How to pickle tomatoes in your own juice recipe. Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter - simple recipes "lick your fingers

How to pickle tomatoes in your own juice recipe. Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter - simple recipes "lick your fingers

A good housewife will make sure to preserve the tomatoes in their own juice for the winter. The recipes for such blanks are presented below.

Tomatoes in store-bought tomato juice

Many housewives are discouraged by the fact that when a jar of pickled tomatoes is opened in winter, most of the brine is poured out. That is, it turns out that the forces and volume of the dishes are not spent very rationally.

It will be much better if you use those conservation methods when pouring tomatoes with pleasure is drunk. But when the harvest does not allow you to cook tomatoes in your own juice for the winter, the recipes of which suggest the presence of a large number of vegetables, you can resort to purchased juice. Here is one of the recipes.

Step 1. The tomatoes are thoroughly washed, the stalks are removed, and allowed to dry.

Only selected fruits can be preserved, without damage or stains. Do not use soft and stale tomatoes. Marinating low-quality tomatoes, the hostess runs the risk - the cans can explode at any moment, and all the work will go down the drain.

Step 2. It is also necessary to prepare spices for canning:

  • Bay leaf;
  • cherry leaves;
  • currant leaves;
  • pepper;
  • cloves;
  • Dill;
  • garlic.

There is no strict regulation here - there is no comrade for taste and color, as they say. Some people prefer to make tomatoes in their own juice with horseradish. This additive will only add spice to the canned food. The hostess first needs to thoroughly clean the horseradish roots and cut them into rings. Only leaves can be used.

Although there is no crime in the event that the hostess decides to do without spices altogether, giving the aroma of leaves, garlic and pepper. Tomatoes even then turn out to be of amazing taste, and even little children drink the juice after them with pleasure.

Step 3. To cook tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization, use heating them with boiling water. This procedure is reminiscent of salting vegetables with a hot marinade.

So, the tomatoes are neatly placed in steamed jars along with spices and seasonings.

Step 4. Then boiling water is poured into the jars. After 5-7 minutes, the water is drained and the procedure is repeated.

Step 5. At this time, prepare the marinade from the juice. To do this, it is poured into a container, sugar and salt are poured at the rate of a tablespoon without a top for one and a half liters and brought to a boil. By the way, if you want to cook sweet tomatoes in your own juice for the winter, you can almost double the sugar portion.

Step 6. After 3 minutes of boiling, add a tablespoon of 9% vinegar to the juice and boil for another couple of minutes.

Step 7. It's time to drain the water from the cans of tomatoes and pour over the boiling marinade. Juice should be poured to the very top so that there is no empty space left in the container.

Step 8. Immediately, the jar is sealed with sterilized metal or glass lids.

Step 9. The sealed containers are turned upside down and wrapped warmly.

Only after cooling can the container with tomatoes marinated in juice be removed to a permanent storage location.

Now there is something to please both family members and guests. It should be noted that these tomatoes taste excellent, everyone treats them with great pleasure.

In the same way, you can cook tomatoes in your own juice with bell pepper. To do this, put the pepper cut into quarters at the very bottom of the cans along the walls. The rest of the recipe does not change.

How to cook tomatoes in their own juice with tomato paste

Store-bought tomato juice is not to everyone's taste, as some people think it contains too many different unnatural additives. But how to make tomatoes in your own juice without having the right amount of vegetables at hand to make natural juice? Experts believe that there is a way out.

Experienced housewives advise preserving tomatoes in their own juice for the winter with tomato paste. Recipes for such blanks suggest using both factory-made pasta and one made with your own hands as filling vegetables.

Master class with step-by-step photos of canning a tomato with tomato paste

Step 1. Selected tomatoes are washed.

Step 2. If desired, the hostess can put spices, herbs and seasonings in jars before laying the tomatoes.

Hot peppers can spoil the taste of the marinade. It can be put in jars only on a ring no more than 2-3 mm wide to give some sharpness - for an amateur.

Step 3. Tomatoes are placed in sterilized glass jars.

Step 4. Boiling water is poured into the banks and left for 5-6 minutes.

Step 5. Then the water is drained and poured a second time, again with boiling water.

Step 6. While the tomatoes are steaming in hot water, prepare the tomato paste marinade. First, it is diluted with cold boiled water, observing the proportions. To do this, you need to take 1 part of the paste and 3 parts of water and mix everything thoroughly.

Step 7. Drain the water from the jars of steamed tomatoes. Boiling tomato juice, reconstituted from pasta and seasoned with sugar and salt, is poured into jars of tomatoes. It is necessary to completely fill the containers so that there is as little free space as possible.

Step 8. The jars are covered with sterile metal or glass lids, previously boiled in water, and sealed. Then they turn the canned food over, put it on the lids so that the bottom is at the top, and wrap it up with something: a blanket, a coat, terry towels.

The longer the heat stays in containers with freshly canned vegetables, the better the workpieces will be, the longer they will stand.

In fact, this method is more environmentally friendly than canning tomatoes with juice from boxes. And the taste of the filling is in no way inferior to that made from natural tomatoes.

Tomatoes in their own juice - a recipe for ages!

The most delicious and healthy are tomatoes, which are canned in freshly squeezed juice. True, the filling for this should be prepared in advance. For juice, you can even use tomatoes with damaged skins, which do not go for laying in jars.

You can not make juice from moldy, infected with late blight and rotten fruits. Otherwise, the tomatoes will not be stored for a long time.

After selecting fruits with cracks and damaged skin, substandard shape and size, they are washed and cut.

Then the tomatoes are passed through a juicer. It is recommended to skip the extractions a couple more times, since after the first extraction there is still a lot of juice in it. For example, 6 kg of tomato produces almost 4 liters of juice. Moreover, the last liter is already squeezed out of the squeeze!

If desired, the resulting juice can be filtered through a fine sieve or cheesecloth to remove the seeds.

After that, salt and sugar are added to the juice, 2 teaspoons without top for every half liter and put on fire.

You should not add vinegar to the juice, as is done when preparing a filling from purchased juice, since there is already enough acid in the natural juice.

During the boil, a foam will appear on the surface of the juice, which must be constantly removed with a spoon or slotted spoon.

After boiling, the juice is boiled for a quarter of an hour - only then can it be considered ready for pouring tomatoes.

Tomatoes are tender and sweet. And the taste of the filling is hard to describe! And even tomato seeds do not spoil the overall impression in the least.

Tomatoes in their own juice with bell pepper and celery

For housewives who do not have a juicer at home, but want to make harvesting tomatoes in their own juice for the winter, there is a recipe that lovers of Italian cuisine use. After all, the filling that remains after the canned tomatoes are taken out of the jar can be used not only as juice, but also as a sauce for lasagna or spaghetti.

Step 1. Tomatoes are washed, large and cracked tomatoes are selected for juice, and small ones are set aside for conservation. For canning 2 kg of small tomatoes, 3.2 kg of large tomatoes are required to make juice from them.

Step 2. Tomatoes, intended for juice, need to be cut and put in a saucepan. Half a liter of water is added there and a bunch of celery tied with thread is placed, about 4-5 branches.

Step 3. Put the pan on the fire and cook until the tomatoes are boiled well.

Step 4. At this time, the bell pepper is peeled from seeds, washed and cut into quarters. For this proportion, ten pieces will be enough.

Step 5. Pierce small tomatoes with a fork so that the skin does not burst during canning.

Step 6. The celery is removed and discarded, and the tomatoes are smashed with a blender right in the pan.

Step 7. The resulting gruel should be rubbed through a sieve to remove pieces of skin and seeds and get a thin and delicate consistency.

Step 8. Add 8 tbsp. To the resulting juice. l. sugar and 3 tbsp. l. salt, again put on low heat, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes with regular stirring so that the juice does not burn.

Step 9. In sterilized jars put 2 leaves of laurel, 3-4 peas of allspice and the same amount of black, 2-3 "cloves" of cloves. Then tomatoes and bell peppers are carefully placed.

Step 10. Tomatoes are poured with boiling water, covered with lids on top and left for 20 minutes.

Step 11. After 20-25 minutes, the water from the cans must be drained, and the contents must be poured with boiling juice.

Step 12. Immediately, the cans should be sealed, turned over and wrapped warmly. Canned food should cool slowly - this contributes to additional sterilization of the contents.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter step by step

Tomatoes can be canned without pouring at all. It is best to use half liter cans for this recipe. Before filling, they are sterilized over steam, putting on the spout of a kettle, in which water is boiling on fire.

If you want to make tomatoes in your own juice with garlic, then put 3 cloves of garlic on the bottom of each jar. Also add 7 peppercorns there. You can also throw a couple of carnations at the bottom.

In each jar they put half a teaspoon of salt and one spoon, also a teaspoon, of sugar.

Be sure to remember! Tomatoes won't last long without citric acid. You need to put it a little - how much to fit on the tip of the knife.

The fruits intended for conservation are selected and washed.

Usually peeled tomatoes are cooked without marinade in their own juice for the winter. But since removing the peel from tomatoes is a troublesome business, you should use a little "grandmother's" secret

Having put the tomatoes in a bowl, they should be doused with boiling water and left to stand for 5 minutes. After that, the water is drained and poured cold. Usually, this procedure is enough to easily remove the entire skin from the fruit.

Now the tomatoes are placed in jars. Large fruits can be cut into halves or even quarters. Small ones put whole. If the harvest is such that all the fruits are large, this recipe is perfect for preserving chopped tomatoes in their own juice for the winter.

The filled jars are covered with sterile lids. To do this, they are boiled for several minutes. A piece of cloth is placed at the bottom of the pan with water in order to avoid splitting the sterilized containers. Install the jars so that their shoulders are hidden by the water. The fire should be moderate under a pot of water.

After the cans have been sterilized for a couple of minutes, you should look under the lid of one of them. The tomatoes should sink down. In this case, tomatoes are added to the container and the jar is again covered with a lid. After the cans are completely filled with tomatoes, and the juice rises to the very neck, you need to continue sterilization for another quarter of an hour.

These delicious tomatoes cooked for the winter in their own juice can stand for 3 years without losing their taste. And preserving them, as you can see from the recipe, is quite simple.

Cherry tomatoes in their own juice - recipe with photo

Perhaps the most delicious and beautiful canned food is obtained in its own juice from cherry tomatoes. These miniature tomatoes taste amazing and look great even when canned.

To make such a preparation for the winter means to provide yourself and your loved ones with a tasty and healthy dish.

For cooking, the hostess will need 2 kg of cherry tomatoes and juice. As you can see from the recipes above, you can use commercial juice reconstituted from pasta and made with your own hands from tomatoes. Juice made from fresh tomatoes is, of course, better, as it is natural, unlike all other options.

Prepare a filling of large tomatoes, washing them, cutting them into pieces.

After boiling them over low heat, grind the mass with a blender or mixer.

Then you should grind the mass through a sieve to remove the seeds and skin of the tomatoes. After this procedure, the juice turns out to be of a finer consistency than just tomato mass crushed with a blender.

Salt 5 tbsp is added to the resulting juice for 3 liters. l. and sugar 6 tbsp. l. You can, if desired, put 5 peppercorns and the same amount of lavrushka leaves in the mass. Some also add cinnamon. It is enough just a little - to take it on the tip of a knife.

Now the juice should be put on the fire again. It is boiled for 15 minutes after boiling, constantly removing the foam formed on the surface.

While the juice is brewing, the hostess sterilizes the jars. They can be put on the spout of a steaming kettle of boiling water. The lids are also sterilized by boiling them.

Plain whole fruits of cherry tomatoes are placed in jars. If you like, you can add garlic and chopped and peeled bell peppers.

Tomatoes are poured with boiling water and kept so for 7 minutes.

Then the water is drained, and the tomatoes are poured with boiling juice. Pour the fill to the very edge of the can. After that, they need to be quickly sealed with lids, turned upside down and covered with a blanket. So canned food should stand until it cools completely, after which it can be put away for storage.

Cherry tomatoes prepared according to this recipe are extremely delicate in taste. And the juice is so tasty and healthy that after opening the can, the contents "evaporate", as they say, so quickly that the hostess does not have time to blink an eye. Of course, this is a joke, but more than half of it is pure truth.

It is shown in more detail how to cook tomatoes in their own juice for the winter, in the video:

Tomatoes in their own juice combines two elements at once - a delicious filling that can be used instead of sauce and, of course, pickled tomatoes.

What could be prepared according to the old grandmother's recipe! In winter, such a roll becomes especially relevant and is the first to fly off the table. But the old time-tested tastes sometimes get bored, and the soul requires something new, aromatic and unusual. And then it's time to get tomatoes in their own juice.

A simple recipe for a tomato in its own juice for the winter without sterilization

Tomatoes in their own juice are a tasty and healthy snack in winter. The tomatoes themselves can be used in cooking, and the resulting marinade can be drunk instead of juice - it is infused and becomes unusually tasty.

Today I will share with you a recipe for tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization, as well as without unnecessary impurities and additives. This recipe is quite simple to prepare, and the tomatoes are whole, even and beautiful.

We need:

  • 3 kg of not very large, even tomatoes, plum-shaped;
  • 2 kg of overripe fleshy fruits of tomatoes;
  • three large tablespoons of salt without top and the same amount of sugar;
  • 120 ml vinegar.

How to cook:

Choice of juicy, medium-sized tomatoes of the same size and degree of maturity, and overripe fleshy tomatoes of any size are suitable for juicing.

It will be great if the small tomatoes are about the same size. They must be washed well and pierced with a toothpick in several places, at least about 4 holes must be made. This will ensure the integrity of the fruits, they will not burst when poured with boiling juice.

We put them on the shoulders in pre-washed jars.

Next, we need a fill. She needs tomato juice, the cleaner it is, the better. So you can get it either by boiling tomatoes and rubbing them through a cloth to a state of puree, either a food processor or a juicer. I choose the second method, it is much more convenient and time-saving. As a last resort, to make juice, you can grate the tomatoes and pass through cheesecloth.

Pour the resulting tomato juice into a saucepan, boil it, and then add salt and sugar, pour vinegar. Be sure to try the filling - if the juice turns out to be tasteless, the point in making pickling disappears. At this stage, the marinade can be corrected by adding salt or sugar, acid. Boil the marinade and stir to the bottom with a spoon.

After that, pour the finished juice into cans of tomatoes almost to the top and cover them with lids, which were previously doused with boiling water.

Carefully cover the jars with a lid, close them and turn them upside down. We wrap it in a blanket until it cools completely.

Tomatoes prepared according to this recipe in their own juice are well stored both in the cellar and at room temperature in a dark place.

These are the mouth-watering tomatoes in our own juice. Enjoy cooking!

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter - a recipe with tomato paste

The recipe for cooking tomatoes in their own juice based on pasta is distinguished by its simplicity. For him, you do not need to cut and grind tomatoes, especially if there is no combine or juicer in the house.

To make tomato juice, we need:

  • 150 g tomato paste;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar (add more to taste):
  • one teaspoon of salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper;
  • a slice of hot pepper.
  • we also take 1.5 kg of small, even tomatoes.


  1. First, we need to boil water.
  2. Put the tomato paste in a bowl and pour some hot water into it, mix the mass well - tomato paste does not dissipate well in a large volume of liquid.
  3. Add tomato gruel to a pot of water.
  4. We put spices in the future juice, salt and pepper it, taste it, if desired, adjust it with additives. Leave the juice to boil for 5-7 minutes.
  5. At this time, we rinse the tomatoes well and cut off their ass, pierce the tomato with a fork on the opposite side.
  6. We prepare small jars - pour boiling water over them in advance or sterilize them over boiling water for at least 7 minutes. We fill the jars with tomatoes.
  7. The filling is already ready - fill it up to the neck of a can filled with tomatoes.

All that remains is to roll up our winter stock and send it to the pantry. In winter, you will be surprised at the pleasant taste of this salting!

Tomato recipe in its own juice with citric acid

Citric acid is an excellent preservative that does not have harmful additives and does not harm our health. This method of conservation will pleasantly surprise you with its simplicity and speed. Also, cans preserved with citric acid never explode.

For a 3-liter jar of tomato, we will take:

  • small tomatoes - about 2 kg;
  • 8 pieces of black peppercorns;
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid powder
  • 8 pieces of allspice;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • a few bell peppers;
  • for the preparation of the filling, we use 4 kg of overripe tomatoes.


  1. For this recipe, we will try to reduce our efforts and will not filter the filling, we will cut the overripe tomatoes into smaller ones and send them to a large saucepan.
  2. Now we need to put the jars on sterilization for 10 - 15 minutes and start preparing the filling.
  3. Put the chopped tomatoes on the fire, boil for 10 minutes and add pepper and garlic to them.
  4. We taste the marinade, add citric acid, salt and add sugar, if the tomato sauce is not sweet. The marinade should cook for another 10 minutes. In this seaming, in addition to whole tomatoes, there will also be cut ones, as for a sauce.
  5. We put pepper and lavrushka in the jars at the bottom, put tomatoes in rows, chopped on both sides.
  6. Cut the pepper into quarters and place it in the remaining empty spaces.
  7. Pour the marinade into prepared jars and immediately roll them up, closing the lid with boiled water.

It remains only to wait for our salting to cool down and enjoy its interesting taste!

Sweet tomatoes in their own juice for the winter

Two-in-one salting, which does not require a lot of effort in cooking!

For the marinade, we need:

  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 - 3 allspice peas,
  • 3 carnations.

How to cook:

First, we will blanch the tomatoes. Bring 2 liters of water to a boil.

On each tomato we make an incision with a cross.

Gradually lower all the tomatoes in boiling water for 1 - 2 minutes, take out each batch with a slotted spoon and immerse in cold water.

We peel the tomatoes - if you blanched them correctly, it will not be difficult.

We fill the jars with tomatoes, add salt and sugar, put cloves and pepper.

We prepare a saucepan that will fit all the jars, put them in it and pour water so that it reaches the neck of the jars. The jars should be sterilized under closed lids for 25 minutes.

After that, we roll up the cans and remove them to cool.

Cooked tomatoes are distinguished by a sweet and delicate taste, shaded by the aroma of cloves. When cooking, they shrink a lot, so it is better to spread one of the cans over all the others, hammering them to the top after sterilization.

Tomatoes in their own juice with horseradish and garlic

We roll up sweet tomatoes using purchased tomato juice - 2 liters. In any case, you can take any kind of juice you like.


  • hard, slightly unripe tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 250 g;
  • chopped horseradish - a quarter of a glass;
  • garlic - a quarter cup;
  • salt and sugar - 4 tablespoons each with a small slide.


  1. Pour the finished juice into a saucepan and leave to boil.
  2. Throw salt, sugar, seasonings of your choice into the marinade, gently mix the mixture and leave to simmer for 4 - 5 minutes.
  3. Put the tomatoes in rows in a jar and sprinkle them with a tablespoon of sugar.
  4. Grind horseradish rhizome with a meat grinder or grater.
  5. We do the same with garlic.
  6. For the indicated amount of tomatoes, we need to take a quarter of a glass of already ground garlic and horseradish.
  7. In each jar, you must put 4 tablespoons of chopped horseradish and garlic
  8. Fill cans of tomatoes with cooked juice and pasteurize them for 15 minutes.

We roll up the resulting pickles and get wonderful tomatoes "in the snow" in their own juice!

Bon appetit and see you new recipes!

The best pickled vegetable recipes

tomatoes in their own juice for the winter recipes

4 cans, 1 liter

40 minutes

30 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

In summer and autumn, we actively preserve fruits and vegetables. I have a small area where all the plants I need grow. My son and I really love tomatoes in any form, but especially fresh ones. Unfortunately, they do not last until winter, so we harvest tomatoes in all possible ways.

Tomatoes in their own juice in a peel

Necessary kitchen utensils and utensils: liter cans, lids, juice container, spoon and toothpick.


How to choose the right tomatoes

  • It is best to use small tomatoes for preservation.
  • Examine vegetables for stains and rot. They look whole, but very soft tomatoes cannot be canned, they have already begun to deteriorate.
  • Homemade tomatoes are very juicy and spoil faster, so they must be carefully selected.
  • Choose dense fruits, such tomatoes keep their shape well and will not turn into porridge when preserved. If you bought tomatoes at the market or store, cut them up before canning.
  • It happens that the fruits are red and beautiful in appearance, hard and white on the inside. They should not be used, they will remain tough after processing.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter - a step by step recipe

Tomatoes in their own juice: cooking video

Tomatoes in their own juice. The easy way. Well, very tasty preparation!

Hello everyone! Glad that you are on my channel! I offer an easy recipe for tomatoes in their own juice. I wish everyone successful preparations for the winter and thank you for your views and likes!
Here are my other recipes About food:

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Tomatoes in their own juice, without peel

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 6 cans, 1 liter capacity.
  • Necessary kitchen utensils and utensils: knife, 6 cans, teaspoon and tablespoon and container for sterilization.


Step by step recipe

Video recipe

Pickled tomatoes without skin! Preparations for the winter.

Pickled tomatoes without skin! A wonderful, delicious recipe for harvesting a tomato for the winter! The recipe is in the description below, details in the video!
Recipe for 1 liter jar: tomatoes - how many will fit; bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.; cloves - 2-3 pcs.; salt - 1 teaspoon with a slide; sugar - 1-2 tsp; vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon.

Hello, friends! We will make another preparation for the winter today. Pickled tomatoes without skin. We bought a medium sized “cream” tomato. They are denser and fleshy. Wash the tomatoes and pour boiling water. We leave for five minutes. Then you need to drain the water and pour over the tomatoes with cold water. This will make it easier to peel them off. We peel the tomatoes and cut off the tail. Let's prepare the banks. At the bottom of each jar we put a couple of bay leaves and several sticks of cloves. A full heaped teaspoon of salt, 2 teaspoons of sugar and one tablespoon of 9% vinegar. Peeled the tomatoes and warm them up a little. We lay out the peeled and heated tomatoes in jars. We put it as tightly as possible. In this way. The filled cans were topped up with the remaining juice. We place them in a container for sterilization. We bait the covers. We sterilize one hour from the moment of boiling. After sterilization, tighten the lids tightly.
Turn the closed jars upside down, wrap them well with a blanket and leave for 12 hours or until they cool completely. We've got such wonderful blanks from tomatoes.
Cook with us! Bon Appetit!



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How to store

  • It is best to store any blanks in the basement. It is ideal for this, as it is cooler in summer and much warmer in winter than outside. The disadvantage of some basements is high humidity, because of it the lids on the cans deteriorate.
  • But this is in the event that you keep the seaming for too long. If you don't have a basement, but have some utility rooms, they can also be used for storage. The main thing is that in winter the temperature in them does not fall below zero.
  • Many people store workpieces in the pantry, and rightly so, quite a suitable place. If you have a large apartment, you can equip a separate corner for storing conservation. In a small apartment with a clogged pantry, you can store jars in kitchen cabinets or in any nook and cranny.
  • The main thing is to keep it away from radiators or other heating devices. Preservation prepared according to all the rules will be perfectly preserved at room temperature.

What to file with

  • Such tomatoes can be served as an appetizer for meat or fish. Tomatoes are perfect for any potato dish. It can be mashed potatoes, fried or boiled potatoes in their skins.
  • For porridge and pasta, such a blank will also be a great addition.
  • They can be used not only as an appetizer, but also as a dressing for borscht, meat and vegetable stews. They can be a substitute for fresh tomatoes, tomato juice and tomato paste. Bean dishes can be prepared with these tomatoes.
  • You can sterilize the jars with hot steam. To do this, you will need a saucepan and a metal sieve that is large enough to cover the saucepan. Place a pot of water on the fire and cover it with a sieve to keep it stable. Place the cans on top with the necks down. So they should stand over the steam for 10 minutes. The lids can be simply boiled in any container.
  • Cherry tomatoes in their own juice are prepared in the same way as regular tomatoes. I recommend canning them with the skin because they are small and will take a very long time to peel.
  • Tomatoes in their own juice are sometimes prepared with tomato paste. Take 500 g tomato paste, 500 ml water, 100 g sugar 60 g and salt. Boil this marinade for 15 minutes and pour over the tomatoes as indicated in the first recipe.

Recipe options

  • I recommend the recipe for tomatoes for the winter "Lick your fingers."
  • There is also. They will be a great snack and addition to any meal.
  • If you haven't found a recipe that's right for you, check out other recipes for preserving tomatoes for the winter.

It is summer now! Hot season, rich in fruits and vegetables. You need to have time to eat them to your fill, while they are maximally rich in vitamins and microelements. And we need to stock up for the winter, so that even then, we do not experience a lack of them. In addition, vegetables can not only be served on the table as a delicious appetizer, but also delicious dishes can be prepared from them.

For example, many dishes are prepared with tomatoes. And than buying them in a store with all sorts of preservatives, it is better to cook your own, homemade. Of course, this idea requires a lot of time. But what can't you do to cook wholesome and healthy food for your loved ones.

In addition, if you take into account that all this is not cheap in the store, then you can probably work hard in the summer. For example, a jar of tomatoes in their own juice costs about 80 rubles. And in a jar there are only 5-6 pieces. That is, they are just enough to cook only udin supper. But the winter is long, you have to cook a lot of lunches and dinners. And if there are supplies, then cooking with them is somehow more fun.

I have already described how to preserve in one of the notes. And today, let's prepare tomatoes in their own juice for the winter. They turn out to be very tasty. However, the juice in which they are prepared is no less tasty.

They taste like fresh tomatoes, but only sweet and salty. They are also good as an appetizer, and there is simply no substitute for them for the preparation of second courses. So, for example, a real one in winter can be cooked with these blanks. And not only his, but also many other dishes.

Therefore, in the harvesting season, I try to prepare as many such jars as possible. And today I am sharing with you a recipe for cooking. Moreover, this recipe can be safely called "Lick your fingers", the fruits themselves and the juice are so tasty. And when you eat another tomato, every time you lick your fingers. So don't forget about it when you try it!

Tomatoes in their own juice without sterilization - a simple recipe

The calculation of products is given for two liter cans. The calculation of salt and sugar is given per liter of juice.

We need:

  • Tomatoes - 1.3 kg
  • Tomatoes for juice - 1.7 kg
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Peppercorns - 6 peas
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoon
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Wash liter jars with dishwashing detergent. Then sterilize. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil. Then put a colander in it, and in it the jar with the neck down. Leave for 10 minutes, during which time the can is completely steam-treated and becomes sterile.

2. Pour boiling water over the lids, also for 10 minutes.

3. After the jars have been sterilized, immediately cover them with lids.

4. Select small fruits for placing in jars. I use plum varieties, or they are also called "ladies' fingers". They are firm, resilient, fleshy. And they will definitely not fall apart, not during processing. nor during storage.

And we will need large juicy tomatoes for juicing. I also have ladies' fingers, but you can also use large ripe and meaty varieties.

The most important thing is that both are delicious. From tasty raw materials, you get a delicious final product. This is an axiom!

5. Cut large specimens into two halves and twist them through a meat grinder.

  • You can also chop them coarsely, put them in a saucepan, and warm them up with the lid closed, but do not bring them to a boil. But in this case, it is better to first remove the skin from the tomatoes.
  • Or you can use a juicer. Those residues that remain after the first spin can be passed through the juicer one or two more times. In this case, the juice will also be without skin and seeds.

6. In both cases, after one of the procedures, put the fruits in a sieve and grind them. We put a pan down, into which the juice will be filtered without seeds and skin. Of course, if this is not important, then you can leave them with the seeds. But still, it's better not to be lazy and wipe it down.

7. The specimens that will be put in jars are better to be peeled. This is very easy to do. Fill them all with boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain the water and pour over them with cold water. Then, picking up the skin with a knife, easily remove it.

8. Again, you can leave them with the skin. But in this case, use a toothpick to make several punctures in the area of ​​the stalk. Then the skin will not burst, and the fruits will retain their beautiful appearance.

I decided not to be lazy, and took off the rough skin. In winter, this product can be used immediately for cooking.

9. Put the tomato juice on the fire, add salt and sugar, peppercorns and garlic, which can be cut into halves.

10. Bring to a boil. Cover with a lid so that the water does not evaporate and boil for 20 minutes. If foam appears, remove it.

11. In parallel with this, we boil water in a kettle.

12. We put whole tomatoes in a jar, stacking them more tightly.

13. Fill them with boiling water from a kettle. And cover with a metal lid. We leave for 10-15 minutes.

14. Then remove the metal cover and put on the plastic cover with holes. We drain the water into a saucepan and set it to boil again.

15. Let it simmer for 2-3 minutes, and pour the fruits for another 10-15 minutes. Do not forget to cover with a metal lid. Drain the water again.

16. Immediately fill them with boiled tomato juice to the very neck. If you didn’t let the juice boil too much, then it’s just enough for two cans. I only have a couple of spoons left. But, in order not to be mistaken, you can make a little more juice. He will not be lost. There are those who want to try it right away.

17. Cover with a metal lid. It is good if the excess juice slightly flows out of the can. This means that there is no air left in the jar.

18. Let stand for 5 minutes, twist the jar from side to side so that no air bubbles remain. Tighten the lid with a seaming machine.

  • They are also closed with screw caps, but I trust more preservation, which is rolled up with a seaming machine.

19. Turn the jar over and place it on the lid on a towel. Cover with a thick blanket or large towel and leave in this position for 24 hours. During this period, the sterilization process continues. Then remove the blanket and check if the banks are leaking. If you did not break the process and tighten them tightly, then everything should be fine.

20. Then the banks can be turned over and rearranged in an accessible place for observation. Watch for three weeks. If during this time the lid did not swell and the juice did not become cloudy, then the whole process was successful. If the lid is swollen, then such a blank cannot be eaten!

But for sure, you can add half a teaspoon of 70% vinegar essence. In this case, you can be 100% sure that they will be perfectly stored right up to the vein.

I bring to your attention a video recipe for greater clarity.

But there is another way in which sterilization is indispensable.

How to cook tomatoes in their own juice with sterilizing cans

  • We do everything the same as in the previous recipe. But you don't need to pour boiling water over the tomatoes beforehand.
  • You need to prepare tomato juice using one of the above methods, boil it for 10-15 minutes over low heat.
  • Then pour the prepared fruits over them. And put the jars with the contents in water for sterilization for 20-25 minutes.
  • Pull out the jar one at a time, and immediately close it with a lid using a seaming machine. Then get the second one and close it too.

How to properly sterilize jars of vegetables

  • We take a large saucepan, spread a thick layer of gauze or cloth on its bottom.
  • We put jars in the pan
  • Pour water at room temperature, or slightly lukewarm, into a saucepan. So much water is needed so that it reaches the narrowing of the can, or, as they say, "up to the shoulders."
  • Bring the water to a boil
  • We reduce the heat to such that the water boils slightly, but does not boil
  • We sterilize for as long as indicated in the recipe.

The sterilization time may be different for each recipe. It depends on what kind of product we want to prepare. There are so-called "capricious" products, they should be sterilized longer than less "capricious" ones.

To be sure, before pouring tomato juice into the jars, you can add a crushed aspirin tablet. 1 tablet per liter jar. This is additional acid and will keep the jars safe for a long time. In the previous recipe, I described this procedure in detail.

In conclusion, I would like to say that tomatoes in their own juice are the most delicious of all, which are also preserved. And they can be considered with all certainty the recipe "You will lick your fingers." They turn out to be fresh in taste. And salt and sugar only enhance this dignity. When you open the jar and start pulling them out one by one, it is almost impossible to stop until the last one is eaten.

Bon Appetit!

Tomatoes in slices in their own juice are a tasty, healthy and versatile preparation for the winter. Such tomatoes are a real lifesaver for any housewife. Tomatoes added during cooking in their own juice will enrich and decorate the taste of any dish - from sauces and gravies to soups, pasta, various stews and casseroles.

On our site there are several options for such a template: and.

If it were not for the stage of peeling the tomato from the skin, the recipe could also be called the laziest, it is so simple and easy to harvest tomatoes according to this recipe.

Tinned in this way, with the addition of a minimum amount of additional components, tomatoes have a fresh natural taste, are undemanding to storage conditions and are an excellent base or a bright addition to a wide variety of dishes.

Prepare the ingredients according to the list. For canning tomatoes in slices in their own juice for the winter, according to this recipe, you can use any varieties of tomatoes. I have a mixture of cherry tomatoes and cream. You will also need regular (non-sea) table salt and some citric acid.

Wash the tomatoes and remove the stalks. Use a skewer or toothpick to pierce the skin in several places.

Pour boiling water over the prepared tomatoes and leave for a few minutes.

Peel the tomatoes. To do this, drain the hot water and place the tomatoes in a container with cold water. After that, the skin will separate from the pulp and it will be very easy to peel the tomatoes.

Add 1–2 pinches of salt to the bottom of each jar and a little citric acid on the tip of a knife. Cut the peeled tomatoes, depending on the size, into halves or quarters and place in prepared sterilized jars.

Fill the jars by stacking the tomato slices tightly. When stacking tomatoes, shake the jar periodically so that there are no voids with air. Use a tool of a suitable diameter to press the tomato layers tightly. This is the case when a reverent approach is not needed. In the process of such manipulations, part of the juice will be released even during the process of placing tomatoes in jars.

Cover the filled jars of tomatoes with lids and place in a container with warm water. Bring water to a boil and simmer for 40 minutes. I use 0.5 liter cans, if you use larger cans, increase the time proportionally.

At the end of the sterilization process, close the jars of tomatoes in their own juice with prepared sterilized lids. Turn over and wrap until cool.

For comparison, on the left in the photo - tomatoes preserved in their own juice, filled with tomato juice, cooked separately. On the right are tomatoes prepared according to this recipe. Depending on the variety and juiciness of the tomato, the juice may turn out to be more transparent or, conversely, thicker, with an intense color.

Tomatoes in slices in their own juice are ready.

You can also use lemon juice or vinegar in small amounts instead of citric acid, but I prefer citric acid because, unlike the first two options, it does not give a noticeable and pronounced aftertaste.