Vesta from the show weighted people are now married. The finalist of the project "Weighted People" almost lost daughter because of the negligence of the doctor

Vesta from the show weighted people are now married. The finalist of the project
Vesta from the show weighted people are now married. The finalist of the project "Weighted People" almost lost daughter because of the negligence of the doctor

In mid-June, the finalist of the first season of the "Weighted People" project, Vesta Romanova, for the first time became a mother, what she told about in his microblog. The daughter of Vesta, which was called Christina, appeared for a couple of weeks before the deadline. It would seem, after discharge, the Romanov expects pleasant maternal troubles, the young mother already thought about how she would come into shape after childbirth (during pregnancy she scored more than 20 kg), but it was not there. Recently, Vesta told the Follover's sad news.

"For a week I live in transport and in the children's hospital ... I spent four hours on the road for a week, for an hour with my daughter. Now I spend the same four hours, but it goes to the child for a whole day. "Thank you" to the district pediatrician for the fact that the three weeks said that everything is fine with the child, and I am a mummy crucial. It turned out that I was a fool, because I was listening, "the newborn daughter Romanova was seriously ill.

While Vesta did not voice the diagnosis of babies, only noted that the disease is not fatal. Also, the participant of the show remembered that the daughter was brought to the hospital with the first degree hypotrophy, at the time of hospitalization it was similar to the wax doll and weighed only 2340 grams. At this time, everything is fine with the baby: she has to undergo treatment. The young mother reported on the first success of the hear: in 12 days she added 650 grams in weight, which is a very good indicator.

"Crysture smiles again and this happiness! Do not get sick, my dear, and let all your loved ones are healthy. It is most important!" - noted Vesta.

Recall, Vesta Romanova became a member of the show "Weighted People" in 2015. Until the show, its weight was 130 kilograms with 170 cm. Vesta assured: she was never slim, while he loved to eat, but a continuous figure never interfered with her popular near the opposite sex. "Literally a few days before the casting got its spring boots. He leaned and could not tie a lace. Pressure jumped. I think everything is necessary to do something urgently. So it will not go. Went to the gym. I came to one, the coach looks at me as a hopeless creature. In the other - the same story. No one would like to work with me! I had to look for other options, "so Vesta decided to participate in" Weighted People ".

After the Romanova project, it was 50 kg easier. It was on the show she opened delicious and healthy dishes for themselves. "At first a day we used 2500 calories. Gradually, gradually, this number was reduced to us, and imperceptibly for us. And imagine, these 2.5 thousand kcal we literally felt! Many even their servings could not do! " - recalled Romanova.

What woman does not dream of an ideal figure and admiring views of men? Finalist Vesta Romanova managed to lose weight by 50 kilograms and gain happiness in personal life. But what is interesting: and before participation in the project, it was not deprived of the attention of representatives of the strong sex. The site talked with the West and found out why it was already wearing almost 130 kilograms in one time, why should all women need to photograph themselves naked in the mirror and is it possible to reset the extra weight by clicking the fingers.

Yesterday, this smiling, a stylish girl with an unusual name could not tie the laces on sneakers, without feeling taking dizziness, did not want to leave the house without a special need and lived on the principle of "food-work-house-food" principle. Today, only memories remained from that sad life.

29-year-old Vesta Romanova last year took part in (the second season of which was already started at the CTC) and reached the final of the final, giving way to the money prize of 3 million rubles to the 30-year-old Peter Vasilyev. However, the girl, in spite of everything, considers himself the winner. Today Vesta looks great and successfully combines work and family.

Having been in the hands of professionals, Ex- "Weighed" is now willingly divided by knowledge acquired with those who need it. Romanova develops food programs, helps to find the right motivation and simply charges fans with a good mood. Although the project made a star from the blonde, she still remains a simple, modest person who has no secrets from anyone. And if you have to share your story - then without sticks and bills. In an exclusive interview, Vesta Romanova website told how beautiful the life was "Light".

. Why did you score so much?

As my psychologist says, everything happened because of his personal life. And not because of its absence, but on the contrary: I tried to protect against relationships, which, as a rule, did not end with anything good.

"I ate and gained weight to completely protect myself from communicating with men, do not attract their attention. What, by the way, I did not succeed. "

Even when a 123 kilogram weighed, I used mad demand among representatives of a strong floor. And the further, the worse.

V. R.: When I studied at school, there were no "fat" concepts at all. Odnoklassniki and we were very active: did not sit behind computers or TVs, but, on the contrary, spent all the time on the street. I was an ordinary girl in the body, but not a fat. He was engaged in sports, so it was not full. Problems began when I broke up with a young man after seven years of relationship.

I felt perfectly, having a weight and 110 kilograms. Only at the moment when the scales showed a number 120, began to test discomfort. It was hard for me to walk, turn, bend. The worst thing I wondered and I didn't want to do anything at all. Probably, the brain also swims fat.

"I came to work and all day there was just sitting. Constantly ate and hung on the Internet. Then he returned home, ate again and went to bed. Amebe's condition ... or a frog, which sits in his swamp, squabs, and nothing more do nothing in this life. "

site: When came to the conclusion, what time is it time to change?

V. R.: Once it became completely nursing. I leaned up to tie a lace on shoes, and my pressure suddenly rose. The face was bloody, the head was spinning, could not climb ... Then I realized that you need to take himself in my hands and do something.

V. R.: Yes, just a couple of days later, I accidentally stumbled upon an announcement of Casting in a new realistic show about weight loss. I sent my questionnaire and forgot about it, because I was sure that only our projects take such projects. Surprisingly, I was invited to come to Casting, where I talked with a psychologist. After that, silence came, which lasted for more than a month. Just before the start of the shooting process, I was informed that I was in the project.

site: all this time before the start of the shooting attempted to lose weight on their own?

V. R.: "Oh yeah (laughs)... periodically, as on any normal woman, a desire to throw out overweight rolled me. And I immediately went for "miracle pills", mistakenly believing that it would help me lose weight, and quickly. "

I guess I tried all possible diets and pills. Now I understand that miracles does not happen. No matter how regrettable, from unnecessary kilograms always get rid of very slowly. It is a pity that many do not believe and continue to stubbornly look for rapid ways to part with hated fat.

site: What was and is now now for you the main motivation to support yourself in the form?

V. R.: Mirror! In general, as it turned out, many full people do not look at themselves in the mirror, they are afraid to be photographed and spread their pictures in the social network. You know, such a good principle of protection: "I do not see, it means that there is no."

"That's why you can help you lose a sober view of yourself from the outside, and even better - a photo of yourself naked in the mirror. After all, any woman seeks to be beautiful. "

site: Well, we were not won in the finals of the show and 3 million rubles got another?

V. R.: And I won! Won himself. My achievement will not measure money. On the project, I was able to throw 40 kilograms, after the end of the show 12 more. The main thing that I managed to overpower myself, abandon the bad habits and tune in to a new life. And money ... You can always earn - there would be a desire.

site: What are you now weighing and plan to continue to lose weight?

V. R.: At the moment I weigh 70 kilograms, and this is my ideal weight, I feel very comfortable in it. Soon I plan to make a light drying so that the body finally acquired the relief. After all, before it was quite problematic.

Now I also began to observe sleep mode: I go to bed and wake up at the same time. I eat, by the way, also by the hour. In general, I became more disciplined, I'm not late at the meeting, as it was before. I also completely abandoned alcohol.

St. Petersburg Vesta Romanova, a girl who was able to cool to change his life. Having reached the final of the first season of the show "Weighted People" in 2015, Vesta lost 50 kilograms, and over time only improved its result. In mid-June, the "weighted" countryman became a mother, her beautiful daughter of Christina was born, but because of the negligence of the district pediatrician, the girl almost died.

After we arrived home, the child began vomiting, and every day it was intensified. We came to us three times the district pediatrician and a cartonight sister for inspection, as well three times. Every my visit would ask the question "Is that normal that the child is constantly sick?" What I answered "yes it is normal, do enemas." The doctor more interested in whether I read books about feeding, made the comments that the television in the room with the baby should not be. It lasted 2.5 weeks, "said" Komsomolskaya "Vesta.

A few days later, the child began to feel even worse, Vesta rushed to a raid pediatrician and from there they were already emergency to be hospitalized.

The child had strongest dehydration. She was born with a weight of 2800, and in the hospital we arrived with a weight of 2300. We were diagnosed with enterocolitis (this is inflammation of the intestines - approx. Ed.). For four days she was only on droppers and did not eat anything, the inflammation was filmed with antibiotics.

For a girl, this is the first pregnancy and motherhood experience. Now she herself cakes for the fact that he had not previously scored anxiety, but if the medical worker, the more two, they say that everything is fine, it means there are no causes for panic. We are accustomed to trust doctors.

For two weeks, a child went out in the hospital, she eats well. I was told that if we waited another two days, it would be too late. More child would not stand, it is terrible to imagine, - remembers Vesta.

In the children's urban clinic number 8, from where a doctor came to inspect, comment on the situation, they asked to make a formal request. "Komsomolka" made a request, and will definitely keep you up to date. Vesta Romanova also plans to start the trial with the clinic, but now, for her, the main thing is to correct the health of the daughter.

Now the newborn Cristina is actively going on amendment, eats well and is still smiling, and at the end of the week, the baby with her mother will go home. We wish her a speedy recovery.

By the way

Peter Vasilyev Finalist Show "Weighted People", which made a proposal of the hands and hearts of Vesta in the finals of the show, is now the godfather's father of the girl's daughter. The girl was baptized in the hospital. Vesta is happy now, she has a wonderful husband, whose name is a girl does not open, and with Peter, they broke up with friends and support relationships.

Member name: Vesta Romanova

Age (birthday): 23.11.1986

City: St. Petersburg

Work: seller in the boutique

Family: not married, no children

Left (a) show: in the final

Growth and weight: 170 cm, 123 kg

Ultimate weight: 83,3

Found inaccuracy?Let's fix the questionnaire

With this article read:

Vesta was only 27 years old when the scales marked for 123 kg. The girl was not always fat.

Only after the turn on 23 years old, she began to rapidly gain weight. The reason for this was the protracted depression caused by the betrayal of a loved one.

After parting with the guy Vesta ceased to fully monitor its nutrition, all the troubles in life she was hidden, and there were a lot of them. So on the scales it became plus 50 kg. Plus, regular conflicts with a mother began with the fact that she refused to support her daughter in a desire to return a beloved man.

Vesta dreamed for a long time that he would lose and acquire a new development in his personal life, but this miracle did not happen. To change your life, the girl had to sacrifice the work.

Before the Vesta project, believed that the cause of the weight gain is a sick thyroid. But being on the show, she passed a number of analyzes, it turned out that everything is normal. Then Vesta and realized that everything was only her own laziness.

The project "Weighted People" came with a single goal - to lose weight. She was convinced that if he had walked, then everything would work out in his personal life.

Vesta was right, her dream came true even faster than she expected, the girl at the project got acquainted with Peter, which fell in love.

The project was remembered as one of the most positive participants, constantly hesitated all. She was able to reach the final, took the honorable 3 place.

After the project helps others lose weight, having organized their Slim School along with other participants of the show. As for personal life, the wedding with Peter did not take place. The reasons for this remain in secret.

Photos Vesta

After the girl lost weight - she constantly lays out new photos from photo shoots and personal life.

Yesterday, this smiling stylish girl with an unusual name could not tie a lace on sneakers, without feeling taking dizziness, did not want to leave the house without a special need and lived on the principle of "food-work-house-food" principle. Today, only memories remained from that sad life. The finalist of the first season realistic show STS "" Vesta Romanova managed to lose weight by 50 kilograms and gain happiness in his personal life.

Last year, Vesta took part in the reality show "Weighed people" (the second season of which was already started on the STS) and reached the final of the final, giving way to the money prize of 3 million rubles to the 30-year-old Peter Vasilyev. However, the girl, in spite of everything, considers himself the winner. Today Vesta looks great and successfully combines work and family.

Having been in the hands of professionals, Ex- "Weighed" is now willingly divided by knowledge acquired with those who need it. Romanova develops food programs, helps to find the right motivation and simply charges fans with a good mood. Although the project made a star from the blonde, she still remains a simple, modest person who has no secrets from anyone. And if you have to share your story - then without sticks and bills. Vesta told the portal, why did she have been wearing almost 130 kilograms at one time, why should all women need to photograph themselves naked in the mirror, maybe if it is possible to lose excessive fingertips weight and how beautiful the life is "Life".

About excess weight

- As my psychologist says, everything happened because of his personal life. And not because of its absence, but on the contrary: I tried to protect against relationships, which, as a rule, did not end with anything good. I ate and gained weight to completely protect myself from communicating with men, do not attract their attention. What, by the way, I could not. Even when a 123 kilogram weighed, I used mad demand among representatives of a strong floor.

When I studied at school, there were no "fat" concepts at all. Odnoklassniki and we were very active: did not sit behind computers or TVs, but, on the contrary, spent all the time on the street. I was an ordinary girl in the body, but not a fat. He was engaged in sports, so it was not full. Problems began when I broke up with a young man after seven years of relationship.

I felt perfectly, having a weight and 110 kilograms. Only at the moment when the scales showed a number 120, began to test discomfort. It was hard for me to walk, turn, bend. The worst thing I wondered and I didn't want to do anything at all. Probably, the brain also swims fat.

I came to work and all day there was just sitting. Constantly ate and hung on the Internet. Then he returned home, ate again and went to bed. Amebe's condition ... Or a frog that sits in his swamp, picks up, and nothing more needs in this life.

About the turning point

- Once it became completely nursing. I leaned up to tie a lace on shoes, and my pressure suddenly rose. The face was bloody, the head was spinning, could not climb ... Then I realized that you need to take himself in my hands and do something. After a couple of days, I accidentally stumbled upon an announcement of Casting in a new realistic show about weight loss. I sent my questionnaire and forgot about it, because I was sure that only our projects take such projects. Surprisingly, I was invited to come to Casting, where I talked with a psychologist. After that, silence came, which lasted for more than a month. Just before the start of the shooting process, I was informed that I was in the project.

About trying to become slim

- Periodically, as on any normal woman, a desire to throw out overweight rolled me. And I immediately went for "miracle pills", mistakenly believing that it would help me lose weight, and quickly. I guess I tried all possible diets and pills. Now I understand that miracles does not happen. No matter how regrettable, from unnecessary kilograms always get rid of very slowly. It is a pity that many do not believe and continue to stubbornly look for rapid ways to part with hated fat.

About motivation

- Home Motivation for me - Mirror! In general, as it turned out, many full people do not look at themselves in the mirror, they are afraid to be photographed and spread their pictures in the social network. You know, such a good principle of protection: "I do not see, it means that there is no." That is why you can help you lose a sober view of yourself from the outside, and even better - photo yourself naked in the mirror. After all, any woman seeks to be beautiful.

On the results of the first season of the show "Weighted People"

- I won myself! My achievement will not measure money. On the project, I was able to throw 40 kilograms, after the end of the show 12 more. The main thing that I managed to overpower myself, abandon the bad habits and tune in to a new life. And money ... You can always earn - there would be a desire. At the moment I weigh 70 kilograms, and this is my ideal weight, I feel very comfortable in it. Soon I plan to make a light drying so that the body finally acquired the relief. After all, before it was quite problematic. Now I also began to observe sleep mode: I go to bed and wake up at the same time. I eat, by the way, also by the hour. In general, I became more disciplined, I'm not late at the meeting, as it was before. I also completely abandoned alcohol.

On maintenance of form

- Morning starts with breakfast. Then, if there is time, I go to the gym on the strength training. In the evening, on a schedule, Cardio - bike or running.

My approximate diet is:
Breakfast: buckwheat with milk.
Snack: "Caprese" for beggars - my anti-crisis recipe (smiles). Tomatoes, cottage cheese (instead of mozzarella), greens, spices, floor of a teaspoon of olive oil.
Dinner: Bean soup (beans, potatoes, onions, carrots, chicken breast), chicken with a plug (baked chicken, millet boiled).
Snack: Fresh cabbage salad and carrots.
Dinner: Stew chicken with vegetables (chicken breast, white cabbage, onion).
Everything is simple, tasty and not a calorie. Behind the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates also follow.

About change in personal life

- I got married. Matvey, my husband, is a man who really knows what he wants. He is an interesting interlocutor, very smart and read. I was attracted to me that he never surrendered if he was taken for any business. Everything comes to the end. I am probably one of the most difficult projects (laughs) because my favor of Matvey has long sought. Husband - my stimulus becomes better. After all, it was he who joined me into the world of cycling, introduced into his circle of communication, introduced to new people. For the sake of him, I try to become a bit better every day, because next to me is the right, principal and a little stubborn man. Before Matthew, my life was defective. Previously, I actively stuck tattoos, which lay a special meaning. So I tried to attract everything that I was so lacked in my life: happiness, health, material well-being, mental balance, love. And I'm all the time "Kacked" as a pendulum from side to side, although I wanted stability and tranquility. Matthew became my greece on the second cup of scales. He is the one who will always find the right words. Even my outbreaks of anger (and I am a person enough emotional) Husband "quit", nothing really for this. Energetics is powerful. By the way, betraying Petit Vasilyeva I survived only thanks to Matvey. He was all the time next, helped me not to lower his hands, do not break under the gift of the gossip, which crawled when everything opened. Now I, of course, regret that I put my relations at the bottom. But in my life, my husband appeared. So, everything was not in vain.

About the nearest plans

- The most important of my project for today is a sanatorium in Sochi for those who want to lose weight. We opened it together with Vlad Ushakov, the participant of the first season of the show "Weighted People". We picked up an excellent team of specialists - nutritionists, psychologists, coaches. I lead the project as a manager administrator. In our program - 21 day of rest, sport, needlework, excursions and, naturally, the fight against overweight. I'm sure there will be fun! Yes, I am unprofessional, but I have a lot of experience. I experienced various types of diets, workouts and know what could be more effective. Therefore, I willingly share with all those who wanted to know the knowledge of the "Weighted People" on the project. I like to help people. It's nice to know that someone your tips can be helpful.

- Work on yourself. Look in the mirror more often. Do not be afraid to criticize yourself, soberly evaluate your figure. There will be no good in prison. In order to become slimmer, you need to act: do not miss workouts, eat right, observe sleep mode.

Always strive for the better and in no case do not lower your hands! Even if you physically hurt or in a week, only one hundred grams took off, do not stop! And most importantly - a diverse diet. If you sit on one chicken with buckwheat, the breakdowns are inevitable. Therefore, indulge yourself with snacks. Sometimes it is possible to raise the mood!