Cranes Lucas Senior and Junior. Under the sign of the Dragon

Cranes Lucas Senior and Junior. Under the sign of the Dragon
Cranes Lucas Senior and Junior. Under the sign of the Dragon

The original is taken by W. gorbutovich. In Kranahi. Part 1. Life and work

Art historian in 1932 about Lucas Kraniya Starle: "He ranked his place in history as the" Saxon Master ", a friend of Luther and an orthodox Protestant painter who worked at the Lutheran northeast of Germany; He is well famous paintingsStored now in galleries around the world, radiate expressive expression of artistic skills without any traces of intellectual tension and spiritual confrontation of the reformation period ...

Lucas Cranium Older. Judith on the feast in the camp of Oolferna. Fragment. 1531. Fondness List, Gota / Judith An der Tafel Des Holofernes. Lucas Cranach Der Ältere. 1531. Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha. Full view of the picture - in part 2

If the cranes died in 1505, he would live in our memory as an artist charged with internal dynamite. In fact, he continued to work until 1553, and instead of preserving its impulsively-explosive energy, we see gradual creative exhalation. " - 1932, Germany, Max Friedlander (1867-1958)The most authoritative expert in the field of artistic heritage of Kraanoch.

Lucas Cranes Senior - the artist close to the XX century, especially the avant-garde aesthetics of his first half. The heritage of Kraanch served as a source of inspiration for Pablo Picasso, Alberto Dzhacometti, Ernsta Ludwig Kirchner and other artists. Krakhovsky style appreciated in the era of expressionism. From the spirit of the time of expressionism and proceeds, apparently, the unequivocability of the evaluation of the periods of Crankha's creativity, given 84 years ago Max Friedlander.

In Moscow, in Pushkin Museum, the first Russian monographic exhibition of the works of Kranekhov family closed. Exhibition "Crane. Between Renaissance and Manherism "took place from March 4, 2016 to May 15, 2016. Materials on the topic of the exhibition: Some works showed on it, in high-quality reproduction and information about artists based on data from the scientific catalog of the exhibition, mainly Articles by Curator Vadim Sadkova.


Lukas senior cranes. Christ and Virgin Mary (or Maria Magdalene). Gota, Freedestein Castle Foundation. Inv. № 54/14. Parchment pasted on the oak base, oil temperature. 34.2 x 52.7. Date of unknown, Options: 1508, 1512-1515, 1515-1520, end 1510-x. . View at the exhibition

Lukas senior cranes (1472 / OK. 1475 - 1553)

The Personality of Lucas Kraanoch of the Senior and Many of His interests as an artist, court, diplomat and entrepreneur serve as an example of the universal human activity of the Renaissance. According to testimony cousin and the first biograph of Crankha Matias Gundarama, left in 1556, he was born on October 4, 1472 in the town of Kronekh in the Upper Franconia (now the north of Bavaria) and was one of the four children in the family of the local artist Hans Maler (Metner; Mother wore maiden Familia Hubner). For some reason, he was named Lucas Zyandnder from birth (Zunder, Sonder, but in the future began to call himself with Krani - in memory of his hometown.


The second half of the 1510s, about 1517-1518. Lukas senior cranes. The mystical collapse of St. Catherine Alexandria, with Holy Dorothey, Margarita and Barbara. Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest / The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine Of Alexandria with Saints Dorothy, Margaret and Barbara. Lucas Cranach The Elder. CA. 1516-1518. Oil on Lindenwood. 67.5 x 47.3 cm. INVENTORY NUMBER: 133. SZÉPMűVÉSZETI MúZEUM, BUDAPEST.

Apparently, the first lessons of professional artistic skills (then it was called ARS Graphica) he received in the father's workshop in Kronach. Also, according to an old legend, a young artist as a wandering subset, like Dürer, with the aim of expanding the professional horizon and in search of recognition made a familiarization trip over the cities of Germany, and in 1493, as if even visited the Holy Land. However, all modern knowledge of his student and years of wanderjahre belongs to the category of documented not confirmed guesses based on late sources. Date of birth of Kranah modern researchers Also shifted three years later and carefully determine it around 1475.


1506. Lukas senior cranes. Angels, ascending Maria Magdalin. Woodcut. Sheet at the exhibition: Graphic Assembly of the Fund of the Duccian Museum in the castle of Fredenstin, Gota, Germany. Here: a sheet from the Metropolitan Museum / The Ecstacy Of St. Mary Magdalen. Lucas Cranach The Elder (German, Kronach 1472-1553 Weimar). 1506. Woodcut; SECOND STATE OF TWO (HOLLSTEIN). Sheet: 24.4 × 14.2 cm. ACCESSION NUMBER: 21.35.1. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART.

The appearance of Lucas Kranech in 1501 in Vienna, where he lived for the next three years. This time turned out to be unusually important for creative biography Masters: It is then not without the influence of the philosophical ideas of the participants of the humanistic mug of Conduction of Thtchis, a bright, deeply individual figurative language of his works, inextricably connected with the aesthetic ideals of the so-called Danube school, among the main creators of which Lucas Cranes was included. From this period, several reliable works of the wizard marked with the LC monogram is preserved.


1506. Lukas senior cranes. Venus and Amur. Woodcut. Sheet at the exhibition: Freedestein Castle Foundation, Gota, Germany. Here: a sheet from the Metropolitan Museum / Venus and Cupid. Lucas Cranach The Elder. 1506. Woodcut. Sheet: 28.2 × 19.8 cm. ACCESSION NUMBER: 17.37.67. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART.

In 1504, the cranes, which had already gained sufficient fame among the contemporaries, received an honorary invitation to take the position of the artist at the courtyard of the Saxon Kurfürst Friedrich III wise in Wittenberg, replacing the Jacopo de Barbari wasting ital. Already on June 24, 1505, he as Pictor Ducalis received a semi-annual complaint in the amount of 50 iduddnes, which is a lot.


1509 Lukas senior cranes. Venus and Amur. Canvas, oil (translated from a tree in 1850). 213x102 See Inv. No. GE-680. Hermitage. . The picture was the first in the north of Europe by the image of the goddess of love naked (before that, I was so depicted only by Eve), as well as the first in the work of Kranchi picturesque work on the topic antique mythology. Interest in the art of the Italian Renaissance is connected in the picture with the strict religious morality of German humanism. Latin inscription caution: "With all the forces of the roney, Cupidono Sweistance, / otherwise your blinded soul will master Venus." The author of the Twist was probably someone from Wittenberg Humanists, the artist's friends.

This court office will occupy almost continuously over the next 47 years also at two successors of the Kurfürst - Johanne I, the Great and Johann of Friedrich generous. Moving to Wittenberg Castle hosted very varied duties on the masters. In addition to the execution of numerous picturesque and graphic work The scope of his responsibility was the development of projects for the design of palace interiors, observation of jewelers and wood cutters, creating festive decoration Castle on the occasion of weddings, knightly tournaments, hunting and other court celebrations. At the same time, he had to fulfill the posts of advisor and even a chamener. In other words, the cranes becomes the main figure that was responsible for the aesthetic atmosphere of court life, which demanded the organization of a large workshop in the following years, where at least 10 assistants who helped in the execution of numerous orders worked. All this has noticeably changed his social status.


1535. Lukas senior cranes. Lucretia. Wood (linden or poplar, parquet board), temperature, oil. 77 x 52 See Inv. № 966. Nizhny Novgorod State art Museum, Nizhny Novgorod. / Lucretia. 1535. LUCAS CRANACH THE ELDER. 76 x 50 cm, holz. Nizhni Novgorod, Kunstmuseum. , VIA

Unlike most colleagues, former members of the professional guilds of St. Luke and therefore those who were perceived by contemporaries simply as talented artisans, Lucas Cranes Senior, like Jan Van Eyku, Botticelli, Leonardo and Titian, being a court painter of the Saxon Kurfürst, highly ascended over the main mass of masters worked in different countries of Europe.


Dragon with raised wings and ruby \u200b\u200brings in the mouth - Kranekhovskaya ideogram. 1514 / Signature of Cranach The Elder from 1508 ON: Winged Snake from Ring Ring AS On Painting Of 1514. Via

Official confirmation of this was the receipt of a heraldic diploma from Kurfürst in 1508, the main element of which was the image of a dragon with raised wings and a ruby \u200b\u200bridge in the mouth, which soon became an unchanged trademark of the Kranakh workshop.


1509. Lukas senior cranes. Crowning with a thorns crown. The seventh sheet of the passion of Christ. At the exhibition: Hermitage, Sheet tinted. Woodcut. Watercolor, gouache. Here: a sheet from the Metropolitan Museum / Lucas Cranach The Elder. Christ Crowned With Thorns, From The Passion. SERIES: THE PASSION. Woodblock. Sheet: 25 × 17 cm. ACCESSION NUMBER: 21.35.7. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART.

Moreover, in the same 1508, Crants were sent to a diplomatic trip to the Netherlands to the court of Margarita Austrian in Mechelen, where he represented his cartridge at the scenario of the oath of the eight-year Karl crown - the future Carlo V - and was allowed to the hand of Emperor Maximilian I. Maximilian I A few years later, the latter will order Cranku, along with Durer, execution of illustrations for its partial school.

In January 1508, a wedding of Lucas Kranah and Barbara Brengbir (1485-1540), daughters of a rich brewer and part-time Goth's burgomaster took place in Nuremberg.

In just a few years, craneu, engaged in the performance of a variety of orders, was closely in the premises, which were provided in Wittenberg Castle. In 1510, he acquired a large house on the city market square and in the workshop arranged there successfully engaged in painting, printing engravings on metal and xylography.


1510-1511. Lukas senior cranes. Martyrdom of the apostle Matthew. Twelfth sheet of a series of martyrdom of twelve apostles. Woodcut. Sheet at the exhibition: Hermitage. Here: a sheet from the Metropolitan Museum / Lucas Cranach The Elder. Matthias. from the Martyrdom of the Twelve Apostles
Series: MartyrDom of the Twelve Apostles. Woodblock. Sheet: 16.2 × 12.6 cm. ACCESSION NUMBER: 25.22.1. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART. . Early image example of a medieval guillotine. According to the Golden Legend, the Holy Matthew was chopped by a sword from behind during prayer in the temple.

In 1512, the artist significantly expanded the range of his business interests: he received a patent for brewing and the content of the wine cellar. In an effort to minimize the costs of creating creative products, in 1520, Cranes became the owner of the pharmacy, which, in addition to its direct appointment, the monopoly trade of medicines in Wittenberg, allowed it to noticeably reduce the cost of the colorful minerals necessary for painting and graphics.

In 1522-1526, together with Jeweler Christian Dering, the artist contained his own printing house, in which, by passing intermediaries, he printed books and engraving, including the famous septembertestament - Translation into the German New Testament, made by Martin Luther and published in September 1522, and Sell \u200b\u200bthem in his own shop.


The beginning of the 1520s. Lukas senior cranes. Unequal couple (old woman and young man). Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest / Lucas Cranach The Elder. The Ill-Matched Couple. CA. 1520-1522. Oil on Beechwood. 37 x 30.5 cm. Inventory Number: 137. Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest. . More than 60 related replicas for works on unequal couples and sales love have been preserved

As a result, fulfilling a variety of court duties, Lucas Krants entered the circle of the richest and respected inhabitants of Wittenberg, became a member of the city council and was elected twice by the burgomistrome. The artist's house was considered one of the largest and comfortable in the city, so here in 1523 he took King Christian II Danish honor as an honorary guest. In the next 1524, accompanying his cartridge on the Imperial Sejm in Nuremberg, Cranes met there with Albrecht Durer, who fulfilled his tiny portrait on paper in the silver pin technique (now Bayonna, Bonna Museum, Inv. No. 1520/1540).


Lukas senior cranes. Female portrait. 1526 year. Tree (beech, board parquet), oil. 88.5 x 58.5 cm. Inv. No. GE-683. Hermitage. Received from Catherine II meeting. . IN " Female portrait"For some time, I wanted to see the image of Princess Siberia Clevskoy, the bride of Johann Friedrich Saxon. Known by his beauty, she shone at the court of the Saxon Kurfürst Friedrich Wise. But most likely, the portrait depicts a particular person, but embodies the picture of the tank about the perfect female beauty. Similar type of young The ladies are often found in Crankha's work since the second decade of the XVI century: oval, clarifying to the chin, a slightly diagonal narrow eyes, a little mouth.

In the following few decades, Kranah's activities and his workshop have become even more active and diverse. The workshop worked up to 10-12 subasters and 3-4 student, painter and his assistants barely coped with orders. Having gained the experience of the Tsedavorz, the artist established a good business relationship with each other by Kurfürstees and their aristocratic surroundings, as well as with humanists from the University of Professors of Wittenberg University. In addition, he entered the nearest environment of the main ideologues of Protestantism Martin Luther and Philip Melanchton and even had relatives with them.


Lukas senior cranes. Portrait of Cardinal Albrecht Brandenburg. 1526 year. Canvas, tempera, oil (translated from wood in 1842). 40x25.5 cm. Inv. No. GE-686. Hermitage. Received from Catherine II meeting. . Cardinal Albrecht Brandenburg (1490-1545) - Kurfürst, Archbishop Mainz and Magdeburg, a famous politician of the Epoch of the Reformation, Primas (chapter) of the Catholic Church in Germany, the patron.

At the same time, the cranes managed to use the location and execute orders of their common sworn enemy - the Catholic Cardinal Albrecht of the Brandenburg - and the Saxon Kurfürst from the Albertinsky dynasty, also zealous Catholics. But especially close perennial relations associated the masters with his last cartridge - the Kurfürst Johann Friedrich generous.

Once in his youth, he was a mentor of a young Klocrin, then as a devoted servant was constantly in a Kurfürst for two decades. The cranes not only accompanied Johann Friedrich at various trips, but also retained the loyalty to him, deprived of a mound after the emperor Karl v battles in Mühperga lost in 1547.


1509. Lukas senior cranes. Adam and Eve (Paradise). Woodcut. Sheet at the exhibition: State Museum Fine arts them. A.S. Pushkin. Inv. № M-91943. Here: a sheet from the Metropolitan Museum / Adam and Eve in Paradise. Lucas Cranach The Elder (German, Kronach 1472-1553 Weimar). 1509. Woodblock. Sheet: 33.9 × 24.3 cm. Image: 33.5 × 23.9 cm. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART.

Two years after that, the artist voluntarily went to the exile in the extension to the imperial city of Augsburg (there he met Titian) and Innsbruck. In 1552, the emperor pardoned Johann Friedrich, but it was noticeably cut into rights, leaving only the title of the ruler of Thuringia, with the movement of the courtyard to Weimar.



Left: Lukas senior cranes. Adam and Eve. Fall. 1527 year. Tree (beech), temperatures, oil. 86.5x57 See Inv. № 916. Trophy from Goths. Since 1946 - State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin / "Adam und Eva" Von Lucas Cranach d. Ä. Befinden Sich Offenbar in Moskau. Scan from the catalog. In a permanent exposure under the glass, the picture looked like this or that. If you manage to make a good photo when the work returns to a permanent exposure, replace. // On right: Adam and Eve. About 1600 or later. Copy of the painting of Lucas Krahana senior from Moscow GMIA. Weimar Classical Heritage Foundation Museums, Weimar / Adam Und Eva (Sündenfall). UM 1600 ODER SPÄTER. Kopie Nach Lucas Cranach Der Ältere. Klassik Stiftung Weimar, Museen.

Being a deep old man, Lucas Cranes Senior moved to the city of Weimar. He settled in the house on the retail space, which belonged to the Christian Pantanus, respected by the right to the post of Chancellor Saxony, which in 1543 married the daughter of the artist Barbara Krants. At about 81 years old, the famous master died here on October 16, 1553 and was buried at the Weimar Cemetery of St. Jacob / Jacobsfriedhof.


Lukas senior cranes. The fruits of jealousy (silver eyelids). 1530. Wood (oak), temperatures, oil. 56.5 x 38.5 cm. Inv. № Ж-603. Earlier - in the meeting of D.I. Schukina in Moscow, in mid XIX. in. - In the collection of Christian Shujardt. GMI them. A.S. Pushkin. . Picture "The fruits of jealousy" is inspired by the plot ancient Greek Poet Gesiod, who narrated gold, silver and iron centuries in human life. People silver century, according to Hesiod, fall into madness, attack each other and quickly die. The ancient plot in this case gave Cranium a reason to express a moral center about the dangers of human parties, and also refer to the topic of the naked body.

Biography of Lucas Senior Crank

1472 . Born in the city of Crowns, Franconia in the artist's family
About 1502-1503. Worked in Vienna
1505 . Appointed by the court painter Friedrich III Wise, Saxon Kurfurst in Wittenberg
1508 . Received Friedrich III of the Wise Ferridrich III of the Wise Herb: the winged snake with the Ruby Ring in the mouth. Vyal Yard Governor of the Netherlands Margarita Austrian in Mechelen
1512 . Acquired two adjacent houses on the market square in Wittenberg
About 1512/13. He married Barbar Brengbir. Birth of the son of Hansa
October 4, 1515.. Birth of the Son Lucas Jr
1519-1544/45 . Performed the duties of the city adviser (with breaks) in Wittenberg
1523 . King Denmark Christian II lived in the house of the artist while visiting Wittenberg
1523-1525/26 . Owned a typography together with a Christian Dering
1525 . Welded at the marriage ceremony Martin Luther and Catharina Bohr Background. Worked with the court of a new Kuffer Saxon Johann solid
1532 . Worked at the court of a new Kuffher Saxon Johann Friedrich generous
1537/38-1543/44 . He held the position of Burgomistra Wittenberg (with interruptions)
1547-1550 . Temporarily lost the position of the court painter
1550-1552 . Accompanied the Kurfürst of Johann Friedrich generous in his conclusion in Augsburg and Innsbruck
1552-1553 . Worked in Weimar
October 16, 1553.. Died in Weimar


1540s. Lucas cranes younger. Court of Paris. Foundation Freedestein Castle, Gota. Inv. № 672. Wood (Lipa), oil. 121.5 x 82.5 / Lucas Cranach The Younger. The Judgement of Paris. ABOUT 1540-1546. Dimensions of Support: 121.5 x 82.5 cm. Dimensions Including Frame: 143,5 x 106 cm. Lime Wood (Tilia Sp.). Beech Wood. Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein, Gotha. .

Lucas Kranah has five children. Both Sons, Hans and Lucas Jr., as well as grandson Augustine, became an outstanding artists who actively participate in the activities of the Family Workshop at different stages of its existence.

Hans Kranov (OK.1513-1537)

Apparently, high hopes initially pinned on the eldest son - Hans Kranah (approx. 1513-1537), which about 1529 began to actively help his father.


Lucas cranes Senior and workshop (Hans Crants?). Christ and sinner. 1532. Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest / Lucas Cranach The Elder. Christ. and the Adultess. 1532. Oil on Lindenwood. 82.5 x 121 cm. Inventory Number: 146. Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest. . Over the ideograd the author's inscription, translation: which of you without sin, the first to leave the stone on it

On the last years short life Gansa Kranah is known very little, and basically this information from the posthumous poems of the contemporary of the artist Jacob Shatigel in Immaturen Obitum Joannis Lucae F. Cranachii. In addition to working in the Father's workshop, Hans Cranes showed interest in jurisprudence and in 1534 attended the university in Leipzig. In 1537, he, as was customary in that epoch, went to wander as a subset, managed to get to Northern ItalyWhat is evidenced by the preserved album of travel sketches. There he continued to study the right in the famous University of Bologna, but on October 9, the same year died suddenly.


Dragon with folded wings and rings in the mouth - IDEogram of the crane workshop after 1537

Undoubtedly, parents, sisters and younger brother Sincerely and warmly mourned the death of Hans and, it is likely that this sad event was a reason for partial change in the workshop of the workshop, in which after 1537 the wings of the dragon always began to be depicted folded.

Biography Gans Kranahu

About 1513.. Born in Wittenberg, Senior Son Lucas Kranah Senior and Barbara Breedbir
About 1527/29. Began learning in the workshop of the father together with Brother Lucas younger
1534 . Executioned a portrait of a bearded man (Museum of Tissen-Bornemis, Madrid; dated 1534 year and signed by the initials "HC")
1537 . He performed the painting "Hercules at the court of Queen Omfalai" (Museum of Tissen-Bornemis, Madrid; dated 1537 and signed an ideograph with the winged snake between the initials "HC"). Went to the student journey to Italy
October 9, 1537.. Died supremely in Bologna


About 1509-1510. Lukas senior cranes. Madonna and a baby with a bunch of grapes. Tree (beech, board parquet), tempera, oil. 71.5 x 44.2 cm. Inv. № 114 (1936-1). Museum of Tissen-Borneis, Madrid / Lucas Cranach, El Viejo. La Virgen Y El Niño Con Un Racimo de Uvas, c. 1509-1510. Oleo Sobre Tabla. 71.5 x 44.2 cm. Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid.

Lucas cranes younger (1515-1586)

The desired Wings of the Dragon coincided in time with the beginning of the gradual waste of Lucas Kranech from the creative leadership of the art workshop and the transfer of this function to the younger son - Lucas younger (1515-1586). Until that, since the end of the 1520s, he already worked in the family workshop in Wittenberg, as a rule, by performing images of clothes or accessories, in addition, was engaged in creating numerous repetitions of the works of the Father.


About 1520. Madonna with a baby (Madonna in the vineyard). Lukas senior cranes. Tree, oil. 58x46 See Inv. № Ж-2630. In GMI since 1930 from the Hermitage. Earlier - from 1825 Hermitage. The picture is significantly cut in the right part and, to a lesser extent, below. In GMI since 1930 from the Hermitage. Earlier - from 1825 was in the Hermitage. State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin.

After the death of Lucas Kranah senior in 1553, Lucas Jr. officially headed the famous workshop. Like the Father, he took an active part in the public life of Wittenberg, during 1549-1567 was a member of the city council, and in 1566-1567 he was elected burgomaster. In January 1553, fleeing from the plague, the epidemic of which raged in Wittenberg, the cranes younger for several years moved with his family to Weimar.


About the 1530s. Lukas senior cranes. Madonna with a baby under the apple tree. Canvas, oil (translated from a tree in 1868). 87x59 See Inv. No. GE-684 Hermitage. . The babe of Christ holds an apple in his hands - a symbol of the fall and bread as a symbol of the redemption of original sin with the price of his flesh. The Mother of God acts here as the second Eva, the redeemed sin of the greatness of the human race. Original (7331 x 9595) with color layout

At the same time, in contrast to the Father, all his life was devotionally served by Kurfürst Johann Friedrich generous, Lucas Jr., without giving a relationship with the latter, established strong business connections with the Duke of Moritz Saxon, who became a new Kurfürst soon after the victory of Karl V in the battle at Mühlberg.


1537. Lucas cranes younger. Madonna and baby with grape cluster. Tree (beech), temperatures, oil. Collection of Konstantin Maergauza, Moscow / Lucas Cranach The Young (1515-1586). Virgin and Child With a Bunch of Grapes. After 1537. OIL ON BEECH WOOD. 77.7 × 57.1 cm. Sotheby "S London, 04 December 2013, lot 25. Via

Biography of Lucas Cranach younger

October 4, 1515.. Born in Wittenberg, younger son Lucas Kranah Senior and Barbara Brengbir
About 1527/29. Began learning in the workshop of the father together with Brother Hans
1541 . The death of Mother Barbara Brengbir. He married Barbara Trousers, Daughter of Advisor Kurfürst Dr. Gregor Press. Four children were born in marriage
1549-1567 . Member of the City Council in Wittenberg
1550 . Death of wife Barbara
1551 . Married Magdalene Shurf, daughters professor of medicine Augustine Shurf. Five children were born in marriage
1554 . The birth of the son of Augustine Kraanoch. Performed the role of the Treasury manager in Wittenberg
1565/67 . He held the position of Burgomist Wittenberg
1568 . Entered the university in Wittenberg
January 25, 1586.. Died in Wittenberg


Fragment. Lucas cranes younger. Court of Paris. 1540s. Freedestein Castle Foundation, Gota

Junior Kranakh

In 1554, in Weimara, Son Augustine was born at Lucas Kranah (mind. In 1595) a representative of the third generation of the famous dynasty. Like uncle Hans in 1564, he visited classes at the University of Wittenberg. Also following established family traditionFor a number of years she worked in the workshop of the Father, led after his death in 1586. In 1577, Augustine Cranov married Maria Zelphish, the daughters of Wittenberg Bookseller and one time of Burgomistra Samuel Zelphis. In 1584 and 1587, he was elected by a member of the city council of Wittenberg, in 1593 he held the position of urban judge. His eldest son, Lucas III Cranes (1586-1645), headed by the legendary family workshop in 1595, became her last leader. He moved the tradition of creativity of his father, grandfather and outstanding great-grandfather in art Germany next, XVII century. Unfortunately, now we are unknown by reliable work of Lucas III Cranach.

The descendant of Lucas Kranah senior in the eighth generation on the female line was the great German poet and playwright Johann Wolfgang von Goethe / Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe. Goethe knew about the relationship - and proud of them.


Fragment. Lukas senior cranes. The mystical collapse of St. Catherine Alexandria, with Holy Dorothey, Margarita and Barbara. About 1517-1518. Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

Continuation of the quotationThat was at the very beginning, from the work of Max Friedlander of 1932 about the senior crane after 1505:

"When there is an opportunity to obey all artistic heritage This master, there is a feeling of a certain skepticism about the annoying absence of an outbreak of inspiration. Faced with the harsh realms of life, the cranes turned out to be unable to fulfill the romantic dreams of his youth. His works of Wittenberg period mentally resemble a shiny smooth walnut of Chestnut, which removed from a barbed green shell. The expressive symphony of the life of natural forces is inferior to the place of accurate calibration, the precision of parts and the rational thoughtfulness of the composite construction ...

After 1505, the Tranch's manner has undergone deep changes, so to speak, replaced the stylistic phase. What was originally rich and passionate stream of copyright and feelings, began to fit like ice. At the same time inherent part of Such evolution was the active involvement of the head of the workshop of their numerous assistants and students in the process of creating picturesque works... He (Crants) is completely independent of Durera and seems to be released from the shackles of traditional conventions much more than Altdorfer or even Grünevald. "

. Max Friedlander - an outstanding connoisseur of old german and dutch painting, the author of a fundamentally new fundamental scientific catalog of paintings by Kranah, compiled together with Jacob Rosenberg and published in 1932.


Fragment of the didactic work of Lucas senior crane. Unequal couple (old woman and young man). The beginning of the 1520s. Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

Although the exhibition in Moscow is over, but the continuation will be.

Source for text main:

Edition to the exhibition, catalog: Kraneha. Between Renaissance and Manherism - M: Art Volkheonka, 2016. ISBN 978-5-9907400-0-6 (text from the catalog is reduced, edited, complemented) // Article Vadim Sadkova "Artists of the Kranekhov family between Renaissance and mannerism. Features of creative evolution" and other catalog materials.

Sadkov Vadim Anatolyevich, curator of the exhibition "Kraneha. Between Renaissance and Mannerism, "Dr. Art History, Professor, Winner of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Old Masters of GMII. A.S. Pushkin, author of more than 110 scientific works and directories.

If you saw a mistake - please write.

Lucas senior cranes ( LUCAS CRANACH THE ELDER, Lucas Cranach der Ältere, 1472-1553) Born in crowns in Northern Franconia (later the artist used the name of the place of birth as his last name), his father Hans Mayer was an artist and initially taught his son drawing art. Where the cranes continued its art education It is not known for sure, but there is an opinion that he worked in Bamberg and Ashaffenburg, and also worked in Vienna in 1500-1503.

In 1504, the Duke of Friedrich III, Kurfürste Saxony (also known as Friedrich Wise) invited the position. Cranes joined this position and served at the courtyard all his life. The cranes performed the duties of the decorator artist, wrote portraits, Altari, engaged in xylography, engravings, and also developed coins. Until 1508, he painted part of the altar wall in the castle church in Wittenberg. From 1508, he replaced its initials in the paintings of Krants to print in the form of a snake, and he put it not only for his work, but also on the arts like their students as a symbol of approval. Friedrich Wise gave crane resolution on the monopoly sale of medicines in Wittenberg, the artist had a license for the sale of wines, he was elected several times a member of the city council of Wittenberg. Interestingly, his pharmacy operated until 1871, after which burned during a fire. In 1508, he was held in the Netherlands diplomatic service to the Netherlands, where he met with the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Maximilian I at the oath of his successor of the eight-year-old Ersgertzoga Karl (subsequently became Carla V). For them, he wrote portraits. A few years later, Maximilian I instructed Kranhuu (as well as Albrecht Dürer) to illustrate his prayer room.

Cranes (as well as the Duke of Friedrich III) was friendly with reformers at the earliest stage of the origin of the Protestant movement. Cranes for the first time wrote a portrait of Luther in 1520, when Luther was a monk-Augustine. As you know, five years later, Luther refused his religious vows. Cranes attended the engagement of Luther and Catharina Bohr background, besides, he became great father Their first child in 1526

The death of Kurfürst Friedrich Wise and Kurfürst John did not change the position of Kranakh at the court, with John Friedrich I, the artist became twice became Burgomistrome Wittenberg (in 1531 and 1540). He repeatedly argued his devotion to the Duke of Saxony. Cranes ceased to be a court artist after the defeat of the Kurfürst Johanne Friedrich I in the battle of Mühlange in 1547. In 1550, he followed the Duke, which was imprisoned by Emperor Carl V. Johann Friedrich was released in 1552 and returned to the north, Cranes followed him. A year later, the artist died in Weimar.

First picturesque paintings Kraanoch was created on religious topics. But still the artist was fond of engravings, so he was not so fruit as, for example, Albrecht Durer. He paid a lot of attention to a black circuit on a white background without the use of lighting, maybe, so he did not differ in a brilliant ability to own color, light and shadow.

At the next stage of creativity, portraits became its main works. Thanks to him, we now know how the leaders looked like. He drew Martin Luther, his wife and children. He performed a huge number of orders from the princely and courtes, as well as many representatives of the Catholic Church (Alberta Brandenburg, Archbishop Mainz, Duke Alba, etc.). It is known that in 1532, the cranes received an order from Friedrich III and his brother John on 60 portraits, it is quite clear why many of these paintings are not high Quality. Pictures of religious themes reflected the development of Protestant Reformation. He created a number of paintings in the Lutheran manner, where he portrayed Christ traditionally, and the apostles without haloe and the persons of the reformers leaders. His hand is also owned by propaganda engravings directed against the papacy and the Catholic clergy.

Oddly enough, in the cranes introduced a fashion for small pictures with mythological plots. They were somewhat naive on the composition, figures are thin and elongated, the female nature was almost always naked, or a slightly draped with a cloth, and heroins are often found in wide heads. The same manner can be traced in the pictures on biblical plots. In his later works in the style of Nude, you can trace the influence of the Italian art of that era: seductive poses, small heads, narrow shoulders, high chest and waist.

Lucas Cranes Senior left us a big artistic legacy, some of his paintings are found in several copies or options. It is explained by the fact that the artist developed a method that allowed him to quickly create paintings: both his son Hans Krants and Lucas Cranes, who actively participated in writing portraits and plots worked in his workshop, which actively participated in the writing of portraits and plots, work was signed by Lucas Senior Printing. It is known that the artist had three more daughters. After the death of his father's sons, Kranah continued to create the versions of his paintings and is now quite difficult to define the authorship of some of them.


Lady (Professor's Rights of Johann Royce)

Dr. Johann Kupinian

Repentance of Saint Jerome

Holidays in Egypt

Saint Catherine Altar (Left and Right Wing)

Holy Christopher

St. George

Hand Pilate

Venus and Amur

Repentance of Saint Jerome

Court of Paris.

Holy Andrey Varozvannaya

Saint Bartholomew

Prince Saxony

Madonna with infant

Martin Luther

Martin Luther in monastic

Portrait of a young man

Adam and Eva

Madonna with a baby under the apple tree

Portrait of a young woman

Princess Sibilla Klevskaya

Allegory Melancholy

Deer Hunt Kurfürst Friedrich Wise

At the XXXIV Antique Salon in Moscow demonstrates "Madonna with Angels" of the Lucas Cranach workshop from the private assembly. About the Master of the Renaissance, we tell us in the heading "Artist of the Week"

Lukas senior cranes. One of the most popular German masters of the XVI century. Representative of the Renaissance, the court artist of Kurfürst Friedrich Wise, follower of Alfred Dürer and Jerome Bosch, was born on October 4, 1472 in the town of Kronech, whose name was subsequently transformed into the name of the artist.

Father and Grandfather Kranah were also painters, and Aza Crafts he fastened under the leadership of the Father, Hans Muller, whose name was preserved only in indirect references.

There are no accurate information about the years of childhood and youth Lucas Cranach, but much experts suggest with a lot of probability. According to the custom of that time, after graduating from the initial training in the workshop of the Father, he in the 1490s - 1500s, most likely, goes on a trip to the Sudenai region. His early works suggest that he was in Bavaria, they feel familiar with the works of the Bavarian masters.

In 1500-1504, Crants live in Vienna. Here he meets the work of Albrecht Dürer, which has an influence on him so prominent that, for example, the early work of Kranah "Adam and Eve" was enrolled in the gallery of the Uffizi at the end of the XVI century, as the work of Durera; Later, the authorship of Cranach was confirmed, as well as the fact that he used the Durer composition of the same name for writing this work.

By the beginning of the 1500s, the earliest reached works signed by the name Lucas cranes, - Religious scenes, landscapes, portraits ("Crucifix", "Rest on the way to Egypt" (1504, art gallery, Berlin-Dale), "Paired Wedding Portrait of Dr. Johann Kupinian"). These works are somewhat messy, there are no more small parts and multidimensional compositions that will be inherent in Crankha's paintings in the future.

In 1505, Krants enters the service to Kurfürth Saxon Friedrich Mudrome, at whose courtyard in Wittenberg he will hold a majority of his life (about 45 years old) as a court artist. Friedrich Wise, dreaming to make Wittenberg a major cultural center, highly appreciates the artist. It is possible that general religious aspirations contribute to this - both of them support the reformation and are familiar with Martin Luther. Crankhip's acquaintance with Luther took place in the early 1520s and soon turned into close friendship. Having adopted Luther's teachings, Lucas becomes the "painter of the Reformation": Creates paintings and engravings expressing ideas of the Reformation, illustrates the writings of Luther, writes his portraits ("Portrait of Martin Luther").

In 1508, Krashuu granted the nobility and personal coat of arms: on the shield - a snake (dragon) with wings of a bat, then turned into a dragon with bird wings. The coat of arms became his personal signature and later the brand of his workshop. In the same year, Friedrich sends Crankha with a diplomatic mission to the Emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire Maximilian I in the Netherlands, where he will stay until 1509. In such an order, there is nothing surprising: at that time, court artists often alternated creativity with diplomacy and achieved success on both fields (a shitty example - diploma diplomatic career).

In the Netherlands, Cranes will come closely with the work of Jerome Bosch (and even writes a copy of his famous work "Scary Court"), he has influenced Gertgen Totta and Van der Gus. After this trip in Crankha's works in large quantities Altar images appear, Madonna images. In addition to portraits, he begins to write custom-made cabinets of a small format. By the same time, the first appeals of the master to the plots and heroes of antique mythology are. In 1509, he writes "Venus and Amur" - the first image of a naked ancient goddess in Northern Europe (only Eve wrote to him). For the crane itself, this is the first attempt to portray the naked body, and even in full size. In this work, the renaissance attitude towards beauty is connected to Lutheran severity and aspiratory. The inscription in Latin warns the viewer: "With all the forces of the Goney, Cydonono Sweistance, otherwise your blinded soul will master Venus."

Upon returning from the Netherlands, Crans are profitably married to the daughter of the richest Wittenberg brewer and builds its own home. The benevolence of the power of property, high fees and considerable incomes from shops received in the dowry for his wife, to forty years, are transformed into the past of the wandering rooted painter in a wealthy esteemed tricky citizen, owner of land, houses, own workshops (from where the paintings of the sons and followers of the artist come from Created by its motives and signed by its monogram - winged dragon) and printing houses, where prints are replicated from his work. Over time, the cranes becomes a member of the city council, three times in different time Performed by his treasurer, and in 1537 he is elected by the ruling Burgomistrome of Wittenberg.

In the 1510-30th, he focused on writing portraits, as well as genre paintings - mainly on mythological and biblical stories. From under his brush, an increasingly sophisticated and mannered in favor of numerous customers, endless "Adam and Eve", "Judith", "Magdalen", "Versavia" - plots where it was possible to depict a naked body, exquisite clothes and backgrounds. These cabinet paintings are intended to decorate interiors in houses of venel or patrician. It is not by chance that the cranes chooses such topics for them as "Venus", "Lucretia", "Court of Paris", "unequal couple", corresponding to the tastes of high-ranking customers.

In the second half of life, the cranes are less practiced by art - almost all of his time is occupied by the fulfillment of diplomatic instructions. However, this brings unexpected results. In 1526, the cranes at the head of the embassy went to the court of Kurfürst John III of the Peacemaker to conclude a preliminary marriage treaty between the prince of Johann Friedrich and the 14-year-old daughter John III Sibylla Klevskaya. This trip was successful and for European politics (the wedding took place in 1527), and especially for the history of world art: Cranes created many portraits of Sibilla. It was she who gave her appearance to the typical appearance of the Krakhovsky woman - a high blonde, with almond-shaped eyes, a sharp chin, elongated body outlines. Such were his numerous biblical (Eva, Judith, Maria), Life (Lucretia) and mythological (Venus) characters.

In old age, the cranes work is not working, but the number of paintings signed by him - the winged dragon does not decrease. His workshop in which he carries out general leadership is very fruitful. Master of the masters of his sons Hans Crants and Lucas cranes younger. After the death of the Father, they will take on behalf of the workshop.

For his long life, the cranes managed to visit the court artist in the courts of three Kurfürst, was a diplomat, a politician, a valet. After the death of Friedrich wise, not having direct heirs, cranes remains at the court of his brother, Johann solid, and even becomes a mentor of his son, Johann Friedrich, subsequently received a nickname Generous. It is known that when Johann Friedrich came prisoner to Emperor Carlo V, Cranes begged the emperor about gracious attitude towards his pupil. Later, at the request of Johann Friedrich, a very elderly artist joined him in Augsburg, he lived in a few months and after his liberation in 1552 he accompanied him to Weimar.

Kraanoha, for 10 years of Hans Hans Holshene Jr. and 25 - Düreir and Grünevald, can rightly be called the last representative of the "Great Generation" of the Epoch Northern Renaissance.

Lucas Cranes Senior left a grand creative heritage, in which all the main features of the phenomenon are clearly visible, which later art historians will be called "Danube School", and Kranah himself is one of its founders. Danube School of Painting - Direction in painting and graphics of southern Germany and Austria of the first half of the XVI century, for which the gap with a craft tradition, freedom of fantasy, emotionality, interest in nature, fantastic characters, space, light and color, dynamic composition, gusty and sharp line pattern.

Today, crane images created 500 years ago, recognizable and quite popular: fashionable outfits from his secular portraits are copied by reconstructors and simply lovers of antiquity, and the animated picture based on the plot of the plot "Adam and Eve" was concerned about the splatter of the popular TV series "Desperate Housewives" .


(Cranach) - nickname two german artists, The real name of which was Muller (and not Zunder, as previously assumed).

1) Lukas senior cranes , Famous painter and engraver, genus. In Krosha, in the Upper Franconia, in October 1472, he received initial art education at his father, in which his further development was going on - unknown. From 1504, he lived in Wittenberg, consisting by the court painter of the Kurfürst Friedrich Wise, who gave him the nickname Cranes and erected him to noble dignity. On behalf of the Kurfürst, in 1509, he traveled to the Netherlands and wrote a portrait of a young prince Carl, afterwards the emperor Charles V. He took a hot participation in the reformation movement, Bichuya in his paintings and engravings of the abuse of the papacy and spreading portraits of his friends, Luther and Melanchton. The successors of Friedrich Wise, Johann permanent and Johann-Friedrich generous, treated the artist also with great favor. Equally, he enjoyed confidence and honor from his fellow citizens: in 1519 and 1537, he was elected in the treasurers of the city council, in 1540 - to the burgomistra. In 1550, he went to Augsburg to Kurfürthu Johann-Friedrich who was in captivity and, after two years, together with the latter, moved to Weimar, where 16 Oct died. 1553 the works of Kranah belonging to early period His activities stretching until 1520, for a long time they were attributed to Grünevaldo (for example. "Rest of St. Family in Egypt" - in Fidler, in Munich, the altar image - in the Church of St. Mary in Torgau, as well as some images In other churches and paintings in different German museums). They see the addiction of the artist from the Franconian school: the composition is more respectable and majestic than in its subsequent work; Execution is more free and finally, flavor more warm and golden. The works of Kranah belonging to 1520-1530., Have a transitional character. The later manner of the master, which is most known to us both by his own works, and on the works of his students and imitators, is distinguished by confidently several dry and angular pattern and routine composition; his male types Sometimes full of nobility, but sometimes approach caricature; The women's types, with their narrow talles, quadrangular heads and oblique eyes, are far from suitable under the concept of Greek or Italian beauty. Not quite satisfactory in its paintings and air perspective, and a faint welcome of the eliminated casting of paints. But these shortcomings are attended by the understanding of its writings and the attractiveness of the naive-poetic understanding of nature. It was best to see him images with a small number of figures. Portraits of Cranach, in their simplicity and naive directness, occupy the first place. From the religious paintings of Cranach, in excess of the above, the most worthy of attention: "Our Lady" (in the Church of St. James, in Innsbruck); "Our Lady Loza" (in Munich Pinakot.); "White Madonna" (in the Koenigsberg Cathedral); "Our Lady under the apple tree" and "Our Lady in the vineyard" (both in Imp. Hermitage, No. 459 and 460), several images of Adam and Eve under the tree of knowledge and evil (in Berlin, Dresden, Florence, and other places), Judith stories (in Gote, Vienna, Dresden, etc.), "Bludnica in front of Christ" (in Munich, Nuremberg, Kassel and Pest), etc. Some Crankha compositions have cultural and historical importance, as performed in the spirit of Protestantia. From the mythological works of Kranah "Venus with Amur", "Amur with bees" and "Hercules with a hill", written by him, or only came out of his workshop, repeated in many copies. He also wrote genre paintings and hunting scenes. Portraits of crane, large and small size, are distributed in many collections. Such, for example, portraits of Luther's Kurfürst, his wife, Melanchton, Cardinal Albrecht Brandenburg (in Imp. Hermitage, 462) and "Sibillas, Kurfurstina Saxon" (ibid., No. 464). Very few crane engravings on copper (for example, portraits of Kurfürs and Luther and St. John Zlatoust) indicate his unusuality of such a kind. On the contrary, numerous engravings on the tree performed in his workshop. Cranes at one time had a great influence on the picturesque schools of Middle and Northern Germany. Cf. . Heller, "L. Cranachs Leben Und Werke" (Bamberg , 1821); Schuchardt, "L. Cranachs Des Aelcene Leben und Werke" (LPC., 1851-1871, 3 t .); Warnecke, "Lucas CR. D. AELTERE" (Görl ., 1879); M. B. Linden, "Lucas Cr."(LPC., 1883).

2. Lucas cranes younger (1515-1586), son and student of the previous, historical and portrait painter. His drawing is weaker than the Father, flashes gentle and richer by nuances. The works of Cranach younger are in Wittenberg churches and in many art galleries. The best of them: "Preaching John the Baptist", in the Braunschweig Gallery

Personality Lucas Senior Kraanach (Lucas Cranach Der Ältere) does not fit into the framework of the ideas about a romantic single hero, which is inspired beautiful ladies, and B. free time Reflects O. clean love. The German painter of the Renaissance, basically attracted the causes of the Reformation, the ideas of Protestantism, and thoughts about high and bright feelings were replaced by reflections on art.

Love for creativity at Lucas was laid in the genes, the young painter continued the artist's dynasty, which his grandfather began, and then father, Hans Meier. He became the first mentor of his son, who decided to go on a fashionable road to art.

Coming out from under the warm father's wing, Lucas went to the traditional journey of Germany for beginner painters. And if you carefully examine the works of the older crane, then you can make an original "card" of his creative route. So, we know that the painter began his "marathon" in Bavaria, where the first works wrote under the influence of local masters. From there, Lucas moved to Austria, and a little later turned out to be in Vienna, mountain landscapes, lakes and the valleys of which remained forever captured on the artist's canvases.

In these picturesque parts, he stayed for five years and during that time wrote a lot of work, which began to be popular almost immediately, as soon as they came out from under the author's brush. Of course, during the years of creating a crucifixion, "stigmatization of St. Francis" and "repentance of St. Jeronima" about the ideal promising construction did not go and speech. Moreover, the compositions were overloaded with details, and the drawing looked as if consisted of curly chaotic lines. But the master made a win-win bet on the image of nature, believing that her uniqueness lies in the mystery of the universe hidden in it.

In the early stages creative development The senior cranes showed himself as a brave innovator: on his canvases was traced the bold believability of images, asymmetric composition and expressive color solutions. It is no coincidence that the paintings of the Vienna period led contemporaries of Kranah to the idea that a new painter appeared in European art, who knows how to feel the landscape.

At the same time, in the later works of "Palm Championship" receives a fabulous idyllic image of the image and the poetic perception of nature. In a word, objective reality gradually inferior to the romantic vision of the world. Later, similar principles formed the basis of the Danube School of Painting, in the spirit of which in 1504 a picture was written "Holidays in Egypt". This canvas got the glory of the jewelry drawing and became indicative example For those who only mastered new directions of the landscape.

By this time, the artist was mastered by the ideas of humanism. The reason was to communicate with scientists, mathematicians, doctors and historians, with whom the cranes communicated in Vienna, one of the centers of humanistic culture, where science was actively developed. The ideals of the progressive direction were implemented in the pictures of Venus and Amur and the Martyrdom of St. Katerina.

"Venus and Amur" was written at the time when the painter acutely felt rapid changes in the fashion and tastes of his era. In 1509, working on the "Venus and Amur", the senior cranes deliberately refused all the colors, except for yellow and gold, so the figures of the goddess and her son look like cast statues. The picture "Venus and Amur" became experimental for Kranah, because before that the artist never depicted naked bodies in a natural value. Having finished the work, the painter in the edification of the descendants left the philosophical message, which says:

"With all the forces of the roney, Cupidonovo Sweistance. Otherwise, your blinded soul will master Venus "

If, during work on Venger, Krantu had to be pretty "blusher", depicting naked figures, then when writing portraits, a modest artist took the soul and drawing in detail the lush outfits of his simulators. The most famous portrait belly of the painter was devoted to the Saxon Duke Henry's pious and his wife Katerina Mecklenburg. In the young years, Heinrich collected guns, and the senior cranes wiped them and helped themselves. The picture was conceived as a parade wedding image, so the spouses appear in front of the viewer in luxurious clothes on a black background, and next to them are their favorite pets, symbolizing loyalty: a huge dog at the feet of the duke and Bologna near the duchess.

A turning point in the work of Kranah Senior became acquainted with Martin Luther - the author of famous theses. This friendship led to the fact that the artist moved away from painting, and the ideas of Protestantism took the basis of the new plots. In this spirit, three portraits of the church reformer were written, the most famous of which became "Portrait of Martin Luther in the image of Knight Yorga."

Few people know that he spent some time in the fortress of Wartburg, where he moved to secular clothes, let go of the beard and began to call himself Jorg. Luther did not want to be caught, so he told the place of his location in a letter only Kranakh, inspiring it to create a famous painting.

The artist was famous not only for skillful works, but also in good faith. The main requirement that the customers was presented and he - himself were the responsibility and foundation of labor. Do not allow negligence and rush, the cranes tried to find new types and schemes, and then grinded the skill to the ideal.

Such a fanatical desire for perfection played with an artist's evil joke: Lucas Senior cranes developed a virtuoso, but the stereotypical letter of the letter, and later the art of the artist became monotonous and fan. In the old age, the painter worked a little, but his workshop continued to exist.

From now on, other representatives of the dynasty worked there - the Hans Brothers and Lucas cranes younger.