Great chessboard. Abstract: Zbignev Brzezinsky Great Chess Board

Great chessboard. Abstract: Zbignev Brzezinsky Great Chess Board

Great chessboard

The domination of America and its geostrategic imperatives

Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski.

My students -

to help them

to form the outlines of the world



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From the moment about 500 years ago, the continents began to interact in politically, Eurasia becomes the center of global power. In different ways, at various times, the peoples inhabiting Eurasia, mainly peoples living in its Western European part penetrated other regions of the world and dominated there, while individual Eurasian states sought special status and enjoyed the privileges of the world's leading powers.

The last decade of the 20th century was noted by a tectonic shift in global affairs. For the first time in history, the non-Indian Power has become not only the main arbiter in relations between the Eurasian states, but also the most powerful power in the world. The defeat and collapse of the Soviet Union became the final chord in the rapid Ascension on the pedestal of the Power of the Western Hemisphere - the United States - as the only and indeed one of the most genuinely global powers.

Eurasia, however, retains its geopolitical meaning. Not only its western part - Europe - still the place of concentration of a significant part of world political and economic power, but also its eastern part is Asia - recently has become a vital center of economic development and growing political influence. Accordingly, the question of how America's global interests should cope with complex relations between Eurasian powers and whether it will be especially able to prevent the emergence of the dominant and antagonistic Eurasian state in the international arena, remains central in terms of America's ability to exercise its world domination.

It follows that in addition to the development of the various new parties of the power (technologies, communications, information systems, as well as trade and finance), US foreign policy should continue to monitor the geopolitical aspect and use its influence in Eurasia in such a way as to create a stable balance on the continent where the United States act as a political arbitrator.

Eurasia, therefore, is a "chessboard" on which the struggle for world domination continues, and such struggle affects geostrategic - strategic management of geopolitical interests. It is worth noting that at no further as in 1940, two applicants for world domination - Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin - concluded an unequivocal agreement (during secret negotiations in November 1940) that America should be removed from Eurasia. Each of them was aware that the injection of American power in Eurasia would put an end to their ambitions against world domination. Each of them shared the point of view that Eurasia is the center of the world and the one who controls Eurasia exercises control over the world. Half a century later the question was formulated in a different way: will the American prevalence in Eurasia last and in what purpose it can be used?

The final goal of American policy should be kind and high: to create a really ready for cooperation with the world community in accordance with the long-term trends and the fundamental interests of humanity. However, at the same time, it is vital that an opponent does not arise in the political arena, able to dominate Eurasia and, therefore, challenging America. Therefore, the purpose of the book is the formulation of comprehensive and consistent Eurasian geostrategia.

Zbignev Brzezinsky

Washington, District Columbia, April 1997

Hegemony of a new type

Hegemony is also old as the world. However, American world superiority is characterized by the swiftness of its formation, its global scale and methods of implementation. Throughout one century, America under the influence of internal changes, as well as the dynamic development of international events from the country, relatively isolated in the Western hemisphere, was transformed into a global statement in the span of interests and influence.

Short way to world domination

The Spanish-American War of 1898 was the first for America a conciliatory war outside the continent. Thanks to her, America's power spread far away to the Pacific, further Hawaii, to the Philippines. On the threshold of the new century, American strategic planning specialists have already been actively engaged in the development of the doctrines of naval domination in the oceans, and the US naval forces began to challenge the current opinion that Britain "Rights the Seas". American claims on the status of the only security keeper of the Western Hemisphere, proclaimed earlier in this century in the "Monroe doctrine" and justified by allegations of "destiny of fate", even more increased after the construction of the Panama Canal, which facilitated naval domination in both Atlantic and in a quiet Ocean.

The foundation of the growing geopolitical ambitions of America was ensured by the rapid industrialization of the country. By the beginning of World War I, the economic potential of America has already made about 33% of the global GNP, which deprived the UK role of the leading industrial power. Such a wonderful dynamics of economic growth contributed to the culture that encouraged experiments and innovation. American political institutions and free market economies have created unprecedented opportunities for ambitious and non-prejudice inventors, the implementation of the personal aspirations of which did not have the archaic privileges or harsh social hierarchical requirements. In short, the national culture uniquely favored economic growth, attracting and quickly assimilating the most talented people from abroad, she eased the expansion of national power.

The First World War was the first opportunity for the massive transfer of the American Armed Forces to Europe. The country, which was relative isolation, quickly crossed the troops of several hundred thousand people through the Atlantic Ocean: It was a transcaanic military expedition, unprecedented in size and scale, the first evidence of the emergence of a new major person in the international arena. It seems no less important that the war also led to the first major diplomatic steps aimed at applying American principles in solving European issues. The famous "fourteen items" Woodrow Wilson was injection into the European geopolitics of American idealism, supported by American power. (For a half decades, the United States has played a leading role in the settlement of the Far Eastern conflict between Russia and Japan, thereby also approve of its growing international status.) The alloy of American idealism and American strength, thus gave itself to know about herself on the world scene.

Nevertheless, strictly speaking, the First World War was primarily a European war, and not global. However, its destructive nature marked the beginning of the end of European political, economic and cultural superiority over the rest of the world. During the war, no European power was able to demonstrate the decisive superiority, and the entry into the conflict acquires the weight of the non-European Power - America to its exodus. Subsequently, Europe will increasingly become the object rather than the subject of the global policy.

Great chessboard

The domination of America and its geostrategic imperatives

Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski.

My students -

to help them

to form the outlines of the world



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From the moment about 500 years ago, the continents began to interact in politically, Eurasia becomes the center of global power. In different ways, at various times, the peoples inhabiting Eurasia, mainly peoples living in its Western European part penetrated other regions of the world and dominated there, while individual Eurasian states sought special status and enjoyed the privileges of the world's leading powers.

The last decade of the 20th century was noted by a tectonic shift in global affairs. For the first time in history, the non-Indian Power has become not only the main arbiter in relations between the Eurasian states, but also the most powerful power in the world. The defeat and collapse of the Soviet Union became the final chord in the rapid Ascension on the pedestal of the Power of the Western Hemisphere - the United States - as the only and indeed one of the most genuinely global powers.

Eurasia, however, retains its geopolitical meaning. Not only its western part - Europe - still the place of concentration of a significant part of world political and economic power, but also its eastern part is Asia - recently has become a vital center of economic development and growing political influence. Accordingly, the question of how America's global interests should cope with complex relations between Eurasian powers and whether it will be especially able to prevent the emergence of the dominant and antagonistic Eurasian state in the international arena, remains central in terms of America's ability to exercise its world domination.

It follows that in addition to the development of the various new parties of the power (technologies, communications, information systems, as well as trade and finance), US foreign policy should continue to monitor the geopolitical aspect and use its influence in Eurasia in such a way as to create a stable balance on the continent where the United States act as a political arbitrator.

Eurasia, therefore, is a "chessboard" on which the struggle for world domination continues, and such struggle affects geostrategic - strategic management of geopolitical interests. It is worth noting that at no further as in 1940, two applicants for world domination - Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin - concluded an unequivocal agreement (during secret negotiations in November 1940) that America should be removed from Eurasia. Each of them was aware that the injection of American power in Eurasia would put an end to their ambitions against world domination. Each of them shared the point of view that Eurasia is the center of the world and the one who controls Eurasia exercises control over the world. Half a century later the question was formulated in a different way: will the American prevalence in Eurasia last and in what purpose it can be used?

The final goal of American policy should be kind and high: to create a really ready for cooperation with the world community in accordance with the long-term trends and the fundamental interests of humanity. However, at the same time, it is vital that an opponent does not arise in the political arena, able to dominate Eurasia and, therefore, challenging America. Therefore, the purpose of the book is the formulation of comprehensive and consistent Eurasian geostrategia.

Zbignev Brzezinsky

Washington, District Columbia, April 1997

Hegemony of a new type

Hegemony is also old as the world. However, American world superiority is characterized by the swiftness of its formation, its global scale and methods of implementation. Throughout one century, America under the influence of internal changes, as well as the dynamic development of international events from the country, relatively isolated in the Western hemisphere, was transformed into a global statement in the span of interests and influence.

Short way to world domination

The Spanish-American War of 1898 was the first for America a conciliatory war outside the continent. 1 Thanks to her, America's power spread far away to the Pacific, further Hawaii, to the Philippines. On the threshold of the new century, American strategic planning specialists have already been actively engaged in the development of the doctrines of naval domination in the oceans, and the US naval forces began to challenge the current opinion that Britain "Rights the Seas". American claims on the status of the only security keeper of the Western Hemisphere, proclaimed earlier in this century in the "Monroe doctrine" and justified by allegations of "destiny of fate", even more increased after the construction of the Panama Canal, which facilitated naval domination in both Atlantic and in a quiet Ocean.

The foundation of the growing geopolitical ambitions of America was ensured by the rapid industrialization of the country. By the beginning of World War I, the economic potential of America has already made about 33% of the global GNP, which deprived the UK role of the leading industrial power. Such a wonderful dynamics of economic growth contributed to the culture that encouraged experiments and innovation. American political institutions and free market economies have created unprecedented opportunities for ambitious and non-prejudice inventors, the implementation of the personal aspirations of which did not have the archaic privileges or harsh social hierarchical requirements. In short, the national culture uniquely favored economic growth, attracting and quickly assimilating the most talented people from abroad, she eased the expansion of national power.

The First World War was the first opportunity for the massive transfer of the American Armed Forces to Europe. The country, which was relative isolation, quickly crossed the troops of several hundred thousand people through the Atlantic Ocean: It was a transcaanic military expedition, unprecedented in size and scale, the first evidence of the emergence of a new major person in the international arena. It seems no less important that the war also led to the first major diplomatic steps aimed at applying American principles in solving European issues. The famous "fourteen items" Woodrow Wilson was injection into the European geopolitics of American idealism, supported by American power. (For a half decades, the United States has played a leading role in the settlement of the Far Eastern conflict between Russia and Japan, thereby also approve of its growing international status.) The alloy of American idealism and American strength, thus gave itself to know about herself on the world scene.

Nevertheless, strictly speaking, the First World War was primarily a European war, and not global. However, its destructive nature marked the beginning of the end of European political, economic and cultural superiority over the rest of the world. During the war, no European power was able to demonstrate the decisive superiority, and the entry into the conflict acquires the weight of the non-European Power - America to its exodus. Subsequently, Europe will increasingly become the object rather than the subject of the global policy.

Zbignev Brzezinsky

Great chessboard

From the moment about 500 years ago, the continents began to interact in politically, Eurasia becomes the center of global power ... The last decade of the twentieth century was noted by a tectonic shift in global affairs. For the first time in history, the non-Indian Power has become not only the main arbiter in relations between the Eurasian states, but also the most powerful power in the world. The defeat and the collapse of the Soviet Union became the final accommodation in the rapid Ascension on the pedestal of the Power of the Western Hemisphere - the United States - as the only and indeed one of the most genuinely global powers.

Eurasia nevertheless retains its geopolitical significance ... Accordingly, the question of how global interests America should cope with (s.11) with complex relations between Eurasian derazhavami and whether it can prevent the appearance in the international arena of the dominant and antagonistic Eurasian power , It remains central in terms of the ability of America to exercise its world domination.

Eurasia is a "chessboard" on which the struggle for world domination is conducted, and such struggle affects geostrategic - strategic management of geopolitical interests. (p.12)

Hegemony of a new type

American world superiority is distinguished by the swiftness of its formation, its global scale and methods of implementation. Within only one century, America under the influence of internal changes, as well as the dynamic development of international events from the country, relatively isolated in the Western Hemisphere, was transformed into a global statement in the wise of interests and influence. (p. 13)

Stages of the formation of american hegemony

The Spanish-American War of 1898 is the first of America a gripful war outside the continent. Distribution of power to the Pacific, Hawaii, to the Philippines.

- "Doctrine Monroe." The goal is naval domination in the two oceans. Construction of the Panama Canal.

By the beginning of the First World War, America's economic potential is about 33% of world GDP. The United Kingdom deprives the role of the leading industrial power.

World War II is the first opportunity for the transfer of the American Armed Forces to Europe. The first major diplomatic steps on the use of American principles in solving European issues. However, this war is more European than global.

The destructive nature of the First World War marked the beginning of the end of European political, economic and cultural superiority.

World War II - really global. The main winners of the United States and the USSR are becoming successors of a dispute for world domination.

50 years of the Cold War. The appearance of nuclear weapons makes a war of classic type almost impossible. In a geopolitical plan, the conflict occurs on the periphery of Eurasia.

The collapse of the Soviet-Chinese block.

Stagnation and economic decline in the USSR.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union, the main rival for the world domination.

America takes dominant positions in four crucial areas of the world authority: in the military field, it has no global deployment capabilities; In the field of economy, it remains the main driving force of world development, even despite competition in certain areas from Steam of Japan and Germany; In technological terms, it retains absolute lead in advanced areas of science and technology; In the field of culture, despite its some primitiveness, America enjoys not ha imagined with attractiveness, especially among the youth of the whole world, is all providing the United States to the political influence close to which there is no state. It is the combination of all these factors makes America's only world superpower in the full sense of the word. (p.36)

American global superiority is supported by a complex union and coalition system that literally empty the whole world. (p. 41) American superiority gave rise to a new international order, which not only copies, but also reproduces abroad, many features of the American system. Its main points include:

* Collective security system, including combined command and armed forces, such as NATO, US-Japanese safety contract, etc.;

* Regional Economic Cooperation, such as APEC, NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), and Special Global Cooperation Organization, for example, World Bank, IMF, World Labor Organization;

* Procedures that pay special attention to joint decision-making, even with the United States dominance;

* preference to democratic membership in key unions;

* Rudimentary global constitutional and legal structure (from the International Court to the Special Tribunal for Consideration of War Crimes in Bosnia). (41)

Most of this system arose during the Cold War and was aimed at restraining the global rival of the Soviet Union. Thus, it was already ready for global use, as soon as this opponent trembled and America became the first and only global power.

Eurasian chessboard

Eurasia is the largest continent on the globe and occupies an axial position in geopolitical terms. The state that dominates Eurasia would control two of the three most developed and economically productive world regions. Control over Eurasia will almost automatically entail subordination of Africa, turning the Western hemisphere and Oceania to the geopolitical confinement of the central continent of the world. About 75% of the world's population lives in Eurasia, and most of the global physical wealth is also there, both in its enterprises and underground. Eurasia accounts for about 60% of the global GNP and about three quarters of well-known world energy reserves.

Two applicants for regional hegemony and global influence having the highest population are in Eurasia. All potential political and / or economic challenges to the American predominance proceed from Eurasia. In aggregate, Eurasian power significantly exceeds the American. Fortunately for America, Eurasia is too large to be one in politically. Eurasia, thus, is a chessboard on which the struggle for global domination continues. (p. 44)

The scale of American global hegemony, according to admission, is great, but shallow, constrained both internal and external restrictions. American hegemony implies the provision of decisive influence, but in contrast to the Empires of the past, not the implementation of direct management. It is the dimensions and diversity of Eurasia, as well as the power of some of its states limit the depth of the American influence and the scale of control over the course of the events. (p. 48) The fact is that America is too democratic at home to be a dictator abroad. It limits the use of American power, especially its military intimidation. Moreover, most Americans in general do not receive any particular pleasure from the status of their country as the only world superpower. (p. 49)

Nuclear weapons substantially weakened the utility of war as a policy tool or even threats. The growing economic relationship between states makes the political use of economic blackmail less successful. Thus, maneuvering, diplomacy, the creation of coalitions, coordination and the weighted application of political trumps became the main components of the successful implementation of geostrategic power on the Eurasian chessboard.

Geopolitics and geostrategia

The ruling elites is increasingly suitable for recognizing that non-territorial, and other factors are more fundamental in determining the national status of the state or the degree of international influence of this state. Economic development and its embodiment in technological innovations can also be a key criterion for strength ... Nevertheless, there is still a tendency in which the geographical location determines the immediate priorities of the state: the more his military, economic and political power, the greater the radius, in addition to immediate His neighbors, life geopolitical interests, the influence and involvement of this state. (p.52)

Today, the geopolitical issue is no longer reduced to which part of Eurasia is the starting point of domination over the continent, or to the fact that it is more important: the power of the sea or on land. Geopolitics advanced from regional thinking to the global, while superiority over the entire Eurasian continent serves as the central basis of the global championship. (p.53)

For the United States, Eurasian geostrategia includes targeted management dynamically from a geostrategic point of view by catalysts in a geopolitical plan, observing two equivalent interests of America: in the near future - the preservation of its exclusive global power, and in the distant future - its transformation into increasingly institutionalizing global cooperation. (p. 54)

Geostrategic actors and geopolitical centers

Active geostrategic actors There are states that possess the will to carry out power or influence their own borders in order to change - to the extent that this is reflected in the interests of America, the existing geopolitical position. They have the potential and / or a tendency to inconstancy from a geopolitical point of view. (p.54) They critically evaluate the American power, determine the limits, within which their interests coincide or for which they conflict with American, and after that they form their own more limited Eurasian tasks, sometimes consistent, and sometimes contradicting American politics.

Geopolitical centers - These are states whose importance implies not from their strength and motivation, but rather from their potential vulnerability for action by geostrategic actors. Most often, geopolitical centers are caused by their geographical location, which in some cases gives a special role in terms of control over to important areas, or the possibility of refusing to be important geostrategic actors in obtaining resources. In other cases, the geopolitical center can act as a state shield or even a region of vital on the geopolitical arena. Identification of key Eurasian geopolitical centers, as well as their defense, are a principled aspect of America's global geostrategia. (p.55)

Under current conditions, on the scale of the whole world, at least five key geostrategic actors and five geopolitical centers can be identified on the new Eurasian geopolitical card. France, Germany, Russia, China and India are major active figures, while the United Kingdom, Japan and Indonesia (also very important countries) do not fall under this qualification. Ukraine, Azerbaijan, South Korea, Turkey and Iran play the role of fundamentally important geopolitical centers, although Turkey, and Iran are to some extent - within their more limited capabilities - also geostrate rally active countries.

France not only strives for the central political role in uniting Europe, but also considers itself as the core of the Mediterranean-North African group of countries having uniform interests. Germany more and more realizes its special status as the most significant state of Europe - the economic "tractor" of the region and the emerging leader of the European Union. Both France and Germany believe that they are entrusted to represent the interests of Europe when conducting cases with Russia. (p.56)

Russia remains a major geostrategic person, despite the weakened statehood and, possibly, a protracted unhealthy. Her presence itself has a tangible impact on the independence of the state within the framework of the former Soviet Union. As soon as she restores its power, it will begin to have a significant impact on its Western and eastern neighbors.

Democratic bridgehead

Europe is a natural ally of America. Locking the path to the integration of states-nations into the collective suggestive economic and ultimately political union, Europe also points to the formation of larger forms of a postnational organization coming over the narrow submissions and destructive emotions characteristic of the era of nationalism. The achievement of success in the political association of this region can lead to the creation of a single structure that unites 400 million people. Such Europe will inevitably become a global power. (C74)

Europe also serves as a springboard for further promotion of democracy deep into Eurasia. The expansion of Europe to the East can consolidate the democratic victory of the 90s. (C74) As a result, such Europe could become one of the most important supports supported by America a large Eurasian security and cooperation structure.

However, first of all, Europe is an essential geopolitical springboard of America on the European continent. At this stage of US-European relations, when allied European states are still largely dependent on the security provided by Americans, any expansion of Europe's limits will automatically become an expansion of direct American influence. Conversely, without close transatlantic connections, the primacy of America in Eurasia will immediately disappear. (p.76)

Three main points were once a political impetus for the unification of Europe, namely: the memory of the two destructive world wars, the desire of economic recovery and the lack of a sense of security, generated by the Soviet threat. By the mid-1990s, however, these moments disappeared. The case of the association of Europe is increasingly supported by the bureaucratic energy generated by a large organizational apparatus. The idea of \u200b\u200bunification is still enjoying significant popular support, but its popularity falls; In this idea there are no enthusiasm and understanding of the importance of the goal. (p.77)

This provision provides the United States a special opportunity for resolutely interference. It makes it necessary American participation in the association of Europe, because otherwise the combination process can suspend and gradually even reverse. (p.78

The main goal of the USA . Central for America The question is - how to build Europe based on the French-German association, Europe is still associated with the United States, which expands the framework of the International Democratic Cooperation System, which is why the exercise of the American Global Championship in such a large extent. (p. 91)

If Europe succeeds both in the process of association and in the process of expansion and if Russia, in the meantime, will successfully cope with the process of democratic consolidation and social modernization, then at a certain point Russia may become suitable candidate to establish a more organic relationship with Europe. This, in turn, can make it possible to make a final combination of a transatlantic security system with a transcontinental security system. (p. 106)

"Black hole"

The long-term task is as follows: how to support democratic transformations in Russia and its economic recovery and at the same time prevent the revival of a newly Eurasian Empire, which is able to prevent the American geostrategic goal of the formation of a larger Euro-Atlantic system, with which Russia could Being firmly and reliably connected. (p. 108)

The collapse of the Russian Empire created a strength vacuum in the very center of Eurasia. Weakness and confusion were inherent in not only new, who received independence to states, but also Russia itself: the shock caused the serious crisis of the entire system, especially when the political coup was supplemented with an attempt to destroy the old socio-economic model of the Soviet society. (p.110)

The loss of Ukraine was a geopolitically important point due to significantly restrictions on the geostrategic choice of Russia. Even without the Baltic republics and Poland, Russia, retaining control over Ukraine, could still try not to lose the leader's place in the decisive acting Eurasian Empire, inside which Moscow could subjugate the non-Slavic peoples of the southern and southeastern regions of the former Soviet Union. (p.114)

The sole alternative dilemma . For Russia, the only geostrategic choice, as a result of which she could play a real role in the international arena and get the most out of the opportunity to transform and modernize their society - this is Europe. (p. 142)

For America, Russia is too weak to be her partner, but, as before, too strong to be just her patient. A more likely situation in which Russia will become a problem if America does not develop a position with which it will be able to convince Russians that the best choice for their country is an increase in organic ties with transatlantic Europe. (p.143)

As for Europe and America, national and democratic Russia is desirable from a geopolitical point of view by a subject, a source of stability in a changeable Eurasian complex. (p. 144)

The main point that must be borne in mind is the following: Russia cannot be in Europe without Ukraine, which is also part of Europe, while Ukraine can be in Europe without Russia, which is part of Europe. The choice of Ukraine in favor of Europe will put the decision of Russia regarding the next stage of its historical development: to be either also part of Europe or Eurasian outcasts, i.e. It is really not to belong to either Europe or Asia and to brand in conflicts with the countries of "near abroad". (p. 147)

Russia's accession to European and transatlantic structures and even a certain form of membership in them would be opened, in turn, the doors in them for the three Transcaucasian countries - Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, "so desperately having accessions to Europe.


For the United States it's time to work out and apply a comprehensive, comprehensive and long-term geostrahera in relation to the whole of Eurasia. This necessity implies their interaction between two fundamental realities: America is currently the only superpower, and Eurasia is the central isna of the world. Consequently, the change in the ratio of forces on the Eurasian continent will be crucial for the global primacy of America, as well as for its historical heritage.

Geostraphs in Eurasia. In the short term, America is interested in strengthening and preserve the existing geopolitical pluralism on the map of Eurasia. This task involves encouraging possible actions and manipulations in order to prevent the emergence of a hostile coalition, which would try to challenge the leading role of America, not to mention an unlikely opportunity when any state would try to do this. In the medium term, the above mentioned gradually should give way to the issue of which a greater emphasis is on the emergence of increasingly important and strategic terms of compatible partners who under the guidance of America could help create a transparency security system that brings together a greater number of countries. Finally, in the long run, all of the foregoing should gradually lead to the formation of the World Center for truly joint political responsibility. (p.235)

Translessrazian security system . The stability of the geopolitical plurality of Eurasia, preventing the emergence of one dominant power, should be strengthened by the creation of a transparency security system, which may occur at the beginning of the next century. Such a transcontinental security agreement should include the extended NATO organization - which is associated with the signing of the Charter on cooperation with Russia - and China, as well as Japan. (p. 247)

Over time, a more formal structure could begin to form a more formal structure, stimulating the emergence of a transparency security system, which would be the first to cover the entire continent. America, Europe, China, Japan, Confederate Russia and India, and may also have other countries to serve the core of such a more structured transcontinental system. (. 247) The final emergence of the translue-sewing system of security could gradually release America from some burden, even if simultaneously and perpetuated its decisive role as a stabilizer and an arbitrator of Eurasia. (p. 248)

After the last world power . In the end, world politics will certainly become increasingly inconspicuous by the concentration of power in the hands of one state. Consequently, the United States is not only the first and only superpower in a truly global scale, but most likely, and the last one.

This is due not only to the fact that the nation states gradually become increasingly permeable for each other, but also with the fact that knowledge as power is becoming increasingly common, increasingly common and ever less related to government borders. Most likely that economic power will also become more distributed. here theses to the book "Chessboard". Who is interested, read)

Briefly about Brzezinsky: The most famous sociologist, political analyst and geopolitics of Polish origin, Professor of Columbia University, Advisor to the Center for Strategic and International Research by Georgetown University (Washington), former in 1977-1981. Assistant US President for National Security.

"The Great Chess Board: America's primacy and its geostrategic imperatives", 1997 - the most famous book written by Zbignev Brzezinsky. The book is a reflection on the geopolitical power of the United States and on strategies, thanks to which this power can be implemented in the XXI century. The greatest attention Brzezinsky focuses on the US geopolitical strategy regarding Eurasia. Brzezinsky believes that the primacy in the Eurasian continent is actually the primacy throughout the world, and considers the most important strategic objectives of the United States - to extend its influence in Central Asia and in the post-Soviet space (first of all to Russia, which occupies the largest area of \u200b\u200bthis space).

The basis of the book lies the concept of Hartland- Hearts of the Earth. Who owns Hartland, he owns the world. The economic model of the world, based on the symbolic values \u200b\u200bof America, which will master the world. Brzezinsky is a follower of the founder of the modern Anglo-Saxon geopolitics of McCinder, that is, considers policies from the point of view of the confrontation of the civilization of the sea (USA, the United Kingdom) and the Sushi civilization.

"America takes dominant positions in four crucial importance to the areas of the world power: in military fieldit has no global deployment capabilities; in areas of Economyit remains the main driving force of world development, even, despite competition in certain areas from Japan and Germany; in technological relationshe retained absolute lead in advanced areas of science and technology; in areas of cultureDespite some primitiveness, America uses no equal attractiveness, especially among young people of the whole world, - All this provides the United States a political influence close to which no state has no state. It is the combination of all these four factors makes America the only world superpower in the full sense of the word "Brzezinsky

Brzezinsky analyzes the geopolitical situation of the current decade in the world and, especially on the Eurasian continent. It models possible options for the behavior of countries and their unions in the future and recommends that the most appropriate reaction to them of the United States of America in order to preserve their position as the only world superpower.

The last decade of the 20th century was noted by a tectonic shift in global affairs. For the first time in history, the Eurasian Power has become not only the main arbiter in relations between the Eurasian states, but also the most powerful power in the world. The defeat and collapse of the Soviet Union became the final chord in the rapid Ascension on the pedestal of the Power of the Western Hemisphere - the United States - as the only and indeed one of the most genuinely global powers. Eurasia nevertheless retains its geopolitical meaning. One of the most restless geostrategic actors is modern Russia, which he calls "black hole".

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe bookBrzezinsky, how the United States can use their economic, military and cultural superiority to control the whole world and manage its resources.

Brzezinsky considers Eurasia as "Great Chess Board", Wherein the United States challenges its domination. The main thing is that on this continent there is no opponent who threatened America in its plans.

The US domination with the previous empires of the regional scale (the Roman Empire, the Chinese Empire, the Mongol Empire, Western Europe) is compared. And it is concluded that the scale and influence of the United States as the world power is unique today. America takes dominant positions in four, with crucial importance of the regional authorities: in the military field, in the economy, in advanced technologies, in the field of culture. It is a combination of all four factors makes America world superpower in the full sense of the word.

The concept of Brzezinsky on the promotion of the borders of American hegemony is to constantly expand the perimeter of the monroment doctrine.

The main components of this doctrine are the following:

1. Russia - coreearth- Hartland, which conceptually determined the McCinder in the past. To conquer or dismember Hartland on the part is the key to world hegemony. Russia must be disclosed to three separate states: one with the center in St. Petersburg, another with the center in Moscow, and Siberia to make a separate state.

2. Stripping from Nicholas Spykman, Brzezinsky develops the concept of the environment of Russia by capturing the "Paint Lands"- Eurasian belt of coastal territories and countries or " rimland", Among other things, Yugoslavia, which is one of these countries.

3. Dynamics of international relations after 1991 is invasion of the geopolitical space of the former Soviet Union and the conquest.

4. Conquesting and control over Eurasia is the main goal of the United States.Control over Eurasia Pledge of American world dominion and their new world order.

The readiness of the United States to take unilaterally massive hostilities against any state, which stands on the way of American imperialist expansionism and the self-satisfied role of the world gendarme, is the primary coming American world dominion. Brzezinsky negotiates in his book even before he offers to attach Canada to America as another state.

Independent Europe, brzezinsky warns - this is a constant moral and economic threat to the United States. The United States cannot and should not allow the occurrence of united Europe, which would be as an independent geopolitical unit, holding back the US expansionist aspirations. "In the future, no state or coalition of states should not be consolidated in geopolitical strength, which could oust US from Eurasia."

In his book, the Great Chess Board Zbignev Brzezinsky draws attention to the fact that the ultimate goal of American imperialism is the conquest of Eurasia, which, in the opinion of the British geopolitis of Halford McCinder is the most important geopolitical area in history - the geographical axis of history.

Brzezinsky cites the famous McCinder's geopolitical aphorism: "Whoever rules Eastern Europe, he commands Hartland; Whoever rules the Hartland, will command the hint of Who rules the world island, the Lord of the world. "

Thus, control and dominance over Eurasia is the central geopolitical imperative of the United States. And NATO is his main tool.

The cold war for Brzezinsky was the blockade of the Hartland fortress, in the geopolitical context identical with the Soviet Union. Battle for Eurasia -st "Cold War".

Zbignev Brzezinsky

Great chessboard

From the moment about 500 years ago, the continents began to interact in politically, Eurasia becomes the center of global power ... The last decade of the twentieth century was noted by a tectonic shift in global affairs. For the first time in history, the non-Indian Power has become not only the main arbiter in relations between the Eurasian states, but also the most powerful power in the world. The defeat and the collapse of the Soviet Union became the final accommodation in the rapid Ascension on the pedestal of the Power of the Western Hemisphere - the United States - as the only and indeed one of the most genuinely global powers.

Eurasia nevertheless retains its geopolitical significance ... Accordingly, the question of how global interests America should cope with (s.11) with complex relations between Eurasian derazhavami and whether it can prevent the appearance in the international arena of the dominant and antagonistic Eurasian power , It remains central in terms of the ability of America to exercise its world domination.

Eurasia is a "chessboard" on which the struggle for world domination is conducted, and such struggle affects geostrategic - strategic management of geopolitical interests. (p.12)

Hegemony of a new type

American world superiority is distinguished by the swiftness of its formation, its global scale and methods of implementation. Within only one century, America under the influence of internal changes, as well as the dynamic development of international events from the country, relatively isolated in the Western Hemisphere, was transformed into a global statement in the wise of interests and influence. (p. 13)

Stages of the formation of american hegemony

The Spanish-American War of 1898 is the first of America a gripful war outside the continent. Distribution of power to the Pacific, Hawaii, to the Philippines.

- "Doctrine Monroe." The goal is naval domination in the two oceans. Construction of the Panama Canal.

By the beginning of the First World War, America's economic potential is about 33% of world GDP. The United Kingdom deprives the role of the leading industrial power.

World War II is the first opportunity for the transfer of the American Armed Forces to Europe. The first major diplomatic steps on the use of American principles in solving European issues. However, this war is more European than global.

The destructive nature of the First World War marked the beginning of the end of European political, economic and cultural superiority.

World War II - really global. The main winners of the United States and the USSR are becoming successors of a dispute for world domination.

50 years of the Cold War. The appearance of nuclear weapons makes a war of classic type almost impossible. In a geopolitical plan, the conflict occurs on the periphery of Eurasia.

The collapse of the Soviet-Chinese block.

Stagnation and economic decline in the USSR.

The disintegration of the Soviet Union, the main rival for the world domination.

America takes dominant positions in four crucial areas of the world authority: in the military field, it has no global deployment capabilities; In the field of economy, it remains the main driving force of world development, even despite competition in certain areas from Steam of Japan and Germany; In technological terms, it retains absolute lead in advanced areas of science and technology; In the field of culture, despite its some primitiveness, America enjoys not ha imagined with attractiveness, especially among the youth of the whole world, is all providing the United States to the political influence close to which there is no state. It is the combination of all these factors makes America's only world superpower in the full sense of the word. (p.36)

American global superiority is supported by a complex union and coalition system that literally empty the whole world. (p. 41) American superiority gave rise to a new international order, which not only copies, but also reproduces abroad, many features of the American system. Its main points include:

* Collective security system, including combined command and armed forces, such as NATO, US-Japanese safety contract, etc.;

* Regional Economic Cooperation, such as APEC, NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), and Special Global Cooperation Organization, for example, World Bank, IMF, World Labor Organization;

* Procedures that pay special attention to joint decision-making, even with the United States dominance;

* preference to democratic membership in key unions;

* Rudimentary global constitutional and legal structure (from the International Court to the Special Tribunal for Consideration of War Crimes in Bosnia). (41)

Most of this system arose during the Cold War and was aimed at restraining the global rival of the Soviet Union. Thus, it was already ready for global use, as soon as this opponent trembled and America became the first and only global power.

Eurasian chessboard

Eurasia is the largest continent on the globe and occupies an axial position in geopolitical terms. The state that dominates Eurasia would control two of the three most developed and economically productive world regions. Control over Eurasia will almost automatically entail subordination of Africa, turning the Western hemisphere and Oceania to the geopolitical confinement of the central continent of the world. About 75% of the world's population lives in Eurasia, and most of the global physical wealth is also there, both in its enterprises and underground. Eurasia accounts for about 60% of the global GNP and about three quarters of well-known world energy reserves.

Two applicants for regional hegemony and global influence having the highest population are in Eurasia. All potential political and / or economic challenges to the American predominance proceed from Eurasia. In aggregate, Eurasian power significantly exceeds the American. Fortunately for America, Eurasia is too large to be one in politically. Eurasia, thus, is a chessboard on which the struggle for global domination continues. (p. 44)

The scale of American global hegemony, according to admission, is great, but shallow, constrained both internal and external restrictions. American hegemony implies the provision of decisive influence, but in contrast to the Empires of the past, not the implementation of direct management. It is the dimensions and diversity of Eurasia, as well as the power of some of its states limit the depth of the American influence and the scale of control over the course of the events. (p. 48) The fact is that America is too democratic at home to be a dictator abroad. It limits the use of American power, especially its military intimidation. Moreover, most Americans in general do not receive any particular pleasure from the status of their country as the only world superpower. (p. 49)

Nuclear weapons substantially weakened the utility of war as a policy tool or even threats. The growing economic relationship between states makes the political use of economic blackmail less successful. Thus, maneuvering, diplomacy, the creation of coalitions, coordination and the weighted application of political trumps became the main components of the successful implementation of geostrategic power on the Eurasian chessboard.

Geopolitics and geostrategia

The ruling elites is increasingly suitable for recognizing that non-territorial, and other factors are more fundamental in determining the national status of the state or the degree of international influence of this state. Economic development and its embodiment in technological innovations can also be a key criterion for strength ... Nevertheless, there is still a tendency in which the geographical location determines the immediate priorities of the state: the more his military, economic and political power, the greater the radius, in addition to immediate His neighbors, life geopolitical interests, the influence and involvement of this state. (p.52)

Today, the geopolitical issue is no longer reduced to which part of Eurasia is the starting point of domination over the continent, or to the fact that it is more important: the power of the sea or on land. Geopolitics advanced from regional thinking to the global, while superiority over the entire Eurasian continent serves as the central basis of the global championship. (p.53)

For the United States, Eurasian geostrategia includes targeted management dynamically from a geostrategic point of view by catalysts in a geopolitical plan, observing two equivalent interests of America: in the near future - the preservation of its exclusive global power, and in the distant future - its transformation into increasingly institutionalizing global cooperation. (p. 54)

Geostrategic actors and geopolitical centers

Active geostrategic actors There are states that possess the will to carry out power or influence their own borders in order to change - to the extent that this is reflected in the interests of America, the existing geopolitical position. They have the potential and / or a tendency to inconstancy from a geopolitical point of view. (p.54) They critically evaluate the American power, determine the limits, within which their interests coincide or for which they conflict with American, and after that they form their own more limited Eurasian tasks, sometimes consistent, and sometimes contradicting American politics.