Character from drawings on paper. What our doodles are talking about

Character from drawings on paper.  What our doodles are talking about
Character from drawings on paper. What our doodles are talking about

A drawing created by a child without the help and intervention of adult family members is a rare opportunity to see the real state of the forming psyche.

Deciphering children's drawings makes it possible to conduct a mini-analysis and take action when detecting alarming symptoms. The child will not even pay attention to the work being done, which means he will be relieved of another stress.

Picturesque diagnostics show:

  1. correspondence of the level of personal development to the actual age;
  2. likes and dislikes in the family and children's team;
  3. priorities and foundation of an emerging nature;
  4. fears and hidden feelings;
  5. secret desires.

The psychology of children's drawings is a science, having mastered which, you can learn to understand your child without words.

Assessment of the compliance of the child's developmental level with his age through drawing

Each age, if we are not talking about children of genius, has characteristic pictorial techniques and features. Assessment of the quality of the first masterpieces makes it possible to correlate the level of development of the baby with his age. Drawing, as one of the favorite activities of all children, is a great opportunity to develop skills and vocabulary the child, immediately assessing the effectiveness of the classes.

A prerequisite is non-interference in the drawing process. The psychology of children's drawings is not distorted only in the case of a complete absence of young artist external hints. Having received the task to draw a tree, the child should not be guided by any similar illustrations in the book, or by advice from adults, or by diagrams and step by step instructions... Even from a direct answer to the question of how to draw a particular object, it is better to tactfully leave. It is enough to invite the child to “invent” this element on his own. The drawing should become a reflection of his personality, then the results of the analysis will be correct.

  • A drawing of a child under 3 years old most often consists of color spots and lines. It is the color that becomes the main object of decoding for the psychologist. By the age of three, the elements acquire their characteristic contours, and when depicting close people, even the details of the figure. The image of the family may look like a set of "cucumbers" and sticks, but the characters' legs and arms are already clearly reflected.
  • The plot is typical for the age of 4-5 years. The child is able to tell what exactly he portrayed, as well as the background of what was drawn. Difficulties with the transmission of the plot should lead parents to the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe need to devote more time to developing speech skills. By the age of 5, faces appear in the drawings, family members receive specific traits, their clothes and related items become overgrown with details. It is the details and their proportions that become the object of study and analysis.
  • The drawing of a child of 6-7 years old reflects not only his imagination, but also his skills. All sorts of drawing schemes are used. It is already much more difficult to isolate your own "I" from the image of the family in the form of your favorite cartoon ponies. Decryption children's drawing stumbles over copying the handwriting of a friend or teacher. To obtain correct results, it is necessary to evaluate the picture as a whole, take into account the arrangement of objects, and their sizes, and their relationships within the framework of the illustration. The relative proportionality of objects and their elements is characteristic only of 7-8 years of age.

Deciphering the hidden meaning in children's drawings

Analyzing a child's drawings is like solving a puzzle. Only a qualified psychologist can conduct it in detail, but every parent must master the elementary principles of decoding.


First pictorial technique and most important. Toddlers rarely mix colors, so the analysis is based on primary colors. The predominance of one tone in the whole picture speaks of the baby's preoccupation with any event or phenomenon. The abundance of colors is about versatile interests and the absence of a problem that occupies all thoughts.

  • A dark pattern with an abundance of blackness, gray and burgundy, which turned out this way not due to the absence of other colors, speaks of depression and tormenting fears.
  • O good mood signals saturation in yellow and orange.
  • Red is a symbol of rapid excitability and even aggression, but it is necessary to draw a conclusion about such inclinations only after analyzing the rest of the details.
  • Blue and its shades betray a self-absorbed personality, while green is a sign of boredom. A preschooler who regularly uses herbal shades should clearly be sent to the section, even if he already visits one.
  • Purple is the color of dreamers.
  • Brown is a sign of anxiety and self-esteem problems.

At the same time, the psychology of children's drawing is not so simple. Many mothers, having read books, in horror drag the child to a psychologist, noticing the predominance of black in his work. Yes, this color is considered a sign of anxiety, but it also speaks of the desire to highlight a significant object with contrast.

Graphics are not a sign of problems, but a manifestation of a desire for discipline, especially if there are no other reasons for concern.


The relationship of objects inside a child's drawing is a mirror of his thoughts. Family members huddled tightly to each other symbolize mutual understanding. Parents who find themselves in the corner of a child's drawing should think about allocating more time for communication.

The most significant person will always be depicted in the center and largest.

An empty center speaks of low self-esteem and inner emptiness. Image at this position inanimate objects speaks of concern financial situation... The dreamer gives out the habit of drawing figures not fixed on a solid surface. An overly drawn line of the earth speaks of lack of confidence in one's abilities.

Family members, shown in large and detailed, have a greater influence on the child. The absence of any of the relatives in the image speaks of a conflict. Subconsciously, the child is trying to throw this family member out of his head and life. The clasped hands of the drawn speak of intimacy and trust.

Often the subtext of a child's drawing is intuitive. The state of comfort is indicated by the dimensions of the parts relative to the proposed canvas. The selfish nature will be betrayed by the filling of the space with a self-portrait. In the drawing, an internally lonely child and his "avatar" will be lonely and small, possibly squeezed into a corner.

Thin arms and legs demonstrate an understanding of concern about their own physical weakness. Big head in the child's drawing - a sign of self-absorption. Excessive elegance own figure warns parents about the importance of evaluating others for a particular young artist.

Image style and characteristics

Children are practically not familiar with drawing techniques, so the manner of writing reflects inner world nothing less than color and composition. A balanced baby covers the paper with strokes equal to the pressure, his lines are calm. Intermittent, uneven pressure, pencil breakage and jumping from one object to another indicate anxiety and hyperactivity. A capricious kid may not finish the drawing at all, ignoring all the persuasions.

The portrayal of family members betrays the child's perception of each of them. Dad's austerity will manifest itself in rigid parallel shading, sister's frivolity - in drawing her curls, even if in reality she has straight hair.

Alarms in a child's drawing

The psychology of children's drawing is a litmus for parents, the ability to quickly notice a problem and respond.

  • Predominance brown flowers may talk about problems with the child's health that have not yet made themselves felt, it is possible that he feels weak, often gets tired.
  • Carefully depicted big eyes talk about hidden fears. Their absence, like the absence of a mouth, warns of communication problems.
  • Family members placed on the opposite side of the sheet by the child should consider restoring trust.
  • Fantastic worlds with elves and extraterrestrial beings who touch their parents so much, they often talk about discomfort in real world.
  • The appearance of animals with clearly traced fangs and claws is a sign of suppressed aggression.
  • The most alarming sign is the absence of the child himself in the picture of the family. He does not find a place for himself in home, which reflects subconsciously in the picture.


The correctness of the information obtained from the decoding of children's drawings is ensured by the fulfillment of several conditions.

  1. The child is provided with a maximum of flowers and a sheet of paper big size;
  2. The drawing is done with pencils, which make it possible to evaluate the pressure;
  3. The child is not given any prompts during work, he is left to himself.

Talking to the child about the drawing will also help family members learn more about their mental state.

/ What do the drawings that we unknowingly draw mean?

What do the drawings that we unknowingly draw mean?

People don't always paint in order to create a masterpiece. Sometimes the hand begins to unconsciously draw pictures on paper while we are driving interesting conversation by phone or listening to a report at a meeting. Have you ever wondered what the resulting images mean? Psychologists have repeatedly proved that the drawings that a person unconsciously draws are a reflection of his inner self.

The sun

The heavenly body reminds people of warmth or good mood. From this we can conclude that the person who draws the sun on a piece of paper is happy with the conversation. He likes the opponent or is interested in the story of the interlocutor. Also, the sun can speak of a lack of communication. While talking, you may unknowingly dream of a walk in the park in big company friends. Maybe it's time to realize your inner desires?


Chamomile, roses and other beautiful vegetation on paper speaks of a good disposition. Flowers are drawn by sympathetic people who love to offer help to everyone in need. It is likely that the person on the other end of the line needs support, and you feel it. If the drawing is presented in the form of flowers in a vase, one can judge about some emotional discomfort of the author of the picture. A person feels emptiness, the need to recharge with new impressions.

Chess field

Psychologists consider drawings in the form of a chessboard as a subconscious desire of a person to make the right decision. You stand in front of difficult choice and are afraid to make a fatal mistake. At the same time, the situation is such that it is impossible to deviate from the answer, only in favor of losing. There is a slightly different interpretation if the picture appears too often in the personal collection. Constant drawing chess board on paper, it can talk about hidden complexes or even fears of nature.


A notebook filled with a print of hearts does not necessarily mean that the author of the image is in love. A pretty figure primarily symbolizes the emotional background of the personality. People who love to draw hearts are open to others, they are somewhat suspicious and prone to reckless actions. Overflowing with emotions causes the need to throw out the accumulated energy outside, but the person continues to wear the mask of inaccessibility. Here you should pay attention to the size of the figure. Large hearts speak of secrecy and inner feelings. A huge number of small figures display frank natures who are not shy about their own feelings and emotions.

Circles and spirals

Simple and unpretentious lines are drawn by people indifferent to the conversation. Communication with the interlocutor bored you, with every second you are overwhelmed with irritation. You can look at the situation from the other side. As psychologists are convinced, patterns in the form of circles and lines like to deduce secretive natures who prefer to be protected from any worries.


It is not hard to guess that the numbers represent material values. Unconscious spelling of account symbols indicates an obsession with financial issues. It can be assumed that a person is trying to come up with a win-win scheme for earning money or mentally calculate the amount of income. A less optimistic version is that the writer cares about endless debts. A person does not know how to get out of a deep swamp, subconsciously looking for a way out.


Do you often draw stars on paper? Well, you can be called a purposeful and positive-minded nature. People who subconsciously "paint" asterisks always strive to look for simple ways problem solving, they prefer not to dwell on the negative. Also, the five-pointed figures symbolize the desire to remain in the spotlight and win the positive opinion of society. A not too joyful interpretation is only suitable for situations where the artist depicts a star with big amount rays. In this case, it makes sense to talk about a person's depressive experiences.

Geometric figures

Such drawings are more like a drawing than a picture. Circles, triangles, squares, rhombuses and other figures usually depict volitional natures aimed at obtaining the most effective result. They are characterized by prudence, bordering on the habit of planning every step. the main problem such people - the inability to relax. Try to forget about control for at least a second and plunge into spontaneity.


You can draw an ordinary arrow, or you can depict a real arrow of an Indian - this does not change the essence. In any case, such a figure means life position person. If the arrow looks to the left, you can talk about the fixation of nature on the events of the past. The downward tip indicates the selfishness of the individual and the desire to satisfy only his own needs. The pointer to the right is a symbol of a person's dependence on the opinions of others, the fear of not being understood. Finally, an upward-facing arrow signifies a focus on the future, the formation of plans and strategies.

Figures of people and animals

Each figure can be interpreted in different ways. For example, the image of a person often coincides with uncertainty, a desire for help. If the figure is drawn schematically (a circle, a triangle and four sticks), the author of the picture is distinguished by emotional constraint and a tendency to loneliness. As for the animals, it all depends on the animal you choose. Tigers, lions and other predators usually symbolize aggression, foxes - cunning, and rodents - fear or the need for affection.

Draw during a lesson, couple, meeting or telephone conversation some abstract figures: ovals, triangles, lines, sometimes something meaningful, for example, flowers, animals, little men.

Stop! Do you often draw people?

Then the information below is just for you! I advise you to find your latest "masterpiece" and carefully examine it.

Psychologists interviewed many people, revised great amount drawings and came to the conclusion that there is often a direct connection between a person's character traits and his drawing on a piece of paper.

Or maybe you are interested in learning something new about the people with whom you have been in contact for a long time? Invite them to draw a little man! Surprises and surprises are guaranteed for everyone.

Let's start with the head. It was found that a man's head will tell about abilities, for example, if it is round, then the artist has a tendency towards mathematics, the ability to think logically.

If the drawing has an oval head, then, of course, there is an ability for the humanities and understanding of people. Oblong or broad will indicate artistic talent and an affinity for linguistics. Well, the triangular one will confirm manual (create with your hands) and technical abilities.

Let's take a look at the hair, which will tell us about human intelligence. If individual hairs are depicted on paper, then we can conclude that the author is the owner of an analytical, critical mindset. Curls or thick curls indicate that the person who painted them has a brilliant mind and intellect. creative personality... If a man with a bald head appeared before you, then you should know: the artist has a prudent, calm mind with good memory.

Let's talk about the face.
First, the mouth, which reveals the attitude towards the world and people. If he is big and smiling, then the person has a calm, optimistic, benevolent attitude towards others. Is your mouth small and smiling?

This means that the author treats people with understanding, kindly and mercifully. If you have a straight elongated line in front of you, note that the person is a realist who requires understanding from people. A pessimist who is careful in dealing with people will not paint a mouth at all.

Secondly, the eyes, which symbolize the world of human feelings. Round eyes - a stormy emotional and spiritual life, eyes-dots will draw shy and restrained in emotions. Well, you can figure out the romance right away: he will draw the pupils.

Look at your eyebrows. A person of strict rules will depict straight lines, and a neat and conscientious person will portray a crescent.

We paid attention to the eyelashes, if they are, then the author is undoubtedly a romantic nature.
Have you gifted the little man with ears? Hang on to your mustache: you are communicating with an idealist.

The next, rather important detail of the drawing is the torso.
If it is round, then kindness, generosity, indulgence towards oneself and people overwhelm a person. The oval body symbolizes that the author knows how to get along well and cooperate with people. Is the torso a thin line? This means that the person who painted has individuality, stubbornness, and sometimes selfishness.

Was the man awarded the navel? The artist's sense of humor is more than enough.

Take a close look at the arms and legs, they talk about the attitude to work: fat - the author works only for the money, he is also quite ambitious, diligent, productive. The conservative will draw straight sticks. In addition, he is patient, hard-working, striving for stability. If you see sticks in motion, then the person has the makings of a leader, a creative personality. He can make decisions quickly.

If an outfit is drawn in detail on paper, then the person is rather thrifty and modest. Absence will indicate generosity and wastefulness. The calculating and careful in business will draw clothes symbolically. A taciturn or punctual person is likely to add jewelry: earrings, bracelets, watches.

And finally, if a person is gambling, daredevil or daredevil, then he will definitely indicate the gender of his character.

Surely, each of us more than once "scribbled" something at boring lectures, meetings, while talking on the phone. We draw some kind of curls, draw animals and men and do not even suspect that they can say more about us than we know ourselves.

The fact that you can learn a lot about a person's personality, character, mood from drawings is confirmed by many psychological research... For a long time, psychologists have been using various drawing tests and techniques. The meaning of the reflection of the inner world of a person on paper is as follows: any of our thought, process, representation in the psyche ends with movement. So, our fears, unconscious desires, feelings, emotions accumulate in the form of a certain energy in the muscles, and when a pencil and paper appear in front of us, the hand, as it were, splashes it all onto the surface of the sheet.

The position of the picture relative to the free space on the papers e can also say something, even if it is a small scrap of a notebook page or a corner of a telephone directory. If it is located closer to top edge, then you have a very a high self-evaluation, but at the same time, you may be dissatisfied with your position in society (at work, parties) and feel a lack of recognition from others. The picture at the bottom means that you are insecure, indecisive, or not interested in raising your own worth. If the drawings are predominantly on the left, you accentuate your past experiences, focus on past experience... The right edge of the sheet is drawn - this speaks of the desire to bring the events of the future closer as soon as possible, your life and emotions are always turned to something in the future.

If the lines of your drawings are "shaggy", bold, then, perhaps, you are worried about something or some unresolved problem is very worried. Weak and thin "cobweb-like" lines indicate energy savings, body fatigue and psychological exhaustion. If your drawings are rather angular, the lines are perpendicular, then this indicates some unexpressed aggression, that you are in this moment difficult to adapt to something or someone new. Jagged, jagged lines reveal insolence and hostility. And if the lines are smooth, rounded, then you are a soft, calm, feminine person. When you “pull” one contour for a long time, outlining a figure in one movement, it means that you need solitude, you seek to isolate yourself from external events.

Sometimes it happens that we shading some fragment of our drawing... Short strokes - you are an excitable person, long ones - measured and calm. The strokes are straight and clear - you are persistent and persistent, and if they are sketchy and light, you are slightly anxious and unsure of yourself. When you slowly and rhythmically shade a fragment, you are relaxed and free. Horizontal strokes mean femininity and weakness, while vertical ones mean stubbornness and determination.

Your "I" can easily be seen in the size of your creations.... The drawing is large - this suggests that you have a fairly high self-esteem, you are expansive, prone to vanity and even arrogance. And if you strive to occupy everything free space- then, perhaps, with a feeling of self-doubt, you compensatory exalt your status in the imagination. Small drawing means anxiety, emotional dependence and stiffness.

When you paint patterns like wallpaper, this suggests that you are bored, tired of a telephone conversation or a lecture, and maybe your whole lifestyle in general. Think of something new, buy an interesting little thing or clothes unusual for you, do a crazy act - and the melancholy will pass by itself.

Build honeycombs on paper- you strive for calmness, for harmony, you want to streamline your life. It is also likely that you are thinking about creating a family nest.

Spirals, circles or wavy lines mean that other people's problems do not bother you too much or do not interest you at all. You may even be going through a mild emotional crisis: walking in the circle of your ambiguous experiences. Now you need to monitor your behavior so as not to flare up and not break out on others.

Squares, triangles and other geometric shapes- you have clear goals and beliefs, you almost never hide your opinion, you are always persistent and persistent. You are usually overly alert and cautious, so try to keep things simple.

Circle shape (especially not filled with anything) symbolizes the tendency to secrecy, isolation. You close your inner world and do not want to give information about yourself. You do not like it when not only strangers, but also quite close ones creep into your life and your affairs.

If you are constantly shading or drawing grids, then, probably, you are in an awkward position or entered into a risky business, and in such a situation you will not take the initiative into your own hands, but agree to whatever is offered to you, endure the resentment and contain your irritation. The drawing resembles a lattice - then you feel cornered or trying to fence yourself off from such an obstacle.

When chess fields appear on your piece of paper, then, apparently, you find yourself in a very unpleasant, or at least, a difficult situation. If such images appear often, then you most likely suffer from hidden complexes associated with the inability to resolve a situation or are in search of yourself, your life path doubt the correctness of your life.

Interlocking circles- it seems to you that you are outside of some important events, you want to participate in something, to join some kind of community. But the intertwining of hearts means that you are overwhelmed with feelings and are ready to give love and warmth to the whole world. Do not hold back, and others will reciprocate you.

Many people have the habit of unconsciously drawing something, drawing on a piece of paper. We draw when we think, in a meeting, during a phone call, or simply when the pen is at hand. What is it?

It turns out that such unconscious figures, patterns, scribbles can say more about us than we know about ourselves. Psychologists call them picture texts or doodles and are actively used in their practice.

These pictures can tell about our personality, character traits and even our current mood. It turns out that in this way we release tension, mobilize the psyche, structure new knowledge and information. Sometimes these drawings help us compensate for the inability to gesture or concentrate.

Would you like to understand in more detail what unconscious doodles and drawings mean?

1. Numbers mean that the "artist" at a given time is concerned exclusively with financial and economic aspects.

2. Sun or garland lanterns, oddly enough, they speak of a lack of care and spiritual closeness. The person is in dreams of friendship, care or affection.

3. Geometric figures with corners testify to clarity of thought, the presentation of clear landmarks in life and the presence of beliefs. Their authors openly express their opinions and do not succumb to troubles. These are logicians who think practically and have an analytical mindset.

Also, geometric images signify a love of discipline, a calculating mind, planning and leadership skills.

Too sharp corners indicate some kind of internal aggression.

4. Drawn cross carries with it a latent feeling of guilt. Remember, maybe you offended someone?

5. Rounded shapes pattern, spirals, waves betray people who are concerned exclusively with themselves or their problems. They also talk about secrecy or experiencing a crisis.

6. Star indicates an optimistic nature that does not give up and is able to cope with problems.

7. Thin trees with bare branches draw upset or lost people... And the energetic and cheerful paint trees with a lush crown and thick trunks.

8. Hearts draw by those who are overwhelmed with feelings, but they try to restrain their emotions. Such people from the outside look very calm, but their drawings give them away and speak of the opposite.

9. Honeycomb project a person's desire for orderliness and measured life. Such people value harmony with themselves and others. Maybe it's time to start a family.

10. Flowers and leaves mean a kind character, responsiveness, a desire to help, sensitivity.

11. Chess board signals that the author is in difficult situation and tries to find a way out. The regular appearance of such a pattern speaks of hidden complexes.