The All-Russian Lesson on Rasputin was held at school. We lack Rasputin's voice

The All-Russian Lesson on Rasputin was held at school. We lack Rasputin's voice

Lesson dedicated to life and creativity V.G. Rasputin

Goal : deepen knowledge of students about the work and personality V. G. Rasputin,

show high citizenship, the originality of his work

Using the example of creativity V. G. Rasputin to educate students to occupy an active vital position.

To develop the oral speech of students, the ability to freely own the word, feel and transfer what worries, worries the author, as well as their own attitude towards the problem raised by him, develop artistic, artistic abilities.

Registration : Exhibition of books V.G. Rasputin, illustration of students for his works

Tables can be created by the letter "P", in the center on the table Flowers. Space is needed.

The course of the evening.

The music of the leaf "Forest Noise" sounds. On the slide screen. Leading.

1 Presenter:

Still go stupid fairy tales

That Siberia is dewoading, without caress,

Still go fables to bring

That Siberia is famous only atten.

Mol flower there are songs there,

Yes, bears on the streets roam.

Still often when meeting

Asks, Ahaya, resident of the capital:

From Siberia? Yes you? Details! ...

Ceremak you really are familiar?

2 Host:

Yes, Siberia is far from the capital,

Yes, here the blizzard is angry,

Yes, the gardens our edge is still poor,

Yes, there are, of course, bears in the taiga,

But bearish alternately ignorant

The region of Siberian is considered as before!

3 Host:

And what are the wonderful veins!

And what are the ringing pines here!

Quiet cedar shaggy dorm

Flowers fisoshots on Ureuma.

Watch - you will not believe: on earth

Like a rainbow from the sky fell.

1 Presenter:

But our Siberian Territory is rich, first of all, people. Many of them glorified Siberia. Among them, Valentin Rasputin.

(Leading go)

On the screen - portrait of Rasputin.

1 group talks about the writer's childhood.

1 student: "I am sure that a person's writer makes his childhood, the ability at an early age see and feel all that gives him the right to take the pen. Education, books, life experience raise and strengthen this gift in the future, but he should be born in childhood, "wrote V.G. Rasputin.

2 Pupil: Let's turn to childhood V.G. Rasputin, which made him a writer. "I was born in three kilometers from Irkutsk," the writer says, - in Ust-Ude, that on the hangar. So I am a native siberian, or, as we say, the withdower. My father was peasantstened, worked in Lespromhoz, served, fought ... in the word, was like everything. The mother worked, was a housewife, barely - barely managed with affairs and family, her worries, how much I remember, always enough. "

3 student. Childhood Rasputin coincided with the war: In the first class of Atalank elementary school, the future writer went in 1944. And although there were no battles here, life was difficult, half-starving. Here, in Atalanta, learning to read, Rasputin loved books.

4 student. After graduating from four classes in Atalanta, Rasputin wanted to continue study. But the school in which the fifth and subsequent classes were only in the district center of Ust-Ust, and this is as much as 50 kilometers from the native village. Every day you can't drive - you have to move there to live, alone, without parents, without a family. In addition, as Valentin Rasputin writes, "before that none of our villages in the area did not study. I was the first. "

About how a teenager felt in an unfamiliar city, which was thinking about what he was doing, Valentin Rasputin narrates in the story of "French Lessons"

Distribution of the episode from the story of "French Lessons"

(After lessons, having fading from fear, I was waiting for Lydia Mikhailovna in the corridor. She left the teacher and, nodded, started me in class. As always, she sat down at the table, I wanted to get a third party, away from her, but Lydia Mikhailovna I showed me on the first, right in front of myself.

Is it true that you play for money? - immediately started. She asked too loudly, it seemed to me that at school it was about it only in a whisper, and I was frightened even more. But there was no sense to put any sense, Tishkin managed to sell me with guts. I missed:


Well, how - win or lose? I envied, not knowing what is better.

Let's tell how to eat. Losing, probably?

You ... win.

Well, at least so. I win, it means. And what are you doing with money?

At first, at school, I could not get used to the voice of Lydia Mikhailovna for a long time, he confused me. In the village they talked, fossy voice deep into the larger, and therefore he sounded the anniversary, and Lydia Mikhailovna was somehow small and easy, so it had to listen to him, and not from powerlessness at all - she could sometimes say and nothing , and as if facilitating and unnecessary savings. I was ready to dump everything into French: Of course, while I studied, while I was impulsed to someone else's speech, the voice was without freedom, we are wearing, like a bird in a cage, wait now when it dispels and get strengthened. So now Lydia Mikhailovna asked as if she was busy at this time, more important, but it was still not to leave.

Well, so what are you doing with money that win? Buy candy? Or books? Or do you copy something? After all, you probably have them now?

No, not much. I only won the ruble.

And no longer play?

And ruble? Why is the ruble? What do you do with him?

I buy milk.


She sat in front of me neat, all smart and beautiful, beautiful and in clothes, and in her female young pore, which I was vaguely felt, I got the smell of spirits from her, which I took for the very breathing; In addition, she was a teacher not arithmetic about some, not history, but a mysterious French language, from which something special, fabulous, beyond anyone, like, for example, to me. Not daring to raise your eyes to her, I did not dare and deceive it. And why, in the end, I was deceived?

She paused, looking at me, and I felt the skin like at the glance of her mowing attentive eyes all my troubles and inspirctions would be straightened and poured and poured on with their bad strength. To see, of course, it was for: in front of her hooked on the party, a skinny dyed boy with a broken face, untidyless without mother and lonely, in an old stuffed jacket on a sagging shoulders, which was in the chest, but from which his hands got out of her way; In the marked light-green pants with the traces of yesterday's fights sent to the chirks of the Father Galifa and filled into chirks. I noticed before, with what curiosity Lydia Mikhailovna looks at my shoe. From the whole class in Chirki only me. Only on the next autumn, when I flatly refused to go to school, my mother sold the sewing machine, the only value of our value, and I bought me to kizzy boots.

And yet it is not necessary to play for money, - Lydia Mikhailovna said thoughtfully. - You would have done somehow without it. Can you do?

Not daring to believe in your salvation, I easily promised:

I spoke sincerely, but what can you do if our sincerity can not be born with ropes.)

Music sounds. Leading.

1 presenter.

Native Siberian speakers,

Like a warm lingerie parks

The lips when frost under forty.

How Omul, extinct almost

No, no, he suddenly shines in the way

Forgotten splash in conversations.

2 presenter.

Native Siberian speakers,

Me you, graze, escape

From all elusive speeches

From smooth smooth bricks,

Where there are no carb

And doves of mischievous

As over you, my hut.

As over you, my fate.

3 presenter.

I was all over the huge world

Ambassador not someone - Siberia,

Although I am not a diplomat at all.

And to the end - in response to the navatam -

Siberian I will be a poet

And the one who does not believe me in this

Well, he does not understand anything.

1 presenter.

How did the writer Rasputin begin?

2 group. Formation of a writer.

1 student.

"By education I journalist graduated from Irkutsk University. Started with the youth newspaper. On the third year, the work sent me to prepare an essay on logging in one of the regions of the Irkutsk region. I wrote such an essay. But I was told. That the essay did not work, the material is closer to the story. This tip editor and served as a serious attitude towards literature. The story was called "I forgot to ask Lotschka" and was published in our Irkutsk Almana "Angara" in 1961, "says Rasputin in one of the interviews.

2 student.

Being a journalist, Rasputin wrote two essay books about the people of modern Siberia, its construction sites - the fraternal, Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, the ABakan road - Taishet.

3 student.

Readers are always interesting to look into the creative laboratory of the writer. That's what Raspututin speaks about his work: "I start writing hard - page-one and a half per day. Most often I do not know what will be in the next chapter. Gradually, the material clarifies, the final of the story will be formed, I will already imagine how to get to him, and then I am writing a lot, often there is not enough day. I am writing a pencil, unfortunately, very finely, it is then to reprint the written "

4 student.

Many now talk about the language of the Rasputin. Readers pleases its freshness, imagery, uniqueness. Valentin G. Grigorievich somehow said: "Do not hesitate for indiscrimination, but I believe that the language whose" village "writers - Astafiev, Belov, cannot be led. This language belongs to them and their heroes, with whom they lived for a long time, absorbed it. My Siberism is my terminology, the language in which Siberians say "

5 student

Here are some Siberism Rasputin.

Save - quickly, vigorously talk

Will swim - boob

Blather - chat, talk

Nepiculto - bad weather, bad weather

Bike - Saltly hit

Hlyuzda - Plut, deceiver

Tricky - what is hidden

Obutka - shoes.

Drake - run away


1 video.

Sonya almost every now

Become a nobleman -

In the archive immerses Tine,

And I am proud of that of the peasants!

And I am proud that our grandfathers

Raised bread, and on days of war

With a sword stepped to victory

Not a mismuneration of the native country.

2 presenter.

Well, who is so even before pain

Loved his cornflower?

They first pose a field,

Then they will gather to paradise.

I would like to catch the firebird,

So that the life of a light circle,

And who is on abroad

Of these, would have changed the father's house?!

3 presenter.

No wonder in the soul is growing anxiety:

Fielded the fields of Byrian.

The nobles in Russia became a lot,

But come from finding peasants.

3 group. Eternal and modern problems in the work of the writer.

1 student.

From love for a small homeland, all the books of Rasputin take the origins. It is no coincidence that the fate of the native village of the writer is easily read in the story "Farewell to Mattera", during the construction of a fraternal hydroelectric station that fell into the flood zone. Rasputina Matyre - and the island, and the same village. Three hundred years of year did this place the Russian peasants. But they decided to build a powerful hydroelectric station on the river. The island fell into the flood zone. The whole village had to relocate in the new village on the right bank of the Angara. But this perspective did not please the old men. The soul, for example, grandmother Darya was poured by blood. After all, in the guy not only she grew up. This is the birthplace of her ancestors. And Daria itself considers himself a keeper of the traditions of his people.

2 student.

A similar fate has suffered and the village of Atalanka, with which children's years of Rasputin is connected. He was transferred to another place. A writer mother moved to the new atalant. But is it possible to transfer the former life link to a new place? It turned out that there is no. After all, it was not just moving. People had to change the craft. The man-made seas deprived them of the usual gender. Nowhere began to sow bread. Many new pashnes were not suitable: the circle was mainly clay. In the ground, the fertilizers swept tons, but they were little helped. That is why the morals began to change.

3 student.

After the publication, the story Rasputin spoke to journalists: "Do not decease - we can no longer return many good traditions. Now we are talking about keeping the remaining, not to abandon them with the same ease and recklessness, as it was until recently. " This is the salvation of land, life, useful traditions - almost all creativity and all social activities of the writer are devoted.

4 student.

For Rasputin, love for Earth is not an abstract concept. It is supported by concrete affairs: the struggle for Baikal, the desire to preserve the historical appearance of Russian cities, returning the ancient centers of the country's previous names.

Music sounds. Bright light lights up. The evening ends.

How Russia will celebrate the 80th anniversary of the writer

Text: Natalia Sokolova / RG
Photo: Victor Vasenin / RG

The press conference was held in the Media Center "RG", dedicated to memorable events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of his birth. It was attended by: Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation for Culture Vladimir Tolstoy, Director of the State Literary Museum Dmitry Tank, Governor of the Irkutsk Region Sergey Levchenko, Director Sergey Miroshnichenko.

March 15th The classic of Russian literature of the 20th century would be 80 years old. In honor of this date, memorable celebrations will be held throughout Russia. Events are scheduled for the whole year. On the birthday of Valentina Grigorievich two museums open at once: One - in Irkutsk, the other - on the small homeland of the writer in Ust-Ude. Governor of the Irkutsk region Sergey Levchenko Stressed: "Where Valentin Grigorievich would have traveled around the world, we always considered it our man, Siberian, countryman. Rasputin Museum is a place where the work of the writer will be rented. Much of what is not published is not to open researchers. In these museums, schoolchildren and students will meet with those who remember Rasputin ".

On the March 15th Also scheduled all-Russian lesson on creativity Valentina Rasputinwhich will be held in all schools.

In a memorable day all broadcast on the radio "Book", as his chief editor Egor Serov told him, will be dedicated to the writer. In addition, every day during the year there will be it possible to hear the works of Valentina Grigorievich performed by famous Russian actors. In addition to Volgograd and Moscow, in the summer and autumn, the radio will be broadcast in 18 cities of Russia. Also available on the Internet.

In the house of Pashkov, the Russian State Library on the day of the name of the writer, March 22.will pass memorial evening "From the depths in the depths". In the former Leninka, most of the handwritten archive of the writer, who was transferred to the library with his heirs, besides, Valentin Grigorievich himself very much loved to work in the library halls. At the evening, politician Natalia Narotitskaya, Rector of the Literary Institute, Writer, Critic and Publicist Lev Anninsky. " We hope that it will be a meaningful conversation about Valentina Grigorievich, it is very important for us to determine the place that occupies in our minds, the hearts that are discovered by Ratolin and in his prose, and in his journalism ", - said Dmitry Tuck. Students of the Educational Theater of Schukinsky School will read fragments from the works of Rasputin.

Also in the RGB in the Blue Hall will pass exhibitionwhich will become a kind of continuation of the exposition that opened in the Lenini Rumyantsev Hall. The exhibition in the Blue Hall of the State Literary Museum was preparing together with the Irkutsk Regional Local Lore Museum. Visitors will present exclusive materials. After Moscow, she will go copies by regions of Russia.

Sergey Miroshnichenko, author of the documentary film about River Life River, told about events that will be held in the Siberian Earth. According to him, in Irkutsk from 5 to 9 October will be held one of the most famous in the world ecological festivals "Man and Nature", conceived by the writer. Now he is named Valentina Rasputin. This year, not only documentary films about the writer will be involved in the program, but also game films created by his works. Pupil Sergey Miroshnichenko Julia Byvsheva takes off author's film about Valentina RasputinIn which those who knew him, loved, lived next to Rasputin. To the festival, the picture must be completed. "We lack Rasputin's voices, - Posted Sergey Miroshnichenko. - This is a misfortune that now the voice of such outstanding writers has become Great. Not so brave and sincere. In addition to courage, you need sincerity.

Sincere, the pure voice of Rasputin we believed. This is not a voice of protest on the Internet, this is a meaningful look at your homeland, for life.

In addition, I lack the love that he sent to the Russian, Russian woman. A woman - mother, homeland, always forgive us. I hope that Rasputin will not happen to what happens with many great Russian writers of the second half of the 20th century, when quietly, step by step, the memory of them is blurred and sweeps. We really need it now. ".

Agree with him and Vladimir Tolstoy: "Everything we planned is done with great love for Rasputin, not for a tick. His absence is felt and felt in the moral climate of society. For those who knew the writer personally, it is unlucky emptiness ".

As part of the Krasnaya Square book festival, which will be held in Moscow from 3 to 6 Junewill be held round table dedicated to the work of Rasputin. Rasputin still does not have a complete collected work. This topic will be discussed at the round table. Also at the fair will present new publications of the works of Rasputin: this year the publication should be completed correspondence Valentina Rasputin with Victor Astafyev With preface Valentina Kurbatova.

In September In Irkutsk will pass Forum of Young Writers of Russia, CIS countries and abroad, dedicated to Valentina Rasputin. Also in the fall within the framework of the cultural forum, annually passing in St. Petersburg will pass scientific and practical conference "Heritage Rasputin: Eternal Questions".

By the way
In the theater gallery at the Small Ordinke - the Department of the Theater Museum. A. A. Bakhrushina - until April 2. The exhibition "All Life I wrote Love to Russia. Folk drama Valentina Rasputin on the stage and on the screen. " The exposition was photographs, posters, program, books, reviews, video materials. Prose Valentina Rasputin was very in demand by the Russian theater and cinema at the turn of the 1970-1980s. Then over five years throughout the USSR, more than 40 performances were delivered. Visitors will be able to see video of performances of the most significant works of Valentina Rasputin - "Money for Mary", "Last Deadline", "Live and Remember", "Farewell to Mattera", created since the 1970s until 2010, not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg , but also in Ryazan, Orel, Cheboksary, Ufa, Pskov. A separate hall is devoted to the filmmakers of its works.

"Moral lessons" (by creativity V. Rasputin).

teacher of the TV truck Margarita Veniaminovna

Grade 11

Objectives and objectives of the lesson:

    reveal the moral problems of the literature of the 80s of the 20th century;

    continue acquaintance with the work of V.Resputina;

    give ideas about timeliness and modernity of the work of "Farewell to Mattera";

    continue talking about humanity, about mercy, about love for your small homeland;

    introduce guys to the spiritual world of Rasputin, in the moral world of his heroes;

    contribute to the education of the guys need in the presence of one's own opinion in self-analysis;

    education of the sense of responsibility for their words and deeds, love for the Motherland, to the Maja Motherland.

Type of lesson: Lesson assimilation of new knowledge.

Type of lesson: Oral magazine.


Four backups in humans in life:

home with family, work, people with whom

together to rule holidays and weekdays, and

the land on which your home stands.



  • epigraph on the board;

    portrait of a writer;



Farewell - parting

To say goodbye -

1) with anything with greetings when parting;

2) leave something, part

Mattera - Materia; mother; mainland.

Mature -

1) full strength, strong, achieved full maturity;

2) an experienced, knowledgeable;

3) incorrigible, revealed.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

Record the date of the lesson, the topic, the epigraph in the notebook. We define the objectives of the lesson.

    The word of the teacher.

At the beginning of the lesson, we will get acquainted with the Writer's biography (presentation).

Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich was born on March 15, 1937 in the Irkutsk Region, the village of Ust-Uda on the banks of the Angara, 300 km. From Irkutsk, between Irkutsk and Bratsk. Mother - Rasputina Nina Ivanovna, Father - Rasputin Grigory Nikitich.

In the 1st class of Atalant Primary School, the future writer went in 1944. Here, learning to read, Rasputin loved the book forever. After graduating from grade 4, Rasputin wanted to continue his studies. But the school, in which there were 5 and the following classes, was located 50 km from the native village, so the life of a writer without parents and family began.

In 1959 he graduated from the Historical and Philology Faculty of Irkutsk State University. In the student years, he became a freelance correspondent of the youth newspaper. One of his essays paid attention to the editor. Later, this essay under the heading "I forgot to ask Löshka" (1961). In 1958--66 I was engaged in journalism in Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk: in 1958 there was a correspondent of the Sovetskaya youth newspaper of the Irkutsk regional committees, since 1959 He worked on TV studio in Irkutsk, then, after moving to Krasnoyarsk, collaborated with the newspapers "Krasnoyarsk Komsomolets" and "Krasnoyarsk worker." As a correspondent of "Soviet youth", and later - the "Krasnoyarsk Komsomol" and the "Krasnoyarsk worker" walked around the daisies of the Enisei, Angara and Lena.

The first collection of stories - "I forgot to ask Leshki," came out in 1961. Since 1966, Rasputin is a professional writer. Since 1967, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR.

An independent public activity began to engage in the first floor. 80s, becoming one of the initiators of the campaign for the salvation of Oz. Baikal from the drain of the Baikal Cellulosic and Paper Combine. Actively spoke against the project turning the Northern and Siberian rivers. In 1979, he entered the editorial board of the book series "Literary Monuments of Siberia" of the East Siberian Book Publishing House (Irkutsk). In the 1980s, he was a member of the editorial board of the Roman-Gazeta magazine.

In 1986 he was elected secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR and the Secretary of the Board of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR.

In March 1990, after the election of M. Gorbachev, President of the USSR, Rasputin was a presidential decree appointed a member of the USSR Presidential Council. According to the materials of the All-Russian competition of reader sympathies "Golden Key - 98", conducted by the Russian State Children's Library, among the 50 most popular authors, adolescents are called V.G.Solputina.

Awards V.G. Rasputin:

    Hero of Socialist Labor (1987),

    Two orders of Lenin (1984, 1987),

    Labor Red Banner (1981),

    Honor sign (1971),

    Winner of the USSR State Prize (1977, 1987),

    Laureate of the Irkutsk Komsomol Prize them. Joseph Utkin (1968),

    Prize winner. L. N. Tolstoy (1992),

    Prize winner of the Foundation for the Development of Culture and Art under the Culture Committee of the Irkutsk Region (1994),

    Prize winner. St. Innokentia Irkutsk (1995),

    Winner of the Awards of the magazine "Siberia" them. A. V. Zvereva,

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize Prize laureate (2000),

    Laureate of the literary premium to them. F. M. Dostoevsky (2001),

    Winner of the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art (2003),

    Prize winner. Alexander Nevsky "Russia Faithful Sons" (2004),

    Laureate of the "Best Foreign Romance of the Year. XXI century "(China, (2005),

    Winner of the All-Russian Literary Prize named after Sergei Aksakov (2005),

    Laureate of the Russian Government Prize for outstanding services in the field of culture (2010),

    Winner of the International Foundation for the Unity of Orthodox Peoples (2011).

Honorary Citizen Irkutsk (1986), Honorary Citizen of the Irkutsk Region (1998). He died on March 14, 2015, 4 hours before his 78th anniversary.

    Studying a new material.

Analysis of the story "Farewell to Mattera".

In his works, V.Resputin says readers about universal values \u200b\u200b- about conscience. About the Motherland, about the meaning of human life, about the soul, about memory.

The writer is worried about such questions: "Why does a person live? What for? For what benefit? "

"I wonder where life goes?" - thought the old woman Anna from the "last term".

Old Daria from the story "Farewell to Mattera" asked himself and could not answer: "Who knows the truth about a person: why does he live?"

What are we convincing, listening to questions that exciting V. Rasputin? (In the fact that every normal person can not not put these questions and not think about them).

The work tells us about the island of Matore, who should sink in connection with the construction of a new hydroelectric station. And together with the island, it will have to disappear and that life, which developed here for three hundred years, that is, the plot of this situation depicts the death of the old patriarchal life and the welling of the life of the new one.

V. Rasputin concerns many moral issues in his story, but the fate of Mater is the leading theme of this work.

It easily read the fate of the native village of Rasputin - Atalanta, during the construction of a brotherly hydroelectric station that fell into the flood zone.

Matera is the island, and the village of the same name. Three hundred years of year did this place the Russian peasants. Leisurely, without a rush, there is life on this island, and for those three hundred and more years have made many people happy

Matera. She accepted everyone, he became a mother and carefully fed their children, and the children answered her love. But Matera leaves, the soul of this world leaves.

They decided to build a powerful power plant on the river. The island fell into the flood zone. The whole village must be relocated to the new village on the banks of the hangar.

The main patriot and philosopher of the Mattera is, as usual at Rasputin, the old woman is Daria.

"Rasputy old women" - the same cultural and historical concept as "Shukshinsky woundings" or (if you look in the nineteenth century) "Turgenev Girls" and "Leskovsky Righteous".

The owner is the beast-keeper of the island, the royal foliage is his world tree, Daria - Mother and Memory Matte. This image is not just character, but - the point of view, the limit, a generalized view of the world, approaching the author, but not merging with it.

Daria is "the oldest one of the old women", without even remembering the dates of his birth: "No one knew the years exactly from them, because the accuracy remained with baptism in church records, which were taken somewhere - ends not to find" (ch . 2). It is already on the fracture, on the edge, on the border between the world of living and the continuous series of nameless ancestors, which goes deep, under the ground. "I would be the time to gather, I have long been undisporated ... I'm the local, the light. And long ago, I'm not in my own way, I live in someone else, I do not understand anything: Kuda, why? And I live. Nonche Light in half broke: Evon Cho goes! And she was broken, in the old men ... Nor we, nor here. Do not bring the Lord! " (ch. 4).

How is the moral beauty of Daria?

(Rasputin shows the moral beauty of Daria through the attitude towards her people. It goes for advice, it stretches for understanding, warmth. This is an image of righteous, without which "not worth the village").

What is the image of Daria?

(Darya's image depth is disclosed in communicating with nature. At the heart of the peculiarion of the heroine, the awareness of the inseparable, organic communications of man and nature) is at the basis of the peacefulness of the heroine.

What is a house, Izba for Darya?

(As if the father with his mother receives Daria Okaz to spend the hut, wash as the dead man, caught up to all the best. The hut binds her with his father, with his mother, with their fathers and mothers. She does not leave the feeling of this connection with the past.)

She not only twisted, but surrounded the floors, washed the window, thinking at the same time: "Few, oh, he depends, where I enjoy it."

Rustic illiterate man, she thinks about what everyone in the world should disturb: for what we live? What should a person feel, for which generation lived? Daria understands that the previous maternal rhe gave for her everything that "truth is in memory.")

    Summing up the lesson.

By completing today's lesson on the story of V. Rasputin "Farewell to Mattera", try, everyone for yourself, allocate the main thing: what did you give a meeting with Mattera? Forced whether to think about moral issues, about careful attitude towards a small homeland, homeland.

I want to once again draw your attention to the epigraph

I wish you all your life to support you these 4 backups so that you never forget about the home of the native.

"She turned to the left and found in the depths of the Lesk Hollik, under which the father and mother lay, those who gave her life. Hollyk was a blurred earth from the twisted cross. On the left, her was put first, mother rested, to the right Father. Daria bowed the grave hill and sank near the ground. The breeze did not make himself here, it was quiet, only dry and stuffed Tranki. She covered her eyes to not see any smoke, nor ruined graves, and, having swaying with sleeping movements back and forth, as if flying away from one state and right to another, gaining facilitating nonsense, quietly appeared:

This is me, reason. I am, Momka. - The voice was incorrect, - that came. It all sounded, the cow and that Sedny took away. You can die. And to die, reason, I will have to be past the materna. I do not leave for you, nothing will come. And you wanted to take with me, so that there is lying together, and it will not come out. Do not be angry with me, I'm not guilty. I am guilty, guilty, I'm sorry for the guilty that this is me, Palo on me. And I stupid, did not know what to do. You, reason, I said, so that I lived for a long time ... I obeyed, I lived. And found it was so living, it would be necessary for you, we would be together and were. And now what? Do not stop me in the spoint that I refused you that it was on mine, our genus will cut off on whose century and will take it.

She buried face in the grass on a grave hill, her shoulders shuddered. And there, in the grass, in the ground, Gorky complained: - Dy-y-smhno, smoke with us. I do not have a smoke. You see. And do you see me? See what I became? I have yours, your, I need to go to you ... I can be alive? Well, I'm unsuitable there, I am your century. To me to you ... I would spend Izu Isho to you. Fill the fire, water ...- She raised her head and corrected the scarf. - Exchange our, mean, not Sedni Tarrow too ... also there. And I will look. I approach, so that it is not very baked, and I will look, whether it burns well. And then come and tell you. What will I do? Well? And suddenly she came to mind - as if he had conveyed a guessing whisper from somewhere from afar: "And you caught our offshore? You have gathered her, and how do you just leave the door and do you shut the door behind you? We need to beat the hut. We are all in her lived. " Starting, Daria hastily agreed: "to the subservient, to confess. And how did I release from the memory? I must know myself. "And Isho Che?" Hoping for the answer, she asked. "What should I do? How to be me?" - And strained, stretched, listening, collecting into one weak floating sounds. But no, nothing affected her. The most important thing did not affect. It was still quiet, the rustling of leaves and herbs did not come up in response.

She asked again, no hope, - the graves were silent. And she decided that he did not receive forgiveness. So she needs. For what such merits she was going to get it? Herself can not forgive himself, but he wants, so that they forgive them, is not shame? "


Read the passage from the story and answer the questions:

What does Daria ask for forgiveness from his parents?

Why in a difficult moment she comes to the cemetery?

What moral qualities in the nature of Daria make us respect her?

6. Reflection.

- Did you understand the topic of the lesson?

- Is the goal lesson?

Literary living room "Rasputin's lessons",

dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of V.G. Rasputin

Korneychuk I.L.

Teacher additional formation

boarding school №26 of Russian Railways,

nizhneudinsk, Irkutsk region.

The music of the leaf "Forest Noise" sounds. On the slide screen. Leading.

1 reader:

Still go stupid fairy tales

That Siberia is dewoading, without caress,

Still go fables to bring

That Siberia is famous only atten.

Mol flower there are songs there,

Yes, bears on the streets roam.

Still often when meeting

Asks, Ahaya, resident of the capital:

From Siberia? Yes you? Details! ...

Ceremak you really are familiar?

2 readers:

Yes, Siberia is far from the capital,

Yes, here the blizzard is angry,

Yes, the gardens our edge is still poor,

Yes, there are, of course, bears in the taiga,

But bearish alternately ignorant

The region of Siberian is considered as before!

3 readers:

And what are the wonderful veins!

And what are the ringing pines here!

Quiet cedar shaggy dorm

Flowers fisoshots on Ureuma.

Watch - you will not believe: on earth

Like a rainbow from the sky fell.

1 Presenter:

But our Siberian region is rich not only amazing nature, and, above all, people. Many of them glorified Siberia. Among them is an outstanding writer of modernity Valentin Rasputin.

(Leading go)

On the screen - portrait of Rasputin.

1 student: "I am sure that a person's writer makes his childhood, the ability at an early age see and feel all that gives him the right to take the pen. Education, books, life experience raise and strengthen this gift in the future, but he should be born in childhood, "wrote V.G. Rasputin.

2 student: Turn to the childhood V.G. Rasputin, which made him a writer.

"I was born in three kilometers from Irkutsk," the writer says, - in Ust-Ude, that on the hangar. So I am a native siberian, or, as we say, the withdower. My father was peasantstened, worked in Lespromhoz, served, fought ... in the word, was like everything. The mother worked, was a housewife, barely - barely managed with affairs and family, her worries, how much I remember, always enough. "

1 student. Childhood Rasputin coincided with the war: In the first class of Atalank elementary school, the future writer went in 1944. And although there were no battles here, life was difficult, half-starving. Here, in Atalanta, learning to read, Rasputin loved books.

2 student. After graduating from four classes in Atalanta, Rasputin wanted to continue study. But the school in which the fifth and subsequent classes were only in the district center of Ust-Ust, and this is as much as 50 kilometers from the native village. Every day you can't drive - you have to move there to live, alone, without parents, without a family. In addition, as Valentin Rasputin writes, "before that none of our villages in the area did not study. I was the first. "

About how a teenager felt in an unfamiliar city, as he lived, I thought, says Valentin Rasputin in the story of "French Lessons"

(Fragment of the film "French Lessons")

Music sounds. Leading.

1 Presenter: How did the writer Rasputin begin?

2 student: "By education I journalist graduated from Irkutsk University. Started with the youth newspaper. On the third year, the work sent me to prepare an essay on logging in one of the regions of the Irkutsk region. I wrote such an essay. But I was told that the essay did not work out, the material is closer to the story. This tip editor and served as a serious attitude towards literature. The story was called "I forgot to ask Lotschka" and was published in our Irkutsk Almana "Angara" in 1961, "says Rasputin in one of the interviews.

1 student:Working by a special correspondent of the Krasnoyarsk Komsomol Center, Rasputin wrote articles about the construction of the Abakan Taishet railway, about the fraternal and Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station.

In 1967 there was a story "Money for Mary » . By this time, Rasputin was accepted into the Union of Writers of the USSR and released 3 books of essays and stories. However, with the story "Money for Mary", the critic has associated the appearance in the literature of a large original writer, the same story considers the beginning of a new stage in creativity and the author himself. The story brought Rasputin All-Union and World Glory: She was reprinted more than once, the play was created, set in Moscow, and then in Germany, the book went out in Sofia, Prague, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bBratislava, Helsinki, Tokyo.

2 student: The heroine of his first story "Money for Mary" - the saleswoman of the only store of the store. The auditor discovered a shortage of 1000 rubles. It would seem, Rasputin should have broken down by indignation about the discrepancy of public property. But the writer entered exactly the opposite. Made from Mary heroine with a capital letter. Mare Mary Kuzma decides to raise money from the world on a thread, take a debt, who can only. And the writer at the same time looks inside the human soul, talks about who we are, reflects, from where egoism appeared in people, worn, silent.

(Fragment of the film "Money for Mary")

1 student: The most intimate corners of human characters, the deepest experiences of the heroes, feelings of people are shown to Rasputin in his other works. What could be more beautiful love? Only love itself. But love can bring suffering, love can change a person, to make it better, to make his adult and wiser. This is stated in the story "Rudolphio".

(Excerpt from the movie "Rudolfio")

1 Presenter: Readers are always interesting to look into the creative laboratory of the writer.

1 student: That's what Rasputin said about his work: "I start writing hard - page-one and a half per day. Most often I do not know what will be in the next chapter. Gradually, the material clarifies, the final of the story will be formed, I will already imagine how to get to him, and then I am writing a lot, often there is not enough day. I am writing a pencil, unfortunately, very finely, it is necessary to reprint the written yourself. "

2 student: Many now talk about the language of the Rasputin. Readers pleases its freshness, imagery, uniqueness. Valentin G. Grigorievich somehow said: "Do not hesitate for indiscrimination, but I believe that the language whose" village "writers - Astafiev, Belov, cannot be led. This language belongs to them and their heroes, with whom they lived for a long time, absorbed it. My Siberism is my terminology, the language in which Siberians say. "

1 presenter.

Native Siberian speakers,

Like a warm lingerie parks

The lips when frost under forty.

How Omul, extinct almost

No, no, he suddenly shines in the way

Forgotten splash in conversations.

2 presenter.

Native Siberian speakers,

Me you, graze, escape

From all elusive speeches

From smooth smooth bricks,

Where there are no carb

And doves of mischievous

As over you, my hut.

As over you, my fate.

3 presenter.

I was all over the huge world

Ambassador not someone - Siberia,

Although I am not a diplomat at all.

And to the end - in response to the navatam -

Siberian I will be a poet

And the one who does not believe me in this

Well, he does not understand anything.

1 student.

From love for a small homeland, all the books of Rasputin take the origins. It is no coincidence that the fate of the native village of the writer is easily read in the story "Farewell to Mattera", during the construction of a fraternal hydroelectric station that fell into the flood zone. Rasputina Matyre - and the island, and the same village. Three hundred years of year did this place the Russian peasants. But they decided to build a powerful hydroelectric station on the river. The island fell into the flood zone. The whole village had to relocate in the new village on the right bank of the Angara. But this perspective did not please the old men. The soul, for example, grandmother Darya was poured by blood. After all, in the guy not only she grew up. This is the birthplace of her ancestors. And Daria itself considers himself a keeper of the traditions of his people.

(Bookwear "Farewell to Mother")

2 student.

A similar fate has suffered and the village of Atalanka, with which children's years of Rasputin is connected. He was transferred to another place. A writer mother moved to the new atalant. But is it possible to transfer the former life link to a new place? It turned out that there is no. After all, it was not just moving. People had to change the craft. The man-made seas deprived them of the usual gender. Nowhere began to sow bread. Many new pashnes were not suitable: the circle was mainly clay. In the ground, the fertilizers swept tons, but they were little helped. That is why the morals began to change.

1 student: After the publication, the story Rasputin spoke to journalists: "Do not decease - we can no longer return many good traditions. Now we are talking about keeping the remaining, not to abandon them with the same ease and recklessness, as it was until recently. " This is the salvation of land, life, useful traditions - almost all creativity and all social activities of the writer are devoted.

2 student: Tale "Fire". V.G. Rasputin considered "in fact a direct continuation" of the story "Farewell to the Materia". People moved to a new village. Hero Tale I.P. Egorov - neighbor writer in the village of I.E. Slobodchikov. He did not change with the relocation of the village and with the variety of its mistake. Without conscience, without love for Earth, it is impossible to live in any direction.

1 student: The author talks about anyone who does not see the inner fire in the soul of the hero, who is more interested in what the warehouses destroyed. Ivan Petrovich convulously reflected that "the light turned over not immediately, but as we were: it was not necessary, it was not necessary - it was impossible, it was impossible - it was possible, it was considered a shame for the death sin - revered for Dexterity and valor. "

1 student: The fire has highlighted human vices like cowardice, theft,

permissiveness, drunkenness, indifference, sticking elementary justice. But he

also showed that they did not translate our real Russian characters on earth, which

they live according to conscience, honestly work and love their land.

2 student: Rasputin has always been a special attitude towards a woman, mother, old woman. All of his invisible, gentle heroines of the soul is restless and conscientious, they are disturbing that the conscience "thinks" in humans. Its fitful, frivolous and clean old women, all these Annes, Daria, Nastya, Alena steel on the path of evil and fearlessness. Patriarch said somehow: "... White handkerchiefs of grandmothers saved the Orthodox Church from the destruction." Old women Valentina Rasputin, our mothers and women of Russia saved the conscience of the people, fell his soul, inspired forces.

1 student: The story "Last term", which V. Rasputin himself called the main one of his books, touched upon many moral problems. In this work, V. Urasputin showed relations inside the family, raised the problem of respect for parents, very relevant in our time, raised the question of conscience and honor, which touched upon each hero of the story.

2 student. "My grandmother Mary Gerasimovna did not just help me," the writer says, "and he gave all herself, together with talking, character, fate, thinking so that I could write my old woman - Anna in the" last term "and Daria in" Farewell to Mattera " ", Vasilisa in Vasily and Vasilisa. I did not talk to anyone in life

with such interest and with such benefit, as with her, especially when he matured, and she ran away, and she had no place to hurry. "

1 student: Valentin Rasputin is confident that modern young people know poorly his old people, does not appreciate them. And he wants to emphasize that "alone with nature and works, they have not spared all their lives with the truth and God, and did not reveal their lives on the curves of the flip of empty weighing, teachings and passions. I'll get sick again to your gift, on her words addressed to the grandchildren: "I didn't see much, but a lot lived. I had to look at what I was able to look at it, and not looking like you "."

2 student: "Neither the soul does not require so severely, as from a Russian man" ... The story "Livi and Remember" was written in 1974 and was born from the Writer's experienced in childhood and thinking about the village of Willy. Simply and businessly tells the writer about the price of betrayal. Betrayal that has grown out of small concessions

conscience, debt, honor. To destroy yourself, Andrei Guskov ruins the most expensive and beloved people.

1 student: After a heavy injury, Guskov desperately wanted to return to his homeland at least for a short time, just take a look at her Atamanovka, press the novel to his chest, crawl with the old men. But the war went down: she installed her cruel laws. He did not meet any patrol nor checks, did not have picky asked. But avoiding the Tribunal, Guskov still did not leave the court, the court of conscience. He himself turned himself into the burden, who did not mean alive or in the dead. He wanders through the native district, gradually losing the human appearance.

2 student: By changing the soldier's debt, Guskov had betrayed not only himself, but also his wife, which was excited from the village and from the people. Desperate to find a way out of the ending deadlock, Nastya rushes in the icy water of the hangars. For Valentina Rasputin is unacceptable philosophy of all apartments. This consists of a tragic and high moral lesson for present and future generations.

1 student:One of the last rates of Rasputin "Daughter Ivana, Mother Ivana" is based on the real events that occurred with his acquaintances in Irkutsk, and tells about how the heroine of the story became across the usual strength of life, in which the rapist, giving a bribe, can leave unpunished. She herself pecks his retribution - kills the rapist of his daughter from his own hand-made cut. But, according to V.Rasputina: "She still did not know or did not want to say that he would not be able to inform her of this lifetime cortish in demand for conscience and now." The writer succeeds in this terribly simple material to give a picture of the life of modern Russia, to designate all the pain points of today's folk tragedy.

2 student:V.Resputin is known not only as an artistic prose, but also as a bright publicist. He well understood his duty to his homeland and made his moral feat - began to write articles in defense of Baikal, appealed personally to the President of Russia V.V. Putin with a request to protect Baikal, proving, "That Baikal is created as a crown of nature not for production needs, but in order for us to drink water from it, the main thing and invaluable wealth, admire His beauty and breathe him to the opposed air. And this, first of all, you need. "

The result of the conversation with the president was that the branch of the pipeline passes not on the bottom of Baikal, but move away from the Great Lake a few kilometers.

(Under the sound of a song about Baikal Slides about Baikal with quotes V. G. Rasputin from Essay "Baikal in front of me".)

1 Presenter:In the article "Questions, Questions ..." V. G. Rasputin reflects on the conscience, about the village, about young people, about patriotism, about the language, about RUSSIAN, and much more. Read his meditation. You will not regret! And this article ends with such words:

2nd presenter:I believe in the final bright meaning of our existence on earth, that we will support some great goals with my life.

3rd presenter: I believe in good, conquering evil, in the gradual accumulation and union of good, that it will freely be elected by everyone ...

(Video "V.Rasputin. Soul Stores" (before the words about the hero of our time))

1 student: Writer Valentin Rasputin did not work 2 years ago. His departure has become a real loss for Russia. Vladimir Krupin calls his "human tragic premonitions", who appeased to compatriots, not to renounce himself, remember and keep their shrines.

2 student: Creativity Valentina Rasputin is a prophecy that came true in the life of a writer. This appealing to humanity, which has become more relevant today. This is a call to keep in yourself the human and stay by people so that we have a "good heart and the right soul"!

Sell \u200b\u200bRussian Spring
The dam of the enemy circle.
Russia will be saved -
And this is your merit.

Fight unprecedented inhales
Clean the homeland from Smog.
Slap Volga and Baikal -
And this is your sideball.

3 Reads: Healing Russian Soul
People from bitterness and oppression
From the Orthodox Bucket -
And this is your concern.

1 reader: Lord's great somehow
We will take away from the crown.
Light the Sun Russian path
And this is your effort.

March 15, 2017 in MKOU "SOSH№10" Teacher Barova MA in the 6th grade held a All-Russian lesson on the topic: "The lessons of kindness "(according to the story of V. G. Rasputin" Lessons of French ") as part of the study of the heritage of the Russian writer.

The purpose of the lesson:

1. Remove the complex inner world of the hero.

2. Show mental generosity of the teacher, note its role in the boy's life.

3. In the analysis process, designate moral problems raised by the writer in the story.

4. Help the guys to discover inexhaustible reserves of kindness and real beauty.

Pupils 5A, Administration and School Teachers were invited to the lesson.

Form lesson - lesson - thinking.

To achieve the objectives of the lesson, problem learning technologies, ICT technology were used. In search of non-standard ways to solve the problem, a divergent analysis of the actions of heroes was applied, a discussion method was used to provide students with opportunities for finding and consolidating positive standards of life: only following the laws of kindness, an evil can be defeated.

At all stages of the lesson, the atmosphere of psychological comfort was formed - the conditions were influenced by the greater activity of students.

The emotional center of the classes was to comprehend the thought of V. G. Rasputin about the lessons of moral kindness.

Objectives and planned learning results in the lesson are achieved.

Report on the conduct of anniversary eventsdedicated to the 80th anniversary of the writer V.G.Rasputinaaccording to MKOU SOSH number 10

On March 15, 2017, the Russian public celebrates the anniversary of the outstanding Russian playwright, publicist and public figure V.G.Rasputina.

In connection with the anniversary of V.G.Rasputina in MKOU SOSH No. 10 from March 6 to 15, events were conducted on his life and creativity.



Class hour "V.G.Rasputin. Life and creative path of the writer "

Barova MA, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature

Organization of the book exhibition dedicated to the work of V.G.Rasputina, with the invitation of children's library workers

from 06.03.17 to 03/15/17

Frolova TA, School Librarian

The lesson of kindness according to the story V.G.Rasputina "Lessons of French"

Barova MA , teachers of Russian language and literature

Presentation-photo exhibition "Native places V.G.Rasputina"

Lesson - discussion on the stories "Latest Term", "Farewell to Mother"

Kursnikina O.N., Teacher of Russian Language and Literature