Libretto Notre Dame de Paris French version. Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God (Notre Dame de Paris), description, photo! Differences of the story of the musical from the novel

Libretto Notre Dame de Paris French version. Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God (Notre Dame de Paris), description, photo! Differences of the story of the musical from the novel
Libretto Notre Dame de Paris French version. Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God (Notre Dame de Paris), description, photo! Differences of the story of the musical from the novel


NOTRE DAME DE PARIS is the most successful musical, delivered in Europe over the past five years. The premiere of the musical "Notre Dame de Paris" created by Novel Viktor Hugo took place in Paris on September 18, 1998. The production has become a real bestseller, having received a premium for the best performance, the best song and the best album. NOTRE DAME DE PARIS was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most-selling musical. Only franc-speaking albums with a musical record in the world was sold out more than 7,000,000. World recognition came to the performers in the NOTRE DAME DEAME DE PARIS.

The authors of such a successful setting became the composer Richard Kochand (Richard Cocciante) and the creator of the original version of Luc Plamondon (Luc Plamondon). The latter is widely known as the author of the lyrics of Seline Dion, as well as the author of the libretto of the famous Musical "Starmania". Richard Kochante, author of music, incredibly popular not only as a composer, but also as a singer who performs his own works in four languages.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a musical originated at Luke Plamondon. In 1993, he began searching for a plot for a new musical performance in French literature. "I applied to various characters and didn't even pay attention to Esmerald. I went straight to the letter "K" - and stopped at the quasi-modo. It was then that the "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady" became a reality for me, "he recalls. "This is a well-known story that speaks for itself and does not require explanation. That is why the story of Roman Viktor Hugo came out of a dozen films, starting with the times of a silent movie and ending with Disney cartoons. The more I watched various dramatic and ballet interpretations of the novel, the more convinced that I was on the right track. " Rereading Roman, Plamondon makes sketches for thirty songs. Then the composer Richard Kochante is connected. "Richard has been written by several truly magnificent melodies that he did not want to use for his albums. He played my motives, which then became "Dance, My Esmeralda", "Bell", "the time of the cathedrals of the cathedral". They were worthy of entering the musical, and in this there were their power, "recalls Luke. We can say that the history of the musical began with the song "Belle".

After the successful premiere of "Notre Dame De Paris" in Paris, Musical began his journey around the world.


Quasi-modo loves Esmeralda, who loves Feka. He was notified with Fleur de-Fox, but was passionate about the gypsy. Frollo Witness of all this action itself is trapped. The carnal desire, rejected from the childhood, breaks out as a volcano in front of the beauty. Grenguar pushes him into the "abyss of conscience." Frollo is even going to kill the fub in order to achieve Love Esmeralda. And it is she who is accused of attempted Feka.

Quasimodo will argue Esmeralda from prison and closes it in the notre lady tower. Klopen and Breath Breath break into the cathedral to release Esmeralda. Phoebe and his army charged to suppress the rebellion. Klopen killed in a skirmish. Grenguar becomes a voluntary poet, thereby doing the herald of the vagrants.

The helpless quasi-modo allows the FEBU to pick up Esmeralda, believing that the latter came to save her. Fake on the contrary, came to declare Esmeralda that she would be hanged. Quasimodo throws the Frollo from the NOTR-lady tower and comes too late to the place of execution on the Grev Square. He asks the executioner to give the body of Esmeralda to die with her in the monophocon chains.

"Several years ago, looking at the Cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God or, expressing more precisely, examining it, the author of this book discovered in a dark squash one of the towers the following word drawn on the wall: ANAGKN.

These Greek letters, darkened from time to time and quite deeply embedded into a stone, some characteristic of the Gothic signs captured in the form and location of letters, as if pointing to what they were drawn by the hand of the Middle Ages, and, in particular, gloomy and fatal meaning , they were deeply struck by the author.

And now nothing remains from a mysterious word carved in the wall of the Susomal Tower of the Cathedral, nor from the unknown destiny that this word was so sad - nothing but the brittle memories that the author of this book devotes to them. Several centuries ago disappeared from among the living person, staring on the wall this word; disappeared from the wall of the cathedral and the word itself; Perhaps will disappear soon from the face of the earth and the cathedral itself. This word and gave rise to a real book. "

Victor Hugo. From the preface to the book "Cathedral of the Paris Our Lady"

From this joining the novel begins, which threatened so many disputes, discussions, fans, video, animated and musical productions. In this article, we will talk about one of the most famous French musicals, after which the French "Comedan Musical" gained incredible popularity and gave rise to a whole wave of other musical productions.

« NOTRE DAME DE PARIS"This is the most successful musical, delivered in Europe in recent years. Premiere musiklaNOTRE DAME DE PARIS, created on the novel by Viktor Hugo, was held in Paris on September 18, 1998. The production has become a real bestseller, having received a premium for the best performance, the best song and the best album. " NOTRE DAME DE PARIS"Was listed in Book of Records Guinness as the most sold musical. Only franc-speaking albums with a musical record in the world was sold out more than 7,000,000. World recognition came to the performers in the NOTRE DAME DEAME DE PARIS.

The authors of such a successful setting were the composer (Richard Cocciante) and the creator of the original version (LUC Plamondon). The latter is widely known as the author of the lyrics of Seline Dion, as well as the author of the libretto of the famous Musical "Starmania". Richard Kochante, author of music, incredibly popular not only as a composer, but also as a singer who performs his own works in four languages.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a musical originated at Luke Plamondon. In 1993, he began searching for a plot for a new musical performance in French literature. "I applied to various characters and didn't even pay attention to Esmerald. I went straight to the letter "K" - and stopped at the quasi-modo. It was then that the "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady" became a reality for me, "he recalls. "This is a well-known story that speaks for itself and does not require explanation. That is why the story of Roman Viktor Hugo came out of a dozen films, starting with the times of a silent movie and ending with Disney cartoons. The more I watched various dramatic and ballet interpretations of the novel, the more convinced that I was on the right track. " Rereading Roman, Plamondon makes sketches for thirty songs.

Then the composer Richard Kochante is connected. "Richard has been written by several truly magnificent melodies that he did not want to use for his albums. He played my motives, which then became "Dance, My Esmeralda", "Bell", "the time of the cathedrals of the cathedral". They were worthy of entering the musical, and in this there were their power, "recalls Luke. We can say that the history of the musical began with the song "Belle".

After a successful premiere NOTRE DAME DE PARIS In Paris, Musical began his journey around the world.


loves Esmeraldawho loves Feba. He is the same with Fleur de-foxbut enthusiastic gypsy. Frollothe witness of all this action itself is trapped. The carnal desire, rejected from the childhood, breaks out as a volcano in front of the beauty. Grenguarpushes him in the "abyss of conscience." Frollo is even going to kill the fub in order to achieve Love Esmeralda. And it is she who is accused of attempted Feka.

Frollo visits her in prison to offer her to surrender to him in exchange for freedom. She refuses. He will revenge her.

Quasimodo will argue Esmeralda from prison and closes it in the notre lady tower. Klopenand the gang of vagrants rushes into the cathedral to release Esmeralda. Phoebe and his army charged to suppress the rebellion. Klopen killed in a skirmish. Grenguar becomes a voluntary poet, thereby changing the heralds.

The helpless quasi-modo allows the FEBU to pick up Esmeralda, believing that the latter came to save her. Fake on the contrary, came to declare Esmeralda that she would be hanged. Quasimodo throws Frollo from the tower Notre Dama And it comes too late to the place of execution on the area of \u200b\u200bGrev. He asks the executioner to give the body of Esmeralda to die with her in the monophocon chains ...

About the novel

Victor Hugo is one of the greatest French writers of the 19th century. He was born in 1802 and, of course, all the historical events occurring in France at the beginning of the century affected his formation, as a person and as a writer. The most famous works of the Hugo: "Molded", "Lands of the Sea" and "ninety-third year".

The most popular his novel "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady" NOTRE DAME DE PARIS) was published in February 1831.

The July 19930 revolution stirred up all France. The rising people are supervised by the power of Bourbon. Representatives of the French bourgeoisie came to replace the noble royalists. Undoubtedly, the revolutionary rise and the revolution itself can be explained the emergence of the largest of all works of the Hugo. The book brought the Writer world famous.

The plot, and all the narration of the novel is typically romantic: the unusual heroes acting in unusual circumstances, random meetings, beautiful and ugly coexist nearby, love and hatred are intertwined and come into fighting with each other.

The cathedral is the heart of medieval Paris, all the threads of the romantic plot are torn here. Notre Dame., harsh, gloomy and beautiful at the same time, as a mirror, reflects all the features of the heroes of the novel.

However, romantic excesses that seem to be slightly boutical, are only a necessary background in order to show the life of Paris of the time, raise the topic of "rejected", the topic of good, love and mercy.

This is the main topic in the novel, because only these qualities, according to the author, can save the world.

The writer believed that "Each person is born a kind, clean, fair and honest ... If his heart has become cold, then only because people put his flames; If the wings are bullied and the mind is amazed, then just because people shone it in a narrow cage. If he is worn and terrible - it is because he was thrown in that form, from which he came out criminal and terrible ". To make it again "good, clear, fair and honest" is capable of only love, which is the conversion of which is miraculous.

This is about this and tells the novel "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady." This is the second decade of the heroes of the musical "NOTRE DAME DE PARIS" ...

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For an attempt to kidnap Esmeralda Quasimodo sentenced to ruling. Frollo observes this. When Quasimodo asks to drink, Esmerald gives it water.

On the market square, all three - quasimodo, Frollo and Fake are confessed to her love. Here are "three hearts created differently."

In gratitude for the water, Quasimodo shows her the cathedral and the bell tower, inviting you to go when she wants.

Frollo pursues a fub and together with him enters the "shelter of love". Seeing Esmeralda in the same bed with Fets, he hits his dagger Esmeralda, who she was with her with him all the time, and runs away, leaving the fub to die. Esmeralda is accused of this crime. Fest cures and returns to Fleur de Lis, which asks to swear Feba, that the rigid will be punished.

An hour before the execution of Frollo descends to the La Santa prison dungeon, where Esmerald was concluded. He puts the condition - he will release Esmeralda if she takes his love and will be with him. Esmeralda refuses. Theirhidyakon is trying to take her strength.

Frollo kisses Esmeralda on the lips, and in the meantime, klopen and quasimodo penetrate into the dungeon. Klopen stuns the priest and frees a stepdaughter. Esmeralda is hiding in the Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God. Residents of the "Chinese yard" come there to pick up Esmeralda.

Royal soldiers under the start of the FEB come to battle with them. Klopen killed. Tramps are expelled. Frollo gives Esmeraldu Phoebe and the executioner. Quasimodo is looking for Esmeralda and instead of it finds Frollo. He admits to him that he gave Esmeraldard to the executioner for refused to him. Quasimodo swings off the Frollo from the cathedral and dies himself with the body of Esmeralda in his arms.

History of creation

Working on the musical began in 1993, when Plamondon was an approximate libretto for 30 songs and showed it to Kochenta, with whom she had already worked and wrote first among other song "L'Amour Existe Encore" for Celine Dion. The composer has already been ready for several melodies that he suggested for the musical. Subsequently, they became the hits of "Belle", "Dance Mon Esmeralda" and "Le Temps Des Cathédrales". The most famous song of the musical - "Belle" - was written first.

For 8 months before the premiere, a concept album was released - disk with studio records 16 main songs. All the songs were performed by artists of the musical, with the exception of the parties of Esmeralda: in the studio they sang NOA, and in the musical - Elene Sagar. The stars of Canadian stage were invited to the production - Daniel Lavua, Bruno Peltier, Luke Merville, but the major role of Quasimodo gave Garan to a little-known Pierre, although the composer was initially writing a quasimodo party for himself. This role and glorified Pierre, who took the pseudonym Garu.

The premiere of the Russian version of the musical took place in Moscow on May 21, 2002. Katerina Hachmen-Waldek, Alexander Weinstein and Vladimir Tartakovsky performed produce produces. The author of the text of the Russian version is a poet, bard, playwright and screenwriter Julius Kim.

In 2008, the premiere of the Korean version of the musical was held, and in 2010, the musical started in Belgium.


France (initial composition)

  • Noah, then Elene Sagar - Esmeralda
  • Garu - Quasimodo
  • Daniel Lavua - Frollo
  • Bruno Peltier - Grenguar
  • Patrick Fori - Fie De Shatoper
  • Luke Merville - Klopen
  • Julie Xenatti - Fleur de-Fox

North America

  • Jaran Massa - Esmeralda
  • Doug Storm - Quasimodo
  • T. Eric Hart - Frollo
  • Deaven May - Grenguar
  • Mark Smith - FEB de Shatoper
  • David Jennigs, Karl Abram Ellis - Klopen
  • Jessica Grub - Fleur de-Fox

Musical "Notre Dame de Paris"

What does the Music "Notre Dame de Paris" mean for you? This popular work has left indifferent, it has an extraordinary fascinating force. What lies in his secret? Maybe all the case in the spectacular production, an extraordinary story about love and betrayal, told by the genius Hugo? Or is it all about stunning music in which French Chanson and Gypsy motives are intertwined? Just imagine, because in this work contains 50 songs dedicated to the brightest and strong feeling - love, and almost all of them became real hits.

Summary of the musical "Notre Dame de Paris" and many interesting facts about this work on our page.



Esmeralda beauty-Roma, captive hearts at once of several men
Quasimodo the ugly rhodes that Frollo brought up
Frollo archishacon of the Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady
FEB de Shatoper captain of royal shooters passioned by a dancer
Klopen Klopen
Klopen young Bride Feba de Shatoper
Grenguar the poet that Esmerald saved death


In the center of this sad story it turns out to be the young beauty of Esmerald, which the Gypsy king of Kopen was raised, who replaced her father and mother. Their Tabor is attempted to illegally get to Paris to find shelter in the cathedral, but the soldiers notice the unborn guests and immediately drive. Handsome feb da shuttle, who is the captain of royal shooters, draws attention to young Esmeralda. Captured by the beauty of the girl, he completely forgets about his bride Fleur de-Lis, with which is engaged.

The captain is not the only one who drew attention to the young dancer. Gentle feelings nourish it and quasimodo, who specifically comes to the holiday of jokes to admire once again on his beloved. His stepfather and strict mentor Frollo prohibits even thinking about this girl and look at her, and does it because of strong jealousy. It turns out that the archchyacon is also in love with Esmeralda, only he has no right to this.

Frolo matures a cunning plan - to kidnap the gypsy and lock in the tower, and he tries under the cover of the night to paint the girl along with a quasimodo, but the Gypsy saves Peb in time. Taking advantage of the moment, the captain immediately invites beauty for a date.

The poet of Grenguar, who wants to hang the Gypsy King of Kolpower, for violating the rules of the Thabor, is becoming an unwitting witness of the abduction. But Esmeralda saves Grenguard and now should marry him. But the Gypsy is already in love with another, in his Savior, - Feba de Shatoper.

The archchyacone closely monitors Esmeralda and captain, when they went on a date, and, blinded with jealousy, attacked the opponent. As a result, Frollo wounds the fub with a knife. But only to pay for this crime is already an Esmeralde, because it is precisely those who are accused of an attempt on the life of the captain. At the trial, the Gypsy is trying to prove that it is innocent, but Esmeralda does not listen and senten with the death penalty.

While the girl is in prison in anticipation of the sentence, it visits Frollo. The archchyakon suggests beauty, in exchange for her loyalty and love, but he refuses him. Hearing it, Frollo is attacked by Esmeralda, but the girl is saved on time the coppins and quasimodo. The whole Tabor came to help the captive, and between the Gypsies and the royal soldiers the battle is tied. As a result of this collision, Klopen dies, and Esmeralda is arrested again, and the Frollo itself transmits its executioner. In desperation, he shares this with a quasi-modo, confessing that he did all this because of the abandonment of beauty and he throws out in anger from the Cunning Frollo tower, and himself rushes to the place of execution, so that the last time to conclude into his arms was already dead Esmerald.


Interesting Facts

  • The casting, conducted for the Russian version of the musical, came a record number of applicants - about one and a half thousand, and only 45 of them were taken into the troupe.
  • About 4.5 million dollars were spent for the production of the Russian version, and was collected for all time showing at the Moscow Theater 15 million.
  • By 2016, the total number of spectators who looked at the performance worldwide amounted to more than 15 million people.
  • It is worth noting that the author of the famous "Notre Dama" also wrote a musical on a rather unusual Russian theme for himself. This work he called "Decembrists", the development of libretto was engaged in the poet Ilya Reznik.
  • Currently, in our country, the shortened version of the musical Alexander Marakulin is tours. The troupe artists even became the defendants of the criminal case on copyright infringement.
  • In Nizhny Novgorod, a parody was set on a performance with almost identical scenery.
  • It did not cost in the French formulation of the musical and without some lapels. So, it was noted that an anarchy was recorded on the wall, although it was impossible to initially another word - aanque, which means Rock. Already in the new Mogadan version of the performance, this word was corrected to the right one.

Popular rooms:

Belle (Listen)

Dechire (Listen)

Vivre (Listen)

Le Temps Des Cathédrales

History of creation

Surprisingly, this musical has become popular before his premiere due to the fact that the disc with the records of some singles (16 songs) was released. The presented compositions made an unprecedented Furior and rapidly began to conquer the hearts of the public. The premiere held on September 16, 1998 in Paris in the Palace of Congresses, passed with a deafening success. The party of the main character was performed by NAA (in the record), and then Elene Segar, the role of quasi-modo got Pierre Garan (Garu) , Fuba - Patrick Fihori, Grenguara - Bruno Peltier, Frollo - Dariel Lavua. The director performed the Frenchman Mayo, who was at that time known to the public with his productions. In general, the idea was a bit unusual, because it was distinguished from the well-established format of musicals Andrew Lloyd Webber and Claud Michel Shonberg: minimalist design scene, modern ballet choreography, unusual format.

The songs from the musical immediately began to head different hit parades, and the most popular "Belle" was the most popular world hit. After her success in France, the musical went to his triumphal procession on other countries of the world.

In 2000, the composer created the second edition of the musical, and this version was already presented in the Mogador Theater. It is this option that was used for Russian, Spanish, Italian, Korean and other versions.

The Russian premiere successfully passed on May 21, 2002 at the Moscow Operetta Theater. The director Wayne Foaks is invited from the United Kingdom. When only started working on score, Julius Kim, who was responsible for the translation of Libretto, admitted that it was quite difficult to do. Moreover, not only professional poets were engaged in such a painstaking process. That is why the author of the conversion of the composition "Belle" became Susanna Ziryuk, she also belongs to the text to "live" songs, "Sorry, Esmeralda." But the translation of the single "My love" did the schoolgirl Daria Gulkotskaya at all. It is worth noting that in our country the performance was also unwound on the European sample: about a month before the premiere was launched the song "Belle" on the radio station performed by Vyacheslav Petkun (Quasimodo), which immediately became popular. Western style elements are present in choreography.

In 2011, it was decided to organize an international troupe, which included artists from different countries committed world tour. Each time it was encountered an enthusiastic public and stormy ovations. Until now, this musical sounds success in various scenes of the world. In all the time of existence, it was shown in 15 different countries and translated into seven languages.

-Kanadsky musical on the novel by Viktor Hugo "Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God." Composer - Riccardo Kochanta, author of Libretto - Luke Plamondon. Musical debut in Paris on September 16, 1998. The musical hit the Guinness Book of Records, as having the greatest success in the first year of work.

In the original version of the musical toured in Belgium, France, Canada and Sweden. In the French theater, Mogador in 2000, the same musical made his debut, but with some changes. Italian, Russian, Spanish and some other versions of the musical adhered these changes.

In the same year, the shortened American version of the musical in Las Vegas and the English version in London started. In the English version, almost all the roles were performed by the same artists as in the original.


In 2008, the premiere of the Korean version of the musical was held, and in 2010, the musical started in Belgium.

In February 2016, it became officially aware that the premiere of the renewed version of the original French production of the musical will be held in November 2016 in the Palais Des Congrès Palace (Palais Des Congrès).


France (initial composition)

  • Noah, then Elene Sagar - Esmeralda
  • Garu - Quasimodo
  • Daniel Lavua - Frollo
  • Bruno Peltier - Grenguar
  • Patrick Fori - Fie De Shatoper
  • Luke Merville - Klopen
  • Julie Xenatti - Fleur de-Fox

North America

  • Jaran Massa - Esmeralda
  • Doug Storm - Quasimodo
  • T. Eric Hart - Frollo
  • Deaven May - Grenguar
  • Mark Smith - FEB de Shatoper
  • David Jennigs, Karl Abram Ellis - Klopen
  • Jessica Grub - Fleur de-Fox


  • Tina Arena, Danny Minogue - Esmeralda
  • Garu, Aan Piri - Quasimodo
  • Daniel Lavua - Frollo
  • Bruno Peltier - Grenguar
  • Steve Balsamo - Fie De Shatoper
  • Luke Merville, Karl Abram Ellis - Klopen
  • Natasha Saint-Pierre - Fleur de Lis

France (Mogador Theater)

  • Nadia Bel, Shearel, Ann Meson - Esmeralda
  • Adrian Devil, Zhero Collier - Quasimodo
  • Michelle Pascal, Zherel Collier - Frollo
  • Lauren Ban, Syril Niccolai, Matteo Netsy - Grenguar
  • Lauren Ban, Rishar Share - Fie De Shatoper
  • Veronica Antiko, Ann Meson, Claire Capelli - Fleur de Lis
  • Roddy Julien, Eddie Sorogan - Klopen


  • Tais Siurant, Lily Dahab - Esmeralda
  • Albert Martinez, Carles Torregros - Quasimodo
  • Enrique Secrero - Frollo
  • Daniel Angles - Grenguar
  • Lisadro Guarinos - FEB de Shatoper
  • Paco Arrono - Klopen
  • Elvira Prado - Fleur de-Fox


  • Lola Ponce, Alessandra Ferrari, Federica Callori - Esmeralda
  • Joe Di Tunny, Angelo del Vecchio, Lorenzo Campani - Quasimodo
  • Vittorio Matteucci, Vincenzo Nizardo, Marco Manka - Frollo
  • Matteo Reta, Luke Marconi, Riccardo Machchaferrie - Grenguar
  • Graziano Halton, Oscar Nini, Giacomo Salvietti - Fets de Shatoper
  • Marco Glemtsoni, Emanuel Bernardes, Lorenzo Campani - Klopen
  • Claudia D'OTavi, Serena Rizzetto, Federica Callori - Fleur de Lis


  • Svetlana Svetikova, Theon Dolnikova, Diana Savelyev - Esmeralda
  • Vyacheslav Petkun, Valery Yarepenko, Timur Vedernikov, Andrei Belyavsky - Quasimodo
  • Alexander Marakulin, Alexander Golubev, Igor Balalayev - Frollo
  • Vladimir Dybsky, Alexander Postolenko - Grenguar
  • Anton Makarsky, Eduard Shulzhevsky, Alexey Syrin, Maxim Novikov - Fie De Shatoper
  • Anastasia Stotskaya, Ekaterina Maslovskaya, Anna Pingin, Anna Nevsky - Fleur de Lis
  • Sergey Lee, Victor Burko, Victor Esin - Klopen

South Korea

  • Chower Sonha (Pad), About Jean-Yong, Moon Hevon - Esmeralda
  • Yun Honnel, Kim Bommeter - Quasimodo
  • From bomomy, Liu Chhanau - Frollo
  • Kim Thahun, Pak Yntha - Grenguar
  • Kim Sonmin, Kim Thahlen - Fie De Shatoper
  • Lee Johnl, Mun Johnvon - Klopen
  • Kim Johnkhen, Kwak Son-Yong - Fleur de Lis


  • Sandrina Van Handenhoven, Sasha Rosen - Esmeralda
  • Gene Thomas - Quasimodo
  • Vim Van Dreesche - Frollo
  • Dennis Ten Verger - Grenguar
  • Tim Driisen - Fie De Shatoper
  • Klaiton Pepoty - Klopen
  • Yorin Zevarta - Fleur de-Fox

World Tour 2012 (Russia)

  • Alessandra Ferrari, Miriam Rebrus - Esmeralda
  • Matt Laurent, Angelo Del Vecchio - Quasimodo
  • Robert Marthen, Poll - Frollo
  • Richard Share - Grenguar
  • Avan Pednau - Fie De Shatoper
  • Ian Carlisle, Angelo del Vecchio - Klopen
  • Elias Mackenzie, Miriam Brousso - Fleur de Lis


The first act

Original name (FR. ) Substitutional translation of the name
1 Ouverture. Introduction Overture
2 Le Temps Des Cathédrales Time of Soborov It's time for cathedrals of cathedral
3 Les Sans-Papiers Illegals Broadcasting
4 Intervention de Frollo. Frollo intervention Frollo intervention
5 Bohémienne. Gypsy Daughter Gypsy
6 Esmeralda Tu Sais. Esmeralda, you know Esmeralda, understand
7 CES DIAMANTS-LÀ These diamonds My love
8 La Fête des Fouus Holiday Szitov Bal Shitov
9 Le Pape Des Fouus Dad Shutov King Szitov
10 La Sorcière. Witch Witch
11 L'Enfant Trouvé. Foundling Foundling
12 Les Portes de Paris Gate Paris Paris
13 Tentative d'ENLèVEMENT. An attempt to abduction Failed abduction
14 LA COUR DES MIRACLES Courtyard wonders Courtyard wonders
15 Le Mot Phoebus. The word "FEB" FEB name
16 Beau Comme Le Soleil Beautiful like the sun Sun Life
17 Déchiré. Bare What do i do?
18 Anarkia. Anarcia Anarcia
19 À Boire. Drink Water!
20 Belle Beauty Belle
21 Ma Maison C'est Ta Maison My house is your home MY NOTR DAM
22 Ave Maria Païen. Ave Maria speaks Ave Maria
Si Tu Pouvais Voir En Moi
I feel that my life is rolling on inclined /
If you could look into me
When she saw she
24 TU VAS ME DÉTRUIRE You will destroy me You are death
25 L'Ombre. Shadow Shadow
26 Le Val d'Amour Valley of Love Shelter love
27 La Volupté. Enjoyment Date
28 Fatalité. Rock Willow of Fate

Act two

Note: in all versions of the musical, except the original, the songs of the second act under the numbers 8 and 9; 10 and 11 changed places.

Original name (FR. ) Substitutional translation of the name Name in the official Russian version
1 Florence Florence All comes your hour
2 Les Cloches. Bell Bell
3 Où EST-ELLE? Where's she? Where's she?
4 Les Oiseaux Qu'on Met En Cage Birds that plant in a cage Bird poor in captivity
5 Condamnés. Condemned Oligated
6 Le Procès. Court Court
7 La Torture. Torture Torture
8 PhoeBus. Phoebus Oh, FEB!
9 ÊTre Prêtre et Aimer Une Femme Be a priest and love a woman My fault
10 La Monture. Horse Sware of me
11 Je Reviens Vers Ti I come back to you If you can, sorry
12 Visite De FroLlo à Esmeralda Visit Frollo to Esmeralde Frollo comes to Esmeralde
13 Un Matin Tu Dansais You danced in one morning Recognition of Frollo
14 Libérés. Released Come out!
15 Lune Moon Moon
16 Je Te Laisse Un Sifflet I give you a whistle If that, call
17 Dieu Que Le Monde Est Injuste God, as the world is not fair God right why
18 Vivre Live Live
19 L'Attaque de Notre-Dame Notre Lady Attack Sturm notre lady
20 Déportés. Expelled Send!
21 MON MAOTRE MON SAUVEUR My owner, my savior My proud gentleman
22 Donnez-La Moi Give her to me! Give me!
23 Danse Mon Esmeralda. Dance, my Esmeralda Sorry, Esmeralda
24 Le Temps Des Cathédrales Time of Soborov It's time for cathedrals of cathedral

Differences of the story of the musical from the novel

  • In the musical, the origin of Esmeralda was almost completely omitted, she is a gypsy, orphaned at the age of six and taken under custody of the Gypsy Baron and the leader of the beggar of Klopen. In the novel, Esmeralda - Frenchwoman abducted by Gypsies in infancy. In the musical there is no character of the Roland Tower Having, who turned out to be the mother of Esmeralda. Also in the musical there is no goat Esmeralda, Jali.
  • Esmeralda name means "emerald", the creators of the screenings and performances try to reflect this in the image of the gypsy, dressing it in a green dress (according to the text of the book, it appeared only in multi-colored and blue dresses) or giving her green eyes (in the book clearly indicated dark car eye). According to the novel, the only explanation of his name Esmeralda considers Laneanka-amulet from green silk, decorated with green beads. She mentions her in a conversation with Grenguar after their wedding.
  • In the novel, trying to earn money on bread, Grenguar begins to perform on the streets along with Esmeralda as a jester and acrobat, replacing the jealousy and anger Frollo.
  • The image of Feba de Teltoper in the musical is greatly enhanced and romanticized compared to the novel. In the novel, Fest is interested in marriage with Fleur de-Fox because of a good dowry, and Esmeralda he swears in love, wanting only intimate proximity to her.
  • The character of the younger brother Claude Frollo was fully removed from the musical.
  • In the novel, Esmeralda, before his arrest, never happened in the cathedral and did not communicate with quasimodo. As a sign of gratitude, Quasimodo saves Esmeraldo from the gallows, and only then they get acquainted.
  • According to the book, Fest appointed an Esmeralda meeting not in the cabaret / brothel, but in the room shot in the house of old-year-old.
  • During the storming of the cathedral, in the story of the book, Esmeralde helps to escape the Grenoire and unrecognized Gypsy Frollo. Having left with her alone, Frollo is again recognized to her in his feelings and requires reciprocity, blackmailing execution. Without having achieved its location, the priest gives the girl guard and the executioner who hangs it.

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Excerpt characterizing Notre Dame de Paris (musical)

Rostov with Feldsher entered the corridor. The hospital smell was so strong in this dark corridor that Rostov grabbed the nose and had to stop to gather forces and ITTi further. The right one opened the door, and from there he dried on the crutches thin, yellow man, barefoot and in one lingerie.
He, leaned about the pitch, brilliant, glanced by envious eyes on passing. Looking at the door, Rostov saw that patients and wounded lay there on the floor, on straw and sequels.
- Can I get to see? - asked Rostov.
- What to look? - said Feldsher. But precisely because Feldsher obviously did not want to let go there, Rostov entered the soldiers' chambers. The smell to which he had already had to shake in the corridor was even stronger here. This smell changed here somewhat; He was sharper, and it was sensitive, that hence it was he who took place.
In the long room, brightly lit by the sun in large windows, in two rows, heads to the walls and leaving the passage in the middle, lay patients and wounded. Most of them were in forgetting and did not pay attention to the included. Those who were in memory were all raised or raised their thin, yellow faces, and all with the same expression of hope for help, reproach and envy to someone else's health, not showering eyes, looked at Rostov. Rostov came to the middle of the room, looked into the neighboring doors of the rooms with dissolved doors, and saw the same on both sides. He stopped, silently looking around himself. He did not expect to see it. Before he was lying almost across the middle peasant, on the naked floor, the patient, probably the Cossack, because his hair was evicted in the bracket. The Cossack lay this chance, spreading huge arms and legs. His face was buggy red, the eyes are completely injected, so there were some squirrels, and on the bare feet of him and on their hands, still red, the veins appeared like ropes. He snapped back about the floor and something hoarsely said and began to repeat this word. Rostov listened to what he said, and disassembled the word repeated them. The word it was: to drink - drink - drink! Rostov looked back, looking for someone who could put in place of this patient and give it water.
- Who goes here for sick? He asked the paramedic. At this time, a furstadian soldier came out of the next room, a hospital servant, and the shot pulled out before Rostov.
- Well, I wish you your gradually! - shouted this soldier, rolling his eyes to Rostov and, obviously, taking him for the hospital bosses.
"To remove him, give him water," said Rostov, pointing to the Cossack.
- I listen to your gradually, "the soldiers said with pleasure, even more diligently rolling his eyes and pulling out, but not touched from the place.
"No, you can't do anything here," Rostov thought, lowering his eyes, and wanted to leave, but on the right side he felt the rigorous look at himself and looked at him. Almost in the very corner on Sineli sat with yellow, like a skeleton, thin, the strict face and unshaven gray beard, an old soldier and stubbornly looked at Rostov. On the one hand, a neighbor of an old soldier whispered something to him, pointing to Rostov. Rostov realized that the old man intends to ask him about something. He came closer and saw that the old man was bent only one leg, and the other was not at all the knees. Another neighbor of the old man, immobilely lying with a thrown head, is quite far from him, there was a young wax pallor soldier on Kursery, covered with more freckles, face and with injected eyes. Rostov looked at the rugged soldier, and frost ran over his back.
"But this, this seems to ..." He turned to Feldeshra.
- As they asked, your great, - said the old soldier with the shake of the lower jaw. - I've ended in the morning. After all, too, people, not a dog ...
"I'll send it, will remove, removed," Feldscher said hastily. - Sick Your Honor.
"Let's go, let's go," Rostov said hastily, and dropping his eyes, and squeezing, trying to pass unnoticed through the system of these crown and envious eyes, directed to him, he left the room.

After passing the corridor, Feldsher introduced Rostov to the officer chambers consisting of three, with dissolved doors, rooms. In the rooms of these were beds; The wounded and sick officers were lying and sat on them. Some in hospital coats walked around the rooms. The first person who met Rostov in the officer's chambers was a small, thin man without hand, in a cap and a hospital coat with a cooked tube, which went in the first room. Rostov, peering into it, tried to remember where he saw him.
"That's where God led to tell," said a little man. - Tushin, Tushin, remember brought you under Shenagraben? And I cut a piece, here ... - he said, smiling, showing a robe on an empty sleeve. - Vasilla Dmitrievich Denisova is looking for? - cohabitant! He said, learning who had to be Rostov. "Here, here and Tushin led him to another room, which heard laughter of several votes."
"And how can they not only laugh, but live here"? Rostov thought, all hearing still this smell of a dead body, whom he scored still in the Soldier's hospital, and still seeing these envious glances around him, and the face of this young soldier with the injured eyes.
Denisov, closing with a blanket, slept not bed, despite the fact that there was 12th hour of the day.
- A, G "OSTO? 3DO" OVO, ZOO "OVO," he shouted everything in the same voice as it happened in the regiment; but Rostov with sadness noticed, as for this familiar exaggeration and a lively, some kind of bad, the casual feeling looked around In the expression of the face, in the intonations and words of Denisov.
His wound, despite his insignificance, still did not heal, although six weeks have passed, as he was wounded. In his face he was the same pale swelling, which was on all gospitalles. But it was not struck by Rostov; He was struck by the fact that Denisov seemed to be not happy to him and unnaturally smiled him. Denisov did not ask about the regiment, nor about the general course of business. When Rostov spoke about it, Denisov did not listen.
Rostov even noticed that Denisov was unpleasant when he was reminded of the shelf and in general about the other, free life, which was out of the hospital. He seemed to try to forget that former life and was only interested in his business with the provincial officials. The question of Rostov, in which situation it was, he immediately pulled out paper from the commission from the commission, and his draft response to it. He revived, starting to read his paper and especially given to notice Rostov knit, which he spoke to his enemies in this paper. Hospital comrades Denisov, surrounded by Rostov, - newly arrived from freestyle light, - they began to diverge as soon as Denisov began to read his paper. According to their persons, Rostov realized that all these gentlemen had repeatedly heard all this time they had a boring story. Only a neighbor on the bed, the thick Ulan, sat on his bed, frowned and smoking the phone, and the little tushin continued to listen, disapprovingly shaking his head. In the middle of reading, Urana interrupted Denisov.
"And for me," he said, turning to Rostov, "you just need to ask the sovereign about pardon." Now they say, the awards will be big, and correctly forgive ...
- I ask for a sovereign! - Denisov told the voice to whom he wanted to give the old energy and the guild, but which sounded useless irritability. - About what? If I were a robber, I would ask mercy, and then I judge for the fact that I bring the robbers to clean water. Let them judge, I'm not afraid of anyone: I honestly served the king, Fatherland and did not cradle! And I degrade me, and ... Listen, I am so straight and write to them, here I am writing: "If I were a treasury ...
"It is cleverly written what to say," Tushin said. Yes, not the fact, Vasily Dmitrich, - he also turned to Rostov, - it is necessary to submit, but Vasily Dmitrich does not want. After all, the auditor told you that your point is bad.
"Well, let him be bad," said Denisov. - You wrote an auditor of the request, "continued Tushin," and you need to sign and send with them. " They are true (he pointed to Rostov) and there is a hand in the headquarters. Already better incident will not find.
"Why, I said that I would not grow up," Denisov interrupted and again continued reading his paper.
Rostov did not dare to persuade Denisov, although he instinct felt that the path offered by Tuskina and other officers was the most faithful way, and although he would consider himself happy, if he could help Denisov: he knew the imperceptibility of Denisov's will and his truthful fire.
When Denisova's poisonous papers ended over, Rostov said nothing, and in the sad arrangement of the Spirit, in society again gathered near him the hospital comrades Denisov, held the rest of the day, telling about what he knew and listening to the stories of others . Denisov was silent gloomily in the continuation of the evening.
Late in the evening, Rostov gathered to leave and asked Denisov, would there be any instructions?
"Yes, wait," Denisov said, looked back on officers and, pulling his papers from under the pillow, went to the window, in which his inkwell was standing, and sat down.
- I can not see the scared of the yogin, "he said, leaving the window and gives Rostov a big envelope." It was a request to the head of the sovereign, compiled by the auditor in which Denisov, nothing mentioned about the wines of the provincial department, asked only for pardon.
- Pass, it can be seen ... - He did not agree and smiled painfully a false smile.

Returning to the regiment and passing the commander, in what position was the case of Denisov, Rostov with a letter to the sovereign went to Tilzit.
June 13th, French and Russian emperors gathered in Tilsit. Boris Drubetskaya asked an important person in which he consisted about to be ranked with a retinue appointed to consist in a tilsite.
"Je voudrais Voir Le Grand Homme, [I would wish to see a great man," he said, saying about Napoleon, whom he still always, like everything, called Buonaparte.
- Vous Parlez de Buonaparte? [Are you talking about Bona Publishing House?] - said he smiling General.
Boris looked questioningly on his general and immediately realized that it was a comic test.
"Mon Prince, Je Parle de L" Empereur Napoleon, [Prince, I'm talking about the emperor Napoleon, "he answered. General with a smile poured him on his shoulder.
"You will go far," he said to him and took him.
Boris among the few was on Neman on the day of the emperors; He saw the rafts with the vensels, the passage of Napoleon on the shore by the French Guard, saw the thoughtful face of Emperor Alexander, while he silently sat in Korchman on the shore of Neman, expecting the arrival of Napoleon; He saw both Emperor sat in the boats and as Napoleon, the addition before to the raft, went ahead with rapid steps and, meeting Alexander, filed his hand, and how both were hidden in the pavilion. Since his entry into higher worlds, Boris made himself a habit carefully to observe what happened around him and record. During a date in Tilsit, he asked about the names of those persons who came with Napoleon, about the uniforms, which were on them, and carefully listened to the words that were told by important faces. At that time, the emperors entered the pavilion, he looked at the clock and did not forget to look again at the time when Alexander came out of the pavilion. A date went on an hour and fifty-three minutes: he wrote down this evening among other facts that he believed, had historical importance. Since the emperor's retinue was very small, then for a person, the current success in service, to be in Tilsit during a meeting of emperors was a very important thing, and Boris, hitting Tilzit, felt that since that time his position was completely established. He was not only knew, but they looked at him and got used to him. Two times he performed instructions to the sovereign himself, so the sovereign knew him in the face, and all the closest not only did not have seen, as before, considering for a new face, but they would be surprised, if it were not.
Boris lived with another adjutant, Polish Graph Zhilinsky. Zhilinsky, brought up in Paris, was rich, passionately loved the French, and almost every day during his stay in Tilsit, the French officers from the guard and the main French headquarters were going to Zilinsky and Boris.
On June 24th, in the evening, Count Zhilinsky, the cohabitant of Boris, arranged for his familiar French dinner. The dinner was an honorary guest, one Napoleon's adjutant, several French guard officers and a young boy of the old aristocratic french family name, Page Napoleon. On this very day, Rostov, using Darkness, not to be recognized, in the Stat dress, came to Tilsit and entered the apartment of Zhilinsky and Boris.
In Rostov, as well as in the whole army, from which he arrived, was not far away from Napoleon and the French, from enemies who made friends, that coup, which occurred in the main apartment and in Boris. Still continued in the army to test the former mixed feeling of malice, contempt and fear of Bonaparte and French. More recently, Rostov, talking to the payment Cossack officer, argued that if Napoleon would be captured, would not have turned with him as a sovereign, but as a criminal. Even recently, on the road, having met with the French wounded colonel, Rostov spoke up, proving him that he could not be peace between the legal sovereign and the criminal Bonaparte. Therefore, Rostov strangely struck in the apartment of Boris, the appearance of French officers in the very uniforms, for which he was accustomed quite otherwise to look from the flank chain. As soon as he saw the French officer who dried out of the door, this is a sense of war, hostility, which he always experienced at the sight of the enemy, suddenly walked him. He stopped on the threshold and asked Russian, if he lives Drubetskaya. Boris, having walked someone else's voice in the front, came to him towards him. His face in the first minute when he recognized Rostov, expressed his annoyance.
"Oh, that's you, very glad, very glad to see you," he said, however, smiling and moving towards him. But Rostov noticed the first movement.
"I don't think it seems," he said, "I wouldn't come, but I have a deal," he said coldly ...
"No, I'm just surprised how you came from the regiment." - "Dans Un Moment Je Suis a Vous", [I am a minute for you to your services,] - He turned to his voice called him.
"I see that I'm not attended," repeated Rostov.
An expression of the annoyance has already disappeared on the face of Boris; Apparently thinking and deciding what to do, he with special calm took him for both hands and led himself to the next room. Boris's eyes, calmly and firmly looked at Rostov, were as if stuck than something as if some kind of damper was the blue hostel glasses - they were put on them. So seemed Rostov.
"Ah full, please, can you not be attended," said Boris. - Boris introduced him to the room where dinner was covered, introduced him to the guests, calling him and explaining that he was not Statsky, but the hussars officer, his old buddy. - Count Zhilinsky, Le Comte N.N., LE Capitain S.S., [Count N.N., Captain S.S.] - called guests. Rostov looked frowningly on the French, reluctantly crushed and silent.
Zilinsky, apparently, did not happily accepted this new Russian face in his circle and said nothing Rostov. Boris, it seemed, did not notice the constraint of the new face and with the same pleasant tranquility and ancase in the eyes, with whom he met Rostov, tried to revive the conversation. One of the French addressed the ordinary French courtesy to stubbornly silent Rostov and told him that it was likely to see the emperor, he came to Tilzit.
"No, I have a deal," Rostov answered shortly.
Rostov did not do in the spirit immediately after he noticed displeasure on Boris's face, and, as always, it happens to people who did not in the spirit, it seemed to him that everyone was harmful to him and that he would hinder everything. And indeed he interfered with everyone and one remained out of the newly proposed common conversation. "And why is he sits here?" They talked to the views that guests threw him. He got up and went to Boris.
"But I'm striking you," he told him quietly, "let's go, let's talk about business, and I will leave."
"No, I'm not at all, Boris said." And if you are tired, let's go to my room and rest a rest.
- And in fact ...
They entered a small room where Boris slept. Rostov, not sitting down, immediately with an annoyance - as if Boris was to blame for him in something - he began to tell him the case of Denisov, asking whether he wanted whether he could ask for Denisov through his general from the sovereign and transmit a letter through him. When they stayed together, Rostov for the first time was convinced that he was embarrassed to look into the eyes of Boris. Boris laying his leg and stroking the thin fingers of the right hand left with his left hand, he listened to Rostov, as he listens to the report of the subordinate, then looking to the side, then with the same checking in his eyes straight looking into the eyes of Rostov. Rostov every time it became embarrassing and he lowered his eyes.
- I heard about this kind of business and I know that the sovereign is very strict in these cases. I think I should not bring to His Majesty. In my opinion, it would be better to directly ask the cabinet commander ... But in general I think ...
- So you do not want to do anything, so tell me! - shouted almost Rostov, without looking into the eyes of Boris.
Boris smiled: - on the contrary, I will do what I can, only I thought ...
At this time, Zhilinsky's voice, called Boris, was heard at the door.
- Well, go, go, go ... - said Rostov and abandoning dinner, and remaining alone in a small room, he went back and forth in her for a long time, and he listened to a cheerful French language from the next room.

Rostov came to Tilsit per day, less convenient for the petition for Denisov. He himself could not go to the duty officer, since he was in Frak and without the permission of the authorities came to Tilzit, and Boris, if even wanted, could not do this the next day after the arrival of Rostov. On this day, June 27th, the first conditions of the world were signed. The emperors were changed by orders: Alexander received an honorary Legion, and Napoleon Andrei is 1 y degree, and on this day a lunch was appointed by the Preobrazhensky battalion, who gave him a French guard battalion. The state trucks were to be present on this banquet.
Rostov was so awkward and unpleasant with Boris, that when, after dinner, Boris looked at him, he pretended to be sleeping and the next day early in the morning, trying not to see him, left home. Nicholas wandered around the city around the city, looking at the French and their uniforms, looking at the streets and houses where Russian and French emperors lived. On the square, he saw placed tables and cooking for dinner, the streets were seen on the streets with banners of Russian and French flowers and huge monograms A. and N. There were also banners and monastelles in the houses.
"Boris does not want to help me, and I don't want to contact him. This is a solved business - I thought Nikolai - everything is over, but I will not leave here, without making everything I can for Denisov and most importantly, without giving the letter to the sovereign. Sovereign ?! ... he is here! " Thought Rostov, coming unwittingly again to the house occupied by Alexander.