The mode of the day of the schoolchild of primary classes. Schoolchild Day of different classes

The mode of the day of the schoolchild of primary classes. Schoolchild Day of different classes
The mode of the day of the schoolchild of primary classes. Schoolchild Day of different classes

Schoolchild Day Mode

AD Exemplum


What you need to know?

  1. Daily regime - this is a rational distribution of time for all activities and recreation during the day.
  2. Day mode is necessary to providehigh performance throughout the entire waking period.
  3. Mode is based on biological rhythm of the functioning of the body.

Apply work Notes from 11 to 13 hours .

Second lifting at 16 - 18 hours Lower intensity and duration.

The main elements of the schoolchild day

  1. Training classes at school and houses
  2. Activities with a maximum stay in the fresh air
  3. Regular and sufficient food
  4. Physiologically full dream
  5. Free activities for individual selection.

! When organizing the regime, the health and functional features of this age period should be taken into account. With a clear routine of the day, a habit is formed when a specific time is a signal for appropriate actions.

In 6-7 years There is an increased sensitivity to adverse external factors and rapid fatigue in training.

In the second school age The processes of ossification and growth of the skeleton continue, the development of small muscles of the brush and the functional improvement of the nervous system.

Age 11-14 years old It is characterized by sharp hormonal shifts and intensive growth. There is a rapid development of internal organs: the heart grows faster than the clearance of vessels, and youthful hypertension occurs.

In 15-18 years old Completion of puberty occurs, the predominance of general excitation and mental impassable is preserved.

Morning work-out

Morning gymnastics are not accidentally called charging, she removes drowsiness and "charges" the body with cheerfulness for the whole day.

Gymnastic exercises enhance the work of the heart and lungs, improve the metabolism, positively affect the nervous system.

! Exercises must be performed in a specific sequence: at the beginningpulling Then exercisesfor hands and shoulder belts, then torso and legs. Finish chargingjumping and running, then dosoothing breathing. Duration of charging depending on age from10 to 30 minutes. Exercises are gradually complicated, the movement rate is also accelerated. Exercise complexes are desirable to change every 7-10 days. Mandatory is to ensure the influx of fresh air at the time of classes.

In addition to charging, physical education includes fresh air games . Moving games are considered the best, as well as sports. Motor skills are improved in the game, an emotional tone increases.

In addition, the moving games give a good wellness effect. Pay attention to swimming, skiing, cycling and other sections dependent on your inclinations.

Team games are well disciplined: volleyball, basketball, football. Do not forget about dance.

Especially important is the stay of the child on the street in the evening before bedtime. It has been proven that the best regime is the presence of 3-4 walks with a total duration of 2.5-3.5 hours.

! C. i eat the younger child, the more time he should spend on the street .

Water treatments

After the morning charging, water procedures are waiting. Children of school age after each physical workout should be taken comfortable souls .

Gradually, the temperature reduce: from 30 to 20-15 degrees at the end. This is a good hardening procedure. Possible contrast souls with alternating warm and cool streams of water. Nothing does not drive a dream as morning washing cold water.

Washes the weakest water procedure, so they need to begin water procedures.


Breakfast must be hot and rather dense, making up a quarter from the daily needs of the child.

Meal must be held in a quiet, calm and friendly atmosphere. No need to read books and talk while eating.

Lunch about 13-14 hours, dinner no later than 19.30.

Commitment to the regime in food will provide family reception, sufficient diversity of dishes and the absence of snacks.

After school, rest

Returning from school, the child should dine and be sure to relax . Afternoon rest will be about 1-1.5 hours, without reading books and watching TV. This time is weak and often sick children should be given to sleep.

During recreation in the tissues, the processes of substances recovery are increasing, the exchange shifts are eliminated and proper efficiency is restored.

The largest Russian scientist I. M. Sechenov was proved thatthe best rest is not complete peace, but so-called active rest, i.e., a change of one type of activity to others.

The best active rest is moving, especially in the air. Fresh, clean air strengthens the body, improves metabolic processes, activity of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs, increases its resistance to infection.

The best types of mobile activities are the movements elected by the children themselves who are made with pleasure, joy, emotional lifting. There are mobile games and sports entertainment (in the warm season - games with a ball, juggling, towns, etc.; In winter - skiing, skating, skiing).

For rolling games in the open air, students of the first shift need to take time after lunch before making the cooking lessons. Total duration outdoor stay, including the road to school and back, should be for younger schoolchildren at least 3-3.5 hours, for older - at least 2-2.5 hours.

In the day mode, you should select time and freely selected creative activity, such as design, drawing, modeling, music, reading fiction. For this during the day for younger students need 1-1.5 hours, and eldest - 1.5-2.5 hours.

Each schoolboy should be attracted to the worst work on the house. Younger can be assigned to clean the room, watering colors, washing dishes; Senior - walk with kids, buying products, garden work, in the garden, etc.


For cooking domestic lessons in day mode schoolchildren younger classes need to take 1.5-2 hours, middle classes - 2-3 hours, high school classes 3-4 hours.

With such a duration of homework, as special studies have shown, children work carefully all the time, concentrately and by the end of occupations remain vigorous, cheerful.

! If the preparation of homework is delayed, the training material is poorly absorbed. Immediately after school, it is impossible to cook homework! In these cases, a schoolboy after mental labor at school, not having time to rest, immediately receives a new load. As a result, he quickly appears fatigue, the speed of execution of tasks decreases, the memorization of the new material is worsening.

! The break between training sessions in the school and the beginning of the preparation of lessons of the house should be at least 2.5 hours. Most of this break schoolchildren need to walk or play outdoors.

! Students engaged in the first shift, it is possible to start cooking homework, not earlier than from 16-17 hours. When performing homework, as well as at school, every 45 minutes should take a break for 10 minutes, during which you need to ventilate the room, get up, go through, it would be good to make several respiratory gymnastic exercises.

Students in many cases have to prepare tasks when the room speaks loudly, argue, turns on the radio.

These extraneous external stimuli distract attention (which in children is particularly easy), inhibit and disorganize the established activities of the body.

As a result, it is not only lengthened by the time of cooking lessons, but also increases the fatigue of the child, and in addition, it does not create the skills of focused work, it is being taken to be distracted.

Interest Classes

One and a half or two hours of free time The child can use for interest (reading, drawing, game, watching television gear, etc.).

! Telephone viewing duration - not more than 1.5 hours 2-3 times a week. L. tailing pastime will be a walk in the fresh air. Extremely useful classes in the circles of interest.

! A child can do no more than two circles.

Exemplary diagram of the first shift schoolchildren (Start of classes at 8 h 30 min)

Type of classes and recreation

Age of schoolchildren

7-9 years old

10 years

11-13 years old

14-17 years old






Morning work-out

Water treatments

Cleaning bed, toilet

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

Morning breakfast

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

Road to school

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

School lessons





Hot breakfast at school

about 11 h

about 11 h

about 11 h

about 11 h







sleep or rest



Games and sports

classes in air





Afternoon person












outside air


Dinner and free

classes (reading

musical classes

help Help

family, classes

foreign language, etc.)




For 14-15 years:


For 16-17 years:


Cooking to sleep

(cleaning clothes, shoes,











For 14-15 years:


For 16-17 years:


! On weekends and holidays, the schoolchildren's day mode should differ from the usual the fact that much more time must be provided for staying in the air to visit movies, theaters, museums, etc.

! Rest should be active - hike in the forest, collecting berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants, collecting material for collections, a variety of mobile games, bathing. Helpful physical labor in air, in the garden, garden is also useful.

! Properly organized students' day regimen in holidays is the basis of a full-fledged rest and contributes to the complete restoration of the health of the children's body.

Durationvarious types of daily activities(in hours)





at home






in circles














11 – 10,5


1 -1,5




11 – 10,5


1,5 - 2




11 – 10,5


2 – 2,5




10,5 -10


2 – 2,5




10 – 9,5


2,5 - 3




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9 -8,5


3 - 4




8 - 8,5

Typical picture: Children sit behind lessons or games late, and in the morning they cannot wake up, go to school is sluggish. Hence fatigue, drowsiness, irritability.

"The fault of this is a simple non-compliance of the day. Unfortunately, we forget that a person is part of nature and so it works that our body has periods of recession of activity and, on the contrary, - labor lifting, - says Irina Kalashnikova. - Often, because of the usual ignorance, we confuse this time. When it is necessary to relax - we sit the child to teach homework, when the granite of science should be gnawing - he walks. Few people know that the first wave of our activity falls from 9 am to 13 o'clock in the afternoon, the second - in the evening - from 16 to 19 hours. It is at this time it is better to learn better, prepare homework, walk on the sections and circles. "

Before making the rideboard of the child's day, Irina Alekseevna advises parents to answer himself a few questions.

How well do I know my child?

You can answer with the go, how long does your child spend on the morning exercises and breakfast, the road to school, study, preparing homework? If yes - well, if not - just follow it for a week, but not at the very beginning of the school year, when the homework has not yet managed to download.

Photo Vadim Zablotsky

Analyze how much additional circles and sections occupy. Ideally, a week advised to visit no more three sports activities and two cognitive. Moreover, they must alternate among themselves. Baby is busy more? Consider if it copes with the load. If it is difficult for him, give up something, choose what you like more.

"Feeding that the child will be worse and get into a bad company, many parents try to take every day to take the most. So it is impossible: the child, like any adult, should be a personal time, but with all his hobbies it will not be left, "says the doctor.

Is I ready to stick to the regime?

The best motivation for the schoolchildren is an example of own parents.

"Children are our mirror. If we are talking to the child some words, then must reinforce their actions. Parents adhere to the regime - it is tightened by them. Not? He is perplexed: why should I do then? - Irina Kalashnikova argues. - Performing every day alone and the same actions, soon the child will have a habit, and he himself will follow the regime without any reminders. "

Will I be able to get out of the regime on the weekend?

"Let him sleep longer at the weekend, after all, after all," will say any mom. And instead of raising the child at 7 in the morning, it will be allowed to soak in bed to 10-11, forgetting that it is impressed to have enough sleep, but it's easy to get off the mode.

Photo Vadim Zablotsky (Archive)

"If you decide to stick to the regime, then do it every day. The routine of the day there are no holidays and weekends. Yes, and there is nothing terrible to get up as usual. If you get tired - you can sleep a little day. Otherwise, what we get: all week we got up at 7 am, and on Saturday and Sunday - in 11. Such temporary jumps are true stress for the body, - explains the specialist. "Perhaps you noticed how the weekend wake up at the same time as on a weekday, but decided to still please yourself sleep." And already waking up for the second time, you felt a little sluggish, drowy, could beat my head. "

These are the first consequences of transfer. With the second we are already confronted on Monday.

"Think, in vain say: Monday - a timeless day. Although it should be easy, because theoretically we rested, we go to work with new forces. It turns out everything with accuracy yes, on the contrary: our body has to be repeatedly rebuilt under the chart, which we shot down on weekends, "says Irina Alekseevna.

7.00. Day begins

The routine of the day is compiled individually for each child. The time of lifting, breakfast, lunch, dinner and sleep remain unchanged.

"Schoolchildren of both the first and second shift should wake up at 7:00, and go to bed at 20: 30-21: 00. High school students, because of their larger workload, go to sleep a little later - at 22 o'clock, at the latest - 22:30. In no case can not be stopped until midnight. It's believed that best Brain Recreation from 21:00 to 00:00. It is at that time a nervous system rests, "explains Irina Kalashnikov.

The remaining regime moments may differ slightly depending on the hobbies of children.

A little differently built mode of the day of the student of the second shift. Changes in the routine of the day will affect only time studies and preparation of homework.

"Studies in the second shift does not mean that the child can sleep longer. He should also get up no later than 7:30, "Irina Kalashnikova is convinced.

Do not stand and sit for homework immediately after school. After 20:00, performance decreases several times. Memory and nervous system are overloaded. Irina Alekseevna advises whenever possible to do lessons in the morning, on a fresh head:

"Of course, many parents are experiencing that if they do not control the child, then in the morning he will not learn lessons. In this case, I advise you to look at the state of the schoolchild. If he, coming in the evening from school and having a little rest, can sit for lessons, work for a long time. Divide the tasks for evening and morning. In the evening, help me to deal with complex objects, and leave those with which he can handle themselves. "

  1. Hearing the alarm signal, you can not immediately drive from the bed. For just awakened the body is stress. It is better to stretch carefully, make a couple of deep breaths and exhale and slowly stand up.
  2. Morning need to start with charge. It is enough to make a few exercises: sipping, flexors, circular rotations for hands, shoulders, torso and legs. You can complete walking in place and squats. 7-10 minutes quite enough to remove drowsiness and improve the mood, because even during such a small physical activity, joy hormones are produced - endorphins.
  3. Do not neglect breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most useful breakfast - Kashi. You can add nuts, raisins, kuragu, pieces of fruits or berries to many children of oatmeal. If the schoolboy does not want to eat, you need to search acceptable dish: Cheesecakes, omelet with tomatoes, pancakes with sour cream. At lunch is required soup or borsch. The first hot dish will give a lot of energy, and the generating digestive juices will help to make it easier to learn the organism. Three hours before sleep, you need to dine. Preferences should be given to an easy way: dairy products, cereals, stew vegetables. If the child is hungry and asked to eat before bedtime, he can offer a light snack: a glass of kefir or an apple.
  4. After graduation Everyone, from young students to 11-grades, needs to be distracted from school cases. At least - to carve a resting hour, where there is no place to read books and news, television, computer and gadgets. Shacking schoolchildren can sleep or play high school students - walk in the fresh air.
  5. By doing homework, you need to stick to the school rule: every 45 minutes arrange a decade-minute change. You need to ventilate the room, go through the house, make a couple of respiratory and gymnastic exercises.
  6. What items start performing homework, you need to watch the child. If he is easy to gather and concentrate, then you can start with difficult, and leave the easiest tasks for a snack.
  7. Time that on weekdays goes to study and preparation of homeworkOn Saturday and Sunday can be replaced with rest. With a slight refinement: rest is not synonymous for the belling, but a change of habitual activity. You can go to the exhibition or festival, to arrange a picnic, go somewhere, work in creativity. Do not forget about physical activity: bike, rollers, swimming.
  8. A few hours before sleep you need limit emotional loads, that is, pick up a calm, pacifying occupation - walk, drawing, music. No films, noisy games, heavy music and the Internet. So-called fragments of impressions that will remain from such a pastime will affect sleep. Or a schoolboy will be difficult to fall asleep, or sleep will be restless and intermittent. From such a dream a little benefit. In the morning the child is unlikely to feel rested.

The benefits of the availability of the regime speak all over the world. The correct routine of the day allows you to competently distribute the load and form biological rhythms. It is from this that the psychological development of the child also depends.

The rational distribution of time taking into account the rest makes the child more collected and disciplined. Such qualities are very important in modern life. In addition, it will avoid overwork and nervous, which are very susceptible to children.

School life makes significant changes in the usual rhythm. Children visited kindergarten are easier adapting. However, they need the right mode. What to take into account, making up the perfect routine of the day?

  1. School location. The further school is located from the house, the earlier you need to get up. The kid must have enough time to calmly gather and breakfast;
  2. Gymnastics. Uncomplicated physical exercises, the execution of which will be required for 10 minutes, will help you tune in to the child and drive drowsiness. Psychologists advise doing charging along with the baby. Cheerful and cheerful music in aggregate with a well-ventilated room will help to quickly come in excellent shape and charge the energies for the whole day.
  3. Breakfast. Useful breakfast requires both children and adults. However, you should not force the baby there, if he does not want. Look for compromises and prepare what your child will eat with pleasure.
  4. Morning walk. Try not to turn a hike to school in the race. Morning walk with calm steps will allow the baby to keep a good mood. At this time, you can communicate with the child and breathe fresh air, so it stands out of the house with a margin of time before lessons.
  5. Afternoon rest. Studies prove that many children after lessons are very tired. Difficulties with adaptation to the school process only exacerbate this indicator. After school it is worth giveing \u200b\u200bthe baby the opportunity to relax and enjoy pleasant things.
  6. Day sleep. Perfectly cope with fatigue will allow daytime sleep. If the baby is ready to sleep in the afternoon, it is not worth it to hinder. In the case of first-graders, day-friendly sleep, according to doctors, must become a mandatory procedure.
  7. Active games in the fresh air. This is another way to recover after mental work.
  8. The first grader is recommended to take food every four hours. At the same time, they should sleep at least 10 hours a day. Even a slight lack of sleep negatively affects the health and well-being of the kid. The child at the age of 6-7 should go to sleep no later than 9 pm.

What should be the routine of the schoolchild

By drawing up an approximate routine of the schoolchild's day, it is worth considering the time to rest, perform tasks, games, etc. For each age category, the day of the day has its own characteristics.

Right Mode of the Junior School Day

It depends very much from the rational distribution of the time of the younger schoolchildren. Doctors recommend oriented on the following tips:

  • Lifting at 7:00 - 7:30 is the most favorable time for awakening;
  • Charging and hygienic procedures - 7: 30-7: 45. Charging will help the baby to cheer up and tune in to working rhythm;
  • Breakfast 7: 45-8: 00. Breakfast helps to keep the high performance and child health. The violation of the time intervals between meals adversely affects the operation of the digestive system, as well as on the appetite of the baby;
  • Stay at school 8:30 - 12:30. At this time, the kid must concentrate on the educational process;
  • Walk outdoors 12:30 -13: 00. After school, the child must relax and remove the mental tension. For this suitable games in the fresh air. Walk time can be adjusted;
  • Lunch 13: 00-13: 30;
  • Day dream 14: 00-15: 30. The recommended day sleep time is an hour and a half. Pediatricians around the world insist that sleep for first grades should be a mandatory point in day mode;
  • Fresh air games 15: 30-16: 30. During the day, the child should carry out at least three hours in the fresh air;
  • Afternoon 16: 30-17: 00;
  • Independent classes 17: 00-18: 00. After that, you can also go outside with the baby or visit the section that he likes;
  • Dinner 19: 00-19: 30;
  • Home Responsibilities 19: 30-20: 00. The first grader must be perfectly cope with his duties. He can boight in the room, remove toys and ensure the care of a pet;
  • Evening walk 20: 00-20: 30. Before bedtime, it is very helpful to make an evening walk in a calm rhythm;
  • Hygienic procedures 20: 30-21: 00;
  • Night rest from 21:00.

The perfect mode of the day of the senior schoolboy

A senior student has many of their hobbies. At the same time, he does not need to sleep during the day. However, such a child needs to restore forces after a difficult school day. To do this, we recommend walking in the fresh air or visiting the sports sections, to visit which it can in the evening or immediately after school sessions.

It is also necessary to find time to prepare homework. It is best to do lessons until 20:00. After eight o'clock in the evening, human performance decreases at times. Preparation for the future school day at this time is not just useless, but also a harmful occupation, since the memory and the nervous system of the child is already overloaded.

It is worth noting that student graduation classes spend a lot of time studying. This is due to receipts to higher educational institutions and serious loads. It is almost impossible to find time for exercise. This is the main error. Lack of training leads to serious health problems. Yes, and the best rest is a change of activity, so try to provide your child at least minimal exercise.

Student mode in the second shift

It is much more difficult to organize the competent mode of the child on the clock in the second shift. However, parents must try to help their choices correctly distribute time. Many believe that studying in the second shift allows the child to sleep longer, while the time of night sleep is shifting. It is not right. The schoolboy must go no later than 9 pm, and get up no later than 7:30 am. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should take at the same time as students in the first shift. The main changes in the time to touch the lessons preparation time. It is best to do them in the morning.

We give an approximate routine of the day:

  • Lifting, hygienic procedures, charging, bed cleaning - 7:00 - 7:30;
  • Breakfast 7: 30-7: 45;
  • Flower walk 8: 00-8: 30;
  • Preparation for lessons 8:30 - 10:30;
  • Second breakfast - 10:45;
  • Free time and walk - 11:20 - 13:00;
  • Lunch 13:00 - 13:30;
  • Lessons at school 14: 00-18: 20;
  • Street walk from 18: 30-19: 10;
  • Dinner - 19:30;
  • Free time until 20:15;
  • Preparation for sleep and sleep -20: 00-20: 30.

For a child on vacation

Vacations are a favorite time of any child, because now there is no need to go to school. However, this time at the student must be organized correctly. It is recommended to withstand the time of sleep and wake the child. Plus, everything is free from time to work as much as possible. What should I remember by organizing the mode for the summer?

First of all, the child must sleep enough. It is not recommended to move away from the usual time limits.

SecondlyThe child's nutrition must be diverse and balanced. During the summer holidays, children must maximize strength. Especially for this, everything is: Fresh vegetables, fruits, berries.

ThirdlyThe rehabilitation of the child is a priority task for parents. If there is no possibility to go to the sea, it would be nice to spend more time outside the city in the fresh air.

Fourth, Summer is not time to interrupt classes. About everyday load is not a complete. The child must continue to read books, watch educational programs, etc.

Video: Sample of the everyday schoolboy day

This video will demonstrate to you how to properly organize a child's day mode and how important it is for its harmonious growth and development. After watching, you will learn how to distribute time for sleep, rest, school, food and walks, and you can also personally evaluate the proposed routine of the day, considered ideal for children, depending on the different age categories.

The day of the day for a junior school student is very important, because now his life has changed dramatically.

To avoid excessive loads, stress and rapid fatigue of a small schoolboy, you need to correctly distribute it time and task for the day.

The regime disciplines the child, helps him get used to the new living conditions, which is revealed from irritability and transportability.

Basics of the day for a child

First of all, you need to remember the peaks of ability to work, which falls just at the time of class at school (8.00-11.00) and at the time of doing homework (16.00-18.00). Between these peaks there is a decrease in performance, and in the evening - an intensive decline.

Therefore, to make the lessons, the child must maximize until 18.00. Distribute walks, for him so that the schoolboy can pay an hour of time (and no longer need it) to perform homework when its disability is at the peak.

Elena Picalenko, psychologist:"Try as early as possible to teach a child to do lessons yourself, because in a year or two it will make it much more difficult. The schoolboy will understand that he will have to do this until the end of the 11th grade - and it will be simply impossible to get it for his homework. At first, help him, tell me what to do, and gradually together make a scheme that will facilitate the daily task. If the child needs help, and it will not be just a whim or laziness, never deny him, but direct the right side. "

Healthy sleep- The guarantee of the health of any person, and for the young book, especially. 10 o'clock - the required minimum so that the child should be normally rested after an active day and gained strength for new achievements. Go to bed at 9 pm (I understand that it is unrealistic, but the specialists strongly recommend) and wake up at 7 am. By the way, you do not need to give the child to sleep longer, and then stuff in it in a rush. Lack of time is the strongest stress for the body.

Walk after lesson. At least 40 minutes from the 24-hour day need to be given to fresh air. And this is only after school, so to speak, feed the appetite. On a day, walk with a small student you need at least 3 hours. They lunch, played, made lessons - went throughout the Skater, went on a circle, dinner - dispelled before bedtime and a half (by the way, such a small trick will help the child to sleep early and quickly).

Lunch on schedule. Teach your fruit to eat at the same time. Breakfast - at 7.30, lunch - 13.00-14.00, dinner - 18.00-19.00. After lunch and exhausting school studies, the child needs to relax - he just has a decline in working capacity. For the lessons it is not worth it - it will not work out anything good. Let him play or sleep - the body is tired of the new information.

Getting to your homework!In the first classes, lessons must be made in an hour. The child just restrained, gained strength and ready to conquer new peaks. The main thing is not to delay with the beginning of classes. Optimal time - 16.00-17.00. After 18.00 lessons should not be done: if you do not have time to occupy in the section, postpone it.

Mugs and sections. After homework, it's time for a circle to go or in a sports section. Changing activities for children is very useful. It is only important not to overdo it with the loads of the child. If he just went to the first class, better not to start out-of-school classes - Now he may be hard to combine so many activities. The number of circles and sections that the child can walk, let it determine. So that I did not suffer from studying and his rest. Do not forget about walks before and after classes!

Mama is telling: "It all depends on the child: for one and ten circles will not be enough, and someone and one - in a burden. If a child has an interest, desire, striving for improvement, let him do. Moreover, this is a new field of activity, newer dating, which is very useful for schoolchildren. ".

Mother Veronica disagree with this opinion: "Very active adults grow from too active children. My friend, for example, has walked on 5 different circles since childhood, on a couple of sports sections, and the weekends there were also scouts on the nature. Now the same: from work - on dancing, then - on sewing, further - in a restaurant with girlfriends, after the disco, and karaoke. The weekend is almost always in the mountains. She is 35 years old, not married, there are no children either. I ask: why do you run somewhere all the time? She: to have time. Ehhh ... Trying to try everything, but I forgot about the meaning of life at all. "

From the words "Mode of the Day", many begin to yawning and squeeze. At first glance, the mode is something boring, monotonous; Routine, repeating from day to day. But, in fact, its importance for successful study and maintaining the health of the schoolchildren is difficult to overestimate.

In addition, the regime does not necessarily have to be boring, it all depends on what matters we fill it.

What a schoolboy regime

Little first-grader is not under the power to plan his day. But you need to have so much time: visit the mugs, take a walk, make lessons, go to bed on time. The child may well play and forget even about dinner.

The day of the day is also stability that is so important for the baby. After all, his life has changed dramatically when he went to school. In this regard, it is desirable to develop a habit of regime before September so that the new stage begins for a child without unexpected difficulties like an early lift.

Let's look at the approximate mode of the junior schoolboy's day, and think about what interesting things we can fill it.

For those who study in 1 shift

7: 00 - lift

Morning begins with charging. It is not necessary to force a child to jump off the bed immediately after he opened his eyes, let him come to himself after sleep. Otherwise, he will peel his nose all morning or goes to school in a bad mood.

After the baby finally woke up, you can proceed to charging, or give him extra time, sending a face to the bathroom.

7: 00 - 7: 30 - Charging

In mode for a schoolboy of the initial classes, it can be accompanied by verses or invigorating music. It will be great if this is some kind of funny song or poem, suggesting funny movements - the child will do it with pleasure, and the good mood will be provided to him.

The exercise complex must include a load on all muscle groups: from top to bottom. That is, first neck, shoulders, hands, then torso and legs. At the end you can run, jump and make soothing breathing.

Remember, the morning charging is not a power training. Its main tasks: finally wake up the child, dispersed the blood and spin the joints. Therefore, the complex is taking into account that the baby must cheer up, and not to get tired.

Charging must be done in a cool, ventilated room. In order to simultaneously harden the child - do a tour of charging in a room with an open window or a window. Periodically change the music and the set of exercises, so that the child does not boring.

Water treatments

Dentists recommend brushing their teeth after breakfast, and after sleep, just rinse with water. If you are against this approach - you can change these procedures in places, but I don't need to forget about cleaning the mouth after breakfast.

If there is an opportunity, in the schoolchild mode you need to highlight the time for the shower. Would you like to harde a child? Excellent! Start with warm water and gradually, day after day, reduce the temperature to 20-15 degrees. A good option will be a contrasting shower.

7: 30 - 7: 50 - Breakfast

As you know, the most important meal. Breakfast must be hot and enough calorie. Very good if you have breakfast with the whole family. First, friendly, warm family setting will set the baby to a positive way and will give you all the time to be together. Unfortunately, in our time, this is not so easy.

Secondly, children always imitate their parents, and if you show the child that the breakfast in the morning is necessary, this habit guarantees him in the future the lack of problems with the stomach.

8: 30 - 1 2: 30 - school and road there - back

13.00 - 13.30 - Lunch

After the classes are over, the child returns home. There should be a full-fledged hot lunch, and if no one can meet a first grader, you need to teach it yourself to warm up food, or store it in the thermos.

13: 30 - 14: 30 - Recreation

The correct day of the day for a schoolboy involves 1-1.5 hours of afternoon rest. At this time, you can sleep, play or take a walk. Very undesirable to read, watch TV or work at a computer - I need rest. Take care of your children from an early age! In addition to you, no one will do, especially the kids themselves.

Do not forget that your child, like any other person, need time to be alone with me. Do not deprive him of such an opportunity.

14: 30 - 16: 00 - Walk

16: 00 - 16: 15 - afternoon

16: 15 - 17: 30 - Homework

In some schools, first grades ask lessons to the house, in others - no. In any case, from the very beginning of the training you need to make a mode for a schoolboy so that it has time for home sessions.

So far, schools do not ask schools, you can enshrine the tasks traveled in class or create a job for a child yourself. Homework must firmly enter the habit from the very first days. In high school classes, it will serve the child, and you have a good service.

Home sessions for schoolboy Grade 1 must assume directly classes of not more than 30 minutes and 10_ minute breaks. Starting with easier tasks. Psychologists recommend helping the first grader only if he tried himself, but did not cope. And then, not to give him a ready-made answer, but to send, help him to reach the solution of one task.

The situation must be calm so that the child can focus. No need for foreign conversations, televisions, food and other things. In addition, the schoolchild must have

17: 30 - 19: 00 - Free time

This time in the day of the junior schoolboy day is given under personal child's classes: games, watching TV (limited), walk, visiting circles.

It is worth noting that give the child to extra education, Whether a musical or art school, at the same time, when he enters the first class - wrong. It turns out too much load, several new teams and absolute absence of free time, for nothing to overload the baby.

Additional training needs to be recorded either a year before the school or only from the second class. An excellent option will be a sports section or dancing classes. Younger schoolchildren are still small kids who love to run and jump. Moreover, it is vital for good growth and proper development. Therefore, it is so important that the baby can catch up for a day.

If there is no opportunity to play sports in the group, keep them at home, or rather on the street. Dedicate your free time to an active walk in the fresh air.

19: 00 - 20: 00 - Dinner

Not good habit of sharing impressions and experiences will not allow you to miss something important in the life of a child, and will give a real chance not to be among those parents who later a few years to the question "How are you at school?", Officer 'is only dry "normally".


The organization of the student of the schoolchildren after dinner should assume time for homemade. Even a first-grader can help parents to remove from the table, wash the dishes, to get into their room, wash something (for example, your handkerchief or socks) and, of course, collect a school bag for tomorrow.


Do not be lazy to stroll before bedtime at least 20-30 minutes. If you have not had time to talk to the child, this is a great opportunity to calmly talk.

No need to arrange some active games. The baby must calm down, breathe fresh air in order to sleep calmly and hard.

If the weather does not allow for a walk, do something with any family, for example, board games or reading some exciting book, simple crafts.

Do not leave at this time to perform homework. Even if the child looks cheerful, it is most likely a manifestation of overwork. Do not overestimate the forces of the younger schoolboy.

20: 30 - 7: 00 - Sleep

You can speak infinitely about the meaning of sleep in the schoolchild day mode. But, for sure, every adult understands how important the child is to sleep at least 9 hours. He, of course, can sleep less and at the same time feel great ... until time. Then follow overwork, neurotic disorders, lag from classmates and other unpleasant phenomena. Does you need your child and you?

If there are problems with stacking, pay attention to the fact that the child does before bedtime. You need to exclude active games, telecasts that have an impact on the psyche of the baby, try to smooth too strong emotional experiences.

You can take a warm bath, drink a glass of warm milk with honey, read a quiet book. The bed must be fresh, and the room is clean and well ventilated. Ideally, if you pay attention to hardening, the fortnight must be opened in the sleeping room all night.

Of course, in our conditions it is not always possible. When the heating in the apartment is turned off in winter, it's so cool, but still, do not forget to ensure that there is fresh in the bedroom.

After some time, after the introduction of sleep mode, the schoolboy will start to fall asleep and wake up in a certain time. Fortunately, kids quickly get used to the right regime.

For those who study in 2 shift

The mode of the day of the first grader, who is studying in the second shift, is based on the same basics as schoolchildren attending classes in the morning. Only time is changing at home tasks and school visit.

The rise should be the same at 7:00 in the morning. After charging, water procedures and breakfast, the child is given 30 minutes of free time for personal needs. Then followed your homework, walk and lunch. After school and dinner, the schoolboy regime suggests the housework - help parents and preparations for the tomorrow's school day: not fulfilling lessons, and the collection of bags and school uniforms.

How to teach a child to the regime

Although first-graders and quickly get used to the regime, they are unlikely to establish it independently. First, the parents will need every effort to unobtrusively enter the child a new routine without causing dislike and rejection.

Mode must be located graduallywithout putting the rigid frames at once. It did not succeed, did not have time, slept a little longer than it should be - nothing terrible. Consider errors and next time try to prevent them.

At first everything needs to be done with the child: and practice charging, and collect a bag for tomorrow. If it is possible, it is advisable to take leave for the first academic month - to devote to his child and the "setting" of the regime. After that, periodically call the baby and interest unobtrusively, whether it did it on the business regime.

The deeper and unnoticed the regime will enter the life of a schoolboy, the more natural it will seem to be a given rhythm. And for this you must pass the initial stage together, not to be lazy and not retreat from the accepted schedule.

Does Weekend Mode

Of course, I want to sleep longer on weekends, and if possible and all day. However, you should not succumb to the temptation. Maximum, the mode can be retreating for 1 to 2 hours. Although, if the child sleeps enough on weekdays and already accustomed to the schedule - he will surely wake up at 7 am.

Parents, in this case, you can only sympathize and advise to lie down early, at least at the weekend. After all, the sooner you need, the more time you can spend with an active child.

At the weekend, try to get out in nature or visit some cultural and entertainment activities: a museum, exhibition, concert. You can go to the cafe. Great way to spend the weekend will visit the rink, cycling or riding riding. Business on weekends is better planning in advance: make a schedule, purchase tickets and so on.

Many families, unfortunately, prefer to spend the weekend before tv and computer. If you feel about such people, think if the child will remember when it is growing? Does he want to come to the parental house in which they can not offer anything except for joint viewing of the TV show?

Attach all efforts to grow and educate an organized person who can count their strength and time. In the future, this will help your child become successful and wealthy. And do not forget that the childhood of our children is not infinite. Very soon they will grow up and stretch from the parent nest, so whether it is worth spending this time for useless classes that always arise where there is no regime.
