Cami, Alber - a brief biography. Albert Camouy - Famous French Writer and Philosopher

Cami, Alber - a brief biography. Albert Camouy - Famous French Writer and Philosopher
Cami, Alber - a brief biography. Albert Camouy - Famous French Writer and Philosopher

(1913 - 1960) in the 50s. It was one of the "rulers of the Dum" world intelligentsia. The first publications that opened the first period of creativity, two small books of short lyrical essays "Exchange and Person" (1937) and "Wedding" (1939) were published in Algeria. In 1938, Camius wrote a play "Caligula".

During he was an active member of resistance. In those years, they were published by the Essay of the MiF about Sisyiff and the story "Strying" (1942), who end up the first period of creativity.

Appears in 1943 - 1944. "Letters of the German friend" open the second period of creativity, which lasted until the end of life. The most significant works of this period are: Roman "Plague" (1947); Theatrical Mystery "Siege Regulations" (1948); Piece "Righteous" (1949); Essay "Bunk Man" (1951); Tale "Fall" (1956); Collection of stories "Exile and the Kingdom" (1957) and others. Cami also released three books "topical notes" during this period (1950, 1953, 1958). In 1957, the Nobel Prize was awarded Albera Camus. His novel "Happy death" and "notebooks" were posthumously published.

To compile an idea of \u200b\u200bAlbert's philosophy is not easy, since the views set forth in his literary and philosophical works "provide an opportunity for a wide variety of interpretations." With all that the nature of this philosophy, its issues and focus allowed the historians of philosophy unanimously to appreciate it as a kind of existentialism. In the worldview of A. Kama and in his work they reflected the features of the development of the European philosophical tradition.

Cami did not doubt the reality of the world, he gave himself a report and in the importance of movement in it. The world, in his opinion, is not arranged wisely. He is hostile to man, and this hostility dates back to us through the millennium. Everything we know about him is male. The world constantly eludes us. In his idea of \u200b\u200bbeing, the philosopher proceeded from the fact that "being can identify himself only in the formation, becoming nothing without being." Being is reflected in consciousness, but "until the mind is silent in the stationary world of their hopes, everything mutually echoes and streamlined in such a desired unity. But at the first movement, the whole world is cracking and destroyed: the infinite set of flickering fragments offers to knowledge offering itself. Cognition is considering as a source of peace transformation, but it warns from unreasonable use of knowledge.

Philosopher I agreed that science deepens our knowledge of peace and man, but he pointed out that these knowledge is still imperfect. In his opinion, science still does not give a response to the ultimate question - the question of the purpose of the existence and the meaning of everything that is. People abandoned this world in this story. They are mortal and life appears before them as absurd in absurd world. What to do a person in such a world? Camus offers in the essay "Myth about Sisyiff" to concentrate and with the maximum clarity of the mind to realize the fallen loan and courageously carry the burden of life, not to humble with difficulties and riotuya against them. At the same time, the question of the meaning of life acquires special meaningHis thinker calls urgent. From the very beginning, a person has to "decide, it is worth or noting the life of it to live." Answer this "" means to solve serious philosophical problem. According to Cami, "everything else .... secondary. " The desire to live, the philosopher believes, is dictated by the attachment of man to the world, in it "there is something more: strong than all the troubles of the world." This attachment gives a person the opportunity to overcome the discord between him and life. The feeling of this disorder creates the feeling of the absurdity of the world. Man, being intelligent, seeks to organize, "convert the world in accordance with his ideas about good and evil. Absurd connects the person with the world. "

I believed that it means to explore the absurd, rebel against him. "I remove from the absurd," wrote the philosopher, "three consequences - my riot, my freedom and my passion." Through one of the work of the mind, I turn to the rule of life, what was inviting to death, and reject suicide. "

According to A. Kama, a person has a choice: either to live in his time, adapting to him, or try to rise above it, but it is possible to enter into a deal with him: "Live in my age and believing in eternal." The latter does not imply the thinker. He believes that from the absurd, you can deploy the immersion in the eternal, to escape the flight in the illusions of everyday life or by following some kind of idea. In other words, it is possible to reduce the pressure of the absurdity using thinking.

People trying to raise above the absurdity, Cammy calls conquerors. Classical samples of people-conquerors of Cami found in the works of the French writer A. Malro. According to Camus, the conqueror of God-like, "he knows his slavery and does not hide it," his way to freedom covers knowledge. The conqueror is the ideal of a person for Cami, but be such, in his opinion, this is a lot of fourth.

In the absurd world is absurd and creativity. According to Cami, "Creativity is the most effective school Patience and clarity. It is also an amazing evidence of the only advantage of a person: a stubborn riot against his lot, perseverance in fruitless efforts. Creativity requires everyday effort, ownership of themselves, an accurate assessment of the boundaries of truth, requires measures and strength. Creativity is the genus of Askisa (i.e., abundance from the world, from his joys and benefits - S. N.). And all this "for nothing" ... But it may not be important for the very great work of art, but the test that it requires from person. " Creator is like a character ancient Greek mythology Sisifa, punished gods for healing to pump a huge stone on a high mountain, which every time rolls from the top to the top of the mountain. Sisif is doomed to eternal flour. And yet the spectacle of rock slopes with high mountain The greatness of the Sisif's feat of the Sisifa, and its endless torments serve as an eternal reproach of unfair gods.

In essay " Raying man", Thinking about your time as about the time of the celebration of the absurd, Camus writes:" We live in an era of the masterfully committed criminal designs. " The preceding era, in his opinion, differs from the current fact that "earlier the atrocities were lonely, like a cry, and now it is as versatile as science. Yesterday, pursued by the court, today the crime has become a law. " The philosopher notes: "In new times, when evil intent is crammed into the apparel of innocence, on terrible perversion characteristic of our era, it is innocence that is forced to justify." At the same time, the border between false and true is blurred, and the rules dictates strength. Under these conditions, people are divided "not on the righteous and sinners, but on the Lords and slaves." Camus believed that the spirit of nihilism dominates in our world. The awareness of the imperfection of the world gives rise to a riot, the purpose of which is the transformation of life. The time of the domination of nihilism forms a riot man.

According to Camus, the riot is not an unnatural state, but quite natural. In his opinion, "in order to live, a person must rebel," but it is necessary to do this without being distracted from the originally advanced noble goals. The thinker emphasizes that in the experience of the absurdity, suffering is individual in nature, in the reborn, it becomes collective. Moreover, "evil, tested by one person, becomes a plague that has infected everyone."

In the imperfect world, the riot acts as a means of preventing the decline of society and its ossification and fading. "I am a rebellion, therefore we exist," the philosopher writes. He considers the rebellion here as an indispensable attribute of human existence, uniting personality with other people. The result of the rebellion is the new riot. The oppressed, turning into oppressors, the new rebellion of those whom they turn into oppressed are prepared by their behavior.

According to Camus, "there is a law of force in this world, and he is inspired by the will to power," which can be implemented using violence.

Comprehending the possibilities of applying violence in Bunte, Cami was not a supporter of non-violence, since, in his opinion, "absolute non-violence passively justifies slavery and its horrors." But at the same time, he was not a supporter of excessive violence. The thinker believed that "these two concepts need self-restriction for their own fruitfulness."

A metaphysical riot is distinguished from a simple rebellion of the rebellion of a "human uprising against the entire universe." Such a riot metaphysician, as it challenges the end goals of the people and the universe. In the usual rebellion, the slave protests against oppression, "the metaphysical rebellion of the rebellion against the ship prepared by him as a representative of the human race." In the metaphysical rebellion of the formula, "I rebellious, therefore, we exist", characteristic of the usual rebellion, changes on the formula "I Raunt, therefore we are alone."

The logical consequence of metaphysical rebellion is a revolution. At the same time, the difference between the revolution is that "... the riot kills only people, while the revolution destroys both people and principles." According to Camus, the history of mankind knew only the riots, the revolutions were not yet. He believed that "if a genuine revolution was accomplished on one of the only time, there would be no story. There would be blissful unity and the death of death. "

The limit of metaphysical rebellion is, according to Cami, the metaphysical revolution, during which great inquisitors are becoming at the head of the world. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of the appearance of the Great Inquisitor was borrowed by A. Kama from Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Brothers Karamazov". Great Inquisitors set the kingdom of heaven on Earth. Forces, what turned out to be unable to God. The kingdom of heaven on earth as an embodiment of universal happiness is possible "not due to the complete freedom of choice between good and evil, but thanks to power over the world and unification of it."

Developing this idea based on the analysis of representations. Nietzsche about the nature of freedom, A. Camus comes to the conclusion that "the absolute government of the law is not freedom, but not more freedom is absolute non-liability law. The expansion of opportunities does not give freedom, but the lack of opportunities have slavery. But the anarchy is also slavery. Freedom is only in the world where it is clearly defined as a possible and impossible. " However, today's world, apparently, can only be the world of Lords and slaves. " Camus was confident that "domination is a dead end. Since Mr. in no way can give up the domination and become a slave, the eternal fate of the Lord lives dissatisfied or be killed. The role of Mr. in history is reduced only to revive slave consciousness, the only one that creates history. " According to the philosopher, "what is referred to as history is only a series of long-term efforts undertaken for the sake of gaining genuine freedom". In other words, "... History is the history of labor and rebellion" people seeking freedom and justice, which, according to Cami, are connected. He believed that it was impossible to choose one without another. The philosopher emphasizes: "If someone deprives you bread, he thus deprives you and freedom. But if you are getting freedom, then be sure that your bread is also at risk, because it depends not on you and your struggle, but from the whim of the owner. "

He considers the bourgeois freedom of fiction. According to Albert Cami "Freedom is the case of oppressed, and its traditional defenders have always had immigrants from the oppressed people".

Analyzing the prospects of human existence in history, Camus comes to disappointing conclusion. In his opinion, in the history of man nothing remains, as "to live in it ... Introduced to the evilness of the day, i.e. either lie or silence."

In his ethical views, Cami proceeded from the fact that the realization of freedom should rely on realistic morality, since the moral nihilism is destroyed.

Formulating mine moral position, Albert Cam wrote in "Notebooks": "We must serve justice, because the existence of our arranged unfairly, must multiply to cultivate happiness and joy, because our world is unhappy."

The philosopher believed that in order to achieve happiness, wealth is not necessary. He was against the achievement of individual happiness by bringing the misfortune to others. According to Camus, "the biggest merit of a person to live alone and obscurity."

The aesthetic in the work of the philosopher serves as an ethical expression. Art for it is a means of detecting and describing the alarming phenomena of life. It, from his point of view, can serve as a health recovery, as it can interfere with life.

Albert Cami was born on November 7, 1913 in Algeria in a fairly simple family. Father, Lucien Camus, was a wine basement caretaker. He died during the war, at that time Alberta was not the year. Mother, Katrin Santes, was an illiterate woman and after the death of her husband had to move to relatives and go to servants to somehow provide a family.

Childhood and youth

Despite the extremely difficult childhood, Alber grew up open, kind, able to feel and love the child to the child.

He graduated with honors from elementary school and continued his studies in Algerian Lyceum, where he became interested in the writings of such authors as M. Prost, F. Nitsche, A. Malro. With hobby read and F.M. Dostoevsky.

During his studies, a sign of a sign with a philosopher Jean Grenier, who subsequently influenced the formation of a Camus as a writer. Thanks to a new familiar Cam, religious existentialism discovers and shows interest in philosophy.

The beginning of the creative way and famous sample

1932 is associated with admission to the university. At this time, the first publications of notes and essays appear, in which the influence of prosts, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, clearly traced. So begins creative way One of the most famous writers XX century. In 1937, a collection of philosophical reflections "Exchange and face", in which lyrical hero She strives to hide from Chaos of Being and find peace in wisdom of nature.

1938 to 1944 Conditionally considered the first period in the work of the writer. Cami works in the underground newspaper "Combat", which he himself headed after the liberation from the German occupation. At this time, the drama Caligula (1944), story "Strank" (1942). Completes this period the book "Myth about Sisyiff".

"All people in the world are selected. Others do not exist. Sooner or later everyone will coordinate and sentence. "

"I often thought: if I had forced me to live in the trunk of a dried tree, and nothing could not be done, only to watch how the sky blooms above his head, I would gradually be accustomed to it."
"Strying", 1942 - Albert Cami, quote

"Any reasonable person, one way or another, ever wanted death to those who love. "
"Strying", 1942 - Albert Cami, quote

"It all begins with consciousness and nothing but it does not matter."
"Myth about Sisyiff", 1944 - Albert Cami, quote

In 1947 he comes out new, the biggest and, perhaps, the strongest prose art Cami, Roman "Plague". One of the events that influenced the move on the novel was the second world War. Cam himself insisted on the set of readings of this book, but allocated one thing.

In a letter to Roland Barta about "Chum", he says that the novel is a symbolic reflection of the struggle of European society against Nazism.

"Anxiety is a slight disgust in front of the future."
"Plague", 1947 - Albert Cami, quote

"IN normal time We are all confession or not, we understand that there is love for which there is no limits, and nevertheless agree, and it is even quite calm that our love, in essence, the second variety. But the memory of man is more demanding. " "Plague", 1947 - Albert Cami, quote

"Evil, existing in the world, almost always the result of ignorance, and any goodwill can cause as much damage as evil, if only this goodwill is not enlightened enough.
"Plague", 1947 - Albert Cami, quote

The first mentions about the novel appear in the records of the Cami in 1941 under the heading "Plague or Adventure (Roman)", then it proceeds to the study of special literature on the topic.

It should be noted that the first sketches of this manuscript differ significantly from the final version, as the novel has changed its plot and some descriptions. Many details were notified by the author during their stay in Oran.

The next product seeing the light becomes "Raying man"(1951), where Kama explores the origin of the resistance of a person against the internal and ambient absurdity of existence.

In 1956 there appears a story "The fall", and a year later, the column essay is published "Exile and Kingdom".

The award found the hero

In 1957, Albert Camo becomes a laureate Nobel Prize "For a huge contribution to the literature that allocated the importance of human conscience."

In his speech, which will then name "Swedish speech" said that "too tightly chained to the gallery of his time, so as not to row along with others, even believing that the Galer has failed her deer that it's too many supervisors and that, among other things, Write an incorrect course. "

He was buried at the cemetery in Lurmar in the south of France.

Film on the book Olivier Todd "Albert Cami, Life" - Video

Albert Cami - french writer And the philosopher close to existentialism, received a nominal name in the life of the Western conscience. The laureate of the Nobel Prize in the literature of 1957 "For a huge contribution to the literature, which foster the importance of human conscience."

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Albert Camiu is a French prose, philosopher, an essayist, a publicist close to existentialism. Received a nominal name in the life of the "conscience of the West". Nobel Prize winner in 1957 literature.

Life in Algeria

Albert Cami was born on November 7, 1913 in the Francoalzhir family in Algeria, on the Farm "San Paul" at the town of Mondovy. His father, Lucien Kama, Elzassa in origin, was a wine basement caretaker in a wine-making company, during the First World War served in a lot of infantry, in 1914 he received a fatal wound in the battle on Marne and died in Lazarut. Mother Krury Santa, Spaniard by nationality, half-king and illiterate, moved with Albert and his elder brother Lucien to the Belkur district (Fr.) Rusk. The cities of Algeria, lived in poverty under the beginning of a self-willed grandmother. Kruin to contain a family, worked at first working in the factory, then the cleaner.

In 1918, Albert began to attend primary school, which he graduated with honors in 1923. Usually, the peers of his circle threw the studies and went to work to help families, but the teacher elementary school Louis Germain was able to convince relatives as needed for Albert to continue their education, prepared a gifted boy to enter the lyceum and achieved the appointment of scholarships. Subsequently Cami With gratitude dedicated to the teacher Nobel speech. In Lyceum, Albert was deeply met with French culture, read a lot. He began to seriously engage in football, played for the junior team of the club "Racing Universitaire D" Alger (English) Russian. ", In the future, it claimed that the sport and the game team influenced the formation of his relationship to morality and debt. In 1930, the Camou was A tuberculosis was found, he was forced to interrupt education and forever stop sports (although the love of football retained for life), spent several months in the sanatorium. Despite recovery, long years suffered from the consequences of the suffered disease. Later, by the state of health, he was denied postgraduate training, for the same reason he was not called into the army.

In 1932-1937, Albert Cami has studied in Algerian University (English) Russian, where he studied philosophy. During studies at the university, I also read a lot, I began to keep diaries, wrote an essay. At that time, A. Zhaid, F. M. Dostoevsky, F. Nietzsche. His friend was the teacher Jean Grying - a writer and philosopher who had a significant impact on the young Albert Cami. Along the way, Cami was forced to work and changed several professions: a private teacher, seller of spare parts, an assistant in a meteorological institute. In 1934 he married Simon Yaye (divorce in 1939), an extravagant nineteen-year-old girl, who turned out to the morphine. In 1935 he received a bachelor's degree in 1936 a master's degree of philosophy with the work of "Neo-Platonism and Christian thought" about the influence of dam ideas on the theology of Aurelius Augustine. Began work on the story "Happy Death". At the same time, the Cami was in the problem of existentialism: in 1935 he studied the works of S. Kierkegor, L. Sixova, M. Heidegger, K. Yaspers; In 1936-1937, I got acquainted with the ideas of the absurdity of the human existence of A. Malro.

At the Senior Courses of the University, inserted socialist ideas. In the spring of 1935, he joined the French Communist Party, solidarizing the 1934 uprising in Asturias. In the local cell of the French Communist Party consisted of over a year, until he was excluded for relations with the Algerian People's Party, accusing in Trotskyism.

In 1936, he created a amateur "Labor Theater" (FR. Théâtre du Travail), renamed in 1937 to the "Team Theater" (Fr. Théâtre de L "Equipe). Organized, in particular," Karamazov brothers "on Dostoevsky, played Ivan Karamazova. In 1936-1937 traveled in France, Italy and countries Central Europe. In 1937, the first collection of essays "Exchange and Person" was published.

After graduating from the University of Camus, the Algerian House of Culture was headed for some time, in 1938 he was the editor of the magazine "Coast", then the left-radical opposition newspapers "Alza Railliken" and "Suar Raillaken". On the pages of these editions, at that time he advocated a socio-oriented policy and the improvement of the situation of the Arab population of Algeria. Both newspapers were closed by military censorship after the beginning of World War II. In these years, Cami writes mainly essays and journalistic materials. In 1938, the book "Wedding" was published. In January 1939, the first version of the play "Caligula" was written.

After the ban on "Suar Raillackn" in January 1940, Camu with the future wife of Francin Form, mathematician for education, moved to Oran, where they gave private lessons. Two months later they moved from Algeria to Paris.

Period of war

In Paris, Albert Cami - a technical editor in the newspaper "Pari-Suar". In May 1940, the story "outsiders" is completed. In December of the same year, opposition-minded Cam is fired from "Pari-Suar" and, not wanting to live in the occupied country, he returned to Oran, where he taught french in private School. In February 1941, the MiF about Sisyiff was completed.

Soon, Cami entered the ranks of the resistance movement and became a member of the underground organization "Comba", again in Paris.

In 1942, "outsiders" was published, in 1943 - "Myth about Sisyiff". Since 1943, began to be printed in the underground newspaper "Comba", then became her editor. From the end of 1943 he began working in the publishing house Gallimar (collaborated with him until the end of life). During the war, he published under the pseudonym "Letters to the German friend" (later came out separate publication). In 1943, he met Sartreh, participated in the production of his plays (in particular, it was the camp for the first time from the scene of the phrase "hell is others").

Post-war years

After the end of the war, Cami continued to work in the "Comba", the publishing house published his previously written works, soon the popularity of the writer. In 1947, his gradual gap with the left movement begins and personally with Sartre. He leaves the "Comba", becomes an independent journalist - writes journalistic articles for different publications (later published in three collections called "topical notes"). At this time, they are created by the plays "Siege" and "Righteous".

Collaborates with anarchists and revolutionary syndicalists and is printed in their magazines and newspapers "Liberter", "Mondon Liberter", "Revolusone Prelutaryen", "Solidariad of the Room" (publication of the Spanish National Confederation of Labor) and others. Participates in the creation of a "group of international relations".

In 1951, the Bunting Man comes out in the Anarchist magazine "Liberter", where Kama explores the anatomy of the human rebellion against the surrounding and internal absurdity of existence. Left critics, including Sartra, found it with a refusal of political struggle for socialism (which, according to Cami, leads to the establishment of authoritarian regimes like Stalinsky). An even greater criticism of the left radicals caused support for the Camus of the French community of Algeria after the Algerian War began in 1954. For some time, Cami collaborates with UNESCO, however, after in 1952, Spain was becoming a member of this organization headed by Franco, he stops his work there. Camus continues to closely monitor political life Europe, in their diaries, he regrets the growth of the sentences in France and the readiness of the French left, to close the eyes on, as he believed, the crime of the communist authorities in Eastern Europe, their reluctance to see the expansion of non-socialism and justice, and violence and authoritarianism in sponsored USSR "Arab Reborn".

He is increasingly fascinating the theater, since 1954 he begins to put the plays in his drainage, negotiates the opening of the experimental theater in Paris. In 1956. year Cami The story "Fall" writes, the next year the collection of stories "Exile and Kingdom" comes out.

In 1957, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "For a huge contribution to the literature, which highlighted the importance of human conscience." In speech on the occasion of awarding award, characterizing its life positionHe said that "was too tightly chained to the gallery of his time, so as not to row along with others, even believing that the Galer had a selence that it was too many supervisors and that, in addition to everything, was taken incorrect course."

Death and funeral

On January 4, 1960, the car, in which Albert Cami, together with his family of his friend Michel Gallimar, the nephew of the Publisher Galmar, returned from Provence to Paris, flew off the road and crashed into Platan near the town of Willbloveven in a hundred kilometers from Paris. Cammy died instantly. Gallimar, who was behind the wheel, died in the hospital in two days, his wife and daughter survived. Among the writer's personal belongs were found, the manuscript of the unfinished story "First Man" and an unused railway ticket. Albert Cami was buried in a cemetery in Lurmaria in the Luberon district in the south of France.

In 2011, the Italian newspaper "Corriere Della Sera" prepor publicity version, according to which the car accident was adjusted by the Soviet special services as a revenge writer for the condemnation of the Soviet invasion of Hungary and the support of Boris Pasternak. Among those who were aware of the planned murder, the newspaper called the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Shepilov. Michel Ontphra, who prepared publication biographies of Cami, rejected in the newspaper "Izvestia" this version as an insinuation.

In November 2009, French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed to transfer the writer's dust in Pantheon, but did not receive the consent of the relatives of Albera Cami.

Philosophical views

am Cami did not consider himself a philosopher, neither more existentialist. Nevertheless, the work of the representatives of this philosophical direction had a great influence on the work of Cam. At the same time, his commitment to existentialistic issues is due to a heavy disease (which means that the permanent feeling of the proximity of death), with whom he lived since childhood.

Unlike Buntar, Sartra and religious existentialists (English) Russian. (Jaspers) Camus believed the only means of fighting the absurd recognition of its given. In the "Miof about Sisyiff", Cammy writes that to understand the reasons for those who make a person to make senseless work, it is necessary to submit to the Sisif descending from the Mountain, who is satisfied in the penistent awareness of the futility and intactness of their own efforts; According to Camus, practically such an attitude to life is realized in the permanent rebellion. Many heroes of Cami come to a similar state of soul under the influence of circumstances (the threat of life, the death of loved ones, conflict with own conscience etc.), their further fate Different.

The highest incarnation of the absurd, on Camus, are a variety of attempts to enforced improved society - fascism, Stalinism, etc. Being a humanist and anti-Authority socialist, he believed that the fight against violence and injustice "their own methods" could give rise to only more violence and injustice , but, rejecting the understanding of the rebellion, who does not recognize positive aspects, in the essay, the "Raduing Man" is considering a riot as a method of solidarity with other people and a philosophy of measures, defining and consent, and disagreement with existing realities; Praphrasing the Cartesian Maxim in "I Raunt, therefore we exist." Camus highlights two forms of rewinding: the first is expressed in revolutionary activities, the second one he gives preference in creativity. At the same time, he remained in pessimistic confidence that despite positive role Bunt in history, it is impossible to finally defeat the evil.

Non-religious beliefs

Albert Cami is referred to representatives of atheistic existentialism (eng.) Russian, its views are usually characterized as irreligious and atheistic. Critic of religion; During the preparation of the "Miph of Sisyiff", Albert Cama expresses one of the key ideas of his philosophy: "If there is a sin against life, then he, apparently, is not that they do not eat hopes, but in the fact that they rely on life in the world in other And they shy away from the merciless greatness of the life of the pretentious. " At the same time, the assignment of supporters of atheistic (non-religious) existentialism to atheism is partly conditionally, and by champion, along with the unbelief in God, recognizing that God died, the absurdity of life without God is approved. He himself did not consider himself an atheist.



Plague (FR. La Peste) (1947)
First person (Fr. Le Premier Homme) (unfinished, published posthumously in 1994)
Strying (FR. L'Étranger) (1942)
Fall (FR. La Chute) (1956)
Happy death (Fr. La Mort Heureuse) (1938, Posted on Poshthimously in 1971)
Exile and Kingdom (FR. L "Exil et Le Royaume) (1957)
Invalid wife (FR. La Femme Adultère)
Renegage, or Missing Spirit (Fr. Le Renégat OU Un Esprit Confus)
Silence (Fr. Les Muets)
Hospitality (FR. L "Hôte)
Ion, or artist at work (Fr. Jonas Ou L'Artiste Au Travail)
Growing stone (FR. La Pierre Qui Pousse)


Misunderstanding (FR. Le Malentem) (1944)
Caligula (FR. Caligula) (1945)
Siege (FR. L'État de Siège) (1948)
Righteous (FR. Les Justes) (1949)
Requiem for the nun (FR. Requiem Pour Une Nonne) (1956)
Demons (FR. Les Possédés) (1959)


Asturia Rezind (Fr. Révolte Dans Les Asturies) (1936)
Exchange and face (FR. L'Envers et l'Endroit) (1937)
Wind in Gemila (FR. Le Vent à djémila) (1938)
Marriage feast (Fr. Noces) (1939)
Myth about Sisif (Fr. Le Mythe de Sisyphe) (1942)
Raying man (FR. L'Homme Révolté) (1951)
Summer (FR. L "Été) (1954)
Return to the type (FR. Retour à Tipaza) (1954)
Reflections O. death penalty (Fr. Réflexions Sur La Peine Capitale) (1957), together with Arthur Köstler, Reflections on the guillotine (FR. Réflexions Sur La Guillotine)
Swedish speech (Fr. Discours de Suède) (1958)


Autobiography and diaries
Topical notes 1944-1948 (FR. Actuelles I, Chroniques 1944-1948) (1950)
Topical notes 1948-1953 (FR. Actuelles II, Chroniques 1948-1953) (1953)
Topical notes 1939-1958 (Fr. Chroniques Algériennes, Actuelles III, 1939-1958) (1958)
Diaries, May 1935 - February 1942 (Fr. Carnets I, Mai 1935 - Février 1942) (Published posthumously in 1962)
Diaries, January 1942 - March 1951 (Fr. Carnets II, Janvier 1942 - Mars 1951) (Published posthumously in 1964)
Diaries, March 1951 - December 1959 (FR. CarNets III, Mars 1951 - Décembre 1959) (Published posthumously in 1989)
Travel Diary (Fr. Journaux de Voyage) (1946, 1949, Posted on Poshthimously in 1978)
Alber Campus Camus and Jean Grenier (Fr. Correspondance Albert Camus, Jean Grenier, 1932-1960) (Posted on Posthnurly in 1981)
Albert Campus Cami and Renhe Shara (FR. Correspondance Albert Camus, René Char, 1949-1959) (Posted Postedly in 2007)
Albert Camus, Maria Casarès. CorreSpondance Inédite (1944-1959). Avant-Propos de Catherine Camus. Gallimard, 2017.


Kama A. Favorites: Collection / Sost. and preface. S. Velikovsky. - M.: Raduga, 1988. - 464 p. ISBN 5-05-002281-9 (Masters of modern prose)
Kama A. Creativity and freedom. Articles, essays, notebooks / per. With Franz. - M.: Raduga, 1990. - 608 p.
Kama A. Rubbing man. Philosophy. Politics. Art / trans. With Franz. - M.: Policy, 1990. - 416 p., 200,000 copies.
Kama A. Actuelles / Translation from FR. S. S. Avanesova // Intertionism and textuality: Philosophical thought France XX century. - Tomsk, 1998. - P. 194-202. Albert Cami (1913-1960) is a French writer, playwright, one of the founders of French "atheistic" existentialism, the laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature. Maintenance philosophical works Thinker - "Myth about Sisyiff" (Development of philosophy and aesthetics "Absurd") "Resting Man" (controversy with nihilism, considered as a prerequisite for the theory and practice of totalitarianism), "Letters to German ...

This book includes two works of Cami, completely different in the genre, but equally significant both for his creativity and for French existentialism as a whole.
What can unite the essay written on the junction of literary studies and philosophy, and the play, which is the modern tragedy of rock?

IN given volume The works of Alber Cami in the 1950s entered - last period His creativity, in which, according to researchers, the Bunlet ideas of the writer manifested themselves most bright.
It does not matter whether it is about the program philosophical essay "Raduing Man", about the last finished artistic work "Fall" or about themelles from the "Exile and Kingdom" cycle, reflecting the deep changes that occurred in ...

Albert Cami - french philosopher And a writer close to existentialism, received a none name "West Conscience", the laureate of the Nobel Prize in the literature of 1957. He considered the highest incarnation of the human being, violence and injustice, which is based on the concept of a higher moral law or human conscience.

The first notebook book started in the mid-30s when he was just over twenty years. Last notes are written shortly before death. Collected together, these records are folded into a kind of autobiography, on the pages of which the twenty-five years of life Albert Cami, his literary works And days ...

The collection includes best works One of the largest writers of modern France, such as "plague", "outsiders", "fall", play "Caligula", stories and essistics. For the writer's creativity, painful searches for moral truths are characterized, attempts to understand and evaluate the meaning of human existence.

Piez Alber Kama "misunderstanding" considered by the researchers as an option modern tragedy Rock, first published and put on stage in 1944. The main ideological core of the "misunderstanding" is, as it is true, one of the research - V. V. Sherevashidze - is noted -

Roman Cami "L" Étranger "translated into Russian by the poet and literary criticism of George Viktorovich Adamovich. At one time, G. V. Adamovich was part of the group of poet-aqmeistov, headed by N. S. Gumilev.

"Fall" - the last ended story of A. Kama. Trying to answer an eternal question: "What is the meaning of human existence?" - The writer chooses the shape of the monologue-confession of the hero. Cama exposes the most terrible human vices, which are not amenable to condemnation by the court as an authority, but contradicts virtue.

Albert Cami - First Man

A.Kameyu is one of the largest prosaikov of the 20th century, the author of the novels "Strying", "Plach", "Fall", the laureate of the Nobel Prize, awarded to him for the work, which "with extreme insights highlighted the problems of conscience into our era."
The "first person" is the unfinished novel of the writer, who, after his death in the car accident, lay down a third century under prior. Upon leaving the novel had a stunning success. Autobiographical