Jubilee - Biography of the Rip Artist. Jubilee - biography, photo rapper, songs, personal life, albums, clips, height, weight Other abilities and combat style

Jubilee - Biography of the Rip Artist. Jubilee - biography, photo rapper, songs, personal life, albums, clips, height, weight Other abilities and combat style

Born in Casa Blanca, Morocco, Jubilee Understood The Power Of Music At A Young Age. He Watched As His Father Played Old Records and Instruments Such As The Tarbouga, The Aoud and The Bandir. Arriving to the u.s. In 2001, Jubilee Immediately Took To The Streets of Washington D.c. AS A Club Promoter for Panorama. During This Time, His Interest in Becoming A DJ Grew While Watching People Like DJ Alex Kelly In 2001 Hit The Tables for Six-Hour Sets. Noticeably Inspired, He Was Soon Handed The Headphones and Hit The Ground Running with Innovative Sounds Inspied by His Own Unique and Culturally Infused Sense of Rhythm and Beats. For Jubliee, Now Producing His Own Tracks, The Medium of House Music Continues to Evolve AS An Art Form. He Is Dedicated to Creating Both A Journey for His Listeners As Well As a Base for His Own Journey Through the Intricacies of Life. His Is Known for His Unmatchable Creativity and His Impenetrable Work Ethic. Yet, More Thanking Jubliee IS A Product of The Exclusive and Ever Growing House Music Scene in Our Nation "S Capital. Though Based in Washington DC, He Travels Routinely Between Cities Such As New York, San Francisco, And More With Pals Gabriel, Benoit, Navid Jubilee HAS PUT TOGETHER SUCCESSFUL EVENTS AT ESTABLISHED VENUES LIKE DC'S WAREHOUSE / THE LOFT ALONG WAREHOON, AND U ST MUSIC HALL. HE HAS BOOKED AND PLAYED WITH GLOBAL TALENTS SUCH AS STEPHAN BODZIN, MARC ROMBOY, Deepak Sharma, Seuil, Till Von Sein, Kate Simko, Ryan Crosson, Shaun Reeves, Ewan Pearson, Pantha Du Prince, Nicolas Jaar and Nick Curly, Just to Name A Few. In 2010, Jubilee Launched His Production Career with the Critically Acclaimed Release "Dopamine" for New York City Based Hidden Recordings. Label Owner Deepak Sharma Recently Stated: "Jubilee Is Definitely One To Watch. For me, He is DC" S Best Dj and Producer. I Was Immediately Drawn to the Tracks He Submitted to Hidden Recordings. His Style IS Deep and Bouncy in All The Right Ways. "Sharma Was So Impressed With Jubilee's Work That He Him Slated for a New Ep in 2011 on Hidden. Already Seeing Support from Alexi Delano, DVS1, Aland Byallo, Someone Else, Derek Marin, Signal Deluxe, Stefano Infusino, Kane Roth, Subfractal, Funk Shuei, Roman Kramer to Name A Few. Jubilee's Previous Work Has Also Appeared on Mexico City's Blaq Records and The Esteemed Mo's Ferry Imprint.

Jubilee (Jubilee)

Jubilee (Jauba) - Character Biography

Main information

Super Name: Jubie
Real Name: Jubili Li
Pseudonyms: Wondra Jubes Vertigo Abcissa
Publisher: Marvel
Creators: Chris Clermont, Mark Sylvestree
Female gender
Character Type: Mutant
First appearance: Uncanny X-Men # 244 - Women's Night
Appears in: 2274 questions
Birthday: N /
Died: -


  • agility
  • animal control
  • feral
  • healing
  • hypnosis
  • immortal
  • guide
  • longevity
  • Phasing / Ghost.
  • Shape Shifter.
  • endurance
  • cunning
  • super listening
  • super sight
  • super smell
  • super speed
  • superpower
  • swordsmanship
  • naked Boy
  • vampirism

Jauba, once a teenage mutant, a member of the X-people who could produce colorful explosive plasmoids and detonate the substance at the subatoman level. Since m-day it robbed her, she has since turned into a vampire. After the adoption of the orphan boy, she got a job working on Patsy Walker Aka Helchat. More recently, she is responsible for teaching and conducting a group of teenage mutants in Generation X.


Juba Li is a Chinese-American girl who was born in Los Angeles, California, where she lived with their rich immigrant parents. A huge talented gymnast, in her opinion, had the potential to participate in the Olympic Games. Nevertheless, Jauba used his dexterity, dealing with small ones with his best friend, making them escape on their rollers. Most of her time was carried out in shopping centers. Once the anniversary was locked in a dead-end alley of a pair of cops. Fearing the detention of minors and the reaction of her parents, she rented, and her mutant forces were activated for the first time, destroying the whole alley.

Juguba told the parents about their unusual new abilities, but it did not seem to be a problem, as she soon learned to control it to a limited degree. However, her parents were subsequently killed by Renault criminals and milk, hired by Hunter Brown, who disguised the murder as an automobile accident. Juguba was transferred to a pair next door, but soon ran away to live in a near place, which was similar to the house, in the shopping center. There she survived, giving demonstrations of their mutant clutch forces for spare changes, impressing many of their abilities and through small theft. When she lived in this shopping center, she first met with the people of X and began his way as a superhero.


Djebili "Jubili" Lee was created by Chris Clermont and Mark Sylvestree. She first appeared in Uncanny X-Men # 244.

Evolution character

Jauba survived a lot of changes in her life. It was represented in Uncanny X-Men, but there was some time before it became X-MAN. In the meantime, she became one of the most famous buddies at the beginning of the nineties, fighting Wolverine. In the end, she joined the X-Men as part of the Blue Team of this group, when they were divided into two teams. Jauba, at the time, was the youngest X-MAN. Extremely energetic and outgoing, Jubili did not experience any remorse when she showed her emotions. Having accepted a unique style, Jubae did not wear a standard X-Men form, instead wearing their corporate yellow coat, sunglasses, gloves and boots. Although she did not use this costume throughout his life with the people of X, all her costumes included aspects of her classic costume, in particular her yellow coat. Being part of the X-Men for a fairly long time, Jubae became one of the founders of the X generation, the team of "neo-mutants", which needed learning in their abilities. Juguba was part of the team throughout its existence, established new relations and developed its strength, becoming one of the most influential team members. By the time the school was closed, and the team was disbanded, Juguba ripened, moved to Los Angeles and became part of the short-lived X-case. One of the nearest brushes, Jauba and death came when she crucified her church of mankind, an event, which led to the death of her former teammate in Angelo "Skin" "Espinos. The death of the cat had a deep influence on the jail, sending it to the emotional spiral, where she moved from a feeling of terrifying guilt to the actions of rebellious and minor crimes. Cyclops eventually decided that the juba need a "mental fault" and did not appoint it any of the X-teams.

After m-day, Juba lost her abilities of mutants, but still remained involved in mutant cases (driving both a mutant newsletter and a semi-empty house for deputized mutants). Then Juguba became one of the founders and a field leader than the new version of New Warriors, a group of former mutants who received authority thanks to technologically improved costumes. At one time, the Jugube team became very frank in his disapproval of the leader Night Thrasher, suspicious actions, resulting in conflict between them. She became more mature and energetic, very seriously treated his team. After disabling the team, Jauba became the victim of the attack of a vampire terrorist, aimed at her, forcing her to get infected and turn into a vampire. She briefly turned on X-people, but in the end was defeated and captured. For some time, Jauba was rehabilitated for her vampire motivation using the healing factor in Wolverine, so as not to lose control. For some time, Jubae became a darker, thoughtful person. She tried his best to fit, like a person nor a mutant. However, with the help of Wolverine, X-23, Gambit and other friends in X-Men, she more or less returned their life assessment fully and again became a respected and caring member of the X-Team. Anniversary Later remained with Risk Code and his prophet, having learned to control himself, without relying on the blood of Wolverine, and it is better to practice his vampire's abilities. Jubae recently returned to X people, this time, with a syrotsky child in a tug. Teen vampire, part of a mutant man, X-MAN, and now the receptional mother, Jubaebe once again found her way home and in the midst of actions.


As a mutant

Pyroinz: as a mutant, Jauba created bright plasma energy outbreaks, which she could shoot from her hands in the form of balls, streams or any other shape. They went there, where Juguba wished, and exploded in her order. She could also absorb plasma energy back to his body without harm. The point of interest in the authority of the anniversary is that she could control the effect that they had on her desired goals. These power effects were shown blind and emit shock power, burns and skin burns, detonation and destruction of solid objects, as well as the destruction of solid metal objects, such as locks and bolts. Jubili also had the ability to detonate the matter at the subatomic level, which made her walking atomic bomb.

According to Emma Frost, Juguba was one of the most powerful mutants with which she had ever encountered, but noted that her fear would harm the other did not allow her to use these forces to fully.

Jubae was also not detected by guardians and their mutant tracking equipment, as well as telepaths, such as the psaillock. True nature and degree of this power are still a mystery.

Because of the events of M-Day, Jauba lost the ability of mutants. It is capable and moving in order to fight with combatants.

Like vondra

Superman power: Anniversary possessed the variation of "wonderful wizard gloves." Chips, lining gloves, were designed to use gravitational waves in order to increase its strength to superhuman levels.
Force Field: Gloves were capable of creating a powerful electromagnetic field around it. Although in this area, the jail was very resistant to physical injury. The field allowed it to withstand high-caliber bullets, powerful impact strengths, extreme temperatures and energy explosions without injury.
Flight: Jauba had some kind of technology of the wizard, built into her suit. She could move through the air at high speed capable of reaching a speed of at least 100 miles per hour and still breathe comfortably.
Ghostic mode: Juguba costume also had what she called the "Ghost Mode". In this mode, Juba became intangible and could pass through any substance.

Like vampire

(After the "curse of mutants", the jail turned into a vampire.)

Immortality: Jauba - Immortal. If she somehow does not become a man again, a wooden victim to her heart, beheading or unprotected exposure to sunlight will become one of the main ways to destroy its destruction.

Infectious bite: Like all other vampires, the powers of Juguba allow her to turn other people and mutants in vampires with a simple bite of blood drawing. Its teeth can turn into sharp edges of the razor to better give her blood.

Vulnerability to sunlight: Although sunlight can damage or kill vampires, Jauba has been treated, which uses the healing factor in Wolverine. It allowed her to be outside when the sun went out, but not too intense. From the moment of joining Forgiven, Juba used a protective amulet who defended it from unfavorable sunlight.

Superman power: Jubae now has a great level of power. She knows how to push the legs of Rockslide and can easily raise large boulders and motorcycles above their head. It can also crush metal locks with one hand and beheaded with bare hands.

Super speed: As a vampire, Jubae now also significantly improved the speed. It seemed to catch up with Pixie after a few seconds after the last teleported to the remote distance. It is also extremely mobile and can easily reached Wolverine.

Durability: Jauba is extremely durable and durable, and she needs to be physically harmful. It can survive, being discarded from large heights and easily hitting powerful blows and blows.

Immunity: The jail, apparently, is immune to the modified "trigger", based on one weapon X, used to control the X-23, which causes the rage of berserkers in both ordinary people and mutants.

Healing factor: Due to the fact that the jail drinks bottle of Wolverine, she inherited her therapeutic factor. It speeds up the healing process of any damage it takes.

Hypnosis: Jauba can hypnotize people and, possibly, mutants turning them into trance. Once it was shown using this ability to enter the farm boy, so that she can easily bite it. However, it was during her time before she learned to control his dark motives and decided not to attack him as soon as she saw that she had no reflection in the next mirror.

Limited telepathy: Juguba can see in whose past, trying blood.

Animal control: When in a campsite with Logan and Shoga, Juba took control of the pack of wild wolves, becoming their alpha member. In addition to the wolf, it is not known whether it can control or bring other animals at that moment.

Form shape: Jubae has the ability to "decorate decoration" or turn into fog. This allows it to avoid possible injury, sneak, not to notice, as well as travel, being intangible. According to Emma Frost, Juguba can have this "foggy form" or from her vampire gifts, being a former mutant, drink the blood of Wolverine, or just to be black. Despite the fact that she initially had no control over when or where she could use this ability, since then she received full control over it.

Other abilities and combat style

As a child, Juba studied at Beverly Hills Prep, succeeding in gymnastics. Under the leadership of Wolverine, the people of X and generation X, Jubae also honed her hand-to-hand combat skills, tricks, dexterities and investigative methods. Even being a young teenager, she was able to defend himself and survive confrontation with her hand ... A terrible group of ninja killers. She often uses its acrobatics while working as a superhero. In combination with its speed and vampire reflexes, the style of combat martial arts reminds and combines gymnastics and martial arts. Juguba is trained and experienced in the field of first aid and the surrenders, which more than once saved the life of a teammate and even the enemy.

Since the time she lived alone as a minor, Jubae is a talented thief, experienced in climbing and blocking. It also stands out on rollers and skateboarding.

Juba also has some understanding of the inner work of mechanics and electronics due to the teachings of the forge.

Jubae showed talent in the art of fencing, noting that she trained both from Wolverine and from Riso Code, Vampire-Samurai. Her skills are competent enough to protect themselves and pose a threat to the Lord of the mortal strike, an expert-assassin and a fencer.

Juguba was prepared as a professor X and Emma Frost to protect her thoughts from telepaths.

At one time with the people of X, Juba was trained to pilot blackbird.

Jauba talented artist praised him once from Terror, Inc., who at that time used the artist's eyes.


Height: 5'5 "

Weight: 115 pounds

Eyes: Brown, Red (Vampire)

Hair: Black

Relatives: Mr. and Mrs. Lee (parents, dead), Hope (father's aunt, who is considered dead) Shoy Lee (adopted son)

Citizenship: American

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California

Family status: not married

Occupation: Superhero, adoptive mother, temporary agent in Patsy Walker, an adventure seeker, student, former student consultant, actress, street artist, thief, an ex-mutant assistant, a former X-Corporation officer

Education: Various courses in the Institute of Xavier, Massachusetts Academy, High School Payton-Nobl and School of Preparation of Reverend Beverly Hills

Reading time: 1 minute

I am a man nostalgia

About the artist:

Name: Nikita Kondratenko

Hometown: St. Petersburg

Date of birth: 02.26.1992 (25 years)

If you are from St. Petersburg, you probably heard about Emoji FM. The founder is now the student of the "sins of fathers", the participant of the Versus Battle project, the Huyaks Freestyle Battle organizer and one of the most "old" battle rappers on our scene. All this is Jubilee.
Nikita began his way back in 2007-2008, when he participated in Freestyle Battle "Urbania.
In February last year, the first solo album Jubilee came out. Everyone was extremely surprised, because in "Emojifm" he opened with the lyrical side, before he did only Battle Rap. The album turned out to be very good and extremely interesting. He became a turning point in the work of Jubilee. Nikita himself says that on the background "emojifm2", the first album is a collection of raw demo. What kind of hints at the unreal quality of the material and even more variety of sound.
Recently, Nikita released a clip to the composition "Polar Night" and now he prepares the third part of "Emojifm".

Popular composition:

Popular clip:

Jubilee (Jubili) - Rap Artist, famous for St. Petersburg hip-hop grouping sins of fathers.

Sins of fathers
The initial composition of the group
basic information
Alternative hip-hop
Flag of russia.svg russia
St. Petersburg
Language of songs
Jubilee, Dima Gambit, Mic Chiba, Speedball, Asthma, Kid Shahid, Cryp-A-Cryp, Galat
"Sins of fathers" is a Russian rap group from St. Petersburg, established in 2011. The staff included: Jubilee, Dima Gambit, Mic Chiba, Speedball, Asthma, Kid Shahid, Galat and Cryp-a-Creep. For a short period of existence, the team has released 4 releases and 7 video clips. The team broke up in early 2013.

The group was created in 2011 with friends from childhood Jubilee and Dima Gambit. The main structure of the group was formed immediately: Jubilee, Dima Gambit, Mic Chiba (or just Chiba), Kid Shahid, Speedball and Asthma. Later, Galat and veteran of St. Petersburg Hip-hop Krip-a-Crip joined them.

At the beginning, the performed songs were distinguished by frequent critical attacks towards religion, and the nature of music, for the most part, was aggressive-battle. Inverted crosses, modern sound, humor about sacrifice, flirting with satanism and the corresponding jargon put a team in a rather gloomy light, which attracted many, but even more repelled: some frankly embarrassed mention of such subtle and intimate, as religion.

"At the same time, the sins have their own style (which will not everyone like it, and they know it), and they are still fashionable than ninety percent of what in sight in Russian rap.

The place of residence, the team indicated St. Petersburg, although, later it turned out that Mic Chiba lives in Voronezh, but often offers in St. Petersburg. Where the Rapper Speedball lives - is truly unknown so far, but rumors say that it is possible to meet it somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Moscow region.

In parallel with the music, the team led the videos of RHK-Life (at the moment, most of the releases on YouTube were hidden, but the couple of the rollers still remained), which narrated about the weekdays of young participants: reports with parties, joint walks, gatherings in bars, freestyle, Backstage with clips filming, etc. For the most part, these videos and played a role in the formation of the image of "sins" - they looked not only with young and bold, and first of all the real parties and real friends who hold together not only from - For general enthusiasm rap. Website keep-it-real.ru mentions this fact in its review on the MIC Chiba disk, one of the participants:

"The real strength of go lies in the other - they are a real partition. Or at least very convincingly slam the myth about the part of their project. In their group, a new content is regularly appeared from the series in the "Animal World": Viosen about "Life in the Area", reports from freestyle battles, interviews taken from each other. All this in the aggregate produces a pleasant impression and is truly filled with life.
Danya Pornorap, Keep-it-real.ru. Review of the mixture "Give five, Chiba" "
In February 2013, in the official group of VKontakte, the team announced its decay: the exact reason for the termination of the joint activity was not named, but in the comments for Rap.ru the team leader Jubilee hinted:

"There are many reasons for decay: from constant rotation of the composition (someone regularly comes out) to tense relations inside the collective. Armed disassembly did not play a major role, but some accents also placed. Regarding the further fate of the participants: everyone moves the solo, from now on the ways should not intersect.
Jubilee for Rap.ru »
Official Releases Group [edit | edit wiki text]
Attention! This page or section contains an abnormative vocabulary.
Name format year release
"New Testament" Mikstep 2011
Solo releases of participants (as part of "go") [edit | edit wiki text]

"Fabulously" * y "Dima Gambit Mikstep 2012
"Give five, chiba" MIC Chiba Mikstep 2012
"Hundreds of personalities" SPEEDBALL EP 2012
Solo releases of participants (after the collapse of "go") [edit | edit wiki text]
Name Participants Format Year of Release
"For grief and for the joy" Galat Ep 2013
"Red Heat" Cryp-A-Creep Studio 2013
"20" Galat Mikstep 2014
"Enigma" Galat & Jubilee Studio 2015
Participants [edit | edit wiki text]

Nikita Kondratenko
Jubilee [edit | edit wiki text]
Nikita Kondratenko. Born on February 26, 1992 in St. Petersburg. Musical activity began to show aged 16-17, periodically appearing on St. Petersburg Freestyle Battle. Launched his songs to the Internet than earned a little popularity in the narrow circles of lovers of extraordinary hip-hop. In 2010, first lit up before the big public as a special guest at the Oxxxymiron and Schokk concert. For a long time, Yaros spoke against Internet battles, campaigning people to go to the streets and hold street rap battles (the point of view of the artist was expressed in the 2010 competition "Contests", in which Internet battles are compared with competitions for the better composition, Time as on street contests everything is happening in real time).

Within the framework of the project "Sins of Fathers" performed as the creator, ideologist and informal leader. According to some reports, all the releases of the team carried out itself, and also answered the shooting and installation of video clips. After the breakdown, the group stopped appearing in social networks and show any media activity.

On December 3, 2014, the first video from the new video blog is Jubilee "Jubilee Wins-Attack to Stakon".

On December 23, 2014, the Jubilee "Ketanov" composition was released, the video of the Rapper backstage entered the video.

On March 12, 2015, a remix came out with a clip on the track of the American group RAE SREMMURD, JUBILEE and GALAT "NO FLEX".

On April 26, 2015, a mixture was released, together with Galat "EN" Enigma ", on which, in addition to Jubilee, and Galat, you can hear such performers as: Dima Gambit, Heavy, Mel P.

Dmitry Kuznetsov
Dima Gambit [edit | edit wiki text]
Dmitry Kuznetsov. Born on August 29, 1992, in St. Petersburg. Joined Jubilee, who since 2009 began to post his songs on the Internet. Because of the close friendship with young, for a long time, they performed within the framework of an informal duet, not designated as a tandem, but constantly appearing everywhere (including all performances and in most photos).

Hambit himself became known after frequent bright performances on organized by the street MS-Battle, where in a humorous manner took part in the fights of rappers, often in a strong alcoholic intoxication. 2011 released a solo mixtape "fabulously" * th ", the first single from which the video clip" Stas Mikhailov "was recorded together with at that time a crip-a-crime recently adopted in the" sins ". On the Internet, among the band's listeners is known for its rather rude manner of communication with fans (it is possible that this humor).

Mic Chiba.
Lev Prozorovsky. In August 2012, he presented a debut mixture "Give five, Chiba", in support of which two video clips were released.

"So, one more interesting Tus from Peter, which put in one row with predecessors - it means to give a great advance, but there is something in them that bribes. Probably, the feed, which they chose themselves - not crayfish, "Hey, rap.ru, no one knows us, but we have an album, pour the unpaudula to the site." And an unexpected, funny and provocative clip "Stas Mikhailov" in Kriple's company, immediately the first Mikstep Dima Gambit, followed by another video "just wow", atypical and pretty, followed by a combo clip "Middle finger" and mixtape "Give five, Chiba "... sins in general and" give five, chiba "in particular is a new wave. They are not alone, and everyone is equally difficult for them, where the average arithmetic genre is rap under the melancholic piano.
Rap.ru, Andrei Nikitin. Review of the mixture "Give five, Chiba" "
The most conflict member of the team, primarily known to its frequent Internet vessels with other representatives of the Russian hip-hop community. In April 2013 announced a mini-album, at the time of August 2013 more detailed details did not appear.

In September 2013, he took part in a mixture "Notes of the Crazy" rap artist Schokk, who previously made the cover for a mixtape "Let five, Chiba". Also, on September 29, Chiba appeared on the presentation of "Notes" in Moscow.

speedBall [edit | edit wiki text]
The less member of the group knows the least: official data confirming his personality, or at least allowing reliably to identify his age and place of residence, no. According to unverified information, his name is Alexander, lives in the Moscow region, in the city of Zhukovsky. As part of the project, he released a mini-album "Hundreds of personalities" consisting of four songs, and also participated in the recording of all team releases. On the Internet it is difficult to find images of the face of the artist, at concerts hides a face under dark glasses and heads.

asthma [edit | edit wiki text]
Earlier was known under the pseudonym Loony Tune. It was considered the oldest in the age of the group before the appearance of Crypla. Songs were produced quite rarely, preferably wore an autobiographical character and told about the daily drug dealers. According to the artist himself, he has long come true with illegal substances, and in the songs only to share memories of the past experience, but the group's fans still glued to the performer of the Barygo label. In social networks, it leads minimal activity, explaining that it tries to make things in order in real life.

Kid Shahid [edit | edit wiki text]
A radical resident of the cultural capital of Russia. Ex-participant of the scandalous team "Sins of Fathers". At the moment, working on a solo album. Back in the school years, Daniel bought himself a disk "The Eminem Show". As Shahid himself said: "I still know all the songs from this album." From now on, he loved this music.

Galat [edit | edit wiki text]
Vladimir Galat. This creative pseudonym is his real name. Joined the group in October 2012 simultaneously with the release of the clip "Street". By specialty - a lawyer, while the use of drugs and a rampant lifestyle are mentioned. Because of the separation of the team, the team did not have time to take full-fledged participation in the Creative Activity of the Group, having limited to several tracks and two video. He was a permanent participant in the street Battle "Huyaks", which was the cause of rapprochement with the other members of "go". In the text published on the anniversary of the collective, this fact is mentioned:

"After another Huines, it was decided to update the composition of the new participant - Galat became them, who did not miss any Battle for his two-year history. Viorette of opponents under the pseudonym Vova Gnome, this MS earned attention to his person, and the passion for the rampant madness and the sinful way of life perfectly fit into the ideology of the sins of fathers, so it did not even arise the questions of the new MS in grouping. "
On February 28, 2013, Galat released a solo mini-album "For sorrow and for joy." The track "Hard Mode" was recorded, but was disassembled into pieces - the Galat took his own verse on his own track "Understand the right", and the cripple supplemented his own and included in the debut solo album absolutely under the other name ("Fly Soup") and tool. Participated in the releases of Dima Gambit, Mic Chiba, Oleggy.

Five times took part in Rap-Battle Versus, where Hohol came from the OVD, Yanix group, and two to two, Tanir and Tyomcha K. AKA Carabiner from the DGJ group, freestyle re-Pac, as well as Raper D .Masta.

Gleb Volkov
Cryp-A-Creep [edit | edit wiki text]
Main article: Cryp-A-Creep
Gleb Volkov, was born on September 15, 1983, in the city of St. Petersburg, a better known under the pseudonyms of Crip-A-Cryp and Cryple - the Russian rap artist from Peter, a former participant of UmbriacoCo groups, DEF JOINT. In the summer of 2012, he joined the ranks of the young St. Petersburg team "Sins of Fathers", where in addition to him, six MCs were participating: Jubilee, Dima Gambit, Speedball, Mic Chiba, Asthma, Kid Shahid.

The entry was accompanied by the video of Stas Mikhailov, named on June 19, named after the eponymous popular singer, filled with a crypiece together with Dima Gambit. The song entered the latter's mixture called "fabulously on * uy."

On August 17, Mikstep T-shirt Chibi "Let Fi Five, Chiba" is published, in which Cripple took part. On December 16, 2012, Kripl left the "sins of fathers."

In 2013, after a different kind of person's circumstances, including collisions with Raper D.Masta, the Group ceased to exist, but its participants continue creative activities.

Video [edit | edit wiki text]
Video clips issued under the brand "Go" [edit | edit wiki text]
2011 - Jubilee - "I play with this"
2012 - Dima Gambit & Cryp-A-Cryp - "Stas Mikhailov"
2012 - MIC Chiba - "Just Wow"
2012 - MIC Chiba & Jubilee - Middle Forest
2012 - Dima Gambit - "Super"
2012 - Galat - "Street"
2012 - Jubilee - "I am dedicated" / "Karma"
2012 - Galat - "Dramas of Quarters"

D.Masta against jubilee
Sins of fathers ceased to exist

St. Petersburg rap group sins of fathers broke up

Jubilee (Jauba, Real Name - Nikita Kondratenko) - Rapper from St. Petersburg, participant Versus Battle. At the first time, I first got on Freestyle Battle, in 16 already recorded several tracks.

In 2010, he was heated at a concert and. In the same year, organized his own Freestyle Battle "Huyaks", which was similar to the concept of Shotgun. Over the two years of the "Huines" existence, only 9 risks came out.

In 2011, Jubilee together with created a group of "sins of fathers", which also entered, Chiba and Shahid. With all these rapeurs, Nikita met in St. Petersburg Batlach.

In the first year, a unpleasant story happened to the group, which has not been recalled at Batlach. Musicians right from the scene "sent" their colleagues - D.Masta, Eric Vice and H1GH. One of the offended speeches came to the next speech, and with him his large comrades. The whole composition was powered by moral pressure, plus each received a portion of bream from D.Mast`a.

In 2012, the legend of St. Petersburg Hip-Hop came to the group. He stayed in the group for less than a year, releaseing only three common tracks. In 2013, "sins of fathers" broke up, and Jubilee began the solo career.

For the first time spoke on Versus, it was his first not freestyle battle. The day after the release of "Verrausa" Nikita laid out a clip on the "House Mile House" track.

After four months it was waiting for another battle - with