (2004) in episode 29, playing the role of Cameo;
  • was invited to the Ukrainian project "Grandfather of My Dreams-2" (2006), as the main character Christina;
  • appeared in the New Year's musical based on S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Golden Fish" (2008) in the image of Maryushka, the daughter of the Old Man and the Old Woman.

The last film role for Natasha Koroleva was the project "Sorcerers" in 2016, which was not completed.

Awards and awards

Over the years of work on the Russian and foreign stage, the artist has received more than a dozen awards:

  • in 1987 she became the owner of the diploma of the Ukrainian competition "Golden Tuning Fork";
  • from 1990 to 2004 she received awards from the "Song of the Year" music competition for her singles;
  • in 1993 she was nominated for the national Russian award in the field of spectacles and popular music for the album "Dolphin and Rusalka";
  • in 1997 she received an award at the Golden Gramophone festival for her performance of the song "Malvina's Crystal Heart", and in 2000 - for "A Slightly Not Counting";
  • in 2003 she received an award for "Best Duet of the Year" for a musical composition together with Sergei Glushko;
  • in 2004 Natalya Koroleva was invited to the Kremlin, where she was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation";
  • for compassion and participation in the life of ordinary people, the singer was awarded the medal "For Faith and Love" in Kemerovo (2011) and received the International Prize "Person of the Year";
  • in 2014 and 2015 she was nominated for the Best Song of the Year award for her incredible performance of the duet with A. Marshal “I am vicious by you” and “I am not a word”;
  • in 2015 she received a medal of the order "For professionalism and business reputation, 3rd degree";
  • in 2016 she was awarded an award at the Chanson of the Year Music Festival for the song I Am Tired;
  • 2017 ended with receiving the Song of the Year award for the single Autumn underfoot on the sole.

You can get acquainted with the creative activities of the star in contact, where Natasha Koroleva maintains an official blog: